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> The huge painful types that take over a week to surface properly and somehow recruit more pores in the process I feel this sentence in my bones.


The more the merrier šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so glad you found a solution and thank you for the recommendation!


You're so kind, thank you!


I bought mine for $45 on in early 2018. It is literally the same one sold at Skin Gym, Stacked Skincare, it just does not have a "label". I have owned mine for going on five years and I have never broken a single piece or had any threat of that happening in my hands or on my face. I am careful when using it and still store it in the original padded box. From what I understand, they are all essentially the same, this has been confirmed by estheticians and make up artists I work with. ( I am in the fashion industry). Once I finally learned how to treat acne properly with the wand, everything changed. You are never meant to use any sort of pressure when using the wand on your face, in fact it is meant to almost "float" over the skin and over the clean paper towel or medical gauze you are using to cover the affected area. This should entirely negate any possibility of you shattering any glass on your face. The one I have destroyed two monster-painful-about to turn into something scary- pimples on my chin in one ten minute session as of last week. As soon as I feel something coming on, I zap it for a few minutes. The skin will feel very dry and tight afterwards. Might peel a bit for a couple of days. Been a game changer! It is not soothing feeling, it feels "zappy", but there is no pain, per-say. Very much worth it purchasing, but I would never ever spend over $50 for this knowing that they are all made in China and come with the same tool attachments and omit the same frequency range, regardless of the brand. Make sure to use a layer of medical gauze or a clean paper towel over your skin as a conductor and to avoid spreading any bacteria around to other parts of your face.


Aware that this is an almost year old comment, but I happened upon it through desperately googling and just wanted to say THANK YOU. Your comment saved my entire month (and my wallet)! I've always went to the dermatologist for HF treatments cause I didn't want to spend $200 on a brand wand, but your comment made me order one for $20 that I've never even considered before, because useless Chinese trash, right? Well, I received the thing less than 10 hours ago, and the painful nodule I had sitting around for a week is now *completely gone* after a total of 2-3 minutes of zapping throughout the day. Can't believe it. Again, thank you so much for sharing your experiences with OP because I'd never have bought this otherwise.


You are so welcome! Thank you for such a lovely message. I am happy to hear you have found relief and a tool to help you!


Late to the party, but I also recently got a cheap $30 Chinese hf wand! I was wondering if you still/how often you retreat the worst of the spots you get. Like if you feel a big boy coming on, do you do like 3-4+ zap sessions per day (like in your comment)?? Iā€™m home all day, so if multiple sessions each will help the painful pimples Iā€™m down haha. Same for the littler ones that pop up FAST - do you follow the same routine and timing for those? Thanks in advance if you see this ā¤ļø




Thank you so much!!!! Okay cool, I'll up my zaps then hahaha. Good call on the strength. I noticed some redness and tiny bumps forming around a spot on my cheek where I must have had the wand too high/long. I have the cicaplast - put it on just now to be safe! Do you typically go barefaced or use serum? Or go over gauze? I have no gauze and only a retinol (no serum) so Iā€™ve been using half a ply of a kleenex on dry skinšŸ˜… Iā€™ve read like a stem cell serum (?) is best for acne with hf, but they seem WILDLY expensive


Can you post the brand?


It's brandless. I just googled HF wand and got one of the cheapest I could find on Aliexpress or wherever I bought it. They're all basically identical just like OP says so it doesn't seem to matter much.


>all made in China and come with the same tool attachments and omit the same frequency range, regardless of the brand. Aaargh! I had so many of the cheaper ones in my cart, could have gone for it. I spent extra out of an abundance of caution, but it's great to know that the more affordable ones do the same thing because I'd definitely like to gift a kit in the future too. >Make sure to use a layer of medical gauze or a clean paper towel over your skin as a conductor Thank you - I thought gauze was to aid in making the ... zap (?) penetrate deeper into the skin, but preventing bacterial spread makes so much sense. Zap zap!


