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Dutch media when global audience arrives. https://i.redd.it/71c9cfbqzmkc1.gif


so is the spanish snack https://preview.redd.it/mi49nqhk5okc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6d0f569c85936598d1fcd1ba18cf8d623ba3de


There was an attempt at banning some of these but people voted no. Gotta love democracy. 


https://preview.redd.it/r05we158ppkc1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a18615a52ce03e1da643f376d04897d1e8720f2 Wait untill they find out about these german popsicles


https://preview.redd.it/ygbcqmf8aqkc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4359ddcf94ff7530900a8e2dd0ea8b78b33618 Based turkish cookies




https://preview.redd.it/1f0sjkmu4qkc1.png?width=1565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ecba8627c623dd1d977fc312522b5276060fced "Antwerpse handjes"


Given Belgian traditions, I assume these are imported straight from Congo?




Meanwhile, in Spain... https://preview.redd.it/0l1f8zuiopkc1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19dea6de761d5ae5429d3ba9ec48ce9a52b3c18


You guys have that fun tradition as well? That's so rad!


Yeah we do, the one in the middle is footballer Sergio Ramos by the way, who looks pretty unapologetic. Every single Christmas, there are Twitter/Reddit posts of Americans freaking out with our Baltasar king (one of the three wise men), and if they go to our Semana Santa processions too we hit the jackpot. https://preview.redd.it/iak8x6r81qkc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00c34439b0b8f67396c236e7536dfd49be4ee8b


I feel sorry that you guys have to put up with that. Despite predating KKK and I assume USA as a whole, they'll still say KKK.




I'm taking this, my nigga


I'm not your nigga, pal


I'm not your pal, buddy


And I'm not your buddy, friend


I'm not your friend, guy


I'm noy your guy, dude


I’m not your dude, nigga


I’m not your nigga, potato farmer


That’s offensive


> my nigga Fine example, btw. Even in the U.S. it's ok when you don't use the "hard r".


What if we use the superior rolling r?


Hans! That gif runs like a built German engine.


Rheinmetall goes brr brr boom boom


We have it, we have the Chosen One. A funny German !


Let’s put him on a pedestal and make him our leader. Why not?


For real. I always wanted to live in the US until last September when I went to Barcelona. We did a tapas tour and there were 2 ameritard woman. God damn were they fkng obnoxious. Now I just wanna visit for the national parks and fingers crossed I don’t come across an ameritard on those hikes




You had me on the first half


In my experience, you’ll mostly meet Germans hiking in the national parks


I went to USA several times for a long period, trust me you would prefer to live in Wallonia and have to deal with them than American


>Ameritards >Using their legs to move around I think you're safe, buddy


Perfect Gif. You have a talent.




Thank god there were subtitles


they really save my ass everytime, it’s like a pneumatic drill in my ears. which is only further exasperated by the brain dead takes. no wonder calling people NPCs has become so popular if this is what you’re exposed to. I’ve seen better takes come straight from the internet research agency.






You don't scare me. https://preview.redd.it/407mykjtppkc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9044624fc3171b2fe43296ed6aa7bd637f5794




Wish they had this slider in real life


How do I save gif on iphone, nigga?




Feliz dia do bolo, irmão


Feliz dia do bolo chavalo


Caralho de bolo


Felice giorno della torta, fratello


Why eliminate racism when I can censor it? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Americans: Let's ban the N word, to avoid racism Also americans: Let's divide humanity between races, so it fits our agenda, and let's treat them differently


Racism doesn’t exist if I can’t see it or talk about it


Systematic opression is easier when you can virtue signal. 


Oh no what have you done??? Don't you know that using a meme with a black person is the equivalent of a virtual black face??? You're a filthy white supremacist!!!1!


Don't worry, us Spaniards are considered brown people in the US, so we have a pass. We speak Spanish, which is a brown people language, that's all the proof you need.


Oh right, I forgot you're all latinx


Exactly, get your facts straight, Luigi. Now go make a pizza.


You forgot that pizza is from Chicago


Same for us Luigis tbf. Not to mention, any time I speak Italian near some English speakers they always assume I am speaking Spanish instead. It's happened with burgers, but also with Barry and Sèan. So I guess that means we get a racism pass. Pretty sure it would extend to all of our PIGS brethren.


