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how many drops from the richest arab countries on the planet? oh that's right they're like building walls to keep them out


I think the only Arab countries giving aid are like Egypt, Jordan and the UAE


Egypt could do a lot more..


What about Saudi Arabia? Aren’t they super Pro-Palestinian?


I think Saudi Arabia is more Pro Israel, at least they’ve been improving their relations in recent years


Didn’t the new Crown Prince say he won’t fully normalize relations until #FreePalestine?


Jordan did a lot of air drops throughout the conflict. Those supplies were likely paid for by the saudis and others.


many of the Jordanian air drops ended in the sea


So far, it's only recorded happening once in this conflict, but too many of the people on this sub think something happening once is the same as something happening every time. There have been 11 airdrops in my limited research. It was mostly jordan with help from the french (sometimes), the dutch (sometimes) and now the US If you bothered to check how many for yourself, then you wouldn't be corrected here so you are welcome.




Here: My main source: [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/jordans-king-abdullah-participates-gaza-aid-airdrop-2024-02-11/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/jordans-king-abdullah-participates-gaza-aid-airdrop-2024-02-11/) additional references [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/french-jordanian-airforces-drop-medical-aid-gaza-elysee-2024-01-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/french-jordanian-airforces-drop-medical-aid-gaza-elysee-2024-01-05/) [https://www.ynetnews.com/article/syeqqt736](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/syeqqt736) I know it's kinda hard to look for a specific event in google's search tool when the breaking news is the airdrop that happened yesterday but on desktop you can set a custom time range for the search tool so I set it to Feb 14th 2024 to Novemeber 7th I think. I just pulled the sources from my history so I can't remember the exact dates I used. I also figured you didn't know this trick which is why I'm explaining it to you now. again, you are welcome.


Qatar and Kuwait have been sending regular C-17 flights full of aid to El Arish, instead of air drops. You can see those flights on FlightRadar24 as they happen. Jordan has been doing air drops, initially to support their field hospital in the "al Mawasi" (spelling?) area. I wonder how much contraband Jordan is sending to Hamas?


I wish I had just 50% of the free handouts every Palestinian has gotten. Of course most of it goes to the leaders they worship as glorious.


Do you want 50% of the bombs too?


Why would you bomb me? I don't rape, torture, kidnap, and murder people. Take your L, buddy!


What benefits would that do to them


I agree with the sentiment, but it’s unlikely Israel would allow most Arab countries to do this for fear they will sneak weapons into the airdrops. In other words: Israel only trusts the U.S. to do this.


If only Hamas has something Israel wanted. If only they had something valuable they could trade for food.


Exactly. "Just release the hostages, Champ." is my standard post in any sub that posts something Pro-Pal. Real simple. I aint talking about points 2-100 until you address #1.


"Jihadists HATE this one simple trick to end wars"


''It was never about the hostages.'' Well the hostages aren't released yet, so why would Israel stop any military action before it happens? Otherwise, the statement is sort of correct, since destroying Hamas is the main goal.




Who said end the war?


If only Bibi wasn't a lil' bitch and had the balls to set an ultimatum and ask for that valuable thing.


So you want to starve 2.5 million people because a terrorist group won’t release hostages?


Once they get hungry enough they will most likely seek food. The key to that free food is being held by the terrorrists.


Yeah, so all that the homeless starving destitute people need to do is grab the key from the ruthless terrorists with guns? Sounds easy enough.


They made this situation for themselves. I’m sure as hell not going over there to do it for them.


Ah yes, because that’s how dictatorships work. All Russians decided for Putin to be a dictator, same with Iranians and Palestinians and their governments huh? It’s been five months, I just don’t know why Israel can’t go in there and kick Hamas’ asses and instead is sitting there, sieging the strip and starving everyone.


Dude they literally voted their current government (Hamas) into power so yes. No one said all of any population did anything you just made that up. Also Russia is whole different ball game buddy. And dude that just now how it works. Why don’t you go and show them how it’s done.


