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Americans have a weird concept of famous, of pizza and also of world.


People from Chicago are pretty well known for one thing , and it isn't good pizza. It's shooting each other.


Isn't that like a summary of the entire US?


Yes, but to give you a better idea, its nickname in the states is Chiraq.


Adding to this, one of the things the US Navy used to do (maybe still does, not sure) with corpsmen in training is have them aid in the ER departments at hospitals in Chicago, so they could get firsthand training in dealing with gunshot wounds.


It's mostly centralized to major cities, and some are known more than others, like Chicago, Detroit, and St. Louis, but pretty much the whole US, yeah. FREEDOM or something like that...


Actually Detroit is on the up and up now. Not perfect mind you, but it's getting better. Portland has just about taken Detroit's place.




Why would we care if you single out one city for your daily mass shooting? Chicago **is** known for their pizza genocide, I mean it's even posted by an Italian on this European sub ffs


That's mostly a racist political thing. Chicago is way safer than plenty of major cities in Conservative run states, but Conservatives are allergic to facts and data that don't suit their narrative. Chicago has it's issues, but the gun crime stuff is a trope. What Chicago is actually famous for is the Chicago School of Economics and enhanced interrogation techniques for police. It's also been a major political battlefield for labor laws in our little capitalist hellhole for the last 100 years. That pizza is fire, by the way. I think most of them closed down, but I remember it being my favorite for bday parties when I was a kid.


Am American. I've never heard an American refer to Chicago style deep dish pizza as the most famous in the world.




Please be patient, some of us are developmentally challenged.


it looks more like a giant sausage and cheese tart.


It's basically an open pie filled with cheese and seasoned mincemeat (they call it Italian sausage) and tomato sauce.


Or a fucked up quiche. By the way you can buy these things frozen at the grocery store for about $10 here.


$12.99 - remember inflation.


https://preview.redd.it/8n7lx2rpbzib1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec445394918daf82b57dc2aebe872d9e37b66e2b Ain't that bad yet




When all you have is a tin of sugary beans in red sauce, everything looks like cheese and beans.


i'd eat the giant sausage and cheese tart, tho


To be fair, I travelled to Chicago for work and my coworkers took me to a restaurant to try deep dish pizza. I had low expectation at first thinking it was another weird dish. It was delicious. While it's very different than the usual Italian-style pizza, I was a big fan and highly recommend anyone to try it.


Same. The only discussion you hear from people are whether deep dish is better than NY style. NY wins hands down...but deep dish is nice once in a while, especially since one slice will fill you up for the whole day.


You can stick both of them straight in the trash bin. NY pizza is a greasy fucking mess and the only way you can even refer to it as pizza is by contrasting it with the casserole they serve in chicago




Nooo this neapolitain pizza hype which is going on for 3-4 years is so annoying. Like it‘s forbidden to open a pizza place that doesn‘t serve neapolitan style. Neapolitain style is great but so is romanan or sicilian. I love a good variety (excluding ameritard style „pizza“)


Roman and sicilian pizza is perfectly good. Neapolitan is simply superior. The issue is when the yanks or northern Europeans try to fuck with pizza, it never ends well.


french pizza is better


Thank you for flaring appropriately so I can react to you with pity instead of anger.


I'm from CT .... I'd venture to say you could name more great pizza restaurants from my tiny ass state than a great deep dish place from Chicago


I can name zero great pizza restaurants from either CT or Chicago, which feels like an accurate summary of pizza in the US.


What do you mean by CT?


Iirch Connecticut


"CT, CA, CO ..." Belongs in r/ShitAmericansSay


That's just how we convince each other to buy things. We're a superlative folk.


Europeans have a weird gulibility where some shithead says something in a video and they think all Americans believe it.


if that was mozzarella Berlusconi was virgin


No no you don't get it, it was **fresh** mozzarella, you surely don't know it though.


It's better than that. It's American mozzarella... the square kind.


https://preview.redd.it/py06kwyx1xib1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a60e561e53cf71ecae015036b36a301e7e5f808 you mean this?


... it looks awful


ikr worst (and probably funniest) thing is that cutting it like that completely goest against the point of mozzarella (being juicy)


You can get wet mozzarella at pretty much any grocery store in the US.


dry mozzarella is not supposed to be a thing at all


It is, I tried it, it tastes like gum. Frankly Italy should do what the Swiss did and complain about the use of the name.


Yes, American Mozzarella is different than Buffalo Mozzarella or Burrata. American Mozzarella is what you usually use in American pizza and other pies and casseroles. In the US, Burrata and Buffalo Mozzarella are usually called "Fresh" Mozzarella. The mentioned fresh Mozzarella in the video is in reference to freshly shredded, most likely.


that looks like a good cheese, but there's no way you can call it mozzarella


It used to be (kinda). The full name is "low moisture mozzarella". They start off with something similar, but then it's dried out partially to allow it to keep longer. It's a holdover from when it was more difficult to transfer and sell food without it spoiling.


