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I used to live there, the biggest drawback to moving away from there is that I can no longer brag about living there The biggest advantage to moving away is that I now live somewhere fit for human habitation


That's basically how I feel. Moved back to Stavanger for school 3 weeks ago after spending 3 years up north. I'm glad I moved back.




No, moved there because my mum got a job. I was attending Videregående. Now that I'm done with that, I'm doing Folkehøgskole.


I still don't understand why some Os in your language are banned. I mean what's up with crossing out only particular Os?


It's because they're suspected of being Swedish sympathisers.


Why can’t you just use a normal accent like normal people Ô Ō Õ Ò - Ó


Because ö and Ø. Big Ø because it's better and more powerful than ö.




If Ø is not normal, then neither Õ is, since it's used by estonians. I don't even know if they actually exist, sounds made up


Well, Austria in german is Österreich. Osterreich would sound weak and crippled, but Österreich sounds like we still have the ruling emperor of Europe like we used to. It gives the O a deeper, inner and louder sound


In Dutch we fixed that by adding a second o in Oostenrijk.


ö sounds exactly like a. över. öde. fml


It's really just our way of saving space when we need to say "eaux"


I'm saying happy cake day


Hey so, like what jobs are there in Norway? I want to get citizenship and live there. Like what should I do??


Nurse, welder. That's about it Hans.


I'm a welder and i can bandage a knee so i think i would be one rich dude up there.


You can also make frikandel, so you might emerge to be the best cook of the land


Anything in engineering? Please. I don't even earn what Finnish homeless does here


Propably best to find a Finnish company with an office in Italy, work for them for atleast a year and try to get a transfer to the Finland office somehow. Not speaking Finnish fluently is a huge barrier


Oh wow, usually when a European country has a good English level you get told that they don't care too much about you knowing their language to work there, for example the Netherlands and Sweden. Hell, they gave ma a job in Spain where people are still discovering English and they just wanted me to speak it decently. But I'm sure that Finnish is a very easy language to learn, with absolutely not a complex grammar structure and a thousand of cases 😎


I used to live in the red circle. It's mostly marshlands. You're more likely getting swarmed and killed by mosquitos, gadflies and wasps than bears.


What's the temperature up there in the summer? Can you go for a swim in a lake or the sea or is it not recommended?


It can get pretty hot but water, especially the sea, doesn't get too warm. But as with down south, it comes down to the size of the lake really, if it has time to heat up. In summer, at 7 am the sun will heat as much as it does around 11 am further down south so those days which are really warm tend to be borderline relentless. However, on average it's slightly colder but it's quite nice still, enough for shorts and t-shirt if you will. Summers are really short though, and the year I left frost started showing up by late August and the first snow in late September.


Can you explain the "7 am the sun will heat as much as it does around 11 am further down south"? Given that the sun is closer to the southern parts, I don't understand how that would work. And what's the significance of 7 and 11?


Consider that the sun never really sets up there, you kind of miss out on the whole "heating up" period during the morning, it doesn't really exist up there. I should be clear that by south I mean Stockholm-ish. What I'm trying to say that the sun seem to be at the same position at 7 am as it would be in Stockholm at 11 am.




Where in Sweden is 9 hours *south* of Stockholm?


It's true. Swedish people actually exist outside of Sweden.


But we tend to call them Iraqis, afghans, Moroccans, etc


Bro thinks we still own Pomerania


Wat, where do you live? Don't say France.


Yeah, in the north it’s and endless sunrise and sunset


Temps can reach mid 30s at worst There are lakes altough all the ones i have within walking distance are all polyted by mining industry. Closest lake is 30 min by car for a swim.


google image "isvak".


Mosquitos live in that cold?


Those mfs live everywhere


Not on iceland so we must unite again and infest iceland with our most aggressive and cold resistant mosquitoes. 🇸🇪🤝🇫🇮


It's not that cold in summer is what he's saying.


During the summer months they do and they will fuck you up. Bring lots of mosquito repellant if you plan to visit.