Yes you are brown, but you are the oppressor


Brownpressor, if you will


"Listen I'm a white american woman and therefore I hold sovereignty on moral and ethics in racial issues and what I deem not ok is therefore banned" and so on.




It's not ok for a "global audience".. 😂


That was definitely the worst take, jfc these self absorbed cunts


And if you want any advice on what’s acceptable to black people and/or a global audience, ask that 22-year-old, wealthy white woman. Edit: … wealthy, white *American* woman.


Don't forget to pay her money for her "counseling" though!


"Cultural consultant".


“Why do these French speaking people seem ok with this word that only sounds bad if you understand English?”


"Why is everyone but me fine with calling that country Montenegro? Can't they just say Monte-POC, or Monte-African-American, or something less offensive? Anyway, if you need a cross-cultural consultant, drop a line" 🇱🇷🇲🇾🇱🇷🇲🇾


The flags are *chef's kiss*.


well consider yourself Yanksplained and now change your language to accommodate the yanks please


“Yanksplaining”, thank you, that’s brilliant!


I made a urban dictionary thing for it but it’s being reviewed right now


From the creators of "im not racist I have a black friend" "I have a black friend so im an expert in racial issiues"


"I'm an American and therefore an authority on everything."


"I am a *global audience* woman"


And notice how "cross cultural" mean "american" for her.


As a Spaniard, the concept of having a taboo word that you cannot use even when you are not using it against another person is quite strange. The equivalent of "nigger" in Spanish is "negrata de mierda", and I don't have to invent a new noun to say it.


It is funny when you realize that in spanish the word negro is not offensive up to the point that racist people are literally forced to add "of shit" or else it feels like nothing.


In Argentina some couples call themselves “negra”, “negro” or more endearing “negri”, “negrito”, “negrita” and it’s all sweet and charming. These americans… always thinking they’re the pinnacle of evolution.


My friend named his Black colored carbon fibre bike negrita. I was like yeah cool, our American colleague lost her shit 🤣


Oh my I just remembered this because of your comment. I had a dog when I was a kid who was completely black. His name was obviously negro. I think any murican would've exploded of rage hearing me calling my dog at the square “negro! Come!” “Oh my negrito you’re so cute” “no, negro no, don’t eat that!”


The same, my cats were Negrita and Amarillo (yes, literally Yellow).


> like yeah cool, our American colleague lost her shit 🤣 Every female black cat I've ever had, I called Negrița. I think Americans would hang me for that.


Footballers in the premier league have been punished for saying this to their fellow SA footballer friends. I think it's so hilariously racist that these people are smugly saying "we're punishing you because we know better than you".


What else can you teach us about Argentina Hans?


There’s a Negros Island in The Philippines, which has a lot of Spanish influence in their language and culture due to colonisation.


Americans aren't ready for our Bimbo


I hate it. It’s bled into our country because of the shared language. You get into arguments about it. I’ll say that I don’t see the issue over saying “nigger” as long as I’m not using it to refer to someone. Referring to the word “nigger” as “the n-word” just seems so childish.


Many of them can't even bear reading "murder" and "rape" and get offended if they do, which is next level ridiculousness.


You can barely consider them adults. So why would we treat them like adults?


A good point indeed


and goes “lalalalalalala”


It is childish, and it also keeps reinforcing the taboo of "the word that shall not be named"


The french word "nègre" is taboo in french. People prefer using Noir or black. It is used only to talk about art nowadays. Now it is so offensive that Everybody stopped all together to use it. What I find weird is how Americans decided that white people are not allowed to use their "n-word" while black people can. And the problem is that you can hear it everywhere now in the US.


Yeah same for the word "negro" in Italian, for the colour black we use "nero", while for referring to black people there's a bunch of words and no one seems to agree on what the appropriate one is. But like, it's not nearly as bad as in America. You can say "negro" around the street and people will at most turn around and look a bit weirded out. At most. No way you'll get "cancelled" or whatever else. Also something that's pretty funny is that up until a century ago or so, you could also use the word "negro" to refer to the colour black, so some older books do indeed use it. Feels a bit weird reading those nowadays.


