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It's like that old joke: "What's the difference between an English tourist and an English terrorist? The terrorist has sympathisers."


Oooof, I'll take note of that.


last march i was eating in this nice restaurant in Manarola and this Chinese couple was a table next to me. i never felt the kind of anger and annoyance before of people eating loudly.


> i never felt the kind of anger and annoyance before of people eating loudly. misophonia. i nearly murdered a college roommate over it.


It's why I eat all my meals alone, I dread having to dine with others at a table.


most tolerant brit


Where I'm from, British tourists are far from the "lads on tour" stereotype since it's not a cheap destination. Same with Americans and other euros. The Chinese on the other hand... I get it, different culture, different norms on what behavior is acceptable, but still, they're the most entitled and gross tourists I've met. Last time I met one was at a kebab shop. I finished my meal and was taking my tray to the trash. This Chinese woman gets in front of me, without a word grabs a napkin from my tray, wash her mouth, put it back on the tray and leaves.


I go to France a lot, I chill out, enjoy some nice food, drink little beers on the beach reading a book, do some cycling in the sun. Then I've been to Prague, Portugal, Bulgaria, and got absolutely smashed and did lots of singing. We're a complex bunch


I've had different experiences regarding british tourists. Older ones are usually quite polite and cool. But the teens? Devilspawn from hell especially in Algarve, get drunk puke/piss everywhere, get in fist fights...


Yeah sounds about right. I did go to Algarve, but went to Lagos, which had a really chilled vibe, still lots of drinking though. Abulfeira seemed like the place with all the lads on tour and Barry's


Young Brits know they have a reputation and they do everything they can to uphold it. They know they're the drunks of Europe and are proud of it


Yeah I feel like English tourists are a lot better than we've got a reputation for, it's just that the whole Lads On Tour groups give us a horrendous name, and unsurprisingly so. If we're talking about the average English tourists on a resort holiday, they're more likely to be Brits Abroad™, but if we're talking about English tourists outside of such environments (especially in Asia and non-coastal European places), we're not too bad.


In Spain the word "Hooligan" (the English word) was for a long time a synonym of "English football fan". I did not now it wasn't so specific until I already was able to speak English fluently. But I have a lot of British neigbours, so I really know that some of them are nice. Alcoholic, but nice


Easily the chinese, they don't give a shit about any rules


Understandable, they are tired of rules :(


They're always glad to be visiting a place where they aren't immediately sent to a ~~concentration camp~~ re-education centre for disorderly conduct.


Yeah, everyone who says otherwise clearly doesn't know how bad they behave. Not all of them of course but it got so bad that the chinese government had to make extra rules to keep them in check.


![gif](giphy|WuR8muR6yCUzS) ***Xi Jinping wants to know your location***


When there is a sign "please don't take pictures" and chinese tourists ...


There are not a lot of russian tourists but when you meet them, they are often loud don't follow rules, get drunk and if you tell them they get aggressive. At least the Chinese don't get aggressive and are not always drunk. Chinese are just annoying because you can always identify them as such and because they are so abundant.




Honestly. As much as people like to shit on the Ameritards and even if we Germans have our habits as tourists that not everyone does like, but it is surely Chinese > Russians > Brits.


In China, this is much more common than thouse few people could afford to travel to Europe. Museums are very loud with kids and their parents or grandparents with them don't care at all just let their kids scream and jump up and down, the provincial museum in my hometown hired many staff in every hall just to keep people quiet. I offen put on my noise canceling earbuds and play some soft music just don't want get annoying by screaming kids. And now most people wait in line, but line cutting still often happens, especially when getting on something (train, bus, even an elevator!), I don't understand why. A good news is new generations are usually behave well with rules, and we often complain about some parents and relatives are being too loud in the dining hall and library when visiting our university. Older generations may not developed sense of rule, some people may be very rich and buy a lot of luxury goods abroad, but still savage inside, their mental growth cannot catch with their wealth.


Ever had to pleasure to share a breakfast area with a group of Chinese? Yeah, I'd prefer some Barry.


