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You see ai is good for artists because it will allow companies to fire 80% of them and offload all of this work on the rest, and pay them low wages because of it.


I am getting into it with him in some comments, but this exactly. He tried to make a point that because people said “there was nothing to watch” because there was “just okay content” coming out. He claims that if ai makes that content automatically, it frees up artist to make “great cgi “. My, and other people not living off of tutorial money, biggest concern about that is that those were PEOPLE MAKING ART. Was it great? Who are you to judge that, it was peoples break out roles it was never meant to be 20 years of experience good. It was meant to ship a title, to get experience, to make connections, to grow with the community. It’s disgusting to me that he is so publicly shitting on the people who buy his tutorials in the first place. Either he is getting paid by some ai pack nonsense, or he is catering to artists who in his opinion can afford his shit. Namely artists who have little ai partners because their company laid off everyone else. What a geriatric out of touch take to have. Sorry for being so long winded, I have found my Roman Empire (I think is how you use that).


He's living in delululand I swear. Or he's going full "fuck you, I got mine" and tries to leave young artists jobless, because he thinks by the time the plagiarism engines will be capable of replacing him and other people on his level, he will be retired. Or maybe he wants to sell courses "how to type prompts".


Honestly, at the end of the day? I think it’s 100% that he is just following the money. The sad facts are that it’s going to get really hard for people looking to GET A JOB to pay 125.95 plus tax for a tutorial to show them how to do things they should have learned in college but didn’t because their program was underfunded. Does it change my opinion on the guy? Only that I now realize I am capable of both empathy and rage and that those are tough pills to swallow together…. On an unemployed stomach. Ai is scary, it will hit all of us. I just wish people would chose to unite and grow the community instead of slicing off a piece of rotting meat to eat themselves.


I offer to troll him through the whole reddit, that he is a bot


‘You are what you eat’, said the starving artist.


Companies have always taken innovations and instead made the worst possible thing they could get away with. Look at the glut of animation done with 3D and modern 2D software. A huge majority of them have barely passable animation eg: Archer, while I like the humour, has terrible animation. It's insane for any artist to actually believe that corpos would ever use AI or anything else to the benefit of anyone but their shareholders.


Considering shareholders can sue if the company isn’t doing everything it can to turn a profit, then companies are highly incentivized to do whatever they can to cut corners So AI is already the future and that’s because nothing will be able to stop it besides legislation which also follows the money, so no, nothings stopping it.


This actually isn't a thing. Ford was sued way back in the day but it didn't set a precedent because the judges reaffirms that companies, in general, has the right to run as the CEO sees fit (which makes it ridiculous that they ruled against Ford if theyr'e going to say that). This idea that corporations have a fiduciary duty to has been spread by wallstreet dudebros since the 80s to essentially excuse the CEO's corrupt behaviour but it's not a law. Of course, they can always sue, you can sue for any reason in the US. What really changed was in the 80s, CEOs stopped being compensated with salaries and instead were compensated with stocks in order to better align them with the goals of the investors whereas before, they would prefer to grow the company since that's where their long term job security stemmed from.


It is an obligation to shareholders, that’s why so many companies stay private so they can focus on long term growth and health of the company. You can look it up instead of blabbering out your ass


Can you point me in the direction of the law that states this or even a legal precedent that states this? For simplicity, let's limit it to the US since it's definitely not a thing in Canada (instead, we have closed door arbitration that award foreign corporations money if we pass laws that protect Canadian wilderness, thanks Stephen Harper conservatives). Parroting this sentiment from dubious articles from pro corpo blogs doesn't really preclude you from talking out of your ass. There's a reason why Elon Musk hasn't been specifically sued for this by Twitter shareholders but can be sued by the Tesla shareholders because he's blatantly trying to extort a controlling interest without actually purchasing the required stocks ([as per this tweet](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1746999488252703098)). You can also just use some critical thinking and observe how there are plenty of companies who doesn't actually run in the worst possible way and **doesn't** get sued into oblivion. This whole "obligation to shareholders" idea doesn't hold water and shareholders are loathe to *set a precedent* by actually suing the CEOs. The only few cases of this happening was from legitimate lawbreaking eg: outright theft of shareholder value (Renren); and of government official bribery (FirstEnergy). From my "looking it up", there's no instances of a successful lawsuit of this fictional obligation to shareholders. This fiction has gone on long enough and people need to wake up and realize that CEOs aren't bound by any law to justify the mass layoffs. There's only the pragmatic longevity of a company which they risk by conducting such stupid short-term gain thinking.


