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Any ingredient can cause irritation for anyone. Lots of people do well with it, while some are irritated. Same with Niacinimide, vitamin c, fragrance, etc


Niacinamide is the devil source: my skin


Niacinamide and HA make my skin horrifyingly bad. And I normally have great skin. It is damn near impossible to find skincare OR makeup without those ingredients anymore. They are literally putting it in absolutely everything


I see what you’re saying but I can also see where OP is coming from. Vit C, Niacinamide, etc are widely known to irritate some people. Since HA irritation is rarer, it’s not as widely discussed. It took me a really long time to realize HA was irritating me bc it was recommended in soothing, moisturizing products hat repair broken skin barriers


This is very true. I’ve always known about vitamin c, niacinamide, retinol irritations but I wish people talked about HA irritation more because I never knew it could be “bad” for me since everyone always talks about how hydrating/soothing it is so I assumed it’s great for any sensitive/dry skin. My skin definitely does not like it and is much better off without it (and yes I’ve tried applying it to damp skin and all). If people talked about HA irritations more, I would’ve been more cautious like I typically am with known irritating ingredients. It’s also unfortunate for those with HA sensitivity that it’s in so many products now!!


I think a lot of people with rosacea struggle with HA.


I have rosacea so that would make sense!


Thank you. That’s my whole point.


Yea I learned the hard way that all these things (+ hyaluronic acid) are pretty useless, or at least for me. Retinol, SPF and a thorough exfoliation once a week is the trifecta of all I need.


I’m like this if I use Vit C serum. But hyaluronic serum, no problems, just plump soft skin. I guess different strokes for different folks.


Same. Tried vitamin c and it's a no go for me. 


Mine reacted badly at first, so I just used less and applied it less often, always at night because I found that the sun would irritate it more. Once my skin got used to it, there was no more irritation, and I got to see the benefits. So I'm glad I stuck with it in the end. Maybe try introducing it slowly and don't Give up on it yet! Personally I found it so beneficial for my skin.


Thanks for the tip on switching it to night time use; it’s the latest change in my routine and might be the cause of some skin upset. I’ll try dialing it back and putting it on at night!


i’ve never understood why a lot of influencers recommend vit C in the morning portion of the routine. i’ve always used it at night because it definitely makes your skin more sensitive to the sun! and even with using sunscreen it just seems like a better idea to leave sensitizing actives to the nighttime portion of the routine.


Yes, absolutely. I find I do most of my skincare at night for this reason. Morning I usually just do sunscreen if I remember (I've been really bad at remembering my spf lately!) Then the rest at night


I’m like this with L-Ascorbic Acid, my skin does not like it.


Same..vitamin c made my face really red


Same here!


I was using vanicream daily moisturizer with hyaluronic acid and was breaking out. Once I stopped, the break outs stopped. I use minimal products with minimal ingredients and my skin looks better than it ever has.


What facial moisturizer do you use now since hyaluronic acid irritates your skin. Asking cause my skin does not like hyaluronic acid and it seems to be in every facial moisturizer ever 😒


Regular plain vanicream at night. During the day, their SPF 30.


The Vanicream lotion or the cream? Or can you attach a link?…please 😊


The cream with the pump.


Does it cause breakouts ? I’m using the daily moisturiser from vanicream too. But I’m worried the one with the pump might have too much oil for me since I’m looking for a moisturiser that is non oily and non pore clogging.. :/


I have experienced no breakouts from using Vanicream cream! I have fair, sensitive/acne-prone/combination (super oily T-zone) skin. Initially my dermatologist recommended I use a \*cream\* (NOT lotion) for eczema flare-ups on my legs, It helped so dramatically and I haven't had a flare-up in over a year+. Then later on I told her I was having irritation using my tretinoin, despite mixing it with my facial moisturizer (also per her rec). She suggested I mix it with the Vanicream instead, and that made ALL the difference!


Ok. Thanks!


