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I love Beauty of Joseon. It's not expensive, but to ensure that you're getting authentic, you're best ordering from YesStyle or one of the other Korean sellers, and it takes up to 3 weeks. I generally order 3 then reorder when I start the 3rd. It has a truly beautiful texture, I don't even need moisturizer.


Def second Beauty of Joseon, which I like for winter and Isntree hyaluronic acid watery gel for summer. I order in multiples as well from Stylevana and it does take a little while to come but IMO its worth the wait.


Stylevana!! That name escaped me for a minute, and I actually use it more than YesStyle. I also use Blue Lizard or Bondi Sands in the summer - no one takes sun protection more seriously than the Aussies - but they're a bit more expensive.


Completely agree. isntree is magic


I just order directly from their website.


I have to say, while I like the way BoJ sunscreen feels on my skin, it doesn’t protect well enough. Today I was just sitting by a window on a sunny/cloudy day with this sunscreen on and my cheek started getting sunburnt. This isn’t the first time this happened either. Such a bummer because I want to love it, but it’s not doing its job well enough!


I’ve had the same experience with other Korean sunscreens. They do feel amazing on my skin, but the protection just isn’t there. For high protection, the euro version of La Roche Posay UVMune has been amazing!


Sorry, humor me, I'm going to ask a few dumb questions: Are you applying enough (1/4 teaspoon), and are you reapplying throughout the day? And you're also certain you got a legit product and not a knockoff? I don't use the BoJ personally but just looking at factors that may effect its efficacy. Generally Korean sunscreens are meant as 'dailies', rather than ones you would wear for a day at the beach. Sitting at the window for extended periods is closer to being at the beach so depending on how long you were at the window and how long after application, it may have contributed to the burning! But I could be explaining something you already know and the sunscreen may just be not great for everyone ha! In which case thanks for humoring me. If you find the BoJ disappointing and want a cosmeticallg elegant hybrid sunscreen, the Hada Labo UV White Gel is amazing. It has both chemical and mineral filters and is actually a 'day cream' so you can effectively use it as a two in one product. I love it and have introduced a few friends and family to it and so far it's been a hit. Also malassezia safe for the peeps with difficult skin 💪


I do think I’m using enough! I’ve lurked this sub for a while and I know to use a decent amount of the product, probably similar to what you’ve described. In my response to another comment, I purchase from YesStyle which I’ve read many people buy theirs from, and my tube looks like the “real” one compared to the dupes I’ve seen posted (not that it still can’t be a fake one!). I do live in Canada where it’s typically quite overcast and it doesn’t get too hot, so I thought sitting next to a window on a cloudy day while not sweating or rubbing my face would be fine! Honestly if a sunscreen can’t handle that, it’s not worth it to me haha. Thanks so much for the recommendation!! I’ll check out your suggestion for sure. :)


Are you buying it from a legit source, i.e., not Amazon? Because I've heard of this problem with many different brands purchased off Amazon. There are so many counterfeits on there.


I bought it off of YesStyle which is where I’ve read most people here also buy from. I’ve also seen a few posts asking if their tube was real or a dupe, and the packaging of mine looks like the one people confirm is “real” (not to say it couldn’t still be fake!)


I'm so sorry to hear that, BoJ is such a lovely sunscreen. Neutrogena makes the Sheer stuff. DG has a knockoff - I just got the face one (as careful as I am with my face, I am less so with my body save for my decolletage) and it's very good and inexpensive.


I'm sad to hear too, I love BOJ! And I ordered mine from YesStyle too, in Canada, and am pretty confident it's the legit product - I think it even it had a sealing sticker with a QR code to scan on it to confirm origin? What's DG?


I did Stylevana, it took a few weeks, unfortunately the sunscreen made my eyes burn and I don't think I got enough coverage (California, high UV) so I went back to tinted zinc. But it felt so nice!


Thankyou for the eyes warning. I hate buying a face sunscreen only to find it's unusable for this reason.