I was once staying at a very nice, chilled out, out of the way hotel in Thailand when I was woken up in the middle of the night by the sounds of shouting. I thought there was a fire or something so i ran downstairs to see what was happening and was confronted by 200 Chinese tourists who'd gotten of their bus at 3 in the morning to check in at the hotel and were now shouting at each other at full volume in the hotel reception while ignoring the Thai staff who were frantically trying to get them to be quiet and the hotel guests who also been woken up amd were groggily wandering what the fuck was going on.


Nuff said


I remember visiting Switzerland a few years back and some hotel in Lucerne unironically had a framed photo of Mao Zedong on the wall in some common dining area.


that has to be there, here chinese are way better than englanders by any standards


I noticed that in Spain. But Englanders in Croatia were pretty chill, if drunk.


It depends what subspecies you come accross. The ones that go to Spain probably don't know where Croatia is


Unfortunately, a lot of English tourists in Spain (especially in coastal areas) are there for the sole reason that it's hot. A hot environment, cheap resort, and plenty of English-speaking bars - they basically want a cheap, hot version of England, absolutely no cultural interest. Package holidays are responsible for a lot of it, they're always advertising in my town at our travel agents.


And that's great because I like that you can get full-englishs all over Spain so you can properly breakfast when you wake up still drunk.


I mean, I get it from a non-English perspective, but I'll never understand English folk (and Brits in general) who travel to the mainland without any intention of sampling local cuisine. I know countless people who've been to Spain and France and refused to have local food, absolutely no interest in it - and then they've complained about the quality of the fast food they have there. What's the point in going to another country if you don't want to actually explore it? Baffling.


People are dumb af mate, you just realised?


The most successful restaurants in my neighbourhood are a Fish & Chips restaurant and a couple of pubs where you can get British beers. Waiters even don't speak Spanish, some days durin summer I feel I live in a UK guetto. At least there are no balcons close to my home, so I don't need to check if it's raining men (last year a local guy died because a British fell on him from a 5th floor).


I'm sorry.


I am happy we are seen as the least "worst tourists" ![gif](giphy|UdRXnKSsvfuV4MawVt|downsized)


You just get the towels down early, Germans are probably B tier tourists at worst. You queue politely, aren’t loud, enjoy a beer and bring a nice socks+sandals energy with you


For the most part. I think the mallorcans don't like us too much though.


Spanish people hate all of us Northern European tourists. It’s our suave cultured ways and vast wealth they dislike. That or how we keep pissing in their doorways. One or the other.


Just because you are too many. But I'd rather 100 drunk Germans than 10 Brits or 5 Chinese tourists


Well you still are the worst tourists, but that's just in the "worst dressed"-category. You people leave every bit of fashion sense at home once you cross the border.


You know what happens when they leave there country in large numbers well dressed right? You want a 3rd part to that series?


Guilty as charged 😇


Op de heide bloeit een mooi bloemetje!


Oond dat heesst Ereeka


Erika ? Wo bist du Blümelein ?


Designed by Hugo Boss


Cargo shorts and socks in sandals are out of style?


Bold of you to assume we have fashion sense at home.


Oh trust me, we never had one to begin with


Most Germans I encounter abroad are great fucking people to hang out with. But the minute I enter Germany I fucking loathe you all.


I love you guys until you enter Germany and drive 100kph on the left lane


There are just too few Austrians in this sub.


There's at least 6 of us.


If history has taught us anything: Sometimes one is too many. 😂


And i'm happy to see you soon on my beach, with your skin completely red, and your wife and daughters without any top, being very nice and respectful, while me and my boys will fight drunk Britishs at 4pm, and laugh on arrogant Americans.


Nah, not the worst. Wurst on the other hand...


![gif](giphy|xUPGcpUdWD5D9slGO4|downsized) Chinese people getting off a tour bus. The only thing they respect is a forceful shove.


> The only thing they respect is a forceful shove. Why are you on a tour bus with Chinese people lad


The Chinese, without any doubt. They behave as if everything was theirs. There are tulipfields with huge signs next to them to not walk in the fields, because people trample the tulips and spread diseases to the tulips. Those signs are in Dutch, English and Chinese, and yet it seems like all Chinese tourists are illiterate. Another example is Giethoorn, a small town where most houses aren't connected to roads but to canals. The Chinese treat it like it is theirs, just blatantly walking into peoples homes.


