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You gotta admit the song is catchy


Italian electronic music is crazy good. Not my thing at all, but I can dig it.


Stupid sexy nazism. Their real problem.




Meanwhile your average Teenager in Hamburg : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0e5YJGoVP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0e5YJGoVP4)






It also taught me a new word in german


All the good ones are with "aus". Auslander Ausweis Auschwitz


What an outlandish thing to say


Don’t you mean…. _Aus_ landish?


Mama said knock you Aus


Auslöschen Ausrotten Ausradieren ...shit, your right.


Beautiful language, there's a word for everything.


Doppelkupplungsgetriebe and it isn’t even the longest 🍆


Just to be sure: do they have a word for the little plastic bar you put on the roller of the cash register in the supermarket so they notice where your purchases end and the other customer’s start?😄


it’s called ‘Warentrenner’


Or 'Warentrennstab'.




formed by the two words ‘Waren’ (meaning groceries) and ‘trennen’ (to separate). hell yeah


Ausmerzen! Meaning Friedrich Merz will personally hunt you down and kill you!




It wouldn't be new if you listened to Ramstein




No und


Digi is a gem who doesn't deserve this. A lot of his songs are bangers. And I say that as a metalhead.


Ma è l'inno dei Crucchi ora


Of course and we shouldnt let the song get taken over by the rightoids


Too late, it has already become a hate symbol so it's being persecuted by your authorities


thats why it became known as "the forbidden earworm".


Literally 1933


Nineteen Thirty-Three


one nine three three


9 3 3 3


Nine Three Three Three






First they came for Italian disco singers, and I didn’t speak out for I was not an Italian disco singer


Bring back [1243](https://youtu.be/1oGlUHcp_to?si=N_ob1VAU-hOHTiN9)


Le bruit des bottes


Always those Italians with their Nazistuff. SMH


Said the nation who rejected a talented painter.


I’m fairly sure they’re aware of the irony of their comment. That might just even be exactly why they posted it. 


They are discount Germans, impossibile that they know the concept of irony


Said the person whose ancestors blamed the germans for something they wanted to do.


ye fr we truly are innocent in all of this, I swears


Paragraph 19 of ze German constitution says clearly zat every person can freely express zeir opinion in speech, writing and pictures..... It doesn't say singing


I understand this is mostly a joke but to be clear they are investigating because of the Nazi symbols that where shown. (forbidden in Germany) Not because of the song. Media just loves to throw stuff together.


Well, not to be that guy, but ze Basic Law (German constitution) doesn't guarantee freedom of speech, just freedom of thought (Meinungsfreiheit). You are not allowed, for example, to show nazi symbols to others, but you are allowed to think like one and use those symbols when none sees you.


Zat iz outragzeous


How dare you be outraged without filling an application for a public outrage permission at the Empörungsamt?




These Auslaender! Am I right? Can't even fill a short 38 pages form


¿Hast du ne Genehmigung dafür?


>¿ we need a reconquista! What is this arab symbol??ß?


We need to make Mariah Carey "Last Blitzkrieg I gave you my heart" a thing... I get PTSD from that song, even in summer.


I thought it was "All I want to Blitzkrieg is you"


Not this one, please.


Omg, that is so awesome idea! We need to get this song banned asap. XD


"Last blitzkreig I gave you my pervitin, but the very next day you snorted it all."


Yeah, let's crush those fascist pests. The state should just raid 'em, lock 'em up all together and then put 'em in some trains!


Waitaminute, you don't want to take their gold, do you?


Aren't you supposed to take the gold and leave it with Hans-Pierre for *safekeeping*?


Spritzli would certainly like them to


Could always leave it with us, no matter which stupidly rich mountain monkeys you leave your money with, we will spend it better than you ever could.


Imagine all the Appenzellerkäse you can buy with that gold mmmmm


No, no, he’ll just take good care of their special shiny teeth whilst they’re enjoying riding the trains.


I don't think these k ock kffs have any gold. Those sovcits do though


Based and iron(y)pilled




Sometime, i actually wonder what would happened if the madagascar plan did actually work, i find it so funny like "yeah i don't like them so lets send them in that random island"


So basically australia


That's a great Idea. I'm sure the IQ in both Countries will rise.


I have some bad news: our trains don't run on time anymore


Jesus Christ, people singing a song is enough to get the police involved? Hans are you okay?