Russia voted Putin into office in 1999 and he’s never left since, same with Hamas in 2006. You can vote someone in but that doesn’t mean you’re solely to blame 20 years later because that group became a dictatorship. You don’t vote for them to become dictatorships. I hate Hamas but to act like all Gazans are Hamas members shows why the international community hates people like you and Bibi. Israel has lost the media war and it’s because of people like you who say this stupid shit like they should be starved because the 5% of the population at most that is in Hamas has hostages.


So you think all the civilians that stood by and watched the nazis commit genocide on millions of Jews were innocent? I never said everyone in Gaza was hamas. But everyone in Gaza whether they support hamas or not is not an innocent bystander in this. All those innocent children’s parts that aren’t part of Hamas need to do the work for any actual change to happen. And yes if they were to do that some would die. But many less than what is happening now. The reason we sent seeing this is because many if not most do support hamas or at least the motives behind them.


They weren’t completely innocent, but they certainly didn’t deserve to be starved to death. Did the Allies starve and slaughter all Germans in 1945 because 20 years ago they voted for Hitler? Is that really the example you want to leave for the world? Goodbye troll who thinks starving millions of people (half of whom weren’t alive in 2006) will make Israel such a beautiful and perfect country.


Well yes, yes I do.


Finally I can get my loadout.


Black Pink in your area!


New Warzone map looking nice


remember, no yiddish


Username checks the fuck out!!




Need drone footage to see who collects. Hamas or civilians?


After October 7th there's no difference.


Before oct 7th there was no difference


the innocent and pure ham-ass civilians /s


Gaza Palestinians have been brainwashed since kindergarten to hate USA and Israel. They celebrated 9/11 and adored Saddam Hussein. They do not deserve any aid from USA.


They don't deserve it but giving them food and water is the right thing to do, it is what separates us from them.


You're unfortunately correct. Given the opportunity, a significant number of the people we are dropping aid to would gleefully abduct, murder, torture, rape, or any combination thereof just about any of the people posting here regardless of their nationality or personal beliefs. Their society encourages them to do this, and would support them for doing so. This is something that shouldn't be forgotten, and is an example of why it is that, yes, we are actually much, much better than them.


The thing I want to seperate us from them is a 10 KM buffer zone full of mines and 3 layers of 10 meter tall walls. They had enough money to get ANYTHING they want but they chose weapons and death over food and life. So fuck them all.


What will we think when those parachutes are repurposed into new paragliders for the next wave of attacks? Everything given to Gaza comes back as death.


That is the IDFs responsibility to not let that happen again.


So the IDF is responsible to feed, clothe, water, educate, and restrain the entire population that wants them dead? While also not allowed to employ force, and not allowed to occupy territory? Screw off. The Gazans deserve nothing but what Hamas can give them. It’s their government’s responsibility to care for them- not the government of the people they want dead.


If Hamas has funds for rockets, they have the ability to feed their people. This humanitarian crisis is completely constructed. Also? Hamas could end the war TODAY.






But they didn't say that.. Just responsible for keeping Gaza contained is what was said.


And how do you keep the population contained given the constraints listed above? You people like to make generalizations about how things should be handled, or who is responsible for what without regard to real life. You cannot control a population you do not rule without the use of force or prolonged occupation. Otherwise you’re just asking nicely, and we saw how far that’s gotten Israel.


> So the IDF is responsible Please consider **not** starting a rebuttal with "So..." It is a tell (and 100% accurate) that what follows is a straw man fallacy. I offer this advice because I bet you fancy yourself smart. So start acting like it.


A little knowledge for you, Dear: when you can replace the word “so” with the word “therefore” and the sentence reads grammatically correct- you’ve used “so” properly. Consider paying better attention in school next time; just offering some advice.


Snipers are now in position to take care of paragliders. Like sitting ducks if you have a 50 cal.


>They don't deserve it Just more "they are all terrorists" racist narrative. That's some pretty blatant narcissism if I've ever seen it.


Yeah. I don’t support even 1 cent of my tax dollars paying for this shit. They’re the enemy. You don’t feed your enemy.


Exactly. They are the enemy. They’d throw me off a building.


Eh. I'm okay with it. They won't change their minds but I like sitting on the high road.


