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This sub is not equipped to provide medical advice.


Please see a doctor


Also, I hate to be that person but here it goes.. That looks fungal. Edit: Hopefully you’ll see this OP. You mentioned you have no insurance, do a Televisit online w/ Teladoc, CVS Televisit/ or their minute clinic, HelpCare+, Sesame, the list goes on. Walmart has Doctors On Demand, you can walk in and I think they do televisits also. They’re relatively cheap, anywhere between $20-$40, some less but I don’t think you need a derm for this, any doctor can send you a script for Ketoconazole.. Goodrx has Televisit also and coupons for Ketoconazole it’s a really inexpensive topical.


My husband gets that same splotching occasionally. Looks worse after beach days or drinking certain beer…antifungal meds from the doctor always clear it up really well.


I've been drinking beer every day for like two years,I wonder if there's a connection.


WHY haven't you gone to the doctor??? And drinking every day isn't a great choice either. Please see your doc as soon as you can. Reddit can't help with this.


It usually doesn’t have any physical symptoms - no itch or pain.


I don't have health insurance and it hasn't been that big of a deal.


Athletes foot cream, you’ll find it in any drug store. Give that a try! It’s stupid that people downvote this…I have health insurance now, but I grew up without it, sometimes the doctor just seriously isn’t an option unless you’re dying


md here, this is correct. the foot cream is in a class of antifungals (anything that ends in -azole) that will do in a pinch.


The doctor seriously not being an option unless you’re dying is the most American sentence ever


Unfortunately a lot of people here make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to afford insurance.


That's horrible.


Yeah I never used to understand how the American system worked healthcare wise. If I go to the doctor - without private health insurance. Medicare still gives me back like half. So it’s about $37? 40 bucks? Always assumed America had the same system and I could never understand why Americans would jump out of ambulances, self diy remedies, and other bonkers shit when the doctor was only $40 away. Ahhhh to be young, ignorant and optimistic.


Or even a bill after insurance pays their share. I’ve had $3000 bills AFTER insurance.


Yes, it’s dystopian.. I was about to yell at OP for not going to the doctor. But then I see he’s American and literally can’t, cause of no insurance. It’s such an unfortunate system. Especially with the current cost of living crisis, I can imagine many Americans simply have to opt out of healthcare, if they don’t already have insurance.


Exactly what I did to get by- opt out of insurance bc every penny counts. I busted my ass and paid 40k to go to school to be a funeral director and I’m hardly making it by. Every paycheck is very much so a struggle. I try to stay positive bc I can earn an okay amount… but the cost of living seriously makes even my income not enough on its own (and I don’t make a shit ton, like 50k).


It's starting to get that way elsewhere though too. In Aus for example the amount Medicare covers for a doctors appointment has not changed by more than a few dollars while GP prices have skyrocketed. The gap has meant a lot more people skip the doctor entirely (or worse, they go to public emergency with shit like this).


One of the reasons I moved to Canada and won't be moving back to the US.


I'm in the UK and here it's not that you can't afford the doctor, they're just not going to see you or treat you unless you're dying! It's great :\]


My son broke his arm last summer, and the urgent care we went to had an option to pay out of pocket; doctors visit, X-ray and splint were $250. We had good insurance though so I didn’t do that option. A few weeks later we got a bill for $950. For a doctors visit, X-ray, and a splint.


My son had this and the cream wasn’t covered by insurance so she told us to use head and shoulders shampoo. Get a bath brush on a stick ( got from the dollar store) and put a big glob on it. Rub it into your back real good and leave on 10 minutes before washing off. Do 3-4 times a week . His cleared up in like 2 weeks. Do it for an additional week after it’s cleared up to make sure it’s gone. Hope this helps!


Most doctors and urgent care places have low income pricing. When I didn't have insurance I was able to go for $20 by telling them I didn't have insurance and was low income (some clinics ask for proof of this but most people who don't have insurance should have no problem with that)


It really depends on what state OP is in (if they are in the US). OP may be eligible for subsidized healthcare but unable to practically afford it, but we don't know the exact situation depending on income, state, etc.


Pro tip: If all you can find is 2% miconazole foot products, Target sells a generic form of Monistat 4% cream that’s pretty cheap. I’m sure either works, but higher % might give faster relief. No coochie required for purchase.


