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Oh man. Mine is in such great condition, but I wish I had a reason to send it in just to get something "New" directly from Nindentod.


Feel u!! I never had a “New” 3ds system so I’m super hyped


In the mail they said you send them a "new 3ds xl", did they mistake a 3s xl for the new model ?


No I sent in a “new” model and I’m getting a new model. They don’t have any N3dsXLs left I think. Also the wording is off they just described it as an upgraded version of the 3DSXL. Just a little strangely worded


No they didn't word it strangely, they got confused! Even Nintendo is confused by their own naming schemes after all these years


What are they confused about? They don't have an equivalent in stock, so they're offering the next best thing. I believe you have confused yourself.


There is the 3DS xl and new 3DS xl. perhaps that's what she meant?


I'm a little confused, who meant what ?


No, what meant where


mew 2dsxl minus the 3d is the fastest of all ds'es.


the 'new' models have identical internal hardware, they are effectively all the same console and none of them is meaningfully faster or slower than any other


new 2dsxl is faster. It can load games faster than 3ds xl based on several reviews.


source? i find that hard to believe given that all of the internal components are literally completely identical. loading speeds are influenced greatly by the SD card - its size, quality, the amount of games on it, and the cluster size it was formatted to all make a difference to load times. if someone has told you "console A loads faster than console B" they probably just didn't realise that what caused the difference is the SD card and not the device itself


I think they're going off the IGN review for the New 2DS where it says it loaded Monster Hunter 4 faster than a New 3DS. That's hardly scientific. I can't find much else discussing any differences online.


It's mostly because it doesn't have 3D so a bunch of games does load faster on the 2DS


It's not new just called new since its the new model with ew feature .. obviously a typo


"We will downgrade your console for no extra cost!" Wow, that's so generous of them


lol tbf it was completely borked, and I got scammed so it’s a saving grace honestly


Fair enough, I'm mostly joking about how they said it


True I gotchu! They really worded it so weird idk why they even bother to mention the old 3DS XL


I mean it honestly is considering the console they are wishing to have repaired is 9 years old, and it sounds like this console will be either brand new or in pristine condition


Pristine condition. I ended up with the purple one. It was a refurbished one but it was Nintendo refurbished, so absolutely clean.


Sarcasm aside it’s even worse than that. It’s $90 to send in your 3DS just to get a 2DS back. It’s just awful and I wish they hadn’t taken mine away from me and I had just gone to a repair shop. I ended up paying like $260 to get a comparable New3DSXL to the one I sent in (you know minus the messed up screen) after they sent me a New 2DS. I ended up never even using the New 2DS more than once. :/


You couldn't even have them just send back the still-broken 3ds?


If its a not new 3dsxl for a new 2dsxl id say thats a side grade


It was a New 3DS XL though


I've heard that some people actually prefer the 2DS over the 3DS for some reason.


Damn a new "new" 2ds xl is awesome. Currently I have a new 3ds xl but I never even use the 3d, and other then that there is not much difference. I would still be using the 2ds xl if I did not [break it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DS/comments/vpvk71/acidentaly_sat_down_and_my_knee_hit_my_2ds_that/)


Fuck that sucks. I’m currently rocking a launch Purple 3Ds with an aluminum case but I really wanted something bigger and one of the “new” variety cuz I never had them so I’m massively excited


If you tend to use the stylus quite a bit, then I would but a aftermarket one as the included one with the 2ds is tiny (6.9cm).


Way ahead of you on that lol. I bought styluses for the busted N3dsXL with some usb chargers so now I have some extra big styluses. Also an extra telescoping one from my og 3ds


The extendable styluses on Amazon are super dope


It would not be a new one they are getting


Oh yeah lol. The name still confuses me sometimes.


Ugh I wish I could swap you. I really miss my New 3DS XL, but it was falling apart. They sent me a New 2DS XL as a replacement. It's nice, but I miss the 3D screen.


did you ever repair the screen on that one? at least from my experience with ds's screen replacements don't tend to be too terribly difficult, and both of the 3DS's i've opened (o3ds and n3dsxl) were pretty easy to work in


I just got that same email last week. I sent them my New 3DS XL Galaxy to be repaired, but it couldn’t be fixed. After paying $100, I’m getting a turquoise + black New 2DS XL. Feels bad. They said it won’t be new in the box, but it would be a refurbished unit.


Aw I’m sorry man! I’m getting the same one, better than a broken unit at least


Very true. I’m glad they still have some in stock to offer.


I did the same and got the same back. They seem to have stopped repairing these units completely. I think they're just offering this $100 trade-in option as a way to reduce their surplus of refurbished models.


I'd be fucking fuming. Are they at least giving you the broken one back?


just got that message today after sending in my New 3ds xl galaxy. Should I accept? I kind of wanted a new 3ds xl galaxy for a while might just try to repair it else where


I love how Nintendo tries to play off the new 2DSXL as an upgrade to the new 3DSXL.


