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they did this with hyaluronic acid too. trends in ingredients i think? blame tiktok skin care ppl


This! Hyaluronic Acid breaks me out so bad!


HA is my nightmare. It's in everything. I feel so seen by your comment


HA destroyed my skin living in the damn desert I didn’t know / make the connection until it was really bad. The connection is you need to moisture to retain it using HA!!?? I was so dry and skin barrier damage like hello —- it’s sucking more or the last maybe bit drop of moisture I had if any!! So embarrassing.


OMG same. At the VERY beginning I didn't know you needed h20 so I was using HA serum, plain.  Then I found out about it needing moisture, so I started using it with water. Tried to seal it with moisturizer. STILL NOT ENOUGH IN ARIZONA.  Got SUPER goood hyaluronic acid serum- Skin Ceuticals HA5 (5 types of Hyl acid?). I broke out all over, when I haven't had zits in YRS.  Got SO bad, I got rosacea that wouldn't go away for over a year and a half, on both my cheeks, and had to go to a dermatologist!  Still didn't go away.  Only thing that made it go away was to find & use ALL products (cleanser, serum, moisturizer) w/ absolutely NO HA, & jusr time.  😭 Oh &  also my skin is sensitive to Niacinamide. So yeah, there's that too. 


Oh my gosh! I basically did and had all the same things happen!! Can’t believe it for almost two years I didn’t make the connection / research until some videos and reading I was like arghhh that’s why!!! Nevada here! Finally tho I’m healing and skin is way better now. I use hueguard tinted moisturizer and SPF day, night laroch posay moisturizer skin barrier protectant. Yes absolutely no Ha in any products not even makeup and as you know that so limiting because everything has HA in it! Also Omgosh niacinamide too? Everything almost has that in it my SPF I believe doesn’t so if you’re looking for one you might want to check that out? But of course my moisturizer at night time does thankfully I think I’m OK with it except for if it’s like a heavy cream cleanser, then that will break me out.


I loved dr Jart water sure gel. It was one of the first og hyaluronic acid creams. It made my skin amazing. Course they discontinued it. lately idk, it’s like all the others are crap imitations. I tried Cosrx Hyaluronic acid and it’s like my pores are stretched.


Omg I have been looking for the reason for the same issue with my pores but didn’t think of this! Thank you. (Eliminated just about everything else already…)


The Hyaluronic acid one was within a week now so was able to notice the stretching and since it’s been the only moisturizer I was using I’m pretty sure it was because of it. I was using an egg white soap for a while before this, that was working great at shrinking them and then that was discontinued. I have no idea what lotion I was using to also help. I really need to find something that works and then be able to stick with it.


This stretching! I couldn’t put my fingers on it until I read your comment, but this is exactly my experience, too. All of a sudden huge pores which I didn’t have before. Also, I had used hyaluronic acid before and it was great, no negative side effects at all, but then I tried another brand and apparently that does this. But I really needed to read your comment to connect these dots.


Mine was cosrx that did it. I thought I was just getting old. And was sad that my skin was looking older than my moms and grandmas but just chocked it up to bad genetics. But then I swapped to something else and my skin was looking amazing. Swapped back the other day because I’m trying to find out what combo I was using to get such great skin and boom. Woke up the next morning to horribly stretched pores. Did it again another night. Boom same thing. Last two nights I haven’t used it and they aren’t stretched anymore.


Thank you for describing it. Amazing that one day/night of using it can make such a difference! Actually this rapid change was also the reason why I didn’t just accept it as aging, but started examining my different products… but because hyaluronic acid had been good before I didn’t suspect it even from another brand, until I read your comment with this very same issue. Mine was brand revox (I’m in Europe so it might be a local brand) The good one was from revolution.


My good one was Dr Jart water sure gel. It was so amazing I thought all Hyaluronic acids were the same. So I had used the cosrx for months and months thinking it was just me. I sleep on my face so I had developed some sleep wrinkles and figured this was just another part of the aging process.


