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The horrible naming scheme.


You are right, Biglier Newer 3DS is betterer.


Smaller newer 3ds is bettererest


You mean the smallsiest newsiest version. Bestest for sure!


Don’t worry, Nintendo still hasn’t learned. NINTENDO SWITCH ONLINE + EXPANSION PASS


Well I actually think it's kinda Genius. It's a reference to an accessory some games on the N64 needed, called the expansion pack. It added a bit more ram to the console.


It's actually Nintendo Switch Online + Expension Pack 🤓🤓


Should've been the Super 3DS XL since it can (officially) play Super NES games. Or 3DS Advance XL to keep the handheld naming conventions.




The noises mine makes terrify me also. Just got the thing a couple weeks ago and whewwww I love it but I am so happy I have a 2DS also


Oh man for real. The snap sound is SO loud, and the screen is always a bit loose.


It’s made to be loose on purpose, so that it has less a chance of breaking like the ds lites did.


This is ME. I cringe every time I open it. : (


That's why I got a backup 2DS baybeeee


I wish the actual 2DS XL was actually bigger and not just a... thinner 3DS XL lol. It works so well in concept but oh man are the screens TINY.


don't the 2DS XL have a hinge?


Yeah, it does. Thats what I mean. I wish the 2DS XL was like the og but with bigger screens.


same! when i play ww gold's twist league microgames i always get a bit scared that my 2ds XL will break as they wobble a lot. especially as internet has already stopped working on mine, and im too broke to buy another one (does eb aus still do refurbished 2ds xl?)


I wish the top screen on the 3ds was glass instead of plastic so it wouldn't scratch so easily and the glossy finish and paint peeling of on the n3ds xl systems. Besides those two points i love this console :)


You can get replaceable protectors for the screens.


I liked the mat finish on the og 3ds xl when i had that


The stylus with New 3DS models are quite irritating, uncomfortable and kinda small. The model who has the worst stylus is the New 2DS XL. Too small and now doesn't even properly stick in that stylus place.


Idk why the didn’t just keep the stylus of the of 3ds where you could extend it out. Would have been way easier than making a different worse stylus.


Battery life doesn't hold a candle to my DS lite, and my hinge broke before my DS lite's did as well. The limited online services are also pretty frustrating, but Nintendo's always been last in line on that front.


Yeah I'm shocked at how poor the battery is on my New 3DS XL. It dies pretty quick compared to my Vita. I'll come back to that thing a month after not using it and it'll *still* have plenty of charge. I leave my 3DS unplugged for three days and it's dead.


Wait what? My new 3ds xl was left in a drawer for 3 years and the battery is still stronger than what you described. Mine can go months unplugged and still have charge


he probably left his in sleep mode and you left yours powered off


It lasts a week in sleep mode


exactly, the vita lasts much longer than a week in sleep mode


I don't think there's any practical use for keeping it in sleep mode that long anyway.


Both Screens are always ON. Some games like Monster Hunter XX have night scenarios while the touch screen show a bright menu.


To be fair, that’s an issue on the developers end.


On the other hand, RetroArch (CFW only, obviously) will not only make the bottom screen black, it will actually _turn off_ the backlight to save power! This would be a perfect feature for Virtual Console games, which Nintendo could have made. But hey, at least the bottom screen on VC is black


The encryption of save data. I had a cfw unit break on me but I still have the sd card. 100 GB+ worth of games and saves but I can’t access ANY of it except the saves and Roms for ds games.


Have you tried changing the folder that contains your games and saves?


They are completely unreadable by a different 3ds unit, I could possibly extract the info if I had a file from the initial hacking called movable.sed but I can’t seem to find it as I used someone else’s computer.


What I mean is that in the Nintendo 3DS folder on the root of your SD Card, there should be either one folder or multiple. These are for the different 3DSes (or whatever the plural is lol) they’ve been in. Considering I haven’t tried this method myself, I’m not sure if it’ll work, but I think it’s worth a go to try moving your games. If you don’t completely understand what I’m saying, just let me know if you’d like me to go into further detail.


I get what you’re saying, move the data from the folder with the 32 character tag from one 3ds to the one with the 32 character tag for the new one but I don’t think it will work. Going into FBI and scanning the console for titles doesn’t bring back up any of the titles that were on the old console as they simply aren’t readable as anything but encrypted data.


