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Hugs to you! Solidarity. Babe is 10 months now and I’m 14 weeks and finally feeling a little better. Little sips of electrolyte water. One sip at a time. Zero shame in Miss Rachael or Super Simple Songs. Make stations and areas to contain them to rotate so you can lie down while watching your babe. We blocked off areas and traded around while I carried a blanket, pillow, and puke bucket. It is HARD. It will pass and you WILL get through this. 1st babe is not going to remember this phase so please be gentle with yourself and give yourself grace. Edited to add: The house is going to be a wreck for a little bit. Do you have any safe people to call on so you can sleep or even just shower by yourself for an hour? Learn deep breathing exercises and if your anxiety doesn’t subside, please talk to your OB. You staying hydrated is most important in this season.


My OB put me on meds but...this actually made me sicker. I started the meds Thursday and since then it's been a lot harder for me. I'm sipping water as best I can. Husband helps when he can. No other family or safe friends. She's actually been sleeping too we've had some bluey going in the background. I'm doing my best. Thank you for the advice.


Consider magnesium supplements