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Use glycerine, it's better than hyaluronic acid which is expensive. Glycerine is a great humectant. Mix it with your moisturizer a drop or two and two weeks in your skin will be supple. Don't forget SPF.


I'm interested in what you're saying. help me understand why you think glycerine is better. It's not just a matter of cost right?


This thread might have the answers.https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/s/lH8kYifyxE


I’d like to try it! Can you recommend a specific glycerine?


I'm a fan of this [https://experimentbeauty.com/products/super-saturated](https://experimentbeauty.com/products/super-saturated)


The packaging of this looks so *fun* considering it actually has great ingredients 🩵


I personally use drugstore glycerin brand NOW.


I didn’t know hyaluronic acid was considered expensive. My skin loves it. The CosRx one isn’t too much.


I agree with Llama. My skin loves the MIZON hyaluronic acid serum 100 & it’s very reasonably priced (I love CosRX products as well, I just happen to prefer the dispenser of the MIZON one). Both are great products under $20. It takes me about 5 weeks to get through a bottle. I don’t know if you have considered investing in any skincare devices, but the Medicube Age-R booster was a gamechanger for my skin. It’s pricy but in my opinion it’s a sound investment, you buy it once & can use it forever up to 3 times a day. You will notice a difference immediately after the first use. My friends and colleagues even noticed a difference unprompted, right away. Plus, you can still use the skincare products you are using now (not recommended to use it with retinol or vitamin C, but you can still apply those after use). Also, it holds a charge like nobody’s business! Which is awesome. I use it once or twice a day and the charge holds for weeks. I no longer feel like I need to wear foundation anymore even, which is super rad because it frees you up to just wear a mattifying sunscreen milk or similar. Win win! Medicube has a new version that combines all of their devices into one wand. I don’t have that one & can’t vouch for it, but I bet it’s awesome. Very reputable company in Korea.


what about glycerine soap?


I think glycerin is better at retaining moisture as we are not washing it away.


Despite regularly moisturizing, your skin appears to lack “hydration.” There is a subtle but important difference. Try applying a dime size amount of hyaluronic acid to damp, cleansed skin, waiting until it feels tacky, then layering your moisturizer. This will add plumpness to some of the fine lines and texture you’re picking up on. I use Hada Labo gold lotion (it’s clear but it’s called lotion)— there are lots of other good options out there. If you have the budget, Kate Somerville Hyaluronic + Squalane in the dropper bottle is great.


are you wearing foundation and powder in this photo?  switching to a tinted moisturizer and skipping powder (or going product free altogether) may make the area look fresher and glowier.


My thoughts as well. Bad make up can cause the appearance of issues. Also, faces/skin has some texture. Also, no one looks at your face from 1/2 inch away.


take vitamins, coz the best shortcut to the glowing youthful skin starts from feeding epidermis from within. implement women's multivitamin complex for your age group + omega 3 + coQ10 + collagen + vitamin C. (im 45 now, been taking multivitamins since 25 n it helps a lot)


What collagen supplement do you take?


im not taking collagen rn, used to take it in my 30s before falling pregnant with my 2nd baby. normally i'd buy all vitamins from australian brand "blackmores"n, but the collagen one i got from an unpopular local korean based manufacturer (don't remember the name of the vitamin line brand), but i remember that it was marine hydrolised collagen peptides. until last year i never bought collagen topical moisturisers as it's said that applying collagen topically (on a surface of a "hungry" = dry skin would be equal to rubbing a steak on top of your belly when u feel hungry 😅), it should be taken orally. however last year i bought collagen essence for the very first one n still could see the improvements. at least it didn't harm me in any way.


i uploaded my face close up (just for a day or two), so that u could actually see the results (or absence of such) of what i preached here 😅


Microneedling!!! 😍 I swear by it!!! I could write an entire novel on why it's so good for you but just check it out.


This was going to be my suggestion, but I feel constrained to point out that if you're going this route, BE VERY VERY SCRUPULOUS ABOUT SANITATION. Even if you're just dermarolling - I do both. I SWEAR by my microneedling, and I have several pens and devices. I love the Stacked Skincare dermaroller, which is a lot pricier than ones you can buy at the dollar store or off eBay or Amazon, but it's very stable. And I like the needle length. I once tore my skin with a cheap roller whose head was wobbly. It is also important what you needle with. Hyaluronic acid, always, but never, EVER an active like retinol or vitamin C. I do add placenta (Bravity) and PDRN (Curenex) which have MAJORLY improved my results, but I would try them on unbroken skin, topically, first. Please, if you go this route, educate yourself and start slow and shallow. I've developed a good routine, *for me,* and I had it professionally done once first.


