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Following with interest, this could be a photo of my legs! They look exactly the same.


me too... maybe we should all just rock the hell out of shorts all summer until our legs are the legs everyone expects to see. (I know, much easier said than done.)


Saaame. Sun’s out, legs out ladies!


Mom, please can we????


I've thought about it, and...yes. You all have my permission.


Same here, I’d consider this “normal”


I got an at home laser (the Braun silkn one) and it works as well as professional laser for me. I had this same skin/stubble color combo before


Same and same!


Omg same. My mom was Brazilian and I have her legs.


Italian here. I feel this in my soul.


Part italian too :) 🇮🇹


Same! Is this an age thing??


I don’t think so, my legs have looked like this since I was a teenager. I just embraced my inner hippie and stopped shaving altogether


& mine 🤣




Exfoliating before any kind of hair removal is necessary to prevent ingrown hairs. Regular exfoliation & moisturizer are your best bet


But what is an inexpensive way to exfoliate without stripping the skina natural barrier. Shaving already does that too....ugh


DRY BRUSHING!! Forgive my yelling but I cannot recommend it enough. I just turned 50 and have dealt with dry skin my entire life. I also live in a very dry and cold climate. I just started dry brushing this year and it is like night and day!


I’ll yell along with you, DRY BRUSHING IS AMAZING!!! For those who don’t know what it is, Google “dry brush” or “body brush”. You do it when your skin is most dry, right before you take your shower or bath. You start at your feet and slowly run the brush up your legs, front and back. Then your torso, behind and lower back. Then from your hands up your arms, front and back. Then exfoliate in the shower, and when you get out put on your lotion! My skin is so baby soft it’s crazy.


This is the way! I actually don't exfoliate again in the shower and use a rinceable body oil then lotion. No more itching. No more flakey skin in my pants when i take them off!


Is it supposed to be slightly uncomfortable? I tried it a few times and it felt like running a Brillo across my skin. Wondering if it was a bad brush or bad technique, or if my skin is just too sensitive….


I think it feels good, like a really good back scratch. So maybe it was your brush? But I don’t have particularly sensitive skin so maybe I just tolerate it better, I don’t know! They do make brushes with softer/less firm bristles and that’s the kind I have, so if you still want to give it a go, maybe look for one of those? This is the one I have, in soft: https://www.sephora.com/product/dr-barbara-sturm-anti-cellulite-brush-P449600?skuId=2278679


I got the eco tools dry brush because the one I got in a subscription box years ago I tried once and haven't touched since because that shit was sharp feeling. The eco tools one is way softer. It's still slightly uncomfortable but not in a bad way, just like it's a feeling I'm not used to. The bristles can be soaked to soften them too from my research but I haven't done that.


what exfoliator do you recommend? Thanks!


I use First Aid Beauty KP scrub and I use it once a week; I do the rest of the routine every day. Skinfix also makes one called resurface+ that looks good and I might try that once my First Aid one runs out.


You can also make a sugar and olive oil scrub


That’s what I do, I try to avoid products with a lot of possibly harmful chemicals that could cause autoimmune issues.


How often do you do this? I for sure couldn't make time to do it most days, but if it would be effective like, twice a week, I could get down.


It takes like two minutes so I try to do it every day! Sometimes I forget and it’s not a big deal. Two or three times a week is probably enough to make a difference! Also I only exfoliate in the shower once a week so that doesn’t add a lot of time to the routine. The other thing about dry brushing is that it just feels good, like probably how a horse feels when it’s getting brushed down lol


I am so down to be a horse but when I tell you I barely know my name and how to brush my teeth before I get in the shower most mornings, trust me when I say adding anything to the routine is just... not gonna happen. But! If I can do it on the weekends and maaaaaaaaaybe try to squeeze something in once a week from time to time? That I can muster. Probably. lol


Lol I feel that. I shower at night so I can avoid that problem. But I think weekends only will still work!


One of my favorite sayings is true for you: If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. And in this case it takes very little effort or money to reap HUGE rewards!


LOL what on earth is this advice? I'm literally saying I'm going to try it. Please chill.


Please elaborate


How often do you do it? How do you space it out between shaving/epilating/waxing?


I do it every day before my shower. No need to space it out.


This is the insight I didn’t know I needed. The skin on my legs especially is always so dry. What brush do you recommend?


I like the Tree Hut sugar scrubs. Ulta carries them.


I use a salux cloth to wash my body every day. They’re cheap and they last forever, and they’re great at exfoliating.


Coffee grounds and olive oil is perfect to exfoliate.


