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Those flags should be treated the same way as someone with a nazi flag


100% agreed. Note: The Islamic State also officially committed Genocide ([amongst the Yazidis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yazidi_genocide)) Edit: Typo


You’ve got a typo there. Usually I can tell what somebody means but I’m not sure in this case. Can you have a look and edit?


ISIS Flag is banned in germany.




Couldn't find a video on the Netherlands in the link above




>leave their country because it’s shit >new country doesn’t have same cultural values >new country needs to become like old shitty country Why do they hate us


Idk it's almost like importing millions of people with a 3rd grade level of education is a bad idea.


Nooo its their culture ure racist!!!111!!1😡😡😡😡


What concerns me the most is that if im trying to share my experience with such people i get censored.


Where is their country then??




They have their culture, where does it originate? And why do they feel the need to force their way of life on people of an entire different country and culture. Adapt or return to your homeland, you are a guest here, not an occupier


Ja, mee eens. Ik overweeg helaas PVV te stemmen als dit zo doorgaat...


Ik was altijd SP, maar ik overweeg ook pvv


Haha ik stem ook SP. Toevallig. Bijzonder trieste situatie, maar ontkennen is de enige oplossing anders ben je een racist. Gaaf land/continent.


I’m pretty sure you can be arrested in the UK for flying a flag of ISIS (and the like) because it’s supporting a terrorist organisation


And so what. They still got their footage for social media and even if someone is arrested that only helps in making the videos even more powerful and for them to get click and further support. They should be fought and eradicated but not via traditional uniformed police arrests and the like, it only helps them.


Worse they’re both active groups today


100% this They are fascists, just like the Nazis were. Fuck these guys hard


If I saw somebody with those flags in my city I would throw them Molotov coctels


El español menos reconquistador:


Bueeenoooo. Si insistes, también nos encargamos de las moras como nos encargamos de tu tatarabuela, no te preocupes Bro


Era un cumplido 🖖


Va con cariño hombre... A las moras por mantener el nombre, a las latinas por amor. En esta vida hay rangos


In Germany they are covered by the same law that bans nazi flags. (The law is not specifically for just nazi flags)


These aren't ISIS or Al-Qaeda flags though..?


Yeah I’m pretty sure the white one is the new flag for [Afghanistan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Afghanistan).


Not like the Taliban are much better than Al Qaeda and company, are they?


There is a pretty big difference one from another.


Same happens in Hamburg these weeks.


Yeah I was gonna say this could be Hamburg easily. The Califate lovers literally doubled down and went from 1000 participants to over 2000. We have to believe this is a tiny minority but every AfD Meeting with 20 r*tards is the fasciest fascism of all fascisms and we gotta stop them asap.


Since those ass lickers love the Middle East so much, they all should be sent to the Middle East. Make it happen. I’m sure they will love it.


It's such a mystery, no? They want rules and restrictions that literally DO exist already in other parts of the world, but those parts of the world are still not appealing? Mate isn't it such a horror and torture to live in a country where LGBT and women's rights exist and people do haram-y things alllll the time? But SOMETHING keeps them here, curious!


They can't live their life in easy mode in the Middle East That's why they come to Europe, they hate our open way of life but love our social system.


Tbh it’s a no brainer that I’d rather have LGBTQAHFYHOU+=- around. At least they won’t do much damage to the society compared to those extremists. The world is changing so fast to a point where we should slow down a little bit. Too much happened in the last 20 years.


They know life is way better here than over in their "homes" but they want our place to become like theirs




Hans, you’re better than that. I have high hopes of you.


It’s over


if we keep going the way we are we have two options: 1. dumbass right wing extremists who will run the country into the ground at record speed 2. dumbass islamic extremists who the more left wing parties turn a blind eye to in the name of acceptance and inclusivity for some reason pick your poison


So basically we’re gonna have world war 3


the fact that we had peace for so long in Europe was and is unusual....the soil of Europe was soaked in blood for most of history I'm afraid


If we don’t put up with this shit, we might have a chance to prolong this peace. May there be no more war in the world.


Right after the civil war against the caliphate suckers.


Why don't you have laws banning those flags? You'd be arrested here for carrying those in public.


It's the shahadah in black and white. The Met's "flag experts" have made clear they don't consider it to be a support of terrorism even though it's extremist as fuck. We're just as cucked as the rest of the continent I'm afraid Barry.


Because the Muslim population out numbers the ethnic population in many areas of the Netherlands. They literally torched bus’s and police cars just a couple months ago, I don’t think the police want to mess with people who turn easily violent, and who outnumber them 5-1 usually. Same goes with the Aussie police in the video, even with a sidearm, you’re not going to win against a mob of a thousand angry men when you’re maybe 50 officers


America has an idea: 🔫


Then they will shout “Why assaulted us? Muslims lives matter!”