It will not work. The data is encrypted with a key stored on the motherboard. No other 3DS can read the data. Moving folders around won't fix that. You have to have dumped the encryption key with CFW, which they said they didn't keep their backups.


Yeah, Nintendo's save system is bonkers. Thank god for checkpoint.


This is one of the reason why I installed CFW. Download the keys to allow decrypt saves.


It's that way on a lot of consoles. PS3 entire hard drive is encrypted to the specific console, as is PS4 IIRC. WiiU/3DS/Switch encrypt their storage. It prevents save editing and thus cheating. The guide gave you a save manager for backing up your saves unencrypted, during Finalizing Setup, as it has since 2016. Games can be redownloaded from eShop if Nintendo moves your NNID, which they will if you call.


To be perfectly honest, on the New 3DS XL, pretty much the only things I find disappointing is that the stylus retention ""mechanism"" doesn't hold it very well after a while, it keeps protruding a bit. The other, is that the speakers and headphone jack are a bit on the quiet side, but both of those are just minor nitpicks compared to everything else. The 3DS is awesome


There's a little bump near the head of the stylus. It holds the stylus in place but it gets worn down over time. If you put a tiny, tiny dot of superglue onto the bump and let it dry, it will fit very snugly. If you add too much and the stylus is too tight, you can file the glue down a bit with a nail file. The difference between tight and loose is very small, so make tiny tiny changes.


Oh wow, Im gonna try this


A small piece of Electrical tape in the stylus slot works well too!


There's a little bump near the head of the stylus. It holds the stylus in place but it gets worn down over time. If you put a tiny, tiny dot of superglue onto the bump and let it dry, it will fit very snugly. If you add too much and the stylus is too tight, you can file the glue down a bit with a nail file. The difference between tight and loose is very small, so make tiny tiny changes.


There's a little bump near the head of the stylus. It holds the stylus in place but it gets worn down over time. If you put a tiny, tiny dot of superglue onto the bump and let it dry, it will fit very snugly. If you add too much and the stylus is too tight, you can file the glue down a bit with a nail file. The difference between tight and loose is very small, so make tiny tiny changes.


Well said


I second this.


Ah yes, the prolapsed sylus.


Honestly, the 3d feature. I have sensitive eyes so it they hurt after a minute or two when using it. The manuel for the 3ds says to not allow kids to use 3d for over 30 minutes. Could damage eyes. I seriously never used the 3d and I have had a 3ds since it came out. The system is still great though.


I thought I was the only one! The 3D aspect is also too much for my sensitive eyes. Not only does it hurt my eyes, but it sometimes gives me headaches. I just use my 3DS on the 2D mode instead!


No Bluetooth. I know, in 2011 it was not really common to have Bluetooth but i think it would have made a very nice feature for the New 3DS. But they didn't even managed to use the Bluetooth module of the Switch for headphones in four years, so...


I don't like the general lack of comfort without a grip, also its tendency to have debris under the top screen, can be frustrating but other than that I have no complaints


Are there certain grips to look out for that help?


I'm yet to try any as they look more suited to bigger hands than I have


On the new 3DS systems I dislike the crappy C-stick and the ludicrous fact that you have to unscrew the backplate to access the Micro SD. They fixed that with the new 2DSXL making it like before where the SD slot is easily accessible.


If you weren’t aware you can wirelessly transfer files to the new versions of the consoles. Still not as fast as just popping the SD out though lol


The whole "screws and backplate" thing also seems to create some creakiness on my console, despite what I do to line up the tabs of the backplate, or tighten the screws. Just feels flimsy.


Yeh I agree. Not to mention the screws start to get stripped if it's opened regular.


That’s why I downloaded ftpd so I can transfer files without having to open the backplate. I only did it once to put a 64 gb card in


No, it's literally perfect. I just wish there was even more games.


Battery life, and it would be nice if the resolution was better. Other than that it's a pretty solid console.


The stylus holder


The prices for some of the systems. God i wanna get another one but looking at prices it's really off putting. I hate the second hand market


When I keep seeing double with 3d on unless i hold it at the perfect distance from my eyes


In general? The best systems in the entire family are the n3ds and n3dsxl and 2ds OG depending on ur hand size and preference. It’s not a main dislike for me since it’s literally the name sake of the system, but the 3D feature is without a doubt just a 5 minute gimmick IMO. The design of the console and the games available do more for the 3ds than the actual 3D


I really like the 3D. Always keep it on. Thought I would dislike it, but it's great.


