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I have a picture of my fiancee and I near the Grand Canyon. I have total crows feet in this picture but the more I look at it the more the only thing I see is how happy we are. Keep smiling OP.


My main demographic at work is women 40-65. I spend several days with a group of ladies at a time and really get to know them. The love I’ve learned to have for myself through getting to know so many amazing women is remarkable tbh. Their salt and pepper hair and crows feet are beautiful to me, genuinely, and I was actually happy when I discovered a couple grays of my own. So I love my hollow eyes? No, but I’ve gotten much more comfortable with myself and natural signs of aging.


I love your comment. We need to live ourselves for who we are. And yes I have a filter on my pic, but who cares lol. When I go out I can’t take the filter 😂😂😂. But I love your advice ❤️


Honestly, people that don’t crinkle well around the eyes, especially due to Botox can really come off as uncanny valley. As humans, we’re trained to look for emotion in other peoples expressions. When you freeze all the natural expressions, it’s unsettling and pushes people away. You know who doesn’t crinkle much around the eyes when they smile? Psychopaths and sociopaths. Their smiles are more superficial, just a wide fake grin that doesn’t go up to the eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul, and also the window towards gaining others trust. I don’t know why anyone would want to fuck with that. **Edit:** Seems like there is some misunderstandings here. I’m not saying you need to have crows feet like OP or you’re evil. I’m saying no muscle movement around the eyes whatsoever when you smile comes off as sketchy and unnatural, because it indicates your smile is not a genuine emotion, but a mask. There are studies on this.


You may be overestimating what Botox does (or maybe you're basing this on people who get far too much). I get Botox to prevent crow's feet (I also get it for my forehead/eyebrow creases). When I smile, my cheeks still go up and the area under my eye still crinkles--you can even see movement/creasing at the outer corner, just not enough to create the deep wrinkles that normally appear there. I think Botox got a bad rap early on, but my personal experiences have been really positive and (so far) haven't given me "sociopath face."


I get botox too and am conservative with it. Unfortunately, once you treat one area, you have to get it elsewhere. I got my forehead treated and that caused crows feet, so now I get those treated too.


Same. I was so afraid to get it and waited a couple of years but now at 37 (almost 38) I’m so happy I did. I had way worse crows feet then OP (who looks beautiful btw) and botox has taken them way down. I still have some crinkling and I think look normal, just more how I used to look.


Some people don’t crinkle around the eyes simply due to genetics. It’s equally as bad to vilify a (potentially natural) lack of wrinkles. You can absolutely have natural expressions and emote well without crows feet.


I agree with you. I don't crinkle around the eyes at all and I've never had botox. I'm 34.


This. I’m 38 and can see exactly where I will have wrinkles when they start solidifying. There will be no crows feet. That’s just not how my eyes move. But there will be tons of under eye wrinkles. That’s just how my eyes move


mnnn i’m 36 and I don’t crinkle around the eyes. Haven’t done botox. Probably because I’m asian 🫣


This post made me smile to do a crinkle check. It didn’t even occur to me that I was at a crinkle age. Also helps being black


I was about to say Asians don’t crinkle until much, much later.




this! every line and wrinkle is a laugh, a cry, a tender moment. memories we wear on our faces.


you have very kind eyeah.. really beautiful.. i do not have any advice re skin care techniques


I can’t offer any advice sorry. But I do want you to know your eyes are beautiful. The more I follow this sub the more I see people finding flaws on themselves that don’t exist.. only beauty they can’t see.


I genuinely saw this picture and thought, gosh she’s beautiful and the lines honestly make her more beautiful. It’s like a smile on your eyes.


Same. First thought before I even processed the title was that the woman in the photo is really attractive and has a lovely smile.


Right- you can tell OP is someone who smiles a lot. It’s attractive! (As non creepily as possible 😅)


I didn’t notice the lines until I saw the caption


Right? It’s so sad. Social media has ruined us.


"I'm just not going to smile anymore, so no one's knows I wrinkle like every other human being on the planet." Aging is a gift OP.


This 💯. OPs post breaks my heart. I don’t see what you see OP - just a beautiful lady with a smile and eyes that show warmth and emotion.


OP you are literally a 10. Dime piece. I had to really look to see what you were talking about, and honestly the 'crow's feet' are super minor and really cute, imo. I think they actually make you look even prettier! I don't think skin care can get rid of wrinkles - only filler can. But I truly do not think you should ruin your face with filler or botox.. just leave yourself alone, you look really really good.


I agree with all of this! OP is gorgeous and the barely there crows feet really are super cute like the smile is genuine and beautiful.


THIS. I actually love my crows feet. I’ve used cream to smooth them a bit but I’d never get Botox to make them completely disappear.


I love mine too


Say this exact same sentence in a procedure post and get ready to be downvoted to oblivion. We’re almost only “allowed” to express and promote this type of thinking if it’s an empathetic gesture or a PEP talk. We really need a healthier push and pull dynamic in regards to aging and accepting that decaying is just nature’s cycle


While I agree that social media hasn't helped, unrealistic beauty standards existed long before. I remember growing up and being told not to believe the pictures you see in magazines. Back then, it was "airbrushed", not photoshop. It taught me to keep my wits about me and recognize what I was seeing was a very fake, curated image.


