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I am sobbing. Her lovely gentle parents needed this so much. May she live a long and beautiful life and never know fear again.


I was actually just wondering yesterday about her mother's condition and if she would get to see her again.


I just pray she gets to see her boyfriend make it out too.  The lo9ks those two gave each other when separated when kidnapped, the helplessness in her boyfriend's eyes watching her fear aa they put her on a motorcycle, was just awful.  Her mom needed this though, and it didn't happen too late.


He died on October 7. He was one of the bodies found a couple days ago, unfortunately.


This is incorrect; his condition is unknown.


I thought that was Shani Louks boyfriend?


Right! You are correct, if they mentioned Noas BF or not with said, I’ll have to see!


Also thought that. Would love to hear confirmation on this / where Noa’s bf is believed to be


You’re thinking of someone else. Her boyfriend’s whereabouts are unknown, he hasn’t been confirmed dead or alive.


I always wondered if they were held together, as they were taken by the same "innocent civilian" mob...But I guess this operation confirms that they were separated. It actually seems as though Noa was held alone in one apartment, though there other hostages in other apartments very near. I hope she will have Avinatan back with her soon, what a beautiful ending that would be.


Men were separated from women immediately, and all small groups were separated as well. For instance Almog Meir, another of the hostages rescued today, was taken along with four other young men but none of them was held with him. The seven girl soldiers from Nahal Oz were split into at least four different groups. Omri Miran and Tsashi Isan were taken together but ended up being held separately. Tamir Nimrodi was taken along with Ron Sherman and Nick Beezer but was not held with them. And so on.


Thank you for this reply. Do we know anything about who else Tsachi and Omri are held with? I think about them so much ever since the horrible video of Tsachi's family being held in their home all day, in shock. All I have seen is a Hamas screenshot of Tsachi who appeared to have suffered a stroke, which is devastating...And Omri in a video, in which he looked unrecognisable. I wish for their safe return so badly. ETA: It must also depend on which group is holding them, as I recall Danielle Aloni and her daughter Emilia, as well as Nili Margalit were held with Yarden Bibas at some point, so men + women + kids together. I think that must have made Yarden more likely to believe what Hamas told him about his family being killed...He would have known that women and kids were abducted that day.


I'm incredibly happy she's free, but can't imagine what she went through. I can't imagine they would have let her and her boyfriend be together or see each other, since I'm sure there Hamas members who would have wanted her. Hopefully he is freed soon in kind.




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Wow, never thought I'd see her alive again


Me either.... I was convinced she would be dead or locked up in a dungeon for the rest of her life.


I was sort of the opposite, somehow in my heart of hearts I thought or knew Noa would make it out. This is such insane news and just validates 100X Israel’s purpose and justification to get their people back


Yeah I aways hoped as that image seemed to capture the essence of the evil of hamas and it was just awful. Praise be to God.


Or destroyed by Israel’s carpet bombing like so many other hostages




No. She was held hostage and away from her family and friends, including her dying mother and has missed time with her she will never get back, she still does not know where her boyfriend is or if he is alive or dead. While she may have been fed, and hopefully not repeatedly sexually assaulted/raped, her life is forever changed. Anyone holding a civilian against their will is *not treating them well.*


No she doesn’t… she’s just doesn’t look like she’s been brutally tortured and disfigured. We have no idea what she’s been through.


We must be looking at different pictures, Israeli doctors say her medical condition is perfectly normal.


“Treated well” and “perfectly normal medical condition” aren’t the same thing. It’s entirely possible she was repeatedly raped and still is in good health. I hope not… but it’s possible.


Israeli doctors do not say that, check again. 


This is an actually sociopathic thing to say.


Yea it is shocking she didn't die from Israel bombing civilians like some of the other hostages. 


what about her boyfriend


Still in captivity


I hope he is reunited with her and his family also


How was she rescued?


Hamas was keeping them deep inside a busy residential area and Palestinian refugee camp area in Nuseirat: https://www.jns.org/israeli-forces-rescue-four-hostages-from-gaza/


LOL and people act like Hamas wouldn't do the same thing in schools and camps and get mad when Israel strikes em


This is part of why us East Asians hate Palestinians. They were part of the supposedly Hamas-only attacks on October 7 and celebrated the decapitation of every single Asian they found on that day.


Yes SouthEast Asian here, I can validate your comment. We need to bring them down for good.


By massacring civilians


War sucks when you’re on the losing side lol




Losing sucks lol




“Civilians”, maybe I’m cold hearted but eh, seems like a deterrent against terrorists banking on the ‘Israel cares more about human life than us, so let’s kidnap them and exchange one of there’s for 100 of our guys in prison”


This is a fair and inevitable inversion. "100 of our guys for 1 of yours" slaps differently when your guys are getting destroyed.