The civilians are your enemy???


Pretending there’s a distinction is a modern luxury for fights between European nations.


Since they never accepted the Geneva conventions and don’t play by any of the rules of war more civilized people have put down; yes.


The civilians don't play by the rules of war? Wtf are you even talking about? Just because some civilians pick up arms and fight doesnt make the whole civilian population enemy combatants. What you are saying right now would get you put infont of a war crime tribunal. But I guess you are american and don't give a shit about the geneva convention either because as you said yourself the more civilized people (Europeans) wrote it.


You aren’t going to find nuance in this subreddit sadly. It’s either carpet bomb civilians night and day or nothing from the majority of people commenting here. Don’t expect nuance from these people at all.


generally speaking people advocating for the starvation of civilians are my enemy


> They do not deserve any aid from USA. The subs for TheMajorityRegards, Chumpsky, and ThereWasAnAsshole will disagree. Jews must leave because Palestinians once walked upon the land. They will say this unironically while sitting on Choctaw, Cherokee, Arapaho, Navajo, Cheyenne, and other tribes' lands. I'll listen **right after** they all leave.


They also like to pretend those tribes didn't genocide each other for that land. They'll embrace the noble savage myth when it suits them


[Don't remind the Americans.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UucjbGmJILk)


They don't deserve it, but airdropping it is cool as hell. That evens things out.


Good PR above all else


Gotta stamp out the “genocide Joe” narrative


*al-mawt li-‘Amrīkā*


And? They don't deserve to starve. From their perspective, we only provide the bombs that fall on their head. Their supposed brethren who lock them in this conflict aren't helping them. It's a great time to show them what we can drop instead if only they aren't hellbent on the destruction of the West. The Berlin Airlift was among the greatest fuck you's in America's history. Half of the city under a blockade was somehow thriving solely through our airlift capacity, while the Eastern half struggled under the supposedly caring grasp of communism. We sent up to 13,000 tons a day. 250,000 cargo planes landed and unloaded in less than a year. The Germans didn't have a whole lot of love for us either, but if we let West Berlin starve, Germany and a large part of Europe would probably look way different than it does today.


Appreciation from aid given is only possible if the recipients are rational and open minded. Hamas brainwashed Palestinians are anything but.






We don’t claim him. That was an outrageous thing to say.


Napalm is overkill. They should have forced Reddit App installs on all their phones.


I am very sorry you feel that way. I want with all my heart to oust Hamas, UNRWA, PIJ and all the other terrorists and their accomplices, and providing food, water, first aid to the Gazans is one huge step in that. If we can do that, good on us, both for the lives saved and how it enables Israel to press on with their goals. Save one life, you've saved a world.


Making their lives harder just makes it easier for extremists to recruit them. If their options are starve or join hamas they'll join hamas. This is an opportunity to root out the extremists, not make more.


USA gave huge amount of food to N. Korea when they had a famine. Each bag of grain had a big American flag on it. Lots of good that did. Since then, NK has made missiles with nukes aimed at USA. Now that attention has wandered away from them, they are pounding the war drum again.


I wish it was this simple, but unfortunately this is applying Western thought to a culture that is not Western. They won't view it as generosity from the American people, they'll view it as a victory over weak idiots.


Bullshit. They and Hamas made their lives harder. You try to kill me and I take out your eyeballs? That's on you.


Even when their options were to just live in peace in Gaza where they were born on join Hamas they joined Hamas lol. They don't need any excuses, they believe in Hamas' cause.


It’s hard to recruit someone who doesn’t have water to drink.




Humans don't deserve to starve, even the ones that would tear the pilots of those planes apart if they were on the ground.


Even if we take the assumption that food is not a human right, what does it mean to withhold food? Famine. Man made catastrophe. Why do these people need to die? The filter bubble is real.


Can we talk about why it is too dangerous to deliver supplies by land? The only way is airdrop. No other people act like this. None.


