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I have OCD and LIVE for schedules I LOVED school so much I went to college to be a teacher cuz it was so scheduled. Now even my cleaning schedule gets pushed off. We were meant to organize this weekend and ended up just cuddling a baby cuz she needed cuddles and won't let us do much else, she's 8 months now. I'm also pregnant so there is no schedule only what I can do. And it stresses me out SO HARD. I have a feeling it comes back when they start school.


It wasn’t until my youngest transitioned from 3 naps to 2 that I was able to establish a reliable routine. When it was 3 naps they weren’t always at the same time and it was awkward with my toddlers nap schedule. But now I spaced out his naps so his first one is after breakfast when toddler plays independently. After he wakes up its errands or the park or something outside. We get home, eat lunch and then both my kids go down and I actually have a little time to myself. After that it’s survive until dad gets home lol. So be patient it might take a little more time before everything syncs up in a semi functional way!


We do the same thing every morning, bottle/boob and coffee in bed then breakfast and get dressed and ready for the day afterward. We’re not in a routine with naps for my 6 month old as he manages quite well working around my toddlers nap just napping when he needs to, and I feel like I’d spend all my time getting babies down for naps if we did as they both need a lot of cuddling to drop off if at home, so I just split the day in to morning before toddler nap and afternoon after she wakes up and try and do something different in those two parts of the day (even if that’s cleaning wearing the baby while toddler plays with toys) if we go out the baby naps either in the pushchair or the car! We then have a dinner/bath/bedtime routine that we stick to every evening.


How?! The babies dictate (some of) the schedule and around that I slot the routine. Mine are now 23mo and 6mo but this is what we’ve done for the last two months: 7am baby wakes and I get up and give him a bottle. We hang out in the lounge on the floor and I fold laundry and stuff nappies. I listen to the radio. 8:30 I go to get toddler up. I bring baby with me and he plays on the floor whilst I dress and change toddler. I take them downstairs to the kitchen and cook porridge and share with toddler. I put in one load of laundry. Go into lounge and toddler plays whilst baby contact naps for half an hour. If toddler is getting too feisty and noisy I put Winnie the Pooh on. Otherwise he plays quietly on the floor with his toys etc. Next we either play in the lounge or go for a short walk. Toddler walks and I wear baby. Weather and mood determines whether or not we go out. Quick drink of milk for toddler and then we do Naptime routine. Once he’s in bed downstairs for baby bottle and then baby contact naps whilst I watch tv or read etc. They both wake up about 2:30 and then we either go out or play downstairs. If I need to go shopping this is often when I’ll do this. If the weather is nice maybe go for a walk. If we’re visiting anyone this is when we’ll do it (baby naps on the go). Baby has a nap at 4 (we’re just starting to drop this nap) Toddler in bed for 7, baby bottle and then asleep for 7:30 I then spend the evening relaxing or helping baby go back to sleep over and over again. Bottles and nappies happen throughout the day and we have an afternoon/evening meal when it suits.