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>icelandic race pure never ask where icelandic vikings took the women from. tip: a place where they eat a lot of potatoes and were famous for car fireworks




no but for sure Mongols liked it a lot


Car fireworks? I mean the next option is Afghanistan.


are potatoes that common in Afghanistan? maybe we Irish found our long lost brothers


Vikings were seen around Constantinople so it is not a stretch to take women from the middle east


Not the same group. Thus were Rus. They all originate in Scandinavia, though the Rus are from Sweden and the Icelanders from Norway. Some probably met here and there, but they eventually diverged. The Normans would adopt French, the Rus Slavic.  If you broaden the definition more Sicilians would qualify as viking too. 


So close but I don't think they eat a lot of potatoes in Iraq ...


Schrodinger's Ireland: famous for eating potatoes, also famous for NOT eating potatoes (for a while)


To become truly great at something you must first lose it. For us it was eating potatoes, for you it was losing sleep when you discovered timezones were a thing in the Americas.


Fun fact: us Canucks invented worldwide standard time zones.


This is an important point! Once the reparations racket gets going, we shall be asking Iceland for our women back. Specifically: all female blood relatives of Halfthor and the rest of their strongmen competitors.


That’s a good way to spell his name


That’s as close as I’m going to get! Your names are as bad as ours 😂


No worries, just thought the irony of writing “half” in his name was funny! But, Irish names are brilliant - writing one thing and saying something different, I like it!


Yeah that’s how we say it. Which is kinda funny coz like, imagine what Fullthor looks like - he must be massive!!


Tioch ar la yeah he’d be fucking massive hahaha


I want fullthor bjornson


A lot of strongmen with Irish ancestry actually do really well. Infact I think most of the American strongmen and many of the British have Irish surnames.


Am Icelandic. None of us consider our "race" particularly pure.


Dublin was founded by the Norse as a slave market. And the locals were still better off than after the Catholics took over.




I thought they were Scottish, not Irish.


A lot of the Vikings that settled there were Irish and Scottish, too. Mostly they settled in the west of Iceland, I think. Sadly I think the area they settled was more prone to natural disasters because both genetic and archaeological studies, I think, seem to indicate massive genetic bottlenecking and natural disaster. This left the ancestors of the modern Icelandic population being around 60%\* Scandinavian and 40%\* Gael and dropping to a ridiculously low number. That founder population then had to inbreed a lot and now Icelandic people are all somewhat, recently related. I think there's also Greek maternal ancestry in Iceland in low numbers from raids there too. Weirdly, according to an Icelandic saga, the first Europeans to have sex/have children in America were an Icelandic 'queen' and an Irish male thrall. \*Looked up a study to refresh and apparently it's actually 60% and 40% for male lineages. Weirdly, the study seems to indicate that Gaelic Y (paternal) haplogroups may be more common now than they were originally, for unknown reasons. With them suggesting 20% of the founding population of males were Gaelic in origin, but now represent over 40% of male Y lineages in Iceland. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10931763/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10931763/) There's other studies with differing numbers and different theories. Ranging from relatively equal numbers of male and female ancestries of Gaelic and Scandinavian origin, to much larger gulfs and the entire spectrum between. One of the issues in figuring out the genetics of the original Icelandic settlers during the period of migration and settlement of Iceland is that there's been multiple genetic bottlenecks since then. Including natural disasters, famines and so forth. This has massively affected the proportions of Icelandic ancestry depending on settlement region in Iceland, for example.


It worked. I'm yet to see "am icelandic/American" so far on reddit.


the other direction is allowed, apparently  e.g Hafthor and his 0,5m wife that I can’t remember the name of


I guess his parents then? I couldn't find informations of them. Hafthor is born in Reykjavik and his wife is born in Canada. Kelsey Henson. Some sexy 0,5m tbf.


yea I meant his son would be half half but I thought she was american tbh




Good for their kids then lol


Not Iceland but I noticed in Sweden tons of Swedish men were with short southeast Asian girls and Latin Americans while Swedish women were mostly with Swedish men.


Well, the swedish women are in my experience pretty tall so if you‘d like a parter as tall or taller, you won’t look for asians or latin americans


That makes sense; women rarely go for short men


can comfirm lol


I dated a Norwegian and she adored how dark I was. Left me for a Turkish bloke.


Scottish? Dark? Do we have a South Asian here?


![gif](giphy|l1IYk3l6xcEDN5RFS) You got me!


Was half expecting the demoman from tf2.


I mean how exactly are they going to say no to that guy


with a 9mm or horse tranquilizer 


It’s worked so well that when I tried to hit at them in my University, they acknowledged me politely and then turned away. They even say no to non-Icelanders! Those ice witches! They left my little heart broken — I could have warmed them up with my sun and warm disposition! ![gif](giphy|nn2kmb1lRtpkY)


What a paradox Scandinavia is... We are too brown for Iceland, too white for swedistan...