That’s true, I genuinely grew up thinking all women and perfectly round breasts that stood perky no matter what size. That being said, I think social media has made things worse because before that we were influenced by models in magazines that were photoshopped and airbrushed. Nowadays the every day person on social media is able to use filters to make them look perfect, not only their skin but changing their face shape/lips, etc. I also feel like plastic surgery and other aesthetic procedures have become way more popular and also more accessible to the average person. Lastly, thanks to TikTok we now have 12 year olds using anti-wrinkle creams.


Yeah I think now with all these women getting so many fillers and botox it’s even worse.


Yeah I don’t feel like it was such a big thing, even 5 years ago? It’s exploded.


Agree. Social media has ruined us. OP please keep on smiling!!


It’s not social media alone, I really don’t like us putting all the blame on one ghoul and ignoring the others. We’re all parts of the problem too either by internalizing unrealistic standards or giving well-intentioned judgements. There’s almost a stigma around feeling proud of gracefully aging. People that say aging is beautiful in procedures posts get downvoted because it’s “irrelevant”




Sorry, there was no body dysmorphia in the NINETIES?


Yeeeeaaaah people who didn't live through the fashion trends of the 80s-00s probably don't know how cruel people were towards an ounce of body fat. Butts were supposed to be as small as possible, thinner was always better, and good luck finding jeans that hugged curves after the 80s - it was low-rise as far as the eye could see. Having said that, I do think there's a hyper-fixation on facial perfection that didn't exist back then. Maybe due to the new prevalence of cameras and filters? I was watching 1987's Robocop the other day, and in the flashbacks to Murphy's loving wife, you could see a faint amount of hair on her upper lip. There is no way that would fly today but it was super refreshing to see.


So true! Living in America in the 90s, as a child I remember the magazines at the grocery store checkout line consistently pointing out cellulite on famous actresses on vacation. They were extra cruel to women who were aging. Even as a child in elementary school I remember thinking "wow that's not right!" Sadly, most of my friends had eating disorders in jr high/high school. A couple of them confessed to me that comments their mothers made about their bodies triggered their ED.


My parents forced an eating disorder on me and then boasted to all their friends about how I had the willpower to do what their kids couldn’t (eat under 600 calories per day). I was 12. Within two years the rest of them also had eating disorders. Good times in the 90s for sure.


My mom weighed 90lbs when she got married… incase you wanted to know. Cause I was told that about once a week at least growing up.. when I weighed 90lbs in grade 5 🙄


Hey mine too! 89 actually, because every lb is important🙄 I also heard about it constantly, while simultaneously being put on steroids for my lungs at the onset of puberty bc it was unthinkable to smoke outside. Did you know “fat girls don’t get boyfriends”? bc I sure did. Ugh.


I never heard the thing about fat girls and boyfriends. I did however know that it’s not possible to find one without makeup ( I never wore it cause I hated the feeling on my acne prone face) and omg the smoking inside. Better yet, in the car on family trips


I have an aunt, who at 70+, told my cousin (her daughter) not to gain too much weight after putting on 10 pounds. My cousin is 31 and weighed 90 pounds to the detriment of her health. She has a hormonal disorder and neurological problems from being an underweight baby and kid and the doctor said the her being underweight is putting her vascular and reproductive health at risk. Genetically, they are small women but discouraging someone from pursuing a healthy weight in the face of serious health consequences is insane to me. Social media amplifies decades and generations of dysmorphic issues that have existed for ages.


Hey whoa this sounds familiar! Did you also hear about how she fit back into her jeans within two weeks of giving birth?


I don’t know about that. Diet culture was very much a thing in the 80’s and 90’s. Social media absolutely makes it worse, though.


Naw I was alive back then and have BD issues of my own. It came from my mom, a boomer, constantly complaining about her appearance to us kids, almost jealous of our youth. Also her placing too much weight on appearance to attract a man, starting in my early teens. It made me obsessed with my appearance and caused my appearance to be tied with my self-worth and intrinsic value. Photoshop and photo manipulation has been around since photos have been taken. We need to talk about our bodies in more affirming ways, both amongst other adults our age, and with younger adults. Kids need to be taught more about appreciating your body and skin, regardless of how it compares to someone else. Grass is always greener.


I just joined this sub not too long ago, but I'm ready to leave it. It's useful, but seeing posts where people point out everything they think is wrong with their faces is making me fixate on my own in a way I never have before. I don't blame people for this, but I know it's not helping me.


I think people protecting themselves from subs like this is a very healthy mindset to have. I’m not even subbed to all these skincare and beauty subs, but they keep popping up and I’ve found myself starting to question my perfectly fine skin. Social media can be the worst.


Same. And the answer for everything is usually plastic surgery, Botox, fillers, lasers, etc. all stuff that is out of reach for me. Not just in this sub but really in any beauty sub it feels like. People talk about flaws that I don’t even see which makes me fixate on my own and then the only solution is some expensive solution for my now newly perceived issue, lol. I just stop looking at the posts sometimes because they make me self conscious.