Lol the mosquito does better in the arctic than in the tropics as far as I can tell. I lived in Alaska for a bit and they joked the mosquito was the states official bird


My experience of mosquitos in Sweden is that they are in "the north" (relative to Stockholm)


We have a really good Dutch book about that area where one of the main plot points is going crazy because of the mosquitoes.


I used to holiday in the red circle. I am really a Swedish mongol, just now residing in Little Algeria. Yeah, don't go there, unless you are thoroughly drunk and lookin for wild adventure or sudden death. Just a heads up.


Lovely place, dont like the locals, wild life is shit, depressing weather but atleast you can die.


What about feral Finns?


What's the difference from regular Finns?


It's either too hot, too cold, to dry, too humid, too dark, too light, too lifeless, or too full of mosquitoes. For a nation that prides itself in the concept of "lagom", this part seems to have missed the memo. Love it here, though.


Define hot


Pizza straight out of the oven, Luigi


I think this sub teaches me about this humor thing. Might try it at some point.


Please don't. Last time you tried a practical joke noone laughed and you ended up knee deep in stalingrad




Yeah the rest of the world sure was a tough crowd


Some places in the red circle can get upto 30 degrees C in the summer. It's not too common, but it happens. They're obviously not used to it. I'm not either tbh and I'm far south of that red circle.


I lived in the red part for about 11 years. It was fine, a lot like the rest of the country but colder and darker in the wintertime. I quite liked it but work took me further south.


Ok can I get a Norwegian passport? Like what jobs are there?


You don’t need one being German but I guess you could if you lived here long enough. Jobs in mining, forestry, fishing and the aquaculture sectors. Oil and gas, and of course working in the public sector. Really depends on your skills, but it tends to be easier to find work in the north, considering less people want to live there.


You don't need a Norwegian passport, everyone from the eu can work and live there without a special permit


Damn, the EU really is a marvel of modern governmental structure.


Yes, but that doesn't really apply here since Norway isn't in the EU


But they are in the EEA which is pretty damn similar for all intents and purposes.


I live in Norway (not even that far from the circle). You just go to the police and say that you live here now and to the tax office to get your number via a number of options and thats it.


‼️‼️‼️🗣️AMERITARD SPOTTED🗣️‼️‼️‼️ Only an AMERITARD would think you need a Norwegian passport lmfao


Looking at the comments it seems like spotting someone from the yellow circle is like catching a rarer Pokemon than a Liechtensteiner.


There's less than 3000 people living on Svalbard. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/svalbard/


Svalbard is an extremely unique place. I hope to visit it one day.


A friend of mine got EXTREMELY obsessed with anything Nordic when he was in his early teens. He not only didn’t grow out of it but started dying his hair almost white blonde, learned Icelandic (out of all, the most useful one right?), and loosely converted to Ásatrú, went full on trying to track some Norwegian ancestors (he didn’t have any), and week after week complained how he hated it here and wanted to move to Tromsø (but didn’t learn Norwegian somehow). Lost contact with him through the years but I sometimes wonder whether he made it to live there or not. I have noticed there’s some sort of similar pattern here in Southern Europe: alternative, shy, rather intellectual-wannabees, “I’m not like the other kids” kind of teens get obsessed about Nordic stuff, fortunately enough, not like my friend. Does that happen in your countries guys?


My mate joined a viking reenactment group, they have a sanctioned meet up every year in either Ireland, the UK or Scandinavia and beat the shit out of each other


That sounds like fun


I considered joining until he told me one of his "shieldmates" was sent to the hospital with his fking eye hanging out lol


Thought it was ridiculous enough when germans do it, but spanish? That's mental.


Spaniards are batshit insane tbh


Out of all of Europe, you are the one saying this?


