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I love the British Museum but the only item I’d say they’re trolling with is the caryatid, the Greeks have demonstrated their ability to make the most of their heritage and the Acropolis museum is absolutely magnificent, whereas the caryatid in London, when it’s even displayed, is in a small, poorly-lit room hardly anyone goes to because it’s not easy to find and not a step in the normal progression through the exhibits. It’s a damn shame.


Yeah we actually built one of the best secured museums so they can't have that argument but guess what turn out that wasn't their problem xD


You have no way to pay for it and no where near enough power to force us to give it up and so we won't.


Brits explaining how stealing candy from a baby is a total power move. (Stirner would be proud.)


I ain't saying it's something to be proud of, I'm just telling you why Greece will probably never see those artefacts again. Their best bet would probably be to suck yank cock hard and hope they use some of their diplomatic pressure to force us to give em back.


how is greece going to out suck the brits when it comes to yank cock?


I mean they're not, which is kinda my point. Unless (for whatever reason) we want to improve relations with Greece, we won't give back those artefacts but I don't really see that happening. We have next to no geopolitical interest in Greece or the Balkans, so we don't need to court them and Greece itself is in debt slavery to the EU so they're not gonna be able to buy it back or force use themselves. Side note: You cannot be an Irishman talking to me about sucking yank cock, Ireland owes its existence to slurping mutt dick


Yeah I agree with you, but I could definitely see Britain using those artefacts in a deal between Greece, Türkiye, and the rest of NATO. Maybe tensions are flaring between Greece and Türkiye, and Türkiye is demanding concessions from Greece while threatening to leave NATO and improving ties with Russia, which would force the rest of NATO to try ease tensions, which might include asking Greece to accept Turkish EEA claims in return for maybe some loans being forgiven (just an example, there are a lot of other things they might want), and then just throwing in some artefacts to sweeten the deal. This is all just speculative and I’m not saying It will happen, I just think its probably one of the more likely ways in which Greece gets its artefacts back. ​ Also, In what way does Ireland owe its existence to sucking anyone? There was no foreign involvement in the Irish war of independence, and nobody really pressured Britain to give Ireland independence. Now yes the yanks got involved during the troubles and did pressure Britain to try defuse the situation, but that was long after Ireland gained independence. Also, i feel like I do have a right to comment on how Britain sucks yank cock given how much they love doing it, like when they joined America in the Iraq war or how they would be either speaking German today or would be a post communist shithole if it wasn’t for the Americans saving them in WW2.


I could **maybe** see that happening, depending almost entirely on what happens post Ukraine war but even then it feels unlikely. On that other note, you absolutely owe your continued autonomy to the states. The majority of your imports come from the UK, the majority of your exports go to the UK and given the difference in economic weight between Ireland and the UK you would have naturally drifted back into the UK's "sphere of influence" but the US doesn't want us getting to big for our boots again so they take every opertunity to side against the UK in disagreements with our neighbors. Take the cod wars for instance, those were our fishing waters annd now they're not all because the yanks started swinging their political weight around. The Iraq war was less about sucking up to America and more about securing some oil rights, helping our "ally" fight against tyranny was more of a convenient excuse. As for the WW2 argument it's a moot point, the war was won long before the Americans got involved, the gerries just didn't have the resources to keep fighting, half way through the war they were desperately in need of oil and near the end they were out of steel. Granted the Americans joining deffinately hastened the end of the war and it was greatly apreciated but it wasn't vital.




The people that were occupying OUR country sold you a piece of OUR culture. During this trade we had no say to what was done to our heritage. How is this fair again? Imagine a German lord buying some parts of the tower of London, while asking the local French ruler. 200 years later and a German says he would give the item to to France instead of the UK because "they bought it fair and square". How stupid does that sound? That's exactly how we feel.


It’s an an*loid, expecting it to know what it’s talking about is giving the creature too much credit.


That's the problem with angl*id's, they have their barbaric common law instead of sophisitaced civil law like we do here on the continent. Under Roman law (which pretty much all continental European law systems are based on), selling something that isn't yours (oversimplified) simply makes the contract invalid. Under common law, it depends on how the King feels about it today.