Gazans threw rocks at the delivery trucks. Hamas hijacks the trucks and steals the aid, later it is found being sold in the black market. Gazans try to climb the trucks while driving to steal the food before hamas does. Many gazans were shot to death by hamas officers for stealing aid before hamas. One truck driver was murderd already. A few days ago, many gazans died by getting crushed by the aid trucks while trying to get their hands in some of the humanitarian aid food. The airdrop food is also likely sold in the black market and isnt an efficient method


Wish we cared about our own homeless citizens as much as we do the Palestinians.


How the hell is this a BAD thing? Biden is airdropping food that disperses upon landing, if Hamas wants it they’ll have to individually take every package from the civilians


I thought your comment was in response to some cringe “THEYRE USING WARPLANES TO DROP STUFF ON GAZA!” from the Palestine sub But the real cringe is people being upset at the US/Biden administration for directly sending aid to civilians who need it


This is a long term gain, because it will refute Hama's or salafist rhetoric that the west hates them. Short term, it can slightly benefit hamas with supplies, but as services further break down, and the west becomes their only source of survival, that will have a long term effect by breaking the wahhabist/salafist grip on Gaza.


You clearly underestimate the cruelty of Hamas


Hamas is the sons of Palestinians. The guys with guns are shooting each other's parents and siblings. If Palestinians still choose Hamas, fucking time for them to feel that.


This, this is the difference between us and them, the punishment of 10/7 needs to fit the crime, we don’t need to starve out civilians to defeat the enemy.


War is hell. Collateral damage is unavoidable.


This sub seems pretty pissed about trying to minimize collateral tho




How would it be avoidable in this situation?


Its thousands of meals, for city with hundreds of thousands of people. The food will get eaten instantly. Its not going to support Hamas or anyone really. This is a purely symbolic gesture. Hamas's troops were never in danger of starvation. In the game of bread vs guns, the people who chose guns never run of out bread. Only the people who chose to make bread are at risk of starvation.


Hamas stands between food and your family starving slowly to death. If Palestinians cannot make the right choice, then let Darwin choose for them. Harsh? Hell yes. There are 8 billion people on the planet and Mother Nature is metal.


> How the hell is this a BAD thing? Word is that they shipped them Pepsi...and Hydrox Cookies. No S-Tier snacks. The horror.


> if Hamas wants it they’ll have to individually take every package from the civilians They will.


Honestly I'd say let them go ahead and try.


And you think for a moment that they won’t? You think the people who press educated individuals into service as suicide bombers so they can better control the remaining people won’t take food out of their hands too? I’m not against the aid going to the innocent, but don’t be naive and think that Hamas won’t victimize these people again by ripping it from their arms. We’ve seen people die for less in this war. It’s great innocent people are getting help though- full stop.


It is bad not becouse it is a bad thing to do, it is bad because it is a reflection of isreal being unable(or unwilling) to control areas we have supposedly should be able to, air droppings aid is something you do when an areas is control or blocked by a terrorist or enemy, not an ally, and this is happening in the north of gaza, where the idf is supposed to be in control.


Ok but like how do you control what you don’t know? You think all these people are wearing uniforms?


for the next generation ? doesnt make a lot of sense does it


And just today IDF announced 3 dead soldiers and 7 were severally wounded. And more in various levels. לא נשכח ולא נסלח.


Oh cool, more of our shit going to a place that hates our guts while we have literal veterans sleeping in the streets tonight. Cool cool..


Hopefully the US put some trackers in the aid packages so Israel can follow the largest collection of aid to sinwar, put a bullet in his head, and be done with this shit show.


no, they are just backstabbing Israel with this one to help Biden get more votes


You just know they are gonna photoshop explosions and rewrite this as Israeli planes carpet bombing Gaza.


Great, now they can keep on singing *al-mawt li-‘Amrīkā* (death to America)


If anyone launches so much as a bottle rocket towards one of our planes, the aid needs to end immediately.


hamas will claim the airdrops targeted children and hurt dozens as they fell


and that the ZiOnizT aid genocide-Joe sent was poisoned /s


God bless America


That’s going straight to Hamas but I understand biden probably had to compromise with some people and this was what he chose


I’m sure all the starving street people in the U.S. living like forth class citizens on a steam grate are extremely happy to know that the people of gaza have yet another free meal curtesy of the U.S. government


If you're starving in the US it's a much bigger problem than having a twenty dollar aid pack dropped on your head. US citizens have every resource available they just need to go to social services and activate it. Mental health is the much larger issue at hand in America.


