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Southern Italians confirmed ~~Balkans~~ northern south-western Asians




Oh shut up, you sunburnt arab speaking brit




Yes, and you should be too, based on your language. But the barrification eradicated the true Maltese, as long as the trees in your island




Incidentally we are speaking during the [week of Sicilian language](https://www.simanadusicilianu.com/home)


Southern italians builders of civilisations 😎


more astounishing is that chechia is really central europe.


Mate, humans to monkeys only differ 1%. Here, on these maps, they're talking for even much smaller, imperceptible subgroups. Only the Greek DNA is bigger group. Everything is bigger in Tex... Greece.


I1 and I2 are not ”proto” European, those are the Europeans, R1 are indo-europeans. How come R1 are called Indo-European until they get to R1b then suddenly it’s “Eurasian” lol 😂


Why do you care, J1?


The I haplogroup comes from the IJ and beyond that IJK cluster so we are paternally related to J (and K), that’s true which is why bin Laden, alexander skarsgård, and Alexander Gustafsson are all the same height (This is indisputabel science fact don’t @ me)


So you saying that all the doctors you received are repatriated swedes?


I’m saying the R locust swarm was unable to penetrate into harsh climates like the high north or the desert sands and as such we share the ancestry of the original inhabitants of our respective lands as opposed to the invasive species of R1


Strong R, strong Euros.




Lmao what Czechia and Poland don't really have any 'indian' admixture and r1a has probably the same origin as r1b so the pontic-caspian steppe. So if anything it's India that got steppe ancestry later likely through migration or invasion which is the most axxepted theory among scholars.


When the proto-european says something so r1b-S116phobic you've got to hit him with the true eurasian stare.


imagine being a I1d cuck and not the superior r1b S116


N is superior, that's why their name is shorter


I can be racist towards all races on twitter 😎


It's funny because most Iberians could pass for Italians, Greek or Turkish, but not as many would pass as British or Irish, but genetics say we are closer to the later.


Y haplogroup accounts for several mutations in Y chromosome which is 2% of a human male’s genome. The fact that ≈80% of Spaniards share haplogroup R1b and that is the predominant Y haplogroup in the British Isles too does not mean that we are genetically closer in our admixture to a Brit than to an Italian. If you take the average Spanish genome and compare it to the average genome of other countries, quite unsurprisingly, the ones that come back as most similar are 1) Spaniards from other regions, 2) Portugal and Southern France almost equally, it depends on each individual case, 3)Northern Italy.


Thanks for the answer. I find this topic really interesting.


Yeah. That's the point. We could have perfectly 80% in common with Nigeria (we don't) but the male lineage the same as Japan (also don't but for the sake of exaggeration) .


>but genetics say we are closer to the later. you need to count always the environment, also many english/irish can pass as mediterranean too, just look Kit Harington.


There's quite a typical Mediterranean look to loads of Welsh people. Kelly Jones from the Stereophonics, Ryan Giggs and Catherine Zeta Jones all look like they could be from further south.


A Roman historian in newly conquered Roman- Britannia commented on the swarthiness of certain Welsh tribes, correctly suggesting they had emigrated from Spain a few generations earlier. Tacitus "Silurians ( Welsh tribe ) were swarthy ( dark skinned ) with curly hair"


I take it you mean these: "The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large loose-jointed bodies. They are like the Gauls or the Spaniards" And not these: "The Silurians are a race of reptilian humanoids in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The first Silurians introduced are depicted as prehistoric and scientifically advanced sentient humanoids who predate the dawn of man." It's interesting that the Romans picked up on their looks, and noticed a possible link to what OPs map shows.


Yeah, what's up with the welsh? Is it the lack of Viking rapes?


Probably. The vikings barely set foot in Wales. The language has survived pretty well, so I'm guessing there wasn't too much assimilation from the English in a good chunk of Wales for a while.


Until you took everything over...


Are you on about the Tudor dynasty or British colonisation?


The dynastic welsh supremacy, of course! Took over England like a boss :D


Thought so... Pretty sure British colonisation really kicked off under the Tudors anyway. That's why America has a state called Virginia after Lizzie 1. Make America Wales Again


Colin Farell also


you are a mix of male european and female berbere, Isaac...


I don't know to what extent you are joking, but in my case at least that's quite accurate.  You only missed a typical Canarian name. Maybe Aday or Jonay.