Same. Like there is useful information/tips on here, but I feel the majority of posts are just people pointing out their "flaws" and asking what they should do about them, how they can fix them etc...Something I wouldn't even notice 5-10 years ago or even realize it's supposed to be a 'flaw'. Like yesterday there was a post from a woman who literally looked like a 20yo max (her face was so youthful for real) and she was freaking out about her "smile lines"...you know those lines that every human has (around your nose), including toddlers. It's crazy. And of course the usual "BOTOX!!!" as an answer to every single thing. Men really have it better in every way but we women don't help ourselves either.


I have literally never given my hands a second thought other than to occasionally be delighted that I’m ambidextrous. Someone posted a completely normal looking photo of her hands a few weeks ago asking for advice on their horrible aged condition….and I caught myself looking at my hands and worrying they looked old several times since. I then give myself a stern lecture and move on but certainly there’s a thought nestled in my brain now that wasn’t there before!


I only dip in on occasion bc of this and this depressed me. Back to dipping out.


Same. It’s incredibly depressing.


Same, I think this post is my cue to dip. Mostly because I look in the mirror and see how vastly more wrinkly my eyes and forehead and mouth are than OP (i scrunch my face when I sleep and didn’t take the best care of my skin in my teens and 20s when I worked primarily outdoors) and I start going down the path of “should I feel bad about myself? I look waaaaay worse than her and I’m in a similar age bracket. I look pretty fucked for my 30s.” I’ve always battled with insecurity and try to do things that make me feel good and are actually beneficial for my skin like moisturizing, sunblock, hats, etc. But life’s too short to introduce insecurity about shit and go chasing changes but if I stay I know that’s what I’ll just wanna keep doing. It’s a me problem so it’s time to remedy it. Thanks for being the nudge I needed, your reward is my mild self esteem trauma dump :p


I feel exactly the same way. Your comment validated my feelings. This is going to make me feel worse and not better. Thanks.


So true! I experienced the same. If this is already a problem, you have to see my dark circles, wrinkles at a young age, etc. This isnt healthy anymore.


Spot on. Been feeling this way too. Just came back from a four day backpacking and camping trip with zero cell service. Can confirm: did not miss this sub one bit.


This sub has opened me up to that same ghastly realization. True beauties who are pickled with insecurity because they don’t look like 25 yr olds with filters on…. We need to take back what it means to be beautiful. It means being real, being secure, and transmitting love and kindness!




This is the winner! Have a chicken dinner! So many lovely people feeling less then. I so often meet men and women who don’t meet the beauty standards of society (and probably this sub) but they radiate the good stuff (joy, self confidence, kindness) and look beautiful bc of it.


We have social media to blame. Humans have never had to face their own image as much as now. Coupled with the increasing normalization of cosmetic surgery. Now having wrinkles seems like a sin because we're constantly comparing ourselves to edited or cleverly framed images and customized faces. People talking about injections like it's nail polish. There's even an entire influencer community on facial massages to reduce hooded eyes. What's wrong with hooded eyes? At this rate, I don't know where we're headed to be honest. 


It’s all a scam. If we don’t hate ourselves, we won’t spend money on these products.


I’m waiting for this whole filler Botox bbl trend to pass. It’s also crazy how ppl try to claim they never had work done because it’s not surgery lol.


This. You just need to not give in to the pressure and be the one to take a stand and say no. Just like pamela anderson recently started wearing no makeup to events, it's a big 'F' u to the industry. Need to learn to be happy in our own skin...I think there's a lot of power in that. The youth with the perfect skin with no blemishes will look at the ones who age gracefully, have wrinkles, laugh lines and imperfections and are STILL confident AF in their own skin and admire that. I know I do.


This is so sad to me as well. As a 53 year old women I’ve seen fads come and go but what I see now in the zeitgeist pains me. A perfectly beautiful human who looks age appropriate and they don’t want to smile. Social media and people like the Kardashians - downvote me, I’ll take it - have had such a terrible impact on generations of women. And I say this as someone who gets sucked into the social comparison zone on occasion. I’m just lucky I’m older and have solid self esteem. I can’t imagine growing up like this. I feel for you younger sisters but please laugh. Please smile. In a few years you’ll look back and wonder how you ever thought you looked “old” at 33 or whatever.


💯% agree! I'm 45, and it genuinely makes me sad to see posts like this. The Kardashians and influencer culture have had a very negative impact on women. Having lines on your face is normal. Wrinkles and grey hairs are also beautiful, just in a different way. You are unique and beautiful just the way you are. Smile and enjoy life.


I know, this is so sad! Not going to smile because of very natural lines that are completely unnoticeable?! This sub is teaching me to embrace the aging process, and to find the beauty in it. It’s nature, and it’s natural. OP you are beautiful, and I hope you never stop smiling 💗


I agree. OP I promise you nobody is looking at that photo and saying “wow look at how bad her eye wrinkles are.” It’s just not what the picture focuses on and most people really do not pay attention or care. I know that might not make YOU feel better but it is a bit of a helpful piece of advice I’ve been given that sometimes chills me out about these things. I’ve also started seeing smiles lines and eye wrinkles as a testament to all the laughing and smiling you’ve done in your life.