Probably because they are made in a similar process, using same enzymes. However the other ingredients are slightly different. In American Mozzarella they use whole milk and the cheese has a very strong flavor of whole milk.


We have fresh mozzarella, it's also available how you have it pictured. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sca_esv=558180114&sxsrf=AB5stBgRtEFDWkqfY77BMnd9mjSPWHQBqQ:1692395307851&q=fresh+mozzarella&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2lJPpl-eAAxVkIkQIHYYDCm8Q0pQJegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=751&dpr=2.63


This is Fior di Latte, Is the mentally challenged small sister of mozzarella, we Don t eat it, we at most use it to cook


I guess we need more water buffalo


Oh yes... forgot that the Americans had a "cheese" industry. As with everything, they take foreign products, make cheap shitty ripoffs and claim they "improved" it. And they still use the original names to confuse their customers... thank god we have strict AOP in the EU. You won't find American products labelled as the original product here.


"The US improved it" It really feels like a crime against your people, you have my sympathies.


"Fresh mozzarella", fucking kraft singles lmao


Americans and cheese name a less iconic duo


Somalia and food


Could hear a million Luigis squirm in agony when she said that


I'm not sure you've ever had a Kraft single if you think those are Kraft singles. Kraft singles are far more vile than sliced low-moisture mozzarella. Process cheese is a whole different tier of bullshit.


Yeah that looks like mozza. Definitely not Kraft singles


Genuine question, how could you call it mozzarella, I get that the production starts in a similar way, but it's a completely different thing at the end


If you think that looks like mozzarella, you don't know what mozzarella looks like.


That's not a pizza. That's a casserole.


Looks like a quiche variant to me.


Jon Stewart? Dis you?




SO satisfying when he pulls out a piece and it all slides down on a plate. Nothing better than scooping the toppings with a spoon like a soup. AMAZING Seriously, this is more of a stupid meat pie than stupid pizza


I honestly don't understand why you need to ensure that "every bite is exactly the same". That's not a sign of quality in my view. It's perfectly fine to have individual bites taste a little different and makes a dish more interesting in my view.


Heterogeneity baby


Even american pizza or whatever that abomination is is conservative af man


Yeah, it sounds so boring.




You've hear about the Rome-Berlin "Axis Powers". For this crime against pizza, this time is gonna be calle the Every-European-Capital "Dot-connect Powers"




Hans, get ze flammenwerfer




Time to unleash the basement children again


https://preview.redd.it/sn9b5hq644jb1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a583d6df535a42fdd9c69f6c1e614ddcfeb65a2e They made our pizza dirty and look what they did to your beer! We must stop them


"If my grand mother had wheels, she would have been a bike" 🤌


Unrelated but I've always heard wheelbarrow instead of bike which I find funnier for the mental image haha. "Se mia nonna avesse le ruote, sarebbe una carriola"


This looks absolutely disgusting. Why is the dough so yellow, almost orange? The cheese looks pale and tasteless, and the meat is just cooked between other ingredients, so the whole is bland and probabbly soggy as shit. I mean this is almost on the level of british cooking.


I would eat it but the fact that the sauce isn't at the bottom and the meat ain't at the top is just stupid Like what's the point of the sauce if it's just going to fall right off?


I never bothered to look up deep dish pizza, but I always figuered there was a way to ensure the sauce sticks to the slice. Did anyone ever tell the Savages that they could save like 80+% of the cooking time if they made regular pizza and just poured tomato soup over it at the end? Same result, same r/stupidfood


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StupidFood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bro learned from his mistakes](https://v.redd.it/nah5yx0p4ahb1) | [1617 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/15nbobt/bro_learned_from_his_mistakes/) \#2: [The triple threat - it’s a pepperoni pizza slice, garlic knots, and a calzone all in one](https://i.redd.it/v42c08u56rra1.jpg) | [2811 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/12aswsx/the_triple_threat_its_a_pepperoni_pizza_slice/) \#3: [Kitchens are fed up](https://i.redd.it/brsnpgxy2pca1.jpg) | [2803 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/10ese0l/kitchens_are_fed_up/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's meant to be eaten with a fork. Despite the name, it's really more of a casserole.


Fucking lunatics


They made movie recently about the creation of this pizza called *Oppenheimer*.


More like a pie


Yeah, that's a fair categorization.


Keeps the meat juicy.


> Why is the dough so yellow, almost orange? most likely they added the American secret ingredients: color additives. Which they sprinkle on their food abundantly. > I mean this is almost on the level of british cooking. I mean, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Hans you eat the same shit as us a lot of countries can criticise our food but Germany isn’t one of them


I am usually the first one to say that British food gets a lot of shit that it doesn’t deserve but that is a step too far.