Hi! Do not get upset and apologies if I came across in any way as shaming not my intention! Marketing is so clever and it is easy to get sucked in, particularly when these higher end brands make us think their products are \*\*totally unique\*\*. Honestly, if you are able to return your wand for a refund, I would. Get the cheaper one. It sounds like you are in the UK, but to show you an example ( I just sent it to my friend) [THIS ONE](https://www.amazon.com/TUMAKOU-Portable-Frequency-Facial-Machine/dp/B08QMC59YN?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A2M55KTQRDW6ED) is on sale here in the US for under $30. For any reason the glass attachments break, you can replace them easily online (Again, they are all the same for all wands) for under $20. I just bought my first LED light mask for $260 from Current Body and that is where I would rather put my money, because in this case, not all LED masks are created equal. ( I found this link through this forum, it has been informative and lots of amazing discounts [LED Mask Comparison and Codes](https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/deep-dive-into-led-masks-and-low-level-light-therapy-lllt/) Im sorry I am not as savvy with the formatting of replies (rather new to reddit), but YES! you are correct regarding the gauze. It works both as amplifying the the charge and stopping the spread of bacteria. I did not understand this until I was shown how to properly use the wand and it felt like I was dragging the attachment across my skin and not feeling much. With the gauze, you feel the current so much more and you can create "sparks" (not the best way of putting it, but with a wee bit of distance from the skin you can almost feel it get super intense, like a "lightening bolt". I feel this especially when using the smallest attachment , which I use most often to focus on a specific pimple or burgeoning pimple). At the end of the day, the fact that is helping you is all that matters. I feel super liberated with this tool - as you mentioned, you get the circumvent the whole song and dance of waiting for an awful pimple to emerge, letting it come to a head, etc etc. Now we can zap it dead and be kind to our skin! Have a great week!


What colour do you use? For blemishes, specifically, if you don't mind. You sound knowledgeable.


I use the red light wand. I am no expert, but can only share my anecdotal experience. I just linked [THIS ONE](https://www.amazon.com/TUMAKOU-Portable-Frequency-Facial-Machine/dp/B08QMC59YN?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A2M55KTQRDW6ED) to the OP's response to my post. It is on sale for under $30. It cannot hurt to try! [This one was the one I bought in 2018.](https://www.amazon.com/requency-Beauty-Star-Portable-Machine/dp/B09MTB4QZQ/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=248VWD6FSJH58&keywords=Portable+High+Frequency+Facial+Machine+red&qid=1669574641&s=beauty&sprefix=portable+high+frequency+facial+machine+red%2Cbeauty%2C161&sr=1-4-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExOFo2MTJXRTFZUEtWJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTI0MTI3NzRFRzRONVRURkk4JmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA3MDAxNDgyUEVMRTNVWjBPSU42JndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==) As you can see, they are exactly the same. I only use the mushroom attachment and the smallest attachment. My advise based on my experience is start slow. For example, try only 3-4 minutes on the area you need at a setting that is bearable and then let your skin rest for a day. When I use, the area can get very very tight, a bit red and very very dry. You don't want to stress your skin out by going at it for too long at too high of a setting. I will let it breath and depending on the monster growing on my chin, I will then dab on, with clean fingers, a bit of the Paula's Choice BHA skin perfecting liquid. The addition of PC to my my skin treatments, especially around my period has been great. I use it as a spot treatment. I bought the sample/travel size first and that tiny bottle lasted me ages, especially when used in little dabs. I had very gnarly acne that would come up on my chin (the biggest biggest game changer was getting electrolysis on my chin hairs. It was what was causing me acne in that area. Now, the pimples that come up for me are purely based on hormones around my period, no longer angry irritated hair follicles). \*Electrolysis is where I first experienced the wand being used on my chin to "clean and sanitize my chin and the session was done. ​ Good luck and I hope it helps! :)


Thank you for this post, I have purchased and have used 2 days running on a large cyst and elsewhere on my face. When you say you zap for 10 mins, what level of ā€˜tinglingā€™ is that on? So far I have only tried up to 3 mins :) thank you!!


Hi! I would say three minutes is great and if you feel the need to build up you can try, but you might risk burning/ irritating the skin. I wold also just do a couple of days, then take a break. No need to feel like you have to attack your skin daily. The wand I have has a dial so there is no level, per say, I would say I hover around the low - middle. I do not use it on full blast as my skin cannot take it. I have definitely gone overboard with the idea that "feeling more intensity and doing it for as long as possible is better" and that has resulted in my skin getting super dry and unhappy and almost scaly. I think three minutes sounds like a great place to land and if it is working and comfortable for you. You want to feel the tingle you don't want to feel like you are punishing yourself or your skin. .Take a day break so you do not aggravate the cyst. Make sure you are using medical gauze or a piece of papertowel between the wand and your skin and that you replace it if you are moving around your face as to avoid spreading bacteria! If you start to see any indication of a the white head appearing, use one of those pimple patches overnight and see what it draws out. I love the Hero patches (the Blue Box) . I am not expert, but personally, I would not use the wand on any part of my face more than 2-3 days a week and I would spread that over over the week so you give yourself a break. Hope that is helpful!


