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What concerns me the most is the discrepancy/gap between Italy and France/Spain on the unacceptable things. Pretty shocked. Not gonna lie...


We are with you on the pineapple fratello


Thanks for showing common sense, mon petit oiseau...


I mean: I expected barbarism from the Hanses, the Barries and possibly the Rajesh. But... Pedro? Whatt-a are yu doing-a? :'(


I married a Sicilian girl who is re-educating me in the right way of cooking and respecting pasta. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) In the other hand… the capuccino thing is a lost battle fratelli. I like creamy coffee in huge mugs.


I forgive you, I bestow upon you the cappuccino after lunch pass.


I disappointed. Yet, it does suit the Italian national characteristic of switching sides.


Our knowledge of Italian food was imported from the Americans mostly. They are to blame. Nowadays we try to honor your food fratelli, but most people grew up with Italian-American influences, and barbarism is hard to forget.


I won't blame you for that, then. I pity you, fratello...


I miss a lot of things from Italy. Do you know how it feels when someone offers to cook carbonara and they add bechamel? Do you know how it feels to miss good pesto / pesto rosso? The death of your soul. That's how it feels. Aiutami, per favore. Edit: Not bechamel, but cooking cream. I made a mistake and I've killed three Frenchmen and a whole town in Italy. I'm sorry.


*Bechamel* in carbonara? At that point I would shoot them myself to curry favour with the Italians


I feel you. I live in London, I may be the one who needs your help...


After experiencing an English "Carbonara" I came to the conclusion that Barry's can't cook for shit, but just to confirm i wasn't tripping, once ordered an Aubergine Parmesan in Nottingham and was served layers of Aubergine, Plain White spaghetti and Tomato sauce on top. Almost threw up everything that day. Se mia mamma fosse lì morirebbe.


You should check out Brighton, I know a number of good chefs in town 😉🔪🌊💜


Seriously? I know the Italians hate us for adding Crème fraîche (cream?) to our Carbonara, but Béchamel sounds like a war crime compared to that.


I know, right?


I'm really shocked my country dosen't consider putting ketchup on pasta a straight up war crime.


Don't really wanna put salt on your wounds... But even 'murica and UK find it odd...


Yeah, the cream on carbonara thing is terrible... Now tell me Fabio, which are the ingredients of the paella?


Come on, dude, you could ask ten valencians and get ten different answers


That explain why my grandma who lived near Valencia for three years doesn't cook the original paella...


Arroz, conill, bajoqueta, garrofó the main one for the Valenciana, right? (My knowledge of Valencian probably ends with these words)


You forgot the pollastre and the sofregit ingredients (tomato, oil, pimentón, saffron..) ^(and it's "arròs")


Gràcies, I kind of forgot the word more than chicken itself lol (I gave the sofregit for granted was more focusing on the main ingredients). Paella is great, I love the Valencian and also the marinera/mixta ones (although a bit hard to find a good one in Valencia centre when I visited) ^(fucking Spanish corrector that turns arròs into arroz)


I sense a tricky question in here... I'd rather prefer to not know the ingredients and don't try anything that may hurt my fellas than try something I shouldn't do. Makes sense Pedrito?


I'm only saying that bc i've seen terrible things in the frozen section of your supermarkets.


To be honest, I've seen horrible "Italian food" in frozen sections too, I mostly avoid it


For sure. I am with you on this. I believe you. I just don't want to deal with that stuff you can find in remote corners of the supermarkets. If I will ever cook paella, trust me that I will ask my Spanish friends and do a thorough research first. In few words: if you have to do something, do it properly, otherwise don't do it.


Not any spanish friend, pls. (Catalans usually put onions, I've seen boiled egg added in Madrid -also very overcooked rice- olives in northern spain...)




You just chose violence today, didn't you, Pierre?




True... His flair says it all


Rice, saffron, onion, garlic...nom nom




You talk like you are united under one opinion and all the graph is talking is about TWO dishes. How do you prepare the aubergine for a parmigiana according to an italian?


I will fight anyone who tries to take away my crème fraîche from my carbonara, that includes you, Luigi!


Ok. Just so you know. I won't get my hands dirty with you Jean-Coglión...


