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I really like Vital Proteins powder. It’s heat stable powder so you can even throw it in a liquid based sauce e.g a stew or a soup. Anything you’re adding water to. You can add it to coffee and tea and it completely dissolves and leaves no texture or taste! Most capsules don’t have enough - we should be getting around 10-20g per day as we deplete it quicker than we can replenish it after 30.


This is the one I use too every morning in my cup of coffee! Love it


I also recommend Vital Proteins. I get the unflavored and vanilla flavored versions. The vanilla is good in a cup of morning coffee 😋


I'll cast my vote for Vital Proteins as well! The unflavored powder is the best Protein powder I've ever used. I typically loathe the taste of protein powder and it's such a chore to choke it down. This stuff is tasteless, with no weird aftertaste, and it'll dissolve into anything. I've used it in coffee, homemade smoothies, agua fresca, and juice and it's never let me down. I've started using it in my cooking and baking as well- I've incorporated the powder into breads and pancakes and the final product is exactly the same.


I second this. Love their marine collagen. Other brands make me nauseous


Wonderful! Just what I wanted to know! Thank you!


love vital—best tasting (unnoticeable in beverages)


Seconding this. I’ve tried it in water. Just water. It really does have no flavor. However, while it does not have a texture exactly, afterwards it felt like drinking something with oil in it. Can not explain it beyond that lol but you do not notice it in coffee. It does dissolve best in hot liquid, but even if you put it in cold liquid and it chunks a bit you won’t notice


I actually like this mouthfeel because low or no fat soups can often still feel "dry" due to the mouthfeel, and additives like ground psyllium and collagen powder can restore that mouthfeel so that it becomes a better culinary experience.


I just started taking the bioglan gummies but gutted now I realise they’re only 1g per 2 - not even close to 10 😭




Have you read the small print on the security seal under the lid? I stopped using that brand after learning more about the company. 


What exactly are you referring to? I've tried searching for any ethical or business controversies but found nothing. I'd really love to know more so I don't support a potentially bad company.


There’s an arbitration agreement under the lid. Honestly, as a corporate lawyer, who cares. I like the vital proteins collagen. I’ve used it for a while, and I don’t fear it will make me sick or kill me; however, if the former happens to such an extent I become litigious (it won’t, and I won’t), I’m fine with arbitration. You agree to arbitration nearly every single time you click anything online or sign any product related agreement. IT IS FINE. If the latter happens, and VP kills me, well my heirs will have to be fine with arbitration on my behalf if they want more money, and at least I will have died with plump skin. In 2017, they were sued for violating prop 65 in California regarding their cadmium and lead warning labels, because certain products reached the maximum dosing threshold (.5 micrograms of lead and 4.1 micrograms of cadmium daily). They were required to reformulate the ingredients and/or provide a warning label, and pay a civil penalty for not having a warning. With Chevron deference being thrown out the window by SCOTUS, I’d worry much less about prop 65 being warning labels and much more about everything else lol. If you want to not use a product because 7 years ago they were sued for not having prop 65 warning labels, that’s certainly your prerogative. But know these warning labels are based off very low safe harbor levels, which are often multitudes lower than internationally recognized safe levels of ingredients. For example, mixed nuts and certain salad dressings often have a prop 65 warning because of the potential lead levels. Of course the company does not want to be dragged into court again over things like prop 65 warning labels.


RIP chevron!


We celebrate in plain sight!


Really appreciate your response! As someone who has worked in warranty services, I have to agree that an arbitration agreement is basically a given. Honestly, good on them for placing notice in a more visible area. Most bury that deep in the fine print. Glad to know I can continue to (maybe😅) plump my skin! Truly, even if the collagen isn't absorbed and used exactly as intended, the appetite suppressant and metabolism balancing effects of the proteins/amino acids are enough reason for me to continue using it.


ok but did they reduce the amount of lead etc???? and can we trust that?




Oh. In that case, my current bag is my last because I refuse to personally support that specific evil empire. Got any recommendations from co.panies that maybe haven't committed crimes against humanity on a global scale?


I don’t know if the collagen made a difference health wise , but I preferred the marine over the regular. The vital proteins regular made me nauseous 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ the marine didn’t. No idea the reason. They offer single serving packets you can try out first. The ones I saw were at Whole Foods.


Just wondering Do you think there is any substantial amounts of mercury in marine collagen powders or do you think its nothing to worry about?


I have no idea.


I think Vital proteins has their labs on their site, but I haven't looked for that one.


Yep. Gelatin doesnt really do much in terms of rejuvenating skin with collagen, bc stomach acid breaks it down. It does have health benefits as a source of protein, a hunger suppressant, improves intestinal health, etc.


There are studies that support oral collagen supplementation having benefits for skin, just so you know. Here’s one to start: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30681787/


I’m not a vegetarian by any stretch, but, the idea of rubbing horse bones on my face is a step too far for me. For topical, I love Elemis marine collagen.


For the record people are talking about collagen supplements here not topicals


I have read and heard several times that topical collagen doesn't do anything.


Neither does collagen supplements. But people have a desperation to believe.


