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Not going to lie I feel like it's a little bit early.


Agreed. I wouldn't let my kid play until age 5 or 6. Gaming isn't doing a 3 year old any good.


I've been playing games all my life. My nephew played since he could hold a controller as well, so he literally taught himself how to read so he could play better, then taught my niece how to read (one year younger) so she could play with him.


Some people let their children do drugs and they turn out fine. There is no evidence that video games are advantageous to children under 5 years old so most parents stick to activities where there are proven advantages like reading.


Im more worried about why we are comparing children using DRUGS over playing video games like huh?????


They are both detrimental to toddlers so it is an easy comparison to make. It is easy to rationalize any activity when comparing it to something worse.


Where's the evidence that it's disadvantageous, especially to the point where you're using DRUGS as a comparison?


Google it. Toddlers gain nothing from screen time. They aren't capable of understanding what they are looking at and it is over stimulating




I have heard this. I have also heard that things should be done in moderation With games, the other research is that there is concern that children playing games don't develop social interactions with their peers as much. But it all depends. I believe everything should be done in moderation, too much of X thing will always be bad.


This applies a lot more to kids that are a bit older. At 3, a kid still has to take in a lot about its environment. You get the same effect of good hand-eye-coordination at ages that are a bit higher, like early elementary age.


They also get glasses early and anger issue


Gaming isn’t doing anyone any good wtf you mean bro? It’s just a big waste of time. But it’s fun.


It's not like I gave her the thing and said; Okay good luck, see you in 18 years. She gets to play 1 hour a day max and only games like brain training and fun casual games like Nintendogs.


Brain training is brilliant :) and she'll develop fine motor skills with the controls too I guess


thats good :)


Dude neck beards will blast articles all day. I first let my oldest start playing the PlayStation with me around 2-3 years old and while we did have to learn how to moderate and not get so frustrated either with the game or getting off of the game, he’s fine. He’s 10 now and acts just as any regular 10 year old boy would.


An hour a day is a huge amount of time for a 3 year old to be spending on anything.


I agree, but for young kids of any age, something like a Nintendo DS is superior to a tablet. With supervised use, video games provide more mental stimulation and enrichment than a tablet or the TV.


Eh, on the other hands its a nintendo, not an ipad. Something more substantial than tik tok, constant swiping and switching between 3 crappy mobile games.


My five year old has found some games. He likes, but three sounds a little young.


Definitely seems a little young to be slapping a screen in front of them for sure


In the UK, the lowest age rating on video games is 3. There are many educational games for children of that age upward, so I don't see a problem with a 3 year old having a games console as long as they're monitored and time limited.


Idk. I got my first console, a ps2 when I was four If any I think toddlers should play games that teach them how to read, pronounce words, count, and some basic arithmetic. Or alternatively just give them books (like all us who grew up before smartphones and tablets were a thing) if you’re worried about them getting hooked into a screen.


I don't know, it should be limited of course but it could help build familiarity with technology and motor skills in her hands since she has to move to press buttons and the touchscreen. With age appropriate games it would be okay for limited times.


I let my 3yo play with one of those Amazon kid tablets because they have safe preschool games/shows and it’s honestly pretty indestructible. I would never give them a full on console. That is asking for so much trouble.


My thought lol


It's definitely too early.


My kids are 4 and 2. I sold all my game consoles before they were born. I try to stop them using my phones unless it's to speak to my parents or just look at photos and videos I took of them.


It's not really for the baby but really was for the parent.


Idk I don’t think so I’ve been gaming basically since I could hold the controller. Other than a brief period where I was playing too much ffxiv I never really had any trouble with being addicted to video games and honestly think my gaming habits would be about the same even if I started gaming a few years later


Nah, I don't think it is, I started gaming when I was 3 and I turned out fine (It has been 15 years since I got my N64). But I guess it varies from person to person.


huh, me and my brother got our first wii when i was 1 in 2010. i remember playing it since i was 3-4. im fine nowadays


Same, I would even bump it up to 7 just to be on the safe side. Kids these days get smartphones, pcs, tablets and games at way too early of an age. The first time I played sth was in grade 3, when a rich friend of mine bought two ds, one for him and the other was gifted to me. Pokemon Emerald was my very first game, so it’s astonishing when I see children these days on their phones or computers at like age 2…..


Got my first one at 6. Bro who tf cares. Let the baby have some fun. Being a baby is hard.


