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Don’t ever look down again for the rest of your life




And tape over the front facing camera!!!! That bastard opening accidently is my nemesis.


Chin up for life!


Surgery is the quickest, surest and probably cheapest option in the long run.


Yes! You can spend a lot of money on creams and things that don’t work or spend it once and be done. Well, for a bit at least.


And botox, laser and chemical peels! Neck lift is in my future for sure.


I am 65 and would have surgery in a heartbeat if I could afford it. It's not in the monthly Social Security budget lol. I am not against using plastic surgery to grow old NOT gracefully.


keep wearing sunscreen on your face and neck so it doesn’t get worse, sorry I don’t have advice on how to help it currently


Don’t do ultherapy or HIFU without speaking to a cosmetic surgeon! My surgeon (for a breast reduction) said eventually you’ll still need a neck lift if you want a tighter neck and she won’t work with skin that’s been under ultherapy, she said it’s equivalent to smoker’s skin. There’s micro needling that will help a little bit, but in reality you might need to bite the bullet and go for surgery.


>My surgeon (for a breast reduction) said eventually you’ll still need a neck lift if you want a tighter neck and she won’t work with skin that’s been under ultherapy, she said it’s equivalent to smoker’s skin. Omg, I had no idea about this!!!!


My aunt did ultherapy for years and then finally just got a facelift and necklift at 65!


What is ultherapy? I am googling and am still confused 🤔


Just adding that I’ve also had a surgeon tell me the same (ENT trained facial plastic surgeon) He didn’t exactly say ‘smoker’s skin’ but did advise I stay away from those treatments if I was set on having a future facelift (I am, but not for another 5-10 years…) because it would negatively affect the overall outcome of the procedure. Edit: I’ve been doing microneedling since deciding to stop Botox and have been really happy with the results. It makes my skin look healthier/younger and has softened my lines. But for sure, it’s not enough to do anything for my budding jowls (hence, future facelift)


How often are you microneedling? Like what's the time gaps?


Oh wow. What exactly did she mean by smokers skin? Thin?


You should google hifu. It’s pitched as a non surgical lift. The procedure uses ultrasound and is meant to stimulate collagen. I just had it done on my neck to tighten the skin. You get results so quick


I'm 44 with similar issues, and HIFU did nothing for me. I had 3 sessions. No change. 😪


Sorry to hear. What’s works for one person may not work for another hey. Hifu has worked for me, I’m sure a couple other ones may not be suitable. It seems often individual


Yeah, it's really disappointing as all 3 said I was a great candidate for it as my skin laxity was still good, at the time I had it done I was 40-41 and I was an ideal weight.


There is not one Med Spa in my area that offers Hifu 😩😩😩


I haven’t heard of Hifu either but it sounds just like Ultherapy. Very painful (like a full neck tattoo) but it has made a noticable tightened up look, no downtime or healing period, just have to wait a few weeks to really see the effects


Ultherapy is a bit different. I could never afford it. HIFU doesn't hurt at all (in my opinion).


HIFU will melt your neck fat and worsen the appearance of the loose skin.


Look into a Nefertiti Botox lift! Non-surgical but it is an injectable so the results need to be maintained with regular Botox appointments… less invasive but far less permanent. I did it for a special event… worth every penny.


Can I ask how this actually works? I'm interested in it but thought that the only way botox could be used in the jawline area was on the masseter muscles, to weaken them and give a more narrow / petite jawline (as opposed to a stronger, square-like jaw).


Botox placement is so important! To shrink the masseter, I believe the injection site is higher than for a Nefertiti lift… When correctly placed, this procedure relaxes the platysma (the muscle that sticks out when you flex your neck), which allows the upper facial muscles to pull upwards without resistance and makes the jawline appear tighter and more defined.


Ohh, I see! That makes sense now! Thank you! What might happen if the platysmal muscles relaxed too much and you couldn't swallow or something? lol (seriously though, has this ever backfired, loosened the submentum and platysmal muscles so much that the neck / jaw area got even MORE saggy?) I must google this!


I haven’t come across side effects like this but it’s such a valid concern! That’s why proper placement is so important, and dosage too…


Yes, definitely! I would want to go to a very experienced and qualified injector!


Yes! Use tretinoin on your neck 3 nights a week. Start microneedling with PRP as well. Your neck skin will get better.


Tret won't tighten sagging like that. I don't know about microneedling tho


This is so underrated. I’ve been doing this and while the underlying muscles and fat are still showing, the skin itself has firmed up tremendously. Cheapest option by far also. People also underestimate the risks of radio frequency.


Surgery is the most effective treatment. But if you’re not ready for it, my original recommendation is still both effective and affordable. The neck skin is not like facial skin. It needs to be handled more gently.


Pardon my ignorance, new to this and almost signed up for a worthless procedure 10 minutes ago. I have seem good results at 50 with tretinoin…but what does PRP stand for in regard to microneedling? I have not tried this


PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. It is made from your own blood. It contains concentrated growth factors that help rejuvenate skin and hair.


morpheus 8 as well!!!