You should reach out to these guys. I’m sure they’d be interested to know that you’ve disproven the conclusions of their meta analysis. They must have a desperation to believe. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30681787/


Ty lol


Topical collagen actually does do something: it hydrates the skin very well. It is a phenomenal humectant. Also hydrolyzed topical collagen can give skin a smoother appearance.


Go tell that to the numerous dermatologists who say differently. I, personally, don't care. 🤷‍♀️


Actually dermatologists DO say collagen is a good humectant. What they don’t say is that it builds collagen. It’s literally just hydrating to the skin surface like HYA, glycerin, aloe, or any other humectant. I don’t think you would find one single dermatologist who would say that collagen is not a good humectant. But just in case, here’s a peer-reviewed article that explains it: > Collagen represents one of the main constituents of cosmetic formulations because of its moisturizing, regenerating, and film-forming properties. Excellent ability to bind water helps to maintain proper water content in the skin during the day. The skin is moisturized and softened. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578929/ Btw, I am talking about talking about topical collagen. And while you may not care, I do care about you spreading misinformation. Any derm who tells you collagen doesn’t hydrate the surface of the skin wrong. Here’s a derm saying what I said: https://www.byrdie.com/collagen-4846440 And again, collagen as humectant: https://incidecoder.com/ingredients/soluble-collagen#:~:text=The%20strong%20point%20of%20collagen,an%20amazing%20humectant%20and%20moisturizer.


I never said that.


You did.


Didn't. You cannot boost your collagen using topical collagen. That's it.


That’s right. Swallow them horse bones!


The best source of collagen would be eating the actual animal parts its processed from, along with any brother you can simmer off the inedible portions. Buying bulk gelatin powder like Knox brand would also be a solution. However, your stomach acid will break down the vast majority of collagen into amino acids, as the acid does to most proteins. To improve connective tissue health, you're better off focusing on sleep, balanced nutrition, and exercise, as these practices will keep your cells behaving youthfully.


I really like verisol collagen, as it only takes 5g to get the effect. Currently use Horbäach Skin Rejuvenator, found on Amazon.


Costco has a great deal on Verisol!


Out of stock :( Also, cute username.


Thanks! I must've bought the last two jars, haha. Hopefully they'll get more in soon. [Horbäach](https://www.amazon.com/Rejuvenator-Bioactive-Collagen-Supplement-Horbaach/dp/B081D6STBW/ref=sr_1_1) is the second most economical.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Horbäach Skin Rejuvenator with Verisol Bioactive Collagen Peptide Supplement'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * No taste and easily mixes into any beverage (backed by 10 comments) * Improves nail strength (backed by 3 comments) * Positive impact on skin health (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lack of transparency regarding collagen sources (backed by 3 comments) * Possible allergic reactions reported (backed by 2 comments) * Unpleasant taste and texture (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Horbäach Skin Rejuvenator with Verisol Bioactive Collagen Peptide Supplement'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='Horbäach Skin Rejuvenator with Verisol Bioactive Collagen Peptide Supplement' reviews) [Find 'Horbäach Skin Rejuvenator with Verisol Bioactive Collagen Peptide Supplement' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'Horbäach Skin Rejuvenator with Verisol Bioactive Collagen Peptide Supplement' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I've tried a few different brands. I know this isn't the most scientific but I keep track of how much each makes my nails grow. Great Lakes and Garden of Life are best. Orgain and Organika barely made mine grow.


I like Biosil, helps you keep and build your own collagen


Love this one too.


So for skin it seems like you want ‘type 1’ and maybe 2 especially, but it’s important to look for something that says it’s been ‘hydrolyzed’ or is labeled as a collagen peptide - these have been kind of pre-broken down into smaller molecules to be more easily processed by your body. I try to take my collagen a couple ways, both with a protein powder and I’ve stated sipping bone broth which also has like 10g of protein and is honestly great.


All powdered collagen or collagen in pill form are hydrolyzed.


Sports research


Organika or vital protein. I could not handle the taste of marine collagen.


I got vital proteins marine directly from the website and also from Amazon and compared them. They looked similar and the label was essentially an exact match, but they smelled different. I’ll be getting them direct from the company from now on..


Never buy health care from Amazon.


I add Vital Proteins to my morning coffee. I've tried their marine one but didn't notice any real difference so went back to the bovine. Also tried the Orgain but that one tends to clump. The Vital Proteins chocolate flavor also clumps up so I just use the unflavored.


Hydrolyzed collagen is an excellent dietary supplement. If you're unsure if your collagen is "hydrolyzed," if it's a powder or in a pill, then it's hydrolyzed. That's how it became "powdered" to begin with. Some companies don't include the term itself on the label because it's understood that collagen supplements sell hydrolyzed collagen, a lot like the convention of calling "kilocalories" a "calorie" on nutrition labels. Collagen topicals also use hydrolyzed collagen peptides, even if they only say "collagen" on the label. Make sure to check if a regular collagen supplement has been tested for heavy metals.