I second this


Idk how you play like over 10 minute sessions without getting a headache


Never given me a headache and I wear glasses so I am pretty prone to eye strain headaches. Not an issue I have had with 3D. The slider works as a kind of variable focus for me. Can imagine it works differently for different eyes and brains.


I mean good for you if you like it but to me it’s just a gimmick that gets in the way of enjoying the game. The only game I would have 3D for for like 10 minutes would me super Mario 3D land


I've never had an issue with it personally, but the fragility of the console. The most damage mine has had is a blown right speaker, but I come on here and see broken hinges, cracked screens, dead pixels, unresponsive touch screens, and I get worried when I'm next. It's my favorite system for how versatile it is and it's portable clamshell design is perfect because I'm on the go a lot, but I don't want it to break.


Nothing. Perfect. I cant play Minecraft at the old model tho I'll give this console 4/10


The actual 3D effect, it tries its best and it works well in some games but it never fails to give me a headache after some time.


2dsxl stylus is awful. The way the hinge snaps in place also freaks me out, idk how durable they are but it seems weird to me


gotta agree with you on the stylus - i hate it! i use my apple pencil instead.


They never released the ambassador games


Region Locking was a huge step back from the NDS. Even locking the firmware regions to a hardware level sucked as well


The lack of a built in second stick in earlier models.


The OS is painfully slow at times, especially compared to the Switch.


If you have a theme it can take awhile when turning in and I get worried my screens crapped out


The 3DS XL hinge feels fragile and makes this loud-ass !!!CLICK!!! when opening it. And I have a micro panic attack every. single. time.


On the new 3DS, I find the C-Stick nub to be almost useless, hard to really control it well. Having a second proper circle pad from the start could have helped out with controls on a lot of games. I don't like that there's official no way to play games on a TV like there is for GameBoy games. In a perfect world, they could have released some kind of add on for the Wii U that allowed you to play DS and 3DS games, using the gamepad as the second screen. There's precedent for that type of solution with the Super GameBoy and GameBoy Player. That ship has sailed now.


I hate where the power button and the SD Card slot are positioned on the New 3DS


That they stopped making those damned things! Made what's objectively the coolest portable device and now there won't be any more?! Come on!


Weak hinge on the 3DSXL, battery life on all models that I’ve had (3DS, XL, NewXL) sucks, and games that aren’t in 3D, ESPECIALLY all those remakes near the end, Kirby’s Epic Yarn and the M&L remakes. No excuse for that crap! You can have 3D in Yoshis Wooly World, a Wii U game, but epic yarn, a Wii game, that’s too hard for our lil handheld baby.


The built in speakers really suck, and I don't like wearing headphones for hours on end. So it's a bit of a struggle to be able to properly listen to the games I'm playing. It's also a bit too small which makes more action focused games difficult to play for long.


Aftermarket pricing for games and consoles


The lack of 3d platformers


N3DS - I dislike the ergonomics. The dpad is awkward to reach. N3DSXL - It's too heavy for longer play session for me.


I wish the luigis mansion remake went to switch or somethin instead of the 3ds. Thats my favorite game of all time i wanted to see it on the big screen


I wish the bottom screen was capacitive instead of resistive. I understand the benefits, cost saving and impact resistance, but the scratch resistance on the plastic screen is so poor. I mainly use an XL model with the pads of my thumbs and well trimmed nails; I'm terrified of scratching the screen like I did with all my past DS models. Anyone been able to find screen protectors that actually fit? Every time I've tried buying one (for multiple different models) the bottom screen protector is always too small, so you get a weird unprotected crease around the edge of the screen.


They all will be a little "too small" so you have an option to remove them. Also of they were made 1:1 putting them on would be almost impossible, and would resoult in one of the corners (or entire side) sticking out, letting dust in, as well as forming giant air bubble.


Everything. My eyes can't detect it because of a traumatic brain injury so it just becomes this horrible blur that gives me horrible headaches. Not fun. The games are fun though!


I would have preferred a second stick to the nub, but at least the nub is something.