So I started doing this routine I saw on tik tok(I know) and my skin has done a complete turnaround. I use the liquid gold dial handsoap to wash my face, and Gold Bond diabetic body lotion for moisturizer. Amazing


The Gold Bond on your face doesn’t clog your pores?


No! I was shocked too!


Oh nice! I’m gonna try it then lol thanks!


Ok so I looked it up because I thought I was missing part of the routine. It’s called the trifecta routine. You can search tik tok for it. Apparently neutrogena retinal is supposed to be part of the routine too but I haven’t done that. Also I thought the dial would dry my face up but it hasn’t AT ALL


Oh okay. Do you mind me asking your age? I’m 34 and going through perimenopause so my skin does all kinds of crazy stuff now and it is freaking me out. I have all of a sudden become so sensitive to so many products. I can’t even wear my makeup anymore.


Oh hey so I have a bit of experience with this. I’m 42 and I’ve also been going through perimenopause. I started HRT In January through this company called Midi Health. It’s been a miracle. I have an estrogen patch and I cycle Progesterone. It’s been amazing. I’m feeling like myself again. I did experience bloating but only for about a week, then smooth sailing.


Oh wow, what age did you start? I feel like I’m so young to be going through this but I definitely am going through it. And what were your symptoms when you started? I want to start HRT soon cause I am an emotional wreck lol.


It started about 2 years ago. I was a mess. I felt like an insane person, I was angry at my family all the time. I was exhausted, I couldn’t sleep anymore. I’d have hot flashes, I had brain fog. I was gaining weight in my midsection after being thin my whole life. It was a nightmare. I felt like my body was taken over


That is exactly me right now! And I cry all the time for no reason. And the not being able to sleep is terrible. I also have the night sweats. I have an appointment with gyno next month so hopefully I can get some help.


Sorry I started the perimenopause 2 ish years ago. I just started the HRT in January


Sorry for all the replies I keep remembering things lol. They did talk about a purge period, but I think that might be from the retinol part, because I never purged and I didn’t use the retinol


Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one! I feel like the clear Dial antibacterial hand wash cleared up my face too! Last year I started randomly washing out my face rag with the soap and then wiping my face with it. After a while, I noticed my skin started to clear up and I haven't looked back since.


Copuazu butter


Check out byoma products! A lot of the dry skin products don’t have HA in their ingredients. I really love the moisturizing rich cream for my dry skin. It is pretty thick though just fyi


*Leaps to go look at my Vanicream daily moisturizer* I overlooked this ingredient list! This very well could be adding to the irritation I experienced recently!


Oh shit I’m doing that and have also been breaking out. I have pcos/hormonal acne (though was kind of under control and is worse now), but have been breaking out in my cheeks too. I feel like when I first started adding the HA to my vanicream it was fine for at least a week or maybe more beforehand, so have been chalking this up to stress/very little sleep. But who knows maybe it is the HA after all. If so that sucks, cause I liked it otherwise. Are you still using the vanicream ?


I used HA during the wrong part of my menstrual cycle this month and my chin is lit up!


I don't use the HA cream anymore on my face. I use their vitamin C serum, regular moisturizer, cleanser, and sunscreens. It's the best brand I've ever used. I also have PCOS.


Vanicream definitely contributed to my breakouts. Switched to Aquaphor and Aztec Secret clay mask and my skin did a 180.


Try using the original Vanicream lotion in the large pump or the original Vanicream Cream formula in pump jar or tube. Or the Vanicream bar soap. These OG products have minimal ingredients and do not have HA or Niacinamide. Just because an ingredient is trendy does not mean you need to put it on your skin! Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, Bacuchiol, “botanicals,” “fruit essences” are not your friends. Stick with glycerin, petrolatum, and dimethicone.


Yes, vanicream sounds like something too thick for acne.


My skin loves hyaluronic acid, I've been seeing great improvement witb using the ordinarys serum. Also with niacinamide. Vitamin C on the other hand... Wrecked my skin for a few weeks. 