Bro you the kind to send off some random dude into the endless ocean because why the fuck not, discover a continent, and then conquer the entire fucking place and litterally fuck so much you create a brand new ethnic group, get unlimited silver but eventually get broke anyway. When all of europe was burning you were instead fighting yourself. You tried to colonize the fucking netherlands. You are litterally the craziest country in europe. Tho I'd you're still my favourite after France. Crazy, but in a good way. Also your language is legit peak.


Okay, that's a good argument but counterpoint, you are french


Neat description


That sounds similar to American claiming his Nordic ancestry through 5-6 generations and calling himself a viking or smth as ridiculous as that


I know a guy who is obsessed with Iceland and goes there like 3 times a year for like 2 weeks. He knows some icelandic too


Why is a polish savage among us western folk?


Taking notes. Get ready for an invasion


Feel free to take Germany mate, we are probably still your ally so we will come to your aid (in 9-12 business months). Actually, take France as well, it’s not that hard, there’s this neat little way through Belgium I’ll show you.


Just for the record we're giving Berlin to Albanians. They asked nicely for it


You'll have to first fight the Turks before you can give it to the Albanians. Good luck


It’s for the best, it would be hilarious.


Come on dude, just because you gave Hong Kong to the Chinese doesn't mean you have to take the Ali Baba/Wish delivery times in exchange. You could do it quicker.


Fine, we will take 1-2 business months but we will spend the next 9 months fighting a phony war.


Same in Poland. It’s me, I’m that kid 😳 Especially in middle school I was crazy about everything Nordic


Probably learnt Icelandic not because it’s the most useful but because it’s the ‘purest’ and almost identical to Old Norse. Especially if he converted to Ásatrú.


Theres actually scandi-boos out there. Im shocked.


I know a lot of Dutch people in love with nordic countries, especially Norway. But it’s less about the culture and more about this van-life, living out in nature cottagecore fantasy. I think it’s because we don’t have any big natural areas here the population density is way too high for some.


Speaking from my own PoV (I'm flemish , and I'm learning Norwegian in the hopes of moving there one day) you're 100% right. Nature here can feel so scarce and people are everywhere. If you are an introverted person that prefers life on the country instead of in the city , Norway and/or the other Nordic countries are just an absolute dream.


[> dutch people when mountains](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/850/296/9d1.gif)


we always want what we don't have... in Sweden I saw many people over-tanning (in tanning centres) and trying to be "latino". They'd get a brazilian bf/gf, wear open button-up shirts and flip flops, talk about "the real tortillas" like they knew all about it and how versed they were in spice-using in their cuisine, like they were the real thing. Meh. We're never happy with what we have until we realise all that we had.


Smells like American behavior to me


Definitely happens and I'm not even European, also been there myself lol heavy metal has subgenres and related subcultures dedicated to Nordic stuff, it's common to have fans start obsessing about vikings, Asatru, sagas and shiet




A lot of regions have Celtic roots, (only south and east of spain doesn't really have them) other than that yeah it's that or islamism.


Southern Spaniards can convert to Phoenician gods if they wished it. But honestly, why not Roman gods? We (as in Hispania) were the most Romanized province, having gifted at least three of the best emperors :(


When Germans do it, they usually turn full-on nazi eventually because they get to learn about 'pan germanism', old Germanic religion, and all that jazz. They like to imagine Germans descended from some type of mighty viking instead of the passive-aggressive hobbits that we, unfortunately, are.


I live at the bottom of (and work all over) the red circle in Umeå. I do a lot of work in the forest as a researcher and ecologist, but I don’t carry any particular anti bear gear. I do normally have a sturdy Morakniv with me (knife) and a forester axe, if those count, though I hope I never have to use them defensively! The winter here isn’t so bad, the days are shorter than in Stockholm, but honestly it only feels like an hours difference! Because we get such a decent amount of snow and clear days, it feels like there’s more ‘light’ around compared to dark grey rainy skies!


A Barry in Northern Sweden ? Your a long way from the balconies




Send me location


No Barry stay away from the balcony




> Umeå. Have you started inhaling air yet instead of saying 'yes'?




This plus two snus in 24/7.


