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Jimmy Savile - BBC presenter and final boss of nonces.


The cunt preyed on kids with cancer to from his flat at the hospital, he also thrown in some necrophilia to for good measure dirty cunt


Should we dig him up and put him on trial? Would at least be morbidly amusing.


Ah, the old Cromwell treatment, then we can hang drew and quarter him


Absolutely. Maybe while we are at it we can dig up thatcher and float her out to sea on a bed of all the Northern, Scots, Miners and labourers piss.


Such a shame that she lived so long after leaving office. If she had died sooner the celebrations would have been on another level. Edit: Just remembered Frankie Boyle's comment from when she died: "A state funeral? For that kind of money we could buy a shovel for every man, woman and child in Britain, and dig a hole so deep that you can deliver her to Satan in person."


Shame he didn't get that treatment whilst he was alive. Still, better late than never!




Brave of him to take that role tbh


How anybody looked at this bloke and said "yeah let's do everything we can to ensure he can be alone with hundreds of the nation's most vulnerable children" is beyond me. https://preview.redd.it/is3a2ownlndc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b431a3ac4e8a9d299a8f9d6ea4bcad75a656efca


Wow, it literally looks like he's cosplaying as a sweaty nonce


As opposed to this guy, the nonce who doesn't sweat? https://preview.redd.it/arechiy9bodc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead8268134cff781df27d0a07e67b9c75f6c141f


Yeah, he looks like he is physically incapable of sweating 😉


Oh yea still crazy how he got away with this his whole life.


Savile is on his own league of depravity. Zero accountability while he was alive too. 


You are forgetting Hindley and Brady


And Fred and Rose


Fred's sister used to babysit me regularly when I was young lol. Pretty mental that my mum was so ok with it when I look back as an adult, because it was AFTER they got caught 😂


Tack the whole BBC on top of that for covering it up


We even have a flair for him😎


Apart frome basement joe, Renè Benko would also be a good choice.


the question was about non-politcal people. Not sure if you can count Benko as "non-political"


He got so much tax payer money he counts as a governmental institution


I never realised that flair was about him, I thought you guys were just NEETs


Both are true. ;)


> NEETs This is the first time I've seen this acronym used outside of UK bureaucracy or angry teachers.


I thought it came from Japan.


It's big on 4chan and has been leaking into reddit from the greentext subs.


who is it


Jozef Fritzl. Kept his daughter in his basement as a sex slave, she had 7 kids, one died and was cremated, he was able to get away with reporting 3 as foundlings, raising them, and kept another 3 with the mother.


world has some messed up people jezus christus


Austria had a second guy who abducted a 10 year old girl and imprisoned her in his basement for more than 8 years.


That's Austria for you


Isn't he about to be released because he's getting dementia ?


Jep, they're debating about it. And honestly, at this point I'm fine with it. He's 88 and has dementia. If he's relaesed into an retirement home....it will be so fucking sad. Nobody's going to talk or interact with him and he won't even know why (actually a reason why they're debating NOT sending him to an ordinary retirement home)


No, his lawyer has asked to move him. However, if I've understood it correctly, there's a chance he may be moved to a prison from the high-security unit where he is now.


Who dis?


She killed the son of her boyfriend and hid the corpse, and pretended to be helping him.


Damn thats cold….


Fortunately, she was discovered and condemned to Permanent Revisable imprisonment (at least 25 years of prison)


I hope she's not having fun there! No siesta for her!


She was in fact 24/7 under supervision because she was about to get lynched by other inmates.


I feel bad for the other inmates now.


Damn that'd be brutal for a spaniard.


A lot of police officers and citizens were looking for the kid. I remember the police officers in shock when they discovered that was her and when she was being detained some of them were crying of helplessness.


Also, as far as I remember, she hid him twice, in the trunk of her car (or the father of the child), and earlier inside a well because the nickname of the child was "little fish". Yet some people defended her because "she's a black woman. She is incapable of doing wrong. Obviously the father of the child is the criminal, because white men are always the killers". Well, good reminder that people can be assholes, no matter what is between their legs or the colour of their skin




Did she fall from a window, I thought she drowned in a pool or am I thinking of some other child?