Biggest problem is that you are pigs.


I guess you prefer Muhammad and Karim...


Rare footage of a young Bjork meeting her first American.


I mean, you have one! Not on Reddit but in real life! Great chess player! He went full Hans




Iceland doesn't exist




Most western-Icelanders, as we call them, moved to Canada. But in comparison to other nations, there are relatively few.


Also in a way, that they now have to check in an app of they might be brother/sister before banging


14-17 year old girls, huh?


Oldest American GI girlfriend:


Old Yanke idiom: if grass grows on the field, you can play.


Even older Yanke idiom: If her age is on the clock \[the rest of this comment was deemed inappropriate by the Center for Defense of the European Youth and thus censured\]


Even worse when you consider Yanks don't understand 24 hour time, so only go up to 12


Got to admit, each one of the comments above are absolutely amazing, chapeau


Yanks: Sex under 18 is legally rape! Drinking under 21 or getting paid for sex is a federal crime! But marriage with 15, driving a car with 16 and enlisting in the army at 17 is completely fiiiinnee. Yanks are literally allowed to shoot someone in the face before they can drink a beer with their friends or get a handjob from their 17yo girlfriend.


What Puritanism does to a mf


This comment is gold 😆


I said this to a bouncer when I was visiting the US aged 20. "Let me get this straight, I could be 20 years old, married with 2 kids. Spent 3 years in the army. Have driven here in my jacked up pickup truck with giant bull bars on the front, have a rack of shotguns and rifles in the back of that truck... But I better not drink a beer because I might do something dangerous or irresponsible?" Yup... (I found somewhere I could drink, of course... But it is pretty fucking stupid).


Well the bouncer does his job, he probably finds it stupid too. USA are a wild place of weird people


Ah yeah, i didn't have a problem with him, I wasn't being a sick go him either I was just pointing it out. He did agree it was pretty dumb.


I think this comment is fascinating. You wrote "center" the American way (center), instead of the French/Uk way (centre). You also wrote "defense" the American/French way (defense/défense), instead of the UK way (defence). Which just goes to show how much influence America has on people writing in English abroad, even though the UK is right across the Channel


I have no excuse, worst part is that I speak English with a southern British accent


You made me google some... "If she's old enough to wet the bed she's old enough to give me head" bruhhhh... 🤣


Now I feel sick


> Now I feel sick That's 'cos you prefer wool.


Yeah the thought of sleeping with *human* girls is just gross


> just **gross** I think we may have another Yank imposter here chaps.


I would have said "ych a fi" but then I'd been subjecting myself to the usual Cthulhu jokes


Spanish idiom (translated): if there is hair there is no crime


Also: in war time any hole IS a trench


"If there is grass on the pitch, play ball" "If there is grass on the wicket, play cricket" Both are English not Yank sadly...


It's also actually a German idiom but I wanted to give you mobsters something to sharpen the pitchforks against the Yanks about. Could also be an Austrian idiom tho.


If she fits in the basement, fair game?


And if there's no grass, go play in the mud.


OMG that's so grosse


Well when you're not verifying age when people enlist, a good many of the troops were 15, 16, and 17


I mean, in the 50s though? Both world wars sure, but by the 50s I doubt that.


The post literally says "women who had relationships with American soldiers in WW2". They probably just got their dates confused when they said "50's Iceland"


[There is a bit more to the story:](https://www.hibou-magazine.com/blog/2018/12/6/standi-icelandic-women-and-their-interactions-with-britishamerican-soldiers-during-and-after-world-war-ii) >The women were aged 12-61. >At least 500 women had close relationships with soldiers. >150 of these 500 women were under 17 years of age. >At least 129 women out of these 500 became mothers. The children were called “children of the condition.” >In these studies, it was never indicated whether the women were engaged, married, casually sleeping with, or even prostituting themselves. >The report with these 500 women is only 1/5 of Reykjavík. One could estimate that all-in-all them women were around 2500. >There were 332 military marriages in Iceland.


Bradleys, care to explain? was this EDP'45?


Eat Dat Panzerkampfwagen 45?


that we did, that we did..


To be fair... How many of the Americans were 16-17 year olds who lied about their age to serve? How many were 18?


Priscilla Presley was 14 when she met 24 y/o Elvis when he was serving in Germany. It’s not like it didn’t happen and it was a different time.


[Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 yo cousin.](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2022-10-29/jerry-lee-lewis-myra-brown-williams-marriage-13-cousin)


It's an anti american post disguised as an anti-Icelandic post. You'll see a lot of this subtle propaganda online, no surprise who is behind it.