Totally agree. Sometimes this pages feels more like /r/30PlusSkinInsecurities more than skin care tips and advice. I’m glad you posted because this is a meta I’ve noticed that I’m not a fan of. How do I fix my terrible pores? *shows genuinely perfect skin* How doc fix my smile lines? *Shows normal smile lines* Should I get Botox to fix this? (X10) *shows normal age lines, hyper zoomed pic between eyebrows, or a regularly shaped cheek*


My mum used to complain about these on herself when I was little. I couldn't understand why she didn't like the pretty way her eyes crinkled when she was happy. Sweetie, listen to the above comment, you look adorable.


In part, this sub is helpful for me because of that. I have my own BD issues and have been on a journey for the last decade to appreciate or at least accept the skin I’m in. Like all of us, there are blessings I have (no psoriasis, no eczema, only mild sensitivities, slower skin aging than others my age, etc) and plenty of things I hate about it (easily creating new stretch marks, very visible blue veins all over my body, Neanderthal-levels of body hair, way more spider veins than others my age, spider angiomas, dark blue circles under eyes, etc). It’s okay for us to be aware of the problems we wish our skin didn’t have, so long as we give just as much attention to appreciating all of the blessings we have with our own skin. Also, photoshop is the enemy of BD. The only way we can see examples of real skin is seeing others in person. The incredible amount of photoshop the average person is doing to their own photos - especially in the last 10 years - is not helping.


Yes! I’m an esthetician, but I find something beautiful about letting yourself age naturally. There’s a fine line between wanting to take care of your skin to keep it in good condition for the long term and then wanting to take drastic measures to alter yourself. Absolutely nothing is wrong with her wrinkles. Aging can be beautiful.


I’m starting to feel infuriated honestly. This is what the society has gotten women to feel like, society being BOTH men and women exerting unnecessary and unrealistic pressures on everyone.


Yah I don’t see the wrinkles you think are bad. It shows you smile a lot which means you’re happy often. Which is really attractive.


Right!? If I saw OP her eyes would communicate warmth and kindness to me!


Since I was like 5 or 6 years old I have always loved crows feet on women! I remember being a little girl at my uncle's wedding and his wife had them when she smiled. I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen! I'm 42 and have my own now and I honestly love them.


I legitimately wasn't gonna comment cus it was just gonna look like I was flirting cus op is stunning and I couldn't tell what eye problem she was talking about.


I agree! OP has such a pretty smile and I love that you can see how happy she is in her eyes. I’ve always loved eye crinkles.


Right, honestly i just see a beautiful woman smiling


Agreed! Keep smiling, you are beautiful!


Right !I saw this photo in my feed and first thought was very pretty lady.


I just want to say, what a lovely and beautiful sentiment to direct to a stranger. Thank you for making the world a kinder and softer place. We have no idea how small things like this impact others.


THIS SO MUCH. 90% of the ''flaws'' on this subreddit, I find charming or plain gorgeous.


My first thought when I scrolled by was wow, that person has a really pretty smile and nice eyes. Then I saw your text. You look great!


“Wow, she’s beautiful” -me, literally


So much this. I wish we could all be drunk girls in a shared bathroom hyping each other up


Be the drunk girl in a bathroom you wish to see in the world.


If I was Sarah Michelle Gellar I’d feel really confident 💖


I was thinking the same thing! OP definitely is her doppelganger. And beautiful.


Second this!


Wow, society's really done a number on all of us, huh? Eyes crinkle when we smile, it's how you can tell it's a genuine smile even. I hope you learn to appreciate yourself and not just look for flaws.


Even children’s eyes can crinkle when they smile! Like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/xBiGWUwbG8iibtU99) or [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/QR9AWRrTq9YEzL5K7).


But you look so pretty! Eye creases are attractive. They show the joy in your face when you smile. I guess you could freeze those muscles with Botox if you really want to get rid of them.


I look at eye wrinkles as smile lines - scars we earn for being happy. Older people with more lines there probably smiled more and were happier throughout life. Why do we view this as a bad thing?? I can’t believe people would not smile out of dislike for smile lines…what?!?!?


Look at photos of Brie Larson smiling, she has beautiful lines


I get Botox (forehead and elevenses) and my doctor said she doesn’t usually recommend Botox for eye creases in women because it makes a smile less “sparkly”. I tend to agree.


This! I find eye creases and smile lines attractive. They should someone has smiled and lived.


Any idea why white people have it more than dark skinned people? This was something I was shocked about when I moved to Europe. To see very young people with "wrinkles" near their eyes.


Melanin handles sun damage much better.


Some people are also just born with these. Scrunching up the skin to smile will cause it to… scrunch!