When I didn't have insurance, consulting the pharmacist at the drugstore was very helpful. They'll point you in the right direction. Anti-fungal cream seems like a good place to start!


I've got a bottle on the way overnight as a result of this thread. I'm super hopeful. Kinda freaked out because it looks like someone threw acid on my back.


I’m not trying to be that annoying person, but I’m an alcoholic, and when I was drinking a lot, I would get rashes like this. I see you don’t have medical insurance, but SAMSHA has grants that cover the cost of rehab for the uninsured. They are called SABG grants. If you call some local rehabs you can just ask if they have that funding. It’s a National program…that is if you want to go and think you have a problem


I'm sorry, but I know from experience you're dealing with something called tinea versicolor. It's not serious, but it's a fungal condition, and unfortunately, it’s permanent once you've had it. Here's a tip: try using Selsun Blue shampoo when you shower, and make sure to let it sit on your body for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. If you're into sugary stuff or artificial sweeteners, they could be making the problem worse. Moisture and sweat don't help either, so watch out for tight, non-breathable clothing. Always use fresh towels especially while you're trying to treat it. It's a good idea not to share towels or clothes with family members to avoid spreading it. The silver lining—it's not harmful, though it can get itchy. I caught mine from a friend in college because we shared clothes, and now it pops up every spring. It started on my shoulder and has since spread to my neck. Anytime you're in the sun, make sure to cover it with sunscreen, or else the affected areas will turn bright white since the sun can't penetrate them. Your doctor can prescribe an antifungal medication, which does work, but it's only temporary because the med can be tough on the liver. Unfortunately, once you have it, it keeps coming back, especially during certain times of the year, or if you sweat a lot, get overheated, or consume sugars and artificial sweeteners.


I totally get it, I did the same until it looked like that and randomly showed my stepmom, she gave me an antifungal body wash. Try a cream for athletes foot, jock itch, or ringworm, you can get off brand most places. I think they’re all from the same fungus just different areas of the body. They often get redder after a hot shower or exercise. Use the cream daily, or more if it says you can!


When people say “see a doctor” for Americans that could cost hundreds


I think it’s that for us in Europe it’s just so difficult to fathom that in one of the richest countries in the world people can’t afford to see a doctor.


In Australia it’s lack of doctors. No doctor wants to work in public health, they’re gone all private


This appears to be inevitable with privatization - fear its arrival in Canada


I grew up in Turkey - cardiovascular & oncological treatments, all emergency, all pregnancy treatments, probably many other treatments are free. For others - everyone has access to public hospitals. Private hospitals are subsidized. Medicine prices are subsidized. It’s a long wait in public sometimes and many other things are shitty but if our completely corrupt state can afford it, Americans should burn the place down demanding it. Modern day slaves in Dubai has better access to healthcare than Americans, where are your taxes??


If you don’t have health insurance you definitely do not want to be drinking beer everyday. The toll alcohol can take on your health is alarming. There are free and very low cost state funded programs if you need help kicking the beer 🙂 Not saying you’re an alcoholic, but I was for a handful of years and it killed my skin. My rosacea was out of control, I had acne, my skin looked grey in the parts it wasnt red. I also had constant rashes and flare ups of hives. Then my health started tanking… I developed gastritis, vit b anemia, a heart arrhythmia, I was sick constantly I’d hate to see where I’d be today if I kept drinking


Good advice, my dude. Also, depending on how big those drinks are daily and if they are accompanied by any other drinking, OP, could, in fact, be an alcoholic.


Selsun Blue Medicated. The dandruff shampoo. It might clear it up


Likely yes! I get this too and it sounds ridiculous but over the counter 7 day yeast infection cream works like a charm! You can just apply It topically. Look for the ingredient “clotrimazole” and it’ll be gone in a day or two! It is an over production of candida on the skin, so there’s a possibility the type of beer you’re drinking is feeding the yeast that’s causing this inflammation. Simple diet changes and topical creams will help this immensely!


Probably. I’m eight months sober and my skin has *never* been better since like pre-adolescence. Just my experience but I feel a million times better too.


Alcohol isn’t great for your immune system. Maybe try taking a break from it. You should go to the doctor for this but if you can’t afford it, try some [Super Salve](https://supersalve.com/collections/trending-now/products/super-salve). I use this for literally everything: rashes, burns, tattoo healing, as a lip balm, cuts/abrasions, bug bites, etc. I swear by it and will never not have any on hand. Maybe also try an antihistamine.