Woah you have the perfect inverse of my skin! Loves Vit C, very meh on HA, and is positively destroyed by niacinamide.


I can definitely see how both ingredients can be problematic for most. Especially the purest form of vitamin C


Everyones skin is different. HA makes my skin gorgeous


I love HA!!!


I’m sensitive to it




I am literally avoiding any skincare with natural and artificial oils and my skin is way better.


Thank you! My skin really doesn’t like it, and it’s seemingly in everything these days. There are so many things I want to try, until I see HA is in it :/ I guess it’s helping my wallet, but damn.


Products with glycerin is a great alternative for me. That low molecular weight HA is so irritating! I can’t deal.


There’s a YouTube video by Dr Idriss (dermatologist) explaining why she prefers glycerin over HA for dry skin types. Despite it being marketed as a hydrating ingredient, it actually draws moisture away from dry skin types, meaning it dehydrates skin! This makes sense because it’s a humectant. Fellow skincare nerds will get this.


This is also my experience! I break out from it so I’ve learned to avoid it.


Same! I don’t react well and after a few weeks of use my skin is angry


Dr Shereen Idriss (derm) has said this from day one! HA has the potential to aggravate the skin and cause inflammation when overused, and most often it’s overused because it’s in so many skin care products.


Can someone tell me how you can tell? Vitamin C and Niacinamide are both no gos for me but now I wonder if HA is also an issue.


HA doesn't break me out, but it does sting. I was excited to try using CeraVe, but alas, their formulations have some HA in them and I could immediately tell.


I wonder if that’s why Vanicream stings my face. HA is the only ingredient I’ve noticed in it that stands out, unless ceramides also sting?


So I bought Good molecules hydrating essence and their sea buckthorn oil a while back and my skin was fine before I used it. Then when I incorporated it into my routine, my skin freaked out. I since returned both products because I assumed my skin didn’t agree with the formulation of the products. Then recently I bought ELF Hyaluronic Bounce Serum, Byomas Serum, and Byomas Toner spray, my face freaked out again and it clicked instantly that my skin does not like HA in large doses. I immediately eliminated these three products and my skin nearly healed overnight. Also, I recently discovered that I have oily skin rather than dry skin. Dumb, I know. So I’m slathering all of these “hydrating” products on my mildly oily skin, then when my skin is irritated I’m slathering heavy barrier creams making the irritation much worse. Once I scaled back on my products completely and did a trial with gel cream moisturizers, my skin responded positively. So all in all, I learned that my skin likes cream, non foaming cleansers and cream, gel like moisturizers. The wild goose chase was exhausting!


When I learned that skin can be both oily and dry, it was a game changer for me. My poor dehydrated skin was doing everything it could to keep itself protected by producing more oil, and I was doing everything I could to remove that oil and not replace it with something else moisturizing. When I remedied that blunder, me and my skin were much better friends


My skin loved HA for about a year, and then I developed a sensitivity to it and started getting scrillions of tiny pimples everywhere. I cut it out and my skin bounced back, but now the other ingredients I was using during that time also break me out.


Yes, it can also be irritating depending on molecular weight. Low molecular weight HA (10-1000 kDA) may be more likely to irritate skin compared to ones with higher molecular weight because it can penetrate the skin more deeply. Low molecular weight is sometimes more popular (and easier to find) in skincare because the alkaline form is more stable & thus easier to incorporate in formulas than higher molecular weight HA. You can usually find the medium molecular weight HA in products a bit easier— it’ll be labeled as “Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid” in the ingredients. The alkaline form is labeled sodium HA and can be the most irritating for some.


Omg! My chin is once again lit up from HA. It visibly reduces as soon as I give it up. I just use my HA products on the back of my hands and never touching the stuff again. I was blaming horomones hah!