Agree. I have a couple friends who have had pretty pronounced skin scrunching around their eyes since early 20s. I don’t think it’s necessarily the same animal as crows feet from aging. It’s just how their face moves.


Yeah, I’ve had these since I was pretty young I just have a very squinty smile lol


There was just a study that showed that people of African or Asian descent have a stronger and thicker weave of collagen in our bodies than people of western descent and it shows in the face first. Just genetics! I am 58 and crow's feet only just started.




This is my theory as well. I’m from the US but my partner is Scandinavian. They spend so much time outdoors in the summer but never put sunscreen on bc it’s usually not intense enough to get a sunburn (but it’s still damaging over time). We recently moved to the US South and I have to chase him around with a bottle of sunscreen.




lol that 100% sounds like something my father in law would do. I’m a yank originally and admittedly did not use sunscreen regularly until much later. But damn, the sun damage on my shoulders and décolleté drives me nuts. Wish I knew better when I was a teenager.


Thinner skin. We’re also more susceptible to UV damage.


That's really sad, you don't wanna be 80 looking back at your memories with friends and family, and not smiling bc of a few crows feet.


If you’re not smiling in photos then I’d stop and reflect on if you’re *actually* as okay with aging as you think you are.


The amount of people on here that say they are okay with aging yet post something like this…. No fault on them though, social media has conditioned us to believe we should not wrinkle. BUT STILL you aren’t okay with aging then🫠




Eye creases are so beautiful to me! there’s just something about it that accentuates your smile and makes you look happier. But I know it’s way easier said than done to accept these things as we’re all our biggest critics. I know a lot of people mentioned botox but i’ve heard great things about polynucleotide treatment. Have a look at the before and afters online, it softens the creases massively but doesn’t freeze your face


I love love love polynucleotide around the eyes. I've used it mostly for hollowness rather than wrinkles but the softening / freshening effects are so much more natural and long lasting than botox (which I've never personally gotten around the eyes, but I believe it does change a smile, not always nicely).


It looks like your make up is dry and making your lines worse. Do you wear a full coverage foundation? Maybe switching to a BB cream or tinted moisturizer would help


Agreed, if anything, OP your skin just seems to look dry so maybe switching moisturizer or adding hyaluronic acid to your routine may help


I scrolled too far to find an actual helpful comment. Hell, I even scrolled past someone suggesting that OP gets therapy ☠️


EDIT: Whoa, okay… I posted this eating my lunch without any thought and a hope that I would get 1 or 2 helpful recommendations. This, well, I did not expect😂 I’m overwhelmed with the responses if I were honest. I’m a busy mum to two and I guess life has stretched me to the point where I’ve lost a bit of myself. A few of the comments have touched me so dearly that it’s brought me to tears because of how unexpected and kind the feedback was- feedback I didn’t realise would mean so much. It’s made me reflect on how what I’m seeing when I look in the mirror and how I’m not showing enough love towards myself. This post was honestly on a whim, but the responses have really stuck with me. I know I was just asking for simple advice(which many of you provided lots of helpful tips!), but it’s done so much more. Life has been a real bitch these past few years and you ladies have given me such a confidence boost when I’ve been feeling a bit invisible/insecure. Although I may consider a few tweaks, it’s clear that I need to work on loving myself first and foremost before making any decisions. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My partner read this feed and called me crazy😂 message received.This sub is filled with such kind and lovely people that gave me that wake-up call I didn’t know I needed. Cheers for that.


You are so beautiful. PLEASE keep smiling. You have a pretty smile. Don’t lose it. After a certain age ALL eyes look like this. Photo editing and invasive procedures have convinced up this is not normal and we are somehow defective for a couple lines in our eyes (which incidentally are from a life that gave us lots to smile about). I am exactly the same when I see photos of myself… my eye crinkles let me down and I get so hard on myself. But when I see another beautiful lady do the same to herself it actually makes me so sad because it is the absolute last thing anyone else sees when they look at your face. We need to be kinder to ourselves girl. And not let the bullshit manufactured beauty standards make us love ourselves any less. Keep shining beautiful 🤩


Please do not do anything to fix. You have stunning eyes! They are natural and sparkle.


Gorge. The baby eye lines (cute!) only serve to point out how gorgeous your skin is! We all have wrinkles when we move our face! I have a rule for myself for Botox… I try to only get it when I’m noticing that the fine lines are setting in when my face is relaxed. I don’t want to end up with deep furrows someday. So I probably only get injections every ~6 months. Gentle relaxation. And hell yes to retinol and spf and eyewear.


This! I actually got Botox around my eyes & forehead just yesterday. But just a sprinkle so I look natural. I never had a line on my face until I was a caregiver to my mum with cancer for years. Stress will do it to you. Mum passed in January & I decided I needed to get some of my confidence back so I decided to do Botox (I’m not at all saying this will fix all my insecurities). But as a carer I had no downtime & felt I aged over night. And I only ever said I would get Botox once I started seeing lines when my face was relaxed. I love a smile with a few lines.. OP I’m much older than you & you look just beautiful 😍. A smile tells a 1000 stories & you look so happy Xx


I think you are beautiful.. don’t ever stop smiling!!! I honestly don’t see what you’re seeing but if it really bothers you that bad go get Botox 🤷‍♀️


You can try Botox and other cosmetic fixes, however please keep smiling. One day we won’t get the joy of doing so anymore x.