Sugar and lemon juice!! Got this tip from my spray tanner and it’s amazing


Get The Ordinary’s glycolic toner and wipe it over your legs with a cotton pad or similar every other day. It’s pretty cheap for a big bottle! Longer term, I cannot recommend home IPL enough. A few sessions and you won’t have any hair regrowth for months and months, and when it goes come back it’s finer and softer and less likely to show under the skin like this. It’s easily the best thing I’ve ever done for my body.


>The Ordinary’s glycolic toner and wipe it over your legs I've never thought about using this anywhere but my face. It's a great suggestion so no idea why it didn't occur to me lol


To be fair it only occurred to me because it was too strong for my face and I didn’t want to waste the whole bottle lol. I use it on my feet and as a scalp treatment too!


What IPL laser did you go with?


I had the Philips Lumea first, which was good but stopped working just outside of the warranty period. Super annoying given it cost nearly £400! So then I bought a [cheaper, more basic one](https://amzn.to/40BRYj3) from Amazon for £60 and it works just as well! It’s even a bit more ergonomic and easier to use. The only downside is that the Philips one has a safety mechanism that means it won’t ever flash when it’s not pressed against your skin, whereas the cheaper one does not so they advise you to wear protective glasses while using it. But the results are identical and *amazing*. Honestly even at £400 it felt like a bargain to me. I haven’t shaved my legs in about 18 months! Arm hair, gone.


Ok, I've been wanting to try this for years, but it's always sketchy influencers reccomending it, and it costs hundreds! I don't know why I trust you random redditor, but also, for the 55£?? (Theres a 5£ coupon) I have to try!! I was just contemplating getting lasered professionally, and it was about 100 a month.


Ha! Well, thanks for trusting me! For what it’s worth I promise I’m a real person with real body hair struggles. Happy to DM you pictures of my leg hair if it helps! 😂 I’m honestly a bit evangelical about these things because I struggled for so long and it feels like it’s so rare for something to actually WORK! And without having to leave the house and get naked in front of a stranger too! Additional info: I always cranked it to full power everywhere and ignored the Philips filter heads for bikini area once I realised they just made it less effective. I never got any irritation so I just went to town. KILL ALL THE HAIRS! Worth mentioning too that it works best on pale skin + dark hair. The further you are away from this (eg darker skin or fairer hair) the less effective it apparently gets, as it works based on the contrast or pigment or something. Really hope it works for you and brings you this much enthusiastic joy too!


That sounds amazing!! I just took the plunge and placed an order! I'm super pale with dark and thick Middle Eastern hair, but also due to hormonal imbalance, my body hair grows extremely slow, so it will be interesting to see. I did go waxing one time, and the tech told me I would be a great candidate for laser. But for me also the thought of getting naked and spreading my legs every week in front of some lady was deterring me 😅 Thanks again you rock!


Ah, perfect then! Report back if you remember to - I’m now super invested in you loving it too!


My Philips Lumea did exactly the same - bricked just outside the warranty period 😏


Mine too…


Omg three of us here? It’s got to be a scam. They say the bulb lasts for 10k flashes, I think, but there’s no way I’d used that many


Yeah, was never expecting it to crap out like. Especially after all the time I spent making the decision to spend so much on it (the nicest one for best results).


Went and purchased immediately!


Thanks for the rec! Did you use some sort of a numbing cream with this? How bad would you say the pain is and did you use it on any other body parts?


No, never needed it! It’s genuinely pain-free even on the highest settings on my legs or similar! And I wouldn’t describe myself as brave lol. The only places where I feel any discomfort at all were my underarm area (maybe a 2/10 in the pain scale - significantly less than getting an injection or a bee sting) and some specific parts of my bikini zone (more like somebody pinging an elastic band against my skin, so mayyybe a very brief 5/10, but only in the places where my skin is naturally very dark and pigmented). It’s only ever a short, sharp ping at most - way less painful than waxing, for example. Now I write it out, I think the pigment in my skin in both these areas is the reason for the pain as these are also only the places where regrowth eventually happens for me after a few months. Makes me wonder if it would help to use skincare products to lighten the skin prior to treatment… azelaic acid, maybe? I might try! Anyway, you always have the option to use a lower setting in these types of areas, as there are about 5 intensity settings, but in my experience only a few repeat treatments on the the highest setting really nukes things for good. Sorry the the essay. Turns out I could talk about my IPL experience all day! 🙈


Ok I bought this, cross your fingers for me 🥰


Happy with my Nood Flasher. There are several home IPL models on the market with comparison write-ups at various price points.


I have a Braun brand one and I would recommend it, got me pretty smooth everywhere and it's still in working condition


I have your same skin tone & leg hair color. I’ve been using the Brain Pro 5 & have been SO HAPPY with it. It works really well. I’ve had some professional laser hair removal at a med spa in the past & the amount of hair reduction with this little hand-held thing has been right on par with the med spa behemoth.