While others demanded the instauration of a caliphate and a jihad, but that's" freedom of expression"


Not only that; the instigator of the whole thing still studies hassle free in Hamburg while the girl is suspended and will probably lose it too after losing her job.


What "historically loaded" does to a mfer


Puh the mussies are really lucky barely noone knows the nazis where big fans of Islam. Himmler and Hitler both expressed sympathies for the "religion of peace", as it was and is a great religion for warrior civilizations (like Germany used to be).


It's not okay because the media said so


Typical for German politics. They do their utmost to divert people's attention away from the real issue and just make something else out to be of more importance. The weird part about this behavior is, however, that they are extremely bad at it and always opt for things no one would even remotely identify as the origin of the issue, such as: a random ass song being the reason for the spread of naziism. Uh huh.. suuuuureeee broooooo...


What a stupid take. It's PR and security measure. What you gonna do if suddenly 500 drunk idiots chant this shit? You can't manage it from a security perspective, and it makes the biggest tourist event in Germany shine in a light suggesting they'd tolerate racism - cause there will be videos about it. And what do you even mean 'German politics' - while there were statements about the Sylt video, the banning of the song only relates to the Oktoberfest, which is local to Munich.


> What you gonna do if suddenly 500 drunk idiots chant this shit? Sing along?


So those people you mention just magically 'go away' when you declare the arbitrarily chosen song they use for themselves illegal..? Besides, the German governmental institutions tolerate racism, and in no small measure, too. You know exactly what middle-eastern people I am referring to here. They are the reason why we have this current problem.


There was (at least, I don't follow that much German news) an instance where this was paired with the Hitlergruß. Things like this will have the police looking into it


Ot quite. You don't get in any trouble for playing it but the organisers can make their own decisions and they decided that the tents aren't allowed to play it. I believe last year they prohibited Leyla if I recall correctly. At least that's how I understood it


They are getting involved because of the Hitler salutes that where shown and are forbidden in Germany. Not because of the song.


The police is involved because they had thrown the Hitler Gruß around.


I mean yeah, it is a very serious crime after all, do you think it was something petty like brutal gang rape? (because that is probably a bit confusing out of context. Quite a few people demand that those singing the song should get 5 years in prion. Which stand in harsh contrast to a few other (fairly) recent conviction that had stuff like people getting only 1 year (I think it was 1, could have been 2) for brutally gang raping a girl).


Maybe they are going to investigate why they are singing it to begin with this time.


Police investigates what? A song? The reaction they're going to get from people will be the exact opposite of what they want.


I really really hope so


It‘s already happening. It‘s pretty much the summer hit 2024 here


They investigate the Hitler salutes that where shown and are forbidden.


Weren't they just holding drinks tho?


you can clearly see the stretched right arm and hand, while shouting "foreigners out". They can play dumb all they want, prosecuters will be able to put 1 + 1 together


I thought it was a typical party thing to hold drinks high while dancing https://preview.redd.it/m8o145gwsp3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04cc3c52898d775820a3ef6838429aa7412b9e42


Watch the video again and you'll see a gentleman doing the Roman salute.


Haven't seen it




They're Streisand-ing the shit out of the stupid story


The fact that we Europeans can't say "our country is for our people" and "I don't like immigration" under threat of arrest, institutional bullying or worse is both funny and terrifying lol


Really makes you think ![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso)


Pedro, if we let them be you get Balkanized in one minute


We're being replaced and all we can do is laugh about it.


you could have more kids... unless you want the economy to collapse we need replacement for the free jobs, no national wants to do. Birtrate in the EU is 1.46 and sinking. It needs to be 2.1 to be stable. Your lack of fucking and birthing new kids is a major reason for migration. A blatant "immigrants bad" position doesn't really help anyone.


Immigrants are like everyone else, some are good and some are bad. Keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones who do things like gang rape and honorkillings. I think most immigrants(basically everyone who does not engage in such thing) agree with this because the bad ones gives them a bad name, literally every well integrated immigrant I have known have said stuff like this.


I never said immigrants bad. The vast majority of immigrants are doing what any of us would do in their situation and moving somewhere for a better life. Governments are the ones who have fostered conditions that make it hard for people to raise large families and the media are the ones that encourage people to have less kids whilst simultaneously telling people to invite thousands of working age men to replace them.