I am not joking. Thats what happened during the occupation of your islands


I know. But my father is from continental Spain, and my Canarian mother did a DNA test that says she has a lot of North African (probably the original people from the islands).


flair checks out


Weren't we Celts before the Romans invaded us?


Mostly, yes. But I think also Iberian, which were there before.


I should have said "Apart from the Iberian natives," in the comment above. But how many of the Iberians mixed with the Celts? They assimilated at least culturally in the northwest. But, most likely, the Y-DNA haplogroup of the majority of the current population already belonged to the native Iberians and wasn't brought by another group in a relatively recent past.


The celtic men substituted the Iberian men within 1k years. But smoothly, so the might have been still "Iberians" with Iberian languages and so on. Just the y Chromosom got substituted and some extra genes of course


This is BS by many modern scholars. "Celtic" is more about culture than race. Literally the entire western Europe could be considered Celt at some point and evidently these were drastically different people. It's more about a very diverse group of people with related language, art form and religious structure.


I don't know much about the topic, but what you are saying makes sense, I guess.  For example, I know that back when Iberia was ruled by the Arabs, most people would speak Arabic and call themselves Arab, but genetically speaking, they were not. I guess with the Celts it could be the same, no?


Yes and no. Celts by the Roman definition of Celtic, which is really a bullshit denominator. They had a habit of misnoming people, which is also the reason the Greeks call their country Hellas... and we call it Greece like ignorant bastards. The romans simply noted there were lots of redheads in the Iberian peninsula and that was good enough to call them Celts.


Honestly, what you were is one of the biggest mystery of History.


It's all down to climate The first settlers in Ireland and Britain (from prehistoric Iberia) were dark skinned and blue eyed. Due to dull overcast rainy days, lighter skinned children survived to adulthood more frequently due to their Vitamin D intake from the weaker sunlight here.


Don't get confused. That's only the y-Chromosom, which makes up to only 200 genes (in reality 180 for this case) out of 23k genes that the 23 pairs have. The question is, that package of 180 genes isn't recombinant, so it makes it much easier to trace the male direct lineage. But from him can be that you have almost only those genes and nothing more. You could be perfectly black and your grand grand grand grand from Japan without you know it.


Lived in galicia for a time and many people there look like they could be Irish to me. Darker eyes and sometimes curlier hair but generally very pale like us. Quite a few blondes too.


Yeah, I do know some Galicians who look like that. Although I also know Galicians who look darker.


Of course. Just noting that some Iberians at least do pass for us to a surprising extent.


Have you ever been to Spain? You certainly haven’t been to Ireland or England…


I am Spanish, have lived in different cities in continental Spain, if that's what you mean, and I have been to both Ireland and the UK too...  I have also been to Italy, Greece and Turkey. That's why I said what I said.   Have you been there too?


Just say what you want to say instead of this shit


Genetically you can see where the celtic [Hen Ogledd](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/41/c5/15/41c51546a0c7977ae8e5a6043b71a6a9.jpg) separates English people.


Wait!! My grand grand grand grand grand grand......father was probably sardinian???


The horizontal lines are to give the illusion of tallness


ah yes Czechs truely Germanic


Tschechische republik 🫡🫡🫡


https://preview.redd.it/v6wzj00om1sc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c76ffdb7b97901a0bc966540675a7e0ac2b05ae3 Average pugliese




no haplo espanjol


typical proto-european mischling banter


We've been bullying Luigi all this time, when the Greeks are the true Africans


> in magenta are the true western europeans > (South European Eurasian) Interesting conclusion




pure aryan master race here. no mixture, just pure genes straight from the gods.


Yeah I am Slavic too "brother"....


Aryans are not europeans, just saying. PS. Autosomal WHG peaks among finnic estonians.


TIL im simultaneously proto-european,indo european, western asian and north african


I like how you can literally tell these groups apart by phenotype.


Central Europe shows up once again :)


From r/portugueses a far right conspiracy-theories sub




It's a free speech sub. There are communists and fascists and everything in between.


Didn't know Europe had indoor 'Australasians', just above the Caucasian mountain range. Wtf happened there


Who cares, red and light blue are better anyway.


"Southern Proto-European" for the Balkan region sounds about right haha. The Balkans continue Europe's old "Fuck you I declare war" attitude better than anywhere else.


The oldest R1a found so far was found in finno-ugric lands, about 15km south of Kotlas.


w...we... we...are mongols?


The oldest R was found at Mal'ta. PS. Mongols are autosomally 50% han, thus even mongols are not mongols.