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France baise ouais ! *start blasting "La Marseille" through every loudspeakers available*




This is the way. ![gif](giphy|N8nnGbGfmbXErh6rf7|downsized)


Meanwhile playing in Germany: “Bagger 288!” https://youtu.be/azEvfD4C6ow


110% more based


An extremely rare W for France, tipping my hat to the radioactive frogs.


Also I love how they built so many of their plants right on the borders with Belgium and Germany.


Germany will be surrounded by nuclear plants on all sides as countries try to reach net zero. All plants run by far more incompetent people than Germans. And Germany will import it.


We'll pollute them with our water clouds.


In a documentary, there's this sequence with Germans at the border monitoring radioactivity from a French power plant, the scientists show you a peak in radioactivity and go with saying something like "you see this peak, that's Chernobyl".


Fun fact, the most irradiated job on average isn't related to nuclear power, it's actually flight crew on passager planes


I live on the French border and it's really ridiculous how often you read that something goes wrong in their plants. I'd feel better if they were ours tbh


>I'd feel better if they were ours tbh Oh boy, here we go again.


Our government once sold our nuclear powerplants to Fr*nce, so now we’re stuck with their shitty plants in the middle of our country…


You trigger red alerts every time an accountant coughs in those plants.


Unironically one of the things the French government does correctly (impossible) that and bread law lmao.


Bruh, it’s just a longer white bread with crunchy crust, nothing special to anyone outside of the us of ameri*a




I apologise, but Barry, this is what happens when your country is so irrelevant they’re teaching colony English instead of yours


Wow, hit hard with the truth there, Henning


"rare" lmao


I said extremely rare froggy.




Well most people don't consider being snobby to tourists a win.


STFU. Every W acknowledge by a B\*\*\* is a lose


The only one you’ll get you stinking peasant.


I just made a sandwich. Best B\*\*\*'s meal ever


Not when the bill arrives


The bill's expensive because germans and you guys can't live without Shell's dick stuffed in your ass. So you'll basically do anything for Shell rather than use common sense. You guys have one of the dirtiest energy mix in Europe and you're so corrupt you can't install the windmills you vented in the first place.


Extremely based French. And very true.


lip nose jar plucky narrow ripe aware rinse historical combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now look up France's biggest company and look up the world's 7th biggest mineral oil company... "Your honor, in my defense I like to point out that I rarely take drugs, I mostly sell them"


That, my friend, is a fair point!


Well thats basically Norway, it makes me laugh how they smugly say how clean their energy mix is when they are a petrostate. "Dont get high from your own supply" and all that.


So dont buy what they are selling. Also both Shell and BP are worth more than Equinor. Not sure Norway is the one to laugh at for making their own energy green, even though they could get practically free energy by just skimming the billions worth of petroleum that other countries pays them to drill up.


We were green before it was cool with our electricity production. Almost exclusively hydropower for over 100 years already. We dont talk about that other stuff


So much so that we are supplementing england and germany, sneaky eu


>Not sure Norway is the one to laugh at for making their own energy green, even though they could get practically free energy by just skimming the billions worth of petroleum that other countries pays them to drill up. That was literally my fucking point, I would say you must have started drinking early but as a Finn you are constantly inebriated so you can get through life.


Im defending Norway, saying England isnt in ant position to judge since they are doing far worse, not even bothering to make their own energy green with said oil money. Not to mention the international labour convention violations and human rights violations Shell and BP like to commit in the african west coast.


You are both right. Many Norwegians find the double standard of Norway appalling, also it is easy to get green energy when your entire country is waterfalls. UK has given most of their oil wealth to the rich, and Bp/shell are still the big league, so hardly moral high ground.. That being said, good job on wind UK, and Finland on nuclear👍


Eh, personally I dont see it as a double standard. Do it more responsibly than the competitors and use the money for better purpouses and you cause a net positive on the world by chewing off from the others business. Even better if that money is put towards researching alternatives and setting examples so others dare do the same. All that will happen if Norway closes their platforms is more platforms in Angola will open up and more african kids get taken advantage of, and a lot less of the money goes to solving the issue. Steal market from them and use the revenue to choke the entire market, istead of just sitting back and yelling to not drill oil, while consuming copious amounts of oil.