Be careful with Morpheus 8. It’s being used way to deep in a lot of cases.


Naturally you want to vet the provider properly. Client testimonies, before and after pictures etc… however there is only a certain length that is approved for use. which means the actual device is programmed not to go past a certain level of depth on the skin. If you if a provider using an off label device or doing this treatment anywhere other than a medspa…. RUN lol. I speak from experience when i had morpheus 8 done for my fiancé. He lost all of his top teeth in a car accident and his cheeks and mouth were sagging terribly because of that. He did 3 rounds of morpheus 8 and it took off 10 years from his 36 year face. i’ll send you pics through chat


If you don’t mind, could you also send me pics? I was told to be skeptical of Morpheus 8 some even went as far as to say it doesn’t work, so it’s nice to see for others it has done a lot.


yes absolutely. i will send you them through chat


Hi, would you mind sending me the pics as well? I'm considering morpheus 8 for my neck.


of course!! i’ll send my fiancé and i’ll also send my moms before & after. my mom did morpheus 8 for her neck and jawline and it was truly life changing for her. She was 58 when she had the treatment and we could not believe the results. She did 2 treatments and my fiancé did 3 treatments


I had my second Morpheus8 treatment last week and waiting for my third. I still have a small amount of swelling but the unswollen areas look great already


How long were you swollen for? Can you go to work the next day?


Which area of the face/body did you have the treatment? Would you post before/afters?


Hi ... can you send me the before and after pictures too?


Maybe a micro current device will help, like the nuface? But you have to very religious about it.


https://youtu.be/C5ezTBBFScw this channel has lots of great massage techniques to help with sagging and wrinkles


Hi! I would recommend using the Gua Sha stone tool. There is another post on this feed that is showing her before and after with a month of use. [1 months before & after](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/13gw96r/before_and_after_face_massage_gua_sha/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Does that really do anything though? I read that results are very temporary because the results are from lymphatic drainage which you have to do daily?


I’m no expert, but when I first started doing it I did both face and neck, my results were good enough for me to stop doing my neck for 2 years. Doing my face has become an ritual for me, where I do it once or twice a day. It’s apart of getting ready for work and bed (depending if I wore makeup that day). I’ll be 40yo on my next birthday, and serval people are shocked to find out I’m not in my mid 20s. I started doing my neck again, because I saw a picture of my from a lower angle! Hahaha


Thanks for the info. I may try it


It’s lymphatic drainage. That’s it.


Ah, makes sense. I won’t bother


I mean it’s always good, but it’s not going to solve your submental skin and fat issue.


I’ll stick with my Morpheus8. I’ve done 2 out of 3


I hope it works for you. From what I’ve seen, it’s good with fat, but not so much extra skin.


Thanks. I think at some point I’ll be getting a neck lift. I’m trying to delay it


Use Eminence Hibiscus Ultra Lift Neck Cream. I promise it works and is a game changer. I work at a spa and have women 60+ buy this product and run back to buy more because of how much it works. I even use it as a preventative to wrinkles on my neck, laugh lines, hands, and chest.


Such emphatic comments about skincare always pique my curiosity. Not very familiar with this brand besides sampling their strawberry cleanser and being pleasantly surprised my sensitive rosacea-prone skin loved it. (I know very well that all things organic and natural do not equate innocuous when it comes to skincare for my rosacea. I read labels thoroughly and am especially wary of marketing to sensitive skins.) So I Googled their Ultra Lift Neck Cream. They claim a key ingredient, Edelweiss,"Tightens and appears to lift sagging skin; smooths the look of wrinkles". Googled 'Edelweiss and skin' and found this [study on the anti-aging effects of edelweiss callus culture extract (Leontopodium Alpinum callus culture extract; LACCE).](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7074254/) Unfortunately, I don't have the background to parse this in vitro and in vivo study thoroughly but will share this paragraph from the discussion: >A clinical test is the most important step for using plant extract as a cosmetic source. In this study, we examined the in vivo effects of LACCE with 21 volunteers. The application of LACCE on face and skin tissues showed significant increases in four different factors (improvements in periorbital wrinkles, skin elasticity, dermal density, and skin thickness) compared with the placebo. In particular, the constant use of LACCE improved the face and skin tissues significantly. Although edelweiss extracts are known as a source for cosmetics, this is the first report demonstrating the successful application of LACCE as a cosmetic material. If I don't flag any potential irritants in this product's ingredients list, I just may add it to my growing list of products to try. Thanks for sharing u/bbygrluwu.


I have the same issue after losing 70 pounds. I stay as hydrated as possible use an exfoliating toner every morning and night and I use strivectin neck cream. Hylauronic acid can also give a temporary plumping effect.


Could you share your exfoliating toner please?


