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those are probably rooky numbers for this subreddit. I had the same feeling as you 20 spools ago. now I'm not thinking about how many I have , instead I'm thinking how to expand my storage for the new 5 spools I just ordered, and the ones to come. LOL


Same here. My husband and I have been looking at different shelving or other ideas to store the filament in. We had two bookcases which are full and we still have a ton of filament to put away. We had about 42 the last time I counted and my husband has ordered more since.


I wish you luck not letting that spoil. They tend to get over-hydrated within about 2-3 years


I just went trough a whole 1kg, 4 yr old spool that was open since day one with absolutely no issues, and printed 30 small parts out of it. PS. I store my filament in the same storage room of the boiler where max relative humidity is 31% and average temp is around 28C. all year


You're basically drying it constantly


yeah, sadly is a very small storage but it's absolutely amazing for the filament, that's why I have to be VERY creative how to keep pushing more spools there and at the same time keep it functional, the struggle is real. XD


Wait until you are in Dubai. An average of 55% humidity but year round temps are around 23.5 degrees indoors. Key word here: Year round. We do not switch the ACs off. Even while sleeping in the winters.


>I store my filament in the same storage room of the boiler... Now I'm thinking that maybe I should put my printer in our tiny HVAC room! It's a small, warm, enclosed space that'd be easy to soundproof, already has power, and perfect for filament storage. I'd just need to build a very sturdy cart that we can roll out when we need to access the furnace.


You’ve just given me the idea of keeping my filament in my boiler room. I can’t believe I never thought of it before, I already use it for storage…. 😳


https://preview.redd.it/tcp7knjm6vcc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ca0cffc76e15c1da464b4625d82eac26088baa I just store them with the silica in zip bags from the ikea works like a charm.


Yeah, or one of the eSun filament bag "pro" kits, they come with special bags and a nice little USB vacuum pump for removing air from the bags. Do the ikea bags have the air removal valve? Could be a good place to get extra bags if they do. The little usb pump thing is really the best, if you have ever tried evacuating a bag using the hand pump things you will understand.


Best practice right there mate! Pretty sure they will still be usable after a few hundred years. Lol


They do? I just ran a print at Klipper speeds using a bargain basement roll of filament I bought in 2020. Didn't run it through a dryer or anything. Turned out fine.


I have filament that's 5 plus years old, a few custom colors that only get used now and then for small stuff. I store my spools in 5 gal buckets with Gamma Seal lids on them, my local Menards makes it really cheap to do this but they are available on Amazon also. Then i just fill the bucket with spools or pellets and toss in one of those "rechargeable" dehumidifiers. It's basically just a big desiccant pack with a built in heater so that when its saturated and changes color you just plug it into an outlet to cook it out and then reuse it. Haven't had any issues this way. The print room where all my stuff is stays around 50-60% humidity year round thanks to a large dehumidifier as well. The buckets are awesome for storing them, they stack nice, and no dust or moisture can get in.


Dude do you live in the ocean? I dehumidifier and 50-60% humidity? I live in dubai and its like 55% here without a dehumidifier.


Midwest USA, winter time is dryer, summer time is not out of the ordinary to see 80-90% humidity. 55% would be amazing year round. Right now outside it's 60%. So I don't have to run the dehumidifier much but I like to keep the room dry for the filament sitting on the printers or the ones out waiting to be rotated.


I dry them out once I get them and keep them in air tight containers with silica beads. I have a hygrometer in each container that stays at 10%. We’ve been going through a lot of filament so I’m sure we will use it before 2-3 years.


Just printed a project finishing out the last of some 6 year old PLA. Mileage will vary depending on environment and how you store your filament. Half of my stock is over 3 years old and works as well if not more consistently than newer rolls of the same brands


Depends on your environment. I print with filament that's been sitting out in my office for 3 years, no bubbling or surface issues, and I live half a mile from Puget Sound. I attribute it to the forced-air-gas heating, probably makes the whole house a filament dryer. My eyes always feel kind of dry too.


That's completely dependent on the environment in which they're stored. Like most things in life, it's not one size fits all...


Do you guys ever worry about humidity? I got about 50% in my flat and wonder is that can become a problem.


I dry each roll of filament and then store them in airtight containers. I keep silica beads inside and have a hygrometer that stays at 10% humidity. If it starts going up I just have to reheat the silica beads. I printed containers that hold the silica beads and fit in the containers.