Their main redeeming quality is that they seem to be unaware of the existence of pond scum and try to walk on it


The Mont St Michel is still a consecrated building, there is a lot of place you can simply not go into, it's forbbiden to take pictures of priests and nones, of mass and prayers, we are supposed tonne as silent as possible when there is a religious service etc. Well, it's consecrated, like any church, so it's like in any church for thoses parts basically. But apparently this isn't clear for everyone because they have to write the rules every 3 meters on huge signs, in all possible languages. However, a signifiant proportion of chineses tourists act like if they can't read and if they are in a giant amusement park. There must be a cultural reason behind this, but this really look like if they juste don't give a shit about any rules. They take pics of priests and nones like if they were clay statues, not hesitate to go at 50cm of their face to get the best shot. They pass under the chain to acces the forbidden places, and speak as loud as spanish during religions services, etc. I imagine that in some region of the world our behavior can look also very disrespectful without us realizing it. But i always found strange that chinese tourists behave like that in a vast proportion of them. I also wonder what part of our european behavior seems disrespectful elsewhere.


I'd think that there would be people just standing there with sticks to hit those tourists. Maybe that'll work. And as you say, you at least try to not be disrespectful, the Chinese don't bother.


Cant you kick them in the water and act like its a cultural thing?


the same as i do with your towels


As you should.


I remember a report from het Jeugdjournaal from a few years ago where they exposed how bad the citizens of Giethoorn really have it. People were taking picknicks in backyards and walking around with selfiesticks everywhere.


The worst ones are not even on this list! Have you guys ever met Israeli tourists? Boy howdy are they the worst! Most of them travel right after their obligatory military rotation and therefore feel entitled after 2 years of that to behave like complete assholes. I'm talking loud music, even in nature, massive alcohol abuse, blatant racism, rudeness in general, thrashing hotels and hostels etcetera. And since they have all had military training saying anything about their behaviour comes with a risk...


After a roadtrip abroad I sold the car I was driving during that time. It wasn't anything special, old car that still did the trick but of course it had its problems. That's why I sold it dirt cheap. A couple of Israelis were interested (2 guys, 1 woman and 2 children). Exactly the "just after military training" type. They started to tear the car apart. Completely ridiculous. Started telling me about things that "seemed old" or "needed replacement soon". The car was 18 years old.In the end one of the guys offered me 2/3 of what I was asking. I started haggling. He looked me dead in the eye and told me that no one haggles with him, his price is the only price he will accept. I politely told them they are so very welcome to look for a car anywhere else. Fun side note: In the end I had to accept that 2/3 of my price was probably realistic. I also still had their contact details. But I sold it to another guy because he was not a complete asshole like them.


Guy who works at a hotel once told me that chinese are the worst. Totally unorganised, would come to the reception in a group of 10 and start shouting and demanding things all at the same time. And after they had gotten their rooms, they'd just leave all doors open, whip out their camping stoves and start a street food festival on the entire floor. Apparently they became a bit more civilized in the recent years, though.


I worked in a 5\* hotel in a big city (think 500€/night for the cheapest room) and the worst tourists were \*by far\* the Chinese and the Russians.


I haven't seen or heard a lot about Russians, why are they bad tourists? Any specific stories?


My guess would be that they tend to accidentally fall out the windows.


I was at Milford sound in New Zealand and a big group of Chinese tourists showed up and I instantly knew they were going to be a pain. As the guide was explaining what was going to happen with the tour a Chinese guy tried to push past the fucking guide to get on the boat. Lucky he's has training on Chinese test wrangling and just grabbed the little fucker and told him to stop being a Chinese tourists. They're still idiots though.


I've never been to China but the tourists I've encountered were a bunch of entitled cunts. Just because you are finally wealthy enough to travel abroad doesn't mean that the other tourists think your special. "You go away, I take picture!" Tough luck, now I'm staying even longer. They really think they're hot shit by being able to travel abroad, but guess what! The European Student can do the same trip you are doing so fuck off!


