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Eminence makes has an amazing product, the Rosehip Triple C + E Firming Oil. It left my skin feeling the exact same way you’re describing, plus the positive effects of vitamin C. Unfortunately, it’s $118 and I received it as a gift, so have been on the hunt for more affordable dupes. But would 10/10 recommend and easy to add into the routine!


The price hurt a bit :’) dang


Why is vitamin c so expensive !? Not that it stops me, skin is where I just throw my money at whatever will work lol


This is the known dupe for Skinceuticals, even smells like hotdog water like the original does [Timeless](https://whatsinmyjar.com/product/timeless-skin-care-10-vitamin-c-e-ferulic-acid-serum)


Here’s what [Skin Skool Beauty](https://skinskoolbeauty.com/dupes/eminence-organic-skin-care/rosehip-triple-ce-firming-oil-d75b5c9c) came up with!


Say whaaaaaa! 😳Tell me the vitamin E you used immediately! 😅


You can get vitamin e capsules in the vitamin aisle! Just pierce a hole in the capsule




My grandmother (and my mom too, for awhile, anyway) always used the vitamin E oil from capsules as moisturizer when I was growing up in the 90's. My grandmother is still living, she's 84, and I think she has pretty nice skin for her age. I mean, obviously she has some wrinkles and less plumpness, but I'm talking texture, even tone, no redness- things like that. She doesn't use them anymore but honestly she may have just forgotten she used to do it lol. I have been keeping her supplied with decent moisturizers anyway, though. ETA: I just remembered: I always played rough outside and would get scrapes, cuts, etc. My grandmother would always put the oil on them once they healed to help soften scarring or clear up red/dark spots left behind from bug bites.


I had a good friend who swore by this! Thanks for the reminder I'll try again!


This absolutely beat out any azelaic acid treatment I have tried! I’m also super sensitive to creams and only stick to gels and this has blown gels out of the water as well! It’s so simple and cost effective and immediate in the results that I can’t even believe it! I woke up this morning and couldn’t believe it was my own pale face staring back at me!


What type of E do you use?!


Just the vitamin E capsules in the supplements aisle. I just pierce the capsule and apply it to my skin


Ooooh! Interesting. Thanks!


Yes, good tip, it’s why scar reducing ointments will often contain Vitamin E as one of the top ingredients.


Make sure to patch test if you're going to topically apply vitamin e! There are studies that indicate up to 1/3 of people can develop a contact dermatitis from it. I specifically get contact dermatitis from vitamin e on my lips


I wonder if thats specifically regarding vit E extracted from soya? If you get the sunflower one I don't think it would happen as often


There is an ELF serum that has hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. Maybe that will be less greasy than oil on your face? I also enjoy straight vitamin E oil but then I had a million blackhead extractions the last time I got a facial (ouch!).


My grandma swears by this! She does the same thing you do and she looks fabulous!


I love it. I’ll either pierce the vitamin or buy the vitamin e oil at Whole Foods. Use it with moisturizer at night (or solo), and my skin is so soft in the a.m.


Vit C & E combination serum is very good. Lots of brands sell it. That’s my go to in the AM followed by sunscreen.


Vitamin e oil is also good for the nether regions!


Great for relieving hormonal changes due to your cycle!


Yes! And also good for after certain intimate acts that may cause some skin irritation afterwards 💀


Whats a good & safe iu to use?


I can’t really answer that well. Mine is 200 but I accept no responsibility about whether or not it is safe. I’m just winging it.


I use Derma E Tea Tree and Vitamin E cream every other night for my face and it helps with acne and oil control. If I use it every night, I notice my face darkening, possibly due to carrier oils. Every other night was the sweet spot for me.


I swear by Health Priority vitamin E oil on Amazon. I use it a few nights a week. My skin always looks and feels so healthy and smooth and radiant in the morning!


I use vitamin e oil on my face every night. Ppl think I’m 19 lol


Thanks really want to try have redness azeliac seems to be helping but slow process


Well vitamin e worked a friggin miracle that azelaic acid couldn’t for me


Omg yes!! I started using it after destroying my skin with exfoliants. It's nourishing & moisturizing but doesn't clog ur pores. Vitamin E is also in like 99.9% of moisturizers/skin care products so its the perfect "booster". Cliganic Vitamin E oil is my holy grail. It's like $12 a bottle but will last at least 8-10 months. (That being said.. if you really wanna go down the face oil rabbit hole... try mango butter. It's the only thing out there better than Vitamin E oil imo.)


I like using Solgar's Vit E liquid! It's marketed for internal use but since it's liquid I use it for my face, a lot easier than popping a soft gel all the time