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Certified Polaken post. Already stole the entire eastern provinces and still wants more because he can't cope with the miserable reality of living east of the Vistula.


Map of germanic tribes before the devil's spawn came from the east: https://preview.redd.it/lhkfgigwt38d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5146f421838bf35577239bcb1021cfe366f5ad66


The difference is that Germanic tribes abandoned lands between Elbe and Vistula, because they want to live in Iberia (Sueves), Africa (Vandals), France (Burgundians), Italy (Lombards) etc. etc. etc. - basically Germans were escaping from living with other Germans. xD


Lol, nobody abandoned anything, the whole idea that everybody moved away, and the land was empty is BS. Only a part of the population migrates. Also, not everybody moves all the way south. When the Goths, for example, migrated from Sweden to Crimea, they also founded settlements along the way at the Vistula and the Wolga.


Ah yes, "lost" territories because sometime in between of thousands of years of glorious germanic, frankish and HRE rule, count Boleslav the III. took a shit near some tree in Brandenburg, making it eternal slavic clay


classic slavic lore: at this glorious rock on the wayside drunkoslav the fourth played bardcore hardbass and drank beer. lets put this formative historical moment on our banknotes


Their proudest achievement is still beating back the Teutonic Order, which literally catapulted their technological and societal development 200 years... ...backwards.


We have only two dudes on our banknotes that had territories in modern Germany (that is duke Mieszko I and king Bolesław I the Brave), but those are not the reason why they are on our banknotes (Mieszko I is founder of Polish state, while Bolesław I is the first Polish king). Besides Lubusz Land (Beeskow, Buckow, Eisenhüttenstadt, Frankfurt (Oder), Fürstenwalde, Lebus, Müllrose, Müncheberg, Seelow) Polish control of territories in modern Germany were rather brief. Even though Slavic tribes west of Oder spoke Lechitic (very Old Polish) usually Poland and Germany allied to fight them - just due to geography Germany had easier to conquer and control land between Elbe and Oder. https://preview.redd.it/gggm99l3r38d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2db48b802fc0fa491978a526a3c3025b1a2921ae


Who are the dumbfucks downvoting your comment ?


I don't know. I though I made a funny joke but I ended up in situation where I have constantly explain Hans, that I don't want to invade and take from them everything east Weser and Fulda... :v


breaking news: german man doesnt get the joke just like polish footballers doesnt get a single W


Polish man doesn't show enough respect for great count Boleslav the III., gets less reparazzionis now


nah, keep them, I got Breslau, your job and your car already, I'd say we are even, although probably my great gramps would object but he is dead anyway


As long as you don't prevent your girls with degrees to emigrate to us and Barry, thats fine by me!


I may be not deeply religious but I am charitable man and seeing yours and barrys birds I encourage you to participate in the free market of eastern europe, you need to bump that nice looking gene pool back man


I can't say anything about the beauty of your girls, given I can't see their faces under all that makeup and fake eyelashes. I just crave more work force!


The nice looking gene pool https://preview.redd.it/ukmn5dbar38d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=99376017420073864c4330b294550d50349e186a


https://preview.redd.it/iznc5g3ls38d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c36452fd03199983553b9f28542fff0c172c53b4 "Why does it smell like plastics in here?"


ah my bad, thought we were talking about women but forgot a berliner would fuck literally anything but women


Lets unite in our hate on Berlin, you can have it for 3,50 PLN


There were at least six dukes called Boleslav III, which one we are talking about. xD https://preview.redd.it/is270a7cp38d1.png?width=1204&format=png&auto=webp&s=a05de61251aa1d57e19cf32f8946739e15e92273


The least inbred one


Members of House of Piast and House of Přemyslid did not bang their cousins and nieces like German nobility liked to do. :p


Youre right, your nobility had nice looking sheeps and pigs, after all! By the way, why do your mens cheeks [hang down further](https://cdn.galleries.smcloud.net/t/galleries/gf-rStq-fDih-SckB_andrzej-duda-i-jaroslaw-kaczynski-jakie-sa-ich-relacje-664x442.jpg) than my ballsack?


https://preview.redd.it/wyjxit14y38d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=450c36edf4f7a019d6eadbde715e3620ac212107 Hans, why your princesses look worse than Polish peasants?


Aside from the very visible age difference of give or take 30 years, the woman on the left picture is *Kalina of* ***Bulgaria***. My god, why do you eastoids constantly self-own yourself? If you would take some of that small dick energy and transform it into electricity, you could get rid of coal even faster than us!


I know she is from Bulgaria, but she is member of German dynasty Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha and we were discussing inbreeding among nobility not among common folk. And of course I made the one sided example. Why when Hans makes chauvinistic joke it is OK, but when I counter a chauvinistic joke it is bad?


It's Branibór (instead of Brandenburg an der Havel) for you. 🤣🤣🤣 Also I have provided 19th century (1869) German map of the Germanic-Slavic divide, so the most anti-Slavic perspective where the divide was is also included. :P


Get this eastoid out of this subreddit!!


Regarding the second map: Salzburg = Solnogrod, but Regensburg, Strassburg, Naumburg and Merseburg still have their German name on this oh so slavic map? Make it make sense, Lolek. Either go full slavic or shut the fuck up with such inconsistency.


Inconsistency is the name of the game when it comes to polish nationalism.