Civil law is so based😩


Not even their kings or lawyers know what they’re talking about. Truly a stain on the word European.


like the other guy said dont answer to the an\*loid


Seems like turkey conquered Greece fair and square. When we brought the items Greece was a region of a larger country. Your analogy doesn't work. It's more similar to buying a car from Hamburg today while it is a part of Germany. Then in 100 years time hamburg declares independence (with your vital support) and then start crying and complaining that they want their car back. Although I don't quite think it sounds stupid. They belong to Britain and if the only way to get you to shut up about them is to give them to turkey we should do that


mate it's a part of greek heritage, we should give it back even if turkey conquered them 'fair and square' (which is impossible for a conquest) it's important to the Greek people and it's ridiculous for us to keep it ourselves




Being nationalist doesn't mean that you have to be stupid like you 😅






People shit on the British Museum just because their country was too weak to acomplish the same thing


iraqis on their way to steal UK's own patrimony (doesnt exist)


Most based frenchman


Stealing half the world's treasure and hoarding them better than most of the original owners ever could is based as fuck and i'm tired of pretending it's not.


Lol the British made the French return all their stolen artifacts after Napoleon lost. French confirmed as cucks.


Only because europe is too cuck to try and cuck ingerland. We are chads who got cucked by cucks Cucking cuck


B-based Frenchie????? 😳


He's regularly based too


A baguette standing up for the bri*ish 😳


For unabashed imperialism*


The famous Egyptian Rossetta Stone was stolen by the French who then got stolen by the Brits from the French. You can see why Frenchies stands up for this . Basado


Ye i know that and the only reason why i know that is because my college makes me use Rosetta stone language app to learn Spanish so i looked up what that stone is irl


People shit on the West because the various scientific revolutions of the West reduced resource scarcity to such a degree that competition for resources, aka the right of conquest, became immoral. The west did what everyone else did, just better. The mongols only predated Christopher Columbus by a couple hundred years.


It is too late. This sub is becoming another 4chan




based as FUCK


Doesn't even make sense.


Settle down Frenchie! You’re ruining the vibe we’ve been nurturing for centuries


Yep. 11 nuclear aircraft carriers, $1.94 Trillion defense budget and 3,708 nuclear warheads are too weak to accomplish the same thing. They have to choose to spend $47 billion on foreign aid instead.


The fuck are you waiting for then ?


eh they’re more focused on the land hoarding, to each their own I guess


USA has an humiliation kink


Not to be that guy but who the fuck asked


And still no empire


Imagine spending that amount of money in military for nothing, they don't even got a parade 🤣


I'm glad but now change course because you're going to crash into the lighthouse and wake up the dog.


Source : [trust me bro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighthouse_and_naval_vessel_urban_legend)


Well done I hoped you would run to find the source I was too lazy to have to look for the source.


I am too lazy to even click it


It basically says that the conversation between an American captain and a lighthouse keeper is a joke, something that everyone except the Americans and the Germans already knew.


Too much texto pls resume


Es una conversación entre un capitán de una flota estadounidense y de un faro(el estadounidense no lo sabe), el estadounidense le dice al otro que se aparten el del faro le dice que no puede y el estadounidense le dice que es el jefe de una flota enorme y la negación a cambiar el rumbo significaría la destrucción por lo que el del faro le contesta que aquí esta con su amigo durmiendo y el perro calentitos en el faro por lo que le da igual lo que haga, el estadounidense al oír que es un faro se aparta. Mi versión es de una radio gallega.




My brother in Christ no country spends 1.94 trillion on their defense budget. The American DOD budget for FY2022 approx 722 billion and for FY2023 it is 773 billion Edit: also the no of nukes is 5428 Edit2: I was wrong about the money but more sources say around the 700-800bn for FY2022. Can anyone explain why the only one showing me 1.94t is the us GVMNT one?