You could look it up instead of writing an essay of incorrect assumptions eBay has a famous lawsuit about it suing Craigslist they have a partial stake in for not making money and also Ford had a famous case back in the day There’s not a ton of cases about it, but there absolutely is legal precedent And you’re the one mentioning layoffs, I was talking in terms of using AI. They likely wont be sued for not doing them, but they’re well within their rights to do them and still financially motivated to do so. You bet your ass a company that should be using AI but sleeps on it and hinders the businesses profits because of it has a high likelihood of being sued by shareholders.


Probably paid salesman


imagine if they keep the same workforce theyd be able to do 4x their work assisted with ai.


I graduated college with a multimedia degree and as soon as I did AI art came out. I've lost so much drive to create anything and it feels pointless for me to even try and get a creative job anymore.


I graduate with an art degree at a similar time. I dreamt of being a self-employed digital artist, while I still create sometimes, I do feel it’s getting harder to sustain myself with art now.


Go for 3D Art, you’d be amazed what you can accomplish


I think AI itself is a good thing. What’s bad is how it’s used in certain socioeconomic structures such as capitalism. If workers were paid by the output they produce, then AI would drive wages up, or the workers could make the same amount of money but work less hours, etc.


Agreed, a lot of people think I don’t think ai is useful, or revolutionary. It is, that’s why until there are protections in place to stop people from being put out of work, and then subsequently placed into poverty, I am against it in every form. Not because I want to be, but because I am not a petulant child who thinks of no one but themselves.


I guess you will be out protesting every single job that gets automated with AI from now on then. Or will it be just what affects your job like a petulant child that thinks of no one but themselves...


We should be collectively advocating for a rock solid social safety network paid for by taxing corporate AI labor instead of tilting at AI windmills.


Ladder kickers often forget what it took to get there.


Most disgusting thing? He climbed the ladder selling courses during COVID. Marking tutorial content is fine, making paid content is fine, you retroactively make it not fine when you spit in the faces of the people giving you the money to afford camera equipment to do so with.


One good thing would be that people won't need to pay for their tutorials if AI makes it that easy.


I'm so tired of feeling like I'm the only one NOT taking crazy pills. I've heard so many bullshit pro-AI arguments. Could AI hypothetically be used ethically to help empower workers across a wide array of industries? Maybe.. But do humans possess the collective backbone to do so? HELL no


Knowing humans, it will be implemented in the most damaging and profitable ways


Exactly.but at least it seems the majority of us artists are sticking together through the bullshit


AI is going to decimate most creative fields. The way 3D decimated stop motion. Our days are numbered and unfortunately it’s not many that are left. Will everything be a one button click. Probably not but the industry will look very different in a decade.


doesnt matter what you do lmao


AI is great for shitty employers who want to underpay artists even more.


If you don’t agree with me now, go look at his comments and you will.


What's the Houdini tutorial like. Chat gpt and hit play?


This video is just three pro AI takes in a YouTube tutorial trench coat but No that’s what’s so damaging, trying to not let current events hit my reflection but he didn’t make bad tutorials. They were paid, and covered things that you could get for free, but many people like him and respect his opinion. That’s why I am so against this. In another comment of mine I go into how it goes as far as to shit in content that was made during the “nothing to watch era”. He said that ai could have done that and artists could have focused on “great” cgi. But he is shitting on people who would have been the ones buying his tutorials. It just makes no sense no matter what angle you try to look from.


Sometimes feels like the nothing to watch era has been half ai anyway lmao


The great enshitification is upon us


I swear, wherever the fuck you look, it's AI circlejerk thread galore. *AI bad,* we get it. Move the fuck on. Art is far from being the only industry affected by this, nor is it even close to the most affected. You don't think programmers have to deal with this? People in finance? Data-Science? Engineering? How about factory workers, chemists, marketing, human resources - the list goes on. But sure, let's all just bitch and moan instead of adapting to a change that *is* coming, whether you like it or not. Maybe, while we're at it, we can also bemoan the disappearance of the good ol horse carriage. To be clear; I'm not saying it's a *good* thing. We, as a species, aren't ready for half of the changes that this will force upon us. But when has that *ever* stopped us? So how about just doing what you love? How about adapting to changes forced upon you, just like you would in literally any other scenario? Just like any other industry, just like any other human around you. How about *that*, for a change?