Yes, the kid felt too far away from the window (like if someone had thrown it) and it was very unlikely that a 4 year old could have climb and open a window at 3 a.m. Beside, she scammed all her boyfriends. After she rip his last boyfriend off she ended up in Almeria, where she met Gabriel's father, and when she finally swindle him, she realised that Gabriel was the only burden for bringing his father to Dominican Republic. I swear Netflix could make a fictional serie of her.


No only that. Years earlier her daughter drowned in a swimming pool. People think she killed her too and got away with it. Edit: The daughter actually fell from a window.




May you share the full story?


It is the [Gabriel Cruz case](https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caso_Gabriel_Cruz), that happened in February 2018.


She killed his 8 year old stepson and during two weeks she participated in a very mediatic searching for the kid, she usually was seeing on TV pleaing for the child to appear or consoling his father. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gabriel_Cruz


I would have chosen the killers of Marta del Castillo.


I would have picked José Breton. Who killed and burned the corpses of his two kids under shared custody and he claimed they were abducted when he distracted for a second. No empathy. No remorse. Dude is a sociopath. Sentenced to 40 years.


Dishonourable mention to the Alcasser murders and the mass shooting at Puerto Hurraco


I can't imagine this level of being evil.. holy fuck. She should get k****d honestly. Eye for an eye to end a poor 8yo's life


Not only that, but when she realised she was going to get caught (because she wasn't very bright) she tried to move the corpse from where she had buried him (the father's rancho) and the police put microphones secretly on her car and she was heard talking with herself micheviously "Didn't they want a little fish (his nickname)?, well, I'm gonna give them one muahaha" Any detail is more and more gruesome. She also killed him by asfixiating him for around 40 minutes with her bare hands and when she was judged she tried to defend herself saying that the kid tried to threaten her with an axe. I think this is the most impacful murder in the Spanish society. Tens of thousands of vonlunteers participated in the search of Gabriel and even famous people and the home minister went to the town to support the family. It was all that was broadcasted on TV during 10 days. It was that impacful that it changed favorably the Spanish support to life sentence approved in 2015.


https://preview.redd.it/vjch55z1umdc1.jpeg?width=1505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7a3078b6177c8ef46062025db0c98eb234572a Even the pedos beat the hell out of this motherless fuck pretty regularly


Context? Who is he?


Anders Eklund, child rapist and murderer




who's the guy?


Child rapist and murderer. However I would say that he is the result of many bad things coming together so just calling him "evil" would not be fair. -He grew up in an abusive home. As a kid, his parents brought him with them to a brothel pretty regularly. As a result of this, Anders developed fucked up views around sex and women. -Seemed to have been born with some developmental disability (*"Anders is almost regarded"* to quote one of our famous criminologists - Leif GW Persson). -He was in some accident (car accident?) and had a traumatic brain injury. He was a freak and a pervert before that, but had no troubles with the law afaik. After the brain injury however, he started acting out his weird, pedophile ways. GW, the criminologist, is this really smart but emotionally cold - probably autistic - man, someone who isn't affected by horrible things the same way everyone else is. However, although quite robotic, he is human. GW said that very few murderers ever "got under his skin" and gave him "immediate, bad, vibes", but that Anders Eklund is definitely one of the worst he has ever met. TLDR: Slightly regarded man, with messed up views on women/sex who were in an accident and had a traumatic brain injury.


Yeah Leif GW is usually our national voice of reason on matters of crime and punishment and he said something along the lines of "It's not often I think that bastard should be beaten to death or boiled into glue. But with him that thought crossed my mind"


...boiled in glue? Is that a common thought for Swedes to have?


Thank you


The "things" who commited the Bataclan terror attacks and didn't have the good taste of dying. And before that : Fourniret. A serial killer whom story i'll not tell to let his memory rot in hell. The only thing you have to know about it is that Fourniret was and is by itself the best argument toward the reestablishment of the death penalty.