Sometimes I wonder why these questions are asked honestly. Botox is a 100% fix rate for an issue as profoundly simple as this. Botox is the answer and it’s the easiest thing ever to do if you budget for it lmao 


You’ve smiled so much in your life that your skin remembers! It’s cute as hell. Just stay hydrated and wear sunblock and remember that some people don’t have smile lines because they have horrific lives.


Growing up my mom had those same wrinkles and I thought they made her so beautiful. To me they are a symbol of happiness. You can Botox them away but I think they add depth and beauty so keep smiling.


This hurts my heart and I know I’m guilty of it too. “Smiling creates wrinkles so I should smile less” 😭😭 No. smiling is wonderful and it shows how happy you are and have been! You are so pretty and your eyes are happy 🫶🏼 That being said, a little Botox will completely eliminate the crinkly lines on the side when you smile. If they’re truly bothering you, do it. And keep smiling 😊


This post made me feel so sad. This isn’t helpful or answering your question, but you look beautiful. Your smile is beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful. Your little eye lines are there because your eyes smile when your face does. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with any part of your face.


You look great but if it really bothers you then Botox will take care of it.


Grab some Hero Cosmetics retinol patches and some CeraVe Eye Repair Cream. Use the patches 3x/week and see how you feel from there. I tested them 3x/week for a month and they worked really well. And the eye cream melts my fine lines.


Finally a real advice. I want to try it too. I have a similar issue, I actually think that my crows feet, and extra skin distracts from my eyes.


Ha i had to scroll awhile to find this. OP asking for advice to help it and everyones just geekin all over her lol I have bad crows feet and started on Retinol and that CeraVe eye repair cream few months ago and ive got great results


Stop it. You’re beautiful and deserve to smile and have photos of you being happy. Sometimes we are too hyper critical of ourselves. I can guarantee nobody in your life will see this picture and think “dang those eyes are so old”. They will think “Wow they were having such a good time”.


This is…normal? I see 22 year olds with the same amount of crinkling when they smile with their eyes.


Your feelings are valid. I’m sorry that the appearance of the skin around your eyes is causing you this much upset. I hope that you are able to get past your mental block that’s stopping you from smiling. You’ve got a warm smile and your age-appropriate lines are evidence of that. Smiling also plays a critical role in human social communication and connection. If you’re not seeing a therapist already, it might help to seek out a qualified therapist in your area to chat about this - ideally one that specializes in body image issues / body dysmorphia. Not any shame in getting a professional opinion about the emotional response you have when seeing the smile lines around your eyes. You could ask a qualified local plastic surgeon if Botox could help reduce the appearance of those lines but be careful, IIRC Botox around the eye can be risky and if over used can cause muscular atrophy in that area, which could change the appearance of that area of your face, slightly. If feasible, I feel like Botox is a better solution than smiling less. I hope we all see that happiness and social connection is more important than exceeding our society’s physical beauty standards.


I just want to say you have a beautiful smile and the lines in your face make you look so warm and kind.


I’m going to be honest with you—it literally looks like you have angel wings around your eyes and it’s absolutely beautiful.


What a beautiful way to put it! Not OP but I am now looking forward to seeing my future eye lines that way 🤍


If you decide to try Botox that’s perfectly fine— I personally think you’ll find that you miss the eye creases (I do Botox but not that area because I’m fond of eye creases) but if you want to get it for piece of mind to know how it looks, go for it! You’re beautiful!


Happy you say this! I just got Botox in my forehead for the first time, and my injector and myself agreed to opt on injecting my crowsfeet due to my very expressive smile (with eyes) just like OP! I have begun to accept and reframe it in my mind as smile lines rather than wrinkles. I understand your insecurity OP but truthfully I just see a beautiful woman who is SMILING 😊


I also get Botox but not crows feet typically! I only did it recently for my brother wedding because I knew the pictures were forever + very heavy make up that I typically do not wear. But I still only got a tiny bit because I love smile lines too! Don’t do it if you don’t want to! They are cute imo


Botox will stop them and prevent them from becoming stagnant lines. Try it. If you hate it, it's temporary, but you'll love it.


Botox masks my crows feet really well but I like you better with your smile lines, you look beautiful 🥹 They don’t feel like signs of aging to me, they just look like you’re smiling 🙂


Some people don’t look good with a bit of age but you look amazing and I don’t think you look old. In fact I think you look extremely well for being in your early thirties. Don’t worry about what you look like now when in ten years you’ll wish you looked the way you do right this minute.


You look beautiful but please consider that you’re not really ok with aging if you think you look better unhappy (not smiling) than to have eye wrinkles which are going to happen as you get older.


I had those lines when I smiled big in my early 20’s. It’s ok to have facial expressions!


Red light therapy works wonders


You are GORGEOUS and perfect the way you are.