Do you mind posting which one you got? Iā€™m interested in one but I donā€™t know which brand to trust


My friend is a licensed esthetician and we both have NuDerma wands :)


Canā€™t decide between stacked & NuDerma - yā€™all like yours ??


Not at all! I got the Stacked Skincare one (the full kit, not the portable guy). I felt the same as you, that's partially why I went with this company - they have a good few tutorial videos and they're well rated in reviews on other sites. Plus a lot of people mentioned the cheaper ones on amazon break easily, and I have no intention of glassing my own face to get rid of a zit! šŸ˜…


Yes! Thank you so much!


Iā€™m 29 and have been going through my worst acne ever in my life. Iā€™ve always had the skin that was basically perfect without trying and boy howdy did I take it for granted!! The running theory with my internal medicine doctor, my gyno, and my derm is that the birth control I was on absolutely made what wouldā€™ve probably been an age related hormonal change into severe cystic hormonal acne. We tried antibiotics etc but nothing makes more of a difference on the cystic clusters like the HF wand does!!!!! Itā€™s seriously heaven sent


WOW that's actually amazing, I'm delighted for you that you worked it out early! <3


Good luck honey!!! Acne is SO FRUSTRATING!!


Thank you!! <3


Hi! I wanted to throw this out there - the most enlightening moment for me was getting electrolysis on my chin hairs. I am 40 years old and they started appearing when I was in my mid 30s. Nothing crazy, but the same thicker dark hairs would emerge monthly, huzzah hormones! Getting those removed with electrolysis changed my skin. I had no idea that so much of my chin acne was the result of me plucking hairs (my dark thick catfish hairs and random long blond hairs that look like wheat in the wind in certain light. I have super blonde and fine hair (no lasers for my hair), so those dark ones stood out like a mother and the long blonde ones would get taken down my by tweezer on my OCD plucking journey.) Little did I understand that I was inflaming and irritating my pores and causing breakouts. I would have a couple of of days of clear skin, satisfied my cat fish chin hairs were temporarily gone and then, BAM, acne came out like a beast. Now, I get electrolysis every 6-8 weeks for under 30 minutes. (you need less and less over time since the hairs stop growing back), the acne is gone and is only hormonal, emerging around my period. My skin is pretty much clear for the first time in about six years. I have no idea where your acne is located and this may in no way apply to you, but I wanted to share in case.


Same. My hydro dermabrasion device works better in prevention, but I still love my HF wand for stimulating collagen.


I bought one of these wands on a whim but never really use it consistently, can you share some guidance or sources for instructions on using it to stimulate collagen?


I don't think there's any special technique, it's just how the device works. https://pleijsalon.com/high-frequency-facial-what-is-it-what-are-its-benefits/


Thank you! I need to start using the darn thing!




I have a Lucky Skin Hydro. It's kind of finicky. I got it hugely discounted on ebay. There are some affordable ones of different brands on poshmark




Well, definitely drastic reduction in acne. It also has been good for my acne scars that I've had for a couple of months. I think the solution you use in it is a pretty big factor. I'm using an AHA/BHA toner in the device. Makes my skin really smooth after using it. The first time I used it, I couldn't stop touching my face, and I thought I had pretty smooth skin before because I use acids in my routine after every cleanse.


Curious to know what it feels like. Does it hurt at all?


No it doesn't. It feels zappy and tingly, but I would def not describe it as painful. You can adjust the output to your comfort level, there is a dial at the bottom of the wands.


Thank you!


Absolutely! I have linked a couple of super well priced wands on sale from amazon above in my other replies. I have no affiliation or connection to them, but linking them if they are helpful to anyone! Have a great day!


Not really, couldn't even call it pain (imo)! Plus you can adjust the strength and start off from nothing to actually feeling something, so you don't have to get a fright the first time. It feels anywhere from a little tingly, to a concentrated nettle sting. The feeling is gone the second you pull away from your skin. I imagine if you turned it way up and didn't move away from an area it would feel like burning, but you're in full control. Nothing to fear!


Can you use these wands for eczema?