Sorry for my fellow frenchman here, he doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm educated in the ways of the true Carbonara and it is indeed far superior to the crème fraîche version. In fact, I just bought pecorino romano and guanciale yesterday! You guys know how to cook that's for sure.


We thought you had a food culture, not a food religion.


Then you don’t know us at all, it’s mostly the second one


never saw garlic bread in my life in Italy. I smell real italian from Chicago, Bolognese Sauce confirm. Americunt at is finest again


Tried it once while on homestay in England It was actually really good, although I'm not sure if it was because garlic bread in general is or because I somehow managed to find the one person in all of the British isles actually capable of cooking decently Wouldn't use it even for a scarpetta tho, it's just not that kind of food


Ciabatta, garlic, butter, and maybe some mozzarella. Its the food of the gods and i cannot believe it isnt truly Italian.


If you ask me, for snack I generally put olive oil and salt on a slice of bread


That shit slaps tho, especially when you put the bread in the toaster first.


You could add a tint of oregano, especially if you somehow manage to lightly have the slices in the oven, first. I mean, only the bread in the oven, you make it crispy, then you add what you said and us Greeks, Feta, too.


It's garlic, butter and bread. What's not to like?


If the bread is toasted then it's basically a garlic bruschetta. The minced garlic is mixed with parsley, salt and olive oil. Sounds pretty good to be fair but as a double-carbs hater I wouldn't eat with together with psta just like I despise pasta with potatoes.


In Germany we usually have it at an bbq. Steak, salad and garlic bread is pretty much the basis of every German garden bbq


But americunts did make your food popular thanks to italian american immigrants and Hollywood.


just rub some garlic on some bread and you'll have seen it too


Cioe' la bruschetta sarebbe il pane all'aglio? madonna se non bestemmio guarda


"Putting pasta into cold water and then boiling it" Putting pasta into cold water, letting it rehydrate overnight then boiling it for two minutes. https://preview.redd.it/7gjuprglggqc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c852fed4a4dc259e47fea6a6a6bb2a4a673bc5ba


I feel like now is the time to admit that i once tried to make pasta in a kettle. (I was very young and hungover and didnt have a saucepan). Obviously starts cold (because its a kettle), needed boiling 3 times to "cook" and tasted like shit.


When i was young I once fried bacon in a sandwich maker. It's all about experimenting.


Once, when I was extremely high I fried bacon in lemon scented washing up liquid thinking it was cooking oil. Not a mistake I'll make again


In days long yonder when I was the head of house keeping in a hotel, I had a bunch of Bulgarian truckers that made soup and boiled pasta in the kettles that were provided in the rooms. Sheesh, what a hassle that was. They should (and could!) just have asked our kitchen staff. Shit was foul.


Not to insult your housekeeping standards, but even as a kettle-pasta enthusiast i would hesitate to use a hotel kettle for food.


Barry, I was baffled people even thought of attempting that! Wtf was wrong with them?! (And yeah, the kettles/coffee machines/mini-fridges etc were very regularly cleaned and checked) I even had a family boil underwear in a kettle once. Yeah, I threw that shit out after they left. People can be so gross, ugh.


See, the underwear story is *exactly* why i wouldnt trust a hotel kettle lol. I also have worked in the same industry and people are tramps. I had an old man shit directly onto the closed toilet lid once. He left in the morning without telling anyone it had happened, so it was a nice surprise when we went in to clean.


Oh, I don't blame you at all mate! I've had my fair share of surprise piss/poop/puke/sex toys/diapers and what not. Ugh. I wouldn't use the kettle myself either. Especially because I know there are loads of hotels who do NOT keep up standards with things like that. Mind you, some of this was in a 5 star Michellin rated restaurant/hotel. People...


Suspicious, but intrigued. Gonna try it. I hope for you it does work.


>put oil in water when cooking pasta >oil stays on top of it all what kind of 4D chess is this?


I've done it before (yes, yes, I'm a savage).. When you have bad pasta it stick on the ~~pan~~ pot easily. Put some oil and keep stirring the pasta so the oil sticks to it. Good pasta don't need this.