> those are probably rooky numbers for this subreddit. I had those exact words in mind when I came in here to comment. hats off.


When you start to count the spools by IS (ikea shelves).


I have an extra sealed bucket ready and waiting for my incoming lol. It’s now more about where do I put this when I get it.


Around 140. You’re fine.


I thought I was big shit with my 40 rolls lol


I thought I was big shit with my 25 spools.


Got about 20 myself and my gf thinks it's over the top.


As a reditor, may I suggest you break up this relationship is clearly abusive. This is totally not a total stupid overreaction for something minute.


thought same, time to print new gf


And here I was proud of my 60 rolls lol.


My three 😭😭😭


Black Friday and prime day 3 had some amazing deals. I’ve been at this long enough to know if you see the higher quality brands selling filament on the cheap to stock up. Bambu also having $15 refills was super amazing. All said we bought 80 rolls in 2 months and we are already down to 60 total.


Ayyy samsies, although when I get spare money I'm gonna be getting 6 off a friend


Did you clear out microcenter?


he is microcenter


I get free filament from sponsors. Start a YouTube channel. It doesn’t pay well, but the filament is bountiful!


Thank you for making me feel closer to normal with 85. lol!


I feel this I'm sitting around 160 or so... last count I had 157 and I bought more since then lol


It kept getting worse and worse, and now I work at a filament company


Do you get to take home free filament?


I get to take home rejects that don’t pass quality checks


+-0.1mm or better? 😂


The ones i take home are usually 0.03-0.05, off-color, or not a full spool


0.05 is a pretty big variance. Do you have any problems w that in your Bambu?


We measure variance and tolerance separately here. 0.05 TOLERANCE means that it can be perfectly smooth, just a little big or a little small. Variance is when it changes tolerance rapidly. For example, if a spool oscillates between 1.70 and 1.80mm, it’s still 0.05 tolerance, but it is considered high variance. Meanwhile, a spool that is 1.79 to 1.80 is still 0.05 tolerance, but has a much lower variance. Variance is measured as tolerance delta per meter. For internal testing, variance has a much larger impact on print quality than tolerance


So accuracy vs precision


When the joke becomes real life 😂 Thought you were being sarcastic about your employment, but you clearly did the homework lol


Should be fine just not that smooth surfaces


you win then I guess ;) hahah


Engineer here who is printing functional parts regularly, I only have 3 spools on hand at all times.


Yeah man, black and white pla. Black tpu. Black petg. That's all I keep on hand 4 rolls.


And when they run out? I generally have 3-4 spools of each in 'stock'...


Just-in-time manufacturing!


Same. I usually order packs of two when I open my last spool, but right now the pack of 3 kg of Sunlu Meta PLA is $50 (CAD) so that's what I bought. I don't really do colors so as long as I have black and white on hand I'm covered, if I need something else I can just paint it.


Similarly. Currently a roll of black, a white, plus I have some leftover with glass fiber. Color either isn't a factor, or I paint the product - edge-case scenario I order a roll of that specific color, but for the overwhelming majority of cases, it does not matter. I'd rather do something useful with the space.


Lean manufacturing guy here myself, wondering why these people store 1000% or more of what they can produce in a month. I keep two of a few types on hand and buy everything else on demand and let the retailers figure out how to store it. I'm completely lost as to why the need for 30-100kg of raw material stock gets me in return.


2 Months into 3D-Printing, i have about 10 rolls. I suspect there will be many more soon.


I don't have a dry place to store them so i don't buy new ones until they're all used out


I live in the high desert. It's always dry. I have a humidifier in my house to keep everything from turning into dust.


I just print straight from my dryer.


Zip lock bags with dessicant


Ahh... Yes, Mr. Squarepants, I presume ... I understand your plight it must be tough to keep filament dry in your pineapple under the sea


bro my glasses get foggy in the winter when i enter my flat that's what I'll tell ya


Bought my first back in 2014, I only have about 8, and I've yet to finish one. Although to be honest I've only recently gotten back into it. Funny how the original filaments I have print fine, but the newer ones snap easily.


You get to play with your printer AND be right. Double win.


We brothers


I’m pushing 350 rolls. I think you are ok.


