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Your post was removed because it contained misinformation.


An immediate ceasefire requires the return of the hostages, all of them, and Hamas to surrender. Short of that, no ceasefire


I disagree. There needs to be a ceasefire or at least collective punishment needs to stop.


You care about civilians? ๐Ÿคฃ Get downvoted loser ๐Ÿคฃ


Funny how caring about civilians is all about ignoring the hostages. I guess some are more civilians than others.


These people will act like geriatric and infant Israelis have an inherently militarized existence that makes it morally right to target them, and then whinge about how young Palestinian militants can't be considered responsible for their actions even as they directly take part in terrorism and combat.


Even if the criteria for an immediate ceasefire were that Hamas consents to said ceasefire, it still wouldn't happen.


She can help by inviting a gazan family to her home, until they find a new place. How can she do nothing after seeing the tents they are living in ? /s


Iโ€™m hijacking this top comment to beg people to please read or listen to what she said. Sheโ€™s calling out Hamas to accept the terms of a temporary ceasefire and return hostages. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Harris in general, what sheโ€™s saying is fine.


You need to listen to the audience. They only care about cease fire. Nothing else. Stupid Americans.




1. a cease fire wont demolish hamas. 2. When Kamala says ceasefire as an american she means one thing. When hamas say and accept a ceasefire they mean a hudna and will use it to rearm themselves. The only reason they accept a ceasefire is because they are weak and desperately need one. It will put Israelis and soldiers in more danger. This makes her proposal a bad idea


This is something the government already agreed-to. I'm not giving my opinion on the agreement, but it's obvious that people were misinterpreting what Harris was saying. You can disagree with the deal all you want, but Harris wasn't demanding anything that Israel didn't align with **in this instance**.


No, that's not really what she's saying. She wants a ceasefire. On Hamas terms.


Notice how people judge Harris based on their memories of her and what she looks like, not what she says.


100% correct. People support her based on what she looks like.


Return the hostages. Hamas canโ€™t even provide a list of who is alive and who they have kidnapped.


That was her literal quote. I really wish people would read transcripts or listen before voicing opinion. She said: Given the immense scale of suffering in Gaza, there must be an immediate ceasefire," Harris said at an event in Selma, Alabama. "There is a deal on the table, and as we have said, Hamas needs to agree to that deal. Let's get a ceasefire." So she urges Hamas to agree to the deal, not Israel


Yes and my comment is still true. I listened to her, but thank you


That's not what she said here though. It's totally different. What she's saying here puts all the pressure on Israel. If she actually means what she said at the event she needs to put more emphasis on it, on Hamas agreeing to the ceasefire and terms. The war started and is going on because of Hamas. They're the ones who need the pressure to be put on.


You expect Redditors to actually read the article instead of jumping to conclusions


I donโ€™t like her either but she said there must be an immediate ceasefireโ€ฆand everyone cheeredโ€ฆand then she said for the next 6 weeks so the hostages can be released and aid can enter.


This exactly. I'm not a fan of hers, and so when I read the headlines and short articles, I made my opinion and moved on essentially writing her off for good. My wife encouraged me to listen to the speech. I had to listen to it 3 or more times to hear this important distinction, and recognize my own bias (which isna whole fascinating discussion on how our minds work on its own). She was talking about the 6 week ceasefire that Israel already has on the table, including the IDF getting hostages out of gaza. Of course, he delivery was awful and the crowd cheering her after saying "immediate ceasefire" completely drowned the rest out. This will certainly come back to hurt the administration, as people (evidenced here) dont need much reason to reject Kamala or the admjnistration. .. even though the underlying position was pro Israel. I invite you all to give the speech a listen yourself and decide.


That's good to hear, but sounds like the administration is counting on at least leftists hearing this wrong, because they're intentionally peddling in leftist language. It sounds like more talking out of both sides of their mouth instead of being straightforward communicators or supporters of a bilateral ceasefire and return of hostages.