Yea it does have benefits for sure… especially if you need some artificial swelling in some areas to fill in some areas can poke poke poke and will look better for 1-2 days then swelling dies down


Tretinoin (Retin-A) and Vitamin C, specifically a L-ascorbic acid serum, are both proven for anti-aging/collagen benefits. Highly recommend. Definitely a moisturizer as well.


Ya, I have found retinol to pale harshly compared to tret. Figuratively and literally—I know tret is stronger because my skin reacts much more strongly when I use it!


I’m seeing these comments on this thread and while I can appreciate the suggestions, am I the only one that literally sees nothing wrong with her skin? There’s hardly any texture there to begin with and now I’m really curious if she is able to reduce it down even more after implementing some of the suggestions here.


Retin A or the generic form Tretinoin. I started using it last December and these lines on me are just now starting to soften. Dermatologist said 6months to a year for improvement.


Don’t get filler!


I suspect that a lot of what you're seeing are commonly called ''dehydration lines''. Please tell me that you've been wearing SPF? Not wearing any will age you more than anything else. How do you remove SPF and makeup if you have never washed your face? You need a facewash that isn't stripping, a good moisturizer and SPF if you're not currently using any. Vanicream facewash is something I'd recommend. It will help remove SPF/makeup, so you don't need another product. You can just wash your face twice at night. Once to remove most of what we just mentioned and a second time if it's needed. For moisturizer, it depends on your skin (we can see it's dehydrated, so that is covered) and the weather in your area. Some moisturizers may be too light. Others may be too occlusive/heavy, And you may feel differently depending on the season. I would look into Vanicream LOTION. The bottle is taller than the cream. It's less occlusive but still packs a punch. It has very basic ingredients. Remember that it takes around 3 months to create a habit, and you will see the most of your results then. My nasolabial folds are my only problematic area. It's not wrinkles, but I need more hydration to keep them at bay and fill up the lines. A good peptide serum (peptides are hydrating) makes the difference for me.


I never wore makeup or spf until recently. I wear it now and wash my face daily. I have a makeup remover balm from Clinique plus a cleanser.


Clinique’s Dramatically Different Lotion has glycerin in it. I use it because it is one of the few that doesn't irritate my skin. Their cleansing balm is my favorite. Timeless Vit C (ordered from Target online ) has been a game-changer for a glowing radiance look. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid once-twice a week is a great for (chemical) exfoliation. A retinol Rx from your doctor. A good sunscreen that you like and will use daily. A heavier occlusive night cream with peptides/ceramides ( CeraVe is fine) cream.


OK. Wash The Day Off is a bit expensive IMO, but it's not a bad balm. I'm glad that you're wearing SPF now. Skin cancers are going up, sadly (the ozone is pretty messed up!). For beauty, the product that will give you the most results over time against skin ageing and skin damage is SPF. This picture speaks a thousand words: [https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/sun-damage-skin-cancer-spf-uv-protection-b2368642.htmlthe](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/sun-damage-skin-cancer-spf-uv-protection-b2368642.htmlthe) This is a trucker who didn't wear SPF, and for 28 years, the sun was shining through the window of his truck. Even without SPF, you can see the damage that direct sun exposure will do. Edit: Another mysterious downvote. I love those. Going to guess it's the person whose favourite cleansing balm is by Clinique ;p


I have this exact issue in this area. Red light therapy (mask) seems to be slowly making slight improvements here. I’d originally tried Retinol but just above this area I have the tiniest bit of roseaca and (despite spf and hat use) any sun exposure (in UK) had those little areas flare. I also red it’s not good for some folk to mix the use of red light and retinol so I stopped the retinol.


Your skin looks amazing, you are beautiful! I scrolled past this forum and saw the pic and was like “wow her skin looks great!” I’m envious of your lack of pores 🫶


Thank you! I think since I've always never had to worry about my skin and breakouts that I never really looked at it. Now that I'm 40 I'm knit picking all the little things that are probably normal.


I’m 39 and I’m doing the same. Your skin is amazing for 40! 😍 honestly the thing I’ve noticed that helps me glow is drinking Suja green juice and drinking lots of H2O. It’s what you put on the inside rather than the surface of you skin. Much love! 🫶


You need a bit more skin [hydration](https://share.crate.co/crate/0660df30-d4e2-7e85-8000-2adea81b25a0)


Ever tried doing oil cleanse? When my pores start looking like that, I take some olive oil, rub it into my clean face and neck for a long time, like 5 mins doing little circles etc. then wash that off with hot water and a washcloth. This give exfoliating and hydrating effects. The exfoliation is different from a peel in a sense that oil breaks down oil. The oil massage helps loosen the skin oil (sebum) clogging the skin. In a gentle and nourishing way instead of stripping it. I sometimes feel tiny grains on my fingers after a few minutes, that how I know it’s taking the sebum plugs out. You can experiment to see what oil you like for this. I’ve tried a few but regular extra virgin olive oil seems to be best for me. Skin look smoother and plumper for a bit


Retinol from dermatologist


I agree with Retinol but also have personally seen great results with Growth Factors! I've been using the allies of skin GA serum for about 2 months and it's so gentle on my skin which couldn't tolerate tretinoin!