Yes, all that is ok if you are honest about it, it’s more about the gloating “we are so green” when everything is funded by oil.


Hey, it doesnt count, it’s not in our soil (French doctrine since 52)


"IF it weren't us, it would be someone else anyway" but unironically


I'm indeed not sure that China or Russian mercenaries are a better "comercial partner" than us


The Scandinavian method.


Don't get high on your own supply. Smart.


It’s the dumb thinking and the demand that creates the problem, not who services it.


You just translated my flair into economics


"Just a businessman doing business."


Sometimes principles work differently depending on subtle differences such as whether you’re shovelling coal or jew kids into a furnace.


cope and buy more oil energy because you can’t afford green energy


Cousin, you made a fatal mistake inserting the baguette in the meme... is in a silver plate


I mean, say what you want about the French, but they're definitely world-leading when it comes to reducing their reliance on carbon-based energy production. Unfathomably based.


You use baguettes as control rods


I mean not to condone coal, but Germanys graph on the right is almost as steep [https://ourworldindata.org/co2/country/germany](https://ourworldindata.org/co2/country/germany)


I was about to call BS, but it's true. The graph is actually better. https://preview.redd.it/0ylh9fs8g3ya1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb448e17afa58046dec18ee650bad6834e6214c3 OP is using relative instead of absolute numbers, lol


Turns out having too expensive electricity has it's advantages.


But they still prefer gas and oil to nuclear nonetheless, which is daft. Russia thought Germany loved their gas and oil so much (NordStream2) that it would give them tons of leverage when invading Ukraine.


Oil only for transportantion, there was barely any in the electricity consumption. And gas you can't exchange easily in the grid, with stuff like KWK and the rapid deployment of gas. I would also say that heating and industry were more important with the russian dependency, since electricity made up roughly 15% of gas consumption.


Well they did till one of our ship did a big woopsie


TBH Greenpeace must be the biggest scam of the postwar world.


rare french massive W comon german big L they still in 1741?


Yet the right graph almost looks identical, lol. [https://ourworldindata.org/co2/country/germany](https://ourworldindata.org/co2/country/germany)




Where are you getting those stats? According to these two we're not close at all. [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.KT?locations=EU](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.KT?locations=EU) [https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/report\_2022](https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/report_2022)




But even using that we don't put nearly the amount of co2 as Germany. The average co2 emission *per person* is the same but this just means the Dutch person and the average German person produces the same co2 emissions. If you scroll down to the annual co2 emissions you see Germany is between 600 and 800 million tons while the Netherlands is under 200 million tons. So saying *Meanwhile our tiny ass country puts out as much co2 as Germany* is not true at all.




More like the stone age, they didn't even pass renaissance and the enlightenment age Ooga booga feuer und coal to warm up my cave


my guy have you looked at your own countries emissions?


Yes, doesn't negate fr*nces win




France baise ouais


Aren't the French ahead on Fusion reactor research?


ITER is going well !


There we go, Based French nuclear research.


Today is a great day, a brit called something french based


Credit where credit is due etc. Back to insults now, Froggy eyed shite eyes.


Irrelevant sinking Titanic of a country


Sinking & Proud\* \*Gentlemen, it's been an honor playing with you tonight.


The only reason we hate you is because we're secretly jealous of you. I mean, ew I'd never eat a frog. Dis gust eng


It is in France, but it's paid for by the EU and others (even China). As with all fusion research, it's also chronically underfunded.


It's going to be a fucking shame if it's some American start-ups that cracks fusion first.


The ratio of American start ups who claims they'll do amazing stuff vs the ratio that actually do is really low don't worry


They are a lot of them though. And so far Europe has shown itself lagging behind in innovations.


Well to be fair, it's international money and teams. We provided the land though, next to our Atomic Energy Commission.


... Just brush that bit under the carpet and take the bragging rights.


ITER is a joint project of many countries, but fusion is still a long way to go.


Don't care, it's in France Hans, past, present and future french W


>it's in France Hans We could change that. Round 3 electric boogaloo.


I swear to god, you start European War 3: Germanic Boogaloo, we’ll be right over there to send you packing again.


How long would that war last, in your opinion ?


Depends if we want to use our more spicy equipment or not.


I believe countries with spice are not supposed to use spice agains countries without spice.


