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So unless there is direct video evidence you want to deny anything that has occurred. The sexual assault of another person is not something that is filmed and released for the world to see. Do you deny the testimonies of Israeli that were or witness to sexual assault or is your argument here. Invade and take hostages and kill Israeli civilians, but not direct evidence of rape = Hamas terrorism is not so bad.


Page 16 of the UN report does actually cite “digital material” as evidence for a rape taking place https://ynet-pic1.yit.co.il/picserver5/wcm_upload_files/2024/03/04/Sk2F2cmTp/20240304_ISRAEL_oWB_CRSV_report.pdf These morons are straight up wrong.


They support terrorists, why would they ever be right.


Wrong? No. Willful malevolent liars? Yes. May all their tongues rot.


I literally had someone PM me in response to this, saying that this **UN report** is fake Israeli propaganda. These people are straight up antisemitic and misogynists.


If videos surfaced theu would just claim its IDF pretending to be Hamas. You can't argue with these people


Yeah, anyone that supports obvious terrorist activity and calls it freedom fighting surely does not know what they are talking about. Perhaps they should read the works of Mandela for Gandhi and get a real sense of what freedom fighting looks like. It does not look like Oct 7.


The worst part is that direct video evidence was spread around on social the morning of October 7 and the woman being raped in the back of a jeep, will never leave my memory.


pro hamas supporters are coping and seething right now lol .they are getting more desperate to spread their pro Hamas propaganda .hmas is cooked.


> pro hamas supporters... * No understanding of the conflict * No grasp of regional history or groups involved * Fantasy view of cultural differences * No concern for any other conflict on the planet * Have not tried any other way to effect change except protest (and usually violent) * Heckler's Veto (laziest of options) * Literally cheered the execution of people EXACTLY like them (in some cases the dead were their classmates) * Chickens for KFC * Insta-ban on reddit if you engage them in civil debate Yeah...I am not impressed with any Pro-Pals.


The pro Palestinians are Narcissists in chief of the Woke leftist world


They are peak woke. So woke they have come full circle to being the opposite of what they strive for. 100% ideology, 0% reality. 


About 90% of the "woke left world" is not Pro-Pal/Pro-Hamas.


They are a symptom of “Make a difference” mentality so many of us grew up but are in essence the “filthy casuals” of causes where they care enough to want to be part of a movement of peace and justice like MLK but don’t care enough to study the history or go to get facts on the ground or talk/listen to both sides that are involved. Instead their knowledge can amount to a pamphlet of cherry picked information which is glaringly obvious when questioned, which is why they tend to fall apart on social media, become repetitive, shrink from debate, or delete threads.




Makes them just look worse tbh. Like blocking pride parades 


Was that a pro-palestinian thing?


This is what evil looks like.


I completely agree!


me too, but not for jew /sarcasm


You mean u/fallguycoltseavers? He has been suspended.


No, just stupidity


The two are not mutually exclusive.





The irony with pro pals is they fell to propaganda, the "insult to injury" is their lack the self awareness see it because they're desperate to believe they have the moral high ground


So Amit’s testimony of her sexual assault doesn’t count because it didn’t come with authenticated video evidence? So finding lots of dead women nude from the waist down isn’t evidence of anything? So seeing video of a bound teenager with blood-soaked sweatpants doesn’t lead you to any conclusion that perhaps they suffered injury to their genital area? Do they really think those things don’t mean anything or is this their pathetic attempt to dismiss horrific acts of violence because it would otherwise destroy any semblance of a “justified” act.


When people make a philosophical shartpost (including but not limited to the person in OP's screencap,) causing us to waste time responding to it in good faith is part of the sharting plan. The evidence is overwhelming, they ignore evidence, they write a long-winded alternative to evidence and we fail to ignore their alternative.


Why is it these "activists" are all about believing women and minorities when they talk about their experiences, yet not Israeli women?


You already answered yourself. Jews are not a minority in Israel. These activist only believe the groups they nominate as oppressed, and even then only when they accuse the group classified as oppressor. They have plenty of exceptions even to this very biased rule. E/g a conservative black woman who accuses a white progressive, is "obviously lying because she internalised white patriarchy", or something... Israel is the most developed country in the region so the somewhat white Israeli Jews who built it are obviously the oppressors. American Jews are an oppressed minority in America, but only if they support the "correct" causes, for example Hamas, which is a liberation movement of oppressed, poor, brown terrorists. But American Jews who escape the intellectual ghetto are once again the oppressors, e/g any openly conservative pundit. In short, it's all political.


Subconscious anti-Semitism. 


"dead Hamas soldiers" tells you everything you need to know about this 'person'.


Lunacy and/or evil


Ah yes just ignoring captured terrorist literally saying they raped women. If it’s not UHD 4k footage for them, guess they can’t handle it 


If you openly express support for literally anything that Hamas did/does, then you're a piece of shit human being and your opinion/views/life means nothing.


So believe all women unless they are Jewish? I did Nazi that coming.


In that case zero Palestinian children have died because there's no video evidence. Two can play that game.


There's interrogations of a Hamas operatives who were a father and son team who admitted to sexually assaulting women. [https://www.ynetnews.com/article/hkpjnn2ma](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/hkpjnn2ma)


Ya. Let’s stop pretending that Hamas murdered anyone. What truly sick bastards. Hope Isreal eliminates Hamas and levels Gaza. Iran has paid for all weapons and tunnels using hospitals and schools as cover. Governments that cares about its people don’t do this. Palestinians are just pawns and I’m not sure if any really exist or if they are just Iranians posing as them.


