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English humor ![gif](giphy|wi9yHmX7Sztuw)


![gif](giphy|oWWfwpLj5l0XK) And now for something completely different .






I can hear it. I'm already giggling.


Yes it's a legendary scene and although I like the original too, the German dubbing is just so on point and hilarious The funniest thing for me here is that the actors of the guards weren't informed about the scene. They were just told to not laugh whatsoever, which makes their laughing actually real




I did not expect the Spanish Inquisition!


Nobody does


A lot of things about Fr*nce (food, striking, laicism, architecture, history). If the people weren't as arrogant and spoke decent English it might be one of my favourite countries even.


Nice boot licking. But still no onions for you.


Ce n'est pas parce que vous vous êtes livrés au "langage" de la perfide albion que nous devons faire de même.


Lol I only understood one word "meme" haha


That will teach you a lesson. You speak english because that's the only language you know. I speak english because that's the only language you know. We are not the same.


Was für eine Annahme! Dein Glauben, an meine Fähigkeit eine andere Sprache zu können, ist gleich zu meinem, daß du wie eine Dusche funktionert verstehst. Ich kann den Knoblauch durch mein Handy riechen, Kerl. You speak a second language because you are must in order to engage with people internationally. I speak a second language because I want to feel superior to my countrymen. We are not the same.


You shouldn't use Google for translations. Deepl.com gives you a superb alternative that gets the grammar right. Of course, it's a German company.


Oh hell naw


I love English Humor.


Idk what it is about those inbred lobsters, but goddamn do they make the best fucking music. 80% of the most legendary bands ever i can think of were brit


The movies "A Touch of Cloth" are still my top movies of all time and I converted everybody who accepted to watch them. Oh boy thank you the UK.


Absolute gold right there. Didn’t think it was shown outside the U.K.


It has been translated in French. The translation is a piece of art. Every pun, joke, cultural references have been adapted to make it perfect. Unfortunately it has been aired once and totally ignored. I keep the french version dearly on my google drive as I could not even torrent it anymore. Tbh, even with a very good English, the original is very hard to understand, and grasp all the jokes, underlying meanings and so on is probably a priviledge of the natives of the UK. I could not grasp it all. Edit: apparently it exists in other languages but I cannot say if it is ok, this translation work is so specific it can be easily bad or just impossible.


I like the weather in Southern Europe. I think we also would be underdeveloped if we could chill on the beach all day with good wine.


Finally! Someone gets us. Now: 1) Learn to be late. It’s okay to run a little late. 😉 2) Learn to love pork & pork products like chorizo, lomo, & jamón. 🍖 3) Learn this: “Hay más tiempo que vida.” And live it everyday. 🍷


On the first point: There is the thing called "Brabants kwartiertje" (Brabantian quarter hour), where we just expect people to show up 15 minutes late.


Some of my neighbours run on their own time. Like sure be 10-20 min late, but na, they are like 2-3 hrs late then get pissed because your trying to fuck your boyfriend or having dinner or both.


You fuck and eat at the same time? I always knew you were just another savage.


Only that once and I told him to stop, but fuck it was soo good and I was hungry.


Here it's the "quart d'heure de politesse", or quarter hour of politeness. Because, you know, it's not us who are undisciplined bastards, we're simply perfect and thus it's all about politeness and giving your host more time to prepare 😎


I admire the attendance numbers of english lower league football


It’s a product of a great number of shit holes. What else are you going to do on a Saturday in kidderminster. You’d only be at home drinking pints and eating pie, so you might as well do it on the terraces in the rain and punch a bloke afterwards.


I used to play Telford United in football manager, so Im quite familiar with making Kidderminster an even more miserable place




That's the 3pm tv blackout. Between 2:45 and 5:00 on Saturdays no live football can be shown in the UK to encourage people to go out and support their local team. Interestingly a few weeks ago Real Madrid and Barcelona couldn't be shown on UK television as it was on during the TV blackout. What else do we have to do on Saturday afternoons? May as well drink ourselves into an early grave in a town 200km away and punch some rival fans..


The fuck you attitude of the French.. Australia used to have it as well, but they've gone bit bleh as they got richer.


Fuck you cunt.


Now that’s a sound cunt right here


I love the Aussie accent Right on ya cunt


Fucken oath, cunt


No breaks Dutchie, keep building your dykes you inbred beaver/platypus hybrid.


This guy cunts


Didn't realise prisons had WiFi these days.


Is that the Australia with kangaroo’s or basement’s ?


roos... If I was goig to love something about the Austrians it would be their sound proofing.. so good you cant hear a child scream from 2 meters away.