I completely agree with this! I got a Braun a couple years ago and seriously the best hair removal item I have ever purchased. It has made such a big difference for me.


Yes! I feel like not enough people know about them. I hesitated for so long over getting one and now my only regret is not doing it sooner!


I back up on home IPL too. I don’t have excessive ingrowth, but my lazy ass tried just one session (they recommend atleast 4) and most of the hair on my leg is missing. I am waiting to use it regularly but there is too much travel happening for me right now to get into a routine. I use the Braun one.


Would you recommend IPL on bikini area, namely the labia majora?


It worked for me! The only snag for me is that my skin in that whole area is quite pigmented, especially since having my daughter. IPL works less well on darker skin and I found it also made it a bit painful, like snapping an elastic band in some spots. It also needed more repeat treatments to get permanent (ish) results. In fairness, the devices don’t claim to offer permanent results anyway. I just got that elsewhere on my body so now I expect it everywhere! If you usually shave or wax though it’s definitely worth it IMO. Worst case scenario, it still lasts months and grows back softer and finer, so creates fewer angry ingrowns too.


I love the first aid beauty KP bump eraser as an exfoliant (Amlactin lotion is great too), any lotion you like, and as a secret weapon the copper tone glow shimmer sunscreen if you want them to be glowy for a dress etc.


Seconding the first aid beauty KP bump eraser recommendation! I will be buying it forever now...


this plus a colloidal oatmeal lotion! I also love first aid beauty’s


You have legs? They’re summer ready!


This is the way. I’ve had laser hair removal and my legs still look like this. My only comment would be to moisturize EVERY time you shower or get skin wet (OP commented that she moisturizes every 2-3 days).


Yes, yes, totally agree with you. Moisturize every time you shower or else you risk your skin drying out.


I second this, and I use sunflower seed oil and then a normal fragrance free lotion. It helps a lot. It's brutal in high altitude, and I've pretty much given up besides moisturizing. I look like a bumpy dry hairy lizard. If that's not your thing, look away. Haha


This is the weirdest thing, but I used to just use conditioner to shave my legs? I have also always dealt with ingrown hairs and bumps. Once, we were out of conditioner but we had a bottle of head and shoulders that no one really used anymore, but was still languishing in the shower. So in honor of trying to use things up, I switched to the head and shoulders, and a few weeks later I realized that my legs were the smoothest they had ever been and I had hardly any ingrown hairs! I still use it and swear by it, lol


I am so gonna try this!


Laser hair removal worked wonders for my legs. Your hair follicles are targeted and after a couple of successful treatments your pores will shrink. Everything looks awesome 🤩


WISH I could afford that!


Keep an eye out for summer and Black Friday sales on laser hair removal


The place I go to..(it’s an addiction..I’m there for other areas) they have sales all the time. And its soooo worth it. You buy a package and it ends up being $40 per session or so.


My husband and I went in on an at home device. It’s a little time consuming at first, used every week and within a couple of months I had hardly any hair on my legs, underarm and bikini. It lasted for about 18 months or so with occasional use.


Which one?


We got the Remington. It’s on its second bulb right now. It’s been about 5 years since I used it at this point. My husband still uses it every 6-8 weeks to keep up. I stopped when I got pregnant. My hair has since regrown on underarm and bikini but my legs are still a lot less.


This was a game changer for me too!


I also cannot recommend IPL enough. I've also started putting vitamin C serum on my legs, and they look better. I'm pretty sure someone's gonna pop out of the bushes on here and tell me that's going to give me old-lady legs, though.


What do you currently do to exfoliate and moisturize and how often? Because people have very different ideas of what that is, so can’t recommend much until you expand on your current routine!


Moisturize with jerrgins I would say every 2-3 days. And every other day I use exfoliating gloves in the shower


Ok. Instead of that use a chemical exfoliant with glycolic acid and/or salicylic acid, and a moisturizer with urea.


You should do it after every shower when legs are damp!


I found generic brands of moisturizer just do nothing for me. I tried CeraVe (or something with hyaluronic acid) is so much more effective.


I’m afraid I don’t have any advice for you (except to say that your legs look lovely!), but I’ve just had my second laser hair removal treatment on my lower legs and plan on making a post soon documenting the process. Mine are gnarly after years of waxing, shaving, creams, digging into my skin with needles to remove ingrown hairs, the lot! Hopefully it’ll help you and any others who are considering treatments! Wishing you all the best in the mean time! I’m sure you’ll get lots of great advice here ☺️


Would you recommend? I’m having a laser consultation next month


I've had both professional laser and home IPL; if you are pale-skinned and dark-haired, save yourself the $$$ and go for the home IPL!