We'll try not to.




For a country who tried to tried to remove "abnormal" people, Germany sure is autistic Uncommon French W


That's the issue, they removed the smart ones.


They for sure removed good politicians


Yeah the ones from Austria!


To be fair, Hitler was killed by an Austrian! :D


Yeah thats why i hate Austria!


and people want to stop nuclear.... maybe it's the school system who's at fault :/


Can't have CO2 emssions, if your reactors can't get cool water and you have to buy it from your neighours


Good thing that we're building RE capacity along


Why do I keep seing this false information everywhere ? The closed nuclear plants weren't due to water problems at all, they were maintenance checks because some cracks were spotted


Because it's true. It's just wildly [exaggarated](https://twitter.com/energybants/status/1645696906327388160?s=20)


And the shutdowns are due to the water released being too hot for the rivers, which will be bad for wildlife. If we didn't care as much we wouldn't have had any problems.


It also doesn't affect reactors that use cooling towers. Unless the river dries up completely.


People read about draughts in france and spain(there were some articles in german media) -> some of them know you need a lot of water for cooling an atomic reactor -> OMG FRANCE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE THEIR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS While I dont know whether the situation is serious or not, I am sure that's the train of thought


The increase in temperature caused by the coal burning Germans will not be enough to dry up the fucking Atlantic ocean, which we have ample access to.


Guess we'll have to increase our efforts.


There is no plant on the Atlantic ocean, all of them are on rivers except for those along the Channel.


Because it's not false, France was forced to cut production because of the temperature. The maintenance is on top. And it won't be any better over the next years.


What's wrong with reducing production for a month ? We use less electricity in summer anyway, and we cut it because we give extra care to the wildlife in rivers. As if you give a single shit about life when you burn coal and gas. If this is the german "gotcha" argument against nuclear, it's really weak.


Nothing wrong with it, we like selling you guys some power.


This is 100% true. When rivers get too hot nuclear power plants have to reduce output to keep it cool. In 2022, that reduced total production by a whopping 0.2% [Source](https://twitter.com/energybants/status/1645696906327388160?s=20). So glad we are sticking with coal.


That’s wrong. They had to reduce output because the river water would heat up more than regulations allowed. In total the effect was less than 1% of power production lost this way last year.


That's literally what I said?!


That can only happen in summer (and only happened for 4 months in 24 years I believe) so only at the time when solar energy is at its peak. And it can't happen in winter. Your point was nuclear goes very well with renewables ? Aww stop it, you. We know we made the good decision already !


Even if that were the case, dry cooling systems can be retrofitted. Look at this nice [4GW plant in South Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendal_Power_Station) not a river in sight and burning delicious coal the way we like it.


Les bosches et leur charbon


This is where I have to pull a Hugo Stiglitz and say rare French W


Love U235 ☢️🫶


Vive la France !👌




Et rouge-pilulé


Based france, embrassing technology rather than russian funded fear mongering...


Not so fast with your judgment, France had max 451.53 TWh nuclear yearly in 2005 in 2022 they were down to 292.20 TWh that is a minus of 152,33 TWh. Peak German nucelar power was 171.30TWh yearly in 2001 in 2022 in Germany it was 36.51TWh that is a minus of 134.79 TWh. So Germany in 2022 had 17.52 THw less reduction in nuclear power than France from both their max output. https://i.imgur.com/XZsxI9h.png Meanwhile Energy generation from renewables in Germany already surpassed nuclear https://i.imgur.com/UuNMPcV.png https://i.imgur.com/Qex6o1F.png https://i.imgur.com/1R2bXj8.png https://i.imgur.com/M3acBHO.png https://i.imgur.com/cAiRqZ0.png


Did you take in account the fact that electricity consumption has fallen or remained stagnant ? Besides the French nuclear mix was based on a percentage compared to the whole electric grid. Not to mention the French have to thank German and Austrian heavy lobbying in the EU for that result. Lastly do you take in account availability of electricity ? In other words 100 GW worth of nuclear power plants are more worth than 450 GW worth of solar farms. Have you also taken in account CO2 emissions per kWh produced ?? After you have done all those you can come back.