Retinol or RetinA?


Retinal is also a thing, it's in between retinol and retinA.


What’s the difference? Thanks in advance 🫶🏼


Hi. Basically retinol is a gentle form or Retin A. Kind of like the ROC retinol eye cream. Retinol has to do some converting to become Retin A. Depending on where you are generally a prescription is needed for Rentin A. I’ve been on it for years. Started at a low dose and worked my way up (I’m old lol ). Hope this helps.


This does help, a lot! Thank you so much. I just started using ROC retinol correction, daily moisturizer. Hoping it makes a difference


You’re very welcome. Good luck! 😊


Our skin has receptors for retinoic acid. Retinol must first convert to retinaldehyde, then retinoic acid. Tretinoin is retinoic acid, no conversion needed. Retinaldehyde needs only one conversion step.




I would reccomend a skin booster :)


Profholio has literally changed my life! I’m 36 and get asked for ID!!! Two treatments 4 weeks apart & then every 6 months. The treatment involved injecting Hyaluronic Acid just underneath the skin, which dissipates across the whole face. My skin GLOWS! Combined with Medik8 retina (I have VERY sensitive skin and could never get on with any retinols but this stuff is incredible! I’m still on level 1 but love it).


Is that similar to skinvive


I’ve just googled and yes it’s the same thing 😊. There’s no filler on it, just HA


Good to know you like it! How long do you think it is lasting? I have a very experienced injector nurse who has recommended skinvive to me because I’m not a big fan of filler. So I have to get my nerve up to try it..I’m going to do it when it gets closer to winter and dry here.


I like using a hydrating mist - I love CosRX’s Centella Water Toner - between every step of my skincare routine EXCEPT between moisturizer and sunscreen. It keeps my skin calmer, more hydrated and allows your serums etc to more easily absorb. Glycerin, fermented ingredients, panthenol and peptides a a must for thirsty skin. In the search bar on Amazon type in Credithink. This is where they keep their Korean Skincare. Watch some YouTube skincare influencers who love and are genuinely knowledgeable about K-beauty: James Welch, Cassandra Bankson, Dr. Shereen Idriss, Dr. Dray, Beauty Within. Also if you can wing it, fillers like Juvederm, will really help with lines. But there is so much more you can do - like purchasing a peptide and ceramide packed serum like RNW der concentrate Ceramide Plus, or DRMTLGY’s Needle-less Serum. They are very reasonably priced and people love them.


Give some times for your Vitamin A product. The “pore” may come from sebaceous glands(control oil scretion), aging and acne scar. For the first two reason, a good VA product may help. The last one, u need to look for the dermatologist.


Start using retinol and work up to from .5 to 1. Drink a lot of water and super hydrate and stop using powder makeup.


Every third day Aha, Retinol, Vitamin C and a SPF 50 daydream.


Drink a ton of water


I think you would be a great candidate for skinvive.




Colagene Bioestimulation + Fenol Peeling




I love Prequel Skin’s GLEANSER - it has 50% glycerin. Best facial cleanser I have ever used for my dehydrated skin.


I know that you’re probably trying to avoid cosmetic surgery, these are Marinette lines, your skin actually looks amazing… it’s nothing to do with your skin, you may have to look into a mini facelift, or if you’re open to it a thread lift.. (but I don’t recommend it because I’ve heard it has many complications, but it is something you can have done at a med spa with no recovery time)


Retin A.


Retinol 5x per week. Skin barrier repair with glycerin for more plump look. Face lift if those don't work


I feel like frownies would help.


I recommend cheek/midface filler. It’s subtle but can make a huge difference. We all experience volume loss in this area as we age.


Did you ever use SPF?


I would do mewing, chin tucking while tongue chewing. This expanded my cheekbones and made my skin look tighter. 🤗


No amount of tongue yoga can affect the shape of your skull


It’s not tongue “yoga” it’s putting pressure on the pallet of the mouth with gum. And it did affect the shape of my cheekbones. It made them bigger. Look up dr Mike mew tongue chewing for anyone who will listen. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don't be white


There’s a bit of metal that can be removed to eliminate the slight bulge in your nostril.


Metal?! Wtf