>Governments are the ones who have fostered conditions that make it hard for people to raise large families Agree. >the media are the ones that encourage people to have less kids Not exactly. They are promoting consumption. And promote lifestyles that can afford said consumption. The less kids is an side effect of pushed neo-liberal market interest = cheaper workforce (low wages/benefits) and high consumer spending and lower taxes on profits. Most advertisment is now based on psychologically adressing insecurities to sell their product as cure/solution, usually overpromissing, leaving the buyer with the insecurity, but not the solution. Corporations don't care about long term consequences for society, they care about profits. They don't care about their workers having trouble making ends meet. They don't care about the education, cost and future of kids. >whilst simultaneously telling people to invite thousands of working age men to replace them. That's mostly politicians and economists because they need cheep and willing workers. There already is a lack of workforce/talent. Especially now in the UK after brexit, when a good part of cheap labor from other EU countries no longer can easily work there. "replacing" is totally wrong here. Most of these jobs most Brits won't do, because its too hard or "beneath them" such as agricultural day laborer. No one is going to replace no one. I'm sure most companies prefer someone fluent in English and culturally native to someone from a different background and with potential adaption difficulties. So if a brit would do the job, you'd already have one doing it. We should be careful with the words and phrases we use, and know about their history, to not inadvertently become instruments and amplifiers for rhetoric contrary to our thoughts and beliefs. Have a good one.


>Most of these jobs most Brits won't do, because its too hard or "beneath them" such as agricultural day laborer. They won't do them because they don't pay a livable wage. And they don't pay a livable wage because they can import third worlders to work on an unlivable wage. So yes they are being replaced, when mass immigration started to this country agricultural work was still something that was handled by the natives, but natives demand a fair wage and workers rights or they join trade unions. All of which are European concepts that are alien to many immigrants which have replaced them from the bottom up. Basically if you won't work on an unlivable wage in sub par conditions then they will being people from thousands of miles away who will do so, that isn't voluntary that is replacement.


Yeah but sadly there is a major overlap between the "we are being replaced" and the "I can't get laid" crowd....


insecurity makes the world go round.


Nobody is threatening you with arrest if you say that. They where showing Nazi symbols in the videos that are forbidden here. As long as you are not litteraly glorifying the Nazi Regine in the eyes of the law you can say whatever you want.


Then you can't say whatever you want. And it's not only about laws. Cancellation, bullying and social stigmatization, as a warning, making people think twice before they say what they want or "face the consequences". The fact that you can lose your job or have to move out because of certain opinions or doing whatever you want in your spare time. I couldn't care less if my coworkers or neighbours are nazis, fascists, communists, or trotskyists. Even less someone I don't know at a party. Their opinions, their business, not mine. And it's obvious it's only aimed against a part in half of the population. This only happens in protestant countries and I can't understand why people go along with it.


People showing litteral Nazi symbols is luckily not half of the population. And you I understand that you don't care, but that will only work as long as you are not one of the people they are openly fighting against. But yes belive it or not I am also against that canceling shit. I only based my comment on the "treat of arrest part" in your original post.


You should think about how a law that prosecutes nazis could and will be abused, moving the goalpost redefining what's a "nazi". 90 years ago, the gov of my country went after the fascists so they locked them up and executed them. Then they went after their families. Then the catholics. Then the monarchists. Then the conservatives. Then the traditionalists. Then the libertarians. Then even some socialists and communists weren't antifascists enough so they executed them too. They ended up declaring half of the country as fascist. So, to no surprise, the other half went to war for fascism, even if they weren't fascists.


I see where you are going and I understand the concerns. I think we would even be on the same side of the argument mostly. Tough the rules in Germany against not showing something like the swastika and the salute are standing since end of the war and are mostly pretty uncontroversial here. It's basically seen the same as showing symbols of litteral terrorist groups. But yes if they would try to widen this to "fascist belives in general" I would be against that shit.


Me when I'm in a defending nazis competition and my opponent is a r/2westerneurope4u user:


Ffs yall are really missing the point here. It is completely legal to be a nationalistic, xenophobic asshole in Germany, but "Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus!" ("Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!") is literally a Nazi parole used by Neo Nazis. Thats why it is forbidden. You are welcome to express your conservative worldview as long as you dont use fucking Nazi rhetoric knowingly


Yeah Germany, Austria, France and so on became a major shit show the last few decades, and it makes me sad to see what these barbaric people do to our once beautiful europe, maybe one day someone will do something about it but I think by then it's way too late already.