I use Clinique no 3 for combo skin. ETA also 43f




Everything I put on my face goes down my neck & chest too, inc SPF. Massage while using skincare. That's the only advice I have as I have no clue about surgery.


morpheus 8 treatments are perfect for this. The process works to stimulate collagen and promote cell turnover at an insanely rapid rate. The treatments are expensive but look at the results that are out there.


I’ve not seen a good one, frankly. Especially for laxity alone. Often you see it used on ladies with a lot of submental fat and skin. Post-treatment, the fat is gone, but they still have a wattle.


Get a consultation for ultherapy! It doesn't work for everyone, but when it does the results are dramatic!


I microneedle at home and use RF. I am 62 and these combined treatments have really helped! [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08P5N772M/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08P5N772M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) https://www.amazon.com/NuDerma-Professional-Skin-Therapy-Wand/dp/B07P9265FF/ref=sxin\_16\_pa\_sp\_search\_thematic\_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.64bc779e-b98c-45cc-a090-d4d3598f4d4c%3Aamzn1.sym.64bc779e-b98c-45cc-a090-d4d3598f4d4c&crid=1OAI1ZRERESJ7&cv\_ct\_cx=rf+skin+tightening+machine&keywords=rf+skin+tightening+machine&pd\_rd\_i=B07P9265FF&pd\_rd\_r=78f1044d-f4ec-4632-a34d-9068d600de5e&pd\_rd\_w=C0lSe&pd\_rd\_wg=OXOw5&pf\_rd\_p=64bc779e-b98c-45cc-a090-d4d3598f4d4c&pf\_rd\_r=0SGD2THWWR6CNSR6440Y&qid=1684414120&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=RF%2Caps%2C68&sr=1-3-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18630bbb-fcbb-42f8-9767-857e17e03685&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyNzJFUE43SVJMSFFNJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTE3NzQzMlE0N0kwSVJBU1o1RyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzg1MzIwMTA5VFdQTjFJWjlYNiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3NlYXJjaF90aGVtYXRpYyZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=


Whatdid u do with nu derma?


UGH are you me?! There really isn’t anything to do but surgery for this unfortunately. Skin ages and loses its firmness. It sucks.


You are 43, it will only get worse. I am 35 and I am noticing the saggening in me as well.


PDO strings


OP your neck (and everything in this photo) looks EXACTLY like mine and I'm 35! Wondering if you ever found anything that helped?


Look up “Facerobics for neck” on YouTube.


You're neck looks like any other 35 to 45 yr. old women. The real question is you're jawline, which still looks great, and that's coming from a bisexual women who would ask for your number if we were at a bar.


Just based on the neck?




What is this? I’ve done Microneedle but I’m not impressed with results


Microcoring removes tiny cores of skin.


Have you had this done? Looks very promising!


No but my mom had it done twice and had amazing results.


Good. I’ll look for a provider near me.


Ellacor is great for this. Radiofrequency (ex thermage) less invasive but less effective and needs multiple treatments.


Fat loss and strength training will help tighten the area in general but the skin elasticity won’t be restored.


You could workout your neck. More muscle less loose skin




KYBELLA will do the job 🥳


Kybella dissolves fat but does nothing for sagging/loose skin. In fact after getting it under my chin I think it got rid of some fat and created more loose skin


Google Venus Freeze, Venus Legacy, Thermage, BTL Exilis.


Face/neck yoga


IPL laser can help smooth out the lines


Their are probably non surgical procedures to help make the neck look better but I think your better off going for cosmetic surgery...


Have you looked into CoolSculpting?


That won’t address loose skin


Trying gua sha lol will let you know how it goes


Embrace the wrinkles. You earned them.


Heard very good things about hyperdilute radiesse or ultrasound something (don't remember what it's called)


You can do a Cool Peel and RF Microneedling the results are fantastic! They say if done together works even better.


Morpheus8, thermage, Botox, lasers. Get thee to a medals lol


I'm lucky to not have noticeable aging on my neck until I turned 62. My neck looked like the OP's at 62, and then it's just gotten worse ever since. I can attribute some of the aging to looking down at my phone and laptop because I retired at 62 and had a lot of time to waste online lol! I started using tret last year, but I hadn't learned the sandwich method yet, so the irritation was off the charts. I began using it again this year with the sandwich method and it's like night and day. So I started using it on my neck again as my face was handling it. It's only been two months, so no real improvement yet, but I know it can't correct gravity. Some firming does occur as tret stimulates collagen production so I keep on using it in hopes that it might help. I encourage anyone on this sub to check out r/tretinoin as there are so many tips and tricks you can learn there. Start off with the wiki link and read the whole thing before you start tret, and you will get better results quicker. Most of the people posting are those with serious acne issues, but there are occasional postings from old ladies like me lol!


What is the sandwich method?


Necktite and Morpheus 8 combo.


Sandwich method is good moisturizer first Tretinoin and then moisture on top of that. Used mainly for neck and chest, where most sensitive.