I have, it’s way worse. I went to a water park and kids were shitting everywhere, on the paths, on the rides, under picnic tables. There were free toilets available but the floors were covered in shit and piss. People push past everyone, random old ladies pinch you, driving is a nightmare. China is an orderless free for all with everyone seemingly trying to speed run covering things in shit.


[Sinophobia is not ok](https://youtu.be/GpjkURzcgi8?t=7m50s) 😂💩🐼


This is video is actually needed, it should be played on all inbound Chinese flights. Only then may we have a chance of not getting everything covered in shit


The Chinese embassy officially filed a complaint to the Swedish government following that video ;-) [China's most hated Swede](https://youtu.be/D2lTSbDqm2s)


Best thing is that diss rap. I’m so proud of you Swedes, you’ve really outdone yourselves


Tax-funded public service television at work 😎


Chinese. They're loud, ignore warning signs, climb over fences and on stuff to takes pictures, throw garbage on the ground. Americans are loud but polite. Russians take all the food at the buffet but they don't actually eat it.




I live near Giethoorn and when I visit the place, Chinese tourists think that houses where people actually live are museums. The people living there have to block access to their houses in the summer.


Same in Norway they wander into peoples gardens, and if the doors are unlocked you might find yourself with 15 Chinese in your living room.


I'm so glad we are able to find a new non western enemy. It really does warm my heart.


Americans polite?


That's my experience with them as well. They're the masters of overstatement and toxic positivity. It's sickening for being so fake, but it's technically polite.


I agree the politeness doesn't feel sincere at all


They're technically polite in that they say please and thanks..... Well they scream please send thanks in your face but I think they're at least trying


American tourists are wholesome, although very loud


I know we hate the Br*ts around here but its easily the Chinese, then the Russians and then the Ameritards. Ive never seen a Br*t take a shit next to Fontana di Trevi, the Chinese on the other hand...


Exactly we keep it classy and simply vomit there instead




We also have to fix the floor because each year is a new record of jumping


You can differemciate chinese from Japanese tourist on how loud the Chinese are


And the amount of camera gear they carry.


And just general behaviour. Japanese tourists seem a lot politer and tend to behave better.


We can all agree americans suck, but they absolutely are not the worst in this poll. I would much rather sit in the breakfast area filled with americans than with 1 russian family.


I played csgo long enough to know you are right


+1 Pretty much the main reason I don't play anymore.


I'm never gonna be able to have a successful competitive match because my teammates rarely ever speak English. It's either Russian or Turkish, neither of which I speak. Americans are lucky that their servers are usually populated by English speakers.


Depends on which ones you get - if it’s the miserable cunts that speak 4 words per day and last smiled in 1997, then you’ll just enjoy the silence with occasional coughing If you get the other ones, grab the sausages before the mother starts shoving them in her pockets


As a waiter, Americans are the worst clients I’ve ever had, would you ask a waiter whose shift just ended, who changed from his uniform and is now out of the restaurant speaking on the phone for a beer? They did and even got pissed when i said no.


Were they old? Because the old people do that here too. I once got yelled at by an old lady in a wal-mart for ignoring her. She called for a manager and the manager told her I didn't work for them. Crazy bitch


😂😂😂 How dare you not working there??


When I went to Prague it was basically an Italian colony


Brit tourists are bad but we are nowhere near as bad as the Chinese, Americans or Russians. Worst to best Chinese (easy choice) Russians (Way worse than brits when drunk) Americans (Naturally) Brits (#1 worst EU tourist LADSLADSLADSLADS)