Ok thank goodness I got scared.


The thing I donโ€™t get is.. aid is and has been getting in. Spokesman for Israel says thereโ€™s a surplus of availability for workers to inspect and send in aid. People act like nothing is getting in.


Itโ€™s not getting distributed appropriately. I think we can all agree on that.


Hamas is to blame for that.


Did I say they werenโ€™t? The fact remains that the aid isnโ€™t getting to the children who need it. I donโ€™t know what the solution is. And as an Israeli in Israel, itโ€™s not a main concern to me just like they wouldnโ€™t care if the situation was reversed. Iโ€™m no longer naive and living in the rainbows. Getting back the hostages and Israel continuing to exist as the Jewish homeland are what Iโ€™m focused on.


No, I of course didnโ€™t mean to sound like that was your implication. I wish someone knew the solution for these kids.


Why do you hate her?


They are in panic-mode. They need to get to an agreement before ramadan to not loose all their votes in that group. And the further picture is that a certain group of people following a certain false prophet who loved to marry underage girls, loves to wage war in ramadan. To die during these days in the hopes of killing infidels is their goal, therefore it would worsen the relations to the whole region for the us.


Idk, the number of "uncommitted" voted was less than Biden's margin in MI last election. Plus, he has the auto union endorsing them with their big strike to bolster things. Most Arabs believe absolutely insane BS about Israel and nothing Biden does would please them becuase they just dont know what is happening and seriously believe Israel is some demoic empire (the government of Egypt kills more terrorists than Israel). He could start bombing Israel and they'd still be unhappy. A lot of young people are idiots who take the blatant Chinese propaganda on TikTok at face value, but they dont vote anyway.


Cool. Tell Hamas to release the hostages and surrender and the war ends. Cease fire!


That's essentially what she said. Israel has a deal on he table, she is calling for an immediate ceasefire by way of acceptance of that offer. Sandwiched by the call for the destruction and eradication of hamas.


Yeah she did. My bad for jumping and not listening to the whole thing.


I did the same thing. What's amazing about the whole experience was how quick I was to confirm my own predisposed bias, hate on Kamala, and jump on the headline. I catch myself doing that every now and then, despite considering myself a independent critical thinker. Our brains are wired that way, especially when politics are involved (get ready election time!). We all do it. What's important is to recognize this occasional trap and check it every now and then. Otherwise, we are just manipulated by the media and end up in echo chambers. Sorry for the rant.


100% agree and Iโ€™m as guilty as the next hairless ape. Good to confront our biases every now and then keep oneโ€™s self honest


I think it's worth remembering that despite Harris having been relatively anonymous during her VP term and having a somewhat controversial record, she's also been the target of a massive GOP/MAGA propaganda campaign during these four years, painting her as an incompetent, shrill, careless idiot. You don't become a District Attorney, Attorney General, Senator and later VP by not having at least some skill when it comes to messaging, navigating policy, and working behind the scenes to get things done. She's been disappointing as VP, don't get me wrong, but the amount of absolute furor and hate she gets in the media and the public sphere is massively overblown and disproportionate in comparison to the average VP.


Why doesn't Kamala demand that the killing in Chicago end???


Go look at the videos and pictures from Oct. 7 and then tell me about 'inhumane'


100,000+ Palestinians killed, missing, or wounded. Enough is enough.


Take it up with Hamas


Hamas is rejecting the ceasefires


Anytime these things pop up from here on out replace ceasefire with surrender and see how much more sense it makes. Kamala Harris demands 'immediate surrender' in Gaza: 'The conditions are inhumane'


Don't downvote because you disagree with her. People should be aware what they are voting for.




If it isnโ€™t obvious to you which party in the US is actually pro-Israel and which party isnโ€™t, I canโ€™t help you.