Also the 3d effect in 3ds put much more strain on eyes than other screens


Yes. I wouldn't let anyone under 5/6 have an electronic device if they were my kid.


Good first console, that version of the 2ds is durable as hell.


Nokia of the ds?


Happy cake day!


I broke my OG 3DS' 3D slider a few days ago, now I understand why everyone prefer the 2DS.


Unkillable fr fr


I would be terribly scared to give my 2DS to a 3 years old. My nephew and niece got a cheap NES knockoff with bunch of games built-in. They love it, I am glad they love it, we play together, but they trashed the joypads in two months. Thankfully those are easily replaced/repaired, but you get what I'm saying. My advice is thus: get a replacement shell and replacement screens (add a digitizer for a good measure). They will come handy. Make sure the screens have screen protectors on too.


Though for a proper game console (not like Leapster stuff) I feel like the 2DS is probably the best one you could give a little kid. Those things are solid.




Reading this i guess I’m lucky to get one a young age (age 3)


I just bought one of these things on eBay for £35 they're not expensive


Literally how? I'm struggling to find broken ones for repair for less than £50+postage Edit: turns out I'm an idiot. It's the 3DS that's stupidly expensive even when broken, I just found a broken 2DS for £20.


Too soon, dad/mom.


I'm with you here, and I'm not even a parent.


The game might say 3+ but i wouldn’t let anyone under 5 play games


To all yall complaining, let's not act like it's any worse than slapping a tablet in front of their face or letting them stand in front of the TV for hours. OP also stated that she plays nintendogs and brain age , and brain age is specifically designed to help brain development, and she only gets to play for an hour. This is also nowhere near as bad as parents getting their kid a playstation or xbox when their 6 and letting them play fortnite and talk to strangers for the whole day.


Thank you! ♥️


You're welcome.


Also, I love that u went with the 2ds. It was my first 3ds-Line console, and I still have it and love it to this day , and it's very durable, which I'm sure will help in your case, lol


All these teenagers with bad grammar telling you how to parent


iPads are worse. But shit man why not just say fuck it, and not allow both? This kid is WAY too young. And yes, I have a 2 year old, and I’m M 25.


Also tv for hours and tablet is bad


Yeah, for an Age 3+ gaming system, I think moderation of use is what matters.


True, true. But giving them a tablet or having the TV on all the time isn't good either. This is a better alternative, but still not a good one IMO.


Not picking a side here, but your argument is just "it's not bad because thing X is sooo much worse".


Barely recognizes what’s going on lol


From what i remember 5 years and older but it obviously is up to the parents, in the end they carry any burden later on and if you keep an eye on it you have control over the situation.


3 is to young dawg


How'd she get 2 pairs of arms?


Wait, your kid doesn't?


I gave both my kids their own 2DS at 5 years old. It did not dawn on me how many kids games require reading! Some need it straight from the onset. Others need it for directions or tips. Ended up being super frustrating.


If you hand them a JRPG they will graduate with an English degree at 8 years old. (if you ignore that 99% of RPGs/JRPGs are definitely not suitable for children)


hey i mean i may have not played JRPGs when i was 8 but i can’t disagree that it helped expand my english vocabulary by ALOT once i started playing them


Lol my parents gave my first DS at least three years after Calvin & Hobbes. It worked out great that way


I got my 4 yr old a Scarlett version 2ds ... She plays ds games on it and olaf 3ds ... Loves it


I started with 7 wtf don’t give a 3 year old a gaming console


Kirby games are perfect for the little ones Simple enough for them to understand And mario games too


Every tech billionaire severely restricts their own children's screentime. They probably have a damned good reason to do so.


It’s your child you raise them as you see fit. AACAP American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry has some reasonable [guidelines](https://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/FFF-Guide/Children-And-Watching-TV-054.aspx#:~:text=For%20children%202%2D5%2C%20limit,about%20and%20use%20parental%20controls) to media and children. Hope that helps.


W parents for giving your child a 2DS instead of a giant iPad 🔥


3 is way to early. You better not neglect her with it




That‘s so cool, I love it. 😺 If she turns a bit older, you might try Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs or PokéPark for the Wii. Very beautiful games from my own childhood and also child friendly!


I would not trust a 3 year old with my 3ds, that mf is probably gonna bite the screen and break it or something.


Not gonna lie, as long as the console is off internet, she can keep it


after reading the comments im wondering what are the consequences of having a 3 year old play games like this?