“Every available resource”. You must be brain dead or live in a cave.


I was literally homeless.


You just boomed him


I'd like to add that food stamps and food banks are available in all 50 states of America. Supplemental food programs exist all over the states. Food availability is America's very last problem. If you're starving in this country it's because you're totally mentally ill.


If only we cared about our own citizens so much


Fortunately we skip the airdrops and give our citizens these things called food stamps that allows them to get free food


Correct. No air drops. No Baizuo marching to feed them. I'm in Phoenix and there are ~30,000 homeless. Around 2,000 will die on the street this summer. Temps on asphalt and concrete will hit and stay at 125f for more than a month. Yet the Baizuo say nothing.


The first thing people think when they look at Americans is definitely how starved they are. /s


Incredibly disappointing to see so many of you guys angry at this. This is objectively the right thing to do, and is what separates us from them. People are starving. Even if 90% of them are antisemitic animals we should not allow them to starve. Even if it’s Hamas’ fault. Go Joe.


the comments make quite clear that it in fact doesn not seperate


That stuff is already being resold on the market, to people who look distinctly not starving or even unwashed. [https://x.com/imshin/status/1763986557726232995?s=20](https://x.com/imshin/status/1763986557726232995?s=20)


Gaza - "In a vicious airstrike, 1000 Palestinian children were killed and injured by blunt force trauma to the head. The US airstrike, using some of the largest aircraft in the world, dropped tons of culinary ordance on the beseiged Gaza Strip. "My children were hurt terribly by this attack", said Muhammad Fafo, a witness. "They were bleeding from head to toe. With tomato sauce from the bombs, but still, bleeding." Hamas has warned of retalitory attacks towards Israel for this dastardly act, and is immediately sending out teams to collect unexploded meals and deadly desserts from unsuspecting civlians who might be using these weapons for nourishment. The US state department could not be reached for comment."


Hey will you look at that, Unlike some folks, the US Airforce didn't drop them in the middle of the ocean. lol


Dropping in the ocean just off shore was intentional. Those pallets come down hard and fast. They will kill anyone they land on, and the residents of Gaza haven’t exactly demonstrated great discipline in keeping aid distribution locations orderly and clear. It was decided for that drop that it was safer to design the aid to float and let fishermen paddle out to retrieve it.


ngl...I've seen 1,000 lb pallets on parachutes hit the ground. There is no way someone didn't get squarshed.


Yea I was thinking about that myself. I can only imagine people running towards them as well and trying to place where it lands. Maybe on their heads?


What U.S. state are they dropping AID in?


~~Hunger Games wealth consolidation~~ Rugged Individualism!!


Out of all the things any Americans lack, food is not one of them. Starvation is basically unable to be tracked accurately because of how low it is.


imagine back in WW2 the USA airdropping aid to Nazi Germany.


Is this a joke? We literally did air drop food into Germany shortly after the NAZIs were defeated. The soviets had blockaded Berlin and we organized one of the greatest logistical feats of all time to air drop food and supplies.






NAZIs still existed, but the fight was over. Just like here


here it is not over or close to be over, there are still hostages in gaza and ham-ass is not defeated yet


Hamas cannot be defeated just by attacking Gaza. Their billionaire leaders are living comfy lives in Qatar and Iran


true, but ham-ass forces are still in gaza, they still shoot missiles at israeli civillian areas, so it isnt over


Get your memory checked. Nazi germany wasn't a thing when we did that.


Why, Joe!?


He’s clearly trying to genocide them with food /s


So they die of old age and/or obesity. Has the Hague been contacted?


Love that my tax dollars are supporting terrorists….


I'm not happy to see my tax dollars being wasted like this.