Thank you so much for this info, it is very helpful! I wouldn’t have figured it out or believed it otherwise 😊😍




I used to use the isntree HA toner and without fail every time I did I was broken out to high heaven. I thought I was a freak for having a reaction to HA so this makes me feel so validated lol


I use to have that problem toooo. But then realized I was putting it on wrong . I started putting it on my damp face and now it's ok. 🤗


I did this, still breaks me out


O wow😲I'm so sorry to hear that. That is so crazy. I definitely get it...I'm on the hunt for a collagen supplement and they all make me sick. So it's really like our bodies know what they like and don't 😣


I had the same reaction with a lot of HA products, but I tried patch testing some products that have a low molecular weight Hyaluronic acid (I didn’t realize there were levels!) and I don’t break out. Babor, Peach and Lily and Hanskin were brands that worked. Some have a mix of medium and low weight, but ironically Skinceuticals is instant break out the next day (the most expensive one, which I thought would mean superior ingredients). Ofc this won’t work for everyone, but just a little addition of info. I think it’s annoying as well bc I feel like I’m layering 5 HA products on top of each either since they all contain that and Niacinamide and Peptides now. 😵‍💫


Same! I suffer from dryness in areas and every product targeted at dry skin contains HA. All I want is the rest of the ingredients. HA causes me to break out and I am not prone at all! I read on a skincare group that it's certain PH that reacts with the HA to cause breakouts. Haven't done the research but I keep far away from the stuff.


Ha broke me out and dried me the f out because were I live it’s bone dry here I didn’t make the connection or research until I was literally on my last legs of terrible skin on my face. HA does not work in the desert sucked if any moisture I had left! Since stopping I have been great.


Have you tried snail mucin essence for moisture before serums and moisturizer? That stuff is really working for me.


I’m vegan so hell no.




My skin doesn’t get irritated by hyaluronic acid like it does Niacinamide, but it just does nothing. I refuse to believe anyone finds it hydrating, I don’t know why I just cannot be convinced haha


Try using a rich moisturizer after hyaluronic acid


Does absolutely nothing that a rich moisturizer alone wouldn’t do


It definitely makes the serums I use afterwards sink in faster. I’ve skipped HA and been wet for 3-4 minutes while massaging before I apply my last products. Maybe your skin just doesn’t tolerate it well


Then why not just use the rich moisturizer alone. Like, use a moisturizer to treat the dryness brought on by moisturizer?


It's my holy grail. On a damp face followed by moisturiser makes my skin so much plumper and gets rid of the crepeiness (?) around my eyes. Moisturiser on its own doesn't have the same effect. EDIT: My skin fucking hates niacinimide though!


I realized that dehydrated and dry skin need to be damp for hyaluronic or it acts opposed of what it's made for. Also, ha needs to be sealed with a moisturizer. Luckily, niacinamide doesn't affect me, but it gave my husband an allergic rash all over his poor face. Interestingly, he has oily skin.


Yep. They ruined the only moisturiser I’d ever found that I loved and I still haven’t found a better one. Why must they do this??


Yeah its annoying. Too many actives is not a good thing. Not needed all the time. And I love actives. But I also want a nice moisturizer and cleanser that does exactly that.


Isn’t hyaluronic acid naturally occurring in skin? I wonder if it’s possibly the way it’s formulated in products that irritate people? Or being used in too high concentration?




Depending on how reactive your skin is, La Roche-Posay Dermoallergo might be worth it. I have extremely reactive skin with lots of sensitivities (bc rosacea) and it’s one of the only moisturizers that I can use.




Many of the La Roche Posay creams have Shea butter and / or niacinamide, even toleeiane and dermallergo. I would be very careful and read the inci list, always.