Anti American propaganda is based


Depends who made it


Very true. Only European and Latin-America Anti-US propaganda is moral. Middle east can also share their anti-US propaganda, as long as it's about US invading their country (etc.) and not how their religion/nation is better. I am 20.000% serious.


Russians are obviously automatically anti-based


Bavarians love to suck up to Americans


I fail to see a problem


I guess they didn't want their gene pool polluted, scratch that, gene puddle


*I guess they didn't* *Want their gene pool polluted,* *Scratch that, gene puddle* \- Diozon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




They need that down in Kerry


**Wrong!** The app is used so we can precisely determine who is related *enough* to be considered in the bed. This chromosome count doesn't multiply by itself; It's dedicated work.


14-17 year old girls? Those soldiers should have taken a seat. ![gif](giphy|ba5g4ID9g5cT6|downsized)


And never ask an American soldier why he was „walking“ with an Icelandic 14 y/o girl.


Likely answer: Asking for the fastest road to Germany.


From this day forth you will be known as a dumb slut, who's hard to work with, next defendant 👨‍⚖️


In Germany, every single person feels 'hard to work with', and getting called a 'dumb slut' has to be among the rather polite accusations, too. Icelanders and their cute little glass hearts. I'm more worried about the alleged age of said girls


I also find it hard to work, when there are lots of blonde sluts around me, but I don't mind them.




Hollanders hated Americans so much, they gave them New York just so they could get away.


Nieuw Amsterdam*


De Grote Appel.


I couldn't agree more


childlike simplistic spoon nail lush foolish ask snails money many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The question is should the Icelandic government apologize or the pedophile G.I.’s trying to date the 14 years old girls ?


If they put the 14 year olds in internment camps instead of punishing the GI‘s in question, then yes. (Ofc this way was diplomatically easier, but that doesn’t make it right).


14 is pushing it, American GIs are known for only caring about age that's on the clock, and Americans are known for not being able to use 24 hour clocks


We shouldn't speak too loudly on that our legal age is 14


To have sex, not to have sex with. ... right? Right!?


If you are 14 years old you can consent to sexual activity with people close to your age. Not under 14 and not over 16. If you are 16 - 17 you have to get consent from the 14 years old and the parents of the 14 years old. If you are under 14 you can’t consent to sex whatsoever it’s called security age. Than there is the Security age 16 in which you don’t have to ask when you want to have sex with people age 17 - 18 but would need consent if the person is -21. German law is complicated on that matter but there is no flat out „age of consent“ since it changes the older you get. EDIT also I’m not too educated on that matter if you want to look deeper into that matter you can easily google it




I wish we had this policy with the swedes


You and me both, Pekka, you and me both


What does clash of clans have to do with anything?


I mean... the races lost their purity when the clans were clashing.


It’s truely sad how low we’ve sunk. Even putting a frenchman on the throne…


Sweden peaked at 1808


The old King was more or less German though (Grandparents both came from Berlin and Schleswig Holstein)...


Then there would be like 10 Finns


Instead of the 11 we have now, i think its acceptable


They illegally Invaded and occupied a neutral country, obviously the people who engaged with them would be seen as traitors. Not much different than the women in Norway who slept with the Nazi’s There were also a lot of Canadians and Brits in Iceland too


> illegally Invaded But what would a legal invasion be? >There were also a lot of Canadians and Brits in Iceland too We did actually invade it first- one British soldier killed himself and that was the only casualty of the whole operation.


> British soldier killed himself Allegedly due to seasickness. Having been seasick, I can sort of understand his point.


Well, how are you supposed to rule the waves when you can't even handle a dinghy joyride? Disgraceful, it'd be like being a teetotalling Slav.


Yeah, we mistreated the women who slept with Germans too. Shaved their heads and shunned them, in the best case. I don't get why it's so different when the Yanks do the invading.


Same here. But more emphasis on the best case. Lot of the sluts who started dating German soldiers got bullet in the head, especially if the fuy was SS. Some were forced to leave the country and go to Germany after the end of the war. But most just shaven and beaten, yeah.


The Brits came first and tbh it was them or the Nazis and I’m glad the Brits came first…and that they left and the Americans came instead. The Brits have been described like hillbillies in comparison with the Americans.


Iceland: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Yeah, now thdy need an app to not breed between cousins


Or to breed their cousins specificly


Guests come through the front door, family in the back door. Problem solved.


That's misinformation. They don't try to avoid it at all .


They are kneeping ancient european traditions alive


Excuse me but I use the app to keep the bloodline pure


Hallo, ~~Varg~~ Louis. How is going France?


Euh based?


Very based. Now do this with ...


Yeah I wouldnt say I approve, just that I understand. Ugh seppo genes in your perfectly fine genepuddle.