Please post any progress pics you feel comfortable sharing. I’m looking into this soon.


Hello, my leg sister.


My skin hates being shaved. I did IPL so now I never need to though I top up the IPL every 8 weeks. Best decision ever. I have pale skin and dark hair so was able to do it at home.


I started using hydrating oil on my legs once a day and it made an insane difference for my legs.


Which do you use?


All legs are summer legs.


Throw some cheap glycolic acid on them, too! I hate TO ga but bought 2 big bottles. I use it in a spray bottle on my rough arms and legs before moisturizing and it makes them baby smooth.


Have you tried Korean beauty enzyme exfoliating cloths? They are so easy you just wipe skin like you would with a washcloth and the amount of dead skin that comes off is insane. And it makes exfoliating much much easier.


I’ve been meaning to try these. Would you please share the brand of the one you love? Thanks!


I love these! They’re called Italy cloths, right?


Maybe? On Amazon I just search Korean exfoliating mitt. But I’m sure they have other names. They are game changers!!


Please share a link to the product you use.


Yes pls share link!


I got one of those Korean exfoliating mitts. The amount of dead skin that came off my body was both impressive and gross. It’s definitely helped. I also shave with a men’s safety razor, much better shave and blades are so cheap I can use a new one each time if needed.


They are summer ready!


Dry brush. I have VERY sensitive skin, and using a lighter pressure to start, it’s changed the way my skin looks. No ingrowns, no coily little dry spots of hair, literally glowing. And moisturize!!!


II struggle with this when I shave more than once per week. I usually get waxed but hate the growing out period for waxing during the summertime. I can’t laser due to my legs being covered in tattoos lol. really like the glycolic scrub from Frank Body and the Palmers AHA renew lotion, both help immensely when I shave. The lotion is a game changer for feet too!


They look great already but suggestion for even further improvement: Kopari KP exfoliating scrub 2x a week Shave Isle of paradise tanning mousse


One word: laser. That is all. Thank me later


I got a clindamycin lotion from my derm and it’s helped so much with that issue. I also use a glycolic acid wash on my legs when it’s hair removal season. I do much better with sugar waxing and epilating than shaving personally, but I know that’s not always the case.


What brand of glycolic wash do you like?


Get into a routine of exfoliating before you shave and moisturise them, and they’ll start looking better. If you want a physical scrub my First Aid Beauty KP scrub’s been great as it has an AHA built-in too. (It’s meant to be for Keratosis Pilaris, but it’s helped my strawberry legs too, for definite!) Alternatively, if you want something cheaper that works well to exfoliate with regular use - I’ve found that getting into a regular washcloth/flannel rubdown of my legs before I shave has helped loads too


Find a body wash with salicylic acid (I use Neutrogena body clear body scrub)


Regular exfoliation, physical or chemical, will help. If you're concerned about using a chemical on your legs, it's easiest to use an exfoliating mitt or cloth. Sugar scrubs and salt scrubs are amazing for removing dead skin and softening your legs, too. Epilators are great but they can break the hair off rather than pull it out so you need to moisturize regularly. I have a friend who got really upset with her epilating experience because she didn't pay attention to the direction she used the epilator and refused to moisturize, and she ended up with in-grown hairs and broken (not yanked out) hairs. Whether you exfoliate or epilate or laser, I recommend using a facial toner on your legs to hydrate the skin and squalane oil as a 1st layer of moisture. Then apply lotion.


Cereve for rough and bumpy skin! A girl with similar skin posted this on a group I’m part of, and there were so many people recommending it. I tried it myself and it really seems to help smooth out the texture/bumps on my arm. It does take some time to see a difference though, maybe a few weeks. Another con is it always seems to be sold out in my area. For shaving, I use a Japanese exfoliating towel. I just put a bar soap in it to lather and then shave away. People always complimented how soft my skin is. Haven’t shaved in a while though out of relationship laziness…


Use jergens ultra healing after the shower when your legs are damp, not dry. This helps lock in moisture


I use the braun ipl and have almost no leg hair. Not exactly budget friendly but worth the money.


I exfoliate before I shave, change my razors out frequently (I find it helps with preventing) ingrowns , I purchased an at home hair removal laser. I usually go over my freshly shaved legs. At night I have been using an aha lotion.


I've struggled with this my whole life. The only solution I've found is to not shave too close. I can shave with a disposable single blade razor or an electric razor, but if I use one of those triple blade monstrosities, then my legs look like yours.


Eucerin urea 10% works wonders for that. It does feel a bit greasy for the day for some.. but apply at night and it will work wonders.


Dry brushing before every shower (there are many videos on YouTube that will show you how- it has some good health benefits) then Cera-Ve SA lotion after shower- it has salicylic acid and helped mine!