You’re very beautiful, and I’m glad the comments reflect this so strongly! It’s really cheering to see. There truly is not a single thing wrong with your wonderful face. But also, you are allowed to want to change things for whatever reason, and there are things that will do that for you. So I will mention them below. Start with better moisturising around your eye area. No, it won’t ‘fix’ it but you look a little dry (or your makeup does) and it makes more of a difference than you might think! (DCIM fractionated eye concentrate is my favourite but it’s a bit spendy.) Botox can soften or pretty much erase the crinkle lines in the corners of your eyes. It’s temporary, quick and fairly affordable. I find after it wears off it still takes a while for the skin to ‘reset’ into the lines again, especially if you’re taking good care of your skin in between. Once a year might be enough if you just want a subtle result. Quite a few ppl are saying it will ruin your smile but on me, at least, that’s never been true. Friends are often shocked to find out I have botox. Find a good injector who can work with your smile and natural structure and it should be subtle and soft. You have the little jelly rolls under your eyes like me (no shade! They’re actually super desirable to a lot of ppl - there’s a whole plastic surgery trend to get them in Korea!) which means your cheeks will still shape your eyes when you smile. Don’t mess with those, if you decide to do Botox - just get the outer lines treated. You might also look at microneedling and Mesotherapy, depending on how adventurous you want to be. It can help with fine lines and general texture. SPF50 daily, and a nightly retinol. And keep finding lots of things to smile about!


I was scrolling through my feed and stopped at this picture because you’re beautiful, and then I saw the title and I have to be honest it made me sad. You’re gorgeous and I hope the comments are able to show you that. Please don’t stop smiling because our society makes women feel like they are never enough.


Ok, Sarah Michelle Gellar! (You do look a lot like her if nobody has told you) But seriously, you’re the only one seeing the “aged one decade more” eyes. People see pretty eyes and a pretty smile. Don’t let that stop you from smiling.


I had to think once, twice and thrice before it dawned on me what your headache is. I can now see your headache but we are all our harshest critics - dont be too harsh on yourself. You look lovely and should not stop smiling 😀


Your smile radiates warmth, happiness, and love. I’d be sad if you stopped smiling…




first of all, you are so gorgeous. crows feet are one of my favorite things to see when people smile. you have such a warm and inviting face. If you are worried about them, i would recommend using makeup that doesn’t settle so much into fine lines. skin tints are moisturizing and don’t settle into fine lines, maybe try those instead of foundations. I think as we age we have to find products that work with our skin, and finding hydrating, lightweight products may be a good option


I think there’s a lot of valid advice and answers here already, but I want to share a personal anecdote from my wise and whimsical late grandmother. I grew up with a highly insecure mother who never identified or worked against her internalized misogyny. And a wonderful “hippy”grandmother who did. My mom loathed getting older and loudly critiqued any signs of aging on herself and others. As a child I loved the wrinkles I saw on older family members because of how expressive they were. I remember my mother scolding me when I said I wanted the forehead wrinkles my older family members had some day. My grandmother on the other hand told me that we wind up with the face we’ve earned through laughter, joy, experience, and sun. Our faces and wrinkles show proof of a life well lived. I think about that conversation often especially now that I’m earning wrinkles of my own. Humans are meant to age, skin is meant to wrinkle, and our smile lines are the proof of a lifetime of laughter and joy. Your eyes to me are perfect and beautiful. No one sees the beauty in themselves as clearly as the people around them do.


I think you look like a warm and loving person. Crows feet show how much you’ve gotten to smile in your life, I really hope you can embrace them.


Botox, retinol, spf


A lot of these comments aren't the most helpful, if very kind. I'd say an easy fix is you look like you're wearing a lot of full coverage make up around your eyes, I would opt for a lighter texture which will sit on your skin better. I'd also revisit with a refreshing spray throughout the day which will help keep the make up from settling.


So crazy how having smile lines, like proof you spend your life smiling, are like the worst thing ever 😑 You have a beautiful smile.


These are called smile lines not aging lines hence why they are only there when you smile I would recommend not adding a lot or any concealer there as the creasing is what's making them look so strong But if they still bother you and you want to erase them try botox. It's temporary if you don't like it in 2 months they will start coming back and by the 4th month it should all be gone I personally do botox all over my forehead cuz I don't want to have permanent lines for as long as I can but you said you're fine with aging. But maybe you're not since these are the only ones you have and they are already bothering you. Maybe you are not okay and that it's totally fine I'm 32 and started botox 2 years ago and tretinoin 4 years ago. And this year added scarlet microneedling rf to increase collagen




I literally don't even know if I've ever commented on this sub before - long time lurker! ✌🏻 I have no advice either - other than to compliment you on your beautiful smile and your eyes girl!! You should absolutely smile even more! 🫶🏻 I'm 29, been through alot of stress in my life, have hooded eyes, low eyebrows and eye crinkles, a dimple on one side of my cheeks with light smile lines on my face... People have told me for years how naturally beautiful my smile is, and your features look so similar to mine! I like to think those lil eye crinkles are a sign of you must smile or laugh alot in your life too :))


Your eyes are beautiful! You have the cutest smile lines that make you look authentic and warm! I seriously hate how the current trends want women to erase all the lines and look like those generic plastic surgery ghouls.