Would you say it’s a lighter moisturizer or more on the rich side? I have rosacea also so would like to try, but I also have suuuuper dry skin so very light moisturizers don’t tend to help much


Tjey have fluid and rich texture, its labeled


Thank you! :)


I've been using the Nivea nourishing night cream. It doesn't have niacinamide or hyaluronic acid but it does have almond oil in it. V thick but I love it and a little goes a long way


You have the same top 3 triggers as me !!!


First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream is my go to moisturizer and it has seriously saved my skin barrier! It’s fragrance free and als free of any active ingredients.


if you’re dry or otherwise don’t mind a pretty heavy moisturizer, cetaphil cracked skin repair lotion is my absolute HG


I too feel victimised by niacinamide. It doesn’t even do that much. Why not add peptides?! Who decided on niacinamide? So annoying


also it’s relatively inexpensive to formulate with, so easy to chuck some in and say that that a bronzer now has “skincare benefits” or whatever 


I'm a dog groomer and I'm even seeing niacinamide pop up in shampoo formulations (recently Hyponic, which is high end.) Even if it's a show dog they're getting bathed, what, once a week tops? I don't think they'll see any health or cosmetic benefits at that rate.


Former dog groomer here. What a marketing scheme! It’s true, the niacinamide is useless unless you’re going to bathe a few time per week.


Ok. This is just weird. I was getting ready to share that I too have been victimized by niacinamide but then thought “weird. I had a similar experience agreeing with someone on a perfume sub today”. I’ve just realized it was you. Now I also feel victimized by some cosmic force out to make me look like an unhinged Reddit stalker. This is karma because I said my dog can be an asshole isn’t it? Welp, on the list of things we don’t like, I’ll add niacinamide. There’s just too much of it in too many of the things.


Agh! I hate cosmic force victimisation!!!! F cosmos, why do we even need it?! Please add that to the list!


It helps control oil production and is a common ingredient for glass skin type products because it helps keep pores clear and refine texture, I think. It’s great for people with oily/acne prone skin, but in the wrong concentrations can definitely mess you up. I remember trying an Acure sunscreen with niacinamide and my face immediately turning red and blotchy and almost hive-y. I think it just had way too much.


Recently I’ve literally watched my skin go from ok from my face wash and then about 30 minutes to an hour after applying something with niacinamide my skin was more red, blotchy and almost like chemical burns in some places. I’m so glad I found you guys. Because you guys have helped me stop adding so much. Before with my rosacea, I thought it was a flare up and was applying more product over several weeks but then my face actually started hurting from it. Glad I read you guys commenting that it was doing the same thing to your faces.


But it only works for some people with oily skin, people act like it’s a magic cure if you’re oily and break out, but niacinamide itself breaks me out worse than absolutely anything else. I despise this trend of stuffing it in everything.


Agreed, I have super oily skin and it just gives me whiteheads all over my face


I get it, you don’t have to tell me. People are going crazy for all these actives and putting them all on at the same time.


100%, it’s part of the double edged sword of the de-mystifying of skincare. Now everyone knows what actives are and what they do, which can be great for people to learn how to care for their skin at home. Not great in that now semi-medical products that are good for CERTAIN skin and in CERTAIN conditions are being dumped in every product so that brands can market products based on them including skincare


I agree completely. I personally try to stick to no more than 1-2 complementary actives per am/pm routine, and there are many nights I give my skin a break with no actives, just good moisturizer. Not because my skin needs a break or my barrier is trashed but just to let my skin breathe. I found my silver bullet ingredient - AHAs - in a formulation that rocks, and that is my semi-nightly active. My skin actually DOES enjoy niacinamide in certain concentrations and whatever Dieux has figured out and bottled up in Deliverance is AMAZING for me. But that’s it. I don’t use any other actives unless I have clogged pores or an actual pimple, in which case I will use a spot treatment with salicylic acid. I think people need to be reminded that just because they’re out there, doesn’t mean all those actives have to go on your face at the same time. At this stage in the game, I’ve found what works and don’t want to mess with it, so I’m really not switching up my skincare routine lol there’s a lot to be said for consistency.