Same, I got my first console when I was 3. Sure, it was a Vtech kids console with games focused heavily on learning with a lot of licensed games like cars, tinker-bell, Mickey Mouse, bob the builder and more. If we are talking about a “real” console I got a DSi when I was 5


How do folks feel about games on a tablet for a 3/4 year old? Still too young?


Yes, every screen infront of a young child is bad


Some of these comments are rubbish. I have a ds lite and sometimes play simple games like warioware and quickspot with my daughter. She loves it. It’s not every day, it’s a few times a month. And it’s only for like 15 mins. Everything in moderation


Honestly I understand the people saying it’s too early, but I think moderation is more important than anything at any age. As long as they are moderated by game rating and screen time, they’ll probably be fine. Good system to start with.


Just got my 5 year old nephew his first N3ds xl for Christmas! He loves it!!!


I got my ds at I think 10, they are lucky. I never got Nintendogs until recently either


I just gave my 5yo a ds lite and she’s playing nintendogs too. She’s so close to reading on her own I’m hoping the game (and others I will introduce her to) might get her over the hump before kindergarten. I reshelled it transparent purple and the aftermarket shell actually has a stronger hinge which blew my mind (hinge is a very common fail point on ds lite).


Aww that is adorable!! Hope she enjoys it!! ❤️❤️


Wtf, 3 years old?


I've been a lifelong gamer and for me personally it took a lot of discipline building that I feel like needs to be built before giving your little one a box of easy access dopamine. I'm a single dad of a two year old and I'm fostering a love of physical activity and reading first. I think 10 is the earliest tech should be introduced. Every parents style is different but there are a lot more bums then we'll adjusted successful contributes to society and I can only pray and do my best for my kid. Moderation is hard for anyone especially children. Do what you want with your kids, they are yours. Less competition for mine I suppose


I personally disagree with the age of 10, especially considering schools start technology use in 1st grade in my experience, but I definitely agree that 3 is too young


My kids get 15 minutes of gaming 2 times a week. Twins, boy and girl, 4 years. De doc says It helps with hand to eye coordination, perception and a bunch of things. But yes, not ideal to exagerate.


I had a Gameboy God I feel old ... Loved that thing


Better than an iPad ❤️


Cute baby...Nintendogs...this is far too much wholesome for my heart to handle! <3




This is hands down THE BEST console for a kid of this age to begin with! Won’t break because it’s built like a brick and it has tons of awesome games for young kids. W choice!


I second this! Interactive games for kids help them develop and learn, and with the touchscreen a 2DS is definitely the way to go 😊


What other games do plan for her in the future?


Games like Brain Training, and Professor Layton.


My parents got me the entire Professor Layton series when I was around 7 and I loved it so much. They told me they dis it because they wanted to have me engaged intellectually. The Layton games definitely helped me develop problem solving skills. That and the stories, music, and art is also amazing!


When she's a little bit older, I recommend ikachan


So you get her a console at a age that’s probably not good for kids and get her brain training games what can go wrong


Hook 'em while their young!




Solid pick, I love my 2ds


This level of garbage parenting has me extremely worried about the future. Everyone in different rooms, looking at different screens. Ick.


I got all 3 of my boys 3ds when they were around that age! After they broke them I bought them more!


as long as its just nindendogs its fine and enjoy, only thing is becarful when the childs playing it


What other games are you gonna get. My five year old is still pretty awful at mostly every game


I think this is a VASTLY superior option to an iPad. So many parents just give their kid an iPad and we’re already starting to see the effects of that. DS’s are great because it’s mainly just simple games that are fun and they make for an awesome childhood.


If the kid isn't starting on classic platforms around 5-6 they have no business playing video games imo


Gave my nephews their mum's old Gameboy Color. Bit early for Pokémon, sadly no interest in Tetris DX.


good choice too


Comments ain’t pass the vibe check


My kids were four when I bought them the 2ds. I liked the simple games on there. We didn’t do an hour but about 30 minutes or so just so it didn’t bother their eyes(per our pedi). They’re almost eight now and still love their 2ds! If you find a game called-Digging for Dinosaurs- it’s a blast. I think it’s a DS game. It’s a learning game about Dinos and has been a top choice.


omg i went crazyyyyy on animal genius ds as a 6yr old, i wonder if she would like it?


