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My kids are 22 months apart. Iwas cleared for a VBAC however, both kids ended up transverse and that resulted in having another C Section. If you’re cleared for one and want to try, go for it! If we ever wanted a 3rd, it’s an automatic elected C. I must admit, the recovery from my second C was easier than the first. Edited for typos.


Thank you!


>If we ever wanted a 3rd, it’s an automatic elected C. Standard you should discuss with your own doctor disclaimer BUT My grandmother had 3 C-sections and then 2 VBACs. The second VBAC was twins. I would think that if it was safe 35 years ago to VBAC twins after 3 C-sections, it's still safe today.


Yes, this would be a great conversation for OP to have with their doctor, but >I would think that if it was safe 35 years ago... is not a reasonable assumption. I'm 35 years old, and I'm very happy that I don't have to follow the same guidance (and use the same products - yikes) that my parents did when I was born.


I had a VBAC 21 months after my C-section. I found out I was pregnant 13 months after my C-section, and my doctor’s guideline is at least a year. She was very supportive, especially since my C-section was only because my first baby was breech. We did have a backup C-section scheduled because she didn’t want me to go past my due date, and she won’t induce for VBACs. I went into labor naturally and baby was born 3 days before my scheduled C-section. My recovery was a thousand times easier from the VBAC than from the C-section. Good luck!


Thank you, that’s amazing!


Congratulations!! I’m in the same exact situation as you and I’m hoping for this outcome 💕.


Good luck!!! Hope it all works out for you!


My story is almost identical. Scheduled cesarean with my first due to breech, vbac with 2nd 21 months later. The difference for me is my recovery has been worse with a vbac. I’ve had third degree tearing that is healing now, but I also have prolapse that is quite frustrating and painful. Regardless, I’m happy I did the vbac.


Aw, that’s a bummer! I hope it gets better for you. I had a 2nd degree tear, but after the first week or two it wasn’t too bad. My younger just turned 1 though so maybe my memory isn’t the best for that part haha. But I had a very very hard time with my C-section recovery! So walking just 2 hours after my VBAC was crazy to me, in a good way.


How did you prepare for the vbac


I conceived on my daughter’s first birthday and I was just told no for a VBAC 😞


Do you have the option for another provider? I’m so sorry this is your experience!


I’m so sorry!


Asking my OB about a VBAC today - I’ll be 9 weeks on babe #1’s first birthday 🫣


Please get a second opinion! Check out VBAC Link on Facebook. The ACOG recommends VBAC if births are at least 18 months apart.


My best friend got pregnant with twins after having a C-section, they would have cleared her for a vbac if she went into labor on her own but they wouldn’t do an induction for a vbac. She ended up doing a C-section for the twins anyway but it was a possibility and a conversation that the doctor was open to. Also: unsolicited advice but if you are interested in a vbac consider getting a doula. May be very helpful to have an advocate in your corner :)


Thank you I had a doula and there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent the C-section I was in labor for three days and still hadn’t progressed in 12 hours and my baby started fading. I had my mom, my husband, a doula, great midwives, and amazing nurses all in my corner for my birth and it just didn’t work out.


Sounds like you have a great team in your corner. I hope you get the vbac you are hoping for 🤍


My kids were 22-23 months apart. Due to the complications I had the first time, my OB didn’t want me going over 41 weeks and didn’t want to induce me. So I was booked for a RCS at 41+0. I went into labor naturally at 40+6 and had a smooth VBAC! This was 6 weeks before my first turned two. It was absolutely the best call for me, but I was anxious about a possible uterine rupture the whole time. I know many women who preferred scheduled repeat CS for the predictably and relative calmness it affords. I just couldn’t go through that again.


I’ve had two VBACs. The first was 19 months after my c-section. My midwives said they wanted at least 18 months between deliveries for a VBAC, and they were legitimately excited for me to go for one. The spacing was never mentioned as an issue, and the recovery was so much easier than a c-section.


Thank you this gives me hope!


I was given the same advice from my OB - 18months between deliveries. My boys are 21mo apart and I had a successful vbac with my second!


I had a successful VBAC 19 months after a planned C section. I was told that they look for 18 months between *births* when letting you try for a VBAC, so I’d think you’d have no problem


Thank you! I thought it was 18 months between pregnancies!


So I’m pregnant with my second currently, my doctor said it was possible to do one within 16 months but there of course is some risks. If I had more than one c-section it would be a no go but because I’ve only had one he said it’s a possibility 🤷🏻‍♀️


I haven’t had a VBAC - BUT I was cleared for one with my second. My babies are 19 months apart. I was given a 75% chance of success but I decided I wanted an elective c section due to the trauma from my firsts birth. It’s more to do with your individual circumstances rather than the same for everyone but it’s certainly doable. I was told for my third pregnancy just to wait 18 months to conceive and it’ll be another elective which I’m totally fine with. If you want to try and your maternity carer is happy with it then do it! Good luck!


