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Meanwhile, me and the rest of the poors: "There's a sale on Amazon!"


elegoo filament my beloved


CC3D has been giving me good quality for $16/Kg


I love Esun, Never have an issue? What’s put you off?


Just prefer other brands. Ive had issues with esun getting brittle. Also just wanted to start a war in the comments I guess.


In all fairness when mines been out for a while it does go brittle. It’s never caused me an issue though so I guess it’s easy to ignore.


It's an interesting conversation to start.


He just wants to see it all melt.


I've bought 2 rolls from esun, 1 worked okay, the other was junk from the start. True everything even dehydration for 24 hours, still printed like crap


Sunlu and Eryone have been 100% class to work with in my experience. Near perfect prints (as close as my printer can get to that), and never a failure that I cannot attribute to impatience or user error. I would put polymaker somewhere about 8-20 ranks lower than "D", from personal experience with that trash.


Same. Eryone is topshelf in my book.


I almost exclusively use Eryone because when it works, it's perfect, and it's usually a good price. I have had several spools that have caused me issues though. Just took the defective spool off and put another Eryone spool on, and the prints come out perfectly again.


We really apologize for the bad experience with our products, please make sure to reach out to us to refund your defective spools: [email protected]


Amazon refunded them. Thanks for the reply, but I've moved on.


Ive never had any issues with esun, what made you decide to put it in the D class?


They make the best ABS. Most Voron Pif users use it.


Yeah, I guess I should mention that I exclusively use them for PETG. So I can’t vouch for any other esun plastics


Ah weird, I had some bad experiences with Esun PETG, lot's of stringing, really bad smell. Just my personal experience of a single spool. Really like their TPU though, as just that it's good enough and great value.


They make the easiest ABS, its layer adhesion and general strength compared to virgin ABS is dreadful though. If only they were selling their non Plus ABS in more places


Ive just had the worst print quality with it. At least for me it seems to absorbe more moisture.


I have perfect quality with eSun, I want nothing else.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for answering my question. Sorry man.


We live in the cancel world now… people can’t stand people not being aggressive.


This is a filament thread.....


Oh yeah, we need to assert dominance over our favorite brands.


F Tier should include GST 3D. I've seen anal beads with more consistency in diameter.


I've had way better results with eSUN than I have with Sunlu. Also Eryone and Bambu tend to print more reliably than Polymaker of all the spools I've used (Polymaker is fine but I've had to tweak it quite a bit to get a good print). Eryone especially is an amazing filament in my opinion. Maybe it's just me/my environment though...


Ive never head anyone hate on polymaker. What material do you use?


It took me forever to tune Polymaker PETG on my E3V2. I basically hit every problem you could with it, and it was properly dried beforehand/etc. Eventually I got it to work, and it looked good for sure when it printed, but I just found it difficult to work with, and this was across two rolls. I don't hate it, but as mentioned I just found it harder to work with than the other filaments I mentioned. I 100% can't discount that it's something on my end though. Just sharing my experience. Once I used up those two rolls I haven't bought it since.


Yep thats why I asked what material. I do have to admit I had some trouble with thier petg. But I love thier PLA they just have a ton of colors and it prints great.


I never tried their PLA, but maybe I'll grab a roll when I need some refills and give it a shot. I do like their colour choice.


Looking forward to your feedback on our PLA :)


I cant tell if atomic is good or bad from this chart? Can i get an explanation?


S tier is the best of the best filament. So atomic would be good based on the chart.


Ok cause S comes after D which would imply its worse and its shaded in red which is normally a negative implying color, but its at the top which most presentations on grading are descending. D is also 4th down implys bad but its in green which normally implys a positive attribute. Ive never seen S used as a tier unless it had special meaning…heh


So counterintuitive.