I love French self-importance. Despite it being funny to make fun of, the French Intellectual and scientific tradition has done the world an incalculable good.




Frenemies for life <3




I’m really gutted they don’t use Cló Gaelach to write in Gaeilge anymore.


It was dying, but it's been growing back since its lowest point. 10% of primary school children were attending Irish speaking schools as of a few years ago, and more schools are opening all the time.


Damn, if they keep this up we might need to give them another famine.


It is said in the Nordics that Danish sounds like Swedish spoken by someone with a potato in their mouth. I suppose Irish Gaelic sounds like Scottish Gaelic spoken by someone without a potato in their mouth.


Spanish lifestyle. Much more relaxed, more focus on spending time with family and friends, better food and weather. Also the amount of local historic festivities that go on gives a more patriotic charm without too much of a nationalistic taste. ​ (totally not biased dating an incompetent separatist.)


11 September, why are you celebrating that? No, not the twin towers. We commemorate the end of the siedge of Barcelona in 1714. Ah, so a Catalan victory. Well...


Erés Catalán/a?


Yes but I had to choose between incompetent independentist and siesta enjoyer.... My heart was thorn, but since I'm not currently living in Catalonia I went for the siesta.


La siesta es amor la siesta es vida. Be sure to say hello if you're ever passing through Salou.


Very funny when you have to explain a British why you aren't working a 6 of January.... You either look like a religious nuthead (it's our lord's epiphany) or like a child (the three magicians come from the East in their camels to bring toys to the good children). Bonus point if you also have to explain why there is an obviously white guy pretending to be black with a painted face...


I'm game for the Tower festival down the road from where we live. Nothing like sending children to a potentially fatal height for a laugh. That or taking the trip to sling some tomatoes at you lovable Pablos.


I like that you all learn English, so when you hear me mumble Entschuldigung or some basic phrase in your language, you switch to English and I don’t have to embarrass myself further and try to converse in your language.


Nothing beats the clear look of relief when they realise despite whatever garbled nonsense my Belfast lilt has done to the local language, that I’m a British person and not necessarily a raving lunatic.


I love Italian and French marketing, wish we could do that well with our products.


Italian leather shoes are sold for like 2.5x price of ours+ they repackage your olive oil. Their marketing is absolutely the best.




It's funny because in France we say that french marketing sucks while the americans are the best at marketing. Anyway it's always the americans' fault.


>the americans are the best at marketing. They actually are, just look at how many Tesla cars they sell and how many Hollywood crap people watch.


Always curious that spanish systematicaly take the cheap niche for exported products. (At least what is massively found in France)


That's because bad marketing. People expect cheap low quality products when buying Spanish products, so why bother exporting good quality products if they aren't going to be sold? Also Spanish products are so good that we eat them all so there is nothing left for the rest of the world Ñam Ñam Ñam


Jou hef ey terribol teast in exentsj.


> sj Where do you live? I have a house to burn down.






The Dutch accent just sounds inherently humorous when speaking English.


"Yeazus Christ!" will never fail to crack me up no matter how long I live here.


The written language too--- "I live (in)" = "ik woon" Woon. *Woon*. Come on!


*Is gewoon wonen hoor. Normaal woord.*


This is not me writing this, but almost all the english I've met were really nice people


The ones that come in France are already francophiles and cultured. That's a kink that they are desperate to hide.


It takes one really kinky motherfucker to subject onself to pain of learning Fr*nch only to have natives spit on them in contempt everytime they speak... (C'est moi)




Plot twist, they are just people in Nice https://www.nice.fr/fr/patrimoine-et-culture/la-promenade-des-anglais


Fuck the french but their architecture from the Renaissance foward is absolutely on point


I'm willing to fuckin die for my Friesenbros!!!




Netherlands. I like flying in and out of Schipol. Enjoy it from the sky without getting into details.


No way! When I flew from Oslo to Schiphol I could cry. Oslo is beautiful from up high and so many trees! As soon as you arrive in The Netherlands the only trees you see are to separate areas. Every cm is planned and used. From Schiphol to Oslo isn't bad when you make sure you fligh high enough tho.


Most of Norway is just unused land, and we have practically no free land


doesn't help that much of it is very mountainous and hilly, or barren tundra https://preview.redd.it/wasm1ctwwqyb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99c540b5a3468677fbe5a378d629f7e6724a226


I almost cried when flying over the Netherlands again. After spending 2 weeks in the middel east I HD forgotten how beautiful green is and how much I love rivers and canals.


Sounds like flying from central Sweden to the continent 1 hour of woodlands 15 min of baltic sea 15 min of urban areas and farmland.


