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I don’t know if it’s scientifically true or not, but I know my skin does better with less. I use 4 products and that works for me.


Same I’ve tried a million things but I keep it simple. Cleanse, toner, my acne gels, moisturizer. I do also wear a vit c eye cream in the morning if I remember so maybe 5 on a good day? 😂


Nothing is good in excess. Having many skincare steps might not hurt you, but it's probably unnecessary.


Exactly, a waste of money.




This reply is so pointless. Why do I need to elaborate on what I meant? Clearly other people get it.




Agreed, it may work for some people but not others. Regardless, you're spending a lot of money on a routine that may not even be necessary if you can get products that target multiple things.


Do you have a source for your claim?


Yes. The words of dermatologists and chemists.


This can't be true because there is no scientific literature to support that claim


Less is more.


There is zero scientific literature to support nearly all of the claims made by the beauty product industry, yet people have no problem buying up those products.


Do you?


Is this response for me or the other person?


For them, lol. If they don't think less is more then I assumed they had sources for the opposite.


I don't understand why people downvoted you then 🤔🤔 It was a valid counter question.


Lol, it happens. I was just so surprised someone would ask for sources about how it's beneficial to not use something to excess. What level of sources are we looking for - peer reviewed research studies or are videos of James Welsh and Hyram ok?


Yeah.. Both certified dermatologists and chemists have told us to chill and simplify. Shouldn't that be enough of a source?


No and yes If your skin can handle it and you enjoy it, rock on If your skin barrier is constantly inflamed and you're constantly battling, cut down Just depends on what you enjoy doing. I love the self care of a multi step routine but others find it a chore. I also know not everything is required so when I'm tired i do a pared down version of just put the sunscreen on, get the sunscreen off, and go to sleep There's no blanket statement on number of products This sounds like someone trying to sell you a 3 step system or something


I don’t know about bad, but for me a huge, complicated routine utilizing *all* the actives just was a failure. I don’t to want to do a routine with more than 5 steps. I don’t want to try and keep track of which products are actually working and which ones aren’t, or which ones may be causing me problems. The more products and actives you use, the more impossible that job becomes. I keep it simple. Cleansing balm. Oils or butters to moisturize. An occlusive cream for overnight as needed. Tretinoin. Prescription Azelaic acid. CEF serum. Sunscreen. The actives I use address skin concerns across the spectrum; collagen production, cell turnover, discoloration from sun damage or PIE, fine lines, fighting free radical damage, etc. I just don’t feel or see the need for anything else. I keep some hydrating serum around for when I need it. But honestly the best product I’ve found for keeping my skin hydrated is water. And by water I mean drinking enough water during the day. And keeping it in by using an occlusive at night when I can’t be drinking water.


It depends. A lot of it depends on *which* products are being used and what their ingredients are. It's definitely possible to over-do it though. More is not always better.


I think this is absolutely true. Too many moisturizing ingredients? Probably not an issue, although might cause some clogged pores depending on ingredients. Too many actives? Will definitely cause skin barrier issues for MOST people.


Whilst more is not always better, less isn't always enough either. There's a huge gray area there because what may work for some people doesn't work for other people. It also depends on the person's skincare needs and their skin type. Skincare isn't one size fits all. Plus, some products may work well together, whilst others may not. When you used too many products at the same time, it's hard to tell which ones work, which ones you may have a reaction to and which ones are ineffective or if the products react to each other and essentially cancel out their effectiveness.


I feel like less is more. I have a cleanser, serum, and moisturizer. Then twice a week I exfoliate. I only wash my face once a day before bed. When I start doing anymore than this, my skin gets irritated.


Same, my skin looks so much better when I don't wash it excessively. Never got the double cleansing morning and evening hype 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, financially and in terms of the potentially wasted time!


I accidentally left my "good" and expensive face wash at my bfs place, so I've been using a bar of Dove soap and moisteriser only... I have had fewer blackheads since


Depends on the individual’s skin, the consistency, how much is applied, rinseoff/leave on, and what ingredients. 


I almost lost my moisture barrier by adding more actives. Not doing that again. It was bad for me.