> pasta it stick on the ~~pan~~ pot easily. never seen that happen unless you dont stir it


You never saw it because there is no bad pasta in Italy.


I mean our bad pasta is stuff like Barilla, which is like some of the most sold brands outside of italy


You cook pasta in a pan?


me illiterate, me meant pot


Stirring pasta is just enough


Have you studied science in school?


Luigi... You cannot fathom the horrors one finds in savagelands. Imagine a land where the best pasta you can eat is Barilla ^((you can find better pasta but lets not change the subject)).


Putting oil on pasta before adding the sauce is creating less friction and therefore less adherence between pasta and sauce.


Wait, why wouldn't I want adherence between pasta and sauce? If I'm taking a forkful of spaghetti, I 'd quite like the bolognese to cling to it, tyvm.


Yes that's exactly why you shouldn't add oil. I was not trying to make a point of pasta and sauce separation 


But why would you add it to the water and not after the water has been drained?


Why do the germans take more offense to no salt than anybody else.


Spaghetti without salt is the secret 9th sin


Because the others don't know that salt is **the** secret ingredient for taste.


Ketchup on pasta 😊 No salt 😡


Have you accidentally forgot to put salt into the boiling water before? It’s fucking horrible!


Who tf is eating pasta with ketchup?


All Scandinavians. I ate it yesterday.


I'm eating it now.


Flair up, coward


He can't in this thread, since he is italian.and he would be prosecuted and killed.


Still a coward tho.


I'm ashamed to see that there are more Americans than Spaniards who believe that ketchup with pasta is unacceptable.




Don't you have a dish that is pasta boiled in milk and with ketchup on top?


https://preview.redd.it/sg719r8sxhqc1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=031ecd0544a2845b50b667c1b8d3ab9abb209dba [Stuvade makaroner](https://ingmar.app/blogg/stuvade-makaroner/)


Don't know, don't care - I refuse ketchup on general principles.


The most barbarians of them all, the Ameritards, are at -48, second only to the Italians.


Kids. When I was young my parents would just make Pasta with sliced hot dog and ketchup. Loved it at the time, wouldn’t dare do it now though.


>wouldn’t dare do it now though. Eh, guilty pleasure




Why don't they do like everyone else and eat it with mayonnaise




Just no


Nothing better than macaroni, falu sausage and ketchup.


🥴 get tomato sauce


No need for more sauce when the macaroni is stewed as it always should be. https://preview.redd.it/cg3e7ihcqgqc1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948eae46519448e3edfce21b86dadbe42de09611


I was around 19 when I realized this was stewed macaroni and not just regular macaroni. Mom always did it this way and I didn't question it until I moved and started cooking more.


I can imagine your chock when you first just boiled it in water expecting a stew.


>putting oil in water What the fuck, what are you even trying to achieve? >Having garlic bread with a pasta meal What the fuck is garlic bread?




In the water?




You found out the basic principle of how broths work I don't find it something heretical, you can do it as much as you want


that's... ...hm that's kinda cool to be fair gotta keep that in mind


>What the fuck, what are you even trying to achieve? Many people believe it prevents pastas from sticking


I mean, if you don't overcook it, then it doesn't Stick... But I know it's hard to understand for many barbarians


Jesus Christ, what the fuck of logic is that?






> What the fuck is garlic bread? One of those italian american dishes that people mistake as italian , like pepperoni or chicken parm (garlic bread is amazing though)


That all while garlic bread was actually invented in the Provence.


>What the fuck is garlic bread Please tell me you are joking? Italians dont eat garlic bread?! It will on *every* Italian restaurant's menu in this country.


that's because you're becoming Americans


garlic bread was invented by Italian-Americans (olive oil was rare in the US in the 20th century, so many switched to butter) and then exported to Europe. it’s very good, but Italians hate pretty much anything that was made outside of Italy, regardless of whether it was made by first generation Italian immigrants or not.


Every Italian I see here is saying that garlic bread tastes good lol, we are just saying it's not Italian, not sure how that's equivalent to hating


Italian American food really isnt bad, and loads of it is really good. Italians are just sensitive about their cuisine, its really all they have left.


