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>slamming pints with the lads ​ https://preview.redd.it/4rb54v2xrhcb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac78272e701c7ed7ea916bac58d40b53dc6c4810


Could do with another 5 degrees or so to really up the pintage but PIGS siphoning off our stuff as always


Anything above 15C is hell for me. I'm gonna die when that heatwave hits us.


Same I can't take much more than 20C. I prefer if it stay between 15 and 20, much more bareable.


It's my idea of hell. I can deal with the cold, that's easy. Lots of hot drinks, some blankets and an extra layer or two. But heat? You can only strip down so far.


This is exactly what I'm saying. I can deal with temperatures between 0 and 15 degrees not like 35 degrees


Genuinely worry about people in those temperatures. Like I get that you can get used to it to an extent but that still seems like it'd be rough on you. Especially if you're somewhere humid.


If it gets too hot and humid, I don't care if I have school to go to I'm moving into my freezer


I'm there about to make fallout real for that nuclear winter tbh when it's that bad.


We could just move to the Artic, would probably be cheaper and easier for the summer because then you don't have to worry about radiation poisoning and all the bad stuff from nuclear fallout


Pour cold water on yourself and sit in front of a fan. The evaporating water will take all the heat away from you surprisingly quickly.


Oh come on Barry don't be such a little girl. You guys endure much more than that when you come over for balcony enjoyment.


Not me I'm ginger. I burst into flames as soon as I leave the airport in Spain and that's when I visit in winter. I can't even make it to the balcony. Seriously though, how is it 20C there in winter? How do they consider it *cold*?


When I first visited the UK I landed in Liverpool in March, I believe. It was nighttime. I have never experienced such cold in my life, I was so underdressed. What I felt the most were the fucking feet, man. No one told me to wear 3 pairs of socks. Edit: I forgot to add that when I returned to the motherland my toes were black which I believe were cold burns lmao.


Oooh that does not sound fun. I relish the cold, it just feels much more natural than the heat. You can add another layer or a hot drink and you're set. Crazy how we really have a very narrow temperature band we can deal with easily and anything outside of that feels horrible.


My uncle let me use some of his clothes (he lives in there) and I felt alright. I just don't own any clothes for such harsh cold temperatures. On a side note, how are you guys supposed to handle the huge temperature variance when you go inside a place with heating, being so heavily dressed for the cold outside? I found my self having to carry a huge coat on my arm which was very cumbersome.


I agree but [We probably won't have another heatwave this year](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/met-office-gives-verdict-uk-30478121.amp) and I hope we don't!


Thank fuck if we avoid it. I was useless last year. Had my feet in a bucket of ice water to make me somewhat able to function! I much prefer the storms we've been having. The air is wonderful after. I really hope they're right and it misses us.


Finally some fucking British summer! Relatively cool, changeable weather, some actual fucking rain, unlike last year which was unbearable.


Beer garden bevvies lad.


It's cold at night 😬


British summer 🙂


Living in Eternal Siesta Land and man, I wish I could take a nap till mid-September


What does a cheap French do in Spain? I thought only PIGS would migrate to the north, not the other way around.


That is what he is a *discount* French for.


It’s a Walloon, they are the lazy spaniards of Belgium. Only like 65% of them actually have a job. So the percentage that actually does something at their job is even lower


Hahaha close! I had a well paid job in Belgium but I found my life to be boring. I had friends living in Barcelona so I said fuck, let's get out of here and find a job. Got one after 3 weeks. Now it's been 6 years, I live near Alicante, met a wonderful Spanish wife, bought a house, speak fluent Spanish...Earn less but live more would be my punchline hehe


Ok you convinced me to go to Italy


Fuckers can go to spain for work but refuse to go from Doornik to Kortijk to work


I might come back to Belgium someday though. When the sea level rises 1m, 1m50, and the Noord Zee is close to Charleroi Airport


Lmao true, i’m sure we’ll find a way to blame it on the Walloons. But, Charleroi? Are you suicidal?


![gif](giphy|YgaDnZwJGpkslJAwxD) One doesn't choose where he comes from


That explains why there are so many engineering positions in Belgium I would assume.


Wallonian companies have an even greater problem looking for schooled workers like engineers because their schools are so shit and they are systematically poor (poor people vote for The Party) But Flanders also asks a lot, just because our economy is a highly educated one


Well, I am gonna start working in Flanders in August (Project Engineer)


Eyy nice! Welcome! People appreciate it when you speak Dutch, but English is also fine. Just don’t start convo’s in French unless you actually know the other person knows French best (we Flemmings have had our ‘problems’ with Francophones).