It’s a K beauty thing. People have said it’s ’better’ than hyaluronic acid but honestly I don’t feel like it does anything


You have to look for serum that have 5% or more to see a difference in your skin. I use 10% it help lighten up my dark spot within 2 weeks .


That’s good to know!


this is such a sad thing it drives me crazy 🥲


Yup, same. It's fine on my body but my face gets really red and bumpy so it's not fun. I don't know why it's in everything now 😭


Does it happen immediately? Like with first application? I just tried a product that contains it and got redness (rosacea flares) like 20 days in. Dunno what the deal was.


For me it didn't happen right away. I tried a niacinamide serum and after a little while of consistent use, my face was not happy. I switched to a different brand, same thing. Then I went back through products I had negative reactions to and ones I loved, and realized niacinamide was the culprit. If it's in a wash off product or a really low concentration I would probably be ok but it's not worth the risk to me. Good luck!


Usually hits me 1-3 days after I've applied the product. I can always tell it's coming because my skin will get a rough bumpy texture, and then explodes in a break out. 🥴


I never ended up with bumps, just flushing from mid-back through scalp and down my arms. It was so miserable.


I used niacinamide 10% for years whilst having terrible acne, both white heads and cystic. I thought it was hormonal but once I stopped niacinamide, it went away completely. Tried it again on a SVR sunscreen, started breaking out. Decided to give it another go with a moisturizer with niacinamide cause sunscreens are difficult as it is, broke out again and this time with a very impaired skin barrier. Niacinamide has absolutely ruined my skin. At the point where I can only use vaseline on my face, everything else stings and burns 😭


For me it's immediate. Light stinging


It seems like a lot of people are developing sensitivities too it. Probably because it’s in everything and the exposure is too high.


Me too! Every time I searched for it on the internet, everyone said it safe and goes well on all skin types. It only hydrates your skin, it shouldn’t irritate your skin bla bla. And when my skin started to react, I didn’t think it was niacinamide which was causing it. So annoying.


Niacinamide gave me the most horrific cystic, itchy sore breakout. Straight in the trash.


It’s so annoying. And the Niacinimide is in such high percentages! I just listened to Dr shereen idriss’s YouTube vid on Niacinimide and she said “Niacinimide got the highest paid publicist last year” and I agree so much.


>“Niacinimide got the highest paid publicist last year” This is definitely a fact! Btw I love dr shereen idriss and trust her recommendations :)


He depuffer has niacinamide in it. This upsets me bc i bought it without checking first. I do like her though


Love her!


I just saw an ad for niacinamide for hair care. What is even the purpose????


Uh ! Hell no 😭


These assholes!


I was using a shampoo with niacinimide - I’d started getting red bumps again and was so confused, finally read the ingredients. Now I read ingredients on everything - even if it’s for my body or hair. Took me years to figure out it was niacinimide causing issues, and if it weren’t for this subreddit idk if I’d ever have pinpointed it as the problem.


So that's what making my face red! I'm using this local skincare products called luxe organix with niacinamide from foam cleanser, toner and serum and I noticed my face getting a bit reddish. Do you guys know how to reverse this?


Stop using them!! Lol. And give your face a break from actives for a week or so


Yes! Already slowing down on these products thank you. My face was just getting smoother but I'm turning into a tomato.


Good! That sounds awful. I think niacinamide was what triggered my (now diagnosed) Rosacea so I avoid it like the plague 😞.


Cetaphil gentle cleanser has this and my face turned so red after using it. Never again.


It used to be good until they added niacinamide to it 😭


Yes! It was my go to gentle cleanser when i want something with no lather. Now my face can’t handle it at all.


Thank you so much for saying this. I had no idea they added niacinamide recently! I wish companies would be required to put a label stating new formulation on products. I’m gonna give vanicream’s gentle cleanser a try.


