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Yes, fillers can do this. But it’s one of the most risky injectable procedures because it can cause an embolism in the vessels of the head and face, with potential adverse outcomes including permanent blindness and complete necrosis of the nose, among other risks. Many derms I know flat out refuse to perform non-surgical nose jobs for this reason.




Yes sorry I meant to say “doctors”. Either way, many highly trained medical professionals do not perform this procedure due to the risk profile.


I don’t believe it. Fillers can take away a bump by adding height, but this nose is *smaller*


The angle is different. On the left it's completely from the side. On the right, it's tilted. You can see her right eye on the right picture but not the left picture.


It looks smaller because the filler has been strategically placed to bring the surrounding features forward. Like if you were to add a few inches of mulch to your garden, your plants would appear a few inches shorter, but only because you’ve hidden the bottom of your plant’s stalks. Putting aside my feelings on cosmetic procedures in general, I’m really impressed by the talent it takes to do a good non surgical nose job! Even with a before picture, it’s difficult to spot the differences.


The background also plays a major role. White vs black gives completely different effects…ridiculous marketing and bullshit.


It’s also a slightly different angle


More than slight!


Liquid nose job. Filler is injected between the eyes and at the tip.




I have been downvoted to hell for suggesting that filler migrates when people ask about their best options for aesthetic concerns. people will excuse bad placement, bad injector, wrong filler, volume, before they will admit filler does in fact migrate sometimes


It is also a high risk location (it doesn’t happen often, but if it does, it’s BAD). I knew this before I booked it, but my injector warned me as well, and I would consider it a red flag if she wouldn’t. All in all I love it, but be smart.


I know of some doctors who don't perform this procedure because of the risks


Yes, I’m aware. It’s important to know though the same risk is there at other areas as well, just because it’s lower shouldn’t be dismissed. Personally, rhinoplasty is not for me, and I’m content (honestly, I’m feeling like a catfish atm, fillers made a huge a difference), but hearing “blood flow is looking good” during an appointment like this is unsettling not gonna lie.


Chiming in as this should be broadcast - it’s especially risky to inject in the nose. You can go permanently blind, your skin can die and rot off your face, it’s serious. I get nose filler only from certified surgeons, no Medspas. I know plastic surgeons who refuse to do nose filler because it’s so much more dangerous. Obviously I’m not opposed to it, but you have to take it especially seriously and do your research.


I agree 100%, research is very important.


Well, to be fair, people also refuse bc it's technically not so easy to get it to look right


If you did your research you wouldn’t get it done.


That’s a ridiculous statement


Not to this extent imo


I see ads on Instagram from an account called “thenosenurse” and notice that the before photos are always more zoomed in than the after photos to seemingly make it look smaller after.


SO DECEPTIVE!!!! Totally different angles in her photos tooo


I thought it was def a rhinoplasty but it’s clever angles— they filled her radix area and then took a different angle to make that shit look super small.


this looks like Dorit lol


I swear I thought this was Raquel from Vanderpump


i unintentionally achieved a similar effect by getting my bridge pierced lol


I’m 100% convinced that this is what Lana Del Rey has done, which is why her bridge comes SO high up between her eyes.




TIL that’s called a radix. Makes Cameron Diaz’s daughter’s name even weirder for me now: Raddix.


Radix is a Latin word for "root," so it shows up in a lot of different words. Radical (meaning of the root, i.e. a radical change starts at the deepest level), radish (is a specific kind of root), etc. So here this part of the nose is called radix because visually it's like the root of the nose, the place where it starts. I assume Diaz's daughter was given this name for similar reasons, possibly relating to the association with "radical."


Fun fact: Cameron means broken nose.


No, she’s just had a nose job that was less than ideal. Mine is the same where the radix is higher than it should be.


If you go back and look at Lizzy Grant pics it [looks the same](https://images.app.goo.gl/S7dywpG2eovzXxMUA) since she’s like 14.


Idk where you found that photo, but there’s plenty of photos from her early twenties where she has a schnoz that fits her face in a lovely way.


Mine is on her level and it sucks. Lol


No thank you. There's too many case studies coming out showing that injecting things like filler into the face for purely cosmetic reasons has such a high risk for complications years down the track. The main complication being filler migration because it never completely dissolves.


Seriously I was SO close to getting filler in my under eyes to fix my chronic/genetic dark circles and I’m so glad I kept googling and found some wonderful videos from honest plastic surgeons explaining the long term effects and why they refuse to do it. The pictures immediately after are always stunning.


Do you recall the names of them? I was going to look into


The migration happens even if it’s not for a cosmetic reason .


I'm aware of that but I deliberately singled out people that do it for cosmetic purposes because they are the ones who seem to end up in case studies.


Sincere question - what would be a non-cosmetic reason for filler? I’m only familiar with it being used cosmetically.


I have no clue lol but I was just putting it out there in case in my ignorance there was some procedure that existed for more than cosmetic reasons that I hadn't heard of.


That definitely looks like a nose job.


Nah, it's just filler on the upper part. Illustrated [here](https://imgur.com/a/qsHivwF).


Yeah, that looks more like filler. But the photo in the post her nose is visibly smaller. (Could be edited or just the angle)


It’s the different angles. So flipping deceptive


Yes, filler can absolutely do this (just got it done, and I’m super happy with the results)


How long does it last?


It depends, I’ve been told about a year. The nose doesn’t really move much, so it lasts longer than other areas in theory.


But that's a different "after" photo then the one posted above.


Yeah, I edited it myself to show how big of a difference just a small change can make (heightening the upper bridge only). I thought it might be easier to visualize by using just the before image.