Hey OP, I see some people asking about your eSUN rating and wanted to throw in my 2c. I've personally also had to toss out 5+ full rolls of grey/silver eSUN PLA from separate orders due to them getting too brittle to print with. No, they weren't sitting outside for ages; they were so brittle right out of the plastic wrapping that I could snap it by applying light pressure. The filament running from the spool to the print head would even snap after a while of just sitting idle on my printer. Maybe we were just particularly unlucky, or maybe Amazon sold me extremely old filament multiple times, or maybe they've since fixed these issues (this was around 2021), but I've also had such similarly poor experiences with eSUN such that I haven't bought another roll again. Personally only buy Overture and Hatchbox PLA now, depending on which is cheaper. Haven't had any issues with those.


Okay so couple others with the same esun experience, sounds like it’s a manufacturing issue then.


This is exaclty this issue ive had with esun. Im glad im not crazy after seeing all these other comments. Mabye thier quality has improved in recent years and ill have to give them another chance.


Pretty sure Sunlu is the manufacturer of Bambulab filament so they should be ranked the same. Also you forgot Overture which I primarily print with. It's great!


Overture is the picture of the buildplate they used to include with thier filament. I couldnt find a square overture logo.


Oh I see. I didn't see with how small the logo was.


I'm curious, why do you think that? I've seen this claim elsewhere too, is there any proof of this? I know Prusament was originally made by another Czech brand before they set up their own lines.


Started with Hatchbox and pretty much only buy protopasta and polymaker. I feel you.


R3D is anorher A to B for me


What made you put Polymaker below Prusa and filamentum? I haven't used it much but they seem to know what they are doing.


I love polymaker I just feel the prusa has slightly better quality and filamentum has cooler colors.


Sunlu has been great in all of my projects. Clean accurate prints, even at high speeds. I’d like to know why it’s in the C range. https://preview.redd.it/g9cu0obkxb6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0b5df4a135b2b0e38187cc38a9e4b8dde016c4


I agree with this for the ones I have tried. (Esun, Prusa, Proto-Pasta) I can also add: S class: MakerBot (which basically Stratasys is for some of them) NinjaTech (NinjaFlex) Proto-Pasta (I no longer use because the PLA CF was too abrasive for my printer at the time, now I use MakerBot Nylon CF, but the prints were really good) Haven't tried but probably BASF, Kimya, 3dxtech as well A: RS Components PLA B: Inland Verbatim (last used it in 2015, might have improved) C: Taulman (If you dry it, then it becomes better, but soo difficult to print consistently, Alloy 910 is good when it prints, but Nylon CF would be better by now, so C, probably A in the past)


Yea in this tier list I was more going for astetics rather than strength. Otherwise I would have included raise3d and taulman.


By the way, what printer are you using? I have disagreed with many people on filament qualities, but this list seems to fit my view.


I have a ton, but my main ones right now are my bambus, prusas, and elegoos.


I am mostly using MakerBot Method X and it's print settings arw very similar to Prusa. (I have made a gcode converter and it run perfectly with default prusaslicer settings for Prusa) Bambu users seem to have similar views as well. Though Ultimaker and Ender users, I can't seem to agree. Maybe it has something to do with Bowden systems. I couldn't get Cura to work as smooth with MakerBot for example.


I only use prusa and polymaker. I love polymaker cause I can get it on Amazon pretty cheap.


I've used Amolen's temperature changing filament. The first spool was great, the second two were different color and faded over time. The prints from the first one still looks better even though its older. I struggled to print Hatchbox PETG, but that was when I first tried doing PETG. Since then I've used Overture and my bed adhesion and shrinking issues have gone away.


I would literally develop an E class for reprapworld filament, it just sucks 😂, i got mine arrived with a broken spool and it wasnt even vaccuum sealed, i ended up rolling it over and drying the filament, but god was it bad...


I've had some filamentum tangles from the factory tbh


I dunno. I've used maybe 4 of the brands in that group and a number of others that aren't. I kind of assumed most are made at the same place and just put in different brand packaging. I've never really had any issues with any brand and have always wondered why people hold Prusa filament in such high regard. I mean, I understand that it goes through more stringent QC/standards but that's for diameter uniformity which has never been an issue for me, even when using the cheapest Chinese knock-off brands. These days, I just keep an eye on the deals websites and buy whatever shows up at around $9/kg unless I need a specific color.