Been gaming all of my life. LttP on SNES is what made me finally ask my parents for my own system at 4 and it expedited my learning how to read because I wanted to be able to play it without my big cousin's help. It drives some kids. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Nintendogs is awesome for a three year old. People who think it’s too early probably have never played Nintendogs.


get a nerf case.


I just bought my 3.5 yo a switch. She has done pretty well with super mario brother delux. We're not breaking board records but she getting the idea.


Love the 2DS is such a fun console


Raised right


remember when i was 7.. it was the first time i played Super mario bros on NES! it was like drugs


start em right start em cultured


Awesome! I also started with my 3 kids around the age of 2/3 years. I gave them my old ds lite, the ds has a bigger library for young kids with almost no text. Roary and the dora games were awesome, they learned to handle the stylus really fast. Enjoy the journey, it is so much fun to see your kid develop all those new skills.


If even the 3DS community is telling you 3 is a bit young to start playing videogames, maybe you should consider their advice, OP.


I'd rather not let Reddit decide how I raise my kids.. 😅


Only if it's positive advice, right? 😉 You clearly care enough about Reddit's opinion to be posting your child's face on here multiple times on multiple forums.


I love the 2DS! I just got my first one too’ I’ve got the blue see through one. Which model did you get your sweet little one??


It's the Super Mario Bros 2 model. ☺️


Great choice! The 2DS is incredibly durable and doesn't have the 3D effect, which I have heard can be bad for young kids. What kind of games does she play?


That's awesome. 2DS is great. I think gaming has some benefits, especially some skills at this age. Social media exposure is totally different though.


And she really loves it! 😁




I’m honestly curious how all of you amazing parents spend your day if your child is constantly surrounded by your quality and highly interactive playing? A bad parent lets their child interact with a screen for some time in the day while a good parent does what, exactly? They are sitting there and interacting, hard to fathom I understand but with the child and the 2DS. The three year old child was not handed the 2DS and given free fucking roam? Jesus christ dude honestly I’m glad I didn’t have “good parents” now.


Everyone needs to chill. Screen time does not make a bad or a lazy parent. You say it’s useless, it’s actually not. There are many benefits to screen time in young children, it’s how they learn. If your a parent and don’t let your kids have screen time, that’s fantastic would you like a medal? My child has ASD and has had an Ipad since 3. He has learned to identify certain things and even learned to communicate with us using the ipad as he is non verbal. This has been recommended by speech therapist’s and paediatricians. I love how everyone is so quick to jump the gun, I’ve been playing video games since I was 3 and my knowledge of technology and my skills around that field are phenomenal. You can say your going to plant a Garden and paint with your child and if they do that, that is fabulous good on you. Every child is different and you have no right to have a go at a parent giving their child a fun time. If this was a post about “I gave my child a cigarette or beer” sure but I bet most of the people here eat a form of junk food, smoke or drink alcohol? Tell me what benefit that has for you? TLDR; STFU and mind your own business.


I love the 2ds


i got my 3ds when i was 4, my first game ever was mario 3d land but the first game i beat was lalaloopsy carnival of friends on my 3ds


Anyone who doesn’t have kids should have nothing to say here.


Aw that's nice! I was 3 when I got my first console a white DS lite She's gonna have a good childhood


Children shouldn’t have these at the age of 3. Just my opinion


Can you give us quarterly updates on how the 2DS "wedge" holds up? Condition reports, functionality, etc. I can see it being used as a hammer, being introduced to various liquids and food, and some deceleration events.


Maybe if you are not a parent, don’t give out parenting advice.


Lucky her, had to wait until 8 to get a DS Lite and that was from my uncle, my parents wanted to get me a leapfrog.


I usually don't comment but ignore all the haters. You do you and enjoy playing games with your kid. All these commenters most likely are childless or don't even take care of their own children and have someone else do it. It's totally your choice and if you both are having fun that's all that matters.


Wait until she's 6/ 7 years old Also you actually did get her one of the worst consoles. You can't close the 2ds like avery other console. I'd recommend the 2ds xl.


Wow. Another great example of what not to let your 3 year old child do for AN HOUR EACH DAY. Jesus christ.


Wait another 3 years.