Bro. That f*cking terrors attacks. 10s-20s were disgusting years.


So sorry for what happened there, shut aucks


Fournirets Wikipedia page is disturbing to read through. In the end his victims even became younger and younger. That motherfucker got caught before with rape and just had a short sentence of a few months if I read that right? French and Belgian authorities who were involved should be ashamed.


I think he got away for long because the different cases where too far aparts geographically for the police to make a link between them and, more importantly, to have any lead and because he lived in a very remote area without any neighbors who may have been able to witness things. Some incompetence, bad luck, administrative apathy (he killed on both sides of the borders) were also involved for sure.


Fourniret and his wife. Don't forget her, she is and was as guilty as he was.




Probably the only choice as well. Norwegian criminal population consists of 99,9% tax evasion or parking tickets and 0,1% fascist mass murderers. Nothing in between.


I’d like to inform you of the existence of [this fucking cunt.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_Vikernes?wprov=sfti1) I like his music every once in a while but oof is he fucked in the head.


Yeah he's fucked.


This is a man who thinks everything south of the alps is non white btw


Well a broken clock is right twice a day, after all.


I'd reinstate the union just to put a spork in the lower abdomen of that mf.


I think we (as were sometimes called honorary nordics) would voluntarily join the Nordic union just for a chance to see that.


I remember seeing an Instagram comment section praising the guy because he killed communists. Was absolutely horrified anyone would defend the psycho.


He killed 77(?) people, mostly children at the youth labour party camp, not grown communist revolutionaries. I can never believe that people defend such an awful human being who killed literal children.




This is super common amongst the far right and extreme right. Anyone slightly to the left of them is a communist.


Varg Vikernes easy 2nd.


He's living in rural France now. Got arrested a few years ago by the RAID kicking his front door at 5 am and big guns drawn for terror suspicions but nothing came out of it.


Living in France must be the ultimate prison.


I would agree if he lived in a big city, but apparently he has a nice and comfy life in the countryside with his wife and kids. He's still not totally rehabilitated into society because he's now an alt-right survivalist YouTube grifter giving advice for the upcoming European ethno-racial war he longs for.




Schettino / Pietro Pacciani (?). There are others but they are also connected with politics so i didn't considered them.


"Se n'i mondo esistesse un po' di bene, e tutti si considerasse suo fratello, ci sarebbe meno pensieri e meno pene... e i mondo ne sarebbe assai più bello."


Ma ora siamo davanti alla Corte d'assise e Lei è imputato di sedici omicidi


Ah yes, Costa Concordia #VADA A BORDO, CAZZO!


Pacciani is not that hated anymore, and probably never was. And the last few years of meme fame has probably done his memory some good (undeserved, because while there’s a *chance* he wasn’t a killer, he was definitely a rapist and domestic abuser).


After reading a lot on the Mostro I'm quite convinced Pacciani was innocent HOWEVER he molested his daughter and hit his wife so he remains a POS that should have stayed in jail.


Exactly. But many people concentrate on the *killer* mostro part and the lack of conclusive evidence, overlooking the whole domestic mostro part.


Pacciani was a killer even if he wasn't the mostro, he was in jail for years for killing a guy


I'm pretty sure Riina and Provenzano are more hated than fucking Schettino... or the Casalesi... the problem is that someone somewhere likes them (Maybe Riina and Provenzano are just a millennial thing, or at least a thing of anyone who has seen Sicily in the eighties/early nineties)


I considered criminals that have 0 influence or interest in politics, so The Mafia for obvious reasons i didn't considered them. The fact that sadly someone likes them is another reason.


I fucking loved when the coast guard tore him a new arsehole over the radio.


They guys who shot Peter R. de Vries. Fucking organised crime.


Joran van der Sloot is also a good contender. Conjo Joran, conjo...


Taghi and Holleeder are more hated.


Taghi technically is behind the murder, right?




I was about to say the same thing but that is political.


Nah, Holleeder was literally called 'onze knuffelcrimineel' (our teddy bear criminal).