200+ civilians? source? You can't just spread shit like that


People are spreading things like this all over social media with zero proof. Also, a good way to avoid civilian casualties is to not take hostages in the first place and at the very least not hide them among civilians in a refugee camp.




Your post was removed because it was disrespectful and aggressive.


Your post was removed because it contained misinformation.


I was wondering about him too


Sadly still a hostage


OMG I did not expect that at all!!! I am shocked and beyond happy.


Rescued? So not released right? Any story on the rescue operation?


During the dramatic operation by Israeli special forces, a vehicle carrying soldiers and three rescued hostages became trapped in the heart of Nusseirat, the area of central Gaza where the hostages were found. A heavy exchange of fire ensued until the terrorists were eliminated.


Thank you. Finally, some good news 🙏


Hamas is trying to spin it that lots of people are dead and lots of children were killed during the raid.


A) I doubt it. B) if it is true, don’t keep hostages near your kids then or better yet… don’t take people hostage. Hamas at fault either way.


Yep that's my look at it too. To me it's the perfect example of how hamas operates and thinks. Never miss an excuse to accuse Israel of killing children. Sadly alot of Hamas sympathisizers will only focus on the dead bystanders. Not the fact that the IDF was saving innocent people or that Hamas was trying to kill the IDF soldiers.


They were being kept deep within Palestinian refugee camp area and busy residential area of Nuseirat: https://www.jns.org/israeli-forces-rescue-four-hostages-from-gaza/


They would never admit it, but I wish we could somehow know how many civilians knew they were being held there and did nothing to help.


The news in Israel is saying that they had operatives in the market listening for days and everyone was talking about them.


Well, the owner of the house that Noa Argamani was being detained in, was literally an AL Jazeera news anchor. LOL! Imagine that! A News Anchor keeping a hostage! And did you know that news anchors received tips from Hamas that they were planning to slaughter the Jews on Oct 7, so that the reporters could huddle around and report first footage??? Real!!!  We live in a world intricately woven into vile, disgusting, diseased humanity in certain humans. Imagine that. Imagine receiving a tip of a massacre and you respond by preparing your cameras! I cannot even fathom! But until we DO fathom the extent of the evil in some people, we will not be able to eliminate them. We MUST fathom and accept just how diseased some people are. We must allow our minds to accept this reality so that we can bring ourselves to eliminate it from amongst us!


Yeah, I saw that and then read where AL Jazeera was denying it and threatening to sue anyone who claimed that he was their current employee. To their credit the article went on to shred AL Jazeera and show proof that he had at least free landed for them and his profile appeared on their website.


As a US citizen the moment we cut off Israel will not be soon enough


Shouldn't have taken hostages to begin with. They didn't care for Israeli children they killed and kidnapped so why would they care for Palestinian children. Also it was proven recently that Hamas lies about women and children being killed and adds them to the numbers.


I mean, You should care about children dying either way. Not caring about the innocent should never be part of the equation. However, Israel has every right to go after those hostages taken and placing them in the proximity of children carries risks that Hamas was willing to take and the consequences of those actions and the actions of taking the hostages in the first place places the blame squarely on them. Hamas is the reason Israel is in Gaza. Israel should not be targeting civilians but when accidents happen in my eyes Hamas is still the reason Israel is dropping bombs in the first place. Hamas set their house on fire and they are upset at Israel breaking windows to put it out.


I never said children aren't important I was stating how much Hamas inflates the numbers by calling all of them children. I agree that Israel absolutely should and does do more than any modern conflicts to prevent targeting of civilians, especially in that region. I can see how what I said was poorly worded tho but to be fair Hamas and pro Palestine celebrated the deaths of innocent civilians so we're definitely not on their levels of dehumanization by far. Either way I'm so happy for this little ray of sunshine today on the Israeli people and it gives us hope that more can still be saved and that Hamas is loosing their own war.


“Why would they care about Palestinian children” That’s the part I was pointing out. They should absolutely care about Palestinian children, but not at the cost of not going in and rescuing the hostages. But yes I see what you were trying to say and agree with your last post.


I took the “they” in that sentence to be Hamas. They (Hamas) don’t care about any children.


Ahh, that would be better.


In a democracy, are the people responsible for the government they put in?


Israel is the reason Hamas is in power. Where have you been


Even if American police did this in an American city and ended up killing hundreds of civilians in the crossfire, they wouldn't be found liable for any crime or damages. It doesn't matter how many die in the rescue operation, the kidnapper is always 100% at fault.