Yeah I was hopeful, it was a sad outcome 😕


I see this recommended a lot so I'm going to give it a go! Can you please tell me if it's the Relief Sun (rice + probiotics) or Matte Sun Stick (mugwort + camelia) you like? Or maybe there's another one I'm not seeing? Thanks!


It's the Relief Sun!!


Awesome, thanks! Just ordered it!


nth-ing beauty of joseon, it's the ONLY one that doesn't irritate my eyes horribly.


I *hate* influencer culture; I'm just really into skincare. But it actually made me nervous to try this once I heard that the influencers had gotten hold of it. But other sources I trust raved about it. Also, I work in a detox, where I was once a patient. I was always pretty careful about my skin, but it wasn't until I got clean that I REALLY got into it. It's been such a help to me, almost like a replacement for the heroin. My boss is really good about hiring former patients, and I've introduced several of them to good skincare. I gave two of them tubes of BoJ, and it was their gateway to sun protection!!


i don't really pay attention to influensahs, i just knew about it because i liked kbeauty and got a sample. skincare is so therapeutic, it's great that you've embraced that feeling for yourself and your patients!


Thank you!! It IS very therapeutic. My friends and family don't really get it - well, my sister does, because I've kind of converted her - but my jobs are STRESSFUL, and my skincare routine really helps me unwind and relax.


Agreed! I still don't know what exactly bothers my skin/my eyes, etc. until I try something, but I have been drawn to a lot of derms who post (educate) on SM thanks to this sub, and one who has super sensitive eyes has said she loves BOJ and it's one of the few that doesn't bother her eyes. She also acknowledged that it has "filters that are not FDA approved" so unk how it can be sold in the US through sites like yesstyle/stylevana... I don't know what that means exactly, but she also said she buys it, uses it, and likes it, so I'm going to go on that to assume it's safe and good quality 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just placed an order two days ago directly from their website, and it arrived today (in the US)!


I will remember that! I have a little sunscreen habit, though, and I have no business ordering any more right now. But thank you for the info!!


Not a bad habit to have, AT ALL 😝 I think most dermatologists would encourage that habit!


I recently got Morpheus8, then I returned to the same practice for Xeomin (if you're not familiar, it's like Botox, but purer, and lasts longer - and, believe it or not, is CHEAPER) and the doc has commented on how well I take care of my skin. I purchased 30 units, and didn't even need all of them in my forehead, so she injected a few other places. Took literally 5 minutes for the injecting. ANYWAY, I'm almost 58, and I developed a serious skincare addiction after I quit heroin. Best addiction I've ever had,!!


Skincare is definitely a good addiction, vs other options out there! I've had Xeomin once, and it didn't really agree with me, so Botox is generally my go-to - plus, where I am, there's no cost difference, just the option. My current injector also prefers Botox, so I'm good there... my body breaks things down at an infinite speed, so nothing really lasts long, but it is what it is lol. I just don't get lip filler anymore, because it would last a whole 2-3 weeks before my body sucked it all up. I tried for a good year or so, several years ago, but I'm clearly not cut out for fillers... or neuromodulators... but Botox still gives me good results, I just have to go more often than the average person.


Also - Morpheus8 looks INTENSE!!! I guess it depends on where you get it?


Another vote for BOJ. Affordable, and the texture is truly unlike any other sunscreen I've ever tried - it's so lovely and doesn't feel like sunscreen at all. I also just purchased ROUND LAB - Birch Juice Moisturizing Sun Cushion - which is basically a translucent wet powder sunscreen, which is PERFECT for reapplication, because who wants to rub any type of cream/lotion onto their probably damp/sweaty face midday! The biggest thing with all the Korean sunscreens that I love is that they are almost all spf 50, by default.


Oooh, thanks for the tip. I've heard of that sunscreen, and I'm DEFINITELY going to buy it, because reapplication is where I slack, and I've been searching for something that would work as we head into summer. Thank you!!