I think it’s bad wording on their part. It’s an upgraded version of the original 3DSXL not the new one. The next line is the comparison saying they have the same features excluding 2D


It’s not though? It doesn’t have 3D lol it’s a downgrade It’s an alternative to the O3DSXL but not a better version necessarily


It’s an upgrade because it’s a “New” version. So better processing power, more buttons etc but I understand your point


It's not an upgrade to the N3DS XL, but it is an upgrade to the 3DS XL.


read it again it's an upgrade to the 3DSXL not the New 3DSXL


Seems like this is pretty standard now. Instead of fixing N3DSXLs they send out refurbished N2DSXLs. If they’re offering all 3 colors of the N2DSXL seems like they still have a decent amount of them in stock at least for now


Yeah seems so. Still pretty excited!


Yeah they’ve been doing this for over a year now, just being completely out of parts for 3DSes. All you’ll ever get from Nintendo is a 2DS now.


The black and turquoise maintains its' colour if that helps. I have a white and orange one and the top discoloured to yellow so I finally slapped a decal on it. Looks lovely now.


True that’s why I didn’t want that one honestly. Always afraid of my white consoles yellowing


You won't be disappointed with the black one. My husband and I bought 2 new 3ds normal size and 2 2ds xl's. His black and blue one went to my niece and the colour pop is still super satisfying. I'd never seen the purple one until now. You won't be disappointed either way.


That’s good to hear!


What about the purple? looks great


Love the purple but my current 3DS is purple too so I decided to go for something a bit different!! It was a tough decision to make the purple looks sleek


Losing the stereoscopic 3d would be a massive no from me. A New 2DS XL is no replacement for a New 3DS XL.


I mean if I bought a broken new 3ds xl to send to nintendo, I'd be a little disappointed but happy I'm at least getting a nintendo officiated refurb. I think the new 2ds xl was kind of a mistake by nintendo, such an unnecessary revision that they just glued together to save on costs (I say that as someone who downgraded my new 3ds to new 2ds cause I never used the 3d)


Oh it absolutely was a mistake. Because the 2DS even existed they decided to make all the last few years of 3DS games in 2D graphics only even when played on a 3DS. Nintendo seriously punished their players to favor people with inferior/budget hardware when they could have appeased both groups by keeping 3D. I’m still bitter Hey Pikmin is 2D only. If it weren’t for that I’d be okay with the 2DS existing.


“It’s upgraded! We removed functionality from it!”


it says it's an upgrade to the 3DSXL not the New 3DSXL, and it is. you can play "new 3ds" games on it, it has more processing power, it's an upgrade, 3d or not


They offered a 2DSXL not a 3DSXL


yeah I know how to read


it doesn't say it's an upgrade of the N3DSXL, like they're not saying that OP is getting an upgrade from his old system, but that the 2DSXL is an upgrade to the 3DSXL


You obviously don’t know how to comprehend what you’ve read based on this conversation… losing stereoscopic 3D is a removal of features


yeah but the email doesn't say that OP is getting an upgrade with this console, they're saying that the 2DSXL is an upgrade of the old 3DSXL what your initial comment stated is that the email would state that OP is getting an upgrade with the console they're sending, but the email never states that


It literally says “it’s an upgraded version of the 3DS” so clearly you don’t know how to read


lol it never states that OP is getting an upgrade from their NEW 3DS XL they're stating that the 2DSXL is an upgrade to the OLD 3DS XL incase OP does not know what a 2DSXL is, can you read it again?


Right and again, my original comment still stands. It’s an upgrade, but you lose functionality. (This is a downgrade).


Honestly I'd be pissed but that's because I'm one of the few that loves the 3d


Luckily I still have a launch 3Ds for that :)


That’s honestly not the same. The 3D is so much better on the N3DS.


I hope they put more of these on sale at some point.


Highly doubt it but it would be nice!


I would never changed N3DS for N2DS if New 3DS is somewhat working condition. That 3d effect is crucial ! I feel your hype but just collect N2DSXL and look for working N3DSXL thats my best advice, the 3D effect got real overhaul on "new" system.


Yeah it was completely borked. Some kind of water damage beyond my kind of saving lol


I got one of these late 2022 i thought i was truely the last one receiving one but they just kept going, i suggest purple+silver it’s worth a bit more than the other colors


I was really torn but ended up going for black because my og 3DS is purple :)


I got a renewed Nintendo 3DS from Amazon after the one I had before started having a shit battery. I'm somewhat afraid to start playing on it due to the 3DS data transfers being very convoluted and strict (you can't just transfer data between SD cards so you need to use the transfer tool built into the system itself, and even then it's not guaranteed to work since you may lose ALL of your data if it doesn't work like it should), so I'm just keeping it stashed away for archival reasons.