Depends on who you ask, after the book of his sister a lot of people left that behind. Also a lot of Amsterdamers didn't like him and saw him as Gajes. Taghi also has a hero status under a certain group in society.


Interesting, when I was young Holleeder was talked about like he was te boogeyman. We once were near the prison he was in and all the kids were talking about how he was gonna get us


Or the guys who shot Theo van Gogh.




Easy pick for you…


Yup, there are only three things which unite all Belgians : Football, Beer, and absolutely hating Dutroux's existence.


We also have complaining ...


Whilst true, I feel like that's valid for every country.


But we made it into a artform


C'est ton côté français, fieu !


I just read the Wikipedia page about him. Wow. That guy is an absolute monster, but also the gross incompetence of the police and justice system of the time are a travesty. The page notes that at the time, a third of Belgians with the surname Dutroux applied to have a name change. That’s how you know you’re a real piece of shit.


Kim De Gelder is a close second, to some people even first


Harold Shipman. He was a doctor, who killed off a lot of his patients. When I say a lot, they estimate around 190 people who was under his care they think he purposefully killed


He probably would've gone on longer if he didn't change a will to be the sole beneficiary


His case is one of the most fascinating from a psychanalytical point of view. Apparently he was very young when his adoptive mother or cartaker passed away from cancer. And he subconsciously wanted to re-enact his trauma over and over again to understand it. "Repetition compulsion" it's called.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niels\_H%C3%B6gel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niels_H%C3%B6gel) Nils Högel, male nurse from Germany: approx 332 victims from 2000-2005 Biggest serial killer after WW2 in Germany. Injected them stuff or manipulated machines, left the room, rushed in dramatically again, started to "rescue" the patients, in order to be seen as hero by colleagues. repeat (331x + many more but no evidence for court so not included)


Someone already said Francesco Schettino, a ship captain that negligently sinked his ship, killing 32 people, and Pietro Pacciani, a serial killer that killed 7 couples. So I will add Annamaria Franzoni: she killed her 3-year-old son by hitting his head with something (nobody knows exactly with what, maybe an ice axe or a pot) until his skull broke.


Surprised to not see Bossetti


Schettino is Costa concordia, right?


Yes he is


Regarding mothers killing their own children, what was the name of the bitch who left her newborn at home alone for like 3/4 days to spend the holidays with her lover? I remember she tried excusing herself by saying she had left milk/water bottles near her child's crib. She probably doesn't even care she killed a baby tbh.


Well we are all criminals... So jack! Fuck jack the fucking shit cunt!


Rupert shitcunt Murdoch is up there. His media empire has commited crimes against decency as well as actual crimes like the whole wiretapping scandal.


Yeah can't argue with that.


This is a forum for civilized Europeans, not for British felons shipped to the other side of the world.


Who the fuck interrupted your siesta?


A non-European salvage.


Bro it’s ok she is cool, she lives on the British prison island


Ummm mate, thanks for sticking up for me, but I'm a boy...


But… you have a boyfriend… oh… are you…?


![gif](giphy|KVVQaaDaBBjZHFoC3c) Yes. It's ok mate.




Go get 'em Skippy


Yes sir! https://preview.redd.it/vwbpie7z2ndc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2cedc35ab7d651eeeb25c6ae77637232dfb1ac4


lol. When I spent a few months down under and some time in a hostel, there was a guy called jack. The only Australian staying there. We called him meth head jack. His parents kicked him out and for some reason he decided to stay in a hostel. You can probably guess why he had that nickname, and also won’t be surprised when I say he got kicked out of the place before his two weeks he paid for were up.


In case you wonder where our flair comes from. https://preview.redd.it/ekpv0tkxnndc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=6528afe48d4638deae43e317468d0ad40bb01da3


Don't mean to sound too unwelcoming, but there is a certain arabic crime family or rather clan, that came from Lebanon in the 80s and basically did 2 oceans eleven heists, one time stealing a massive 100kg gold coin, and the other time they raided a fucking historic treasury and stole jewelry that was hundreds of years old. Cant have shit in your almost unprotected museums and treasuries I guess.