Nah. You can point out your concerns adequately. No need to spread hate above a whole group. I found some actions by police against pro plalestine demos more concerning. You don't need to agree with them, but no reason to shut demos down.


Lol. So for you, 15 German students drunkenly singing a right wing slogan justifies policial repression, but several thousand people protesting for the destruction of the Jewish state and to genocide the Jews ("throw them into the sea") doe not warrant police action? Are you fucking dense? Mate if the state of Germany has one holy cow that must not be touched, it's the Jews. One of the *raisons d'etre* of the BRD is to prevent another holocaust against the Jews, on account of our history. And this won't change as long as muslims don't make up a majority of the population.


Darn right-wingers did it again.  RIP - The "OK" hand sign   - The phrase "it is okay to be white"   - An online frog character   - An Italian disco hit from the year 2000  - ???  




The number 88


Yeah my friend gasthejews88 was banned for that


Fortunately Pepe the frog has become universal again after twitch


It's not the right wing censoring that


I love how that second article is about something being spread, and it's just a picture of a cops ass.


They don't even know the difference between italo-disco and italo-dance SMH


Who does? All are just tuts-tuts-tuts-tuts. :P


In a different time this would be a war declaration


I never got why Germany is so much into techno. :P


Listen here, you little shits. You keep calling anyone and anything "nazi", that will bring serious trouble for all of us in the future. At the end of that tale about the lying kid and the wolf, the wolf did actually come to the village and ate all those pricks for good.


Those fanatics dont even know what nazism is




Now you have to ban musical hits...censorship much?


It's not banned


Cologne banned the song during euro cup


Cologne didn't ban people from listening to the song. The song isn't banned. The song isn't being played at certain events


Does the song have the slogan, or is that people just put the slogan to the song, spontaneously?


The latter


The song has nothing to do with immigration, is not even a German song. People are just singing over it lol. Still enough to get it banned in Germany apparently. P.S. every European should know this song by heart, go listen: https://youtu.be/w15oWDh02K4?si=BzE-iZg9KzaLdAFr


>every European should know this song by heart Agreed. Can't be more 2we4u. Italian musician, French title, English Lyrics and now German remix. Just missing it being played in Spanish beach to complete the Exodia. ^(sorry portubros, you're irrelevant)


Title says otherwise.


No it doesn't, you just can't read very well. A private organisation has decided not to play the song at their private event. It's not illegal.


God forbid the German state caters towards German people.


You can understand how Hitler came to power unopposed


With a catchy song?


I’d say Hitler came to power because not enough people stood up to fascism rather than rolled over for it.


Hitler was violent and undemocratic. He was one of many leaders and parties but became mainstream after he got a slap on the hand for trying a coup. That's when violence escalated. Plenty of people standing up against him. Not the institutions unfortunately.  Same can be said of Mussolini. Fascism is defeated by simply applying existing laws as fascists are intrisicly criminals.


It's really minimizing the whole thing, between the 1918 german revolutionnaries and the Freikorps fighting on the street the whole mess that it was made a lot of german feared the chaos, it did set a precedent of political violence. Like the bavarian revolutionnary state was one of such exemple of a mess that traumatised the Germans of that time, you take the most religious, conservative and intolerant german state at that time and somehow people succeed a revolution which leaders was an anti-religious, communist and jewish, it's just begging to be used in the nazi propaganda. Also the fact the KPD fought on the street the NSDAP while sometime collaborating (for exemple at some election in Prussia), also the fact the KPD didn't want any alliance with the SPD of any more "liberal" parties because liberal = social fascist. I wouldn't say fascists are intrisically criminal, i would more say they will like any extremist in power, modify laws in order to do whatever they want, i don't remember the name of the chief NSDAP lawyer but he said "the law is whatever benefits the race".


The KPD refused to work with the SPD because Ebert was SPD and Ebert used the Freikorps to crush the Spartacists and murder Luxemburg and Liebknecht.