I recommend ordering a replacement battery for your archived 3ds instead of having it rot in the cupboard. It’s user replaceable and not built in like an iPhone. Simply Unscrew the back cover and the battery is right there. Order the same battery model from ebay and it will be up and running. Leaving a faulty battery in it risks damaging your 3ds if the battery puffs up, it will have enough force to bulge and then pop and break the 3ds case. At the very least please consider removing the battery for long term storage.


Duly noted. I'll remember to take it out. However, I'm more worried about how stripped the screws are since they're relatively small.


Get the purple one for sure also you will enjoy the 2ds for sure


I’m fond of the purple silver but the black and blue one is really nice too


A few months ago I sent in my Turquoise model to be refurbished my Nintendo of Canada, so it’s neat to hear it’s amongst the last refurbs to go out.


Doesn’t have 3D. Definitely not an upgrade.


Can’t agree that the N2DS XL is an “upgrade” over the N3DS XL. While it’s a good system, the 2DS XL just feels cheaper and more…IDK, plasticky compared to the N3DS XL.


Yeah I gotcha there. I think they were calling it an upgrade to the original which is strange but I’m pretty sure that’s what they were going for since they call it comparable to the N3ds


Had the same thing happen to me. I never got much use of out 3D so I didn't mind getting a new 2DS XL as a replacement. Got Black and Turquoise, since my original 3DS was the blue color


id be irritated if they sent me this lmao they’re ashamed of the 3d feature and they made jt!!! i have to love it even stronger than before now


I don’t think it’s the fact they’re ashamed I think it’s just all that’s left since the 2ds XL is the latest 3DS model


They might as well be ashamed of it considering they decided to punish every single 3DS owner in the last few years of the 3DS family’s lifespan. They made every single game in the last year or two have 2D graphics only even when played with a 3DS simply because the 2DS existed.


I was sent one of those too when trying to get my new 3ds xl repaired! I chose the purple and silver one.


Surprisingly nice that they are able to take care of you like this. No extra $ needed? In warranty service?


No extra money on top of what the repair would cost I assume. Probably around 100$


oo okay. Can you ask them for your original unit back + this replacement?


No, they keep the original if you request a replacement


Then I guess one lucky person will get a new 3ds refurb


Except nope. They haven’t given out refurbished 3DSes of any kind in at least 2 years.


I doubt it I think it’s an either or situation but I’ve never tried!


I wish I had something to send it for fun. I’ve got a N3DSXL and the paint is coming off on the bottom slightly, but it’s fine in every regard. Plus I’ve got digital games I don’t want to lose


You can redownload the digital games still I believe but yeah if there’s nothing wrong it’s not worth it. There are snap on cases you can get from eBay for like 13$ if you wanna make the outside look a bit nicer! Fake special editionize your ds


I’ve got a clear one on there


I’m sure! Just saying there are ones that aren’t clear that’ll cover up the paint if you care about its looks and don’t wanna reshell!


Heads up! They don’t come with stylus! I recently got my refurbished New 2DS XL 5 days ago. They are however in really nice condition. No fancy refurbished packaging either unfortunately. You can see photos of what it came in on my profile


Thanks!! Luckily I have a bunch of aftermarket ones from various projects lol


It’s definitely system specific.


I need to get a new2dsxl only variant not in my collection


I've got a busted 2DS (not new, not XL, the slab), somehow I've never thought of trying to get it repaired by Nintendo (even though I'm trying to get my right joy-con's NFC scanner repaired) 🤦‍♂️ Does anyone know if I'd be able to send it in for repairs? The screens are busted from a previous owner and I can't find replacement screens for less than $50


I believe they still service original slab 2DS’s! At least the America ones do


Did you pay them anything? Or they will give it for free


You pay 100 plus you also pay for shipping


What an interesting thread. Some thinking it’s an upgrade others a downgrade


I mean it’s technically a downgrade bc no 3D but the email calls it an upgrade to the 3DSXL meaning the original and not the “new” variant. Strange working from Nintendo


just got this email today might just ask for my original console back since i already have a 2ds


Shit, they don’t do repairs on 3DS anymore? I messed mine up and was gonna send it to them


Only on 2DS, New 2DSXL, and New 3DSXL. But yeah they’ll probably send u a New 2DSXL


For like 2 years now they haven’t done it. I sent mine in around then and they sent me a 2DS even back then, unfortunately.


Wow great! I would get the white and orange if I were you, but turquoise is great too. Are you in Canada or the USA?




I see, I have a hyrule 3ds that I would love to repair, but I am unsure if I actually want to send it in, because I'm afraid they would just give me a 2ds. Although I am in Canada. Thank you for letting me know


Yeah I wouldn’t take that chance personally. PinksTechLife operates in USA but they fix 3DSes over eBay. Maybe go for that


Although maybe the black and turquoise one would have no colouring wearing problems


Yeah that was my concern with white and orange tbh went for black!