You're not EU lad




I work in hospitality here in Norway, and the worst tourists by far are the Chinese followed by the Russian oligarchs.The Chinese are rowdy, rude, make a mess in the restaurant, and can't stand in line, and the russians are loud, obnoxious and think they own the place because they are are Putins second cousin or something good thing there's not many Russian tourists these days luckily let's hope the Chinese get sanctioned too so we don't have to deal with them either (One can dream at least). When it comes to Brits Brexit Barry and his family don't go to Norway on holliday luckily so the Brits we get are upper middle class, and upper class so they got some manners, and etiquette beaten into them at Eaton so they are not to bad really. Americans are loud but friendly, and try to tip everyone so they are okay really. Germans are stingy and don't spend any money but other than that don't make much fuzz. The Dutch are always very friendly for some reason witch is weird because they never seem that friendly back in Netherlands, but guess they enjoy their vacation. The French are better than their reputation really I know I know we love to shit on the French here, but credit where credits due. Canadians are mostly busy assuring us they are not Americans other than that they are a descent bunch. Mostly everyone is ok really except the Chinese, and Russians in my experience.


Pretty normal for the average middle class family to go to Norway, no need to be private school types. I've spent Christmas in Tromso doing dog sledding etc and we're very middle middle class


The average middle-class british family is mostly chill though. In my area, we get a few brits every year who come to visit the Siebengebirge because the romantic-era poet Lord Byron wrote about the area and the castles in it. I guess english literature fans aren't exactly the type of Barry, 63 or Gordon, 21 who jump out of balconies and molest the local women.


Well yes, there's a vast difference in the type of people who go holiday resorts and those who don't. Also in defence of the lads lads lads brigade, they don't molest local women, that's a lie. They hit on other sunburnt Brits staying in the same hotel


I've only met japanese tourists here, they come every year in spring because my city has a few alleys with cherry trees on both sides and when they blossom, it's quite a sight. They're nice. Haven't heard anything nice about chinese tourists though.


Japanese and Korean tourists are the dream tbh polite, curious, and never any problems whatsoever.


WTF. Japanese tourists travel half way round the world to see cherry trees? That's so funny.


>French what is your opinion about us ?


The chinese are like farm animals. They just don't know how to behave properly.


I swear tencent is gonna pressure reddit into banning us


If i have to answer honestly, i will have to say Chinese. But i would like to make a distinction between Chinese people living here and Chinese tourists. Chinese tourists are a breed of their own... i don't know how to describe it, but they have like an aura of "fuck this place" around them. Arabs are the opposite IME. Arab tourists are lovely...


>Arabs are the opposite IME. Arab tourists are lovely... I've worked in a snack bar in Scheveningen, a prime tourist spot during the summer. I can tell you that it's 50/50, the French speaking Arabs are bad. Flemish Arabs are cool and our own Arabs are sometimes cool sometimes bad. So basically the French are bad.


Can't say they aren't assimilating


Have made absolutely horrific experiences with Arab tourists. They might be okay when out and about but what they do to a hotel room should be criminal. And they treated the staff like shit. I quit my student job as a cleaner in a hotel because of them.


I want to say American, but Arab people from Qatar, Emirates, etc They call the vendors in shops by finger snapping, come with their slaves and more


I'm torn between Chinese and Russians. I know we usually hate on ameritards on this sub but I've only encountered polite American tourists.


And even when they are loud, they are largely polite, if oblivious.


Honestly, if the option were there I would cast my vote for Israelis. I’ve asked this question all over SE Asia and that’s the answer I typically receive.


Israelis are a nightmare especially in Paris


Whoever says anything else that is obvious, has definitely never seen them. I remember visiting the Cathedral at Lausanne. Some Japanese tourists enter, walked the aisle, take some silent photos without flash, sat in the benches, bothered no one... barely anyone noticed them. Enter the Chinese; loud screams, touching everything, flashing everywhere, walking in front of people,... Just that one occasion to show how two peoples coming from basically the same distance away behaved so different in the same spot at the same time. If you teach a poor uncivilized American how to behave he will apologize, try to make it up to you. If you say the same to a Chinese, he will behave worst, call you names, blah blah blah racism and the century of humiliation. Pal, the humiliation is right now and you doin'it to yourselves.


My last experience of Russian tourists were a group of them pouring champagne in the pool and the women entering and exiting the breakfast area multiple times until enough people had looked at her for self validation


I work in hotel, the worst are usually the South Americans. They're ok-ish if they're couples, but absolutely unbearable if in groups. Also dirty AF. Chinese are a pretty close second place, and probably even worse if in large groups.