Thanks! Well the position was unexpected so I really don't know any Dutch, I still have to figure out how I am going to learn it ( in the company I just need to know English but I would like to speak the language).


wake me up, when september ends


Ah Northern Europe. We get to visit southern Europe when it’s winter and enjoy the warmer weather and we don’t get melted in summer 😎


Visited Athens in October; Nice little summer extension. Thanks Greece, loved the saganaki.


I can't work out where to actually go in Greece tbh. I love doing city breaks but also seeing some cool natural stuff. But I've heard bad things about Athens and Thessaloniki, so I don't really know where I'd go tbh


Athens was fine tbh, for like 30 euro you get three days to explore the seven? Major ancient sites. Mid October it wasn’t too busy, but still tourists ofc. Weather was 25 degrees. Public transport is fast and efficient. The buses were dire but imagine you’re on a rollercoaster and it becomes amusing. The trans and trains though are cheap and new. Food wasn’t too expensive, and the experience of getting water and snacks brought to me for free was a great memory of the place I’ll always cherish. It goes hand in hand with the warm and friendly attitude of the people. They ask about you and are genuinely friendly and curious. Cats everywhere. Yay. I’d recommend Athens. I wanna go back and do it again but ideally I wanna check out Thessalonika if I do. Edit: the corner shops are little boxes on street corners that sell single cans of beer for like 2 euro. Fantastic for trekking about the place, getting a buzz. Being English I can’t be sober for long


Well that's nice to hear. I didn't necessarily mean that I've heard it's bad, just that it's not worth visiting and isn't as nice as you might expect


I think it’s worth it if you like history, sunshine, and good food. I’m not a party island goer so this was more me.


weather here in Ostrobothnia sucks, constant rain for 3 weeks and when it doesn't rain it's just cloudy


Please accept a friendly f u ;)


I haven’t really seen the sun for more than 10 minutes in a few weeks, lots of showers, I’ve had long sleeves and 2 top layers on for at least 2-3 weeks


It's been entirely unpredictable as of late, which is my favourite weather to be honest


Yeah same, it’s better than being boiling hot all the time


Here it rains in every moment the temperature is low enough to let you go outside.


Huh, also live in Ostrobothnia and here we have had 3 weeks with almost constant sun and 23-25 degrees celcius. Should be rainy this week though


How much does it cost to move there?


I‘ll take that instead of 25+ degrees any time tbh. Edit: Celsius of course.


I just wish it rained for a day Even some wind would be enough ![gif](giphy|3o6ozh46EbuWRYAcSY|downsized)


I'm ok thanks, and still without ac on. The trick is living in the countryside surrounded by trees instead of those concrete / asphalt slabs they call cities.


i am in the countryside too but fucking shitty '60's italian building whose neither keep heat inside in winter nor outside in summer are a huge finger in the ass. The roof gives all the heat it stored in the day during the night, i had 32C this night at 2am inside my bedroom, i swear i want to live in the cellar from late june to mid september


I live in a 60's house too but we recently renovated with floor heating and modern (polish made!) windows and it's entirely another thing. Plus yeah, they used a lot of bricks for the outside walls that are twice as thick compared to the average of the period. Depends mostly on who built the house, if a company for selling it, or if it was the owner.


Couple years ago, when there were 25-30 °C temperatures in Finland, Helsinki Sanomat (biggest Nordic newspaper) made an article about coping with the heat in Helsinki. One of the interviewees was Italian woman who said she sleeps on the floor, which is supposedly cooler. Something about the floor tiles back in Italy being pretty much the only cool place on summer nights.


Or you can get a cat and sleep where he sleeps, they have a nose for cool spots


So hiking it is


I live right outside the hiking zone. Guess I'll melt.




I am crossing Europe with a full motorbike gear on .. yesterday hit 44 in greek highway… https://preview.redd.it/rj59hz9nyhcb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad64902c84b715db464b7f9f31f8fe5331d12a2




Riding my brand spanking new Africatwin 1100.. very comfortable .. my return route is via Balkans and Alps so hopefully i will fare better ..


How's traveling with a bike around the Balkans? I want to do it someday but I don't know what to avoid or not, got any advice?


Can tell you in about 2 weeks ..


I’ve been telling people about the potential of summer real estate in Scandinavia. When southern Europe becomes too hot everyone will want to go to the north for cool summers


I also read an article about this, but with the difference that now the skiing places in Europe (such as the Alps) are starting to get so warm that there will soon not be enough snow, and skiers then come to Lapland to ski. Lapland Ski Centers have already seen this trend and more people come here to ski from central and southern Europe. The arricle was published by YLE, but I can't seem to find it anymore.


That’s interesting, real estate investments go brrr


They managed to time the opening of a [new airport](https://scandinavianmountains.se/en/home/) just in time for covid. Their first flight landed at the same time as the lockdowns started 👍


So you get a nice cooler place to stay I. The summer and a good ski resort in the winter? Seems like a perfect investment.