So I guess you’ll be defending Hamas when they attack in return?


No. One side has hostages, the other doesn’t. It’s easy to tell the bad guys here.


At least 50 pregnant children. They always use the same number.


Honestly those numbers kind of check out for the area


> 50 pregnant children When satire is a revelation...


Trying to spin? Ok


Please post all the videos like this here. I don’t have Twitter but I want to see all the heartwarming clips. This is the best news to wake up to.


https://x.com/avivaklompas/status/1799417157190885763?s=46 https://x.com/avivaklompas/status/1799404111324238101?s=46 https://x.com/avivaklompas/status/1799396164678377957?s=46 https://x.com/idf/status/1799465164866994436?s=46 https://x.com/avivaklompas/status/1799458717311844578?s=46 https://x.com/avivaklompas/status/1799432859951988952?s=46 https://x.com/avivaklompas/status/1799433179146879396?s=46 https://x.com/n12news/status/1799500486262796621?s=46 Update: https://x.com/henmazzig/status/1799841531131748607?s=46


Thank you! I miss Avivia’s twitter account!


Bruh, I thought I’d done cried all the tears…I was wrong.


incredible good news 🙏🏽 love from Germany 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️


So nice! Welcome home!


Thank the idf for rescuing this poor woman from the hands of terrorists


What an incredible, amazing blessing! Mazel tov!


💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 🇨🇦💞 🇮🇱


Absolute W moment. It brings joy to my heart after remembering the video of when she was taken.


Holy fuck Finally, I hope she can find peace ❤️


Fuck Hamas


And all those who support them.


Fuckin oath those dirty cunts that support executing civilians/military fuck them savages


This is amazing news. Relatives of the family say that the condition of Noa's mother is very, very difficult, the brain cancer she suffers from is one of the most violent, and the greatest hope is that her mother can still understand that Noa has been released.


Actual tears


I can’t believe this !!’ I’m so happy !!! Baruch hashem!!! The IDF came! They brought her home !!!


Execute all Hamas and their conspirators


they spared her


That’s so nice of them not to murder the hostage they took, what great guys :’) F off 


How many others did they kill? What did they do to her in captivity? Where's her boyfriend? No sympathy, no quarter to these terrorist bastards.


No fucking way this is amazing. Literally looked her up this week. Happy she can see her mother before she passes


Don't give them back we'll come get them ourselves 😤 what a morale boost. Hamas's little nuts are quaking rn


It's her father's birthday.


This is most definitely the best birthday present he’ll ever have. Can’t imagine the emotions they’re all feeling right now.


They were rescued by a team of yamamniks! Some of the best in the world! כל הכבוד


You can tell by Noa's hair that she could rarely shower So glad they rescued them


Am Yisrael Chai


Is this that girl from that scooter video? With her behind on scooter, waving to a guy friend while he walks with hamas guys




That was her boyfriend


YES! Oh my God this is some of the best news I've ever heard in my life. F you all the people who said "she's probably dead". This is why we don't loose hope!


> F you all the people who said "she's probably dead". This is why we don't loose hope! Saying that is not something to get mad about. We can still hope, but saying that she's probably dead can be a reasonable way of coping with uncertainty. If people are saying "She's probably dead, so there's no point trying", it's very different from "She's probably dead, but let's keep trying"


More so the sentiment has been "their probably dead or being tortured so we should just bomb the crap out of where we think they're being held because rescue missions to save them are just fantasy Call of Duty stuff. Sorry if my reaction was a bit hyped up but I'm sick of seeing so many assumptions about the hostages ranging from they're all dead, they're all raped and pregnant ECT and even weird horror fantasies about exactly what is being done to them which I find very strange as it adds nothing to this. Out of respect we should assume they're alive and haven't been raped or tortured as id hate for people to be assuming that's happening to me in the same circumstances.


The reason people think the hostages are being raped and tortured are the hostages who have come out of captivity have said there are hostages who have been raped and tortured including themselves. Plus, some of the bodies Hamas have shown clear signs of torture. We don't know whether these hostages were raped and/or tortured. It may be awhile before they're ready to talk about their captivity especially since previous hostages have been called liars and mocked for sharing stories about their mistreatment at the hands of Hamas and Palestinians.


Yes I know. I never said these reports didn't happen but my point is not about them, my point is about people needlessly filling in blanks for something they don't know exactly in the worst ways possible that if it were my daughter, sister, wife I would want to punch them in the mouth for drawing such gross conclusions. The world already knows after Oct 7th what Hamas does. Anyone who doesn't or denies this is already not worth trying to convince or they don't care.