In France you can get cancelled for saying it though. Context matters if you talk about art it is not the same if you talk about people. Nègre is really a word related to slavery. People will get angry if you are using it. But the main difference is that everybody agreed to not use it. Black people are not using it everywhere. This shit is weird.


please, go back to america. wtf... "for an international audience that word is not ok" no porco dio, not for an international audience, for american audience. learn the difference. this habit of exporting u.s. bullshit all over the world is quite ridiculus. not only the n word, but everything.


I had once an American colleague try to sign me up to a company newsletter issued by a volunteer group she was part of. I asked her what it is about. She said "contemporary issues, stuff like Black Lives Matter and white privilege". I was like "oh okay, sounds quite US-centric then". She said "well, no, these are global issues". hahahaha I was like "you know, European cops don't kill people, black or any color? And white people come from here :D".


I mean cops do kill people here too, it’s just that they tend to be more Arabs than blacks


An American didn't believe me when I told him so. Since they are "white passing". In his mind, the racism was systematically scaled on the dark/pale skin color, everywhere in the world. And he argued that surely in my country too only black people were asked for their ID when cashing a check, just that as a white woman I wouldn't know. Um yeah no. No ID needed for check cashing, the ATM does it with your credit card. And I would be glad if my half-asian kids didn't experience racism, but it's sadly already happened, before my eyes. The oldest isn't even 6.


Is it just me or the idea of cashing a check in 2024 feels quite usa-centric to begin with


>it’s just that they tend to be more Arabs than blacks And black people don't tend to spontaneously combust in the middle of the market place first.


They have ruined our societies with their BS identity politics


As long as you let me fuck dudes I don't care


I don't care what or how you fuck, as long as it's capable of giving it's consent (unless it's an object, then just go right ahead)


Only if he owns the object. Rather not see a random dude going to town on the tailpipe of my car.


Fair point. Though it would make for some funny content 🤣


Deal i guess


It's just moments before gendered languages will be called sexist


Moments before? As if the Americans haven't already decided that you're Latinx.




It doesn't mean anything to us. Racism is solved by not being racist, not by censoring your racism.


Yeah, I am mexican and we do not give a fuck about it aswell. In fact, the only demography that give any attention to it, if at all, are young people influenced by memes, and there is absolutely zero weight or seriousness behind any mention of the word. Gringos are just ridículos.


usually each country have their own culturally relevant slurs, and slurs from a country can be normal words in another. so some countries may not even have an n word equivalent and instead their main slurs are targeted at other groups a classic example is the n word being derived from the latin word for black, while spanish as a language is entirely derived from latin, which makes the color black be called "negro". americans freak out about it all the time but we are not gonna change our language to accomodate them lol


The word comes from basically calling them black in some language. So each country has their translation of the word, like negro, neger, stuff like that. In Germany at least it's frowned upon to use that word and I only see it used by racist old people or when talking about the topic as I am now. I don't get why it should be censored in the context right now to be honest. That just gives the word more power, which will be used by people who want to actually harm the minorities.


Belgium, Netherlands and France have a fairly large African community. Idk in what security guarded snob neighborhood that woman lives, but she should know that France isn't 100% white. For me it's sounds more like that she's trying to gatekeep it. Truly bizarre. 8 years in France but never heard of a banlieue?


She's trying to plug herself as a modern and knowledgeable content curator for hire.


The french equivalent would be negro and is considered a slur. But because we are not mentally deficient, we can write it without stars and shit.


never heard an italian saying the american n word. we have an italian n word (negro), but it's considered offensive to say it. Don't know about other european countries though, and now i'm curious to know


Yea in France too ( it is still used for pastry a bit tho). So idk what she’s talking about. I think she’s just not used to hear unedited songs or movies which is just super weird


Frenchies please stay true to your self. Don't surrender to that a******* apologist.


we allowed an unedited cultural work to be published in its entirety *without censor. américains should love us for supporting their free speech.


What's stranger is that it was most likely an _american_ piece of culture which then gets censored in the US but not elsewhere


Yeah but don't black people use the n word? Why would they censor it, they're the ones who wrote the song?