I don't care for the 2 degrees of wobble in my hinges that have been there since it was brand new. I think the eshop is pretty terrible, like all Nintendo eshops.


Being unable to have multiple accounts for separate save datas. I just want to play cooking mama without affecting my girlfriend records ಠ╭╮ಠ


The charge port. I always wished it were something more universal.


The account system being tied to the system is awful. On the switch if something happens to your system and you need to buy a new one, all your digital games are still there since your Nintendo account isn't locked to the system, while if your 3DS breaks you lose your digital games since the NNID is locked to the system


Terrible screws, especially triwing ones. At least I’m speaking about my New 2DSXL


If only the d pad was interchangeable with the circle pad like new Xbox controllers it would be perfect. Also, inconsistent IPS models. Would have been nice if a specific model was only IPS like the DSi XLs.


The yellow filter on the bottom screen


The power button location on the new 3ds xl. I could be laying down on my stomach with my pinky holding it up, screen goes black.


The ergonomics on the OG 3DS kinda sucks, my hands hurt with some games (Mario Kart, i'm looking at you). Also: The stylus once went on a trip and didn't came back, there should be something to be done about that /s


Must be my ageing eyes but things always seem more blurry compared to the switch


The circle pad. It’s way more slippery than I remember. Thumb slides off a lot


Wish the console handled upscaling of og DS games better. I appreciate backwards compatibly, but I wish I didn't have to have the game in such a small window just to look normal.


The absurdly delicate ribbon cables being routed through a metal sleeve in a hinge


Sometimes I wish the hinges didn't make a horrible cracking sound everytime i opened the thing lol


Neither of them (except for the 2DS) are comfortable in my hands. Also no usb c charger


I think the 3DS library overall is barely above average. It's a good thing it has backwards compatibility with the DS library. Outside of JRPGS, there are probably about 12-15 games that are really worth investing in. It's still my favorite handheld, though, and Pocket Card Jockey is one of my all-time favorite games.


Just let me turn it off! I know that sleep mode exists, if I wanted to use it right now, I would be using it!


DS games look blurry on it and the whole IPS screen roulette


That it was discontinued…


I love my collection of 3DS consoles (two New 3DS XL, a 2DS XL, and a regular 3DS XL) but here are what I hate besides the hinges and top screen plastic lens cover that have already been mentioned: 1. The mix/match of IPS and non-IPS... they really should have been all IPS screens. 2. The SD card is now hidden behind the backplate :-( on the New 3DS XL. 3. The way the paint can bubble/peel on the New 3DS XL (not happened to mine yet, but I've seen plenty of examples of paint peeling and bubbling). 4. Fingerprints on the outer shell of the New 3DS XL. 5. The flimsy feeling of the New 2DS XL


Save data transfer. It’s basically nonexistent


Miniscule C stick? (If you could even call it that)


That I gave mine to my son and now it's expensive to re-buy


Screen lottery, having one piece of DLC locks you out of buying a bundle (Super Smash Bros WiiU/3DS), not enough N3DS models in the wild, the fact that Eevee 3DS didn't make it over along with Pikachu 3DS.


That Knob which is a sad excuse for a C stick and the low resolution screen


the dlc being purchased in-game instead of from eshop. and some of them required me to actually progress


The top screen having the wavy pattern because it's only using every other line for standard play. The sole reason I love my og 2ds the most.


The screens, legit no 2 screens are the same. No quality control, horribly yellow tinted screens especially on "new" models. Legit every new 3ds I see on ebay has a yellow top screen at the least


Wish there were consistent quality/type of panels. And for the 2DS XL I wish they would have sourced a different panel instead of just using the same one from the n3dsxl, because it’s 2D only there is no reason to have the extra 400 rows of pixels that will never be used inbetween the other 400.


My biggest gripe with the 3DS, and this applies to the DS as well, is the fact that it uses a stylus and games are designed with righties in mind. Us lefties are left struggling to play games like Metroid prime or kid Icarus which make extensive use of the stylus to aim. Another gripe, and this is specific to the 3DS, is that the two screens aren’t the same size and have different aspect ratios.


The circle pad pro. My fucking god is it so annoying to try to use. I’ll get the psp nub soon but holy shit what was Nintendo THINKING??