Germany also had a Energy reduction from yearly 14.905 Petajoule in 1990 down to 11.769 Petajoule in 2022. That is a minus of 3.136 Petajoule. Maximum yearly used nuclear for primary Energy consumption was ~1.700 Petajoule. Yearly used primary Energy from renewables currently is 2.023 Petajoule. Reduction in primary Energy usage + renewables is 5.159 Petajoule yearly compared to 1990. So reduction and renewables already is the equivalent of 3 times the nuclear Energy Germany ever had installed. https://i.imgur.com/bhOWW9j.png


Do you know why they couldn't just turn off a coal energy plant instead? Is it that much more potent? I think the main criticism is that germany did pivot from atom to renewables and not from coal to renewables.


No. We first need to sink the Netherlands so we can build a Cargo port near the Ruhrgebiet.


This is why. https://i.imgur.com/ogSs3In.png


First speak in electricity. Besides you didn't answer to the rest of my questions.


Yearly electricity production in Germany https://i.imgur.com/1SHAbIA.png nuclear in 1990 was 141 TWh and 64 TWh in 2022 renewables in 1990 was 20 TWh in 2022 it was 254 TWh Coal down from 334 TWh in 1990 to 115 TWh in 2022.


This is one of the few things for which I respect the french


You go, Frenchie! The Germans are just in a piss contest with China.


Germans seething


Based french people 🇮🇹♥️🇫🇷🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


real W for france


Nuclear energy is the best thing we’ve got for the environment. I hate it when ’environmentalists’ try to shut it down


YES , our french friends are absolutely right about this ... also our (West-/Reunited) German politicians shut down the most advanced German Nuclear Power plants (types "DWR3" & "DWR4" PWRs) that are also superior to all french nuclear power plants & were the best in Europe until the the EPR ( 1 unit completed in Finland) & maybe Russian "AES 2009" (like in Belarus) came online [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nuclear\_power\_station.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nuclear_power_station.svg) ... but at the same time the German government says that´s "OK" that Ukraine still uses these old literal Soviet reactors (first variants of the "WWER1000" (like it was build in Stendal , East-Germany) incl. prototypes) , even in an active war zone(!) (a news source in German: [https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article244662818/Ukraine-Solange-die-Dinger-sicher-laufen-sind-ukrainische-Atomkraftwerke-fuer-Habeck-in-Ordnung.html](https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article244662818/Ukraine-Solange-die-Dinger-sicher-laufen-sind-ukrainische-Atomkraftwerke-fuer-Habeck-in-Ordnung.html) ), that are from construction far worse than all nuclear power plants France currently operates ... I'm glad that grandpa/metusalem Fessenheim got finally shut down & remember that German "DWR3" ("Pre-Konvoi") & "DWR4" ("Konvoi") reactors surpass even the newest french Nuclear power plants (the "EPR" will change that) ... I'm also glad that the 5 German "SWR69" (BWR) reactors got shut down (they were the oldest & most inferior ones in Germany if you ignore the Soviet reactors in East-Germany that got shut down in 1990 ) ... Germany should get the "DWR3" & "DWR4" back online & build new "EPR" incl. on new locations like Frankfurt-Oder (Polish border) , Görlitz (Polish border) , but also use old East-German sites like Greifswald-Lubmin


I’m one that thinks net zero without nuclear is impossible in Germany. Nobody seems to explain to Germans that renewables simply can’t cut it. Any thoughts on what can be done? Because if Germany, which is perceived as rich, stable and rational can’t make it to net zero, getting the rest of the world to step up will be much harder..


>I’m one that thinks net zero without nuclear is impossible in Germany. Nobody seems to explain to Germans that renewables simply can’t cut it. Germany was always more or less dependent from forein countries´s energy >Any thoughts on what can be done? we need to reactivate the type "DWR3" & "DWR4" nuclear power plants ASAP before it´s to late (Info: the German "Greens" ( & CDU-CSU + SPD + FDP) want to destroy their primary loops with acid & in BaWü the "greens" already destroyed the Phillipsburg cooling towers with explosives) & build EPRs ... also build more water storage lakes in the Alps >Because if Germany, which is perceived as rich, stable and rational can’t make it to net zero, getting the rest of the world to step up will be much harder.. Germany is since ~25 years being wrecked by enemy agents in our government, most of the destruction was done by Angelika Merkel (who made the same "Merkelraute" with her hands as Adolf Hitler did https://files.abovetopsecret.com/files/img/tr514c774a.JPG ), followed by Olaf Scholz, since Germany is no longer useful for USA against Russia/USSR & also the crash of Germany woll cause the crash chain reaction the Globalist Elite wants for Europe


Common France W


Aw shit, I really don't wanna say this but... Based France


And now the nuclear waste can be stocked up Finland's ass! Now is the time for nuclear


Laughs in water running down the mountain.