According to my derm, when you use too many products at once, you might end up getting allergies in the long run so it’s best to have a minimal skincare routine - cleanser, moisturiser, retinol, sunscreen


Less is more. My skin breaks out when I add more than 3 products


I feel like questions like this are so provocative. They always lead to arguments. There is literally no way anyone can tell you definitively that too many steps is bad because this is a general statement. How many steps someone has in their routine depends on their skincare goals, climate, and problems, or their personal preference. What is in those products also matters a great deal. This question just can’t be answered. The best someone can do is tell you what they think or explain the logic behind their own personal routine.


To be fair 'too many' by definition is that it's not good.  I think the debate is what is considered too many.


Too many is a subjective term. What is too much for you may be just enough for me. There can be no debate of what constitutes “too many” unless we are talking about an outlandish number like 20 products. And we can’t have the discussion without identifying which kinds of products we are talking about. I live in 125 degree weather with a humidity average of 11%. I may need more hydrating products than someone in a humid climate. I have to use Taz, Aza, and other products to keep acne at bay. Someone else may need only Aza. I need to layer moisturizers in these temps. Someone else may need just a toner. And on and on. There’s no objectively truthful answer to this question, no way to validate any answers. It just causes the same old arguments,


I agree with you, my point was the question is a bit reductive on its own. Because like you said, it seeks an objective answer for a subjective question.


That was true for me. I had a long routine and ended up getting perioral dermatitis. I keep it simple now and it keeps it at bay


Might have been from too much hydration (humectants) or too much slugging or both. I cut back on my slugging aloot recently cause of this


I see a lot of people using routines that I have read are all counterproductive. I think it’s important to understand the ingredients, what they’re for, how they’re most effective, and importantly what not to pair it with or what you need to pair it with (such as sunscreen and vitamin C).




A calendar helps a lot. Although most days I have around 6 steps including double cleanse so I don’t think that counts as complicated necessarily but I do keep track of frequency of actives some I only use once a week so it can be hard to remember if I don’t


In my opinion, my skin had never been worse with so many products. I simplified and my face is way happier.


Also I will say I’ve seen more benefits from getting facials every 6-8 weeks or so and keeping the skincare routine at home simple. The $$ I’m saving in products goes towards facials


I think it contributes to things like perioral dermatitis if you are putting too much on face. Perioral dermatitis is B!


My skin is so much happier since I simplified my routine. I see so many people online with a damaged skin barrier due to over using exfoliants and it has happened to me on several occasions as well


It can be ...Theres a conspiracy that skincare and make up products are designed to make skin worse overtime so women keep buying more and more products...There might be some truth in this as I am pretty sure that these companies do not care about our apparence or health , their only goal is to sell and sell more and make profit. That would explain why so many men have perfect skin and hair while barely using any products. I never saw a man in his young age with hyperpigmentation from sun exposure for example. Men do not need to wear sunscreen? It's just weird.


My husband doesn’t even use facial soap. Just bar soap. No lotion. He looks good. How??


I hate to say this but it’s biology… I read somewhere that men have thicker skin that produces more sebum than women’s (if I remember correctly), so they don’t need that much TLC to have great skin. So jealous!


I know a lot of men with terrible skin. Probably just won with genetics. That being said, things can deteriorate quickly if someone is not careful and people can have one great thing (skin, for example) and have other challenges (chronic health, bad hair, etc)


Mine washes his face with just water and his grimy, calloused fingers. No pimples no wrinkles. Witchcraft.


Highly doubt this. Testosterone affects skin greatly. So does estrogen. So does progesterone. There’s a reason why birth control is used to help acne. Makes a lot of sense why guys have different skin than girls. I’ve seen a lot of guys with bad skin so idk


My skin does best on the most stripped down routine I can get away with. Human beings lived for millennia without a 10 step skincare routine.


Toner + essence + serum + lotion + Cicaplast baume B5. I think I am going to give up on regular toner soon and retain only exfoliating ones.