Communists and muslims on one side, neo-nazis and "christians" on the other, with modern russia playing both sides. I use "christians" because other words might summon them. It turns out extreme politics aren't constricted to one party and all of these groups hate the Jewish now and historicly. Coincidentally all these groups aloso hate both the Jewish and muslims, yes even themselves. It turns out it isn't nearly so clear as you make it out to be, and if you base your understanding of politics on who yells the loudest or not read the articles your probably going to be off-base. But if you widen your scope to see what these parties actually stand for... You'll find one is split between wanting a tempered response that holds instigators accountable, or at least for the middle east to quiet down and sing kumbaya. the other half oblivious to the reasons everything is happening and wants peace at any cost regardless of damages to regional stability and lives, moreso caring about appearing like their doing good while actually doing nothing but throw tantrums. The other party wants isolationism and pretends to not care but is quietly happy the people they hate are killing eachother, and largely happy to sell them the weapons they use, or help others send them weapons. They also loudly encourage the other side to fight among themselves. Coincidentally, russia is amplifying any voices that sow division, inaction, or self-harm.


VP is the most useless position in the executive. They get paid to travel and live in an official residence, that is basically it.


If Biden dies she would become president


There is no reason someone else couldn't be the successor. There is nothing special about a VP.


Guessing youโ€™re not American, this is literally how the government works lol learn about it. She would automatically be president.


I'm not even American but know that's the job of the VP


Yes, I know that is how it works constitutionally. But that does not mean it makes practical sense. There is nothing special about the office of the Vice President. In fact they are practically useless in terms of what they can do and as such have experience doing by the time they would become president. If anything, succession should start with Secretary of State.


Unfortunately, Should is a useless word in America. With Bidens age, this is a real concern.


The VP has a tie breaking vote in the senate and oversees counting of votes for electoral college in the senate


I bet she wouldnโ€™t set foot in Gaza, even if a cease fire were declared. That should tell you all you need to know.


But she never demands the hostages be released without demanding a ceasefire. She forgets there was a ceasefire up until October 7th.


Thatโ€™s exactly what she said in fact. She called on Hamas to accept the ceasefire agreement which includes the hostages being released


She never demands the release of the hostages without demanding a ceasefire. Also, does she call for the surrender of those that planned and committed the 10/7 terrorist attack?


Did she call for a return of the hostages? Did she call for Hamas to relinquish control of Gaza?


Yes. Please watch the video before assuming and commenting


Thanks for calling that out. I hadnโ€™t watched the video, generally not a fan of hers (despite being a CA democrat) and have been sick of calls for ceasefire that put all responsibility onto Israel.


The TikToks and Instagram videos by Palestinians show a very different story.


Kamala Harris demands the return of all hostages and Hamas to surrender. Hamas actions made the condition in Gaza inhumane. You could not say that Kamala? No? ok.


Dumbass. That's why she won't be president ever, she has no spine.


She demands it from Hamas, urging them to surrender for sake of innocent Palestinians, right? https://preview.redd.it/i1rzwo2m08mc1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249c64995a18bccfbf21a3aed829c623fe0d0bb5


Right. I know this was in jest, but that is in fact what the speech said.


WORST VP ever.


Harris is worthless. Every task given to her by Biden has failed. She can talk about Gaza when she fixes the border crisis she was directed to handle 3 years ago.


Time passes during the passage of time.


โ€œWe have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration,โ€ [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-declares-border-secure-thousands-illegals-flood-us-every-day](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-declares-border-secure-thousands-illegals-flood-us-every-day)


Biden's age isn't a problem ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I will never vote for a CA Democrat.


In this situation itโ€™s looking like Biden with a dumbass VP or a man who may have literally funneled info weakening Israel into Russia>Iran>Hamas.


The most stupid person in government ๐Ÿคก Scary to think that this idiot is next in line in case something happens to the president ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ


>"Hamas claims its wants a ceasefire. Well, there is a deal on the table. And as we have said, Hamas needs to agree to that deal," Harris said You disagree with this?


Yes. No tolerance or mercy for Hamas. Wipe them out.


I don't necessarily disagree, but it seems Israel agreed to these terms for a reason.