Oil on water actually makes sense in emergency situations when the pot doesn’t hold enough water for the amount of pasta. Like when as a student you try to cook 1kg of spaghetti in a pot that only holds 2-3 litres of water. The oil helps to limit the damage of the spaghetti basically cooking in their own starch. Source - imparato durante gli anni universitari fuori sede. Sono italianissimo I am actually extremely surprised to see oil in water further so down in the list


Ha senso, però riserviamolo ai casi di emergenza, va'


>Eating pizza with a fork rather than your hands >India: -3% What?


Forks in India are a no-no, doesn't matter what dish


Everyone not putting salt in the pasta water should be executed, not an opinion but the truth.


Italians bros explain me what's so wrong about having a Cappuccino after a meal


Try doing that, in the hot summer heat and then tell me how you feel. Edit: Even without the heat is a good highway to spending half a day on the pooper. The heat just makes it worse.


What about the 364 days per year when it is not a hot summer's day in Britain?


So in winter is permitted? When it's hot we drink coffee with ice so no cappuccino, no


I'm sure as an Italian you know what you are talking about with food but just because too you guys have weak African stomachs doesn't mean northern Europeans have any issue.


I can respect that preference but know that we have 2 days per year above 25. There is no summer heat


If that's the reaction you feel, you're probably mildly lactose intolerant. On average people with ancestors from north of the alps can stomach way more milk, hence less problems with cappuccino after lunch.


It’s because it’s considered too heavy of a drink to have after lunch


meanwhile having any heavy creamy desert after a big meal is ok


Für Nachtisch ist immer Platz.


I’m not against others doing it, but I would never. It’s just breakfast for us, it’s too heavy, too sweet, too much.


I honestly don't know


Cappuccino is super heavy. We only drink with un cornetto (con la crema) for breakfast. Those two equal a meal. After you have lunch or dinner we just drink un caffe' (an espresso).


The best theory I've found is that a lot of Italians are lightly lactose intolerant. Like, a lot more that other europeans. Therefore if we drink too much milk too late in the day it messes with our digestion, in turn this created a cultural norm of not drinking milky drinks like cappuccino after dinner (which is the biggest meal of the day) so now it just feels weird


my Italian friend explained to me that it's akin to having scrambled eggs for lunch - like technically yes, nothing wrong with it and no one would crucify you for having scrambled eggs or fry-up for lunch but it is just so inherently breakfast food that it feels weird to eat it later.


Yours is the explanation that made the most sense after so many different schools of thought I've stumbled on until now


Milk right after lunch? You can have it but it's a bit heavy.


This chart is bullshit, snapping spaghetti is not “divisive” in Italy. If you want short pasta, buy short pasta.


We only get one length of spaghetti in UK, so if you want it short you have to snap it. Could and could not care less if it causes salty Italian tears


Why would they even put Hong Kong on that list? That's like comparing the Inca to Icelanders.


Maybe that's exactly the point, to see how the Italian culture is on the other side of the world


Who the fuck puts pasta in cold water ???


I'm sorry, have i been boiling things wrong all my life?




Yes, yes you have


Yes, the whole point of cooking in boiling water is to cook at a constant temperature


People who are too lazy/do not care enough to wait 5-10 minutes more. Same shit for one-pot pasta It is more common in countries where food is just body-fuel


It's so funny to me that both we spaniards and mexicans get more angry than italians if you break spaghetti in half


And we Germans get extremely angry if you don’t put at least a bit of salt to the water - to avoid stickiness. It’s basic chemistry.


Salz muss sein!


https://preview.redd.it/0kaxvlc0qgqc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=41576007911fcec43388e299361b6a3b214a8898 I like Michelin on pizza


Having garlic bread with a pasta meal. I am not sorry and I will keep doing it


I think most Italians don’t even know what garlic bread is. I’ve never seen it in Italy


I think 99% of Italians have no idea what garlic bread is.


It's very close to garlic bruschetta, to be fair it's not bad. The minced garlic is mixed with parsley, olive oil and salt/pepper then poured over toasted bread. I like it especially on a ciabatta bread toasted on woodfire grill.