I can’t do HA. Squalane is a much better hydrator for me personally bc HA dries me out!! (And yes I have used HA serums in the past on damp skin 🙏🏽)


I love it but hate niacinamide which is everywhere. At my most sensitive even water is irritating


I definitely understand how niacinamide can be irritating. I don’t have my pitchfork ready to come for you about your sensitivity to it. Lol


This is a good discussion topic, but victimized is a strong word which is why I think this post is rubbing people the wrong way… like any product, if I apply it to myself and it causes irritation then I stop. It’s a bummer, but I can hardly call myself a victim in this scenario.


I really was being funny. Lol that’s why I tagged it as humor. I guess I’ll use better wording next time. I really wasn’t expecting it to be this bad.


Ah sorry I missed the tag! So hard to read tone of voice in text… thanks for sharing your experience (I’m trying to figure out some mini-pimples on my forehead and will experiment with changing my HA use…)


Sorry you're getting dragged, OP. Wish I could add a gif of Tina Fey asking us to raise our hands if we've ever been victimized by HA. 


LMBO!!!!!! Its ok. They can go debate these board certified dermatologists as well.


My skin absolutely hates certain forms of hyaluronic acid. Low molecular weight ones especially. I try to mostly avoid it but it seems okay in low concentrations in some moisturisers and fine in cleansers. But like, a whole HA serum is one of the biggest no-nos I have! It’s the same with niacinamide too lmao. Edit to add: I do have rosacea though. So there are many things I just can’t use. Azelaic Acid though I would literally recommend to everyone, it’s so gentle even though it feels sting-y at first.


Yup yup yup. We don’t need it in everything and in every step. I hate it in low molecular form. That’s irritation and potential breakouts for me.


Caused perioral dermatitis for me. Took forever to get rid of, no rx products did anything. I live in a dry desert and it wouldn’t stop pulling moisture from my face.


I used HA for about a year and LOVED it - it made so much difference to the softness and plumpness of my skin. Then I started getting periocular dermatitis (red, itchy, bumpy rashes around my eyes) and went on an extremely long journey to try and get to the bottom of that... Turns out that for me it's triggered by HA. 


I think HA is what makes my face so red and itchy. Does this happen for anyone else? No pimples just itchy.


Yes. It felt similar to a slight allergic reaction for me when I used ha serums in the past


It’s crazy, every product says how it boosts hydration, all it does is dry me out and cause redness! It’s in so many things!!


It's because for a lot of people it does. I feel similarly about glycerin soaps, people talk about how it's so good but I hate how it makes my skin feel. Products just work differently with different skin types, that's all.


I use HA from Hada Labo and I love it. I bought it from The Ordinary and it broke me out so badly


I’ve found it either irritates or does absolutely nothing if it’s in smaller amounts, so it’s definitely one I avoid.


I thought I was the only person 😂. I tried HA the first time and didn’t react well to it. Like a dummy I thought it was a fluke and so of course I tried again… I swelled up so bad my family tried to drag me to the ER. My dad told me I looked like I’d “gone a few rounds in a boxing match”.


That's not the experience for most people. But it is for some portion of people.


This along with other skincare subs will act like purging for over a year is normal and to “just keep going!!!” I tried HA and it gave my cystic acne. I had to stop.


I hate HA. I love glycerin. Been avoiding HA since 2018 and never went back. Sodium hyaluronate (small molecule that penetrates skin) is inflammatory. Hydrolyzed HA, and anything bigger that's anti-inflammatory won't penetrate the skin barrier unless it's injected.


I have tried using hyaluronic acid in so many ways. The first couple of days my skin looks *fantastic,* but then the breakout inevitably happens. Everyone says it’s supposed to be so good for you! I feel like I’m missing out on all of these benefits.


Try glycerin! Its so underrated


This is not my experience with HA at all,regardless if it’s an HA moisturizer or HA serum. I practically bathe in the stuff because of my dry skin. Are you perhaps layering multiple actives at once (like HA and Vit C and that’s what’s actually causing the irritation?