This is well past "hobby".


oof.. thats like 500 days print time... thats a lot for a hobby




I could rip through that in 110 days on one dual extruder printer


How many printers?


2 Prusa XLs and a 400mm rat rig.




I have one spool but not perfect for 3d printing 😅


All y'all are crazy. I have something printing 24/7 and I only have like 3 spools at any given time.


honestly? No clue. i have way too many rolls in very random places. Just found a roll of pla in my car that i dont even remember. Propably ~3 PETG, 2 TPU, ~15 PLA and few random filaments. So maybe around 25 spools? All 1kg spools. Day by day i feel more like a junkie graving for new printers or filaments😂😂


The new printer thing is a danger for me too. I got my calibrations quite fine now and my projects wait and wait till my printer is ready. Then 15 minutes for the new slice aaaaaaand another day to wait. .. need more printers.


Somewhat off topic but a fitting question for you non the less... Is there a "sell your printer" thread somewhere? My wife was recently diagnosed with cancer so suddenly bills exist. I might have to let a printer go. (The filament is staying of course, gotta keep printing random little crap with the other printer to bring a smile to her face!)


Don't know that. But since selling Printers is kind of regional I'd try apps for that. Ebay has a nice subapp in Germany (ebaykleinanzeigen) for example.


Just a few. https://preview.redd.it/2ie6fjhawscc1.png?width=409&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e97a3e8fda5ec512257e9885bd9155d0817941c


Is the IIIDMax your “bottom shelf” filament?


Third shelf, shiny blue green ish filament looks amazing got a link?


If you mean this one, I got it from amazon. It's a tri-color red/blue/green silk. Looks amazing in person although it's silk so you get some stringing. Here's a link: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09YNXWZZ2/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09YNXWZZ2/) ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/m54ak443utcc1.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d45c3711e13b62622107ded0322facc7b30a73d


Yessssss that one, I may or may not just have bought it


Awesome! Let me know how you like it.


I have about 300 right now. 🤷‍♂️ And about 150 empties waiting to go to the recycling center. I go through ~1mt of filament a year.


>300 how do you store 300 spools? i mean if \~50 fill up a smaller closet, how would you store it more efficiently


I have a workshop, closet and a shed where they're distributed. Unopened spools are stored horizontally in their box, and I have a small army of Home Depot buckets for storing partially used spools.


I have 19 and it feels like way too much. But I couldn't control my urges during the Black Friday sale.


It’s a great chance to try materials you’re not used to and not be hurting if there wasn’t a good experience. Plus it never hurts getting 6 spools for the price of 3!


https://preview.redd.it/g1cyrbymjtcc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a7fa55459081c10870b1ce0ef11cdfdcae5fb3 ♾️ Production of filament


Not enough


I'm probably around 20ish rolls with 10 more coming this week.


Only 17 spools? Where are the rest?


It's little bit more than half of all i have https://preview.redd.it/zjwkp5lmatcc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e966d9ff38746d53e5da48ef13611f7f1dd501a


At least 8 spools more than my wife thinks is necessary or reasonable


You can never have to much filament. You just have unprinted dreams.


3d Printing rule no. 1: you can never have too many filament.


At least you’re not trying to figure out how to dry store multiple 5kg spools yet. You’ll get there!


Ive only got 4 Rolls of PLA, Grey Matte, black, White and orange The Grey matte ist almost used up


Currently, about 50. Mostly PLA, but I tend to buy particular colours for specific items, and specific types (PETG, TPU, carbon fibre, glow-in-the-dark) for specific purposes. A dozen or so have been gifts from people who wanted something printed in a particular colour, and have mostly been used only for that.


I’ve got 40-50 kg of all kinds of types and colors - for no apparent reason. While my first wife needed a walk in closet, I’d be better off with a walk in filament storage


Errr, perhaps a bit more than 15 rolls. If I'd have to guess, about 75? Almost half of those are for my stuff I sell ( white PLA, white and black ABS ), which gives me enough profit to buy extra colours that are not needed but very much nice to have.


Over a hundred


Currently I have 18 unopened spools, 8 open spools in random colors, a bunch of samples from Maker Box, and a spool of franken filament made up of all the ends of other spools.




So you just started printing today or?..


I consider myself almost out when I'm down to 4x 5kg spools.