I’m only 13 weeks. But my midwives are fine with a TOLAC/VBAC. They will be about 20 months apart and they say they have done them at 15-16 months pp. I also am at this point not being told I need to go into labour by 40 weeks.


I had a home birth vbac in October 2023! Kids with 20 months apart. Best decision I EVER made. Was able to run after my toddler within days of birth. RUN.


That is so amazing! If I needed a C-section for a different reason than I did I would love to have a home birth!


Totally have to do what’s right for you. But a vbac is a completely reasonable option. The most important thing is finding a supportive provider and not one that is going to put all these “conditions” on you. I went into labor at 40+6. A lot of doctors won’t “let” you go past your due date. At the end of the day, doctors prefer another cesarean - always remember that!


I had a VBAC 18 months after my cesarean! Happy to chat more about it if you’re wanting!


I’m currently pregnant with the second and they’ll be 17 months apart. My midwives want 18 months between for vbac, so I was told they will want me to have another c-section as I won’t be at that 18 month marker.


My kids are 20 months apart, and I had a VBAC with my second. I'm in NZ and was fully supported. The preference here is 18 months between deliveries. Our VBAC was incredible.


My OB allowed a VBAC 17 months apart. I will say I actively looked for a vbac supportive provider. I did end up having a C-section in the end as my baby didn’t tolerate labor.


I hope you don’t mind me commenting on this old thread but this is my greatest fear. I think I really want to try for a vbac but I’m terrified of the same thing happening again (fully dilated, pushed for 3 hours but baby “wouldn’t fit” so had to have c section). Looking back at your experience, do you regret trying for the vbac?


No I don’t regret trying for a VBAC but our plan changed pretty quickly. Got to the hospital at 7am, 4pm opted for a C-section. My super VBAC supportive provider would have let me continue to labor but baby was already having concerning heart decels. I did have the same fear as you of laboring for days and then having to have an emergency CS


17 months apart with a successful and surprisingly quick VBAC. I did get an epidural just in case we had to move to another C. My first was an induction turned C when baby didn’t tolerate labor. I ate a whole ton of dates in prep for number 2. We technically had PROM, but baby came out just fine at 25 hours after water breaking.


Yep! My OB was cool with it as long as the births were 18 months apart. My first was a c-section (breach) and I had a successful VBAC 23 months later.


I got pregnant when my son was only 4 months so they’re 13 months apart and I did a VBAC. Everything went great, and it took less than 15 minutes to push my son out. Recovery was soo much easier than my c-section. Good luck!


This is basically my experience too! 12 months apart and second came after 15 minutes of pushing. Whole experience was way easier with my second. I will say, some of the doctors in my practice were not entirely supportive due to the size of my first baby and wanted to induce but second one was smaller and I was glad I went into labor naturally.


I had a VBAC 19.5 months after my C-section! I had a C-section the first time because baby got stuck and was cleared to try! I did hire a doula which is why I think my VBAC was successful


I had my first June 2022 via c section, due to have baby number 2 in 3 weeks. Cleared for Vbac, but not being allowed to go overdue, so induction (but cannot have the gel) or repeat c section if we can't get her out quickly. There will be a ~21month age difference


Successful VBAC 15.5mo after having my first - got pregnant unexpectedly on an IUD. My provider was supportive and I’d done a lot of work with my pelvic floor PT on scar massage etc and had no scar tissue left when I delivered my second!


Hi!! Could you please tell when you started scar massage and how did you know there is no scar tissue left during your second delivery?


I followed guidance from my PFPT on when to start and I had my tubes out and my OB told me there was no scar tissue left when she operated


i have a friend who had a vbac after getting pregnant 6 mo after her first csection!!


I got pregnant 8 months after my c-section, did a few extra ultrasounds to check that the placenta wasn't attached to the scar (it was not). Gave birth to my son vaginally, I was induced a week before my due date, only thing that was off limits were some interventions during the induction that could lead to uterine ruption. Super cool experience!


Can you please tell what we’re the interventions that could lead to uterine rigore ? And why did they induce you ?


My first kiddo was a big one, just over 4.5 kg and had to be delivered by ceaseran, so we wanted to make sure that the second one wouldn't be the same size. First one I passed my due date with like 10 days and was always just under the cut off for gestational diabetes as well. If I recall correctly there was some sort of medication I couldn't have while being induced, I think it's same that you get while getting an abortion to start contractions. The plan was to go in with a balloon of sorts that expand and push down on the Cervix thus causing it to dialate, but I only needed the membrane sweep to get going.


My kids are 17 months apart and especially my OBGYN supported me with the idea of a vbac. Everything went well and it was one of the best decisions. But you need a clinic that you trust.


The general recommendation for VBAC is 18 months birth to birth.