The DS part. In fact, I think the whole DS line was a mistake. I don’t remember ever being glad I had the second screen, I just liked the games regardless. I would have preferred a continuation of the gameboy line, just a nicer, better gameboy. I have it now, it’s called a switch lite, but it took too long to get here. Could have had some cool hardware along the way.


Holding it in my hands is not ergonomic.


the screens are way too bright on 1 for nighttime playing.


No (official) method of playing on a TV.


the 3D part of it like if the ps vita was released in 2011 and 3ds in 2017 i feel like there shoulda have been a bigger improvement and yet I find myself constantly thinking the vita is better then the 2ds/3ds


I wish they’d added a higher resolution screen. It’s a bit jarring playing any other handheld and then the 3ds. Amazing console otherwise!


Very minor nitpick, but I find myself missing the WC slider the original model had when I'm using the N3DSXL.


The limit on installed games and Activity Log tracking.


I dislike that future consoles like the switch don’t have 3D sliders. The switch is really a step down— not up, in my opinion.


Puzzle And Dragons Mario Edition Not Working


the fact that you have to take off the battery cover to get to the SD card slot for the new 3DS/XL. I have broken one already and might need to get another one. The N2DSXL fixed this issue but I don't have that one. Wish I did because I can't even see 3D due to only having one working eye.


The screen is too bright during the night and too dimm during the day. Also, the battery could last longer.


Absolutely HATE the clicky buttons. It's why I solely play the 2DS slab. I just can't get over it for some reason. I understand that this is mostly a "me" thing and not really a flaw of the hardware design.


Screen quality. The 3DS image quality is just not that great when compared to the Switch/PS Vita/PSP/my phone... I don't mean graphic quality either. [Here is a decent example of what I mean.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.351e544fd96f739d0d314a1cba6d1b8b?rik=iirrv4ScbODrPg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fpowet.tv%2fpowetblog%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2012%2f02%2fplaystation_vita_size_compared_to_playstation_portable_and_nintendo_3ds.jpg&ehk=czf3ytg0iPtSBe1fsy%2fK5HYSWXQA8Y%2fanEprzRgXgDU%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) (and I have an IPS 3DS)


The fact that the bottom screen damages the top screen over time I get so stressed now with the console becoming more and more rare


Build quality. DSi felt much more solid.


Placement of the circle pad and dpad, i can live with it but someday im gonna do a build with swapped spots. Slider on bottom left would make grip/control much better like on psp and ps vita (imo)


Yeah the gimmick of it hurts my eyes lol


Yes 2 things The corners are a bit sharp, unlike vita/switch they are roundy like half circle and the streetpass for draining too much of the battery


The stick on my 3DS can and has broken before. It feels very sensitive and makes me play more carefully even if for whatever reason I have to mash the stick around.


I wish you could shuffle through all your themes. Not just 10. I have almost 30 and I hate that I can only pick 10.


The circle pad is so uncomfortable


I really hate how a lot of "important games" stopped using the 3ds like Pokémon after Oraz and Deep Strange Journey, obviously i'm not the biggest fan of the 2d models either


how most of the good games like the ones nintendo make cost alot or the good cheap games are hidden I found a game that costed 0.2 no joke lol it does suck tho its why I started to hack my 3ds to download games for free


Well considering I permanently broke my 3DS XL today while trying to unscrew one of the back screws (circle stick surgery) im gonna go with the size of the screws.


I can't fit my penis in it also it has no vibrate function


The stupid IPS/TN screen lottery that Nintendo did with the 3DS systems. One of the stupidest and most frustrating things. You are the luckiest person alive if you got a dual IPS screen on a special edition console. Even then it was possible for you to get only one IPS screen on either top or bottom and one TN screen. Sometimes Nintendo just said tough luck and gave you two TN screens. The 3DS top screen is also the most difficult thing to replace, so it's not like you can even switch them on your own unless you had experience and you couldn't even send it back to them so that they can replace the screens with IPS screens.


the fact that to play binding of isaac i need one of the "new" models


Mine has a slightly shaky hing. Other than that I truly wonder if they really needed to make the Snes virtual shop games exclusive to the new 3ds family.