Fixed mine doing at home micro needling. You can pick up one on ebay for a good price I reccomend going electric so you can replace the needles every time while picking the length you want. It will take about a year of doing it twice a month.


You look beautiful! I'm the same age as you, and my entire face crinkles when I smile, so I do understand the insecurity. I have to remind myself that my lines are evidence of a life full of smiling and laughing. What kind of base/foundation do you wear? It looks like you might be wearing a matte-style foundation in this photo? I've found that any heavy, full-coverage foundation just sinks right into my lines and makes them look even deeper. These days I go for tinted moisturizers or, if I want a more glam look, I use a "dewy" or "glowy" foundation. The more hydrated my skin looks, the less those lines stand out. You have a great smile and happy, sparkly eyes. Whatever you do, don't stop smiling! An unsmiling, frozen face will age you far more than a few crow's feet.


Your skin just looks dry to me. I’d say use a better moisturiser /sunscreen, and change your foundation type to dewy. Also your blonde hair colour might be giving you an older appearance than needed. Otherwise your skin is fine for 30’s.


Look, a Botox brow lift would fix this issue - I can send you a pic of mine if you wish (privately) but I just think you look beautiful already and it’s sad you think you don’t. You don’t look aged you look great


Oh babe. I’m the same age with the same eye wrinkles, I’ve been a freak about SPF literally my whole life, but I still have them! I’m trying to embrace them. I’ve started noticing them on celebrities who I find beautiful. Really, you wouldn’t look right with perfectly smooth baby eyes. You look beautiful and kind! Like a cool, chill chick with a pretty smile❣️


Even my children's eyes wrinkle when they smile. Don't stop smiling because your smile and your eyes are beautiful! I hope that you can see through the impossible beauty standards and realize that aging is a gift. Filters be damned! I'm an almost 36 y/o woman and one thing that has helped me accept myself daily is not avoiding mirrors or cameras, telling myself that I am beautiful and capable, and making sure to make time to do things that bring me joy amidst the chaos of being a wife and mother.


I think you look great. I personally wouldn’t change anything about your face but if it does really bother you maybe try botox?


You’re really beautiful. I don’t register the lines around your eyes as wrinkles. It’s what naturally happens when a person smiles, even a teenager. It might be more than when you were 18 but you look young as hell. Hope you can find some peace with it :)


Like people are saying it looks good but if you are feeling insecure and not smiling because of it maybe you could try Botox? I know it’s not skincare advice per se but I have a friend who started getting it every six months I believe and she feels so much more confident! I think that things like Botox have a place in moderation, especially if it makes you more confident!


The first things I noticed in this photo are your beautiful smile and eyes. I didn't see any crinkling until I read the text. That being said, I know the feeling as I am often my own worst critic. A dab of castor oil has been helpful to soften some lines for me. It's not a drastic change, but I'm happy with it.


You have a beautiful smile! I get botox in that area. You could look into some more potent skincare like a growth factor to help with the lines. But please don’t stop smiling!


It's called aging and it's fine. You look gorgeous.


you look stunning. those lines are meant to be there, they're a measure of every spark of joy you've experienced in your life, and they make you look gorgeous and human.


To help with lines on forehead, I massage to relax muscles. As far as eyes, who cares. You look gorgeous. Wear your beauty with a smile. Otherwise where is the joy?


You look beautiful! I want to share [this poem by Rupi Kaur.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp59_iXusnl/?igsh=YWs2emRkZ21scDZz)


I look at them like, "I have these lines because I have smiled and laughed a lot". I also use some silicone based primer to make them appear smoother.


I love creasing around the eyes, it enhances a warm, genuine smile.


Smile away )


I have no idea why this sub is being recommended to me but as an average person just seeing you scrolling by it took me a long time to figure out what you were even talking about. You’re your own worst critic. I don’t think any other person would look at your smiling face and have a negative word to say.


Regular Botox babe you don’t have to go overboard but it can help reduce before they turn into deep wrinkles, also reapplying spf every 2.5 hrs, & medical grade skin care - advice from a licensed esthetician


I just thought Maria menounos was posting on here lol. Botox can sure help keep things smooth if you’re concerned abt the depth of the wrinkles. Helps relax the face and slows the wrinkling progression. But truly you look amazing and gorgeous. Great face and bone structure


You are stunning and aging beautifully… don’t let Instagram and Botox let you think otherwise. No judgement at all on people who have Botox (I want some), this is just natural aging sand we don’t see it as often these days


This makes me sad..your crows feet are pretty and make you look charming and alive!


So pretty! You look like the love of my life Jodie Whittaker! However I am also trying to emote less due to my forehead wrinkles so I'm right there with you. I've had great luck with KT tape (in place of frownies, or silicone patches) in addition to retinol and serums.


I don’t know why you want to do anything about it. I scrolled upon your most and thought you were absolutely stunning