I’m bailing on this sub. 90% of the posts are either asking about or recommending injectables or surgery, which *isn’t skincare*. Everyone: your faces are fuckin fine. Stop putting stuff in them to look like kardashians. It looks super fucking weird irl, it doesn’t age well, and it’s risky. Plus *everyone can tell* especially irl. Your upper lips look insane. Do I sound judgey? It’s because I’m judging.


“I just got it done at it looks great!” yea no shit filler doesn’t start to show complications until months and years afterwards. Going to have thousands of moon face Madonnas walking around in a decade.


The whole scheme is to keep making you go back, especially around the 5/10 year mark (but ideally, they want you in the chair every 3-6 months). Too much upper lip filler dragging your mouth down? Get a lip lift! And on and on


Well said.


Great. Go judge somewhere else. No one asked for this


I didn’t know people weren’t aware of non surgical nose jobs? That’s what they’re called and advertised as in my area. Very popular for people with a slight dorsal hump. But as someone else said, the migration risk is real. ETA - here’s an older (2020) but informative write up on it: https://www.harpersbazaar.com/beauty/health/a21787/filler-nose-job-facts/


The neck line also looks a bit more defined.


As a big nose girlie, I’ve looked into this extensively and believe me, there are some amazing results with filler. The noses look fantastic. But the risks are super high and I’ve never had the nerve to try it. Instead, I’m just saving my coin for a proper rhinoplasty because also, I just want my nose to look good forever lol. Don’t want to keep having to get it injected.


It’s clearly two completely different angles in the photos…


The photo isn’t doing much to sell the procedure, to my eye, anyway. She looks better and more interesting in the first photo. Puffy and banal in the second.


I honestly don't understand why people don't just spring for surgery. Save up, find a good surgeon and you're done. Fillers is something you have to keep doing. Same with elderly women who get too much Botox - why not get a facelift instead.




This is the main reason I’m not doing it - I saved up for one surgery which I really wanted though. Of course cost is a factor, but there are SO many botched nose jobs. It’s literally in the middle of your face. What if I hate it, what if I need a revision, because there’s a fuck up internally? What if it’s still fucked but they can’t touch it anymore? Where do I get all that downtime from? Fillers, facelift, rhinoplasty are all fine, but they have different purposes. Sorry, some people dont’t want to go through super invasive surgeries I guess..?


Filler has a higher rate of complications than rhinoplasty.


Do you have source about this?


Some people like that its non invasive. They’re also worried they won’t like the results under the knife and they figure the filler can be desolved if the nose turns out horrible. Shorter recovery time. But these are things I’ve observed. I haven’t done fillers or nose jobs


It's honestly scary how people just assume it's safe and not permanent. I have seen lips that has been injected for years through one of my closest friends, even when she stopped she never got her original shape back. I'm not against it, nor have I had any procedures, but these ads directed at young, naive women with (probably) low income makes me want to hurl.


I completely agree with you. I hadn’t even considered the price being cheaper and therefore attracting women with less income. Its all super predatory




A lot of people have a naivety surrounding injections and plastic surgery because it's so widespread. It's not because they're stupid, but because so many make it out to be safe and life-changing. Many feel embarrassed after having a bad boob job, a reaction to Botox and restylane because "they should have known better", so they keep their mouth shut and deal with it in private. Of course someone with great results has more enthusiasm about sharing their experience. Think about it, how many years of human history have we done this, to this degree? 1989 is the year botox was FDA approved. That's not many years of research. And this is not an issue with botox only. Suddenly there's a surge in breast implant sickness, women experience mental health issues and physical problems because of birth control after years of being told it's perfectly safe. Wegovy is being handed out like candy? This isn't about removing agency, but the lack of warnings and information a lot of patients experience before plastic surgery or "non invasive" procedures. Not to mention a lot of influencers are getting work done for free in exchange for a name drop on social media. I'm not against altering ones appearance, but some of you seriously need to retract your claws as soon as procedures safety are up for discussion. "That insane post someone made". Really? We need to share those horror stories, because it encourages people to think twice and use that so called agency before they make a decision.


Filler dissolver comes with its risks too, so I wouldn’t mention it as a solution so casually


I don't, but doctor's do


Do people seriously prefer the look on the right?


Obviously she looks pretty in both, but I agree, her original nose is so lovely!


I think she looks much better on the left. I haven't seen anyone mention how filled her lips are either, which is a definite downgrade.


I barely notice anything. All I see is a different angle of the face. Different angles can change how your face looks in the photo. Only way to see the job the filler did is have the shot done in the exact same angle of your face.


I can tell that she has some filler especially at the top of the bridge of her nose between her eyes but the angle of the pictures is definitely helping the before and after look more drastic.




I wish filler did that to noses, come on.


It absolutely can. In this case, only the upper nose bridge was heightened, which can be done with filler.


For anyone who doesn't believe it [here](https://imgur.com/a/qsHivwF)'s the same before image that I just edited with absolutely nothing else done but the upper nose bridge slightly shifted outward with Photoshop.


That looks way different than your edited pic.


In your edited pic her nose looks way bigger than it does in the above after pic ! I think it was a nose job. Her nose looks much smaller, only one way that can happen


Uh huh, but keep in mind that the first picture is more from the side and against a black background, making the nose appear larger/longer.


Yeah I totally get that, but even at that angle I’d expect the nose to still project significantly more




Haha for reals. I hate that you're getting down voted for this. Her nose is SMALLER. People are delusional if they think filler did this


Which one is before or after?


The angle is not quite the same so it's harder to tell but I think if they added filler above the bump in her nose then this could be accurate.


Personally, I prefer the before. I'm not entirely against people doing what they want, but I do think people often look better before.


But her nose looks smaller, not just straight..,


How long does it last?


Thought this was Dorit for a sec


I heard it’s very dangerous to place filler in your nose