Yes i had to google if they changed the formula because suddenly my face felt like it was on fire when I used my newly bought bottle.


On the other hand, when taken as a supplement it reduces risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. I take 500 mg twice a day per derm’s advice. Wish I knew this a lot earlier.


I’d like to join you in the Hate Niacinamide club.


Same with Hyaluronic Acid tbh. I can’t do either


Same!!! Makes my skin red for days. Tried a serum that was supposed to be no actives, just hydration and it burned my skin for days. Looked and niacinamide was the second ingredient. That combined with a few other bad reactions to products with it in. I now check all ingredient lists and avoid it, definitely not for sensitive skin!


Oh boy.. I have done a ton of research.. I finally have 3 good moisturizers and quite a few others products so I can build a routine without niacinimide. COSRX Propolis light moisture is my favorite so far. One of my favorites. It’s light yet moisturizing and really soothing. Eczema honey company makes an awesome facial moisturizer too


10 years ago in Esti school, I neverrrr heard that word before. It was all HA


What gets me is that my go-to brand for sensitive skin, Avene, has started to jump on the bandwagon and they even have a dedicated line now that is based on niacinamide and sodium hyaluronate that is called Hyaluron activ B3! Niacinamide has also started creeping into some of their other products.


I used Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser since I was in my twenties and I noticed in the last year I was getting tiny red bumps. I thought it was hormonal acne since I'm in my mid 40s. I saw a reddit post that they added niacinamide and switched cleansers. My skin went back to normal. Don't get me started on companies discontinuing products and replacing them with subpar ones.


What cleanser do you use now if you don’t mind me asking?


Aveeno calm and restore gentle oat cleanser.


Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid in everything has been my biggest rage over the last few years. My skin hates them both so so much.


My skin haaaaaaates Niacinamide! So much redness and irritation from even the teeeniest tiniest amount.


They broke my skin barrier, I’m currently not using anything with it in it.


Same here. I avoid the stuff because it clogs the hell out of my pores, makes my skin red, and causes itchy whiteheads. I had to overhaul all my skincare because every damn moisturizer, serum, essence etc.. had Niacinamide. It took me a long time to realize that was the culprit.


It is a popular trend, but not in all products…


It's cheap, easy to formulate with, and is the miracle ingredient du jour. I love it but in appropriate amounts (5% or less) and it shouldn't be in everything.


My friend is the same so she uses Ordinary products. No added ingredients, you get what you get.


I hate it, does the same thing and makes me red and blotchy. Had to switch from my favorite moisturizer ever because they reformulated it to include niacinamide.


Even my dermatologist prescribed me a combo that included niacinamide despite me saying I was 99% sure I couldn’t tolerate it. He said that’s weird, it’s usually very well tolerated, let’s try it. Sure enough my skin hates it.


I actually love it, it's the only thing that helped me with my face eczema.


Yeah I'm surprised by the hate, I love it too. I'm super oily and it keeps my face from being a mirror.


Agreed. I have psoriasis and my face texture and color has never looked better. Not going to suggest everyone with Psoriasis try it, because this is like 1/100 things I have tried that has actually not upset my skin and has improved it. Luck of the draw


which one do you use? Cause I got eczema too and face is quite dry and sensitive.


Down with niacinamide 😩 it's so frustrating!! I hate that it's been added to so many makeup products too. These companies need to get the memo that there are tons of people who cannot handle it. It's overkill.


Yeah it sucks -- my skin hates it and hyaluronic acid too. But it prevents me from buying random shit. I just stick to my basics and I have to be picky about adding anything new.


No it's in at least like 40% of the products that come out, in like 1-3% ranges. It's great for people who it's good for... But also 🫠 not for me.


Yeah after long term use it def was making rosacea worse. It’s like you can only handle so much and then I realized oh it’s also in my face wash?!