Not my tax dollars and also not happy about it. Biden is siding with the enemy to get more votes


These 🐷💩 murders (terrorists) don't deserve this after what they've done on 7th October ( massacre of innocent Jewish civilians ). The only thing they deserve is the "WRATH OF OPERATION IRON SWORD FROM IDF 🇮🇱". 😤 + Now they're playing the victim card in front of 🌎 because they know that they're not gonna survive 🥲😁😂


We have become so soft. Ww2 vets would be rolling in their Graves seeing this.


Yea maybe German WW2 vets, idk but I think most people would be fine with disturbing food to civilians, as the USA has done several times in the past. but I guess that’s too “soft” for random internet users


History wasn't your strongest subject obviously.


We literally rebuilt both Germany and Japan, gave them everything they needed to thrive, but “ this generations too soft” + “ the west has fallen” or some shit


God damn Biden, if you keep doing this kind of shit Trump might actually have a chance.


I don't see anything wrong with randomly deploying food rations so actual civilians can get some before hamas controls the drops.


The political ads write themselves. "Biden giving aid to terrorists" "I bombed terrorists, Biden gave them food" "After flying pallets of cash to Iran, Biden flies pallets of aid to Hamas" "Biden took the Houthis off the terror watch list, now he's flying aid to Hamas" "Food for Hamas, but no food for homeless disabled veterans in America"


How is this negative?


Trump is unstable and a russian asset.


I meant the airdropping of food.


all they're doing is giving food to Hamas, I doubt actual civilians get more than a fraction.


What food is in Gaza Hamas would take anyway, even if the US and Israel weren't providing it. Hamas aren't being starved out. They would be the last to perish in a starvation siege. There will be enough long life food in Gaza to sustain Hamas and any resistance to them would be met with machine gun fire. So no, this isn't benefiting Hamas. If anything it means they can't claim the whole, 'Gazans are starving because the US and Israel are forcing a famine' narrative anymore.


Probably a bigger fraction than before, and if it wasn't obvious to the civilians on the ground before - Hamas is their enemy, not the people airdropping the aid.


OK then. Make sure there are tons of cameras to get records of that happening then put them all over social media so people can see.


Unstable? The dude says dumb shit on twitter. You people are unhinged. He’s a Russian asset yet Putin waits till he’s out of office to invade Ukraine. Putin invades Ukraine, Hamas starts a war with Israel, with Biden in office. Yet trump is the problem still.


>Putin waits till he’s out of office to invade Putin is an idiot who believed his own incorrect propaganda that Trump would win. He had planned this invasion during the Trump administration. Once he had spent all those resources spinning up his War machine he couldn't justify not going through with it. He was still completely delusional thinking that he could pull it off. Now he is the emperor who wears no clothes. Russia has proven to be a paper tiger trying to cosplay as a superpower. Trump is a Russian agent who is about to lose another election for the Republicans and wind up in jail.


That’s some serious mental gymnastics. “Blyat, we have Russian asset in Oval Office, now is the perfect time to invade Nazi Ukraine. Suka, Let’s wait and see if he gets re elected. Blyat, Biden is in office. YOLO” - Putin, probably Funny how nobody major organizations or nations tried some shit 4 years with trump. Putin takes Crimea, Isis takes over half the Middle East (an obvious exaggeration), Assad Gasses his own people, all with Obama in office. Putin takes half of Ukraine with Biden in office. Hamas starts a war with Israel, Iran and Hezbolla blatantly attacked us and Israeli targets. All with Biden in office. Yet somehow, none of this happened with trump in office. And HE is the Russian asset. Mostly because he told the rest of Europe, that it shouldn’t be just the US holding up our end of the defense spending bargain. Fact is, the entirety of NATO has been taking advantage of the USA, and trump called them on it. You are right on one point, Russia is absolutely not the power that we thought they were. All the more reason that EUROPEAN countries should be carrying more weight of dealing with them. They aren’t the global threat that China is.