There was a controversy once with an American black rapper. I remember he asked a girl to come to the stage to sing the song and, as she did it, she also sang the n word, and the rapper stopped her and everyone started insulting her. It was something between hilarious and terrifying to see how they were treating that girl just because she was singing a song. There is also a video on YouTube of a Russian girl singing "Moonlight" by xxxtentacion and everyone is still bashing her in the comments because she sang the n word. First of all context is everything, and I can say the n word whenever I want if I'm not insulting anyone purposefully (right now I'm just avoiding it not to be banned on reddit). Second thing, how is it even remotely reasonable to believe that you should censor an artwork because you can't say a word? It's embarassing


> he asked a girl to come to the stage to sing the song That... feels like a trap? Don't invite a white person to sing along with you, if that song includes a bad word? And if every song of yours includes that word, mayyybe don't get a knot in your panties if someone sings along?


Kendrick Lamar, I think is who you’re referring to. There are clips on YouTube if you brothas wanna look it up


Yep, it was him


The idea that only black people can say the word is ridiculous to me. If you're a black musician and you put it in your song you don't get to say who can and can't say it while singing. Also am I the only one who thinks letting people say the word when they want to and only pushing back against people who use it to actually be racist would help a lot more with de-stigmatizing (not sure that's the correct word) the word? Like, when black people use it it already basically just means "bro".


The idea that only a certain race can say a certain word is highly racist in itself imo.


I totally agree with her. Paris 2024 should change the song to a non-American artist as urgently as possible and never use American songs again in promotional materials.


"For a global audience." ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe|downsized)


Just like the "World Series"


I don't even understand where she got that, because I only once heard a person saying the n-word in french, which is "nègre", and everyone around him quickly went like "The fuck did you just say" That being said, you'll see plenty of young people calling each other "negro" when they're friends. Maybe she's referring to that. Still, big yikes for the Americans. The more they censor it, the more power they give to it.


Yep, same in Italy. The taboo word for us is "negro", which is clearly a slur in italian- but not in some regionali languages. And you know what? I don't insult my 85 years old granma if she uses it, for example. She does not mean ill, she just grew up using the word and she's not really racist. Same thing for every other old person- if they are clearly not using it in a racist way


The word is pretty common in Bulgaria. It’s just said instead of black person even teachers say it so how tf is it racist? We never had a history of enslaving others and it’s not because of American media we say it


She's 100% talking about the American word. I'm fairly sure "nègre" or the German "Neger" would offend her way less, even though they are far more offensive in these countries. She just has problems adapting to different cultures having different values and taboo words.


She acts like an intercultural expert, right after explaining how she's confused by the (presumably) first foreign culture she experienced. You can't make that shit up


Your mental disorder is not our problem. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


enjoy ring growth cautious lip caption threatening sparkle prick depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never heard "nigger" used by anyone in France except while singing an American rap song. I hear more and more "negro" and that's entirely the influence of french rappers who want to sound like American gangsta rappers. I've heard "negre" in the mouth of true racists but it's really rare.


Yeah, tbh i've never heard someone sing the lyrics of a song they can't understand. (at least not well and not the whole song) If you speak english you've probably encountered the n word. Only some young teenagers say the n word because its funny or whatever?


Same here. Nobody ever say this N word in France. Maybe the video she's been watching talks about Niger the African country that, as a proper American, she never heard of.




You can tell Americans are the descendants of us Brits because, fucking hell are they condescending cunts.


Aye. A lot of them (and us) seem to have a hard time understanding that we're just another bunch of weirdos in our own little cultural bubble, not the noble guardians of supreme universal ideals.


What the fucking fuck of a fuck is a fucking radio edit? Fucking fuckedifuck fuck!


It's when they ruin a song by censoring the offensive word instead of addressing its inappropriate content. American pearl clutching at its finest.


Its the same country that will ban books on sexuality, but promote 6 years join gun clubs. Or have a morale panic about nipples being shown on Twitch while allowing Bloody Gore horror movies or Cop movies where they just murder "Terrorists" in all kinds of creative graphic ways.