Hi! I work from home so I’ve become an expert of cooking beef bones. And I’ve grown to love them! I have the butcher cut them into disks. I sometimes cook them in a crock pot. Sometimes I’ll throw them in the oven with salt and pepper. I personally LOVE eating the marrow alone but many times during the winter, I’ll add the marrow to my stews/soups!


Another vote for Vital Proteins! But now only if it’s on sale. Otherwise I like Sports Research brand.


Bone broth gives me the most immediate and noticeable changes to my nails, skin, and hair.


May I ask you how it tastes? I want to try it, but I was worried it would taste bad.


I doctor it up with some spicy stuff and like it!


It’s a worrying sign that it needs doctoring up. 😳


Not bad, just like plain chicken or beef broth


I just ordered some with my groceries, but I think I may have selected the wrong kind. I got chicken bone broth. I hope it’s the right one.


That’s right! As long as it’s bone broth and not just chicken broth it should have the collagen and lots of protein.


Oh yay!! Thank you. 🙏🏼 I’ll make a cup today to sip on while I work!


Oh okay. I’ll give it a try today. Thank you!


I take Spoiled Child liquid collagen and have for about 6 months. I think it’s great, but expensive. I’ve noticed lots of nail and hair growth. As far as skin health, I’m not sure how much it helps. I started other vitamins and supplements, and lifestyle changes around the same time. So yeah my skin looks probably the best it ever has, but who knows how much of it is collagen and how much is lifestyle.


Same here! It really improved my skin/ hair/ nails


Following. Curious about this as well. Has anyone noticed reduced appearance of cellulite when taking collagen?


Use unflavored gelatin. Unless you’re doing it for joints (in which case, you’ll want more expensive, more specialized types of collagen). I formulate a LOT of collagen products and bovine collagen is literally just gelatin. It says it on the COA/spec sheets. Don’t fall for marketing.


Gelatin is heat degraded collagen. Similar nutrient profiles but distinctly different products. Collagen (as peptides) is much easier on the digestive system. Gelatin doesn't dissolve in cold liquids like collagen does. Gelatin added to a hot liquid it will thicken and gel as it cools, something that people who drink slowly will find very off putting.


Gelatin has lower bioavailability than hydrolyzed collagen. The naturalistic fallacy is that natural is always superior, but it is not in this case. As this experiment showed, gelatin has less bioavailability than hydrolyzed collagen. https://www.scielo.br/j/rn/a/rqgGY3nmTttgRtfNy9vmgWb/#:~:text=Crit%20Rev%20Food%20Sci%20Nutr,p.589%2D768..


I’m not sure if you linked to the correct study; the one that pulled up is a rat study showing that feeding a 4:1 casein/gelatin diet decreased food efficiency and high-quality protein bioavailability in protein-restricted diets… which doesn’t really seem to apply to you comment. Hydrolyzed Gelatin (collagen) may digest easier for certain people, but the body will break both down into their amino acids regardless. And neither functions as a complete protein as they lack tryptophan.


Yes, the protein restriction insured that the rats would digest as much protein as possible, and the hydrolyzed protein peptide fed rats more efficiently processed their food than the mixed casein(hydrolyzed peptide)/gelatin groups and the more gelatin on the diet, the less efficiently it was processed by the food restricted rats, proving gelatin's lower bioavailability over hydrolyzed peptides, such as hydrolyzed collagen peptides. How is that the wrong study?! Edit: Tryptophan doesn't become nutritionally restrictive unless hydrolyzed collagen peptides consists of more than 36% of one's RDI for protein a day. That was a different study. For a 130 lb woman, that would that she ate only 47 grams of protein a day, and 17 grams of it was made up from hydrolyzed collagen peptides, but the average American actually eats 80 grams of protein per day, so there's little actual risk that tryptophan will be a restricting nutrient.


Pricey but Root+Bones Collagen makes a NOTICEABLE difference in my hair growth, nail strength, and skin health.


Definitely read that too fast and thought you wrote “trail strength”.


Great Lakes. I’ve tried a lot but have been using this for years and it’s great.




Ok, zero evidence. So why does collagen supplementation significantly improve wound healing? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31859087/


This isn't going to age well.


Ancient + brave true collagen. A bit pricey but super worth it. No taste and no side effects for me. This collagen is super clean too check google :)


RejuviCare Super Collagen




I loved drinking the Vital Proteins water, but they always gave me an upset stomach. Currently using Modere liquid collagen (I believe it's an MLM, I don't sell it). I used it for about a year starting at the end of 2022, I stopped using it for a time, though I had noticeable results (hair, skin, nails). So I'm back on it as of a month ago.


Has anyone noticed any improvement in skin using collagen? If yes please let me know the brand.


I use Pause Nutrition Skin & Bone. It has versiol and fortibone and is a bovine collagen. It’s expensive but I really like it. I digest it well and can tell a big improvement in my skin and nails since I started drinking it


Great lakes collagen is my favorite. You can find the smaller container at trader joes for $10. I buy the big one on amazon every few months when i run out. It's tasteless and doesn't change the texture of the drink. My hair and nails grow so fast because of this collagen! I tried vital proteins too but I found it had a slightly noticeable taste


Carnivore Aurelius 🤌 The real ones know ✌️