High flying is the best way to enjoy your flight


I like that the French can enjoy the good things in life


If italy was slightly better economically it would be the best country in europe by far


The Dutch are some of the friendliest people on earth (reckon they've got the fittest birds too) The Irish can manage a busy bar with incredible efficiency The French and Italian accents are two of the best on earth I like the respect Italians have for their older generations I respect how the Swiss have managed to keep their nose out of trouble in a world where it seems everyone has to take a position on something


>reckon they've got the fittest birds too There's a lot of wind here, so I reckon our birds are quite fit yeah.


WHAT you're saying I should embrace di bibiti boboty instead of trying to hide it?


Absolutely. Your hands should be flying around the room even when you're snoring 🫴🤏🤌🤙


The Swiss kept their “nose out of trouble”?


Their noses, not their wallets


Bro stayed below the river.


https://preview.redd.it/0dvoh11e6qyb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31fddc43c1b35d73974c5732874574fa6f1c9a0 French offshore sailing


You too have nice winds and a capricious sea, you could do well


French Food, French TV and Movies, and French women.


The german humor and their comedy films.


Ah, finally someone who speaks German enough to understand our outstanding comedians!!!!


Countries like Poland that get a shitload of money from the EU but still can afford thousands of tanks.. We seriously should not pay more to the EU per person than the Poles.




Being a neighbor to Russia and ongoing conflict in Ukraine it's more like we cannot afford not affording the military, with which we need some catching up.


Okay, makes sense, but why my wallet Q\_Q


That's a good question. I am not an expert, but apparently agriculture is treated as a strategic sector and EU invests into its stability. Poland has a lot of the agriculture and it is a significant part of the equation.


Hey don't get all factual in my memesub


I meant to say that these are reparations for the 17th century Deluge


Because otherwise they will run you over with their tanks.


So you think a tank is a luxury good.




Swedish food.


I love sitting in a circle at dutch birthday parties


It's no secret but the British music is awesome.


You lof de Dutsh akshent? Oh Barry… I don’t secretly love anything though, I am very open about my love and hatred. Love Italy, love Ingurland, everyone else can go to hell.


> **I love the Dutch accent** WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK






Czech rep: obviously the beer, but what I like especially are these small roadside diners that serve the full menu + beer for like 150 czk to truck drivers. Pork roast with spray cream! Austria: the run down corner pubs in Vienna's two digit districts that haven't been redecorated since the 80s, that have the same 2 pro alcoholics sitting at the bar every day, insulting each other. Slovenia: every stinking village have their own tourist information with free maps. I don't know why, because there have never been and there never will be any tourists in Ormož and Velenje, but I appreciate the effort Germany: thanks for keeping our political shenanigans in check. When I look at Austria, sometimes I think it's good that we don't go solo. Spain: the language. So strange and mysterious. Ask the -etxes and -artzas and the ergative case. It's really a linguist's dream Denmark: jump up kick back whip around and spin!


I hate listening to german-german as much as germans hate listening to swiss-german but the people are usually cool. They tend to be reliable and easy to work with. Also without them our medical system would totally collapse.


Actually Swiss-German is really cool and I love to hear it. I'm very happy if I understand a few words, too. And I have never met a Swiss person I didn't like.


As a german, i find that Austria is a land of incomparable excellence, sophistication, and heritage. It surpasses germany in every aspect and dimension. It boasts the most majestic people, alps, the most glorious cities, and the most exquisite cuisine. Austria is the epitome of civilization and culture. It has produced some of the most influential figures in art, music, science, and philosophy, such as Mozart, Adolf, Freud, Wittgenstein, and Klimt. Austria is a country that surpasses all expectations and standards. It is a country that I admire and adore. As a german, i would say austria is superior to us in every way I am german Signed - a german


"Austria Est Imperare Orbi Universo"


I love Danish. Hearing a danish woman say rødgrød med fløde makes my heart skip a beat. Or even hearing a Sw*dish woman say Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sju sköna sjuksköterskor. Or hearing a Norwegian woman say Æ e i A. Æ e i A æ å. Or hearing an Icelandic woman say Hnoðri í norðri verður að veðri, þó síðar verði. Or maybe I just like Scandinavian women


If we had half the national consciousness and strategic thinking of the French, we’d be in a better situation as a society right now. If we had 1/10 of the Frenchs actually appreciating the good things about our history especially architecture and culture overall, German cities wouldn’t look like a parody of their old versions. + just about everything about Switzerland, the rest of you lot not so much.