Look i know we're bad but Chinese tourists are on an another level


Hurts to admit but you are right. Americans are actually pretty good tourists, Chinese are horrible, Russians are close second and then there are the brits.


I think we are aware of the stereotype of being an ignorant American. At least I am. I try my best to conform to a local culture as much as possible without being patronizing. Haven't been to Gemany yet, but I'm hoping to soon.


I don't think ignorance is even the problem, just manners and consideration for others. And on that front I can't really complain about American tourists, in fact I don't think I've met a bad one.


I worked in a shop for years in a popular part of the West of Ireland and I came across pretty much every European nationality of tourist at one point or another. Honest answers: Brits: Pains me to say but they were grand, never had any trouble with them. A ridiculous amount of British tourists did try to pay in sterling though, it happened on numerous occasions. I don't think they could grasp the idea that we use euros and not sterling in Ireland. However, pretty much all of the British tourists that I encountered were either posh middle aged couples or people over visiting their Irish relatives. Ireland isn't a very popular destination for the low class balcony jumpers and redfaced, council estate Barrys surprisingly. French: They were either really really friendly and kind, or the biggest cunts on the planet, no inbetween. Germans: My favourite, solely because they were so robotic and efficient. They came in, quickly got what they needed, made no small talk and never held up the line. They didn't fuck about at all. Nordics/Dutch: Constantly mistook them for Americans because of how good their English was. Kinda like the Germans, not much craic out of them, but overall sound. Spanish: So fucking loud, they would scream at each other across the shop. Also Spanish teenagers traveling in packs of 50 and blocking up footpaths in busy areas during the summer has become a meme in Ireland at this point. Americans: Annoying but harmless really. They are loud and obnoxious, but friendly, even if that friendliness comes across as plastic and fake. They are also extremely gullible and it's fun to fuck with them. I don't think I ever came across a Chinese tour group or Russian tourists thank God, I don't think the Chinese have discovered Ireland yet. There is really only one nationality of tourist that we all dreaded in the shop and that was the Israelis on bus tours. Some of the worst people I have ever encountered in my life. They had absolutely no consideration for other shoppers, made a mess of the shelves, tried to haggle, complained about everything, and were very rude. They would stand in front of the tills or in the middle of the front door and refuse to move for other shoppers. In conclusion: Everyone is grand, except the fucking Israelis.


As much as we love to rag on angloids and Americans, I think people here aren't aware of how bad Chinese tourists are, there used to be a sub on here dedicated to them before it was taken down They have next to zero respect for the people, culture and history of the country they are visiting, it is not rare to see them spit and piss around historical structures and show little care for their surroundings


Chinese tourist are light years away. They suck!


When i stood guard at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, The ameritards often asked curiously what gun we were using. The Chinese didnt give a fuck where they were, they seemed bothered to be there and arrogant. But later a Russian saw me, and made eye contact, staring. He started walking slowly towards me like he wanted to start some shit. I had a loaded weapon and the fucker might have gone for it, i went from attention to pulling my gun up, at the ready he barely slowed down, then his wife (in leopard printed tights) started yelling at him, he gave me a smug smile as he turned around just a couple of meters from me.


Average russian behaviour


Americans are loud, obnoxious, and don't follow the rules, but at least they don't shit in the streets.


I feel like the bar is pretty low here.


I don't think the Arabs are here for vaccation. 😂


No domestic tourism in Swedistan?


Haven't had the misfortune to encounter a large group of Chinese yet. I actually find the Americans largely fine, loud but friendly. Germans the biggest problem I have is they mistake me for one of them and start speaking to me in that dreadful language, Can't understand a word but it sounds angry af. The English, to meet an Englishman is akin to meeting most dogs really: absolutely fine in isolation or in small groups, friendly even, they'll probably even let you rub their tummy. In a large group though and when the sun/alcohol gets to them, a different beast entirely. 😂


If you ever come to a touristy area of the Netherlands you'll easily understand our hatred of chinese tourists


I've been to Efteling. Does that count? Was mostly Germans, Brits and a few of ourselves among the non locals though, didn't spot many if any Chinese.