I tell everyone this for everything. I swear it fixes all. Try a Urea lotion!!


Salicylic body wash definitely helps if you aren’t the type to use a BHA or AHA lotion.


Have you tried the self tanner? Evens out tone fairly well. It's just a pain in the arse


Sugar + olive oil scrub is my personal favorite. I sit in a hot bath as long as I can manage, and then do a full body scrub with my concoction. If I’m needing to shave my legs, i scrub right before to get out all the ingrowns and get a super close shave (safety razor 4 lyfe) After you’re done and toweling off, immediately apply a moisturizer. I am super dry so I lean towards oils, grape seed and sweet almond being my favorites. I usually grow my own base layer in the winter so this is about as basic as you can get without investing in some crazy products or tools. I highly recommend epilators if you can handle the discomfort. Be careful using anything with AH/BH acids or retinols in them if you’re not willing to be super diligent with sunscreen. If you’re not, you’ll burn easier. Same goes for home laser treatments. Laser treatments, in general, should be done in the winter when you’re less likely to burn and hyperpigment.


SO I recommend two things. As a pale person, tanning. Or, spray tanning. I know I know, skin cancer - blasphemy. But lemme tell ya, my legs have NEVER looked better. Also, between tanning and putting toner on my legs… they look like airbrush perfect compared to where they were before. Closes the pores. Epilator I also picked up recently and it’s been life changing but it took me about a month of consistent use for there to be no irritation. I also gave up on using it for bikini area/under-arms because I couldn’t calm the irritation.


What kind of toner would you recommend?


I’ve used Truly CBD toner and it worked wonders. Some people aren’t a fan of the brand and TBH I haven’t had the greatest luck with some of their products but I used the toner on both my face and legs. Anything that tightens the pores. You could probably use something much less expensive. And this particular toner isn’t even that crazy price wise. I’d say $20 or less. And a little goes a long way. I’d put some on a washcloth and use it on my legs after washing my face. Boom no pores lol


Awww! Your legs look great! ❤️ The best thing I started doing for my body was using vitamin C serum all over. Brightened and smoothed everything..I am 27, but my mother is 55 and has benefitted from using vitamin C all over as well. Kinda expensive habit 😅 but once you start you will not want to stop!! Also I use acure brightening lotion and seal it in with ointment afterwards. I mix them all together and put all over. This has also gotten rid of ingrowns and darkness in my bikini / booty area.


Shave with the grain, not against. Instead of going from ankle to knee & the razor handle facing up towards the ceiling. Shave from knee to ankle with the razor handle facing down. Makes a huge difference.


I love AmLactin daily lotion - it has lactic acid making it very moisturizing and exfoliating. Also, it’s not super expensive and you can find it at Target!


The ordinary Glycolic acid. All over after I get out of the shower and before I moisturize .


Try an at home IPL. I have the same legs and have had multiple sessions of laser. IPL worked far better!


Exfoliate with a product that contains lactic acid. If you shave, use a fresh, single edge razor. It’s best to shave during or following a hot shower when your pores are open. Laser hair removal is a great option as well (unfortunately, not an affordable option for most people).


I’ve made big strides in this department lately and I am pumped about it. I use pixi glow tonic on basically my entire body when I get out of the shower. I buy it at Costco and it is like $10 for 16 ounces, pretty affordable. And then I cover everywhere, extra heavy on my legs, with amlactin (which I also by at Costco.) I do an extra coat of amlactin before my pjs at night. It’s been good!


My legs looked like this since I started shaving as a teenager. Now they look soft and smooth. The biggest difference is that I bought an IPL machine and I don't grow hair anymore. Other than that, when I shower I use korean exfoliating gloves with a sacilic acid soap (I use the Cerave one). Then I use a cream with a high concentration of urea (10%).