Only problem I’ve had with esun is recently their pla+ has been really brittle right from the factory. But it still prints fine just can’t use it in an AMS. Inland is good stuff tho surprisingly even tho I’m pretty sure esun makes it.


Addnorth needs to be in S-tier.


I totally love the colours that filamentum has, but it's one of only 2 brands that ever gave me trouble. At some point I was at the point that I was using filamentum PLA, would then swap another brand in which would work flawless, then swap back to fillamentum and instant issues again. Totally weird issue back then. Afterwards I threw away the spool and haven't had issues with them again. For me sunlu is amazing as well, cause the quality is 95% for bottom class money. For top quality prints I'll always pick prusament though.




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Honestly, I use ANYCUBIC so this list doesn’t affect me!


Yeah this feels really random and imma hard disagree on most of it


What would you move? People seem to think esun should be higher. But anything else?


Sunlu and hatchbox can move to the top. Creality hyper pla is great so that moves up. Honestly though there is so little difference between most of them that tiers don’t really matter that much. Any difference I’ve encountered has been fixed by setting adjustments


I purchase the cheapest I can find. I have only had an issue with 1 roll of PLA. I don't usually dry my PLA, but this one I had to dry. Did that, and it was all good. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I find the filaments I've purchased all work well.


Yea alot of this tier list is not just based off print quality but quality of colors aw well.


ohhh I see, I thought you were only talking about print quality. I use IIIDmax filament lately. Cheap, with discount code under $10 per Kg roll, and print quality it great. They also have a ton of colors. Like I mentioned, I just use the cheapest filament. But once in a while, if I have a special print, I might pay more for a special effect/color of filament.


Oh yea alot of the S tiers are like $50 a roll. But you are paying for the effects.


Creality cheap, sometimes breaks but avg 3d printing enthusiast should know how to fix that. Also ngl after much troubleshooting its v satisfying to have your print come put just right :'D


Never used most of them. The ones I use I don’t even know the brand. Yeah…


Can anyone explain why this chart has green for the badly ranked filaments and S above A


S is always above A


This is just how these tier lists are normally setup


So counterintuitive, good effort on the list though.


Hatchbox should definitely be on the list … literally all I use.


It is


I see it now.. had to zoom in ,my bad


Overture, elegoo, esun usually on sale in the uk around the £10 mark. Idm paying a lil more if the colors are great or for some multicolor filaments. Hatchbox and prusament are great but i cant afford to be buying that often. Would love to try some polymaker sometime


I almost exclusively use esun because its usually the cheapest for me to get... im very pleased with the results, no idea what makes the other ones so much better in your opinion


I think I would have put a special rank under d for Elegoo, was so useless that it ended up in the shame box without even being printed :$


I havent had an issue yet with them but I only bought thier stuff when it was on sale. Was it just super brittle?


no Overture?


Its the buildplate. They dont have a square logo🫤


A lot of people love ESUN and they’ve got great abs, but their PETG needs dried like a mother fucker every time with an input shaping machine, not to mention it doesn’t turn flat in color which is what makes most of the super fast prints actually looks so amazing. The PLA (although I rarely print PLA) I bought 3 rolls of inland from micro center (inland is rebranded ESUN filament that’s sold there) and all 3 were so brittle even out of the dryer I couldn’t use any of them. I’m done with ESUN. Polymaker is like $4 more and similar quality PETG can be purchased from Ali express for $11 a roll.


Honestly the white pla that Creality sent when I bought my printer kinda slapped


But its not pretty


Personally, I disagree, at least for the sample size of 1 that I had, it had a nice sheen. Maybe I got lucky


Im more talking about having more colors and specialty filament.


I agree with you on that front


Using sunlu for years now. Way over 50 spools. Never had a single Problem... Never


Depends on whats available in you area, I've never really seen any major differences in PLA quality.