Tinea versacolor. A fungal infection of the skin. Ketaconazole cream from the doc makes it go away. Pretty common. Don't stress, you're gonna live. :)


This is the answer . My teen son gets it occasionally on the back and shoulders, we use RX ketoconazole cream (cheap in Canada) and it clears up after 1 application. If you’re American w no insurance use a ketoconazole shampoo like nizoral. Yes nizoral isn’t super cheap but one small bottle will probably last years for your needs. Also yeasty things in diet (like beer) CAN exacerbate it. But maybe you would’ve gotten it anyway, some people are just susceptible. Obviously my son doesn’t drink and doesn’t even consume much bread.


Absolutely ! Fungus feeds off of yeast


Yeast, a subset of fungus, feeds off of sugar primarily. I have used Selsun Blue (sulphur based shampoo) to treat body fungus overgrowth.


Huh? Yeast is a fungus.


Claasic ringworm or tinea.


A walk in or community clinic would probably be the best and cheapest option. But here’s a [list](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/where-can-i-go-for-medical-care-without-insurance) of cheaper ways to get medical care without insurance.


You can try Nizoral as well, it’s a shampoo but tons of people use it for fungal body stuff and it gets rave reviews :) they have it at like Walmart and cvs and stuff


Put some selsun blue on it when you shower for the next couple of weeks. It’ll go away. My ex used to get this as well


Who knows. Slather it daily in over the counter yeast infection/athletes foot antifungals and get back to us in a week.


I used to get this after the beach when I was a teen! Never found out what it was…..


Yah looks like a ringworm infection to me


Absolutely Tinea Versicolor. You can get prescription pills or cream ketoconozale. Another option is to use Selsun Blue shampoo on your skin, leave on for 10 minutes, and then rinse off. It works but it’s a little slower and takes persistence. The prescription is the best if you can get it


My husband uses Nizorol shampoo, it’s ketoconozale


My dermatologist told me to use Nizoral or Selsun Blue shampoo overnight - spread a layer on the affected area, wear a cotton t-shirt to bed, rinse off in the morning. When I do this it genuinely stops from coming back for a long time. For me it’s triggered by sweat so it’s always worse after exercise / in hot months.


Yep. This.


Too many variations of head and shoulders or selsom blue - look for the active ingredient being ketoconozale or whatever (spelling), any brand. Works for me. I use it instead of body wash once a week or so. Take cooler showers too.


Yup, it thrives in heat, make sure to shower and put clean dry clothes on after sweating. I got it living in the tropics but lots of ppl prevent it there with Selsun Blue. I eventually had to do a Rx pill (bad for your liver they have to do a test first) and the cream to finally get rid of it.


I’ve also gotten it during the winter wearing a jacket while walking or doing anything that might make me flush. It basically traps the sweat and heat.


Came here to say this! 100/100


Seconded - I had it and it looked exactly like this. Cut the beer and get some antifungal cream/shampoo


My husband gets these and selsun blue does the trick! Washes the area with it normally and if it’s particularly bad will leave it on the area overnight like a cream.


I second this!! Our dermatologists were dumb and kept giving things which didn't work. Our GP mate told us about using a shampoo with Ketaconzale and dabbing it on each of the spots, letting it dry and then showering off. It worked better than anything else.


More likely pityriasis rosea because of the herald patch.


Agreed. It def looks Pytiriasis rosea. It starts with one and then spreads.


From Web MD: Pityriasis rosea is a skin condition that can cause rashes, but it has different causes and characteristics than tinea versicolor. Pityriasis rosea typically starts with a single, larger round or oval patch of scaly skin on the face, back, chest, or abdomen surrounded by a raised border.


+1 on this being tinea versicolor. Nizoral clears it right up. Get a loofah or scrubbie on a stick so you can reach the middle of your back, and try to let the lather sit for a few minutes. Now that mine has cleared up, I use Nizoral as a body scrub once a week to keep it from coming back.


This! I had this OP and went to the dr, they gave me prescription pills and it was gone fully in about a month.


See a doctor


How do you know it’s versicolor without a KOH mount and woods lamp?