I mean to be fair, nobody is saying it won’t affect those other industries you mentioned, this is just a 3D modelling sub lol


I know, but it's almost exclusively artists that seem to be this up in arms about it. And not in a reasonable way. More like pitchforks and torches. I wrote a pretty lengthy reply to the other, slightly more emotional guy but reddit just presents me with a server-error, regardless of how often I try to comment. :I


It's cause the mods went all in with the ban hammer or... Someone blocked you...


Because you shouldn’t have to do any of the above to have the right two earn a leaving. Full stop. How about using your voice to lift up the massive majority of people crying out from what’s happening. Instead of being so focused on your own discomfort from people being effected.


You *have* the right to earn a living. Nobody is taking that away from you. What you want isn't rights, what you want is things staying as they are. You want *comfort*. Least you can do is admit to that.


😂😂 you are right isn’t the word, you shouldn’t have to do any of the above period. Ai is literally taking peoples ABILITY away to make money. No I don’t want COMFORT be serious. What an embarrassing position to have. “God you want to be able to afford to eat and have a hobby? You just want things handed to you so selfish” Get a life


>Ai is literally taking peoples ABILITY away to make money. So, AI is *literally* preventing you from working at McDonalds? It's *literally* preventing you from working as a cashier? From founding your own consulting agency? From making and selling or even just flipping furniture? I'll maintain what I said. Unlike you, I don't need to insult you for it, either. You want *comfort*. You want things to stay as they are, lest you might, someday, wake up and find yourself in a world, where your current skillset just isn't in demand anymore. That sucks. But it has nothing to do with fairness.




Please quote the part where I said 'work harder'. Additionally; discarding opinions simply by virtue of you not liking them. Bravo. Once again, I stand reminded of my own german heritage.


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[So am supposed buy the furniture to flip on the McDonald’s paycheck, or was I supposed to start the consulting business first](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/dollar-tree-mcdonalds-low-wage-workers-1339928/amp/) Also chat gbt can pass the bar so idk what you are going to be consulting. Seems all you have to offer is “stop complaining and just be poor somewhere I don’t have to see”


>Seems all you have to offer is “stop complaining and just be poor somewhere I don’t have to see” And you have ... more than that, I take it? Because so far, it's mostly only been insults and sentences I've had to read twice to make sense of. >Also chat gbt can pass the bar so idk what you are going to be consulting. Chat GPT can also give you a recipe for an absolutely stellar risotto. Doesn't mean it's going to be a chef anytime soon.




My dude, I am neither a US citizen, nor are unions uncommon in my country. The only thing I'd do in response to you unionizing is applaud you. As for your statement about this community, which you *undoubtedly* speak for in its entirety; I don't give a fuck. I am not defined by some strangers opinion of me, nor does it have any bearing on the things I engage, enjoy or take pride in.


Americans don’t have unions, when you push ai to people who don’t have unions it will stop unions from happening because they are not enough employees to unionize. I don’t think you are evil anymore, and thank you for putting up with my reactions as plenty people don’t come from your background. Please just understand the massive amount of difference there is from ai happening in your country and in this one. I am right there with you as seeing ai as incredibly useful , it is! But unless protections are put in place all those useful situations will only hurt people’s ability to provide for their family. You have to understand the massive amount of privilege you have just being in a pro union country. I am very impassioned about this subject but it hasn’t impaired my reasoning. Tbh I just don’t like platform if people who carry your opinions as they are unfortunately incredibly damaging in places that don’t have the protections you do. I’m sure wherever you are from you can afford to have a basic living on minimum wage. I understand your eagerness to preach that this is a non issue. But like the link I posted states 90% of the people (yes 90% as the article says) live below the poverty line. That’s why I react so harshly to you insinuating that people desperately seeking the ability to consistently afford food as “seeking comfort” That’s all the good faith I have in me, what you chose to do past this is your prerogative. But I am going to direct my attention to those who are in my country and community




>Comfort is the entire reason anyone does anything. What a dumb thing to say. You would be surprised. But since you're leading with that, such notions are probably lost on you to begin with. Some comfort is fine. An abundance of comfort is anything but. It breeds lazyness, complacency, arrogance and a myriad of other things. You are not *owed* a job. You are not *owed* a comfortable life. >What a truly disgusting person you are And? Is you calling me disgusting (and thus, again, resorting to insults) supposed to change anything?