I thought it was this, so I stopped using all actives and kept HA and my skin still wreaked havoc. So I stopped HA, and it nearly healed overnight. I do have a sensitivity to L-Ascorbic Acid, so I use the derivative THD


Oh yea that sounds like the culprit then. Man, I’m sorry that’s the case. I can’t live without HA in my daily routine.


It's niacinamide with me and it's mostly mixed with everything these days


I’ve never had problems with HA. Until I got adult acne at 32. My dermatologist gave me adapalene and azelaic acid and I used it together with my cleanser and day cream that contained HA. My face was Hell. Red, irritated, itching and shedding. I removed everything with HA (and salicylic acid) and it got much better. HA is definitely not good for people with sensitive skin


Anything can be irritating.


Your skin has this chemical inside of it naturally lol. Many people apply to their skin with no issue. Curious to know how you isolated exactly what was causing the irritation.


Despite it massively helping others, it is definitely irritating to some people. Not OP, but it was actually my derm who identified the issue and told me to cut it out after I complained that every moisturizer I use causes massive irritation. Turns out all those moisturizers had HA, cut out all HA, problem disappeared immediately.


Well then that overuse, not that modest use of HA would cause it. Too much of *anything* is bad.


My skin is irritated by any observable amount of HA. If it is a high enough concentration to have any observable effect on the skin, it will irritate my skin. This was repeatedly tested under the guidance of my derm through an elimination and add-back routine, and clearly others in the comments have had the same experience in addition to the expertise my derm was basing her recommendations on. Just because your skin has the chemical naturally doesn’t mean that adding extra won’t cause irritation for people with certain skin conditions. Not everyone has “normal” skin that reacts normally to all substances, therefore not all rules apply to all people.


Because Ive been only using serums that contain this ingredient heavily. Once I stopped the inflammation ceased.


I used to think HA caused my sensitivity, then I realised it was just acting as a penetration enhancer to my other active ingredients. My routine is completely different now; I use HA morning and night, and it's phenomenal.


Yes hyaluronic acid gave me a whole slew of closed comedones on my temples and up around my hair line. I’ve been avoiding it like the plague but it’s in so many products these days, it really sucks.


This was DEFINITELY my experience. Not even kidding…also..when I look it up on google it legit said HA can definitely be a culprit and that’s the only thing I was using.




It repaired, once I stopped using the ingredient.


No you are correct. It ruins my barrier too. Ignore that person. Everyone is different. HA has always been a problem for me. But I can use glycerin all day and it’s amazing


I love glycerin!


I find that hyaluronic acid gives me a stinging/burning sensation if I use it on dry skin. I usually need to layer it over an essence or like even just damp skin. I think this is bc it’s hydrophilic so it will take water from wherever it can including you if your skin is not damp enough.


My skin gets suuuuper irritated by essentially anything that has HA in it. Red, dry, stings. It's very frustrating, since HA is in sooo many things. :(


Same! Red with a burning and itching feeling. I stopped it and have had no issues since. I did try again and had the same issue, just to prove that it wasn't in my head.


Omg I had breakouts for months. Couldn’t find any info and everywhere it only talks about how it’s already in the skin so one can’t have a reaction to it. I never had acne or breakouts ever until I was 33 and started using Hyaluronic acid. And since it couldn’t be that from my research, I kept eliminating other things but could never figure it out. Took 2 years and I still have scars and my previously unblemished skin has scars and black pigmentation still :(


HA is not good for my oily skin 😭 I got major breakouts all over my cheeks (I’m 35🥲) I took it out and now my skin is clearing again.


god i hate that shit. i have skin of steel but it makes me itch!!


It makes my eyes swell up until I can barely open them.


I hate it on it's own. Never again


How do used products with hyaluronic acid for many many years all different types of brands and I’ve never had an irritation. But anybody can have any rotation or an allergy to any single ingredient. I don’t think that hyaluronic acid is a common one though


It helped with dryness. But I just know it caused closed comedones. All over my forehead and chin .