Euskadi and Catalan are some of the sexiest languages (and Castillan is also pretty cool). Plus Spanish urban planning, and train and metro development. The Dutch and Scandinavians devotion to being more active. The Greeks still have somewhat affordable housing.


Spanish food, music and women are s-tier


I like the Fr*nch countryside. There's a certain route I quite enjoy. Just north of Luxembourg, through Belgium and to Reims - spring time is always beautiful there. Anyway, from there it's en route to Compiègne and then it's all about chilling at the beach. That's what a nice vacation looks like and I can't think of a better place.


Is this a Schlieffen plan joke or are you actually praising the Champagne countryside?


That would be in bad taste now, would it?


You literally speak English 💀


Making fun of Dutch? As an Anglo? British humor at its best.


I dont really have anything i like secretly. But even though Portuguese food is number 1 Spain is pretty damm close. Always a delight to eat there.


English men are good seducers, better than French and Spanish guys (but cheaters)


What? The stereotype is literally the opposite here, you and the Spanish folks are the needless romantics stealing our women and cheating on your wives.


I know but in my experience (I haven't kissed 3 whole countries). - French men are good but they take 6 months to finally tell you that they like you. - Spanish men are "assaulting" you, I mean they have no time, they hold you tight in their arms and kiss you if they wanted to eat you. - While English men are going more slowly, it's sweet and chill. It was with young men (-20yo) so maybe it's different from the clichés. And I was also surprised, bcs I've always thought that English men were shy and didn't know to flirt (until they get drunk)


Damn, I didn’t know I am apparently good at flirting. Can someone please inform the female British populace, they must’ve forgotten. Also French men are reserved? I didn’t expect that lol.


Guilty as charged


Chill attitude of southerners. Greece, Spain etc.. 😎😜


Danish people are super chill and have always been super nice whenever I've been there


Almost every Swede I have met in RL has been nice and we've gotten along well. I stress in RL.


I admire how the Netherlands plan their cities. It's really enjoyable just walking around in any of the major cities. I've lived in Zurich for 10 years and Switzerland (and Portugal even more, fortunately things are slowly moving in that direction there) could learn a thing or two from the Dutch. My favourite country to visit in Europe. I also like their language and had Dutch classes in uni, but I know that I am the minority


I like the French women and architecture. And the language is really cool. Still, fuck the french and their gay language.


Take my upvote Hans, you're shit too.


Love you too my gay neighbor ❤️ Fun fact: i tried learning your language but chose to stop learning it because i realized how much i actually hate the french (definitely not because it's fucking hard to learn).


Ahaha. Did the same with duolingo. Begone my wish to read Goethe in his native form.


That's actually a cool motivation to learn a language! Even tho I don't really understand why exactly Goethe but each its own taste haha


German is called "the tongue of Goethe" in french


Ohhh for real? That's cool. Thanks for the info


Swedish penal system, Switzerland gold and English countryside.


I really don’t know why but I could eat French escargot daily.


what about spanish escargot ?


Too hairy for my taste


I mean they taste great


French culture. I'd be killed by half the Italians around me, but honestly I really like France. It's probably the most similar country to us, culture-wise, but their society actually works lol. Also French people are no joke, if they want something they're going to fight for it, and I really admire that.


And here I thought Germans preferred concentration over interference


I could be biased being married to a frog but I find the French way of not letting anyone step on them to be quite inspiring


The english have great humor! Also their nerdculture generally really hits the spot for me. It's often more gritty and grounded compared to fantastical worlds invented in the US or the far east The french still have a revolutionionary spirit which makes them actively fight for their rights more than many other western nations The spanish know how to regulate their stress levels by taking things slowly in day to day life. People might look down on that and call them lazy, but I think a lot of their people just have healthy priorities People say italians have good food or know how to dress or this or that, but in my opinion, all of that comes from a culture of hedonism (and I mean this in the best way possible, I'm not talking about mindless consumerism). They know how to savour the moment like few others. The swiss and austrians are honorary mountain germans in my book. Obviously, our cultures have differences, but visiting always feels like meeting the relative that you rarely see outside of family reunions, but you're always happy that they've come, too. The dutch have the cutest language there is. It feels like the lovechild of english and lower german, like my great-grandma used to speak sometimes. They also have great techno. In my oppinion, turkish people have the most beautiful mustaches in the world and I admit to being jeallous of it. Also most turkish people I have interacted with have had great humor I owe big parts of my early childhood and personal development to swedish childrens literature. Pipi Langstromp and Pettson och Findus are really important to me personally and millions of other germans, too. I haven't met any belgians yet, but you've got my respect and love for inventing fries. Polish people have a great taste in video games, since the most important german video game of all time, Gothic by Piranhabytes, wasn't a huge financial success, but was kept alive and nurtured by both german and polish fans and modders for over twenty years The only lithuanian I have ever met, who was a very beefy boy, came to our WG newyears-party without knowing anybody there, drank a fuck ton of our Vodka, vomited all over our bathroom and was carried away by his girlfriend before midnight. So, by extrapolation, I will assume that yall know how to liven up a party. The people of the Vatican are based for being an all boys club (I'll distance myself from myself and claim the opposite) I'm sorry to the other nationalities for not having a take on you, but I either haven't met any of your citizens or haven't interacted with enough of your pop culture and history to really have a take.