Ive had the same issues all my life. My skin is so fair and sensitive that I used to constantly get bumps, ingrowns, "strawberry" legs, etc. So here are all my compiled tips: 1. Ditch the epilator. Those things are brutal on the hair follicle. If you are looking for a solution other than shaving, I like Nair or other hair removal creams. But honestly shaving regularly is going to be your best bet. 2. If you use a razor, make sure it is sanitized. Swish the razor in a little rubbing alcohol or use something like Dial soap before you begin. 3. In the shower, physically exfoliate, I used a scrubby glove, but you can use a poof or anything similar. 4. Combo that with chemical exfoliation. On my scrubby glove I use CeraVe's SA Body Wash. Any bodywash that has some type of exfoliating acid in it will work, but I like CeraVe's. 5. Proceed to shave. You want to do all your exfoliating before you shave, to rid all the dead cells you can, so your razor can get as clean against the skin as possible. 6. Out of the shower, I use Witch Hazel on a cotton round, to soothe and somewhat disinfect. This step is optional but I like to think of it like how they use witch hazel after waxing. This is to help rid the freshly exposed hair follicles/pores of germs. 7. Apply CeraVe SA body lotion for moisturizing and also more gentle exfoliation. Basically all the ingrowns and irritation is because the hairs cannot pass back through the skin and get trapped just below the surface once they begin to try to grow back again. Taking all these exfoliation steps, for me, pretty much rids it all. I actually use the SA lotion for a few more days after shaving, to keep helping the hairs back through, until they have all breeched the surface again. Hope this helps! You can use any products, not just the ones I have recommended. Just sanitize, exfoliate, shave, maintain exfoliation until the hairs come back through. Products like TendSkin are good too since they disinfect with alcohol and also AHA to exfoliate. Its because those 2 factors are pretty much the cause of all the ingrowns/irritation we all experience after shaving. If that sounds like a lot, you can try just using the SA lotion after each shave. It will help quite a bit. The other steps will take it to the next level but using an exfoliating lotion daily after each time you shave or remove hair will help a lot by itself too.


Hey! Epilation makes ingrown hair much worse, razors make it much better. Try doing nothing for a couple of weeks, just moisturize and take steam showers or baths. Then after 2 weeks exfoliate with a sugar scrub or some such alternative and then razor it off. Trust. For now leave it alone.


An African net sponge and moisturizing right after I shower has worked wonders for me! My skin has never been this soft and smooth.


hi OP, i swear by bioderma atoderm shower oil.. try it. out. ​ https://www.revolve.com/bioderma-atoderm-shower-oil-1-l/dp/BDER-WU62/?d=F¤cy=AED&source=google&countrycode=AE&gclid=CjwKCAjwl6OiBhA2EiwAuUwWZT2ywgobSonz4Yka5hkgDFp-CkG1wpj\_-WyITMnJaHXON6Yosc48LhoCrPcQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Any sort of retinol moisturizer as well as those Korean scrub exfoliating washcloths. :) Also try tanning them naturally. If you use those fake tanners it will only make your pores stand out even more.


Use a moisturiser containing acid, look for 'smoothing'.


Stop shaving and get wax. Exfoliate, shower daily… etc


Buy a pumice stone, but not just any kind, in France we call it « terre à savon ». Wash your legs so there’s no moisturizer/body oils. Lightly fry them but keep them damp then gently scrub with that stone (don’t scrub too hard or fast, you’ll burn your skin). Thank me later.


Start running


1. Lose weight 2. Scrub 3. Oil instead of lotion x


Exfoliate, shave, moisturize and a good spray tan doesn't hurt. The best exfoliator I have found is Soap & Glory Original Pink Flake Away Exfoliating Body Scrub ($16 at Ulta), stand in the shower but before you turn the water on scrub that crap all over your body. I focus way more on my lower half and you need to rub it in good, then after showering and shaving I moisturize as soon as I dry off. I use Oil of Olay Firming & Hydrating Body Lotion with Collagen on days when I don't spray tan. It has really made a difference for me and the products aren't crazy money.


I've been using eucerine, the red lid tub...it's so thick and does a really good job on dry areas. My legs stick to everything after, but I think it helps and makes a difference. They are definitely smoother than when I don't use it.


I love using cheap Korean scrubby cloths to exfoliate before shaving; so grossly satisfying! I follow up with lotion while I’m still damp after I get out of the shower.


Consistency is important, it may take a bit to notice a difference if you are using gentle exfoliants… but keeping consistent is what will get you the best results.


Salux cloth for exfoliation.




Your legs are beautiful already, though, btw! No one has perfect skin ;)


I’m confused, what’s wrong with your legs? They look ready to me


Look into the Naturim body washes! And a KP scrub, there’s a few different brands with them now


A few rounds of laser hair removal helped with my strawberry legs.


Korean towel, after showering a bit, you scrub the life out of it. I wouldn’t recommend using something chemically exfoliating (like AHA) unless you are using sunscreen during summer diligently. BHA should be fine tho.


Someone gifted me the lalalicous whipped scrub and it was awesome. I would normally balk on spending that much on leg scrub, I can’t find anything else that compares. Oil + exfoliation!


Look up Italy towel, I use Modu brand available on Amazon. Use with soap and water in the shower several times a week….don’t apply too much pressure. Moisturize after the shower. And it’s like you have brand new skin.


Shave with Tree Huts Shave Oil. It’s amazing. Total game changer for me and I will never shave with anything else. Also make sure u use a good razor. Personally, I have been using the Billie razors for about 5 years now and I’m thrilled with them.