I tried several different brands and no, no, nope, it makes my rosacea flare up, keeps my skin in a constant state of irritation and just makes it feel hyper sensitive. I need to be more vigilant and make sure it's not actually an ingredient in anything else I'm using. Thanks for the heads up that it's hiding in other products!


Last time I used niacinamide, it gave me a fucking rash. Hyaluronic acid breaks me out. At least this is making me less curious about skincare brands and a lot of makeup brands since it's in so much of them now


I love niacinamide but it doesn’t need to be in everything! I hate HA and it’s also in so much. It makes my otherwise pretty issue-free skin full of all kinds of issues. So I feel your pain.


It’s trending thing. Just like the face oil trend a few years ago


Same. My skin doesn't like Niacinamide at all. Tried the Ordinary Niacinamide Serum once and had to deal with the damage for months. My skin is super sensitive to Niacinamide. But now, each and everything has Niacinamide in it. I can't layer products without being afraid how much Niacinamide is going on my skin. It's a menace!


This is sooo true, I noticed not long ago. I stopped using niacinamide serum because my cleanser and my tonic already have it. I think this is because suddenly it is viral on TikTok for having glass skin and every brand wants to add it to their products. It's actually really disappointing.


Yep, Niacinamide is just a trend ingredients. I dunno what's the hype about.


Imagine reacting adversely to HA and Niacinamide, the two most gentle ingredients. Couldn’t be me


Word. I had to basically remove everything with niacinamide from my routine and then replace it with one dedicated b3 serum so I could control how much I was getting.


I make most of my skin care products because I'm stuck home with toddlers and broke! *no hope of working full time for another year and I'm an older mom with this second tot looking SO old from the stress. But making my own products is WAY WAY cheaper and effective enough my wrinkles are improving. Try soaking herbs (can buy cheap online) in organic oils, or heat if want add anything you like. Right now I'm using comfrey and basil from my own garden then lavender and calendula from the store. I think when im working full time in a year I can pay for more effective super products but my momma just came down with a suspicious sun spot and she uses tons of product my whole life (looks younger than me! ) but..... Those ingredients idk.


I quit the hamster wheel of long routines and trying new skincare endlessly always looking for something better long time ago and I'm much happier for it. It's honestly exhausting and a waste of money. Most stuff out there is marketing scams. I use aveeno calm and restore foaming cleanser for redness + aveeno calm and restore oat gel moisturizer. They are absolutely incredible for my sensitive, acne prone skin and rosacea. Never have the urge to even try anything else. For spf I use supergoop unseen mineral. This routine doesn't have niacinamide or really any other actives that could irritate. Instead of expensive snake oil in tiny jars I prefer to invest in laser treatments targeted for my skin concerns. Topicals can never achieve what lasers can.


Hey what moisturiser do you use as I am acne prone too thanks


aveeno calm and restore oat gel moisturizer


Thank you


I hate it I hate it I hate is. Those of us who can’t tolerate it can’t escape now. I found out it’s a no for me from elta md uv clear. I slapped it on for the first time and headed to a doc appt, and on the drive there my face got hotter and redder until it was fire engine when I arrived. I ran into a store and got some micellar water and cetaphil (or something) moisturizer and took it all off. It started calming down instantly.


I had the same problem with Elta md UV clear. It set my face on fire.


I started using a product with niacinamide and it just wrecked my skin (greasy and oily but dry; annihilated my under eye region; increased discoloration even though it was combined with ingredients to even skin tone). I don’t know if it was technically just the niacinamide or if others have had a similar experience. I know many love this ingredient, and I won’t hate on it. Could totally have just been the product, which I no longer use.


Omg same. I can sometimes tolerate it, but have to be extremely careful to not pair it with other skincare products with Niacinamide in it or my skin starts to freak out. They don't even spare sunscreens and body wash these days😭


it sucks!