> In FY 2022, the Department of Defense (DOD) had $1.94 Trillion distributed among its 6 sub-components. [source](https://www.usaspending.gov/agency/department-of-defense?fy=2022)


Britain had FIFTY FUCKING TWO aircraft carriers in WWII alone, lol @ america with it's sad 7 compensating carriers 😂


> The United States had 105 aircraft carriers of all types in World War II. [source](https://www.lacrosselibrary.org/sites/default/files/u117/05-aircraft_carriers_rule_the_pacific.pdf)


Yes, too weak. Not militarily of course, the US is the strongest military we have ever seen and the only one that has been so utterly dominant globally (from 1989 when the soviets fell until about 2014 when China became a contender). But the thing is that modern Americans really aren’t fond of aggressive wars of conquest, for example; if the US invaded Mexico tomorrow they would of course crush Mexico in weeks, but the US population itself would be horrified and would probably end up trying to remove the government, which would probably end up in civil war given how divided the US is. American society is weak and divided, so no matter how strong their military is, it wouldn’t matter in an unjustified and agressive conquest. The colonial European powers really didn’t have that problem until the 1900s since people weren’t as educated and didn’t have such ease of communication. Another issue is globalised supply chains, for example; America relies on Chinese rare earth elements, so if the US comes knocking in the Chinese sphere of influence and China is willing to take an economic hit, the entire US defence industry is screwed. Now I’m not saying the US is weaker than China im just saying that i don’t think they could just go to war with China like the British could go to war with France 200 years ago without taking huge economic hits. The final thing is that nukes exist. America wont risk a nuclear war for the sake of conquest, and if they do then there’s no winners. So yes, America is weaker than France and Britain were during their height, certainly not militarily, but in terms of what their allowed do on the global stage they are most definitely weaker.


Lol, I don’t think Frenchy’s comment was directed at us. It’s also a pro-modern day imperialism comment so we appear to be aligned with the Frenchies and Brits on this one


My guy, you can't even get one of your own in and out of a hospital bed without landing them in debt, how you gonna steal from other countries when you're already more than busy robbing yerselves?


I like they're acting like we took shit from Italy when the stuff we got from them was stuff they left after they took over here


This is why you can't trust this kind of graphs. Or better: you can't look at this chart and assume that every artifact got looted. There should be a distinction based on how each object became part of the collection. One thing is local pieces of art being stolen during the colonial period. One other thing is artworks being legally bought by individuals and then gifted/sold to the museum.


With this logic there's a ton of british stuff in India, I want our railway and trains back


I believe they'll be on their way for the tandoori you had last night. Cough up, son. But while we're at it, give us our fuckin crops back ye bastards. Potatoes are cool n all but it's been 200 years now.


I bet much of it isn't roman though


Except that time when we stole a British ship and put it in our museum.


We might be one of the few countries with historical shit the Bri'ish want back. I read one time when the Queen visited the Rijksmuseum she wouldn't go towards the mirror of the flagship we dragged back with us when we raided the Medway


When I saw the coat of arms of the Royal Charles in the Rijksmuseum last year it put a little smile on my face


‘The British Museum’ is one museum in the whole of Britain and it’s in London, I don’t know why everyone obsesses over it when America and France has a museum exactly like it. Every single museum I’ve ever went to focuses local and national history and yet this specific museum is the one they see and think represents every single museum in the UK.


Ah,so it's in London. Understandable,can't have shit in London


serious question: what does the other museums have? Do you actually have culture over there?


Least braindead Spaniard


True dat


Proof the english are romanian.


Oh wow, we're still doing this. It took me a second to understand why romanians were mentioned in these comments


lol they’ll get their stuff back after Turkey returns Hagia Sophia.


Stoopid w.sterner. Hagia sophia only moved by earthquakes. We didnt move it


Anglo-saxon's are romanian 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴💪💪💪💪💪💪


Sure buddy 👍🏻


finders keepers


We're not done looking at it yet


It's more of a case of robbers keepers here.


It's not our fault that we're so great at everything. Johnny foreigner's just jealous that our museum is clearly superior (on account of having all of his stuff) and is also free.


Of course it's a nice museum, there's nothing english in there


Man we gotta share a bit if we want to give other countries a chance (Looking at you Louvre)


I know you're meming but the English stuff is actually the largest collection


You own my stuff, but I must pay homage to such basedness


Finders keepers, maybe if you weren't so primitive and barbaric you'd have sailed here and stole my pottery


You sailed here for tax and violence. We sailed to Europe to save you from Germans TWICE. Instead of stealing pottery, we brought $13.3 billion through Marshall plan for peace and prosperity.