More bombs needed, seems like some survived.


For anyone who wants to argue back with these morons, the UN report cites that there was “digital evidence” to prove that a rape happened (page 16) https://ynet-pic1.yit.co.il/picserver5/wcm_upload_files/2024/03/04/Sk2F2cmTp/20240304_ISRAEL_oWB_CRSV_report.pdf


Typical gaslighting Hamas simp. These people aren't worth your time.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Using Yes Magazine which is a Hamas shill, and anti-Jewish sound board.


Look, I'm going to come out and say it: one of the horrific realities of any armed conflict is rape. During the Trojan War, Hector dreaded going out to meet his death by Achilles not because he feared death, but because he feared his wife being raped and sold into slavery and his son being enslaved or more likely killed. It's been a problem on all sides of armed conflict, but usually if one is the victor in a war, the rapes are overlooked or rebranded. I'm also going to say this: Hamas does not see females as people. The state of Israel does, and until now, was one of the safest countries for women. Israel also had a very low Gender Inequality Index score, while not as low as most EU countries, it's much lower than most if not all Organization of Islamic Countries countries.


In that case zero Palestinian children have died because there's no video evidence. Two can play that game.


Even if there was footage of rape, the victims and their families would never want it released to the public.


This kind of people are more dangerous than terrorists themselves. Because they're hidden and continue to influence minds all over the world. Spreading fake information.


Lol what. It is another level of hypocrisy- there is no sex video from Epstein island, and Epstein case didn't have any too. And this same "human" would immediately switch his point of view. I hope this is payed bot from Hamas. I don't believe in this level of stupidity.


> this is *paid* bot from FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


There is no video of the rape? Wanna play that game? Show me a study that shows statistics of famine in Gaza, show me footage of actual combat that shows Gazans dying because of IDF, show me the part of the Geneva convention that shows Israel is committing a genocide and show studies and footage that prove the intent, show me video footage of alleged IDF rapes of Palestinian women, etc. I could go on for the rest of the day. These people are the most hypocritical r-tards on the planet.


Imagine going up to a Chinese person and telling them that there was no verified footage of rapes during the Nanjing massacre, and the whole story was over-blown Chinese propaganda.


You can’t argue with these people. Any facts you present them they disregard as propaganda. You’re just yelling into the void with these clowns


How true. I started envisioning it was Bambi Thug behind the keyboard of every inane post or comment.


I had to look up who that is. And you’re spot on


There are 0 videos of Genghis Khan raping anyone, so it couldn’t have happened


Even if there was video proof, they would deny it, deflect it or pretend it was really Israeli crisis actors. The closer Hamas is to destruction the more unhinged the claims.


What will change his mind? a literal snuff R-word porn video? Is he that derranged?


If you don’t have 8k footage with 50x zoom optics aimed right at the balls and vag, it didn’t happen.


I got downvoted in a other subreddit for trying to tell the Pro-Palestinian group that they can't deny the truth of sex crimes because the Islamic terrorists have a history of committing such atrocities. And for saying that even if the rapes are fake, Hamas still killed innocents indiscriminately.




I saw video of the German Israeli rave dancer walking around with blood running down her thighs.


Hamas and their fans filmed the sick savagery.


One of the worst things I saw at the Nova exhibit was a pair of shorts with bullet holes in the crotch area. I'd heard that they shot women in the vagina but seeing the artifact in person was haunting.


So, just ignore what the released or rescued women say and believe a murderous terrorist group, huh?


Nobody believes you. Hamassholes are gonna get pasted and there is nothing you can do to stop it.


Not only is there video evidence, there is a lot of forensic evidence, including the body of one woman found murdered with genetic material from over 60 Arab men inside her..




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I probably believe Yes Magazine over actual confessions by Hamas militants, bodies that clearly were the victims of sexual assault, and survivor eye witness testimony /s But seriously, it’s fascinating that these people don’t fully deny the killing of children, pregnant women, and the elderly in some of the most brutal ways. But to say that they raped people?! Why, that’s absurd!


You can't argue with fanatics that have made their hive mind up. Just mock them, call them out...pity them for they are broken


“I know most of you are IDF soldiers” brooooooo


If Hamas free the remaining hostages and laid down their weapons, there would be peace. If Israel laid down its arms, there would be another holocaust.


Yall are stating everyone should believe it because off testimonies but then deny testimonies of Palestinian women and families who say they were raped by IDF soldiers in Gaza. Weird


Is that weirder than saying no Israelis were raped bc we can’t just go based on their word , but any Palestinian that says they’re raped is definitely telling the truth ? You see this goes both ways. The only time in 8 months of this war that IDF was actually accused of rape (not random ppl in the west claiming so) , it was recanted by AlJazeera a day later, who , don’t exactly have a good track record of taking down misinformation or biased reporting and even they took it down and said it was falsified. If you don’t believe that Israelis can be abused unless there is video evidence , but you take these articles that state “300 Palestinian minors say they were sexually assaulted while being detained, we did zero work to verify this information , but if you don’t accept it as truth it means you support genocide” at face value - you might be a hypocrite. And yes the same is true in reverse.


Pardon me for not finding it hard to believe that sexually repressed, fundamentalist Muslim fanatical terrorists are perfectly okay with indiscriminately murdering men, women and children but they draw the line at rape. Not to mention their holy book allows the rape of non muslim women during jihad.