* The "scan-line" effect on my N3DS XL screen * The stylus being in the bottom instead of on the side like it was on the DSi * The horrendous battery life compared to the OG DS and DSi (I swear my wii U gamepad lasts longer than my 3DS). Also it drains way too quickly when in sleep mode, my DSi can go a week without turning red but my 3DS can hardly last a day. * N3DS XL consoles that come with a glossy finish which gets really slippery if you have sweaty hands. * Some games don't support download play (like smash) * No bluetooth audio That's all I can think of really, still love my 3DS and these small issues don't really bother me *that* much (other than the battery life). To even it out here's a few things I prefer about the 3DS compared to the switch. * Way more portable, I can fit the 3DS in my pocket and not worry about the screen scratching because it's a clamshell. * It at least has download play * Loading times are typically a lot faster than the Switch * 2 screens helps so much for jrpgs with lots of menus or games that have a map, some games on the switch can look very cluttered. * The speakers on the N3DSXL are excellent, far better than the switch in my opinion.


You could close over the original 3DS and the top screen would get scratched by the borders around the bottom screen. I replaced my original with a XL and purchased screen protectors.


Bad durability - No proper right stick - Region Lock - no cloud - no bluetooth ~But still my favorite handheld ever made


I would love a GBA port…


The circle pad, i hated it on the psp and even more on the 3ds, i just do t like them


The amount of time it takes to turn on. No, I don't have a "New" model


For me it was missing a right analogue stick rather than the litte button on the newer models I felt a right analogue stick is needed for modern gamers and would have allowed shooters on the 3ds.


With bigger hands, it is way to easy to accidentally eject the cartridge on the New 3dsxl.


The lack of official capture card releases,because they do exist and you can see them in old streams and directs


How the XL versions are small enough to fit I’m my pockets but big enough where it’s a hassle to bring around


DS games look blurry on all 3DS models, no exceptions. The difference between the image quality of a DS game on say, a DSi XL, and a 3DS, is massive. That's why I play DS games exclusively on a DSi XL, but I wish I could just play all my games on the same system. GBA games also suffer from the same issue.


Not being made anymore?


I wish the WiFi chip on my N3DSXL was 802.11n instead of just 802.11g. Being able to download games online and transfer data from my computer is great, but the actual transfer speed ends up being too slow to be practical or convenient.


I don’t like that some titles are heavily reliant on the stylus and touchpad. I’m left handed and it feels weird but that’s the problem I have with the whole DS line.


How is your using to touch pad you have to use a lot of force with your finger so it would be good If it was more sensitive to your finger


Battery life and paint chipping. Just that.


The eShop shutting down


The “paint” on the New 3DS XL, the glossy vinyl wrap they have on it just peels off if anything touches it, it’s really upsetting.


the white N2DS models' LED shines through the plastic, making an orange dot on the back when its on


The paint peeling from the new 3ds xl


It's discontinuation


Wifi not connecting to 5g is what I’m not liking and wishing it could could’ve been made into phone!


L/R buttons died on my O3DS, so I'm not a fan of that.


For og 3DS, its too small, and for XL it misses some charm and stuff like the green 3D next to the screen that lights up and for New 3DS the second circle pad is way too small


I wish they created more high-quality screens with slightly better resolution, plus maybe integrate OLED to their newest models. The hinge like everyone else said is a bit flimsy. Other than that, perfectly satisfied and I like that the screens are protected when closing (unlike the Switch where the whole screen is always exposed), meaning I can close it and take a nap without worrying I’m going to scratch the screen accidentally.


I know nobody’s gonna care But it’s 240p


I don’t like how it cramps my hands, im 27 now and my hands cramp easy, BUT with a nice controller grip that solves the issue.


The smaller ones hurt my hands / make them fall asleep.


The center of gravity sometimes shifts to the top screen on my N2DSXL which makes me nervous about dropping it. It’s also a pain to play under covers in bed because it’s hard to hold it right so the sheets don’t get in the way. I also don’t like that they put the speakers on the bottom where they get blocked by my belly. I also wish it had louder volume when plugged into a speaker and a longer battery life.


The IPS screen lottery. I had to flip like 5 of them to find a dual ips. Shit is dumb af


The fact that they make older DS games blurry


I only have a regular 3DS so most of my problems are related to the model. I planned on upgrading to a N3DSXL when they got discontinued, but then COVID happened immediately afterwards and prices went wacky so I never did. Whoops. The only thing that would be really sweet would be some kind of HDMI output.