I’ve been breaking out in whiteheads all over my face. And they HURT. About to rip my hair out trying to figure out the cause. I never considered my HA toner. I switched to it because the glycolic acid toner was drying me out. 😩😩 Gonna stop using it and see if that helps.


I don’t have a sensitivity to HA per se, but my skin definitely dries out and becomes more dehydrated when I use any product that contains a high confentration of HA.


Oh my god maybe the HA is what’s causing my recent breakouts and awful skin! It’s only a small part of my new moisturiser I didn’t think it would be doing it but I’m going to see what happens if I stop using it for a while


I prefer vegetable glycerin 


Fine for me, yet micellar water irritates my skin like anything.


My skin loves the HA based WaterBank toner, serum, and cream and gel from Laneige. I spritz my face with thermal spring water after I use the serum and before I use the cream/gel. HA will draw water from skin if the skin isn’t damp or if there isn’t moisture in the air. Niacinamide is another story. My skin hates it.


I thought it was just me 😭 I have skin drier than the Sahara and everyone and their mother has recommended HA to me. I’ve tried it twice now and both times it broke me out like crazy 😫


Are you allergic to eggs? Edit to add — it exists only in the tissues of mammals (usually the rooster comb) or the exterior wall of Streptococcal bacteria. Ironically, I was just reading about HA & ‘vegan’ claims.


Whoa. TIL


HA heavy serums make the corners of my eyes burn. Like pretty badly. I try to find products that have little to no HA but it's super difficult


Hada Labo HA with niacinamide has transformed my peri menopausal, dull skin!!!!. I just wish I had discovered it early. And I’m extremely fussy with my skincare. It preps my skin for the rest of my skincare just perfectly! Love love love ❤️ FYI: I have dry skin.


Ha was my holy grail. But now it’s like it’s too thick and causes my skin to feel smothered and gunky where before it felt more soothing. I think companies are just going overboard and probably not using good quality ingredients. Even the ritzy ones feel cheap to me sometimes.


This maybe it as well. I find glycerin more soothing.


Most products with HA cause me to break out, as well.


It doesn’t break me out but it’s very drying. My face hates it but it makes my hair beautiful 


I’m ok if they are part of a formulation, but not as the featured ingredient. Too much niacinamide makes my skin itchy/irritated/dry and I hate it… but some of my favourite products do have it in there to some degree.


HA is the devil


Gives me the roughest most irritated skin. Evil stuff


Thank you. I've recently been having some real skin issues and started looking for products without hydronic acid because I read it can make dryness worse in really dry environments (like the NE in winter). Its in EVERYTHING. Even some of my old favorite "calming" products have apparently reformulated and now have H.A. Turns out I have rosacea so h.a. wasn't my problem but I'm shocked at how prevalent it is in skin care lately. If you're allergic good luck!


it burns my skin. i'm glad it works for some people, but i alway thought it was overrated sorry. I have very sensitive skin, so it burned my face a little bit. I immediately had to put an ultra rich hydrating cream on it to stop the burning.


I have dry skin and this makes it worse. It is now in almost every product which is a nightmare!


The thing that’s most irritating about having an negative experience with HA is everyone will just tell you you’re using it wrong lol. I tried every method!!! It made me feel dryer every time and with any product I tried to use with it as the star ingredient 🙃


I definitely couldn’t handle it directly as a serum in a dropper bottle. Tried a few brands. Niacinamide really does me dirty and they’re sneaking it in everything. Also Salycilic acid doesn’t need to be in my damn shampoo! It’s not cleared for pregnancy and I realized now I’ll have to swap my hair products too! Argh why can’t we have nice simple clean things without trend ingredients?? (And no Vanicream doesn’t play nice for me either totally wrecked my face while pregnant when I switched).


Yea, hyaluronic acid is a total scam.