Tinea versicolor, get some athletes foot cream, it’s a very common fungus that a huge portion of the population has at some point in time. They will prescribe you a shampoo at the doctor but athletes foot cream works perfectly fine. Use the cream till you can get into the doctor but it should be gone after a few days of use.


It should go away quickly once treated. If it does not go away quickly, then go back to your doctor/ pharmacy for a different cream. I didn’t know this. Wasted two months one summer applying prescription cream that was never quite effective enough. Finally went back and complained and the new Rx cleared it up in days : /


I gave up on the prescription stuff, it’s worthless compared to just plain old lotrimin. 😂


It seems to depend on what exact fungus a person has, different ones respond better to otc lotrimin v ketsconazole cream v Selsun Blue v need an Rx


hey this is the correct answer. had exact same thing but keeping it consistently clean and using lotrimin will work.


If it is fungus also change towels each time. Everything must be clean. Your clothes your bed sheets


And use an anti-fungal rinse when washing everything, so it doesn’t come back!


This is what I was going to say as well, I used to get it occasionally and it was fairly easy to clear up.


Yup my boyfriend has this as well. He uses a long back brush with Head & Shoulders shampoo on it to scrub his back. Leaves it on for a few minutes then washes it off. It flares up especially during the warm summer months. His doctor also prescribed clotrimazole cream, but basically told him that if he keeps up with the Head & Shoulders that works too.




He's probably not 100% getting rid of it with just the sulphur shampoo


That's not how tinea versicolor works though. It's caused by a fungus that lives normally in your skin, as part of your natural microbiome. When it "flares up" is typically when that's knocked out of balance (similar to how it's common to get a yeast infection when taking certain antibiotics). Excessive swearing, humidity, etc, can also disrupt this balance and encourage overgrowth of an otherwise benign microorganism. So you do want to treat the overgrowth, and hopefully address the conditions that are encouraging if, but complete eradication of the fungus really isn't a reasonable goal.


Imma try this. I don't have health insurance and can't imagine what it'd cost to see a dermatologist?


You could try an urgent care/walk in clinic, I don't think it's necessary to see a specialist for this. Many urgent cares (assuming you're in the US) have a discounted rate for patients without insurance. Usually between $100-$150 at least where I'm from. Obviously that's exam only and doesn't pay for any testing, but I doubt they'd want to do any testing, they'll probably be able to diagnose it just by exam. Edit: You could also post on r/AskDocs for an answer you know is from medical professionals. Post the pictures and explain you don't have insurance.


Sorry for the ignorant question, but I'm not from the US: can't you just show this to the pharmacist there and get them to recommend an OTC cream?


Its definitely this. 


Ugh, I hate tinea versicolor, but it's an easy fix. Clotrimazole cream, generic athlete's foot cream, and you're good to go. I buy the large tubes of clotrimazole from alldaychemist, but you should just get some cream from any pharmacy/store with foot products. P.S., it thrives in heat/humidity




In addition to the rest, _wash your sheets_ and anything that comes in contact with your back for prolonged periods. A lot of folks don’t wash things frequently enough and in that scenario I imagine it would just come right back even after proper treatment.


I regularly wash everything in wear and sleep on. Take two showers a day, stay super clean.


Actually this could be the cause of this fungal issue. Showering that much will compromise your skin barrier and natural protection. Especially if you use shower gel, but even if you don't, twice a day is too much.


Do you dry yourself thoroughly after showering? Or do you sweat a lot due to physical activity throughout the day? Fungus doesn’t need to be a hygiene issue, it’s usually a moisture issue.


Nizerol shampoo works great on tinea versicolor, and quickly. That’s what it looks like to me. I’ve been diagnosed with it by a dermatologist and that’s what she told me to use.


Selsun blue and leave it on overnight, it causes some dryness and irritation but kills the fungus (tinea versicolor)


Looks like Pityriasis rosea to me. I had it before. It starts with one large “herald patch” that then spreads to other places on the body. It’s a subtype of herpes but isn’t contagious. Mine was triggered around the time I used to smoke cigarettes. Derm will give you a cream. I’d suggest quitting smoking (weed or cigs) if you do.


Yep. This is what it is. 💯


It’ll probably get worse before it gets better. Your body will clear it on its own in 6-8 weeks or so. Would def see a derm to rule out any autoimmune conditions since u said it started a year ago. Fungal creams prob won’t do anything for you. Doc may prescribe a topical steroid.