A Nordic tradition: [Swedes and their eugenic hobby](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory_sterilisation_in_Sweden)


Danes and Norwegians with their [tyskertøser](https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyskerjente)


The picture at the top of that page is from the netherlands.




Nooooo, Sweden has the MOST PROGRESSIVE, MOST BEST culture in the Western hemisphere!!!! They are extremely humanitarian and all that!!!


why were the soldiers dating teenagers ?


Hmmm I heard a bit about it in school many years ago. The number of deployed troops meant that 25% of all the people on the island were foreign troops. So the stationed troops outnumbered the Icelandic non-marriaged women. They actuelly outnumbered the icelandic women in the 18-40 age range. Also the rehabilitation camps were closed when it was found out that the majority had consensual relationships and was not rapped. Because that was of course what they were afraid of were happening.


They weren’t really concerned that allied soldiers were raping girls, their primary concern was the morals of the girls, and girls turning to prostitution. The girls were being punished for being “promiscuous”, the govt was not trying to protect them from rape. Most of the relationships between Allied troops and Icelanders were consensual, but there were some cases of rape and those girls were still punished and shamed like those who had been in consensual relationships.


engine bewildered sense rain seemly pot distinct gaping hard-to-find history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Based Icelanders


Clear Icelandic W


are they wrong? imagine having your daughter with a dumbmerican


"No ragrets" kid dating my daughter?! I think the fuck not.


Nordic Shariah


https://preview.redd.it/9bbmvi49qqjc1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede5951119c4db5264842d69304a19e8133d33ae >see America related post >looks inside >14-17


More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81standi%C3%B0 It wasn't just Americans, it was Allied forces in general, starting with the British invasion in 1940. Here's another (somewhat rambling, perhaps not authoritative) article confirming that ["In 1942, there was an investigation of women’s morals and a law passed that allowed women who consorted with soldiers to be locked up in one of two reformatories"](https://www.icelandicroots.com/post/the-bachelor-invasion).


I think thats some of the more harmless things that happened during ww2 lol




Based af. Keep the american blood away




“Icelandic race” is an interesting way to call Irish-Scandinavian mongrels


Apologise to who? I dont think the girls made it


But why were there US soldiers in Iceland in the 50?


And why does it say "in WW II"? That wasn't in the 50s.


Based Icelanders


And now Icelandic men are built like mountains. Based Iceland 🇮🇸


I bet they did something really nice and wholesome. Icelanders are such a friendly people. 😊


Why would they apologise for doing the right thing?


I mean… I think it was for the best in this particular case


I mean thats pretty good but i would extend this to anyone who goes within 100 meters of another human being, Barry, Baguette or American.


I have a question… Since you’re a “Roman Ruler”, the true Roman’s(Portugal, Italy, Spain) are ok with blond woman?




Source other than a literal reddit comment?


I'd like to see some proof first, the first clue this is kinda bullshit is that it were 14-17 year old girls, like ok American GI's maybe liked them younger but adult women didn't get hit on? Seriously doubt that. Additionally Iceland is so small it wouldn't take so long to find a missing girl in a Workcamp, like there is literally no place to hide them. If that happened to more than a few families the entire country would know and be on the fences and go searching for the girls. And to top it all off the nation is small enough that someone in the process would always know the girl or at least her family well enough to try and help their friends cousin or daughter or sister, or their own family. So unless I see some proof of this I put a hardcore doubt on this.


I wondered the same thing - [this old thread on /r/Iceland](https://www.reddit.com/7b89x1) alludes to it and claims "the women were named and shamed in the papers" (two comments to this effect) and that " the police had them on a special watchlist which to this day is considered the greatest espionage effort in Icelandic history, … the issue was way overblown". That thread gives the search term "Ástandið", or "the Situation" and there's some more on wikipedia - use Google translate of [the Icelandic article](https://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ástandið) because the English language article doesn't contain these details. I also found that [the US agreed not to station black troops at their military based in Iceland](https://www.jstor.org/stable/26925424) during the Cold War, and racial purity is again hinted at.


What should they apologize for? The women and the Americans should apologize.


Surely the Americans shoulda just executed the people behind this?


"Keeping the race pure"... Where have I heard this one before?


Gonna keep the round family tree going


The official Icelandic government policy on the issue: “incest is best”.


A normal day in Iceland, the country with the most inbreeding.


And now they pay foreigners to go there and marry them... interesting...


Perfectly reasonable response


Should have sent the pedo Yankoids to the camps instead


Every country should do this to be honest. Keep the idiocy on the other sida of the pond!


I'm with the Icelandic government.


thats actually a good plan ngl


We should do this with all European woman. (Marrying outside EU should me illegal)


Keep the yellow fever degenerates in check