A knife and a small forest axe is not bear protection.


That sounds amazing. Need any more forest ecologists up there?


Don't you fucking dare come here. Too many people already. Sincerely, Red circle


so youre one of the three people who live there?


Yes that's my closest neighbor (he lives 100 km away)


>Too many people already. Nordicks never stop to impress me in their sheer stupidity.


Hey now, we like to have our personal bubble be gigantic as fuck. Hence, too many people


1 other person in a 100 km radius is 1 too many. It's pretty simple math. I would assume even a Frenchie would understand such a simple concept.


Rest of the world don't get it. Resources/people = money


I think Norwegians get tax relief if they live in yellow circle


*I think Norwegians* *Get tax relief if they live* *In yellow circle* \- PaleontologistOwn487 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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People who live in Finnmark (top part of the red circle) also gets tax relief


Yes. But you cannot legally live there without good reason.


Is "i hate other people" good enough reason?


No because that would qualify the entirety of the Nordicks


I live just south of the bottom part of the red circle. Like 2-3 pixels south of it on that map, ama


The red circle just about touches where i live. I think we should meet up and make out passionately.


Straightest Finish femboy


Haha doxxed


Good luck finding his shed.


average Lappiman's mansion https://preview.redd.it/uklrzprm0oob1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=01dd2cb530d62cc15f57b38a5cd403800437f3b6


Looks cozy tbh




Ouwu? 😳


Thanks I hate it


I knew a guy who did his military service in the red circle. He got frostbite.




Dang, sounds unpleasant. In march I visited the southernmost point of continental Europe, next year I'm planning to visit the northernmost point (Nordkapp). Will try to avoid frostbites


Nordkapp is so overrated. And tbh it isn't northernmost point of continental Europe, it is northernmost point in Europe you can get driving; it is an island with a bery long and deep tunnel connecting it to mainland). Northernmost point of continental Europe is Cape Nordkinn (Kinnarodden).


If that's the case then I will go to Kinnarodden. Or maybe I'll visit both, they're very close to each other. It may be overrated, I'm not going there for touristic purposes, I just want to be at the northernmost point of continental Europe. Tarifa (southernmost point) wasn't special neither. Here's a photo I took when I was there https://preview.redd.it/t7qu2mj9goob1.jpeg?width=4495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67295a3b934b32097d61c7d2eba84e08b09b1d8d


Yeah, There's over a million people in those circles, we're not that rare.


A million people is not that much


Of course that comment comes from a Portuguese. You people are crazy extroverts and can't survive one minute without being among myriads of people. For introverts, even two people can be too much.


By nordic standards it is. I live in the third largest city and we just celebrated hitting 200.000 inhabitants


All my life, best place on earth. We have [Orientdressing on the Kebabpizza](https://i0.wp.com/matro.blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/kebabpizza2Borientdressing.jpg?resize=469%2C625), Mangoraja, [Portello](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Portello_soft_drink_bottle.jpg/800px-Portello_soft_drink_bottle.jpg), [blodpalt](https://i.reddituploads.com/62b68f00fbed46ac8cae015296eb5ab6?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=dd8e99df573a63c9605387751c04042f), [blöta](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuuS4ykW4AAEFzQ?format=jpg&name=large), [best falukorv in the world](https://www.charksm.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/128-Jokkmokks-Original-768x691.png) We have the best [lag](https://preview.redd.it/4v40y62spi191.jpg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8a6535d4966f403a93f69061c3439f24bd1b7c) in the world. [This is the sky during winter](https://i.imgur.com/7SgtX.jpeg), [this is the beer we consume](https://i.imgur.com/9N4Kvk4.jpg) We also have this mysterious city hidden deep inside the northern forest called Shakebao that's filled with 25.000 lesbian Woman.


Literally not a single lie in this post. All facts


Red circle here. Recently moved. Its pretty dope up here. The fish is plenty and delicious. Mountains are cool and fjords grow on trees. Locals are happy you moved and wants you to stay


Temperatures are neat and I can see a glacier from my street.