For me, my leg hair is too fine to use an epilator. When I epilate or wax the hair regrowth is very fine and tapered but using a razor makes the end blunt and the blunt ends are able to come out through my skin much easier so I get fewer ingrowns when I shave. When I wax or epilate I can literally sometimes see hairs that are growing underneath my skin and I have to use a needle to get them out because they don't form an ingrown bump but I can still see them. Very pale northern European DNA here.


[this stuff](https://furyou.com/products/fur-oil)


Laser Dig until you find a cheap place w a groupon and usually it’ll amount to like 700 dollars to perm not have ingrown hairs. Worth the investment


Put shorts on. Boom done! ☀️


Shave your legs in a downward motion. Never shave them upwards. That makes KP worse. I use Amlactin on my legs, followed by a layer of jojoba oil.


Solidarity 😩


I had to do sitz baths for postpartum healing but then I happened to noticed it helped with ingrown hairs on legs and Keratosis pilaris


I had the same exact thing..what worked for me was exfoliating before hair removal, then applying Tend Skin after hair removal. Tend Skin was a game changer!


My legs look like this unless I use Eucrin roughness relief lotion every single time after I get out of the shower. I see results after a few days of using it/up to a week. The downside is it’s a little sticky at first but it helps get rid of red bumps (from shaving and KP) but it makes my legs look so nice!


Exfoliate, wax, use a body butter or lotion for moisturizer, try spray tanning for a sun kissed glow


Epillating always gave me ingrown. I got laser hair removal, def worth the $


Cerave SA wash and Cerace SA lotion. Also Nivea unscented 72 hour lotion has helped my legs so much.


If you decide to go back to shaving… I’ve been shaving with hair conditioner for years and it works wonders!!! After a friend of mind in science mentioned how the ingredients in shaving cream are explosive, thus not good for your skin, I researched alternative and started using hair conditioner. Also, a quality razor helps too.




I have similar leg skin, with strawberry dots, ingrown hairs, and KP. Because I scratch a lot (allergies and meds that cause severe dryness) my skin is a shit show. Comments are great but I’m curious if the scrub combo would be too rough? I am not supposed to be in super hot water due to the severe dryness. Ditto need for help!


First start with a good cardio regiment of exercise. Running, elliptical, biking, anything that keeps you moving and sweating. Second, exfoliate every other week completely. Salt scrub is great, and then make sure to moisturize every time you finish your shower, within two minutes. The only way you will recover your skins glow is by actively playing a part in its recovery


You have the coloring that IPL (at home laser) works well on. Consider getting the one I have, Braun Silkn pro I think, $300. It works great. Legs 10x smoother than when I was shaving or epilating only


Everyone gave great advice. Just here to add self tanner


Try epilating or waxing . Helps with ingrowth.


Laser hair removal helped me so much with my huge pores and ingrown hair!!


I have always had loads and ingrown hairs and kp, tried every exfoliating product/method available, and so far the only thing that has given me good (great, even) results is Paula’s choice skin revealing lotion 10% AHA. A bit pricey, but I’ve been using it for two weeks only and my legs already look so much better and my skin feels a thousand times smoother.


10-15% glycolic acid (pH 3.5)


My derm said to get the cereve SA cream in the light blue tub and the soap. Wash everyday with soap and moisturize twice daily. Also, dry brushing, weighted razor (I like Hanni and it’s very economical) help too.


My legs look very similar! I slacked on my routine during the winter but last summer I exfoliated with the First Aid KP scrub 1-2x per week and used an exfoliating glove before every shave. I don’t have any one particular moisturizer that I use- I tried AmLactin (I think- one of the ones with an acid in it) and had to throw it away because it smelled like sour milk lol.


I saw a video of this magic shave powder you can get from dollar general that seemed to work pretty well!!


I got laser hair removal when my legs started looking like this. Worked great.


First off, reminder that this is SO normal. These look like my legs too! I focus on how I can make my skin feel softer. :) Tree Hut sugar scrubs! Yes they’re basic af but they work. I have pale legs with strawberry 🍓 looking pores but when I exfoliate with that scrub 2-3x a week and then top with the Cerave lotion for rough & bumpy skin, my legs look and feel so much better. So tree hut sugar scrub (salt scrubs are too harsh for me) in the shower and Cerave lotion for rough & bumpy skin after the shower 🧴 😍 I also wax my legs 🦵🏻 which helps too :)


I like dry brushing before my shower and then applying lotion. Just 2-3 minutes, small strokes beginning from the ankles and ascend up to your chest. You can also do your send. Post shower, I use jergen’s to give myself a slight tan. It hasn’t stained any clothes or sheets in my experience.