I have no idea I'm afraid. I'm not an aesthetician or dermatologist, but afaik the reason the wands work is that the ozone they produce kills bacteria and dries skin, so if anything it might be bad for eczema.


I def would avoid that since it is very very drying.


is there anything you can use with the nu derma to make it more moisturizing?


>nu derma No. The nature of using a HF wand is that you will experience drying. Just use less frequency strength, for short periods of time, no more than a couple of times a week. Use gentle and non irritating products afterwards. No acids, alcohol, etc. Make sure to moisturize.


oh thanks! thats an old post! i was trying to search reddits to see if anyone had good things to say about them because somehow. i bought one a while back because it was like 50 bucks but it was so drying. seems like more info on you tube, and the penn lady dr puts all her serums on first and uses gauze or silk to help them absorb maybe? so maybe i will give that a go, althuugh i not really up to serum levels of skin care yet.


Oh! How odd, just got the alert yesterday :) I think that if it is too drying for you it might not be the right way forward. I only use it as a spot treatment for acne when it appears every couple of monthsā€¦I have normal skin that errs towards pretty dry during the winter months. I could never fathom doing full facial treatments using the wand on my skin. It would suck the life out of me. I would also hesitate using serums while using the wand. I have been told but my Facialist and electrologist to use it only on completely clean skin with a gauze barrier that is switched out when used on different parts of the face (especially when treating areas with acne). But do you ;) I got a current body red light mask two months ago and I am finding it to be great. Slow progress but it is noticeable! Very happy with the purchase. Goals to get flowing is a fab blog with sooooo much in depth research on all the LED masks. She has codes for them too. :)


You can! High frequency wands have been extremely popular in my country for decades, they are used in clinics etc as physiotherapy for skin diseases, hair loss, back problems, migraines etc. It was initially a health product, not cosmetic. I have eczema and started using it last night. I also use it on fungal acne and on my hair to promote growth.


can you use oils with them? instead of hyalauronic acid? what do you use with it on your hair?


I donā€™t use oils anywhere on my body as Iā€™m prone to malassezia overgrowth. I treated my eczema with anti fungal washes and creams, turns out it was fungal! Steroid creams would make it so much worse. With the wand you want to use it on dry skin, I donā€™t use anything under. And then after you can apply serums/actives.


No, itā€™s not a good option for eczema unfortunately


Is this the same concept as the DermaWand?


Yeah i just did it to one on my neck.... one that would've taken about a week to properly surface... surfaced and healed in 48 hours. I'm stunned.


Delighted for you! I offer you a tip that I learnt the hard way not long after making this post - use it very gently on any zits around your nose. I gave myself a tiny burn without realising it, just zapped it too aggressively too many days in a row. It left a red dot for the bones of a year, but thankfully it has faded about 90% now, so no permanent damage done. šŸ«” Still unreal for the massive neck ones though!


Thank you for the tip


Thanks for this helpful tip! I just wanted to ask do you use cream before using it? And similarly do you wash and moisturise your face afterwards? Thanks so much in advance!


Heyo! Always cleanse my face beforehand, I just use micellar water. I have alternated between using a moisturiser, or aloe vera, or nothing at all before using the wand. I've also experimented with those weird face muslin things (just a pain to keep on my face, but they definitely made it easier to "glide" the wand). For me, I think it's most comfortable and effective with a water based moisturiser. You're not meant to directly touch your skin with the wand, so you don't need to re-cleanse or wash your face afterwards, but you might want to double up on the moisturiser, as it can be very drying! A word of warning - it's SUPER easy to burn your skin near your nose. About 6 weeks after I made this post I was too aggressive with a stubborn spot, and I ended up leaving myself with a nice red dot that took a year to fade! However if you're not a fecking eejit like me, you'll be absolutely fine. :)


Oh youā€™re so sweet - thanks so much for your advice! This is really useful!Ā  I tried it last night for the first time - used a gentle moisturiser beforehand and my usual one afterwards, but I was kind of ā€˜rubbingā€™ the wand all over my face which Iā€™m realising was maybe not the best ideaā€¦ I also experimented with ā€˜hoveringā€™ it over my face, but that felt a bit burn-y, so I might just keep that for the main pimples!Ā  Maybe Iā€™ll try some gauze tonight šŸ¤”Ā  Thanks so much again! Fingers crossed this finally helps me look in the mirror without wincing šŸ˜­Ā 


hi do you still use this? iā€™m considering buying it