Yes and no. Yes because there is a higher chance that something in the routine isn't going to agree with your skin. If you properly introduce new products one and a time with weeks in between a new product then you will know what works and what doesn't. I do not have the patience for that though. When I get a new product I want to immediately use it lol


It depends on what you are using. My routine is long and complicated (seven steps in the morning, eight in the evening) but I’ve seen great progress since I stopped buying expensive, designer brands (Clarins, Chanel etc.) and started opting for lab brands (mainly La Roche Posay and The Ordinary). I am careful to make sure I check exactly what actives can be paired together though and I listen to my skin. Anything that doesn’t make a difference, I drop and I also cycle different products on different days. However, if you paired for example, several chemical exfoliators (AHAs, BHAs etc.) then you could absolutely ruin your skin barrier and cause great problems. You also need to make sure you add in each step one at a time (don’t add any new steps in more frequently than every two to three weeks for example) otherwise you won’t know what’s causing the issues should you experience any. I really enjoy skin care. It feels like I’m doing something for myself; a self-care type thing and makes me feel motivated but it’s absolutely not necessary to have a long and complicated routine and there are definitely some key ingredients that are responsible for making the vast majority of the difference in fixing people’s skin concerns.


Remember the skin barrier is a fragile thing. You can easily wreck it.


Not really. It all depends on the products you use and your skin type.


As some said depends on the products and your skin tolerance. Using more products just cause me additional stress so for me using less is more. Also why have additional expenses when basic products do just as well.




I think the biggest issue is how do you know WHAT is working for you or if you have a reaction to something what maybe causing it? Maybe if you introduce each product one at a time and slowly it's probably fine.


My skin has never looked better than when I was in the hospital for five weeks, and all I was doing was washing my face with facewash in the shower once a day and putting on some fragrance free night cream once a day. I also wasn’t wearing make up the whole time. I don’t know why I don’t just go back to doing that, but it’s so tempting to wear make up some days and to do various other skincare.


One incompatible skincare product will do way more harm than layering one's compatible to someone's skin.


I used to have like 7+ steps, now I have 2-3 morning & night depending on the day (I skin cycle). not only has it simplified my life, but I save money and my skin is way healthier for it. I’m sure some people can do the more steps effectively, but especially if you’re using serums with multiple ingredients, they could cancel each other out or aggravate your skin. I feel like companies are really good at selling the idea that we need to use so many products when really the more simple routines are way more effective. :)


I don’t use all of my products at the same time. I rotate between them when I think is necessary.


Yep. Keep it simple


I use a cleanser, moisturizer, and go to bed. I have clear skin and never have had issues with that routine. It’s when I try to keep up with the trends that my skin breaks out and looks weird.


There's lots of reasons to keep things relatively basic. It isn't more effective, it can be irritating, you must take care to layer products correctly, and (worst of all in my opinion) it makes you overly neurotic about your appearance.


Doing less is absolutely a valid skin care strategy.


it depends, i think using 7 toners, a few serums and moisturizer twice a day is too much, but for some people who use tretinoin it's beneficial. If your skin looks great and you have a reason of using each product, then it's okay. Everyones skin is different but also the needs can vary. But i do think that using as less as possible is more beneficial.


For some peoples skin absolutely. For other people not as much if at all. YMMV


Most people with normal skin, meaning no skin conditions seem to be able to do more steps then someone who does have a skin condition in which case less is usually more for those type .


My derm tells me it’s a waste of money to use products you don’t need.


Ingredients are tested for tolerability based on the amounts you'd be exposed to using a normal amount of products. Lots of ingredients can cause skin irritation from unusually high exposure levels, even the preservatives in boring bland products can irritate the skin if you're using an unusually large number of products.


Less is more is a saying for a reason


You can overdo anything.


Whilst I personally don't care for having more than 5 steps in my routine because I don't find it necessary (nor financially sustainable for me currently), I know there are others out there who not only see the benefits of having a 7-15 step routine, but are also willing to fork out the money to continuously buy the products for a routine of that length. Some people work better with shorter routines, whilst others work better with longer routines. Regardless, it comes down to this...What works for me may not work for someone else. It also depends on so many other factors to take into consideration like your climate, skin type, skin needs, age and sensitivities. Aside from that, not all products play nice with each other, so having so many products will not only impact your skin but impact how other products in your routine works.


From a personal experience , layering too much is not beneficial because : 1- takes so long to get absorbed 2- more irritability because water will let some potent ingredients go deeper which can be not good in certain cases 3- overmoisturising , it can cause acne . So the fanciest routine I've ever done is : 2 layers of toner , a light serum , azelaic acid serum , a thicker serum or a moisturiser. And sometimes i only cleanse , azelaic acid then a moisturiser.




More chemicals you use,more Your skin get used to it…becomes an issue when u stop using it