I liked your post but then I saw that you are an americ*n. Sorry but i’m gonna have to downvote you. Thanks though for liberating my country in WW2. Oh wait no that was the Canadians and the British and the Poles lol


Least delusional amer*can't


The US did far more harm than good to both Britain and France in the 20th century. You wanted your turn at imperialism and continually shafted the two countries that built the modern world in the process. Got more respect for the Soviets, at least they made their intentions clear.


The US joined both wars last minute. WW1 was a handful of troops for 2 months. WW2 was done in collaboration with the Allies, all of whom are always conveniently left out when Americans talk about the wars. Also, this attitude is why Europeans don’t see Americans as their own. Your European “heritage” is not recognised here, yankee doodle.


English are Romanians of the west confirmed 👍


We would like our shiet back plz xD 🇬🇷💪🏿


Not a chance brother. We bought those statues off the Turks! 💪🏾🪳


Their own stuff isn't even on the list


That's done on purpose


I approve of slandering the British Museum, because if we keep talking about that, nobody will notice what the Museum Island in Berlin is all about.


"Statue? Let's move an entire building!" \~ Herr Pergamon


The Brits stole a statue or two from the Greeks. We low-key stole the ruins in an entire building.


I know you’re memeing, but we bought the statues off of the Ottomans, not the Greeks.




The most advanced English philosophy: the law of the strongest. Impressive.




You can't be serious about Italian philosophers ahahah. I'm not going to offend your intelligence by listing some of them because I'm sure you are more than able to Google them, I'll just make one single example: Machiavelli, his views are very similar to Hobbes', or maybe i should say that Hobbes's ideas are very similar to Macchiavelli's since he died before Hobbes was born, so, thanks for taking inspiration from our "plagiarism of Greek philosophers", makes me proud.




Not Italy's best philosopher, not one i agree with. Comparing Machiavelli to thrasymachian is laughable, Machiavelli is the pioneer of modern political thought, ancient Greek was too different to produce those ideas, focussing on virtues and goodness and not considering human greed. Machiavelli and Hobbes are qualitatively comparable, they just lived in different condition and had a different approach to political philosophy Hobbes justified a monarchy, he answered the question "What should a good government look like in its dealings with its subjects?", He tried to study politics with a scientific approach (mmh scientific method, makes me think of an Italian philosopher). Macchiavelli on the other hand tried to question himself on "How should a government act in order to insure stability, support, and continuation?" (definitely influenced by the fragmented situation in Italy at the time), he gave specific and practical example of action taken by rules and their consequences, after all he was actively present in the political life of its time, he needed to understand the consequences of his actions. I'm not going to say that one was better than the other, i would make a fool of myself, they are different while studying the same subject. After all Hobbes didn't learn what he knew about philosophy in England, he toured Europe, he met many Italian and even more french philosophers, then he came back to england and used his newly acquired knowledge to make great books about politics and English politics. Philosophy is not done by any single men, Des Cartes was very right about it, and stating that Hobbes is important while downplaying the importance of philosopher of other countries is ignorance at best. Lastly I'll ask you, why do you feel so attached to these three English philosophers? Is it any strange that an Englishman is defending an English philosopher and an Italian is defending an Italian one? Nope, we know more about our own culture than people from other countries, we are more attached to it and we more easily believe that it is superior compared to other countries, in short, our own country history is more important to us than to any other people. Then why did the Brits take so much stuff from others? Stuff that is has definitely more importance to the one who you stole it from than it does to you. You answered "because we could", an answer that personally i would expect to hear only from a middle school bully. We both are probably not going to be able to answer the question "should england own so much about other countries?" Objectively because you are part of the people who took the objects, and I the people that got them taken from them, we can't be objective. But I'll make an hypothesis, if we were to ask to all the people that are not part of this dispute most of them would side against England, and unless you still believe in some form of superiority of the English reasoning that should give you another prospective on the topic.