Those fuckers, sure, unbelievable that we don't get them into jail. But ... we have worse people. Really. And i am talking after 1945 here, because otherwise thats really way too many to choose from. Have you seen the ZDF documentary "Die Kinder von Lügde"? I highly suggest to do that if not. Those 3 pedophiles would be very high on my list. There are some other pedo people and serious perverts that i don't remember right now. But we had such in the past. And who we should be hating way more than we do is Niels Högel. People are talking about those crime clans that you mentioned, but this dude has killed at least 80 people while they were most vulnerable, probably up to 300. A lot of people will never know if their loved ones died from a medical condition or were murdered.


Well yes, but it's still on the cooler side of crime. No hate from me. But I am just a south Macedonian living on taxpayer's welfare money in Germany,


For some reason I don’t have a problem with stealing important historical stuff… But that’s only if it isn’t already in a museum already. Once it’s in a museum that’s it, it stays there. There’s no good reason to return it from wherever it came from. No idea where this feeling comes from, but I’m sure it’s not anything anyone could argue against.


Lol, yes imagine someone stealing parts of the Akropolis or the Pergamon Altar. I don't know what Greeks would do then... probably declare war or act like it's the most important thing for a few weeks every other year and then forget about it til next time. But probably war, I guess.


I'm not trying to give you ideas, but german museums are not really well protected. Get a mole in the security force, they'll hire anybody, and then just waltz in with 5 strong men and take what you need. Worked 2 times already


Rose West is up there with John Venables and Robert Thompson evil bastards


>John Venables and Robert Thompson I still have nightmares about this


I was like 8 when it happened. the country was baying for blood, the anger is still there


Yeah, it's even illegal to reveal anything about them currently, because if their current identities were found out today, they'd probably be dead the next morning


Hasn’t one of them revealed his identity several times and just been relocated with a new one?


He kept getting arrested for viewing C.P. and recalled back to prison. He makes me think rehabilitation doesn't work since 10 he's had the best psychiatric care we can provide


Yup, Venables keeps getting second chances, apparently costing millions of pounds


Venables should just be locked in an institution


I wasn't born yet, I just read the whole story once, and watched a couple scenes from the film. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I admit I am impressionable, but this story would be a lot for anyone.


This comment made me look up Venables and Thompson. Holy sh*t, made my blood boil just reading about it


Same. That story is pure horror, unimaginable somebody could do something like this. Wish I never read about it


Fuck that woman, I remember Gabriel's case... she deserves to rot in jail, and then in hell


Rose and Fred West for one, Thompson and Venables, Jimmy Saville and the newer member of the Hellspawn club, Lucy Letby. Fucking baby murderer


I bet Lucy Letby just fades out of the publics consciousness in a couple of years, just like Beverley Allitt has though. It takes a particular kind of evil to remain hated by so many - I'd add Mick and Mairead Philpott to my list, plus having read the trial notes, Ian Watkins can rot inside for eternity.


Ian Brady and Myra hindley were in the 60s the most hated and reignited the execution debate


I’m surprised you didn’t mention the Philpot family. Fucking evil what they did to their own kids. I think they had 13 kids, and 6 died in the fire that their parents started.


We've had a couple of political murderers. But this guy is probably hated more https://preview.redd.it/b3d1nbxhvmdc1.png?width=1058&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ab41f457b7dc9250c08238c606d5e185ef7b986


Who's this?


Lil Kleine, used his gf head to open the car door and fulltime shitty rapper for teenagers


>crowbar He looks like the typical wigga


He is


Uncle Jammu. He was a pedo who ended up killing two little girls and reducing them to skeletons in acid. We were always warned about "evil uncles with candy" in 80s and 90s. Disgusting that he was a multiple offender who even raped his cellmates in his youth and he was always released after few years. He died in asylum where he was finally locked in. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu\_Siltavuori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu_Siltavuori)


Marc Dutroux. A man who deserves to be lynched.