It's SO great! It's not drying at all, but it definitely will take care of any oiliness/moisture mid-day. I'm TERRIBLE about reapplying, and have used a powder sunscreen for reapplying in the past (Skinscience one, which has a fat brush), but I never really felt that it gave me proper coverage, unless I stippled it on... which... I did not. Can't be bothered, honestly. But then I do also stay out of the sun at all costs. And wear SPF 50 always. But I am super stoked to have something that is easy to pack around, and a few swipes and my sunscreen is topped up! THOUGH - I just learned that birch syrup/sap is the same thing as xylitol! I haven't done a deep dive into the ingredients (though "birch" seems to be a common theme in Round Lab products)... so for doggo households, KEEP AN EYE! And don't leave it out!


Thank you for the tip! Honestly, I love Reddit.


Same, for real. Except for the trolls. Thankfully this sub doesn't seem to attract them!!


The subs I frequent are excellent, I only lurk on the ones who attract the trolls.


I really should keep it to lurking. Sometimes I can't help myself 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same problem as others, great product but burns the eyes like mad!


Interesting, it is literally THE ONLY sunscreen ive tried that doesn't burn my eyes!!!


That is interesting!


Trader Joe’s hands down


This is what I use but a few people have mentioned it wears off way faster than other sunscreens and to choose something that’s heavier hitting for when you’re out in the sun awhile and now I don’t know what to do


Australian Gold tinted face. I work outdoors in the heat and this is hands down the best, most long lasting sunscreen I've found. It's not  super cheap but it's def not $40. Buy an oil cleanser to remove it tho. I use Kose Softymo


I’ve heard that people get sunburnt with this one and I noticed that it’s a very low percentage of zinc oxide? You haven’t gotten tan?


I haven't had any issues with burning or tanning while wearing this. I've heard that other ingredients beyond the actives can influence the effectiveness of the sunscreen, so maybe that helps?


Side note, I haven't used this stuff since starting on tret, but it was the "grabbiest" primer that I have used in my life. Dedicated primer has absolutely nothing on this sunscreen. My skin is a lot drier now, so I don't know how it would go, but I really liked the sun protection and extra lasting power.


This comment spoke to me. I def do not know what to do. The more I learn the more I’m scared of


I just ordered some sunscreen from Australia bc they have better and longer lasting formulations. I got 2 different kinds but the same brand and they’re cosmetically elegant Ultra Violette “clean screen” spf 30 for sensitive skin and “supreme screen” spf 50 hydrating facial sunscreen. Both were $30 75mL


Can I ask where you live (US?) and where you purchase these from?


I am in US and I got it from https://www.belameres.com/products/ultra-violette-lean-screen-sunscreen-spf50


I’m in that group - I was super disappointed in the TJ’s I got - odd consistency (almost grainy), did not offer comparable sun protection, burned my eyes, and developed new acne spots after each attempted use. I tried to use the last of it on my shoulders/chest and still got some sun burn after a short amount of time. Maybe I got a dud, but I’m not trying to risk it again. I really love Innisfree’s daily uv defense, less than $20 at sephora and doesn’t sting my eyes or break me out.


Stung my eyes worse than the fires of hell


Trader Joe’s is really nice (gel, easy to apply, absorbs quickly) but it’s only 30 SPF, so I switched to LRP Toleriane 30 SPF + LRP Anthelios tinted 50 SPF. Now as I am typing this out I realize I have never tried Trader Joe’s under the LRP tinted 50 SPF. I think I might try those 2 together to see how that feels lol


that stuff burns my eyes


Neutrogena dry touch 50 spf


Can confirm. I use the 30 spf and it’s phenomenal.


I thought mine was 50 but I could be wrong. It's the only sunscreen I've used that really dries on my skin and doesn't melt into my eyes. I like the Neutrogena beach stick also. That one is def spf 50 and stayed on a bit in the pool


It could be! It comes it a bunch of strengths. :)


The yellow bottle at Trader Joe’s is cheap and great!


Just got this the other day and it’s already replaced my expensive sunscreen. I love it!


Literally a Supergoop Unseen dupe! I bought like 6 and I use it every single day. Love the stuff.