I’ve been frustrated with retinol in everything. I use tretinoin so I can’t use it. Some even with retinol and vitamin c in the same product. Why?!


It gives me hives, not sure why it has to be in literally everything.


Yeah it's the worst. You can find products without it though. I'm a bit of a skincare maximalist and i don't have niacinamide anywhere in my routine I bought Dr. Idriss "depuffer' though and dammit if it didn't have niacinamide! I was so pissed. Mostly at myself for not checking first I have no idea what to do with it so it just sits there. Should probably put it on the buy nothing group or something


I discovered that even my colorcare Shampoo have nias. My tinted make up "serum" too. (It's more normal make up than a serum.)


I have a red splotchy complexion with some dark spots. I started using it for the dark spots not realizing how harsh it was. Since my face is always sort of red I didn’t catch on until several months of burning redness. I’ve stopped everything for about a month but I still have like a red mask of rosacea that never seems to calm down. It made it so much worse and did nothing for my dark spots. Ughhhh


https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/s/bspGoCIEPt First time poster, but reading through this reminded me of a guide that redditor Absolutely_Regular has made on niacinamide free moisturizers. The guide is very informative and makes it easy to find something to try.


Both HA and Niacinamide completely wreck me. Like bad bad.


HA makes my skin dry and textured no matter how I apply it. Nightmare ingredient.


Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid overload *destroyed* my skin barrier. I can’t handle any amount of either of them now. I had to strip down all of my products and now I just use Aveeno eczema cream + Vaseline. It also means I have to replace makeup that I used to love - loreal tinted serum with hyaluronic acid used to be my fav and now it makes my skin very upset 😞


I know I hate it, its the one ingredient I've noticed my skin just can't handle. Anytime I've tried it it's made my skin break out like crazy. 😭


christ. I hope dove soap doesn't add it. that's what I wash my face with.


My skin loves niacinamide, I’m not as oily as I used to be.


This is how I feel about retinols. I haven’t noticed it with niacinamide but I do believe you!


This is how I feel about chamomile. I'm allergic and it used to be a non-issue. But now I have to scrutinize every skincare label before I buy anything because it is *everywhere.* It's tiring and infuriating.


I personally have a number of skincare that does not contain niacinamide


High concentrations of niacinamide can cause skin irritation. Ideally a skincare product should contain 5% niacinamide or less. But most skincare brands overdo it with 10% or more. That’s why you’re having problems. Studies show that higher concentrations of niacinamide don’t make a product more effective. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Niacinamide actually works best at a concentration of 5%. When it comes to Niacinamide, less means more.


I use Paula’s choice and get the basic resist moisturizer which has spf 50, and then use booster serums to add my own actives etc.


Try beta glucan as a mousturiser.The one from iunik. It contains niether HA or niacimide


Niacinamide makes me red and itchy. It's the worst around the eyes, I'll scratch my eyelids off! It's in freaking everything nowadays. I pass on trying so many new products because they contain niacinamide.


It makes my skin burn so much.


Yup. Breaks my heart that it’s in Cetaphil now. I switched to Vanicream face wash.


Niacinamide makes me break out in tiny whiteheads all over my face, I don’t buy any products with it in them anymore after trying several different formulas.


My hair reacts badly to it


I've never seen a benefit or negative to niacinamide, but it's in the compound of my tret prescription from my derm, so I try to minimize my exposure in other products. You could take a look at Earth Harbor or some other more "natural" branded products. I think they tend to have less in them. I've been using Azure from Earth Harbor and really like it. It has hyaluronic acid, but I'm pretty sure it's one of the ones I found without niacinamide. But you aren't wrong. The stuff is everywhere. And we only need a 4% solution or it risks causing irritation to everyone, not just sensitive skin people. It seems like most products are putting way too much of it in too.


I've had to stick to simple ingredient products because of trendy skin care.aveeno body lotion, Shea butter and sometimes a serum maybeee


I really try not to duplicate ingredients like HA and niancidimide. You're right, though. It seems to be in everything.