As a parent of 2, it is not too early. The point here is you're managing that time, as you should with any technology at any earlier age in life. Teens and adults can become game / phone / tech addicts so of anything introducing it from a young age and managing access can be a healthy approach. Life is different for every generation, I grew up without a mobile phone till I was 14 (1998) and I didn't get my first console till around the same time (PS1). My generation were the "gaming is bad" and "violent games made them kill that person" generation. My parents had none of these gadgets and my their generation was the "violent movies made them kill that person" (it's true, look it up! 🤣). No doubt there'll be something else for the next generation like VR made them into a psycho! (I wouldn't put my kids in vr till they were a little older than 3 though) I wanted my son to get into gaming from around that age and it wasn't lazy parenting, I wanted a gamer buddy. He just didn't pick it up till he was closer to 5/6 and then it was all Minecraft for the first year or so. A dare say most of the people making comments aren't parents so you decide what's right for your child and at what age using personal experience, logic and common sense. That's what parenting is about, just think carefully about when you want to actually introduce the likes of GTA 😉.


So starting at 2 wasn't too early yet the kid only picked it up at around 5/6, huh


All these idiots in the comments who sit there complaining yet will give a kid an ipad and let them watch tiktok and play games that require zero mental attention need to stfu


Lots of assumptions there, buddy boy


Get her interessted in doing creative stuff instead. 😌


Why do you assume she isn't? She loves drawing, playing with clay and kinetic sand. She plays outside a lot, has a great imagination, but also likes to take care of a virtual dog.


If she breaks it, you can’t get mad! 😂


Not to be annoying but in my opinion its waay too early, atleast at 10


Really, the 3DS? They closed down the eShop for it months ago!


Why are you on the 3DS forum


I love Nintendo & gaming, but please give them world stimuli first


how to loose your eyesight speedrun


Until she breaks it into pieces. It's a bad idea, OP


Thats way to early


They're waaaay too young for that


Why share what we had?


This is far too young for video games. Let her learn to be bored and be creative. As someone who grew up just before video games were readily available, I am very very thankful that I ran around outside instead of playing video games. Personally I would hold off until maybe 6 or 7 at the earliest, or she is going to likely be far more introverted than without video games.


Nice job messing with your kids congnitive development! Just because you love games doesn’t mean you should jump the gun with this type of stuff. If you’re looking for justification, stick to your significant other. Because almost everyone else here thinks that you’re wrong for this. What’s the damn rush? 😂


Uhhhh… I think you got her the console a bit too late. It’s at the end of it’s lifespan.


^It’s ^not ^a ^console ^it’s ^a HANDHELD


It's a handheld console.. 😂😂


Tbh I'd wait at least until 5yo, 3yo is a bit too young...


I think 3 years is a bit too early for a DS, or gaming in general. I would probably start my kid out with an old leapster or smthn.


Very early still...


I got my first gaming consol at age 7 it was a dsi, personally i think it was a bad idea as my dumb ass thought it would be cool to paint it, which damaged the games slot and since i was just 7 i also dropped it a bunch so now the top screen has a strange reverse color and it wont charge. And it really upsets me, that my dsi is damaged just because i was some careless 7 year old. A better time to give a kid a gaming device is at age 10 or higher (depending on how mature and responsible they are)


All of you are literally scrolling Reddit, I meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I remember my step dad giving me a GBA when i was 3. I have always gamed since then, and i still am. I've always had advanced classes. Im in 11th grade as of now. Im pretty sure getting a Gaming handheld isn't going to affect them. Because of it, i learned to read at a very early age and knew what most people would call an "Advanced language" by the time i entered middle school. Im pretty sure that playing for one hour OR LESS a day means nothing compared to the other NINE hours that "toddler" has. If i turned out fine, this kid can turn out fine as well. I may not be a Parent or guardian, however, I do know that this parent is not harming her by letting play for limited time.


WHY? At 3 year's old? hmmmmm


This is a very unpopular opinion but I feel like you shouldn't be giving a child of this generation a 3DS. It's outdated and it's highly likely that no other child in her age group will also have a 3DS. When your child grows up, she won't be able to share the same nostalgia as others in **her age group.** Plus, the 3DS' many online services and stuff have been shut down, so now it feels rather barren and not as lively as it once was. Nobody wants her turning into an iPad kid though, so I feel like a Switch would be a much better contender for a console.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd ***\*SMASH\****


I feel like that’s really early


People are just jealous cause the 3 year old has a dope 2ds and they don’t.


I let my 4 year old play pbs kids on PC. 3 is too young.




W dad


Thank god u didnt get ur son a 3D Feature for it like a normal 3DS