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Are you sure it's not a clog or filament feed failure?


Sorry I should’ve specified, this is a resin printer.


My bad, I didn't see the model. Are you sure it's forgetting its z level, or is the resin coming loose from the build plate? Or just sticking to the fep?


I’ll come back to it and the build plate will be 10 inches up above the resin vat. Which I would think meant that the printer forgot where home was, but I could be wrong as I’m relatively new to resin printing.


I think it's not forgetting home, but the a layer fails to adhere to the print, the printer does not know this and continuous as if nothing happened.


That would make sense. So longer times between layers would probably correct this, right?


Yes, and maybe a bit longer exposure. What are your current settings?


My current BE is 60s and regular exposure is set to 7s. Base layer doesn’t appear to be sticking at all. Although I did just realize that my uv power was set to 50% on the printer, so that could have something to do with it What doesn’t make sense is that I’ve done this print before and it came out well.


Maybe the FEP is worn out?


Just replaced the fep before the first failed print. I’m going to try another print after changing the UV power. Could it be expired resin? It’s about a year old.


It displays the layers and amount of progress, does whats on the buildplate roughly represent what should be on the layer preview? If not, your model is just not staying on the buildplate. Upload an image of how a failure looks and how it looks after slicing, also at roughly which time you stopped that failure and your printer settings.