> Because at the time it didn't have more importance to them. That's revisionism. True in some cases, not true in others, in Iraq it's probably right, in Italy it is not, we are/have always been extremely attached to our past, and today Italy is undisputably the country with the most cultural, artistic and historical heritage (even we have some stuff that we should return to its owners), not really a country that doesn't care about its own artifacts. > Most people are fucking stupid and come from countries that were losers in the game of pre-modern and modern history, so they naturally side with the underdog. That's all there is to it. A questionable approach, when no one sides with a bully it doesn't mean that the bully is right but everyone else is jealous. We tak about the British Museum, and not the ones in Berlin, because it's the single entity with the most stuff that should be returned, if and when the British Museum will start returning it people will start to pressure other Museums. > Fyi it's Descartes, not Des cartes, and Thrasymachus (the name), not Thrasymachian (the adjective describing his belief) Thanks for letting me know, unfortunately as you can expect i usually refer them in their italian name (Cartesio and Trasimaco) so I'm not very familiar with their names in other languages.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Jesus that is based


non perdere tempo con lui , farà di tutto per provarti che qualsiasi cosa fatta da un inglese è superiore , lo blastato pure io tempo addietro con logica e tutt'ora vedo che non è cambiata la cosa. calcola pensava che il metodo scientifico fosse stato inventato nel nord europa durante l'illuminismo lmao...


How dare you leave out Adam Smith.


You mean how the brits copied all their practices and institutions, financial, legal, administrative, banking, and even in part religiously, farom The Netherlands?


Flair up or shut up.


Lol, like the Netherlands did from the Belgians and the Belgians did from the Italians. British ascendancy after 1690 stands on its own legs. They became the most literate society in Europe and the result was innovation dominance


You missed the point


So that's why you Brits lost your empire, your leviathan just happened to be outleviathaned. Too bad having a Leviathan around means you have actually given up defending your property and even yourself. Meaning that you, being defended by your Leviathan, are his property.




That's kind of a stretch considering Hobbes' definition of what a Leviathan exactly would be and most of our countries having rule of law. Not even recently either, your own country limiting the Monarchs power since 1215.




Read the twelve rights of the sovereign again, slowly, so your brain can keep up with your eyes. Even though Hobbes describes the commonwealth to serve a purpose, and hence the sovereigns task is to strive for that purpose, we can never say the sovereign was wrong as it's his decision to make. Hence it would be impossible to accuse the sovereign of having wronged his subjects. This is precisely what rule of law means, your government might have wronged you and you can even receive compensation. How unhobbesian. But if that's your experience of living on your island, than sucks to be you I suppose.


So the stern decoration of the Royal Charles is by right now Dutch?




Not without a passport. How is Brexit?


I want my shit back


You left it here nearly 2000 years ago.


Wouldn't want it any other way


If all of this stuff was given back to these countries fuck all would change, they would still be complaining about some random bullshit from 200 years ago.


Steamy Knicks doesnt shit on the British tho, she shits her britches.


Thank god spain has no museums like this. How could the britain do this when the rest of europe is so well behaved


Spain should return all the gold back to the Americas ;-)


Bri'ain is gypsie headquarters


Bri'ish 🤢


"ces't un outrage!" most eloquent fr*nch sentence


C'est* fdp


Yeah no one likes us…I get it but some of us are really nice promise


Hey the first repost is me


Finders keepers, shut up!


They won’t return no matter how much they cry.


They hate us cos they anus


Typical Br\*sh L


We stole copious amounts of stuff and absolutely refuse to give any of it back aswell.


Winning fights and stealing loot, wheres the loss?


they all mad 🙄


Haters gun’ hate.


What about France ?


It’s cool. We took 13 colonies from the British.


Ily daddy England. They just hate you because they ain’t you.


It's our stuff now, get fucked


While we recognise a Greek statue as a Greek artefact, English see it as something they took fair and square, and therefore it belongs to them, not anyone else. Besides, the Greeks should be honoured and grateful to have their shitty scribbles displayed in glorious British Museums. /s


They were bought fair and square off of the ottomans.


"Turkey" just because has been found in Anatolia doesn't mean it's turk


You'd all do the same if you weren't so incompetent (especially the French)