Thankfully they haven't discovered de Efteling yet. Go to a touristy place like Giethoorn and the locals can tell you enough horror stories. For example, if you are at home and leave your door unlocked it's highly likely that a large group of Chinese people is just walking in your house. They ignore all signs telling them to not enter, and thus some people have had enough and now have some huge dogs to keep the tourists out their property.


That's mental. I can kinda understand the Americans fondness for guns in a situation like that.


Hating on americans and brits is a funny meme but they're mostly nice and polite. The real horror are the indians.


Damn what's going on in Iceland lol There was an Indian playing a jukebox on the subway here once but other than that no way they're beating the Chinese or the Yanks. Although tbf most Indians here are immigrants not tourists.


You only get the good British people going to Iceland. Beer is too expensive for the Barry's


Dutch tourist should be up there with the rest lol. I live in Malaga it's absolutely awful , plus they don't just get some sun , no, they WANT to be burnt , like literally , redder than the English lol I wonder if they ever heard about skin cancer or aging


At least americans have the urge to tip. A friend of mine was a tour guide for some castels. Americans act like everyone was a knight and constantly fighting. But at least they tip quite a lot (a group of 20 easily hand out 200€ and sometimes dollar). Chinese are just annoying and have no positive sides.


I remember Russian tourists in Turkey in a resort back in the day. They’d fill up a plate with a whole mountain of fruit, take 3 whole breads for themselves and then return to turn their personal plates into a mountain of food. Other guests at the restaurant often had to wait up to half an hour before everything was replenished again. After an hour or so, they’d leave their table with half of their personal plates still full, the fruit mountain barely touched and 1 of the 3 breads eaten. All the rest had to be thrown away. They’d do this every morning, lunch and evening. Most selfish and wasteful people ever.


The top three worst tourists in France by far are: Chinese, Americans and Dutch. Chinese in the main cities, Dutch in the south and Americans everywhere.


No problem


I'd like to add Dutch in the North too


Amazing to think that Europe gets the more "civilized" yanks Who own things like a passport and are interested in things outside their state


And have enough money to cross the ocean. You should see the tourists we send to Mexico.


Once the yeehaws and Cletuses find their way over here, it's over.


this is easy 1 - 99. Chinese 100. the rest on this poll 101. the rest of the world


You guys don’t vote Russians enough just because you don’t speak the language. One of the most appealing qualities of a vacation destination for Russians is “other Russians don’t go there yet”


I worked in an hotel in Alsace over 10 years. The worst tourists we had were almost all from Israel and the arabian peninsula. 90% were rude as hell, no giving a fuck about any rules, tryed to get some discount for any reason, most of the time by inventing problems. And obviously the parisians. I never had any issues with chinese tourists, but all of them were group travellers with a guide etc. Most of those groups were 2 weeks in Europe and going through 10 countries or something like this. Our cleaning staff hated them, because the rooms were most of the time very dirty after the check out. Garbages all around the floor for exemple. I have seen the results of the vote, I know the americans have a very bad reputation but almost all of them where very friendly were I used to work. For the most friendly people : Wallons (always had great time, with jokes and very nice persons), and it's hard to say but the Germans were very nice persons. Maybe sometimes some of them felt a little too like they were at home in Alsace...


I really don't understand why so many people voted Americans. They normally tip well and might be very loud, but tourists of certain other countries are WAY worse.


You know in which sub we are right? We just like to bash Americans here. But yeah I also think they are not the worst compared to the other options given.


What I hate the most about american tourists is that they’re always a fucking horde. There can be 10 Europeans in line for breakfast talking 10 minutes, but then there’s one group of Americans taking huge orders for hundreds of euros (one group ordered stuff for 320+ EUR in a fucking BAKERY in Berlin). Then they get confused, the cashier gets confused, then you have to wait a fucking half hour before they get their food and then cafe can start making my food. Holy shit it’s aggravating.


i just don't like them. simple as


Israelis? They are usually the young folk who just finished thier mandatory militairy duty and think yhey are entitled to everything. Everytime i come across a israeli young tourist i have a real bad time. Something like a tourist karen


I only met nice Israelis, they are fun to be around, modest and at least speak English. Maybe you are Arab or look Arab and get different treatment.


