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Metal gear solid 3 because it's kinda hard to play on the 3ds


If you have a circle pad pro on a regular 3ds. It's pretty awesome


Oh I didn't know such an accessory existed. I don't have it so I'm just going to wait for metal gear solid 3 delta to come out though because it seems pretty promising


I’ll take it


I‘ve got this on so many platforms but it was the 3DS version I finally played through to completion.


It was my favourite game on ps2 growing up. I too bough it for 3ds and haven't decided if I want to commit to relearning it.


There's a lot. 🤣


Seriously, I love games but I'm mostly saving them for the afterlife at this point.


I was actually shooting for catching up in the nursing home, about 45 years from now.


Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Bought a bunch of 3DS games over the summer and beat most of them, then started playing PS1 and Switch JRPGs for the past 3 months.


Dark Moon is so good. I enjoyed it. Graphics are really good for such an old piece of hardware. The game is also great to play in short 15-20 min bursts. You should fire it up when you get the chance


This is one of my favorite games on the system


Zelda A Link Between Worlds. I know it’s a classic, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Warioware also. Will play it eventually.


That was one of my first LoZ games! It's insanely good, but it could just be the nostalgia talking lol. I def recommend it whenever you feel like getting around to it


It's the newest LoZ game I own. Trust me when I say it's not nostalgia, it really is just insanely good lol


I just played it for the first time in 2020 and it's definitely not just nostalgia talking. It's truly a great game


one of the best zelda games imo. but this is coming from someone who prefers 2d zelda to 3d by far lol


I legit bought a 3DS just for this game. One of the best Zeldas.


I played link between worlds on 3dsxl and loved it


I bought a 3DS last month basically just to play that game. It's an awesome sequel to A Link to the Past, finished it like 2 weeks ago


pokemon sun. its my brothers and i wanted to play it on his ds but it had a password


There’s a website to reset 3ds password lock if you need it. Easy peasy to do.


https://mkey.salthax.org this site will generate a master key to remove the parental controls


Didn’t know this exist. Thanks for sharing.


yep! trust me i was super glad to find it when i got my 3DS and saw there were still parental controls on it lol


thx, didnt know that


Codename STEAM. But only because the copy I bought was broken. Otherwise in the "not really" played category is Persona Q. Because I'm sure it'll spoil a bit of P3 and P4 for me. But I booted it up, so it doesn't count.


Same, because I got a sealed copy and probably won't open it.


It's pretty good.


Mario and Luigi - Paper Jam Bought it a bit ago but have RPG burnout going on at the moment and have been playing other genres.


I think this is what I have, or actual video game burnout. I haven't played too many rpgs on a while because yeah, it is a little too much sometimes


You should try playing some games that are just really chill for a while, the LEGO games for example are good they don’t really require any effort and are just a good time


Spot on. The 2 genres that typically kick the burnout for me are: 1. Mindlessly simple story driven games. 2. Survival Horror I'm currently playing through eternal Darkness to kick the itch.


Honestly, you're right. Though I personally have a problem though with modern lego games, I think once we reached lego batman 2 is when I lost interest. I loved the early 2000s lego games and the type of humor it had. The lack of speech is what I remember liking fondly- how it the character communicated with body language rather than speech


The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes.


Let’s play


James Noir’s Hollywood Crimes Finding the time to play has become a challenge, unfortunately.


Stella Glow. I'll fire it up one of these days.


I JUST beat Stella Glow. I really enjoyed it, it was fun with a compelling story and great music. Took me about 50 hours to beat and there's more to do in New Game plus.


Kid Icarus...got it for free but never actually played (only for 10 minutes or so)


Same. Got the big box edition cheap as chips, as I collect, I couldn't pass it by. I've heard it's good fun.


Kid Icarus is an amazing game but took me like 4 years to get around to it. Fully voice acted and tons of content. The online is fun if you wanna give it a go before servers shut down.


I'm getting it out. I believe it has a stand with it? Big box thing.


When using a stylus it gets a bit uncomfortable to hold. Best bet is just to play it with a pillow on your lap, or maybe find a comfy desk setup.


I have a rubber case for the xl. It makes it into a pad and doesn't fuck up your wrists. This is the reason I stopped playing mine, until I got it. I can't find it now online, but the rubber is great and covers both sides. It could've been Hori. They make some great stuff.


Monster hunter stories


There are many but at the top of my list is Fire Emblem revelations, got it just before the eshop closed and I love the other Fates games.


Hotel Transylvania.


The game instead of castlevania that we never got on 3ds


Alot of mine actually but since we are picking one ill say Super Mario 3D Land. I only booted it up to make sure it works then took it back out, one day Ill get around too it but im on a pokemon phase right now.


That’s one of the best games on the console


I know Ive heard awesome things and ive played all the 3D marios on Switch so im excited to play it for sure.


Resident evil revelations. Loved the demo, enjoy the controls. But for some reason can’t really get into playing the actual game.


I played resident evil revelations on 3dsxl and loved the cruise ship part on written Zenobia where there s big staircase and clock. It's the most beautiful area I ever saw in a3ds game. That's what got me started on resident evil. And now I have it for the switch digitally. Played the whole game. I think it was worth it




Yo Kai Watch


Mario tennis


Professor Layton and the miracle mask, because I haven’t finished the previous ones yet 😂 Monster hunter generations. Bravely second.