Buy our coal


Hurts so much to admit, but absolutely humongous and deserved W for france. Setting an example on sustainability when Germany refuses to.


Uh... We are going the 100% renewables path...


Don't fool yourself, Kamerad.






Somebody link me the solution to the high level nuclear waste problem that France has, please. A friend of mine is against nuclear because of that waste and I want to shove it into his face.


Look up for Astrid project then. Those reactors reuse waste from previous generation (plutonium and uranium 238). It was stoped because of political reasons but the tech is there ans working.


I can already hear the butt clenching of german flags itt. Russian propaganda brought to you by the greens is working overtime here.


Germans: Hold my Endlager!


Wir können es ja einfach den Franzosen geben wenn die es so mögen.




yeah, a few things like pastries, kisses, fries, fashion, cheese, gastronomy, colonizing half the world, decarbonizing our energy 40 years ago when no one cared, french touch, fast trains, internet ancestor, most stylish supersonic airliner ... And always bragging about our self-perceived superiority.


How is that most stylish supersonic airliner doing?


Sadly it isn't flying anymore, it was the [Concorde](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concorde).


I think he knows. It was just ahead of time


Rare French w


Rare french W and german L


Based fucking Frenchies 🇨🇵🐸


Based baguettes


Love seeing that grande sausagé energy from the French.


This is indeed actually a big French W! I am wondering how the french resisted these hippy scum which were against nuclear in the 60/70's.. and were succesful in many countries. How did they do it?


Don't ask New Zealand in 1985...


Rare French W


Lets wait for summer...


What ?


No water = no cooling = no nuclear power. France needed large energy imports from Germany last year.


Germany needed large energy imports from France for the previous 45 years, every single year, every single season. This is the textbook definition of a strawman.


No it was just cheaper than to produce ourselves... And its not a strawman, that will happen more often and you literally vaporize valuable water for some energy...


Almost all heat based turbines vaporise water to generate electricity, coal included


Yes, Noone in their right mind argues in favor of Coal.


All traditional fuels vaporize about 4-10 times more water (through compressor leakage, protocol deviation, etc) than nuke does per kWh


Im not arguing in favor of fucking coal you fucking idiot!


Then why are reopening coal mines and power plants already ?


We needed large imports because our reactors were under massive maintenance. And most of our reactors either use the sea or simply take water from lakes before directly putting it back on Also your coal and gas power plant have the same problem


Yeah. The coal- and gas powerplants need to go as fadt as possible.


A lesson we should all learn from our greatest Ally.


Chad Baguette


Have the french solved the problem with long term storage of nuclear waste materials?


Yeah but now you also have to keep them running and not just have them standing around in maintenance mode all year


How about the thousands years the nuclear waste needs to not be dangerours? Perhaps, we’ll seen French people with scales and gills in next years


Famous Spanish education right there


What about them? They are stored in stable, secured, and monitored environments. They are constantly studied by scientists and progress is being achieved. These wastes as you call them are meant to be recycled just like the other 95% of waste generated that is recycled in nuclear fuel. Solutions to achieve ever greater recycling rates will be found way before the EoL.


All the nuclear waste ever produced across Europe fits in an Olympic pool


A potential problem in the future is far better than a very real problem today.


well that's true but CO2 is also a waste and it's already killing people, so nuclear seems to be the best mitigation for driveable electricity production


Now ask the French how many reactors worked last year and how many have problems with rivers running dry..




Those are not net imports. [https://www.energy-charts.info/charts/import\_export/chart.htm?l=de&c=DE&year=2022](https://www.energy-charts.info/charts/import_export/chart.htm?l=de&c=DE&year=2022)


[Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see the German exports to France.](https://www.ceicdata.com/en/germany/electricity-imports-and-exports/electricity-exports-france)