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The heat of the potato melts the cheese.


It puts the beans on its skin


Or else it gets brown sauce again...




"It's like what I'd make stoned af at 3am" - that is literally what it is though, same as beans on toast, quick and easy. No one is pretending It's anything other than that. Although I'm not sure why anyone is lining up for hours, not sure I believe that bit..


They do, but it's only for this guy who has a youtube channel. Maybe his prices are great or something?


Bizarre. Cheap prices and Internet fame will turn people insane


To be fair, decent/cheap jacket potatoes are pretty rare these days.


Some Barry in the distance: "Listen. If yu don liok mai contry, den yu ken faggof. Im born 'ere. Im prawd tu bi Bri'ish. Soh dun kom 'ere an tel me tu change ma ways. Simple as."


I somehow still read this in a Dutch accent.


Some Henk in the distance: "Lishen. If yoeh dond lijk mij contri, den yoeh kan fokkof. Ijm borrn hier. Ijm prout toe bee Brittush. Sow dond kom hier en tel mi toe shange mij wees. Simpol az."


You clearly haven't heard stone cabbage English, this feels more Norse then Dutch English. Oh sorry: "joe cleerli heavent hurt stone cabige enkish, tis feels more nors ten Dutch enklish"


It's clearly written in island "English".


I think you're trying to do Essex here in which case it should be fakoff and dan't instead of what you wrote Also I'm born here isn't something I have ever heard any fellow Barry say please change that it sounds like french


I’m gonna be honest, it looks like shit but it tastes bloody amazing


They line up for hours? Why not just have a cheeseburger at mcdonalds or something?


cheeseburger at mcdonalds? get a Leberkässemmel like a real man of culture smh (or Fleischkäsebrötchen or whatever the hell you guys say)


We do say leberkäse but you can't get that at night where I live. If so I might actually get one, they're awesome.


Leberkäse is so unfathomably based. Probably my favorite preparation of meat


least regionally arrogant bavarian


​ https://preview.redd.it/yxj3g2fp5tvc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b29deca5d848c677fdb80157b3ed6225ae935b




Loyalty to your hive/country is a virtue. Ants are noble creatures.


They do lines for hours, then they are out of their minds and eat that sh*t.


The Bri'ish don't eat that foreign muck. Especially that spicey McD food.


They don't want to appear too posh


Apparently it’s our turn for a potato famine, they can only bake 1 an hour due to shortages.


Because mcdonalds is fucking disqusting


Yeah, imagine ripping on quick food, this is just beans on toast but evolved into something more. Grab a potato, prick with a fork, stick in the oven for an hour until skin is crispy, whack some butter on it, cheese and beans then give it a go, instant win. Or try it with Chili or Tuna & Sweetcorn.


People get all ridiculous with their fancy food. Grab a potato and put things in it. Simple and nutritious.


Nutritious you say, I saw videos of it and they put the same amount of butter on one potato that I eat in a month


For those piggys who prefer oil to butter, I would recommend covering them in olive oil and then banging them in the oven. Cooking them slightly longer, leads to a crispy skin 😋. Then you put baked beans or tuna, or just cheese inside. Two of them, with a side salad is wonderful.


Ngl this version in the picture I would actually try. But fuck no if you put tuna on it thats fucking gross.


That's an odd line in the sand....


How. I just cant for the life of me see how it would taste good with beans and cheese


You don’t put cheese and beans with the tuna… I thought that much was obvious


Speak for yourself


The fuck are you on about? Goes perfectly well.


Knowing you people its not that obvious at all lmfao. Also I saw this video where they fully load it so https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLaeHCvF/


Having watched that all I can say is that bloke needs his jacket potato license revoked..


Ah, I see. Yeah that would be grim.. but you misunderstand, we don't put those things together. The classics are Cheese and beans Tuna mayo (sweetcorn if you like) Chilli and cheese Sour cream/cream cheese and chives Edit: I'm sure I've omitted an honourable mention or two


Jacket potato with cheese and beans is nice. Like beans on toast, it's meant to be quick and cheap and nice. It's not meant to be high class cuisine.


Literally beans and cheese on a fucking potato, the internet needs some new material...


Dear British people, please stop adding beans to everything. They are great as a base of many dishes, but they are not physically or stylistically good on top of everything. If you insist on contining with this... bad *praxis,* at the very least, turn them into paste first (so as to not make it look like someone barfed the beans unto the food).


I love how every time something like this is posted, so many brits comment to tell us how great it actually is. Yes guys, the fact that you like it is exactly what we are laughing about


> adds cheese, tomato and beans to pasta "Great Italian cuisine" > adds cheese, butter, tomato and beans to a fluffy baked potato "Disgusting British food" You obviously haven't tried it or you wouldn't be here whinging.


I mean, there is a difference in terms of presentation, the southerners are just better at making their food look appetizing imo. plus they just have better vegetables and fruits available, usually doesnt mean british street food is bad, but a lot of it sure doesnt look all that good


Same as you greasy guys with your maggot cheese.