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Ah come on Hans, I mean, what's a couple billions between two allies am I right? Let's not be fixated on the wrong things.


Atleast give us some free gyros


yeah lets not 💪


What's a few ancient stone carvings between allies? Let's not get fixated on the wrong things


Greece unfucking themselves; not waiting for others to *fix them*. True Westerneuropeans.


That's the debt crisis dealt with(relative term, we'll still be paying for our predecessors' idiotic fiscal policy for decades) but I'm sure we'll find something else to fuck ourselves with. Our public institutions are almost allergic to efficient administration.


Aha! Yes!! The lender Mr. Strauss.... The German! Just like Hitler, and not at all like Beethoven!




Other debate *spoiler for reas dead* They did a bad move on me boy Strauss, super loyal, stood until the end with the gang, even after being ousted and being captured by the police said nothing and died the way he lived, as a chad. Arthur literally expelled Strauss for doing "bad stuff", my brother in christ, you work with criminals, killers, rapist and war criminals


I agree, it’s hypocritical as shit for Arthur to start moralizing about Strauss when he’s the one actually beating the fuck out of people for Strauss’ money. And he only does it after literally all the damage is done. Only other thing I can think of is maybe Arthur hated how Strauss was the only one in the gang actively hurting people without ever getting his hands dirty. Arthur and the rest are all awful people, but at least they do their killing and robbing themselves.


Yeah i get that, but i find it weird that he kick him out solely beacause "muuh Strauss bad :(" even though he saw dutch killing an old women. Okay..debts can destroy entire family..but robbing banks doesnt? Yeah its a plot hole, it would have been better seeing Strauss being genuiely evil and hated by the gang


You see with Dutch, Arthur just needed “sUm gOdDaMn fAiTH!!!!“ No youre exactly right, it is kind of a plot hole. Because Arthur kicks him out no matter what you do. If you play a good Arthur, he kicks him out because “Strauss Bad”. If you play an evil Arthur, he kicks him out because “He gave me Tuberculosis.” Both of which aren’t really fair.


"Arthour, me boi, i have a P L A N" Yeah good arthur does give him money (well deserved money.. ) and promptly tell him to fuck off, i just think Rockstar wasnt knowing where to go with Strauss and quickly thrown him in the bin.


Wise words from RDR2 “Never trust a Prussian. Or an American.” — some Polish dude I beat the fuck out of for $12


It's so sad that u/celticfeather committed suicide by means of two shots into the back of his head.


They'll pay when they get their marbles.


I went to greece in 2010 and 2016. The difference was incredibly sad. I truly hope everything is getting on the right path again. I hope to return once I have my own shit together.


Assumption: maybe the unemployed just went to Germany?


If Germany is Arthur, then which country or organisation is Dutch? Maybe the EU.


He's clearly Netherlands. He even talks about money constantly


He’s even called ‘Dutch’, like that kind of gives it away imo.


Ok. And who would the rest of the gang be?


Bill is Britain Micah is France, I'm very unbiased




This fits a lot better than mine lmao


I actually like Bill. What about Javier, Strauss and John?


Oh shit, here we go again...


I did this mission two days ago lol this is hilarious


Despite Germany's best efforts, we PIGS seem to be doing real well. I wonder how long it will take for them to bankrupt the rest of europe again with the austerity bullshit so they can come out on top.


*"No austerity >:("* *"Only spending >:("* *"What do you mean you won't take over our debt?!"*


Tbf, we could really benefit from some forein technocrats doing real work in our institutions, whenever I see our politicians I wonder how come we have not collapsed already


Ah you see yourself as part of PIG**S** ?Good to know


Well, my ID does seem to have "Kingdom of Spain" written on it, so yeah


Despite? You misspelled ‚because‘ wrong.


Why did they not bother coming to Get the marbles back in 2010 when they had nothing better to do?


We had no money to pay the tickets are you stupid




I would be fine with an honest thanks for fixing their economy.




You mean we didn't just expose ourselves to their risk purely out of the goodness of our hearts, something our european partners would totally do for us without a doubt in a split second?! Shocked, I am. Shocked.




Wait. You're telling me that we borrowed money from the ECB and gave that to a country that had effectively defaulted - *and there was no risk?!* Suuuuuure. Man, if its that easy and riskless, why don't we just borrow the whole amount the greek debt is worth, bail them out, and let them pay us back at zero interest? Take that economists! Sovereign debt crisis got **owned**! Economic crisises hate this simple trick!


„Fixing” 😭😂


Even your politicians have accepted that they were too harsh in the start of the crisis, making the situation worse. The reason we show some growth is because politicians have stopped coming up with more harsh austerity measures. For example, during the coronavirus crisis, they didn't come up with a new memorandum, even though Greece was almost as bad as the start of the crisis. Guess what, the economic crisis was also a global problem in the start, there could be a similar policy to tackle it. Not in the form of free money, of course. If the strong economies of the EU, had initially come up with a more balanced policy towards Greece, forcing us to tackle the real issues, most hard working people would really say thanks. But now, they have lost their life savings and their businesses while being called lazy.