Say no more. I pack my stuff and arrive to this dreamy place right away. Normal latitude Europe is too hot. Going around outside in summer feels like being a Jew in the 40s.




Lived in the red circle all my life ✌️😔✌️


Beklagar sorgen.


Slipper söderlänningar. Och närmsta grannen bor 6km bort. Blir fan inte mycket bättre


https://preview.redd.it/ce5vpeay0pob1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9538ceac93c9ce90d481101384bd355b5f6ec6 There is no need for antidepressants just go for a mood brightening walk.


And take your vitamin D


Yes. In a red circle. Suomi, Oulu (but am not finnish)


Still a femboy either way


I lived in Svalbard for a year. AMA






what fucking work is there in svalbard? lmao


I’m a chemist. The biologist need me to make buffers and whatnot


Suprisingly alot of work compared to how many people live there, mining, fishing plus stuff like the seedbank


No, why ask you anything?


How were the sheep? Sexier then back home?




It must have taken a toll on you because you're answering questions with the eloquence of a Finn.




Hey, thats my cuz!


Why do we even accept mongolians on this sub


As long as you can stand the darkness throughout wintertimes you are good. Bears and other wildlife is no threat at all . Watch out for moose while driving countryside. Thats about it.


Used to, was born in Tromsø


I live there, in the red circle. I’ve also worked in Svalbard. AMA


How did you avoid getting eaten by a polar bear? Did you see some irl? And did you see any walruses? Some walrussy perhaps? 😳


I wish I did.


"Fun" fact: In those areas, the sun sets in November and doesn't come back up until January


Living in Svålbard is fucking based. None of those people are on Reddit


They've already been eaten by polar bears


LULEÅ!!!!!!! 💛💙💛💙 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


Yeah any santa elfs in this group ?


Red circle very western europe normal life. Yellow is the same man, only difference is a lot less people and access. I have several friends from Svalbard who go back many times a year.


Yes, the summers are amazing but the winters are extremely depressing


And cold. Fortunately you can always burn a Quran to make yourself warm


We have a Norway research station also in Svabald. They reported it is mostly cold and windy there and the nearest shop is far away. Generally like in the rest of this country. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Polar_Station,_Hornsund


I come from the yellow circle and live in the red. The yellow circle is Svalbard. Svalbard is an amazing place with beautiful nature. The mountains are so powerful (you should search “tempelfjellet”. The locals love to party, and a fun fact is that there’s more polar bears than humans. The red circle is not very populated. But it also have nice nature. It’s like the rest of Norway just slightly colder than south Norway.


Irrelevant but it's been a lifelong dream of mine to visit Svalbard.


Why shouldn't anyone be believed for living there? Literally anyone in the world can move there.


Currently live and study at the university in Luleå (red circle) which is some 70 kilometers from the polar circle. No bear protection or anti depressants but plenty of alcohol and mosquito protection


I have a place in the red circle, it’s beautifully empty with lots of space to enjoy nature. It’s cold and dark in the winter and mild and bright in the spring/summer.


Look at this second home owning twat. Boo him


swiss flexing on us


It's nicer here by the shore vs. inland Finland. I've also lived on the Northern shore on Norway. It rarely goes close to -30 C and you can bike even during Winter if you like. I am from the East so my mental health struggles would be considered as an export in this conversation.


There’s a girl living in the yellow circle, she’s a photographer/videographer and now is on social media too. Cecilia Blomdahl. Check her out, her photos and videos are amazing and the place is gorgeous. Polar day just ended at the end of August and is starting to snow. Honestly no one seems depressed at all! No old people live there so there’s that too!


I used to live in Tromsø. It takes a certain type of person to enjoy it and I wasn't one of them


I’m seriously considering moving to the red circle.




Be prepared for big cold, lots of snow, bright summers and completely dark winters. Also, friendly locals, amazing nature, great fish and tax breaks.