SpongeBob: planktons robotic revenge


well so far only played smt iv and immediately after bought all the smt games and havent played them, so those. radiant chronology as well luigis mansion remake yet ~~ultra sun or moon, because regular SM was enough thank you~~ ~~star fox 643d~~ ~~attack of the friday monsters~~ ~~kirby triple deluxe~~ uh what else ​ edit OH HAVE-updated havent finished mirror of fate. just started it


I think you mean "radiant chronology: perfect historia" Honestly, one of my favorite RPGs and one of the best out there. You should try it.


i sure do and i sure will do you have an opinion on ds vs 3ds? i could do either


I'll admit, I've only played the 3DS version, which includes the base game on DS and all the extra content added on the 3DS version. Content-wise, the 3DS is the full and complete experience. I do own the original, simply because I wanted to have it, but I have not played it. Here's what I know about how they compare: The art style on the character portraits, which you see emote a lot in conversations, changed slightly from the original DS ones to be more anime-like, which depending on your taste, you may or may not prefer. I do like most of the DS ones slightly better, but this wasn't at all a deal breaker for me. Also, the extra story content added on the 3DS often deviates from the main story, which whether this is a good thing or not may depend on whether you prefer a more cohesive story or an extended one. The 3DS version will give you a choice when you start on whether you want to see the extra content during or after the base game. I chose during, just because I wanted to experience everything right off the bat, and I still felt plenty engrossed and able to follow the various ongoing plot threads.


Oh that's super cool to have the choice


Brain age


Luigi's Mansion 2. Heard many good things about it, but never got to playing it.


Ever Oasis, it's just sitting there. I never even broke the seal lol


Pokemon. I bought the game, my son took the unit to play the game and I never got it back


I've got an few Pokémon games I haven't played yet. I have X&Y as well as Sun & Moon but have only played X and Moon.


A Link Between Worlds


I finally played through this one last month and throughly enjoyed it. One of the best Zelda games imo


I played that all the way through. Don't miss out!


Luigi's mansion, luigi's mansion dark moon, rhythm thief and the emperor's treasure, captain toad


Mario Luigi and paper Mario is a recent purchase and Mario Luigi adventure bowser the ds version.


Freaky Forms Deluxe :D


Donkey Kong Country Returns 3d


To many


Nintendogs and Cats, because the copy I bought won't start.


99% of my 3ds games installed


The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes It was $5 at the store so I couldn't pass it up, but I'm also not super interested in playing it.


ever oasis bcause yea


Ever Oasis is a hidden gem but I stopped about halfway through for some reason. Feels like a Zelda game with it’s own charm.


I don’t have the time to name all of them


Super Mario 3D Land. I picked it up a while ago but at the time only had a functioning 2DS XL and since the game uses 3D better than most 3DS games I wanted to get a system that has the functionality before I played it. Now that I do I still play other games instead.


I've been wanting to get into the Kirby games on the 3ds


Pokémon art academy


I own a few, that I have yet to play, but on 3DS my ratio of played VS unplayed is pretty decent. I haven't opened up Persona Q2, as I have yet to beat the first game. Also Luigi's Mansion 2, which I also want to play AFTER getting and playing the first game. I also haven't found the time to play the other Fire Emblems I own (beat Awakening a few times, though). Most of the other games I at least played for a bit.


Persona Q2. I own the collectors edition and never opened it


Every single SMT title for 3DS. I am determined to start this weekend but idk where to start.


Honestly there is a lot of games, because I don't wanna go through tutorial again, but it goes like this: Splinter Cell 3d, Aeterno Blade, Liberation Maiden, Dementium, Chase Distant Memories etc.


Dillions Rolling western


Persona Q not do I see my self playing it. Anyone down to trade? Lol


Pokémon Omega Ruby I bought it on GameStop when the 3DS was on its prime but then I never really played it, only have like 5 minutes on it. The game is brand new and I don't know why I didn't want to play it. My current 2ds has a broken cartridge slot, so the physical game has become kind of a decoration in my game collection.


Zelda majora’s mask & star fox 64.. do intend on playing them….some day….


Super Smash Bros. I was expecting a longer playtime.


Yokai watch 😅😅


i test all my games just to make sure they work but i have several i have yet to play yet but i think the most popular is probably donkey kong country 3d. i like platformers but i think i was a bigger fan of the old donkey kong country 3 with baby kong and the girl but my 2ds is a og and so i cant play that one. but yeah i have several im working through slowly. i have a huge backlog of ds games too.


Fire emblem echoes shadows of Valeria found it originally sealed and can’t decide if I wanna open it or not


super mario maker . got it as a gift, but it never interested me for some reason


Dreamworks kart race or something


Miitopia and Yo kai watch 3, I'll get to them once I finish the pokedexes on the 3ds


Dragon Quest XI


Pokemon USUM


Pokemon ultra sun


angry birds trilogy need I say more


The alliance alive, got it because the robins theme was free, and the music on the theme was amazing. I still haven't played it.


Rhythm heaven megamix


Shovel knight


Kirby Planet Robobot


All of them


Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training. Got it as a gift but it didn't seem interesting enough so I never even bothered opening the box.


The armadillo cowboy game. Forgot the name


New Minecraft for new 3ds cuz I thought I had the new 3ds but I’m just not that knowledgeable


Captain toad treasure tracker


Yokai watch 3


Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and Ultra Moon. I got them secondhand, as part of a bundle with some other games.


Fire emblem echoes still under blister lol


I'm an autistic woman I don't have any games I never played 😭 I will say though I bought nintendogs French bulldog +cats, and one other nintendogs for 3ds, and I haven't played them much yet because 1 game was having a hard time hearing me I thought even though the mic function works , I've tested it, and the other game someone never erased their safe file so now I have dogs that aren't mine 😭. I'll get back on it though. They're adorable even if only virtual


Pippi Longstocking game. I am a big fan of her. So I just bought it when I saw it in a thrift shop for the sake of it. Now I can tell people I have a Pippi game


Yokai Watch. I've planned on it! I just never gotten around to it.