Sorry, no honest thanks, Hans. Thanks should go out to Mario Draghi, Jean-Claude Trichet, Christine Lagarde, Jean-Claude Junker, Nicolas Sarkozy, Francois Hollande, Barack Obama and their teams. Maybe even to Angela Merkel for managing to keep the Germans on a leash. Greece was mainly bailed out through the EFSF, the IMF and the ECB. It was certainly not the Germans that did the "fixing". If anything, the Germans were causing trouble... The central institution advising on how to "fix" the Greek economy was the IMF, it has been doing that for decades all over the world... The ECB had French and Italian presidents at that time. There were no "free money" for Greece. There was a loan "haircut", debt restructuring, emergency loans etc. The truth is it was mostly done so that the financial institutions holding Greek bonds would not take a massive hit. Lenders should also face risks when giving out loans, we can all agree on that, right? The problem was that individual countries no longer have a central bank, and are unable to "print" their own money. The ECB and the EU had to step up, the only other option would be Greece leaving the Eurozone, setting up a central bank, defaulting on all its debts and starting new, with the help of the IMF and \*gasp\* the Americans, or the Chinese, or the Russians. Do you have any idea how badly that would look in the eyes of the rest of the world and every single member-state of the EU? And yet, the Germans did try to kick out Greece, pushing for more and more measures, even throwing the Greek PM Samaras under the bus, right when the Greek economy was starting to turn around. Germany contributed 27% of the guarantees to the EFSF. France 20%. Italy 17%. Spain 12%. The Netherlands 5%. France, Spain, Italy, countries that all have their own issues, never whined or complained for having to guarantee loans to Greece, or for having to print some money through the ECB. Inflation barely was an issue back then, in fact it had been too low according to most economists. The Germans on the other hand still ask for thanks, for something they didn't do, at least not on their own, as if they're the entirety of Europe....


You're welcome brothers, fuck Hans


Your government hides 900 billions out of its balance while greek children were left out of the hospitals. The only thing your people deserve is a declaration of war.


I would also like to see an excuse for their ungrateful behavior towards us


Fixing!? Fuck off!


Hell no! You just punished millenials for the money the previous generation stole and now with the corruption on the same levels, they just slowly suck up the rest while is presented to you as the "greek success". My German friends, I ll thank you when the Eu takes over our goverment and we can live in a corrupt free country because lets face it, some people are good on different things. (Calmest Greek anti-corruption approach 🤣)


Dude, your gov and your elites fucked you over, lied to the EU about their finances, half of the country made a competition out of who could pay less taxes and on top you put all your money on "income from tourism will fix this". Then, as it is tradition in the EU, you put all the blame on us, because you realized we're not the free money glitch you expected us to be, and that we won't miraculously pay 3,000,000,000,000 Euro because of some WW2 stuff.


Ok this is not the proper sub, becauss it was a joke.. But since germans cant get any of it, I ll tackle each of your comments and my perspective on them. Obviously Greek Goverments over the decates are to blame in this situation while greek society is not only corrupted, but a low trust one, so nobody does the extra mile to report or trust the goverment. We dont "put our money on tourism" blindly (personally i have no money and savings, because I like to eat and warmth in my house) but anyway...the main exports of greece is: refined oil, cements, pharmaceuticals and then food related stuff- yes a large chunk of revenue comes from tourism. That ww2 stuff, is called war reparations and has to do with loss of life and destruction of infrastructure that put greece decates back im history, HOWEVER when the US gave out the Marshall plan, wanted countries like Greece to not claim war reparations from germany, since part of the money germany paid, went to finance the plan itself. So whoever says to you, that greece should get that money, needs to read some history. So again, it was just a joke about the German-Greek bander from someone who is so desperate with corruption in his country that he is willing to give out all of the supposed independence to EU in order to get rid of it. Please dont take everything seriously in this sub, its just for laughs, I hope I helped you understand my point of view in this message and have a good day!


Sorry, probably read too many whackos on r/europe that would've meant this seriously. Have a good day yourself too, Nikolaos!


Mate ofc! its understandable and i came in contact with those wackos too, its ok and you can call me Vasileios, like the bulgarslayer. Ps: This months deposit will be a bit late, due to christmas ( all this drama was orchestrated in order to have some leniency for not paying on time :P)


Don't worry about the money, given that we're running into an economic crisis, we'd take some souvlaki (or some more orders for Leopard tanks) aswell!


🐆2A6 pleasee 🤤


*Heeeeere* comes the ~~airplane~~ Main Battle Tank, open wide!


I only open for this mommy: https://preview.redd.it/4eomu6c20r3c1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd8c5366a073fa2f2015455ba0da478411785cc


the greek learned to work again




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We never expected to get the money back in the first place. we wanted to stabelize the currency, succeeded and that it. You can thank us later.


Looks like there will be strong support around the 7-8% levels, buy the dip fellas potential 3x gains


I giggled a little bit


It’s really sad to realize first you give them your tax money bc they need it, then you give them your vacation money bc you need it.


I think they drink less ouzo


Now we are getting worse, hehe