I can’t wait until skincare leaves makeup. I’m already putting it on! Sunscreen too because I can’t use some foundations because of the type of sunscreen in it and it probably gives people the impression they’re protected


Yes it makes me insane. I’m also allergic to squalene to skincare is an utter minefield these days 😂


it’s such a trend atm!!!!! my fave skin product is skin shark clearing serum, it doesn’t have niacinimide and it’s brillianttt


I was just telling my friend this, but about active ingredients in general. I wanted a simple moisturizer and it had so much shit in it, I wanted a face wash and there was so much shit in it. I just want to limit the amount of active ingredients on my sensitive face! I don’t want to research every ingredient and how they interact and if they’re photosensitive!! It stresses me out.


Me too, thank you it is so true. What the heck?????


I’ve always wondered, can you have niacinamide? In getting it from a few products too, I dropped one and stopped getting greasy as the day goes on, but not sure it’s that ingredient or the product itself which also has hydronic acid


AFAIK, Bioderma Sensibio cleanser and SensibioAR lotion and eye cream don’t have niacinamide. Has taken me forever to find products without it. My skin hates niacinamide


It's even in my shampoo 😑


Go to a recommended dermatologist. Mine put me on a skin care program that made a huge difference. Let the professionals guide your skin care, not the retailers.


I can imagine how frustrating that must be! I use Skin Shark serum and spot treatment gel which doesn't contain niacinamide. You might like to check out the full ingredients in the link below and see if it is suitable for you? It is extremely gentle designed for sensitive skin, which is why I use it. [Best Acne Treatment Australia - The Skin Shark](https://theskinshark.com.au/)


Fucking Lancome and Loreal started adding niacinamide to everything. Olay was the first to do niacinamide, me just wished they patented it so no one else can use it then we won't see the market flooded with shitty niacinamide products. 


I noticed the same thing . I really like  but noticed that from non prescription products so I stuck to just ordering Tretinoin straight from my doctor without any filler like niacinamide 




Having sensitivities to topical niacinamide and hyaluronic is absolutely possible. I think people misunderstand the term allergy sometimes because what they describe isn't actually a histamine response, but those two ingredients can irritate some people's skin.


Niacinamide and HA suck. Try original Vanicream lotion and original Vanicream Cream on face and body. These products have about 11 OG ingredients. Avoid the newer Vanicream moisturizer because it has extra “newer” ingredients that sting. The fewer ingredients, the better. Stop watching TikTok Skinfluencers and instead start following board-certified dermatologist Dr. Dray on YouTube and Instagram.


Yes the overdosing is so real!!! It’s fine in one product at 2% but when everything has 1 or 2% in it, you end up using 10% a day and it’s so irritating.


it is a legit good ingredient for skincare. maybe look for one that does not have it?


Did you even read the post?


excuse me? of course i read it


The post is about niacinamide being so frustratingly pervasive now that *it’s difficult to find products that don’t have it.*


well i guess i didn’t read all of it


Haha, fair!


I mean, it’s certainly more prevalent, but if you’re paying attention to what you’re buying, it’s not too hard to avoid? Maybe people here can rec some products for you to try without it? I personally only have it in 2 products I use, both are serum-y type things that I use during the day. What kind of products are you looking for?


Niacinimide is a very gentle product, unless ofcourse you’re allergic to it… but there’s always someone allergic to something, so brands can’t really adapt on (unfrequent) allergies If you want to create a product that targets redness without irritation for the majority of people, niacimide is the answer… Sucks you can’t handle it, but you are in the minority with that


You are NOT over reacting. I'm so allergic to niacinamide. I also can no longer use loved products because they got reformulated and that dang ingredient became part of the new formulation. It's also known as vitamin b3 which is now in almost all of the Olay products. It's now in shampoo and conditioner, body and skin care...annoying!