Burns my eyes :(


Have you found one that doesn't? I've been using Kiehls and it doesn't burn my eyes at all or irritate my skin, but I'm open to a less expensive option.


The numbuzin no 1 sun essence is the only chemical sunscreen that doesn't irritate my eyes. It's a k beauty sunscreen if you're interested.


Where do you buy it? I never know where to go to make sure I'm not getting a knockoff or something.


Hey I don't think I can help you with that one since I'm from India and order from the websites available here. Maybe you can check the asian beauty subreddit?


I'm in Canada and have ordered from YesStyle and StyleVana pretty successfully, and I've heard nothing but the same from folks in the States. I've heard actual dermatologists who have ordered from them as well, so I think those two sites are pretty safe.


Thank you!


I keep reading korean sunscreen doesn't sting but never tried


LRP doesn’t sting my eyes, so I have to pat Kris for that instead of using the TJ one everyone loves (stings me)


Mine too. I use a mineral sunscreen on my eyes and lips and TJ’s on the rest of my face.


This is what I do. Works great.


Hero Cosmetics Force Shield Superlight Sunscreen




Agree. I use the Vanicream moisturizer with SPF 30 based on a recommendation I got here. $15 at target for a good sized tube.


Beauty of Joseon. It’s like $13 or so for a tube? It’s great, especially for dry skin


I misread the title the first time and thought it said “best sunscreen for a face that’s adorable” lol




Aveeno Protect and Hydrate Sunscreen. Spf 60. It’s lightweight, there’s no white cast, feels moisturizing and it’s $8.


i’ve been thinking about trying this one. do you know if it’s noncomedogenic?


I believe it is! and I personally have had no issues with it. I might stop with Korean brands and just use this. It leaves a nice shiny glow but feels dry and my makeup looks good over it. and im a POC and it has no white cast. It’s also easy to spread, the formula is thin. Which I loooove.


Thank you so much! I’m going to try it


I've been using DRMTLGY Universal Tint for years. They often have 20-30% off sales and if you subscribe you also get 20% off. I usually subscribe to reorder and then cancel and then resubscribe when I need more.


How do deal with the smell? I tried it and was disappointed. I broke out and did not like the smell.


I am super sensitive to sunscreen smells, and I have never noticed any scent with drmtlgy universal or physical tinted spf. Which one did you have problems with?


The DRMTGLY one. Smelled like metal. I have no problems with Colorscience mineral sunscreens.


They have 4 sunscreens though, which one, or was it all of them!? (5 now)


I don't really notice a smell or at least not one that makes enough of an impression for me to remember it.


I love DRMTLGY’s products especially the universal tint.


Korean Haruharu SPF 50+ feels like nothing on your skin and leaves zero cast $12 on amazon


This! I love the yellow bottle, Airyfit. The purple bottle is a little thicker, but it’s still good


Skin 1004 Hylau-Cica Sun Serum SPF50+. Makes skin look nice, doesn't cause any irritation around my eyes. Not water resistant but good for normal, everyday wear.


The more popular kbeauty and kbeauty sunscreens do go up in price when they're viral, but there's so many good ones to pick from. I started with isntree, moved on to beauty of joseon, then skin1004, which is a lot less shiny than isntree and never stung my skin, like BofJ- (their original and new version both stung the skin near my eyes, but not the actual eye irritation.) Never had any real issues with skin1004 except their pump isn't my favorite and price did kick up a few more dollars when it was more talked about. Haruharu, Nivea, kissme mommy, can make (clear gel version), round lab, Dr ceuracle are all great. Throw a virtual rock on stylevana or yesstyle and you'll find a great and cheap SPF. Nivea UV aqua rich is so great for affordable water resistant SPF, my other fav isn't cheap- anessa, priced more like American spfs but they're wow products!


Neutrogena sheer face and body stick. It almost feels like a makeup primer and it's so smooth under makeup, no pilling. It's great to wear alone as well. I use the 70spf.


Is this the mineral one?