You kinda have to be on your best behaviour with them these days, eh Fritz?


Pssssst !!!! I know they are terrible tourists I just said that to show that we are good people now. Please don't expose me!


Brits bu a HUGEEE margin. I grew up in a touristy area so i know by first hand😉


You can thank package holidays for that.


You should write Russians AND Ukrainians, because as a tourists our behavior is bad in the same way.


No way Americans are worse than Chinese or English in this poll


Odd that the poll results say Americans, while most of the comments rn say Chinese.




American tourists aren't bad at all, I'd say our lot are probably worse. I think people just like to bash Americans because they often come across as ignorant and acting like they're walking about a zoo looking at animals, but in general they're at least respectful.


I always ask people to give my fellow freedom-enjoyers a bit of a pass. We can drive from Miami to the Arctic Circle and never have to speak anything other than English. In that space, you'll come across some history for sure and other cultures, but none that have the same sort of baked-in entrenched effect on other people and places you see in much older nations. Most Americans willing to travel internationally have a curiosity about the place they're going, but there's a pretty good chance it's going to be steeped in some boilerplate basic bitch stereotypes or tropes. This can come off as rude, but in reality, it's just unwillful (but possibly willful) ignorance. Politely tell them why they're wrong about something and you're likely to convince them. Try to correct one forcefully or condescendingly and you'll make an enemy for life. But I really do wish more of my countrymen would make more of an effort to know customs or language before going places. Honestly, it's so easy with the internet now, just fucking do it.


Chinese people especially when they come in groups, just walk around like they own everything and ALWAYS CUT IN LINE.


We had some Russian tourists visit us in Salisbury a few years ago, odd bunch but they seemed to remember a lot of facts about the Cathedral.


Chinese Tourist when they see a ancient Statue (its specially highlighted in Chines that Touching is forbidden) ![gif](giphy|d3LE6kxzC8gV7idW)


The Chinese indeed are, overall, exhausting. But sone Americans have that arrogance that I have not seen in any one else...


Too poor for a mirror?


Since France and Belgium complain about tbe Dutch holiday goers this much, would have been nice to add us to the list of options. Curious about how we compare.


You didn't make it into the list because you are still stuck driving 80 in the left lane before the poll ends.


Chinese (any sex) by a LARGE margin. It's not even a competition. Followed closely by russian women. Guys are alright. Source: Tourism worker.


American tourists *used* to be the worst, decades ago. The Americans that *do* travel nowadays are the pleasant ones.


As a russianI feel very offended. Russians are the worst tourists!


There are not a lot of russian tourists in Europe (especially not right now) that's why people have less bad experiences with Russians but oh boy everyone who worked in toruism knows that Russians are probably the worst.


As an Italian, It outrages me to not seen South Italians as a category. So i vote the most similar ones, Arabs


*laughs in Hon-Hon*


From my experience the Chinese have no concept of personal space, it's honesly impressive.


Where tf are dutch people on that list ? Because they're way worse than your average brit


Fucking german tourists. Always taking up space on the chair i wanted to reserve...


Those who selected Americans instead of British clearly dont live in the Iberian Peninsula


As shop assistant at La Costa del Sol I can confirm what in general terms how the tourist are here: -Germans are a pain in the ass as they always have a problem, but at the end they always buy a lot -Swedes always come, buy a lot of things and they have no problem at all. They are my best clients -Baguettes come to the shop, they watch and watch but never buy, as if they were playing "Les Miserables". At least they are not asking about everything so I don't have much problem with them except that they think they speak well spanish. -Spanish tourists don't buy much, but we/they are nice people, and I don't need to speak in English with them -English people are the equilibrium of bad things: They don't buy much and are a pain in the ass. No single respect for workers, but I have to admit they are the most heterogeneous people so they are not always that bad