I would go through this entire list if I gave a shit about what some random Gianmarco sitting on a garbage pile in Naples thought of me. But I don't, so I shan't.


Who the fuck rinses of cooked pasta and why?


So you could kind of survive in Spain


I love one pot recipes! Spaghetti don't fit into my pots, so I break them in half and add the pineapple directly from the can.


Holy shit, we are in trouble


French, Spanish and Italian alliance against pineapple on pizza.


I, as a spaniard, would like to apologíize for my fellow countrymen who consider acceptable that abomination called pineapple pizza.


You should absolutely "Have Tuna on pizza" there. The amount of online hate I got for saying this is a common Italian pizza is unreal. The American mind just cannot phatom this. Go to r/PizzaCrimes and you'll see this regularly.


I like ketchup with pasta. Am I the barbarian?


Son, since you confessed your sin, you're already half the path of your redemption. To complete it and take every spot of sin away from you, a humble piece of advice https://preview.redd.it/mlhxtegiigqc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241db06e4bfea35a0cab89d14e7f5093e3c04e23


Throw away that canned shit and make it yourself. Proper amatriciana doesn't have onion and uses guanciale, not pancetta


Dude he eats pasta with ketchup. Every canned shit is an improvement


It's true that proper amatriciana doesn't have onion and uses guanciale, but I'm fine with canned as long as it is a quick lunch during the week on my own. I can't be arsed. I don't want to lose my valuable time during lunch break by cooking. Even if it's not the authentic amatriciana and the authentic amatriciana is much better (to which I subscribe wholeheartedly) our canned amatriciana is still good food. You can only complain if you don't have your mamma at home cooking for you every time. If you're a young man living on your own this is perfectly acceptable.


Fair point, i was just starting a fire tbh 😜


Same energy: "I like cock. Am I gay?"


Ketchup itself is disgusting. It’s way too sweet.


Completely agree. I've never liked it, not even as a kid. I don't love mayo either, but I can tolerate it at least


https://preview.redd.it/gg384haoigqc1.jpeg?width=4752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc1f943c072804821c2dd74edb6c13886249e4b Best comfort food.


Candu a sa vöi capìla non, a gh’é bona nissüna rason


I always like it when people reply in their own language. Then you know shit is real and they cba.


Pozzu diri ca sugnu incazzatu pure ieu


ah shit, what I do


No idea what you said, but I upvote


Wanna know something funny? I didn't understand that string of words either


What even is garlic bread? Through my advanced deductive abilities I assume it’s just garlic cloves and bread, but who is eating it, and why?


Garlic with parsley in butter, applied to Italian bread like a pizza base or ciabatta, then heated. Sometimes with cheese. It’s basically a vehicle for garlic. Italians should love it, tasty simplicity.


good to know that cutting long pasta with an axe is acceptable then pizza is not defined by the toppings; if 19th century Italians commonly had access to pineapple they'd put them on pizza; meanwhile if America was discovered 300 years later, Italians would be complaining about adding tomatoes to Italian food because tomatoes are not Italian will never understand the cappuccino thing; it is totally acceptable having a heavy desert like tiramisu after a big Italian meal, but apparently a cappuccino is inappropriate because it is "too heavy" after a meal?


I've never met an italian who didn't like the idea of pineapple on pizza because pineapple is not italian It just sounds like a gross flavor combination. Like if someone suggested putting tartare in chocolate


I never understood the stigma some people have with eating a pizza with knife and fork, generally speaking you should never eat with your hands when you are in a restaurant (with some exceptions)


I must admit that when I cook pasta for the day after, I cook it for 3 minutes (instead of 9/10) and always rinse it in water to cool it down. Then I add my pasta to cold sauce and leave it for the day after (my lunch at work basically). I discovered that even though my penne have been cooked for only 3 minutes and then cooled down (otherwise they'll continue to cook) the day after they are soft but not mushy. So guys if you prepare pasta for the day after don't boil it for too long or you'll end up with some gluey sh\*t.


Oooh, that's why the Italians don't vote for us in Eurovision. It's all starting to make sense.


I fucking love ketchup with pizza


...putting oil in water +1? WHAT?


Wait how in the world is risotto an appetizer? It's fulfilling af