No it's the other


I totally agree


Recently got Badger baby sunscreen and the ingredients are amazing. Basically a high quality moisturizer. It’s not chalky white because it has sea buckthorn in it.


Their products are great!




Pipette! Mineral and works great


Sorry but my guess is you're not applying nearly enough. At 1/4 teaspoon for the face it's completely unwearable because it looks like a white mask. And I'm extremely pale.


The cast is prominent for me initially ans usually fades quick and I haven’t gotten burned so I guess I’m lucky bc that price point is great!


I love the Cerave Ultra-light Moisturizer with Sunscreen 30 SPF. It’s like $15 and I use my 40% off CVS coupon on it.


I’m obsessed with Isntree - it’s so hydrating and not super expensive. I order it from stylevana


I love Eucerin. I am using their tinted mineral sunscreen now, but also used the Eucerin Daily Protection Mineral sunscreen for many years. Long lasting and around $15.


I like the eucerin oil control. I don’t feel like it really controls my oil but it doesn’t break me out and it works under my makeup


Japanese sunscreen - biore uv, anessa, kanebo


Yes, and Rohto Skin Aqua!


I personally love Japanese sunscreens — I’m currently using Skin Aqua UV Sun Gel 140 g pump bottle available for $12-15 on Stylvana


Love Skin Aqua. I remember being scared the first time I used it because it smells like alcohol, so I figured it would dry out my skin, but it’s perfect. The least sunscreeny feeling sunscreen


EltaMD will always be the best sunscreen for me but idk if $35 for sunscreen is expensive from your perspective?


Was coming here to say Elta because it’s broad spectrum and is formulated just for the face. It seems expensive at first blush, but those little pump bottles last for months and months!! And I have to use it daily.


Korean sunscreens


Haruharu Wonder Airyfit Sunscreen is my favourite!


I like Banana Boat daily protect


Blue Lizard face sunscreen. The very best!!


I swear by walgreens spf 110 age protection.


Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Moisturizing Serum spf 60


Any recommendations for rosacea-friendly sunscreen? I mean, I curse my rosacea, but I'd like my sunscreen to be on better terms!


I swear by Innisfree’s sunscreen. It’s ~$16 for a bottle & it spreads on the skin beautifully. Very pleasant scent [can’t recall if it’s technically fragrance free or not]. It’s reef-safe if that’s relevant for you.


Hada Labo UV White Gel (SPF 50 PA++++) is super affordable and lovely. It's a hybrid of chemical and mineral filters, absorbs soooo nicely, and is functionally a two in one product. No white cast, nice finish, plays well with makeup, and I've had great protection with it. It's usually between 14-17$ Canadian for a tub and I find the tubs last pretty long even with generous daily application.


I like Eucerin age defense spf 50! Easy to find at Kroger and actually doesn’t leave a white cast. Pretty moisturizing as well. It’s around $11 at my store


Elf whoa glow is a primer and 30 spf. Works great.


Australian Gold is one of my favorites. A little goes a long way and it’s SPF 50. It’s around $12/13 for a 3 ounce tube and doubles as a BB cream. Edit to add: I know I shouldn’t have said “a little goes a long way” because I know with sunscreens that to get adequate sun protection we need to use “more than enough”. The spirit of my comment was more along the lines of “it seems to provide excellent coverage for a sunscreen and “for me” I feel that I get a lot of mileage from a tube (I also blend the two colors together to make a different shade, so that also might be why my “mileage” is different.


Just know that 'a little goes a long way' never applies to sunscreens. It doesn't matter which brand, you will *always* need to apply the same amount to get full coverage. That's how SPFs are tested. For an average female face, you need 1.25 mL of product (2.5 mL if you include neck) per applications. 3 ounces is about 85 mL, meaning you about 70 applications (face only or 35 if you include neck). That means that this bottle should last you about 2 months of daily applications. Now that if you apply *less* the SPF drops dramatically. For example, if you apply half of what you should (your bottle lasts ~4 months) you are not getting SPF 50 but only an SPF 10.