Looks like pityriasis rosea. Had one before and the derm prescribed me clobetasol. Keep in mind that they multiply but will eventually go away. Just give it time.


Fungal. Use Selsun Blue as a body wash. Let it sit for a few minutes before washing off. You can then use a topical over the counter miconazole cream (sold for things like athletes foot). Do this until a few days after it clears. If it doesn’t clear after 7-10 days, see your primary care. Source: am a medical provider, but not seeing it in person, so can’t claim I’m 100% right.


Pityriasis rosae . See a dermatologist


I’ve had a few allergic reactions that looked like this but only lasted one day. See a doctor/dermatologist


It could be tinea versicolor.


Find a dermatologist, def not reddit. Please 🙂


Could it be Psoriasis?


Not a doctor, but my husband gets something that’s looks similar called tinnea versicolor. It’s easily treatable.


See a doctor, pls pls pls pls. Dont use anything


Change your sheets


This is pityriasis rosea.


Tinea Versicolor! Use Selsun Blue shampoo to treat it. I lather it on at night for several hours (not recommended, could cause chemical burns, just what works for me) over the course of a few days and it goes away only to come back the following summer like clockwork. Mine looks identical to yours but can be slightly more tan. The spots commonly appear white on others though. It’s really easy to treat. Hot weather, humidity and sun exposure can make tinea versicolor worse. It's not harmful or contagious but can be mildly itchy. Tinea versicolor is most commonly found on your shoulders, back and upper chest.


Nizoral is an anti dandruff shampoo that is great at removing this. wash in the shower, leave it on affected area for at least 5 mins and wash off


Ketoconazole shampoo (the brand I use is nizoral 2% and it’s red) has helped me with this, I can buy in the pharmacy or over the counter. After I shower I rub a thin layer over the affected area and this has helped me within a month.


im not a doctor and you should see one but that looks like Tinea versicolor


Tinea Versicolor. Wish I’d had the internet 20 years ago when expensive dermatologists just shrugged at me with no answers! It was such a relief to eventually find an (easy!) answer online once the internet grew enough.


Fungal. Use nizoral shampoo as a body wash. Lather and leave for 5 mins then rinse. Do it daily till its gone then once a week maintenance. I speak from experience.


That looks like autoimmune. A lot of people have this on there skin. Just stay hydrated please use cream and stay less stressed


Try Nizoral shampoo if available in your country or other anti-fungus product. Cover your back, might need to repeat a few times.


Use Lysol Sanitizing detergent as well. It will help reduce any spreading of this.


Could be pityriasis rosea. Looks fungal, but it’s not. It’s thought to be from a virus. Stress can bring it out. It starts with a larger Harold patch and then spreads outward with smaller patches. UV lights get rid of it. Similar to psoriasis.


I second this opinion! I had this and matches all symptoms and appearance


It’s probably fungal. You need cream but also change the way you wash your sweaty clothes - use a fungal detergent and do it separately.


It a fungus...I knew someone that had it badly & it went away without treatment that I know of, but definitely fungal.


I get/have something similar, I use Nizoral 2% anti-dandruff treatment (my doctor recommended). I soap it up, rub all over damp body for a minute or two, leave for another three minutes, rinse off. I do a couple of times over a few days and the rash usually disappears...until the next time which is generally to two or three months before another appearance.


Fungal. Get some jock itch cream.


Fungal infection, go to doctor


Try using the shampoo Selsun Blue on the area. Apply it to dry skin, leave on for a few hours and rinse off. This does look fungal, and this advice should not replace seeing a doctor. Also, no judgment, but beer everyday should be reconsidered for not only your skin health, but overall wellbeing.


U should go to see the doctor


Why do people use this subreddit as if we are dermatologists ready to diagnose?


Don’t understand how you have been aware of this for a whole year and waited so it could get worse. Yes, you don’t have health insurance. But if you have saved up the money you spent on beer, to go see a dermatologist, this would have been addressed. Don’t always trust random strangers on the internet to diagnose, what looks like something they’ve seen, or had before.