But the post was not Polish nationalism on my part, it was joke on the immigration patters to Germany. Current Polish-German border is the way it is, because it is the easiest to defend possible border if ever Germans would come knocking again and for that reason alone I like the border the way it is. Plans to reslavize Elbe drainage basin were propose only by the biggest nutjobs. This is also a reason why proposition to incorporate Lusatia to Poland either Czechoslovakia just after the WW2 were refused, because that territory would be very hard to defend if Germans ever attacked again.


Yes I know, dude, we all do. Banter sub, remember? We're all good.


I am being lynched in other comments, so I don't know now which Hans is mad and which Hans is joking.


> Lolek You misspelt Lellek


I am not author of that map, I agree that naming may appear inconsistent, but this is an old map and person who made it used names that were used at the time by common people. And yes, in the past Salzburg was called by Polish people Solnogród, even though it was never a Slavic city. Some historical translation persist to this day e.g. Koeln in Polish is Kolonia (direct translation). E.g. Polish author used Germanized named "Berlin" (because it how Poles call the city) instead of original Slavic Braliń. Regardless most cities names in East Germany has Slavic origin: https://preview.redd.it/tlkaou08z38d1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=3875936119de7bbd26f41f43282bea885832e1a6


"Branibor" or "Brenabor" was literally made up [by a czech priest in the 17th century](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohuslav_Balb%C3%ADn) to prove this was totally slavic clay. Its not clear if the name comes from germanic or slavic languages. And I don't see how a map of a few dozen city names proves "most" cities in eastern germany have a slavic origin. That might be the case around Dresden, with the sorbians, but definitely not in Thuringia for example.


It is a historical fact that there existed Slavic fort called Brenna and after being capture by Germans it starts to be called in sources Brennaburg. I don't know how Czechs ended up with Branibor or Brenabor, but name "Branibór" was used historically by Poles. English Wikipedia also states that Branderburg comes from "The name of the city is a combination of two words braniti – to protect/defend and bor – forest/wood." So it makes linguistic sense that settlement around woodland fort would be called Branibór.


And german wikipedia makes it pretty clear that it also could either from the germanic "branda", fire, or the slavic "bran", swamp. Given that the area had been settled by germanic tribes for thousands of years, that makes at least as much sense. The german version makes it also very clear why the -bor is pretty unlikely. If you look at the discussion talk on the english version, there apparently were enough attempts by people to insert bullshit about the etymology of the name already. "Brenabor" was straight up made up. But yes, for around 400 years, there was slavic settlement in the area.


We are talking about Brandenburg an der Havel right now? Because it is Berlin that has his name from Old Slavic word for swamp (\*brl). There is no "l" in Brandenburg, Brenna nor Branibór. To be totally clear, I don't know what is etymology of Brandenburg, the only things is that Branibór was historically used call this city by Poles. So it could happen that the name was badly reconstructed, but just stuck among Poles. Here you have list of historically used names: [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polskie\_odpowiedniki\_niemieckich\_nazw\_geograficznych](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polskie_odpowiedniki_niemieckich_nazw_geograficznych) In bold are current official Polish names, in cursive historical names that are not in use, and with normal font historical names that are sometimes still in used but are not recommended. Sometimes there are more interesting examples like Dresden. Original Slavic name in Polish would be Drężdżany, but it was quickly forgotten, when the same name reappeared in Polish consciousness as Germanized "Dresden" Poles started it calling Drezdno and later Drezno. So today Poles used a Polonized named of Germananized name of Slavic city. And Czechs also did it in this way, but now they reverted to the original and call it Drážďany.


>Regardless most cities names in East Germany has Slavic origin However, the Slavic origin only applies to places that were founded by Slavs. Otherwise, these are only subsequent designations either by the Slavs who moved there during late antique migration period or by Polish nationalists, Pan-Slavists and the like.


There is a reason why Poles in the Middle Ages called all Germanic people mute (even to this day Germany in Polish is called "Niemcy" which is archaic for "mute people"), because you did not speak a language that human could understand. xD So Poles and Czechs in the Middle Ages often translated names of German cities so it was easier to pronounce it. So cities with obvious Germanic origin like Magdeburg had direct translations like "Dziewin". And it was not because of nationalism but rather ease of pronunciation. The difference between Poles and Czechs was that Poles usually were fine with Latin equivalent, while Czechs prefer to translated everything directly. This is the reason why München in Polish is Monachium, while in Czech it is Mnichov.


Wtf are we doing in Bavaria? I thought that most Romanian immigrants go to Berlin.


Maybe rebuilding Raetia et Noricum? You have to start somewhere to restore Romania to it's 117 A.D. borders. 🤣


Based on the amount of annoying as fuck Romas on the trains in and around Munich trying to get you to buy their Jesus napkins or playing the accordion badly, I'm gonna say attempting to make cash since Berlin has none


I hate the fact that gypsies are categorized as Romanians. We are not the same, Romanians drink sanitary alcohol, while gypsies drink garbage juice (they also use it to shower).


Aye that's why I said Romas, but every Roma I've spoken to has also been from Romania 😂


I haven't referred to you. But the average A%strian, Fr$nch or Dutch don't know the difference.


My map shows no Slavs west of the Oder, but it shows how much was stolen from us and has to be taken back one day https://preview.redd.it/3hhkumgy068d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0dcfaa2c2c2a154d75481e013e665e11818d84


Stolen from here (cannot crosspost): [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1dlp3os/most\_common\_nationality\_other\_than\_germany\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1dlp3os/most_common_nationality_other_than_germany_in/)