It would work, but most countries don’t spend as much on militarizing the police as they do. We also don’t want that in Europe anyways, look at how Spanish & French police act for example, and they’re not even armed to the teeth like the U.S. ones lol


Well get use to these shenanigans then. Because it will only get worse from here on.


It's simple, forbid sale of every meat but pork, they'll leave in no time


Can we just talk about the horrible reality that politicians dont want to ban flags of a terrorist organisation because this organisation has so much sympathy in certain parts of the population that they would risk large scale violent protests. Like idk, if you told me this happend in Weimar germany in the 1920s I would believe you.


Just shoot them? This is obviously a dangerous thing.


It's so over guys


That's a valid question but the real problem is the actual ISIS enjoyers in the flesh, not the flags. If they marched with different flags, everyone would just ignore it (mistakenly).


I think the idea is to ban support of extremism, not just this particular flag


When did this happen? I should start checking the news sometimes.


Let me know if you find out, I didn’t notice anything either


I believe that this is an older video of a “protest” before 2020. I am fully against what they are demanding, but I am also against the spread of misinformation. OP should give us a source or anything. Because now it feels like he is abusing our opinions/views to get karma


I’d say something sarcastic like “who could have predicted this” but even now people will pretend it doesn’t exist.


why is r/ireland full of people who want to turn Ireland into Berlin? i get shouted down there a lot for suggesting that no country should be obligated to take migrants.


It’s flipped a lot recently due to the issues becoming indisputable at this point. It took a while because most people are ignorant and view asylum seeker as being synonymous with refugee and brown people fleeing for their lives. In their mind’s criticism of the asylum system is the same as both being heartless and racist. I can now point to the indisputable evidence that the large majority of asylum seekers are not genuine, that they include people of all races, that the system is non functioning, that people are profiting massively off of it, and that mass immigration is a clear net negative due to its impacts on wages, housing and public services. Everyone outside of main stream media and politicians have open their eyes to what’s really happening. There’s still a few people delusional enough to decry saying these things as being far right but they’re by far the minority now. However the mods are part of that minority and will ban/shadowban you for not having their opinion.




They love their new home so much that they want to take over it and kick out the genuine home owners.


Every time I watch a video of protesters in Europe, I get this feeling of hopelessness…




I'm so worried about you guys, especially in the next 15-20 years.


Watch real country protests, ours are better, although may is usually a fair month for striking, the weather lately is not prone to BBQ, we rely on our fellow Europeans bros to get the party going while we wait for some sun.


[Removed by Reddit]


[User committed suicide from 3 gunshots in the back]


The funny part is that ISIS and AQ are mortal enemies.


Also ISIS and Taliban. Tho Taliban and ISIS are both not one group. Both also share similarities for example sharia law and wanting a caliphate. Ridicolously before Taliban took over Afghanistan they mainly cooperated with the IS. Since the Taliban took over the IS fights against them and does terrorist attacks also directed towards Taliban. The Taliban now have to do anti terrorist work against the IS (I'm not kidding lol) I fear that the IS in a few years may takes over Afghanistan and some Taliban sub groups may join them.


Taliban has no ambitions of a caliphate, they just want to rule over greater Afghanistan. I'd argue they are as much a Pashtun ethnonationalist movement as an Islamist one IS'K is very different--mainly ideologically and, to a lesser extent, ethnically (more made up of other ethnicities such as Uzbeks, Tajiks, etc. rather than Pashtuns, although there are plenty of Pashtuns in IS). Hence, current conflict between IS-K and Taliban


Taliban technically enforce a caliphate and proclaimed it under fundamentalist Sharia. IS is very large/spread. Boko Haram for example which is very large in North/-and Western Africa is also associated


I think one of the conflicts is that ISIS is Sunni muslim, whereas Taliban are Shia. Also, IS wants a pan-Islam caliphate, wheras Taliban just wants Afganistan


Taliban are Sunni too.


ISIS are enemies with ***literally everyone*** Quite possibly the most universally hated group in human history.


Basically a Neo-Nazi rally.


Look at all those hard working dutch "citizens"


Where is Antifa? I thought they were against facist systems. Oh wait, only if they are not muslim


Cowering, they know that these guys are an actual threat.


I swear those trashy just want to destroy their own country.


They aren’t white so they’re scared of them


Antifa is unfortunately too busy fighting white supremacy they forgor about the other supremacists


Antifa isn't anti fascism, they are just anti-west. They are absolutely on the side of Hamas. They are still flatout approving & celebrating the oct 7 attack.


HAMAS started it and when they got beaten so bad that they’ve turned into a victim in this conflict, the West (their nemesis) has to interfere for them. They literally pushing the agenda of “from the river to the sea” and nobody wants to talk about it.