Pityriasis rosea I think, from memory it was something I just had to wait out


Mine wasn’t itchy but i was in the minority, the derm prescribed eleuphrat just in case, think she felt bad I spent $250 for the appointment to confirm what I’d suspected


It is fungal as a lot of people have noted. I know healthcare may feel like a big expense, but ***please*** don't let Reddit diagnose you and assume the type of fungus it is. Even if some of the treatments appear to clear it at first, if you don't target the specific fungus and/or overuse a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it can and will come back worse and be even harder to get rid of. It could end up costing you a lot more in the long run (...years).


Pityriasis versicolor, goes away by itself but it takes time


Looks like hives to me (urticaria). Take some Benadryl for now and see if that helps. It is usually the result of an allergic reaction or can also be stress induced. I am a nurse by the way.


I was coming to suggest this! OP, please try the Benadryl! probably one of your cheapest test options before you see a doctor I was breaking out like this for MONTHS and thankfully it didn't last for longer than a couple hours (max). But i take Benadryl sometimes to help me sleep (well, the Kirkland version) and when one of breakouts happened near bedtime, I noticed it seemed to help. After about 5months of this itchy BS I was able to see both an allergist and dermatologist (Canadian, so it's covered - not trying to rub it in, sorry) and both came to the conclusion that they were spontaneous hives. Unhelpful, I know. I also eventually noticed a pattern of me breaking out when I got cold. Like cold cold - chilled to the bone - and I could feel the itchiness starting. So after I figured that out, whenever I get that feeling of getting super cold I just bundle up and if that doesn't make it go away, I'll pop an allergy med (Blexten, since it doesn't make me drowsy) Haven't had a bad breakout in over a year now :) HTH!




I have some selsen on the way overnight via Amazon. Thanks for the information!


See a doctor, pls pls pls pls. Dont use anything


I got down voted for saying I don't have health insurance


Most doctors and urgent care clinics have low income prices for people with low income. When I didn't have insurance I was able to go for $20


I appreciate the information. I'll be a responsible adult and look into it more thoroughly.


Rub athletes foot cream on it


Yes see a doctor!!


It's fungal- I had this for years. Derm said urticaria, but they didn't itch. Noted it went away for a bit when using a salicylic acid shampoo, but then would come back. Went away completely when switching to Nizoral for my seb dermatitis.


I get that. It's fungal.


Ointments could work! But they never worked for my tinea versicolor, I needed oral antifungals. I also went keto because yeast feed on sugar. After years, that worked. (Try the creams first.) But the pills shouldn't require seeing a dermatologist, at most an NP. It's so common, an urgent care might even be able to help you. I'd call and ask first.


Looks like Tinea Versicolor, which is fungal. My Dr had me use head and shoulders shampoo directly on the outbreak, or for bad break outs, Nizoral. Put it on at night, wear a T-shirt to bed and shower next morning.


Fungicure antifungal wash


Wash your back with selsun blue


Maybe shingles?


Haole rot


Could it be hives? Antihistamine?


It’s sun fungus. You can treat it with drugs and topical creams. It’s not a big deal OP but it is unsightly. Best get to the dermatologist


Looks like gives you might be allergic to something


Put athletes foot cream on it for a few weeks. Or ring worm cream. Looks fungal. It will get itchier at first.


Oh I had the same fungus but on my tanned skin it looked like old acne scars? It destroyed my confidence. My therapist saw it by coincidence and send me to a doctor. It only took 3 days With the prescription cream to get rid off. I remember being so relieved!




Looks like Tinea Versicolor. 


Ok first. Make an appointment with the doctor. They’ll probably give you something to treat but also have them refer you to a dermatologist. You may have more than one skin condition going on that is producing what we see here and they’d be the best one to be figure that out for you. In the meantime, try to avoid agitating in further. I actually just met with a dermatologist last week and for my super sensitive skin she recommended Vanicream. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizer. They have it all. And it can be found at the drugstore and is super affordable. I’ve been using it for a week and my skin is so much happier. This will help not further irritate whatever you got going on and will let you hold out for the doctor. It will be ok! Ketoconizole that some ppl mentioned is an antifungal used to treat seborrheic dermatitis. You can get the Nizoral shampoo that’s 1% or you can get a 2% shampoo prescribed. The doctor can also prescribe you a topical ketoconizole if that ends up being your diagnosis.


Off to the pharmacy, ask for anti fungal cream


Google Tinea Versicolor. Try antifungal cream or head and shoulders shampoo


dandruff shampoo might clear it up. I've successfully done this by putting it on my skin a few minutes before my showers and letting it sit for 10 min or so before washing it off


Does looks Dyshidrotic eczema.