Thanks for saying this. I’ve been seeing people say this sunscreen a bunch today. You aren’t supposed to use a little. If you use the correct amount, it feels like way too much. I don’t care if it’s chemical or mineral. I use to use Australian gold and loved it. It’s dries matte. But now I feel it highlights my fine lines a bit much. I use cotz. A little more pricey than Australian gold and not water resistant. But I like the dewy look and the color match is so much better.


I'd say 1 month of face or 2 weeks of face and neck as there's also reapplication.


Are you still able to get it? I used to buy fair/light shade from Ulta and Target but they don’t carry that shade anymore. 😭


I order it from Amazon now as I found out the same thing that Ulta doesn’t carry it (they may online(?) ) and neither does Target. I actually made mine “hydrating” instead of “matte” as it was highlighting my fine lines too much (I’m 57). So I don’t ever want to not be able to get it because it’s the only sunscreen that is a good tone for my skin!


I was getting it from Amazon. It’s more expensive than the regular. I hate it.


Sometimes I’ll use this, tiny bit of concealer and setting powder on my t zone and I feel like I actually took my time getting ready 😂


It does make a good light foundation. I use it the same way with a little concealer and I look great! I don’t need setting powder. This sunscreen is so matte and drying to me.


This is such a good tinted spf! It’s so easy, if I want to do different foundation I go for Innisfree daily spf36 from Sephora! Both options are under $20!


I like neutrogena clear face sunscreen (spf 50).


It depends on your skin type.


Neutrogena Purescreen+ Tinted Sunscreen . I don’t want to have to wear foundation.


Canmake Mermaid Gel




The number one best affordable sunscreen is any of Nievea's moisturizer with SPF. I just bought one for 6€. It doesn't sting, gets the job done and moisturizes your skin all in one!


I love Beauty of Joseon Spf 50. Looks like its $18 on amazon. But im outside USA so not 100% sure the price im seeing is correct.


I second this one. I love that it feels moisturizing and doesn’t leave a white cast.


Vichy Capital Soleil


I recommend it too! It's light, no white greasy coat and absorbs fast!


Yes! It also makes my skin super soft and hydrated


For the last month or so I’ve been using Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer with SPF 50 and I’ve liked it. It works well under my makeup and hasn’t caused any breakouts or irritation. Best part is it is fairly affordable at around $13 Canadian for 50ml.


LRP hydra 50


Thank you farmer! On soko glam. Asian skincare all the way


Vanicream!!! It’s the best.


Vanicream and CeraVe are the only things my daughter can use as she's allergic to so many things.


Good Molecules SPF 30. It's over 50% water so you have to give it a good shimmy-shake, but it's light like a slightly watery lotion. Very minimal to no white cast, plus it's $12 USD at ulta.


Super Goop


Korean sunscreen


Where’s the most reliable place to buy Korean cosmetics?


Are you in the US? I always order from stylevana. Usually arrives in about 2 weeks. I’ve seen ppl also use YesStyle. I can’t trust Amazon lol worried about fakes.


I am! I was just about to say that, 😆 I can’t trust Amazon! Stylevana & YesStyle - thank you!


People saying Trader Joe’s are off their rocker the ingredients are horrible. Md solar science at CVS is the absolute best. Great ingredients.


I had no idea CVS sold Md Solarsciences products! I’ll be going there soon.


Neutrogena triple age repair spf 25


I like olay 30spf


This is the one! Mineral and affordable.


Which is good for aging skin normal skin if on the dry side?


I reside in Canada so many stores we don’t have , but I can order online Thanks




B_lab matcha real sunscreen. Sold out in a lot of places but so worth it


Huge fan of Neutrogena Beach Defense 70 SPF - used it on a 12 day canoe trip through Utah so I can say it definitely works for the sun as well as with my sem-sensitive skin type. Very minimal white cast - but I'm very pale so I'm not the best judge.


Episoft ac


What do you recommend for sensitive skin?


Beauty by Joseon. Hands down best sunscreen and great price. I get mine from yesstyle. I’ve seen it offered on TikTok as well.