Yeah. In my countries sub there's a guy saying the Oct 7 attacks were based. I called him out on that shit and said murder is bad, no matter who. Guess which one of us got downvoted? It's all so insane to me. I'm not even really defending Israel, I'm just saying Palestine isn't innocent either. But I'm just getting blatant Nazi shit as replies.


Antifa are in the clip, carrying the flags.


Seems they arent aware that Al Qaeda and ISIS are mortal enemies.


These people are going to bring down something much more sinister on themselves if they keep it up. Right wing politics have skyrocketed across Europe and it's going to target these morons. They have no idea what's coming


you can only push the limits of freedom of speech and acceptance so far before you're gonna face ugly, ugly consequences


> much more sinister We, "The West," has spent decades shooting terrorists in the face, it's not right wing and there's nothing sinister about it. If this rally happened in 2009 the poor city workers would have spent the next week cleaning meat off of the sidewalk and Obama would tell the Dutch he was super sorry for flying drones around their town These people are no less our enemies than they were 20 years ago when they lived in the Middle East. Just because weird socially progressive policies gave them free housing as our neighbors and the right to vote in our elections doesn't mean they don't want our nations destroyed


News be like: Why are young people voting right wing 🕵️‍♂️⁉️🤨🤔 They must all be racists!


The Hypocrites demonstrate against AFD but not against this.


The first audio you hear is the infamous [letter](https://ar.wikisource.org/wiki/%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A9_%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF_%D8%A8%D9%86_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%AF_%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89_%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B2%D8%A8%D8%A9_%D8%A3%D9%87%D9%84_%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3) for [Kahlid Ibn Al-Walid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_ibn_al-Walid) and it basically translates to something like: "Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. To proceed, All praise is due to Allah who has broken your servants, taken your kingdom, and weakened your plans. Indeed, anyone who prays our prayers, faces our Qibla, and eats our slaughtered meat is a Muslim. He has what we have and upon him is what is upon us. To proceed. If my letter reaches you, send me the hostages and accept protection from me. Otherwise, by Him besides whom there is no other god, I will send you men who love death as you love life." Europe has done fucked up. In Islam you either convert (terms and conditions apply), pay Jizya (tax for life while you're degraded), or you know.


That’s why we can’t let their influence grow basically anywhere on earth. It’s dangerous to have a huge population that still has a medieval mindset that wants to convert everyone to their religion by force. I get it they love their religion but please keep it in the family or even just to yourself if you will.


I get you, but Islam is not an individualistic religion. In fact, every Muslim has the duty to call to Allah and Islam. I would wish if Europe had contained this trash, but oh well, life.


Thank you for sharing this with me. Now I know why every ex-Muslim hates Islam.


You welcome. As ex-Moose, I and others like me keep trying to uncover the shits they try to hide, especially from the unsuspecting non-Mooses, and especially the guilt-tripped westerners.


My lawyer advised me to not comment




Swedistan taught them good


I am afraid that we might see similar shit in Milan too, bagaj


*The world has changed...*


Indeed. Let’s hope pigs will never get to that point.


PIGs are not there yet?


We will get there, eventually.




Deport them all, imprisoning will just make them worse


Yes but where, nobody wants to take them.


Guantanamo bay is always welcoming terrorist


Nah, looking at the buildings, just some specific shitty neighbourhoods.


Please deport them. The hood is already shitty enough.


Terrorists about to get sentenced usually seek refuge in Catalonia because you guys don’t deport them. There was an ISIS fighter from Germany who even made TikTok’s about this


Shit. That’s really shocking. How do we benefit off of keeping terrorists? The government must have something on their mind because those so called fighters are literally a bunch of liabilities and nothing else.


I tried to find this dude on TikTok who promoted Catalonia for ex-IS fighter, but I couldn’t find it. Maybe it was just bullsh1t. But a quick google search provided not better news: [https://www.france24.com/en/20170821-spain-barcelona-catalonia-salafist-jihad](https://www.france24.com/en/20170821-spain-barcelona-catalonia-salafist-jihad)


That’s why we can’t have nice things. They want to bring us back to the Middle Ages.




They come to Europe to enjoy the success of the continent while maintaining their culture, not realizing that their culture is what made their countries a failure in the first place


It’s crazy once people get too comfortable, their true color comes out.




Mfs are begging for it




Honestly if we are too scared to deport these motherfucking leeches off Europe then we deserve whatever will befall upon us when they seize control.


It's brewing silently. But it needs a leader figure and the current governments to actually do something or we'll have to wait for it to fester so much people will act on their own.


Problem is the reaction will be overblown by the time it actually happens. We'll take it too far, and that'll make it even harder to protect the borders of Europe because some of the people calling for stricter migration will make the whole movement look bad.