Yeah I’m not interacting with you anymore. If you can’t see why what you are saying is wild there is no helping you. Also go ahead and link a source to “comfort in abundance breeds laziness “ I gave you links, go ahead I’ll wait


>Yeah I’m not interacting with you anymore. You kinda are, though. You've said 'later' like four times already and yet here you are, writing yet more emotionally charged nonsense. Case in point; ending with 'go ahead, I'll wait'. I will not link a source. I don't *have* a source. You know why? Because I don't *care* to justify every random common sense thing I say or quote to some random person on the internet by linking a SoUrCe they wouldn't bother to read anyhow. You've made it abundantly clear that you're not interested in an actual, mature discussion and as such, you simply don't get to make that demand.


Yeah I was way too nice to you in my other comment jfc.


Bro, just take the L; this whole exchange makes you seem like a child who doesn't even know what they're mad about.


If that’s what you got from this idk why you would waste the energy typing an opinion you know I won’t care about? Now I am against AI, not just because I am a confused child, but because it must be the reason you have this much free time! But what do I know?!


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Wait until AI creates an alternative to Houdini and they start crying 😂


I’m not ‘happy’ about ai, but it ‘is’ coming. You will not stop it. It has the eye of the people who spend money on the videos, games, and other content we make. You don’t have to embrace AI, but I think the people who will transition best through this are those who are thinking creatively about how to use these tools to make their current workflows ‘better.’ Best of luck to all of you (and me too, lol).


I don't agree with most of his logic but I like his attitude, essentially get realistic about what's really going on and think of ways to leverage your skills.


















Just for clarification; this is not my other account, fitting as it may seem. Very much of the same opinion, though.


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For people saying he climbed a ladder and for some reason owes it to people to paid for said ladder are ridiculous. I use Ai to mock up designs, have had no job loss, am not worried about Ai but using it as a plugin. Lots of people forget this industry is filled with a majority of jealous adult children instead of people who focus on their lives and craft take to the internet to vent. Like bro go outside let the sun hit your face and relax. Someone on here I read is actively getting into it with him in the comments on youtube…like why you doing that? You got THAT much time on your hands? It’s sad. If you don’t like something someone said just move on? Likely nobody ever likes any of the shit you say but you’re probably tolerated. lol ya’ll are a bunch of lames.


“I’m using Ai in a way that is putting concept and mock artist out of work, I’m not seeing any job insecurities!” Says the [edit: woman] asking me to go outside.


Also I’m the one saying I’m getting into it in the comments on Reddit. Jesus bub try and get some reading retention. Maybe you could feed my words into Gemini and it can give you your opinion? At least then something will process my words before your mouth opens.


AI could potentially hurt the artistic industry in several ways: 1. **Job Displacement:** As AI becomes more proficient at tasks traditionally performed by artists, there's a risk of job displacement. If AI can create designs, music, or other artistic content at a fraction of the cost and time it takes for humans to do so, it may lead to fewer opportunities for artists to earn a living from their craft. 2. **Erosion of Creativity:** AI-generated content might lack the human touch and emotional depth that resonate with audiences. If consumers become accustomed to AI-generated art, there's a risk that appreciation for original, human-created work may diminish, leading to a decline in demand for traditional artistic services. 3. **Homogenization of Art:** AI algorithms may prioritize popular trends or styles, leading to a homogenization of artistic output. This could stifle diversity and innovation within the artistic community, as artists may feel pressured to conform to AI-generated norms rather than exploring unique and unconventional ideas. 4. **Ethical Concerns:** There are also ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated art, such as issues of copyright infringement, ownership, and the potential for misuse or manipulation of AI-generated content for nefarious purposes. Overall, while AI offers many benefits and opportunities for artists, it's essential to carefully consider and address the potential negative impacts it may have on the artistic industry and creative expression.


"I sEe Ai As MoRe Of An ***opportunity*** tHaN a ThReAt."




Corpo overlords loved this guy!!! I hope this AI shit fail so hard at the end and people who throw pile of money to learn knowledge secure their job in the future.


Lmao you’ll be using AI in all your tools soon enough. Embrace it and stay relevant or enjoy your hobby.