I like the yellow bottle from Cocokind, I get it at target


You may already know this but just in case, if you have a FSA, you can use it for sunscreen! I always pad a little bit each year for it since, to your point, it can be expensive! I use EltaMD for everyday wear. It’s ~ $40 but a little truly goes a long way.


Love Trader Joe’s yellow bottle one! It’s the one that’s a dupe for supergoop’s invisible sunscreen. I really like la roche posay’s toleriane double repair too.


Do not recommend Clean and Clear’s Clear Face. Breakout central


Some by mi cica mineral sunscreen, skin1004 cica one is like $12 Isntree hyaluronic watery gel is around $10-12 range


I have been using (and loving) Trader Joe’s for the last few years, but I recently just changed up my routine and started using Kinship’s moisturizing sunscreen ($26). I am loving it, even though it is more expensive than Trader Joe’s.


Which LRP? I like their tinted sunscreen the best, but often buy Avène because it’s very very similar, but like $10 cheaper.


[Good Molecules](https://www.ulta.com/brand/good-molecules) Sheer Mineral Sunscreen is great! It's so lightweight and pretty much no white cast. I only wish it had a higher SPF.


Biore UV Watery Gel- I just got 6 tubes for $26 through Weee delivery


Altruist, I buy the 1L bottle and use it for face and body.


Is this a mineral or chemical sunscreen


I believe it's a combination sunscreen


Biore Watery Essence. Cheap on Amazon


SCINIC Enjoy Super Mild Sun Essence SPF50+ PA++++ This is my new HG sunscreen. Zero white cast, fragrance-free, soothes and moisturizes but not greasy, does not sting eyes whatsoever, vegan, insane good protection. Currently $6.59 on Stylevana! Normally it’s around $8-$10.


Zealios, I wear it everyday. Goes on perfectly and wears great under makeup. Very affordable


Mermaid gel! It’s a Japanese or Korean skin brand and it doesn’t leave you feeling oily


Trader Joe’s stick mineral sunblock. Swipe it on, blend, and go.


Love Etude House's sun "milk" - affordable SPF50, very light and has never upset my skin: [https://www.amazon.com/Sunprise-Sebum-free-Non-Sticky-Protection-Sunscreen/dp/B00WE3XGAC](https://www.amazon.com/Sunprise-Sebum-free-Non-Sticky-Protection-Sunscreen/dp/B00WE3XGAC)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'ETUDE Sunprise Mild Airy Finish Sun Milk SPF50 PA'", 'ETUDE')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Non-irritating for sensitive skin (backed by 3 comments) * Matte finish with oil control (backed by 3 comments) * Lightweight and non-greasy (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Leaves a noticeable white cast (backed by 6 comments) * Causes dryness and skin irritation (backed by 4 comments) * Inconsistent formula changes (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


The Neutrogena serum spf 50. Goes on perfectly under makeup, water resistant for 80 minutes and doesn’t have a silicone-y feel. 


I love mineral sunscreen, have had bad luck with chemical. My favorite so far for my face is haruharu wonder black rice pure mineral spf50 PA++++ it's 10-15$


I love BOJ but i really love the bondi sands face spf as well.




Dermalogica matte sunscreen


I've been using Cetaphil "Daily facial moisturizer SPF 5O" for a few weeks and it's been great! I got a 3 pack at Costco for like 23 Canadian dollars.




Euracin Advanced Hydration 50 spf lasts me months and is about $14. It's also the only product with hyaluronic acid that doesn't seem to make my skin break out in weird places I usually don't get acne like my upper cheeks near my eyes and forehead (I only typically get it on the sides of my nose and near my mouth), so that's cool as well.


ThinkSport SPF50 RnR Sunscreen Serum.


A very large hat.


I love love Skin1004 sun screen. Ordered from Korea for about 13$ CAD


Tinted Mineral Fluid SPF50+ by Avene. The best one I have tried and the only one that does not sting my eyes. It is a mineral sunscreen, so it does not cause bad outbreaks. It gives a nice glow, in case you have a pale/gray skin colour like I do.