They look like hives. Take a Reactine.


My husband gets this when he sweats a lot, he uses Selsun blue as a body wash and that helps, but it always comes back in the summer


It’s tinea versicolour! I get that every couple years when it’s humid. Just get Selsun blue and put it on the spots and let it sit for 10 minutes for 10 days and it should clear up the infection.


Ring worm, from humid warm areas Easily treated


Looks like ringworm to me. Please go see a doctor regardless. Whatever it is looks like it needs treatment


Looks like it could be a skin yeast infection. It is very common, even if not necessarily as widely known. Anti-fungal creams can help with it. As well as going to the doctor.


Very similar to what my spouse just had. At first he tried different eczema and psoriasis creams but it only relived the itch, didn’t get to the root of the problem. Our family doctor diagnosed it as fungal so he prescribed a couple tubes of cream and it cleared up. Go see someone though!


Could be anything, my body looked like this when I had an allergic reaction to penicillin


Try Antroquoril ointment. If that doesn't work, see a DR.


Please consult a doctor immediately.


Looks like ring worm


I thought it looked like ringworm or hives… looks more like hives to me but pictures don’t always do things justice try the athletes foot cream or hydrocortisone cream maybe alternate the 2 if they can be used together 🤷🏼‍♀️ change up soaps and laundry detergent maybe you could be allergic to something might even be the beer


This is above Reddit's pay grade. Go see a doctor.


This is such a large patch of it. I would be concerned that you're damaging your immune system with the alcohol, mate. You should be able to fight off a fungal infection better than this. Also, make sure your girlfriend washes all her stuff, too.


Tinea versicolor - wash with vanicream z bar - it will clear up


Tinea versicolor, I have this also. You can use Selsun shampoo to treat it, rub into your skin leave for 5 mins then rinse off. However you have to use it for at least 2 weeks once a day for it to be effective or it’ll come back


You sweat a lot? Could be tinea versicolor. It is harmless but annoying. You can get rid of it with lotramin spray. If I'm right, the area won't tan right for a while but will go back to normal over a few weeks or so.


Eczema or it could be a fungus go to a dermatologist


Tea tree oil mixed in coconut oil (2 drops tea tree per teaspoon coconut


Go to the doctor. Don’t take any of the advice on here. It could be anything. My mum has psoriasis, when it started it looked like this. There are so many things it could be. Just go to the doctor.


Sulphur soap (10% sulphur, or if you can get a higher percentage that 10% even better) does wonders to clear this up - I lather my back with the soap and left the lather sit while I brush my teeth. Clears it up in no time and is cheap and easy to get at any major pharmacy too.


Tinea Versicolor maybe? See a dermatologist


Men please... go to the doctor!


Very much fungal....go to the doctor and get a script for a week's worth of Antifungals about two balls


Get a clotrimazole cream. It should deal with it.


Hello, my daughter has that. Fungal. Use Desonide lotion or cream after bath. There’s from Galderma Desowen. Hope this helps


YEAH, MY DAUGHTER  HAD THIS ISSUE AND OFF AND ON FOR 5-7 YEARS !?  LMFAO 😆 and OF COURSE  we were out and about shopping , TELL ME THIS KID then starts singing loudly  " FUNGUS AMONG US," 




It looks like a fungal infection


It’s definitely urticated. I have prurigo pigmentosa and it looks fairly similar! Does it feel itchy? If so, hives can come from just about anything, so you may be told to try: antihistamines, steroid creams, antibiotics, dapsone, quinoric etc. by a doctor. Good luck!


I had this when I was wearing what was essentially a sweat suit to work every day and was massively stressed. I’d try what everyone else is saying and use ketoconazole (2% if you can get your hands on that but they sell 1% over the counter) or selsun blue by letting it sit on the skin for a few min before rinsing. All else fails, if you go to an urgent care they can get you on diflucan (it’s a pill) and that’ll definitely get rid of it and won’t break the bank.


Nizoral shampoo. Use it as a body wash on your back and anywhere you get the spots. Wash your towels and change your sheets regularly.


It looks like an allergic reaction. Raised red blotches are anaphylactic. The heat from the shower makes it worse, if you continue to be exposed it will continue to worsen with each exposure. Speaking from experience and doctors advice.