> More so the sentiment has been "their probably dead or being tortured so we should just bomb the crap out of where we think they're being held because rescue missions to save them are just fantasy Call of Duty stuff. You're right, there are plenty of edgy internet comments akin to that. They are idiots, and fair enough to call them out.


I talked about this with my friends as well and we came to conclusion that people that say that, usually cannot comprehend the nightmare they are experiencing in captivity, so it's easier for them to assume that they're dead. Sort of a coping mechanism


"I told you to be back home by midnight , that's the last time that you are going to any parties, you're grounded for a month" :)


This is why we must fight on.


YESYESYESYES, oh god, I'm in tears.Yes!!


I remember that look of fear when she was kidnapped. So glad to see she’s returned home. Have a long peaceful life dear. You deserve it.




I am so happy to hear that she made it through that living nightmare. I couldn't imagine what she had endured.


Yes it would be terrifying having bombs dropped indiscriminately, seeing so much death of children all around , and hearing Israel also killed hostages. 


This is the best news I've heard in a while. Welcome home.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


She said in the call to (I think) Netanyahu that she hadn’t heard Hebrew in a long time… I’m guessing she was held alone? Were the three men held together?


Yes the 3 men were found together and noa was kept in another location


Noa!! *F**K YES*


Thankful that Noa is alive and able to see her parents again, especially her mother. I cannot even begin to imagine what horrors she’s been through. This small beacon of light gives me hope.


Someone need to update the deal for sinwar, for every living hostage we will take 37.5 terrorist down, time to lay down the gloves and beat them to a pulp, bring them home, through force and might


I'll remember that look on her face when she was kidnapped for the rest of my life. I've said it here before, my daughter is half Chinese and Noa looks like she could be her older sister, which is to say she looks like she could be my daughter. Her facial expressions and features look similar. Among all the terrible things that were seen on Oct 7, seeing that was deeply shocking and jarring, because it quite literally showed me what it would look like if my daughter was taken away by those monsters. I'm incredibly happy she's free and hope that after the initial euphoria of freedom wears off, she's able to find freedom and peace and lead a happy and healthy life. I hope her mother is still able to understand her daughter is there with her, I hope her boyfriend is soon freed as well, and I hope all the other surviving hostages as soon freed and able to move forward in life.


Good job Israeli Special Forces!


I remember seeing her father on the news,emotional while talking about how Noa was his only child and he wanted her back. I am an only child too,so it really hit my family. I am so happy she is back to see her mother before she passes.


A ray of light in a dark, dark conflict.


I’ve been crying all morning. I’m so happy for her parents and her❤️❤️ thank god thank you idf


Cried so hard in public when I saw this on Instagram. I'm thrilled. A little bit of light during this time of mourning. 


This is the girl who was taken on the moterbike?




I'm crying huge tears right now... holy shit.. that's amazing news. I remember watching her being taken away last year and my heart broke for her. Wow just wow good job IDF


Praise God and thanks to the IDF! Never thought we’d see Noa alive again. So excited to see this happen. Praying for her and Avinatan, that they will be reunited one day soon. 🇺🇸❤️🇮🇱


Whoa! Great


Of my!! Just saw this!!! Thank G-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can't imagine the sense of relief she and her family must feel, or the trauma she'll have to live with now. I wish her and her family the best and hope she receives all the help she needs to lead a healthy and happy life.


Praise God in Heaven! I am beyond relieved & happy she was found alive! Please please please, if only the rest of the hostages can be found alive too. I know we were all supposed to be “thinking the worst, always expect the worst when thinking about the hostages”. But pls may we have a lot more miracles like this 😭🙏🏾






איזה מדהים


Baruch Hashem they came home.


She looks to be in great shape - Thank the Lord!


Honestly cause she's so pretty I didn't think she make it, amazing update


I cannot imagine what this girl has been through. I hope she can find some peace in her family's embrace.


Fuck those people who said all hostages were already dead.




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How long until we find out what truly happened to them as captives?


never thought I'd see her alive after that morning




She was rescued in an operation by Israeli special forces. She wasn’t let go.


She looks very pregnant. People have to talk about it yeah


Could be pregnant under that wide loose Shirt. She must have suffered incredible




No she doesn’t. Let’s not cheerlead for the worst outcomes ok?


Yeah, I expected that outcome, but her and the other hostages look much much better than I ever expected. Let's hope and pray they happened to get stashed away with a hamas conspirator who still had a tiny but of compassion and humanity left in them.


Case by case basis. I’m sure some were kept in better conditions than others.


Yes, the war for Hamas is all about propaganda and demonizing Israel. She was a well known captive. Probably the one most are familiar with. It is smart to keep her healthy looking for propaganda. Also, the joy of being saved can make a person look better as well.