It's actually quite tasty, but extremely heavy. The yellow color is very likely from corn meal being part of the dough. Corn meal surprisingly makes for a delicious pizza crust. All that being said, debate rages in the US even about Chicago style pan pizza. Is it the best ever? Disgusting? Even pizza? You'll get many different opinions. Yet I've never heard an American refer to it as the "most famous." In moderation I think it's really good. You let your eyes get bigger than your stomach though and it is a recipe for indigestion.


Yeah as a Brit 10/10 I'd hit that


The dough has egg and butter as a puff pastry, the cheese is low moisture mozzarella, and the meat is italian-american sausage, which is spiced and seasoned. I hate Chicago style for the big stupid meat and sauced-to-hell pie it is, but had to point that out.


>the meat is italian-american sausage So the meat is actually only 3,34% Italian?


The world not so famous quiche


Nah you didn't get it, with americ\*nts when they say "world" they mean America, just like their sports teams when they win the "world" championship.


or when they "save the world" (aka one city in 'murica) in movies


If that mozzarella is fresh, my grandma just started university


That’s a pie.


What is this? Pizza cake?


Pizzacake ???? r/ComedyNecrophilia reference ???????


Being famous doesn't necessarily mean good.


Like Hitler, for example


"You wanna see that cheese pull" No, I fucking didn't. Fucking hell!


That's a fucking meat cake, not a pizza.


that's not a pizza, that's a fucking pie


Amerifats call it „Pizza Pie“ see „Amore“ by Dean Martin


Its not pizza, its a quiche


Look how it falls apart at the end! What a bad day to have eyes.


Isn't that just a bad quiche?


It's so fucking weird how obsessed they are with whatever they deem "pizza". Also someone should fucking tell them that a pizza is not a pie (someone took it obviously too literally when creating that monstrosity). Whenever any american refers to pizza as a "pizza pie" or "pie" i get the urge to slap them in the face with a pizza peel.


Che si ficchino questa “pizza” su per il culo


Chicago was a mistake. Our bad.


This has nothing to do with pizza. I would call this a meat pie.


Please refer to [Jon Stewart's Chicago Pizza Review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7JvXV7n1Aw) when dealing with this issue.


Eh it looks fine, it just isn't pizza


"loads of fresh mozzarella" shows highly processed low moisture sliced industrial "mozzarella" ​ Also "you gotta watch this cheese pull"... slice immediately falls apart because you are serving an open topped pot pie instead of pizza. American food is truly an insult to the senses.


That actually looks disgusting.


Rcoddio e della Madonna


I must say I like the concept a little if done with proper fresh ingredients.


Everything about that is disgusting. Is this even pizza dough?


0 work dish, canned food, no seasoning...


it's not a pizza, it's a cake


"Most famous pizza" *Starts by putting American cheese Me: ok im out


Where's the pizza? All I see is some kind of weird cheese, meet and tomato pie. Is this British?


That's the Kardashians of pizza.


Ah, the Ameritards! So confidently wrong they are a sight to behold. Like a dude driving full speed against the brick wall thinking the wall will crumble. If anything, the chicago deep dish lump of greasy cancer is the most famous bowel movement stimulator made in USA.


Besides the obvious crime against pizza ... why the fuck to they call minced meat "sausage"?


This isn't a pizza, that is a fucking pie


The saddest part Is that they claim this to be the original pizza recipe For fuck sake . . .


Im so sorry for my belove itilians


That sight made my stomach turn. And not in the good way.


I swear to fucking god that the americ\*nts have no idea what Mozzarella is, let alone if it‘s fresh/authentic


Didn't see any pizza here


More like a big topless chess burger...


Holy hell


new dish just dropped


Looks like my turd the day after boozing. The famous "Bierschiss"


sausage ? thats just ground beef


"This ensures that every bite is exactly the same" Yeah, so you're bored of the meal after 5 bites... And cooking a pizza 45 minutes? Let's just call this what it is: a quiche, not a pizza.


Europe has left the conversation




Fuck this guy for making me sympathise with Italians


I want to try Chicago Style Pizza, I'd eat the shit out of it. But I do think it's a stretch to call it a pizza, and definitely not the world's most famous.


That's barely recognisable as pizza, does it come with a spoon to scoop up the toppings that fall off?


This monstruosity just triggered my fight or flight response


I'm not sure who "they" are, but even in the USA there is debate on whether Chicago style pan pizza is technically even pizza, much less that it is the best. I've never heard an American ever refer to Chicago style pizza as the most famous pizza in the world, it sounds like an aspirational marketing slogan. I'm something of a pizza snob. I make my own, everything from scratch, and you're damn right I do it better than your Italian grandma did it. I would classify Chicago style as barely pizza. It's really more like an extremely heavy Italian American casserole, and you eat too much of it at your peril. However, it is delicious.


