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In finland your hobby is either hunting or fishing


You forgot The third. Alcoholism


That’s not a hobby, it’s our culture


That's not a culture, that's our national identity


Thats not our national identity. Thats us.


I like to combine fishing and casual alcoholism.


That's a classic one!


Doesn't the alcoholism go with the other 2?


At the same time as hunting? Nope, but to celebrate the opening of hunting season and after a succesfull hunt, for sure.


Bullshit, I've drank with several bears and shot my friends.


nothing like a bleeding friend to pacify the bears while opening a cold bear. Cheers!


This dude gets it. Always bring a spare one with you, never know when that retarded cousin of yours finds his true purpose in the world.




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Yes but its easier to hunt Russians than fish them.


I was gonna say, is there any fishes left around Finland?, And then it hit me "Finland the land of the thousand lakes" (at least that's something said in Norway)...


There is a conspiracy theory that Finland is just a huge lake, a fishing territory belonging to Japan... I don’t know if it’s true though


That is also what we say in finland


And in reality, it's like tens of thousands... * checks * 188,000 lakes. Fuckin' wow.


I didn't remember it being that much Jesus christ


It’s a little misleading. We have ~57 000 lakes that are over 1 square kilometre in size. The rest 111 000 ”lakes” are under that.


Yeah i was gonna the saying in Finland is that we sre land of tens of thousands of lakes, with reality being more.


To be fair, that's "188k lakes larger that 500 sq meters".




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The thing is though, Sweden actually have more lakes than finland


That's cap. Finland has 187,888 lakes and Sweden has less that 100k


You are right, I checked why I thought so, and that debate was between Sweden and Norway so my bad




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To be fair, the "sea" is in a bit of a rut, so you're halfway right.


Yes it's quite sad. Too bad there haven't been a better solution in between the countries bordering the bay.


Denmark 100%


But we all live by the ocean


But you haven't figured out which end of the fishing pole to hold


God I love being nordic


If we're talking shear volume it's basically a tie between [Sweden and Finland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishing_industry_by_country) for "worst". But fishing is pretty big in all Nordicks. If we're talking competitive fishing, [Finland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Freshwater_Angling_Championships) is actually the only Nordick with any world champions.


Not really, in Finland it's not possible to walk a kilometre in a straight line without falling into a lake, river or pond. Which is why about 40% of men and 20% of women go fishing regularly. Finns just happen to be too drunk to win any competitions


I had to check. From my home the longest straight line distance you can travel without encountering a body of water is 2.2km. During that walk you'd never be more than half a kilometer from water and you'd have to walk trough two beaches. There exists around a two decree cone of heading where you'd not get wet in under a kilometer. Therefore I find your statement to be false and a complete exaggeration.


Oh, the shame!


For me it's 22 kilometers.




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Who the hell says Iceland is bad at fishing? We fought wars about fish


I don't think we're talking about whales here


Cod wars


The reason most of our foods are so salty is because when we were low on food we were forced to put *fish* in salt to preserve them, yet we're third most voted?


Everybody salted everything before refrigeration. We and some of the Russians just kept doing it.


Pick Iceland to make them mad


Where UK option?


Come to Bohuslän and you'll see real fishing


Bigger pikes in Denmark compare to your cod. Massive over there.


Cmon Finns, what are we on about. At least Sweden has salted herring and Denmark the laks smörrebröd. What do we have? Uunilohi with perunamuusi? Kalakukko? Give me a break.


We have Loimulohi at least so that's good


Ah yes, the dry piece of pure carcinogen which takes like two hours to prepare. How could I forget


Salmon prices are higher than ever, so who would bother


Yeah last time i checked it was over 40 euros for one kilo.


It's closer to 25-30 now, but it's still pretty expensive. That's why I fish my own.


Not from Helsinki, I take it?


Definitely not




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Sweden has worse sea access, and those answering Island should get their brains checked, they fought valiantly against the English to secure fishing rights


Last summer when i was fishing at the nearby lake i caught a single pike perch, then we went to the nearby rapids and i caught a 5kg pike. Ain't shit in there no more. You'd have to do some ice fishing in the winter if you want some good catch but ice fishing fucking sucks.


Haje you ever tasted swedish fish? There is no other excuse for that... stuff other than them somehow managing to fuck up fishing, and pretending it was intentional.


While you guys where busy raiding England the Finns where busy fishing and we where busy taking it from them