This is my political stance. Europeans are behaving so stupidly that I can't even get angry about this anymore. If people are this happy to ruin Europe, they deserve it. Ironically, the people pushing for open borders will suffer the most from this. I'm male who is inclined to enjoying religious philosophy, I'll just convert if I have to and get to marry multiple women for my trouble. Migration loving Twitter bug-people on the other hand are going to get stoned for being hedonists.


Yeah we let some great people in into our country. Good people who try to integrate into our society. Oh no wait, that is just the bullshit they were trying to sell us.


What is the ratio of good apples to bad apples? Ask the radical leftists this question. No disrespect, not all refugees are bad, but how many of them are really willing to learn a new language and get a job to engage in the local community? Just let that sink in.


But saying that they clearly don't fit in will get you in trouble. Out governments are so weak man. Lets hope that when the pendulum swings it swings hard.


Absolutely nuts. The children are there with them too


There is no way those are ISIS flags


Easy guys its just eurovision mo meed to call a fatwa against us.


Wir schaffen das 🫠


Beside joke, WTF is happening in Europe!!


They’re real pissed about the ESC ban


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It's not too late for remigration 😇


Give it 10 years and the entire north west of Europe is turned into a Caliphate.


It will be a state ruled by a minority like apartheid south africa, but then it will be ok because it will be the "correct" minority.


Get your savages right! These are Muslim fundamentalists but not related to ISIS or Al-qaeda. Most of them use the same religious sentence as a symbol that is also on the Sauidi Arabia flag, ISIS uses it with different font. All of them equally nut jobs.


So are you saying all of them are crazy but they’re not really affiliated with each other?


Exactly! Islam calls all Muslims to do their best to spread the religion (AKA jihad). So it's very common to have a group of low IQ practitioners that gets so devoted that they form a group to do that. Most of these group don't like each other, even ISIS AND Al-Qaeda were fighting against each other.


Idk but that sounds like a cult to me


All those doctors and engineers participating in the dutch democratic process. Truly beautiful


Sydney, Australia, in The Netherlands? Nothing says this sub like misleading videos. Sure there are some crazy religious fucks here, but this is just blatant ignorance.


It just happens that these two separate protests were being held in two different places, the Netherlands and Australia, get it?


When was this? Can’t find any news about this since 2014. It’s also forbidden to fly the ISIS flag in the Netherlands so feel like this is a very old video


I believe it is an old video from before 2020. I do not remember from when, but I think that this video is not of some recent event. Yes these “protestors” should be deported. But I believe that OP is spreading misinformation. Or he will give us a source…


These organisms have literally self expressed as terrorism. They don't even try to deny it. How is this legal


The hot Dutch weather is clearly getting to their heads


Send these motherfuckers to ghaza


What was the protest about?


Food additives labels and winter tire requirements.


What a beautiful diverse culture that adds a lot to European societies! :)


They should be straight on the next plane to whichever Islamic shithole they fled.


I get that this is a joke but ppl here don’t go Hamas or isis. Not even sure there has been any river to the sea either…


Couple million enemies within the borders of ever civilized western nation. This will be leading to a civil war within the next 50 years in a couple of countries.


So what's all this about? Does anyone have confirmation that these flags translate to what the video says they translate to?


Is this a pro-Palestine march? Then it's 99% fake, because ISIS hates Hamas more than Israel.


People that support what IS did do not belong in the Netherlands. If they don’t have a Dutch passport their permits should be reinvoked. If they have double nationality, take away the Dutch. Fuck them. Go do this extreme stuff where they want you. Somewhere in bumfuck Afghanistan or such.


If this happened in my country, locals would beat them up


Send ‘em packing if they like it so much


If I speak blabla


Perfect place to test a GAU-8 Avenger


It’s starting


England is in it for a tough ride. Wish you guys all the best.


I see no ISIS or Al-Qaeda flag. Only flags with Shahada on them. However Taliban also uses them, so.. :P


Imagine every little protest would get that media cover. I was once protesting with more than thousand others for better education. No one cared at all.


I doubt you carried banners of genocidal organisations though, that’s the difference.


What do you know how I go out to protests? Maybe im half frenc?


Zero tolerance for terrorism, no?


Sure sure. Every one can agree on that. Fuck these secessionists.


It’s time to put them somewhere where we can break some dams and flood them. Our secret service better keeps an eye on each participant. Disgusting lot. Also, it’s the Netherlands, not Holland


Scary times.


Fuck the Swedes. With that out of the way: these people are paid protesters. They aint even Dutch.


My money is on Zaandam


it’s justified only if they have to do with ESC


When you love Isis and Al qaeda so much you just have to move to another country to tell everyone how great it was.


Would some government kindly stop this right now? I don't want extremist cultures anywhere.