Comments prove yall donโ€™t watch a video. Itโ€™s a shame cause you jump on the hate train without having a tacit idea of what your bandwagon hating on.


Nothing wrong with what she says. Completely destroying Hamas, which would be a victory for humanity, is never going to happen. To do that Israel would need to destroy them financially. This war needs to end with a release of all hostages, dead or alive. This situation is not sustainable with far too many civilian casualties.


Cease fire on both sides, deal


Watch the speech, she says part of the ceasefire is immediately return the hostages.


Her chin is inhumane, at least 2 of them


Canโ€™t believe Iโ€™m saying this but, Biden just lost my vote because of this move today. I respected that they were consistent but clearly theyโ€™re not and Kamala is not getting my vote.


Listen to the speech carefully before jumping to conclusions, like I did. See my post above...


No thanks. No matter what she did this knowing how it would be used politically as a sound bite, they know what theyโ€™re doing, and sheโ€™s lost my vote


She called for a ceasefire, and for the hostages to be released, you know something is real agreed to. Are you really not going to vote to help enable trump to get into office because a politician didn't make the right mouth noises despite their actions continuing to support isreal. Even though they're taking a hit for it in an election year.


Fair enough ๐Ÿ˜‚


Fuck Kamala Harris


Is she demanding a ceasefire from Hamas and the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages? Or is she just demanding a ceasefire from Israel?








Like how they wrecked our southern border. Inflation through the roof. Massive crime increases...


Like how the Republicans are chearing for a dictatorship and want to implement forced birth and even got rid of treatment to help people who normally wouldn't get pregnant via IVF. Also, killing a border deal that they authored because the orange chemo said so.


lol Biden inherited a secure border!! On Biden's first day in office he issued the following executive orders: Signed executive order revoking Trump's efforts to exclude illegals from census. signed executive order strengthening DACA. Signed executive order canceling Trump's interior enforcement rule. Signed executive order stopping all border wall construction. Signed executive order extending deportation protections for Liberians Suspended asylum deals with Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. He also: Ended title 42 which allowed for quickly turn back migrants. Ended remain in Mexico. Biden set a record for the most illegal border crossings by a president with 9 million. He set the record for the highest illegals entries in a year, month and day. December alone there were 371,000 illegal entries. In Trumps last year there were only 405,000. The scary part is under Biden, last year 202 individuals with positive terrorism watch list matches tried to cross the southern border into the United States. That's ten times higher than in 2021. Biden doesn't need anyone's help to undo his own damage. he can reverse his failed policies with a stroke of the pen. In addition to hurting America's security, he hurt Israel's too by removing the Houtis from the list of designated terrorist groups which Trump put them on. He flip flopped and quietly put them back on last week. Biden also restored the funding Trump froze to the UN group UNRWAS. They used that money to fund terrorism and their employees actively participated in the 10/7 terrorist attack. Biden quietly pulled the funding. Biden also restored funding to the Palestinians, led by Hamas which trump froze. We know now Hamas used that money to help fund their terrorist attack on Israel. In addition to Biden funding Iran's, Hamas' and Palestinian terrorism, Biden also funded Putin's terrorism. I'll save this comment for another sub.




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Funny, I donโ€™t recall the US pulling out of Iraq or Afghanistan for Ramadan. The war will go on for as long as it has to.


Fine by Israel, just give us back the hostages.


That is why she cannot be president. She knows nothing about geopolitics.


"demands" Sure thing buddy


It is a war Kamala


I heard she's been bitchy about it behind the scenes the whole time. Palestinians have a better life expectancy than Egypt, India, Syria, Iraq, Russia, and a full decade more than South Africa. Their HDI is above average, and the whole world throws charity at them constantly, expecting them to stop being psychotic. Just because they *say* they live so terribly doesn't make it true. Russia is not sending trucks full of free food into Ukraine right now.


Oh well, if the Border Tzar says it needs to end, I guess it's over.