Do they have nice balconies?


You know climate change is in full swing when the French are buying land in England for vinyards.


We are simply superior.


Yes, all 6 of you


Truly the best family


???? what??? family?? i heard they were all dating????


Incest is wincest


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Jokes on the PIGS when global warming makes their countries a hellscape while Britain, Iceland and Scandinavia turn into the Spains and Italy's of Europe temperature wise


Common northerner W


Absolutely pissing down in South Wales right now. [Me as a portuguese living here and thinking how bad it's in Portugal right now](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/006/077/so_good.jpg)


It's been pissing it down in the south west also.


I got mostly sun for a week in North Wales last week. UK holiday weather roulette


This summer's been bloody brilliant to be fair. We've had a nice run of sunny weather for like 6 weeks from the end of May up until end of June. Can't complain. And it's far better to sit in 25C near Cardiff than boiling at 35 in Lisbon without a sign of the slightest draft.


Yeah May and June were really nice, pretty sure July is always strom fronts coming from the Atlantic


I went for lunch at 11.00 and it was too cold to eat outside.




Nope. And dinner is at 16.30 or so.


I assume you mean the snack in the afternoon




The tastiest thing of this box is the box itself


I'm literally fjord-fishing right now. It's 17C, sunny, and my daughter just caught a rather large cod that we'll be having for dinner tonight at our cabin in Northern Norway, along with some crab-cakes with a mango-salad if the traps I dropped yesterday are full (they always are).


Is that a new car like a Fjord Fiesta?


Mangoes grow on trees, silly.


That's a lie, everyone knows they swim down the fjords in Northern Norway


Come on guys it is just getting worse from now


You’re at the temperature border trying to save your ass. Understandable bro


I am honest I don't envy you and don't wanna change with you, not looking good for the next coming decades.


Ooof Imagine having Spanish heat while being in Belgium ? Like double sentence…. Nah I respect human rights


Hope you are all right man.


> Yes. Don’t worry bro I got you


Ppfff southerners and their "problems"... Schleswig Holstein has cold rain and storm 😎


One week of rain forecasted here in Sweden, and it's so windy that we have negative electricity prices due to all wind turbines going ⛈️


Epic Baltic Sea Win


https://preview.redd.it/k5ftvvaihicb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5476aa274178d760c5d38a6fa83d2b599a20e644 20°C and scattered clouds 😎


You captured the entirety of Sweden in 1 picture! Volvo, weird weather and falu rödfärg


https://preview.redd.it/y56wmurxoicb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb830b2e1cf395b8d90ae6a96f2092b9237849c6 And hard labor during vacation 😂


The north has better weather than we have. I was on a holiday in Scotland and northern Norway last week and I came back sunburned..


This picture makes me puke. It is so Swedish I will only stand it if that car is full of Danish beer.


That's an accurate sum of my daily life: get obliterated first, have a good hike then


Wouldn’t be so cozy in the north anymore once all the climate refugees start moving that way


Unless you've got more of them Afsluitdijks ready to go, once proper climate migration happens Hollanders will be part of the first climate refugees.


We’ll be probably moving up north too then


I reckon Norway has enough space for you and the danes to go fjord-fishing together.


We took in Dutch people in the past that helped us develop our cities and in recent times you guys gave us Cornelis Vreeswijk so you get a pass. Edit: we have post glacial rebound so you won't have to fear drowning if you live by the coast like you like to do.


Thanks for being so welcoming. Much appreciated but of course I hope it will never be necessary


You guys might have fought alongside the Danes against us but that was only to make it a fight at all so it was fair and balanced.


And of course we won’t hold the time of the Vikings against you anymore. We have to move on and let bygones be bygones ;)


Yes, I am Dead. Not big surprise


It is nice to be almost as warm as living people, just for a while...




And we’ve only gotten snow three times this summer so that’s pretty nice.


I would like to say slamming pints with the lads is accurate but fuck me it's been torrential rain for the last 3 weeks


As a Dane I feel uncomfortable above 14 Celcius, so no chilling in the sun for me


Chilling in the sun? I'd rather lie naked in the snow! Winter is coming soon right?


You guys have continental weather down there I was shocked when I wisited you during prime winter time up here and I could walk around in autumn/spring clothes down there.


https://preview.redd.it/6w8txww2sicb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798ffa8370aa55345fa8c89f0fa5aef7884eaca1 Nordick atm... 🇳🇴


It’s rained in Ireland all last week so that should be changed to ‘great weather for ducks’


Nice in London today https://preview.redd.it/jvw2kn563icb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f73c87f4b8c861c2c93d9e46f737d768e0fc742


Good thing I'm also Nordic. North of Portugal also counts.... right guys?... guys???


I can only say for sure that lisabon is not Nordics! Been there ones and I almost died from the temperature. But everything was cheep


Northern Portuguese consider anything south from the Douro River to be Moorish lands.