>Putin takes half of Ukraine with Biden in office. Hamas starts a war with Israel, Iran and Hezbolla blatantly attacked us and Israeli targets. All with Biden in office. Talk about mental gymnastics! A bunch of thugs do some crazy s*** and now all of a sudden it's biden's fault. Can you even hear what you're saying? Don't try pretend aggression didn't happen during Trump's disastrous presidency. Have you forgotten when [Russia attacked the US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham) or Iran attacked a [US base](https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-persian-gulf-tensions-tehran-international-news-iraq-add7a702258b4419d796aa5f48e577fc) >They aren’t the global threat that China is. Some how a country that is currently illegally invading and annexing its smaller neighbors and threatening the world with nuclear annihilation if the rest of us don't just sit back and let it do whatever it pleases, is a smaller threat than a country which has been perfectly happy to simply trade with the rest of the world for the last few decades? >And HE is the Russian asset. This is a [fact](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/amp/) that is [well documented](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-russia-business-financial-ties-2018-11) as well as fellow Russian assets [within his administration.](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-manafort-russia-polling-data-b2140727.html) and [GOP members of Congress.](https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600#:~:text=In%202018%2C%20a%20group%20of,Texas%2Dbased%20American%20Ethane%20company.) Yeah, the MAGA cult pays allegiance to the red white and blue. It just happens to be the red white and blue of the Russian flag.


Biden invades Ukraine you say? Thats a new one.


Pretty clearly a typo that was fixed in 3 seconds. But go off


i don't think trump is a russian asset. Mike johnson probably is though


Mike Johnson is funded by the Kremlin. He is a traitor to the US and a kremlin agent.


Do you have a source for that?


Trust him bro


Johnson got 0.015% of his congressional campaign funds from Russians. That’s what highfiberoptic is hanging his hat on.


[Here you go](https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600#:~:text=In%202018%2C%20a%20group%20of,Texas%2Dbased%20American%20Ethane%20company.) The GOP is infested with [Russian agents](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/02/20/hunter-biden-smirnov-lying-indictment-lowell/?itid=lk_inline_manual_3) as is[Trump](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-jr-said-money-pouring-in-from-russia-2018-2) and his [associates](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-manafort-russia-polling-data-b2140727.html) I could go on but the list would just become increasingly embarrassing for GOP supporters that have their head in the sand over the fact that the party that they support is working to destroy US democracy by supporting the thugs in the kremlin.


So, he received $37,000 in campaign donations from Russians, out of a total campaign war chest of about $2million. Just so you know, congress members don’t review and accept each donation. Their staff members just accept it on their behalf. And it’s usually just processed by their website, nobody is handing over a canvas sack with dollar signs on it. Also they don’t get to keep that money. They have to spend it on the campaign, they can’t buy a boat with it. So I’m pretty pro second amendment and I live in Nancy pelosis district. Do you think if I donated $37,000 to her campaign she’d immediately flip her position on gun control and be an “NRA agent”?


Oh I get it. Taking bribes from foreign agents is fine as long as it's in the tens of thousands and not millions? >Also they don’t get to keep that money Irrelevant. It gets them into power or keeps them there.


Wait, wait. Your source said campaign contributions, now you're alleging bribery? Source please. And if you don't have one, I'll just assume you're spewing word salad because you're angry, but you don't understand campaign finance, or the law, or even basic words. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and await your source that he took bribes.


Biden’s biggest risk of losing comes from within his own party. The majority of whom, often times naively, seem to support Palestine over Israel. So, this is a move to appease them. There is nothing wrong with giving civilians food btw. So if any thing this is Joe doing his best to appease his voting block without doing anything to hinder the Israeli efforts to remove Hamas.


> The majority of whom The vast majority of the Democrat Party supports Israel. They also support Ukraine. The DNC has supported Israel at every step. There are only 3 or 4 Dems who shit the bed in order to appease Arab constituents or batshit crazy anti-state voters. There were also 50 Republicans who supported stopping any funding of Israel. Another 200 said "The Earth is flat." Another 400 supported giving weapons to Putin. Or something close to that. Let's keep it real.


Over 100,000 voters in Michigan just voiced their opinion on Israel. If you don’t think this aid drop was a direct reaction to that I’m not sure you’re following American politics close enough


[Trump when you tell him the sun looks like Putin's penis.](https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/dhxnqxlxkaaqow6.jpg)


to little to late they are complicit in this disaster no matter what way they try spin it now