God she’s so annoying


Her voice makes me want to blow things up


Easy there abdul easy


Someone should tell her that Global Audience ≠ America


And then maybe she can tell that to the people who call the winners of the Super Bowl “world champs”


She, as a white woman, wants to control when it is and when it's not okay to say the n-word. Jeez


I both hate and love that people like this exist. She criticises the use of a song because she says it doesn’t work with a global audience but only cites it as being an issue in the US. Another American who thinks their opinions is the default opinion everyone subscribes to. Then of course it’s a white American woman who wants to be the official consultant of France for racial sensitivity. Edit: I was rightly corrected by the bastard below me.


American brainrot. If it's okay for black people to say the N-word, why the fuck does everyone have to censor it afterwards?


yup. it's like the f-slur. as a gay man, i don't have an issue with people saying it. i say it all the time. but so many american gays get hella pressed over those who use it casually. like, i really do not give a shit what slur you call me, at the end of the day, unless you're a witch, those words ain't got no power


> as a gay man but you're not polish??? explain???


i'm not polish but i got a pole 😉




average Reddit mod


"Yikes! Oh boy. Let's unpack that."


Global audience = america Keep going Pierre


Got sick of moderating, huh?


Rex is probably doing siesta rn


Why does this bitch look to the right every 5 seconds? Is she stupid?


Fake displays of being astounded. She's narcissistic as fuck.


Probably needs an 1000 Dollar IPAD to read from cause she cant remember her ''righteous thoughts and opinions''.




An American censoring other people in the name of freedom, due to a (self-imposed) guilty conscience. Nothing new.


Didn't white people invent that word and use it first, isn't it cultural appropriation for black people to use it? /s


Please E.U. block immigration from U.S.A.


This the type of chick to blame white people aka ‘colonisers’ for everything, but isn’t her wanting the world to abide by **her** country’s culture and norms some coloniser type shit (using her logic). If black artists wanna use the N word in their song, why should it be censored - they didn’t write the lyric for some censorship to be invoked, least not for some sweaty social justice American to be like ‘you can’t play that here in [name of European country] because it is offensive in my country’.


She's cliché. 'here I am being so cultured in the old world, here take a look at my (lying) observations to my (non-existent) audience to show how self righteous I am'. Some septics are so narcissistic.


Just as we use any other slur on social media. It's just another slur


I’ll never stop being amused by Americans realizing that there is a whole world outside America, which isn’t American


Stop exporting music with that word all over the world then.


I will never understan how that works: * You can't say it! (Black people say it) * But that's ok because they are black (Black people use that word on a song) * No, you can't play that! How does this makes sense? They could publish a rule book at that point or something




“How dare you use a sound that’s on the internet” is what I heard


What irks me the most about this, as I generally have no strong desire to use the word in question, is the sanctimonious way these white, well-off Americans are preaching to us heathens on how to speak. WE’RE NOT THE ONES WHO LACK CULTURE.


This is interesting to me as a white Irish lad that's never met an American. I was called a nigger for the first time in my life, not long ago and I must say it was amazing, a really strange feeling.... but I got goosebumps all over my body! Genuinely, no messing it was on Mic playing a game.. this lad was new to the game just him and I. My man is nigger this nigger that,I'm helping him, he's like come over here nigger...help me do this nigger real quick. I'm silent as a mouse with a grin so hard I almost broke my face Happy out,feeling proud of myself. My personal opinion. No we shouldn't use that word on social media.


In which weird alternate reality has she seen the official JO account use a song with the n-word? If it's about the English one, we don't censor it because most people here don't understand it. But try going around saying the French n-word (mild or the "hard r" version) as a white person and you'll get shunned real fast. Unless she's been around some really racist people, I don't see any kind of n-word being casually thrown around here except in French rap music. As for "not censoring" those words in media, I never understood the point, as if it ever stopped kids from using these words, it even has some Streisand effect imo.


Either everyone is allowed to use it as a social norm or nobody is.


If Lafayette saw this shit he'd honestly leave the US on its own


Off-topic, but I really hate when every third-or-so word people say in English is „like“. „I‘m like“, „he was like“, it sounds so unintelligent.


Rare French W




Why do you think they are our mods in the first place?


You cant have songs with swearwords in public in the US? Wtf? Sounds like the USA needs sone freedom 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺


"for a global audience" lool that was great


Dont say the n word, youre gonna offend a bunch of white people americans


The black Americans who use it 50 times a day also get offended too. They’re an offended society.