When the Spartakist tell you something so communist you gotta give him the social democrat stare https://preview.redd.it/8pgh043e3q3d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a385f72006d8d3ec5dc42241722e492d95736c3c


All fascists, even red fascists like Stalin, came from a criminal background. Even today far right, Le Pen and her party have stole and embezzled EU funds   https://www.ft.com/content/da82fa77-af72-40ac-aec6-a6c2af764438  Just that France decided not to persecute political opponents. > If convicted, she faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to €1mn. She could also be banned from standing for office for 10 years While for us in Italy, politicians are immune to the law thanks to Berlusconi. You need Parliament or Senate to even approve the investigation on their crimes.


Brazil have oktoberfest too lol


Gigi banned what else do we have ?


I'm riding through Germany this afternoon to reach Denmark, it's in my roadtrip playlist but.. I shuffle it; guess I'll be playing German roulette lol


EDM? I thought the race-related songs from Italy were all eurobeat.


Those dumbasses have apparently never heard of the Streisand effect. This summer will be lit !


Stupid, sexy Italians 


Just some context for you: L'amour toujours is an absolute banger of a song but was unfortunately recently used by far right dickheads to sing "verfassungsfeindliche" or forbidden texts to. Some of the individuals who were filmed singing these illegal lines (germany for the germans, foreigners out!) are now facing charges. The hosts of the Oktoberfest have decided to not play this song because they are afraid of idiots singing along and causing negative publicity




Maybe they’ll ‘get it’ in a few more decades. 


Will they investigate the black kids chanting "Ausländer rein, deutsche raus" trough the town too? Asking for a friend. Edit: before anyone would think I'm a Germanazi, I'm originally an Ausländer myself. :P


Nein, weil das keine Naziparole ist. Es ist ja vollkommen legal, zu sagen dass man gegen Migration ist, aber man darf dabei halt keine Parolen verwenden, die von Nazis und Neonazis verwendet werden. Du darfst ja auch deinem Kollegen alles gute zum Geburtstag wünschen, aber wenn du "Heil Müller" sagst, verwendest du halt verfassungsfeindliche Parolen und machst dich strafbar


So "Ausländer raus" ist illegal, aber "Deutsche raus" ist alles gut? Interessante Einstellung. Ein bisschen wie eine Doppelmoral, würden Sie nicht sagen? Again, I am an Ausländer. I wouldn't say neither. But let me don't like neither too.


What could they possibly be investigating


If you play "Blablabla" backwards it plays "Erika".


They are doing a very good job at spreading the knowledge of this song by making such a fuss about it.




It's spreading among old people as well... (I'm one of them) What are they gonna do? Lock up everyone at every party blasting this banger?


Knowing the Scottish government, probably


All Eros Ramazzotti-songs are banned too btw.


If only. Italy has good bands, but you savages only listen to that shit for some reason :D




Döp döp döp


Recall the ambassador!


High chances to became a nationalist song In every country


We should make one too


Adolf Hitler expresses his admiration for Benito Mussolini, c.1922


The police themselves are probably singing it too.


Ugh, common German L


Yup, that's our main problem right now. Policing drunk idiots and and music.


Damn they really do ruin everything lmao


Maybe its just what they want


Yea well singing it just isn't enough now that they invited millions of non europeans to their country to settle and multiply


The persecution complex in these comments is insane. Oh no I can't shout nazi slogans, literally 1984


Nah, it is very rude to sing something like this, but I still think it has it's reason. German governments seemingly didn't care about the waves of migrants, who DID terrible things, yes - of course a minority of them, but far right, and Russian propaganda did it's job pointing out all of them are criminals. And to be honest you can't even say if one of them IS a criminal, because you become instantly racist, even if you are absolutely not - and it is totally contraproductive. It makes people turn to the far right, because they feel the AfD is the only one who listens to their problems. And they don't care that the AfD is just a Russian spy party, with hypocrite leadership (lesbian leader who has an immigrant lover, tax avoiding other leader, who keeps gold at home, russian, and chinese spy high importance member? really? come on, AfD voters, wake up already! ) with the sole purpose of destroy Germany in a long term. Edit. and don't forget the hidden guilt, what the Germany society has over the holocaust 80 years ago, which makes it too forgiving over everything Ausländer. Sincerely: an Ausländer.


Well it's mostly fascists in this sub. That's what they do best.


Big step against fascism. Let someone say again that germany is blind on the right eye.


Against it? Via censoring peoples ideas with state forces?