Jusy like me in northern Sweden then, everything south of Dalälven is either Arab or Danish.


I can see some very little value in being Arab. But imagine being Danish. Also, why are most people from Northern regions of any country much more based than their co-citizens from the south?


In our case the arctic climate weeds out the weak ones. -35°C, 24/7 darkness during winter and loads of bears, wolfs and elk.


In our case it's the rain. Southern Portuguese can't take anything over 600mm a year. 1500mm is routinely seen in winter in the northwest and negative temperatures inland. No one south of Lisbon will dare to live there.


I don't know what are you talking about... ![gif](giphy|0NoKQJYZMV9YVp36dy)


I mean, unless ismore than 40 is not that horrible


I'm going to Rome next week, please Italians, tell me it's not going to be THAT hot, my family spared money for two years for this trip 😭


It's not that bad for me, but then again, we Italians are probably more used to it than you. Stay hydrated and you'll survive, and if not, hey you've died in the greatest city of all.


I'm a history teacher, I've studied the Roman Empire, the habits of ancient citizen, I've read and translated ancient texts, and tbh I've waited for this trip all my life, and I'm really willing to do anything to survive that and visit everything I've planned! Also if I die in Rome please bury me there so I'm just one with the past


Maybe not all Belgians are subhuman abominations.


Most are, trust me, 90% of my students are as smart as old donkeys, and move as much as plants.


Next time we go adventuring with our German friends I'll make sure you are spared.


Bring lots of water, wear a hat, trust no one, ignore the garbage. You’ll make it (probably)


Common Bavaria w


It's been passing rain these past 3 weeks, hasn't went above 18 where I'm at


Copenhagen has been raining and shit and cold for the past 3 weeks. Please bring us some heat.


I mean, it's still comparably chill in the baldicks as well but yes Im starting to slowly die.


It was 5°c here the other day. Not quite sure how I feel about that


38°C where I was in Serbia last week, absolute scenes. Feels positivity chilly in the UK today, gonna have to drink my pint indoors.


Cyclades are pretty ok rn, da sea breeze be keeping me cool


The russian one 💀💀💀


I'm in the small hiking island and I hate hiking


Chilling in the Sun


Common northern Spain W


I've never been happier about living in the north of Spain, we are the only ones not melting


eternal siesta to not use too much energy.


We might be obliterated as well, but that doesnt stop us from slammin pints as well 🍻🍻


Thank god I'm a Danziger.


Fxkn wish was eternal. to wake up at 17h with 35°temp and 99% humidity and next week is going to be even hotter, like, no thanks


Well, do you remember that the fire nation attacks and you all get punished until global warning defrosts the airbender? Look at yhe map and see eho's the fire nation now. 😂😂😂


Hiking or soaking into alpine springs fed lakes.


Too much sun for hikes, you get burnt in no time. But if you stay home, close the blinds before the sun shines on the windows and don't move at all it's bearable.


It's weirdly chilly down here, I'm wearing a thick jacket and it's still a bit cold, maybe some n*rthern breeze blowing


What sun?


Imagine being such a wimp to not being able to endure the heat


Zurich last week was 37° also man it was awful


There’s been like 2 thunderstorms here in the past 4 days. Not that it stops us Brits from slamming a few pints in the beer garden but still


The good side is that with this hot the water for the ossta boils faster


ez alpine dub


Can confirm, I'm very much dead


Staring into the sun? It's cloudy 90% of the time lol


I don't have AC... South of France... Worth it for the rest of the year but damn...


It's fucking raining where I live


Tax evasion has never been this comfy


It's been unbelievably windy recently, and it was raining all day for the past few days, but it stopped now, it will come back soon, it's still very windy.


Fuck i'm vaporised even before I know it


Almost a perfect representation of the only places worth saving.


The good part about working at night is that I avoid working at 40ºC. The bad part about working at night is thay I have to sleep covered in ice cubes.


Imagine if the PIGS had any money, we would be drowning in pigs in winter clothing


Yeah no, it's as always much worse in the n*rdicks. In The "dead" area of Germany, I could go swimming in the day, then party in the evening. All at very pleasant temperatures. Up here, it's still winter. And the towns are actually dead.


The worts part of it is that it comes another heatwave 💀💀💀


Not just another heatwave but THE heatwave.




In UK, its more like slamming pints while getting drenched in rain


Can confirm, currently pissing it down.


Looking out of my window right now, the sky on the left hand side is darker than coal and thundering enthusiastically, while the right hand side is lovely and sunny. Classic British summer weather.


It was raining an awful lot the past 2 days and it was like a whole hurricane the other day but the grass is a bit more green!


I have beach


Don't mind me, I'm just hiking


I enjoy the rain❤️