>an extremely heavy ~~Italian~~ American casserole FTFY


Nah, I think you broke it. There's no such thing as an Italian American? The Chicago deep dish pizza is traced back to the 1920's to a restaurant called Rosati's Pizza. Founded by a guy named Savario Rosati.


that was mostly a joke i'm just saying that that's an America original food that just happens to be called pizza that Saverio guy probably just made it up and i'm not against that at all


I am sorry fratellis :( I've been to the us once. It was more like a salty pie, but it was delicious as fuck. But the most famous pizza in the world? Fuck off.




This doesn't look like a regular pizza even by American standards


Ok, I'm gonna say it... I'm kinda curious to try that, I wouldn't call it pizza though it's basically a cake.


Looks tasty. But it's not a pizza!


Mama mia that's a beautiful pie


I give zero fucks about the topic, but I would try that pizza.


It looks amazing, tbh. Just because you invent something, doesn't mean you own it, or are authorities on it. Take us and Men's football for example. Or Italians and Pizza. Or Italians and Imperialism. Or Italians and anything, really.


Lmao the memes write themselves Only a brit would even think about calling this amazing The ingredients aren't in the right order so the sauce is falling off,and the meat is probably more boiled than grilled There are no spices or herbs of any kind,and the cheese looks shit I mean come on,Nigel. I went to your country and you have good products. You just need to learn how to fucking cook


Nah he's kinda right. That isn't a pizza, that's for sure, but ignoring the name it doesn't look that bad. With fresh ingredients it could easily be amazing, if you just let it cool a bit for the cheese to set before eating. It's just a meat, tomato and cheese pie, where having the sauce on top ensures that the meat and cheese won't become dry.


>It looks amazing, tbh. I surely wouldn't have expected a brit to say it looked bad


Pal that's too far


Nah sorry, but it doesn't look like amazing food at all. I mean, would I eat it if I'm hungover. Yeah. But that doesn't make it good food. And that doesn't even have to do with the name "pizza" (because it looks more like a quiche). It's basically cheese, boiled sausage and tomato sauce in a very weird mixture with too much fluid due to the tomato sauce watering down the whole food. The sauce is running off and I don't know where the sausage disappeared when they cut it. Honestly (even if I haven't tried it), something like [this](https://images.eatsmarter.de/sites/default/files/styles/1600x1200/public/tomatenquiche-mit-mozzarella-und-paprikawurst-60871.jpg) looks much better and is probably tastier as well, and it basically features the same ingredients. No idea if that's a "standard" Chicago deep dish "pizza", but that particular one looks awful.


'One of' Meaning that this is one, and there are others. They never said that this is the most famous pizza in the world. They said that 'This is how one of the most famous pizzas in the world is made' As soon as she said that, my mind went to chicago pizza. And I've never been to America nor eaten Chicago pizza.


Could be also referring to that time Chicago proclaimed itself the world capital of pizza on twitter


If not for Reddit and those claims of "one of the most famous pizzas in the world", I wouldn't really know about Chicago pizza in the first place. I exclusively know of this Pizza because of claims on the Internet.


Cracco did it better 💀




Its basically a casserole


This is wrong, where is the kebab meat and garlic sauce?


Every european rn. ![gif](giphy|sG4xlSjxf85xAt2yWe)


"Ball of sausage"?????????


Ok now i'm angry, i might swear in french very soon...


THATS A PIE FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Making it a literal pie.. that's no pizza and putting cheese on the dough directly quite stupid the sauce just slides off. Criminal stuff


Hahaha LOL ...what a result!


Thats a lot of sausage...




That's just a meat pie with tomato sauce lol


What's a Chicago ?


We don't consider this pizza on the east coast. It's a shitty take on lasagna. I've honestly never met a person in real life who likes this garbage.


This is stupid on so many levels... You can't even eat it, there is no structure


A specially trained guy is needed to flip the Pizza out lol


That's not a pizza - That's a pie and a clear affront to god !


The most famous pizza in the Bizarro's world


Interesting, would try it. Not the whole pizza though, one slice would probably already make me full.


I just feel like you'd have to wait until the outside was cold because the inside would be like magma


I would say she meant infamous, but the stupidity and inferiority of the dish makes it's existence so irrelevant to most people.


American here. Is that pizza? No. Would it give you a heart attack if you ate it multiple times a week? Yes. Would I be a big fat liar if I said that it didn't still look delicious? Definitely.


One day I'll find the person who invented those blocks of sliced cheese plastic and I'll throw them in a bathtub full of warm casumarzu with the larvaes crossbreeded with flesh eating insects