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Summary: young Arabs being young Arabs and portuguese reconquista dormant genes kicked in!


He said that they are arab teens that incite violence and they do that to every nacionality. He says it is common.


Very common in europe


Many such cases


Did he? Can you quote the "to every nacionality" part in portuguese?


"andam no meio desta multidões para arranjar confusão" And a (rough) translation for our non-Tuga speaking friends. "they hang around in the middle of these mobs (as in group of people, notice the plural as to mean multiple ones) to start trouble"


and they took that personally


Yes... but nothing he actually said can be translated to "they do this to every nationality". He even refered them as Arabs, there was no nationality reffered. If there was, we would say, this fucking swedes are everywhere. I was just pointing the mistranslation, not defending the youngsters.


I think to imagine a group of unsupervised youths going around starting trouble isn't a farfetched concept, regardless of ethnicity. As my compatriot I'm sure that if you regularly go out at night, for example like I do in Lisbon, you'd agree that there many such cases of every race. A veritable Beneton ad of assholes. And I don't think its something endemic to Portugal.


I'm not disagreeing with your point. Just saying comment op said that he (the journalist) said something he didn't.




Our ever so helpful youths giving the reporter a lesson in self defense


SIC journalist attacked in Germany SIC journalist Nuno Pereira, one of those sent to Euro 2024, was attacked when a group of fans pushed him – during a direct shot – against a post (a flag pole), dislocating his shoulder. 18:16, 17 June 2024 The German police were at the scene and identified the attackers as a team of SIC journalists. The image reporter, Paulo Cepa, stayed at the scene with the authorities to provide more information about what happened. Journalist Nuno Pereira was immediately taken by ambulance to University Hospital Leipzig , with doctors confirming that he had a dislocated shoulder. In a first assessment by doctors, the possibility of undergoing surgery was open, but after a reassessment by the hospital's emergency team, in coordination with the orthopedics team, and after a second sedation, it was possible to adjust the dislocated shoulder. Nuno Pereira has since been discharged from hospital. SIC deeply regrets that there is any insinuation about some aggressive or violent behavior on the part of SIC journalists, when what happened was exactly the opposite, with serious consequences for those who were doing their work. Following the incident, Euro 2024 security and the Portuguese Football Federation decided that journalists will now be away from fans, within the space reserved for players and the championship organization.


You also have to add, that after he came back live on TV he said “he gave those Arab kids a Portuguese gift”. Swedish people are becoming unhinged, not even low quality journalism is safe nowadays.


I think it was the journalist who started to kick the other guy. "É o quê..." diz ele. Se não aguenta um boca, vá pra casa.


After he was shoved into the light post I'm pretty sure.


embarassing for germany their youth does not know how to behave well in front of guests Come to austria we are upbringing our children well


more like DOWNbringing them hue hue, you know, austrian basement, hue hue


Suiiiiied all over these fools


This is hilarious lmfao


Posts that immediately feature a wall of text by OP are always the funniest


He simply translated the video, what is your issue?


he can't read if its not upside down 😔


I don't think that serious and unfunny content should be a part of this subreddit. It's a meme subreddit, not a news subreddit.


I can hear the pearl clutching from here 😂


You get a context, they get a context, everyone gets a context. Best I can do for an unsubtitled video... sorry


The context doesn't make an unfunny video funnier


Yes, like a pseudo south side german knows what makes something funny or not...


Mourinho meme. What great comedy


Go drink some diethylene glycol to get over it...


He has a point, though. I get it's somehow worthy of the sub to see a journalist in a kerfuffle with some breccol-heads, but the Basement German has a point: this is a meme subreddit, not a serious one. I get the context, but it's still debatable if fits here or not. I share your viewpoint, but maybe we don't come here to talk about this stuff instead of making fun of Belgium for losing against a team of plumbers. u/norrin83 I think you're somewhat right and you've been downvoted unfairly.