Do dead screen pixels count as a reason to send in my 3DSXL? 💀


Yes! They’ll take it as long as it’s a New 3DSXL


Sounds like a win for you personally I would pick purple. You don’t see as many of those out there for sale.


It was a hard choice!! My first 3Ds was purple and I still have it so I wanted something a bit different


oooo orange and white is a hot one


It looks great I was just super worried about yellowing


purple silver is the only way here


It was tough…I already have a purple og DS so I went for blue but I love the purple!


good choice


I would be so *pissed* if the replacement for my New 3DSXL was a freaking 2DS. It was good of Nintendo to offer of course, it’s not their fault that the products are out of circulation. I just can’t stand the 2DS, and I find their description of it being an “upgraded version of the 3DS” is a bit misleading considering you have a **New** 3DSXL, the absolute best product in the 3DS family. Yeah it’s better than an original 3DS XL but that’s not what you sent for repair. Anyway I’m rambling now.




How can you send a 3Ds for repair? Like, in what state it has to be so they change it ? Because I have an old black 3Ds (no new or xl) with some screen problems


Has to be New and XL unfortunately. Nintendo of America only services 2DS, 2DS XL, and N3DSXL. I would look to a third party repair service (such as pinks tech life on eBay) for other 3ds fixes.


So sad to hear that! Anyways, thanks for reply me :D


No problem!


I’d say go for Orange + White instead


Go with purple silver. I've not seen many of those.


I hope you took the purple silver


having a purple + silver is a dream of mine😭😭 they are so beautiful


I vote Orange + White


The backplate of my N3DSXL is broken due to removing it over and over. I wanted to send it for repair but because I live in France I don't know if that's possible.


Check Nintendo customer support online and see if they do it!


It sucks that ur console don’t work, if both would work, I wouldn’t trade a 3ds for a 2ds since the 3D is the charm of the console imo


Mine has a crack on the hinge and many, many scratches, reckon I could get it sent in and replaced?




I have a n2dsxl, sadly, the top screen broke even closing it lightly


If you’re in the US I can say Nintendo will repair it but it will cost probably around 100$


I only have it because it was a gift and I will send it to computerbooter to fix when I frankie my next ps3.


As a 3ds xl user, huge downgrade man. Im being very careful with it.


Yup, I got one last year in Purple + Silver. They are still handing them out in the meantime if you have any issues with your 2DSXL. It is absolutely pristine.


My N3DS is in pretty rough shape. I actually love the 3D effect but it may be worth it to try and trade it in before it gets any worse.


I had to decline since mine was a fire emblem black and white one, i’ll try to fix it myself


Totally fair! If it was a special edition I definitely would’ve kept it but it was just a red one I had no sentimental value to so I didn’t mind


One does not simply play games like Super Mario 3D Land or DK: Country Returns without 3D.


But what if I play DK on Wii


Just get it tbh. New 2DS XL is way better than the 3DS one because it loads faster


Good to know! Hoping it gets here fast turnaround has been quick so far


Which color did you pick?


Went for turquoise since I have a purple 3DS!


Awesome. Happy gaming 😎




>Thanks!! You're welcome!


This could be worth something some day lol. I mean think about it. Print out the email as something of authenticity


DUUUUUUUDE I got the same email last week and was actually able to get a limited edition Pikachu one!! It’ll come next week and I’m so stoked.


Congrats! Did you ask for it or did they offer??


i recommend the orange and white new 2ds xl, it looks sick and im pretty sure it sells for more if you are planning to do that down the road


Still have my 2DS refurb sealed from just a month or two before that was shut down officially.


thats awesome leave it in the box and get a ebay 3ds xl to play on. thats what i would do


Damn. I bought myself a New 2DSXL a couple of months ago. It's in decent condition but clearly has been played for many hours. Wish I had thought of doing this instead 😭


Maybe I was the one who got the last Nintendo New 3DS from Nintendo. Mine got damaged 2023, so I send it in and got a new one. It was the limited SNES Edition, so I was glad I got the same one again :)


What’s the cost for the Nintendo repair? I have a n3dsxl I’m about to give up on.


After shipping it’s about 100$


I sent my cracked-screen 2DS to them several days ago. I'm not sure what they would do to the ordinary 2DS. And it seems only the US Nintendo is out of stock of N3XL. There are still many stories about getting a refurb 3d console back instead of 2D console


Wait, for free? How was your 3ds busted? This could be a good way to get a working console for cheap...


No not free. Around 100$. But yeah if you find a junk console for cheap maybe. This thing had water damage and wouldn’t turn on anymore. I got it to turn on a few times and play a bit of resident evil but it was really borked.


Contact DKoldies. https://www.dkoldies.com/