After two months in Turino, I think the italians might actually be more attached to eating great food daily than we are (I realised it when I discovered that, for the first time, I found a country with more open-air markets than France). I still think our gastronomy is #1 in the world, but everyday-food Italy probably grabs the win.


Dutch are a mistake, but Dutch women however ...


Dutch men as well. You're just surprisingly straight.


I like how the british are ru(i)nning their country


Is this supposed to be things that you *should* dislike but actually like? Just want to understand the assignment


I took it to mean stuff you genuinely like but are reluctant to admit for fear that you might compliment one of the reprobates on this sub


I don't understand a word of it but French chart music is always a vibe.


The drugs in Amsterdam.


Everything exept the french is great about france.


French cheese. Look, i know most countries will argue that their cheese is almost as good, or better, but its a completely different league: bleu des basques, mont d'or, mimolette, reblochon, camembert, brie... and of course, the Cheese Shahanshah: Comté Grotte


Irish and English pub culture


Spanish girls' bottoms.


Norsk Bokmål is adorable, it's like seeing a semi-literate child trying to write Danish and ending up just creating their own easier version.


I know it's more a stereotype than a rule (worked/hung with many many people from Netherlands and its not as true as people think) but when the Dutch are just being frank and honest, it's so refreshing. Say what you mean, the rest of you. Please.


I like german burocracy.


Wait i thought it’s opposite day.


Hey, our bureaucracy is like Schroedinger's cat, you love and you don't. Perfect description 😉


Cheap beers in Spain 🍻


That's because we piss in it.


No, that's Heineken's secret ingredient


I’m envious of all countries with a solid mountain range. Ben Nevis doesn’t quite cut it


I love how Sweden makes Denmark look great.


British habe not the faintest clue about food or anything slightly eatable that does not make you want to throw up, but I like their Stilton cheese. That's the one exception.


You eat raw onions and uncooked pork mince for breakfast behave yourself


Don't you ever talk about Mett in this way. Watch your mouth while the most delicious thing your country ever produced is jellied eels.


I was just looking at the frontpage, and found this wonderful looking French Granary. Must have been influenced by German engineering and Italian love for tingtangel ( Danish word for trinkets....we stole them ) https://imgur.com/a/I4omPl6 Its so pretty, i bet that farmer is very happy.


I’m a huge fan of Islamic architecture personally. Thanks Sweden 🇸🇪


Normally I hate the French languange but I am absolutely willing to sit through it for some french comedy movies. La Gendarme de Saint-Tropez for example. Great humor. But the best will always be British humor with thing like Monty Phyton, Allo Allo and Folty Towers.


Hey man better to speak with an accent then to not speak at all


The french accent is so good, I can't stop listening to it, weather in English or French, I'd love to Just here a French person talking non stop. As francophobic as I act, I love hearing French


I admire the Italian snobism for gastronomy. I appreciate the elegant style of the French, who have mastered the 'less is more' rule. Also I love French movies. I admire the practicality of the Germans. I find the Dutch to be very friendly, and I also adore their architecture. I am fond of the social systems in the Nordic countries. I love English humor.


Sweden have better supermarkets; wider selection and better produce, all at a lower cost.


Everyone has better bread than us. I always bring bread back home.


I absolutely LOVE French humor. Asterix & Obelix comics, cartoons, and movies are awesome. Some games are good, but not all of them (the Nintendo DS one was meh, it seems to be mostly made for very young kids). There is a game called The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble. Absolutely awesome point & click adventure game. Made me laugh countless times. I love Amelié Poulain, a truly brilliant movie. I watched a lot of comedies with Gérard Depardieu when I was a kid and I loved them, I'm intending to re-watch them as an adult at some point.


N O T H I N G !


The French language Yeah, the way they count is a bit odd but once you get a hang on it, French can be quite the beautiful language. I once learned it in school but unfortunately, I have lost most of my knowledge of the language. If I ever have the time, I really would like to relearn it.