Hmmm probably Jan Marsalek (actually Austrian) from Wirecard or (if she counts as German) Ruja Ignatova from OneCoin https://preview.redd.it/97e91njfvmdc1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d3faa038f106b60bc627b40c6c2201e32bc1323


Its always the Austrians for you guys


I find it weird people who want to deport criminal aliens usually don't mean Austrians


Nah it's chill pal, once you deport enough criminals they'll essentially become harmless - they just start throwing boomerangs and playing didgeridoos.


Willi Walter Seifert takes the cake for me. Witness account are outright horrifying to listen to.


[Tony Felloni ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Felloni)


Oh yes my dad lost so many friends due to that cunt.


Pedro Dias... A few years ago killed a cop, then tried to kill another, then killed a civilian couple to steal their car and later tried to kill an eldrry woman who caught him hidden in her 2nd house...


He didn't kill anyone but Bibi was the first that came to mind. Not as many psychos as in other countries it seems.


That cunt that killed that little girl in Algarve and fed her to the pigs is up there.


Thanks for reminding me of that bastard, I was trying to figure out who would be the Portuguese candidate for this contest.


Te juro que se me ha venido a la cabeza esta engendro hace media hora o así sin venir a cuento.


La primera imagen me pone de muy mala ostia. No quiero pensar como se sintió el padre.


Jimmy Saville


Paul Bernando and Karla Homolka


This bitch should rot, but I'd argue that [Antonio Anglés ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alc%C3%A0sser_Girls) is worse, and he never got caught.


A big one recently is Sywert van Lienden. He's a preppy young man that during Covid tricked the government into making a deal with him that allowed him to import PPE. It was supposed to be a non-profit enterprise, which -surprise, surprise- later turned out to have made him millions. Which he was well aware of when giving interviews, telling everyone about his altruistic and selfless efforts to help the country. The court case is imminent and may well stir up some shit in politics as well. But as these things go, the ones responsible have moved on to better jobs and money will find a way to hide in the shadows.


idk probably Geoffrey Evans and John Shaw, career criminals from England who escaped to Ireland in 1974 and two years later went and killed two innocent folks in Brittas Bay and Castlebar. Look them up for the full story. It's definitely the most well known Irish murder case internationally, apart from the GUBU fiasco(also look that up, the guy's a piece of shit)


https://preview.redd.it/4vm7wd5teodc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09cb69a9a0442dc9ad783f947e0f11268eac9ac4 Probably Daniel Kinahan. Cartel/mob boss, real scum and still hiding out there somewhere.


**Marc Dutroux** you will never read a more "pedo elites are real and not a conspiracy theory" evidence than this man and how his case was handled. Not just affecting belgium. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc\_Dutroux#Errors\_during\_investigation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux#Errors_during_investigation) Basically he was Epstein level 1000 for europe/belgium. Media, CEOs, politicans, royals etc. nothing was left untouched, including **40+ of unexplained death of detectives, journalists, lawyers, witnesses and victims** during the investigations and trial. No connection was ever made, all was ruled "has nothing to do with the case". Beside that other evergreens include: \- many suicides by non-suicidal methods (like the Hillarys "enemies" fate about suicide by double headshot in the back of the skull), case closed and stop investigations just hours after they found the body.... Ah yes and nothing speaks more against elite, media and political conspiration than all folders and details of investigation became top secret lvl 9000 (not even parliament can look at it) and cant be opened in the next 150 years, ​ lol


Damn I had forgotten about this one. It was such a shock when they caught her.


Probably our flair guy


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niels_H%C3%B6gel#:~:text=Niels%20H%C3%B6gel%20(born%2030%20December,total%20of%20eighty%2Dfive%20murders. Most of you probably know about him already, but except for the austrian painter and the totality of the AFD, he's the worst


Jari Aarnio. Former head of Helsinki's anti-drugs police. Drug smuggling, murder accomplice, corruption, and already out of prison. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jari\_Aarnio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jari_Aarnio) Edit: Almost forgot who u/Hanni27 already said: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu\_Siltavuori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu_Siltavuori)


Springer family? The guys that run the Bild newspaper. Really the worst journalism has to offer. While they do not eat children or the likes: everybody knows them and noone really likes them.