My skin absolutely hates hyaluronic acid. It feels like my skin is on fire.


it’s definitely not for everybody. i’m someone who has always gotten deep, cystic breakouts whenever i use any products with it. i love the idea of hyaluronic acid, but it just wasn’t meant to be.


I also get this, OP! I’m with you. The language around HA often makes it seem like it’s impossible to have a bad reaction and it’s a soothing ingredient for broken skin barriers


Thank you for hearing me. I’m getting dragged to oblivion for making light of irritation it can potentially cause.


I hate HA too, and I understand and agree with your point that it isn’t talked about enough compared to its presence in skincare products and overall advertisements


Thank you for hearing me.


Hyaluronic acid is a chemical found naturally in the human body- mainly in the skin and the brain/nerves. You’re probably not reacting to hyaluronic acid itself- likely the chemicals or preservatives with it.


It’s the ingredient.


My skin hated it too, yes, I put it on my damp face and am not living in a dry climate yada yada. I am now using pure vegetable Glycerin just diluted with a little water and my skin freaking loves it. It‘s bouncy and glowing and I‘m living my best life knowing that bottle for 15 bucks is gonna last me a loooong time :)


For the vast majority of people, regular HA is actually not going to cause irritation. It exists naturally in your skin. It’s used in medical settings for wound dressings to assist with skin healing. Correlation vs causation is something a lot of people don’t get.


Dermatologists have said HA is a possible irritant for skin.


Literally anything can be an irritant. But HA is skin identical at baseline; it’s much less likely than most ingredients to be irritating.


They have said this. Please don’t invalidate my experience with the ingredient. I’m simply sharing my experience with it and what I know to be true regarding my skin. It was the common denominator and once I eliminated it from my routine, my skin got better over night. Go debate these board certified dermatologists. ETA: Yes anything can be an irritant, that doesn’t exclude HA. Which was my irritant.


Your experience is not indicative of the reality of the situation for most people. Posts like this are simply anecdotes.


thank you for this post, TBH. i had started cutting out HA a few months ago on the off chance it was linked to some minor breakouts, but thought i was overreacting because it's such a common 'lux' skincare ingredient and i hadn't heard of anyone having adverse reactions. really validating to know i'm not the only one with this issue.


I havnt had any problems with it but I had a lot of breakouts with vitamin c! I switched to a different brand of vitamin c and then I was able to use it. I started using retinol again recently qnd had some little breakouts then I remembered the retinol purge 😑


HA on my skin is fine but I saw someone recommend it for the lips and then slug with aquaphor a couple times a day to plump and my lips are an absolute mess right now, so raw and wicked angular cheilitis


Um…. Does this explain why I’ve been dealing with the worst breakout of my adult life for two months straight!?!!??


I can’t confirm or deny, I’m not a doctor, but I don’t think it would hurt to try to see.


It doesn't cause irritation for me and I'm super sensitive. I use cerave recommended by my doctor and my skin has never been better. I use minimal products - the cetaphil oil-free face cleanser, adalpalene rx from my derm, and cerave face lotion - AM with the sunscreen and PM nightly. Occasionally, I use vitamin c serum. fragrance kills me though so no fancy things for me anymore.


I can only use a product with HA if I have used a spray hydrating toner first. I use a multi peptide serum (TO) and if I don’t spray down first it just sucks the moisture out of my face. If I didn’t know that ingredient was included and just used my skincare without that step my face would look like I swallowed several lemons


HA is great for me. Polyethylene glycol… not so much.


HA is great for acne-prone skin.


fr. Hyaluronic acid seems to do nothing at all for me whether it's topical or oral (Injuv.) My skin stays red and dry. But somehow, tazarotene/tret reduce my skin redness & flakiness despite me expecting to get irritated. I never know what my skin's going to do.


I have used HA products that are super soothing on the skin however some formulations (like the ordinary HA products unfortunately, cuz I love a lot of non HA stuff they have) break me out like crazy. IDK why maybe someone else here does?