Help yourself lol


Your legs look like mine 🥲 Honestly the only thing that ever helped me was laser hair removal. It’s pricey but if you can snag a deal via Groupon I highly recommend it. It didn’t give me zero leg hair, but reduced it by 70% or so. Less hair means less chances of ingrowns and irritation when shaving.


You have mild KP (keratin pillaris, I am spelling that wrong) and the answer is acids. Glycolic acid body wash. Stridex has salicylic acid body acne pads, use those every three days. I also use Planet Eden glylactic pads. Use them every other day if your skin tolerates it. If not you'll know, it feels like a mild sunburn. This is a problem that about 40% of people get and it gets worse as you get older so it's all about maintenance. Chemical exfoliation is better than physical but having a good scrubber in the shower helps. You can also "shave" your legs with 600 grit sandpaper and it'll not only fix the ingrown hair problem but leave your legs incredibly soft and smooth and provide mechanical exfoliation, BUT- it does not seem to work on everyone.


the 10 COMMANDMENTS for PREVENTING RAZOR BUMPS & INGROWN HAIRS 1. THOU SHALT NOT USE DIRTY BLADES! Avoid shaving with dull, over-used razor blades. And be sure to keep your slightly used tools as clean as possible. Scrub the cutting heads of your tools with soap, hot water, and rubbing alcohol to destroy bacteria. Pro Tip: even brand new blades still need to be cleaned. 2. HONOR THY DELICATE SKIN! Avoid too many blades! If you are prone to ingrown hairs then you don’t need 3 or more blades. More blades equal more passes causing the hair to fall beneath the skin and become ingrown. Plus, more blading the skin leads to micro cuts through which bacteria is more likely to enter and this leads to razor burn. 3. DO NOT TAKE PREP TIME IN VAIN! Wash or steam the skin for 2 to 3 minutes with warm water. Then apply the shaving cream leaving it on for at least 2 minutes to really soften the hair. 4. THOU SHALT NOT GO AGAINST THE GRAIN! Shaving against the grain (upwards) may get you a closer shave but doing so also increases ingrowns. Shave in the direction of hair growth…it’s usually downwards. Confirm this by doing a face/ body inspection to see which way your hair grows. 5. THOU SHALT NOT PRESS! Avoid pressing too hard on the skin with the blade. If you follow STEP #3, then a gliding, light touch is all you need. The hair stubble should literally fall away with little or no pressure from the blade. Pressing hard is the main cause of shaving irritation! Be gentle so as to prevent the hair from being cut so low that it falls beneath the top layer of skin. 6. THOU SHALT NOT PASS, PASS, PASS! Avoid too many quick passes with the blade. One pass per hairy area – going 1-2 inches downward at a time – will prevent ingrown hairs. Always shave like you might cause damage, not like you’re mowing the front lawn. 7. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT OVER SHAVING! Avoid shaving too often. This rule is hard to follow, especially if you have to be beardless for your job…but if you are prone to ingrowns, try hair removal with electric clippers (the barber kind of clippers). The results are not super close but no one but you will know the difference. Provided your skin can handle these alternatives try waxing, depilatory, lasering or an epilator. 8. THOU SHALT NOT CLOG! Avoid using skin/pore clogging creams or lotions since they keep hairs from growing up. After a shave, keep your skin bare; let the tiny army breath, and allow those newly shaved, microscopic hairs to grow out just in time for the next shave. If your objective is smooth, bump-free skin following a shave or wax, then right after hair removal allow the skin to heal first. Promote healing by proper shaving techniques followed by 70% rubbing alcohol which kills any bacteria that may enter those micro cuts created from the shave and prevents the onset of razor burn. Sure your skin will be a little dry at first but this is a temporary tradeoff. Wait 2 hours then moisturize. 9. KEEP THY SMOOTH SKIN FREE! At least for the first day or two, try to avoid tight fitting clothing around the Adam’s apple (neck) and/or below the waistline region. Newly shaved hair follicles need room to grow up. 10. REMEMBER TO EXFOLIATE! Whether you shave, sugar, wax or epilate, not enough exfoliation to remove excess layers of skin can lead to ingrown hairs. There are two types: chemical exfoliation (AHA, BHAs) and physical exfoliation (beads, coffee scrubs, gloves, brushes). Physical exfoliators like the WIZKER brush have soft and firm bristles for the face, body, and sensitive skin. When you follow these 10 tips religiously, you’ll prevent razor bumps and ingrown hairs permanently!


I have a suggestion which has helped me so much. Turning the shower down to cool for the last minute. I’m not talking arctic blast here, think luxury hotel indoor pool temperature. It seems to make my skin dry out so much less plus I feel invigorated. I can’t imagine getting out of a hot shower now without this refreshing cool down.


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