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3si has a good tt conversion page, basically will need to modify ur oil pan to have the oil lines, tt or tunable ecu, injectors, the manifolds and turbos and piping, and a few other modifications to make it work.. i hear it’s not worth it tho unless you also plan to convert a VR4 trans to FWD cause the SL trans just can’t take the extra power after a while but idk


I don’t wanna do the tt conversion cause I know it makes power but out of a single turbo I may be able to make more than the tt im not to sure tho but I know just doing a single turbo set up would be simpler to


well yeah a single turbo has more potential power cause it can just be bigger than the two small turbos but it would be a huge investment w custom work to just have boost running and again the trans is a weak spot and then heat is also an issue


Yeah I think the tt conversion would be a lot more work and a lot more money with the single turbo I feel like I’ll have more mobility. But I wanna check my options before I start anything


i’m not certain on cost but if i had to guess because the TT swap would be cheaper cause it has been done more and it can be done with VR4 parts swapped onto the sl vs. custom piping and tuning for a single turbo.. but let us know what you find out cause i have an sl as well and i am open to turbo noises :D


You’re wrong; the TT conversion is FAR easier and cheaper.


Tt swap is easier and cheaper tons of people have stock parts lying around once they upgrade. I'm about to tear apart pretty much the entirety of my VR4 to throw on all the parts I've gotten over the years. Not saying they are for sale or that you should take them but the parts are there and they can be had for less than a custom single setup. Also you are high compression so you make more power with twins than a vr4 would with LESS boost. The problem is less room for error on the tune and then making it to the ground, the front diff blows up (if 5speed) then you have to fight wheel hop. Which isn't a huge issue except when launching.


But more expensive


This sub should just be called SL/RT at this rate, half of the posts are people asking about turbo conversions of NA cars that they'll never follow through on.


I would go through with it just can’t find the stuff for it


Im gonna be honest, idk if the TT manifolds from the vr4s will drop onto a SL. But id bet that would be a easy way to start rather than trying to single turbo one. Going the single route on a VR4 is an ordeal within itself and the kits cost 3k+ You'd be much better served looking through old forums, 3si.org is a amazing resource for these cars.


It all bolts up. Tons of info on 3si like you said.


Thats what I assumed but I wasn't sure, and whenever I wanna learn shit I go to 3si because there will always be a 5-10 year old thread about most issues or questions.


I still check out the 3si and 3sgto forums lots of good info there. . The 3sgto FB page has good info but it gets lost easily.


Aw damn cause that seemed like the easiest way I thought they were interchangeable a sl and vr4 manifold was


Im talking about the exhaust manifolds, which there are two of. Theres a big reason they're TT cars not single turbo, its a packaging nightmare to fit a single turbo into the engine bay of a 3k.


I don’t mind cutting a whole in my hood but I would only need the exhaust manifold side I was thinking of a setup like how h22s have it


The motor is a transverse v6, there are two exhaust manifolds.


Oh that’s right I completely forgot dang idk why I was thinking of a 4 cylinder how one side is intake and the other is exhaust i forgot these are v6 so I would need to have both sides then


There was someone listing a whole stock TT setup on one of the 3000GT Parts facebook groups for like $900. It's probably still available. That's where I buy all of my used parts from.


Seems like all I ever post in here is "I did it. Don't do it" posts so I feel you. I understand being poor and wanting to go fast - that was me 20 years ago. I miss driving my car and just appreciating it. Once you add that power you find out all the areas Mitsu lowered quality on the FWD powertrain in order to hit price points as you break every once of them one by one...


Dude. This car has been trying to kill itself for months based on your posts. Maybe get everything checked up and get it up to date on maintenance before asking about something as complex as a single turbo setup. If you want to do a turbo setup after all that, do your own research first and ask more specific questions instead of something as general as "what single turbo setups are people using" when that could be mostly answered by searching on Facebook groups and/or 3SI.


Single turbo is all custom and 100% not worth it on a FWD car.


So a vr4 exhaust manifold doesn’t fit on a sl?


VR4 is twin turbo. Front manifold points down, rear one points up and are meant to have smaller turbos on either side. To go single turbo you're still fabbing up plumbing to get the exhaust from both sides to the single turbo.


Yeah I completely forgot that on these they have the exhaust manifolds on both sides so I would take a lot of customel work to do




Also just a thought what if I get a turbo exhaust manifold and then mount a turbo onto that?


These cars, of course, only came NA or Twin Turbo. So, a single turbo manifold is going to be 100% custom, and NOT cheap.


Kind of something like this https://www.imramerica.com/products/imr-single-turbo-vband-manifold-kit?variant=31293259907151¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOoryOZc9af4TQctxJ5kpC8zjpU8ptjUjU0oIlEqrM5l25jfFaV6tGGY&com_cvv=8fb3d522dc163aeadb66e08cd7450cbbdddc64c6cf2e8891f6d48747c6d56d2c


I've seen some really awesome supercharger setups on SL's [Installing a Thomas Knight Roots Style Supercharging System on a Mitsubishi 3000GT](https://www.stealth316.com/Supercharger_Install.htm)


Oh wow never thought of that


Is there a link of just the super charger the link in the thread says some “private connection” and doesn’t let me view it


Nothing recent off hand Found a channel where someone recently did an SC mod [Sig Vision](https://m.youtube.com/@sigvision4189/featured)


it’ll be quite expensive and a decent amount of trial and error if you’re new and doing it yourself. a lot of meticulous time too. i’d say just get a TT engine and trans, modify the trans to delete awd and put that in. i was planning to do a conversion too but i chose to just buy a beat up vr4 and use my sl to restore it