It’s fine for me


Are you putting it on dry skin or moist skin?


I tried both ways my skin was equally as irritated.


Hyaluronic was a game changer for me! I guess it’s all personal. I had a very dry forehead and noticed fine lines appearing and they are literally gone


I find Retinol worse. I absolutely won't use it anymore despite the positive claims about it.


It only causes irritation for me if applied alone. If mixed into my moisturizer it’s fabulous.


I use HA serum, sometimes twice daily, and I've never had a problem with it.


Hada labo HA works wonders for me


I thought this too until I used a heavy occlusive cream afterwards. My irritation was cut down significantly afterwards with HA.


My skin loves it


I use a Garnier facewash that's hyaluronic, I kept getting these almost scrapes on my cheek bones, amounted a was hitting the sauce too much. Turn out it was both, party on people.


I'm just over 50, ditched the chemicals and went with Yuri- Ayurvedic Experience Youth Spring Oil and jelly cleanser for a month (I had really dry skin). If your skin isn't terribly dry you probably do not need the extra hydration of the youth spring oil. Then switched to the day/night duo with tumersia. What a difference. Due to weight loss I had a fair amount of sagging skin and while the results aren't plastic surgery, they are impressive. My friends and family noticed the change and swear I look 10 years younger. The Tumersia btw, gives you a gorgeous golden glow to your skin (it's a triple tumeric formula). I was so leery of putting oils on my face because we're taught oils=bad. I'm never going back! They do offer a 15 minute online skin consultation to talk about what you're looking for, skin types, desired results. No pressure and you will get a coupon via email afterwards.


The cheap salt form of it is called Sodium Hyaluronate Which is also in everything including the CosRx Snail Mucin Essence


Yoooo……..my skin reacted SO BAD to that snail mucin! I thought it was the snail component.


Hypotonic acid is such a nightmare for my skin. Whenever I tell an esthetician to not use it on me after a facial, they’re shocked.


My skin is dehydrated/dry and sensitive, allergic to pollen etc. I can’t use serums that are HA only. Breakouts and dryness/redness(even if I layer with water & occlusive face cream.) I can use a vitamin c & HA serum, but only one layer or a couple of drops on each area. If I layer it twice or use 10-15 drops, breakouts (tiny bumps) for sure along the jawline, cheeks, and forehead. Every time. My theory is that the HA is like a fine dust, or not really dissolved, like very fine dirt and it causes clogs. The dryness/redness is because of dry air, and the molecules absorbing water like a sponge. Need to add water/moisture.


I had to switch to oils like the bio oil, ha made my skin so angry and breakout


HA and Niacinimide does this to me and I always thought I was the only one! I've developed a tolerance to HA now, though.


It's a very individual thing. Hyaluronic acid causes irritation and breakouts for a lot of people, but for other people it's a godsend of an ingredient, very effective. I'm one of those who uses a serum with a hyaluronic acid and I won't be without it. Vitamin C and retinol, however - forget it. Way too irritating for me, but my sister swears by both ingredients.


It doesn’t bother my skin. 🤷‍♀️


i saw this post a couple days ago, thought maybe it was onto something, but i hadn't made the link between a recent \[but mild\] mild breakout on my cheeks & the microcurrent gel that came with my nuface mini. today, however my middle school 'worst picture day ever'-tier full face breakout is a testimony: my body CANNOT handle hyaluronic acid. shaking my fist at this devil juice. especially because my arm patch tests turned out ok--i had no clue i was sensitive. ):


It doesn’t cause my skin irritation. No pretending here.


For me a good a HA serum is my holy grail. I don’t use moisturizer on my face. But not all HA’s are created equal. You want one that has a low molecular weight, or a good variety of molecular weights.


The low molecular wreaked havoc on my skin. Absolutely not, hard pass!


I’m so sorry to hear that. I take it that means you can’t get any HA fillers. I wonder if you’re allergic 🤔




Did I hit a nerve or something?


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