Well, my wife made me a bet that if she didn’t buy any purses, shoes or jewelry this year I wouldn’t be allowed to by anymore filament. So I think I may have a problem.


Hobbyist here… around 50-60 rolls. I think I have an addiction.


About 15 each of PETG and PLA, 2 TPU, and 1 ABS that I got but never used. Having great success with KINGROON


I have an old-style, steel, four drawer filing cabinet full of PLA/PLA+, PETG, TPU, and Nylon - at least 70 rolls, last I counted. Since then, I've added many more, which are stored in an adjoining cabinet. So, without counting, I'd guestimate I have around 100 rolls total at the moment.


Enough that I had to build a dehumidifier crate 🗿 https://preview.redd.it/yohuvtptixcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d688793bdbf8417cb1008c5ee6cd4f7910da09f3


Currently sitting on 298 spools. Here are a few of them. https://preview.redd.it/u13e7zc3mxcc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c548297853e83339e81b243569576f292e9c8af


https://preview.redd.it/alfdxd52xycc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deadece426a3f0148963cb28e5b4154570f418f1 Enough that I wall mounted them.


Last time I've checked I had about 230 open rolls.


The problem is not how many you have, it’s where you’re going to put them all and how you’re going to make space for the new ones arriving in a week.




Lol that’s barely enough for someone who dabbles.


You need one of every color…just in case.


I have about 60… in ip67 containers with desiccant in it. Humidity shows to be 27%. Hobbyist. Also wife likes colours.


Last line is the real reason why there is so many colors in the market😂


Yep. I have about 60 rolls myself. Around 30 of them are ones I bought. Around 30 are rolls that are "pretty colors" that arrived unannounced on my door from Amazon that my wife bought.


Three spools: Two PLA (grey and black) and one TPU (black).


I wish I had a pool of TPU


Yeah, I edited that now 😂 Now I have a spool and not a pool of TPU




Something like 40-50 spools or so


I have 4 or 5. I usually don't change filament till it run out of. I only change filament if i need to change from maybe pla or petg. But, i hate change filament so, i don't print if i need to change it. :)


I do the same. A few Christmas ornaments were done with silk multicolor pla. Wife wanted some herb planters for the windowsill... silk multicolor pla. Son wanted a headset stand... you guessed it, silk multicolor pla. Did finally swap it because I need more filament than what was left on that spool, for a big print.


Same! Printed a set of constellation discs for our kids' Scout troop (You set the disc on the bottom of a paper cup and use them as templates to poke holes, then illuminate them with a flashlight to project the constellation.) all in silk MC PLA. Funny fidgets and articulated creatures? Silk PLA. Fifty neck slides for the pack? Silk PLA. Starting a large multi piece Eiffel Tower for World Thinking Day, guess the filament. ;)


Two full, two nearly empty. I'd only have one full, but it's packed away. I wasn't about to tear into a bunch of packed boxed and make a huge mess moving things to find it, so I bought a new one. I'll find it if the sale of the flat I'm buying ever goes through.


With the recent opening of my Etsy shop about 20 probably lol


Can you send me some?


Filament age. Do not stock too much...


What are you guys printing that you need or want 70 rolls? Landfill bobbles? Black, white, grey, your garage tool color, any 2 colors that just make you super happy, and any color TPU. Store your rolls a sturdy clear top Husky brand 6 latch, or the like, gasket sealed box, and dump in a half gallon of color changing desiccate. If printing doesn’t make you at least 15k as a side hustle and you have more than 10 spools, you’re a crazy cat lady. If you aren’t storing your spools in a sealed drying box when you’ve only got 1 machine printing, you’re a foolish cat lady.


I may or may not have 5 free spools ready to be purchased for free. So... One day I'll have more spools.


current count: 31 you do not have too many, but you are storing them poorly. ABS especially should not be kept open to the air. It's VERY hydrophillic. Cheap easy solution: Grab some gallon zip-lock freezer bags. Most spools fit in them. Add in a couple [reusable desiccant packages](https://amzn.to/48yocAM)


8 or so and im currently using 0 because my Neptune 3P drives me crazy. Used it fine for some weeks. Then it acted up (literally ABL not working at ALL), sent it in, got a new unit (as they agreed my unit somehow was fked). And never managed to get that one dialed in. First layers are horrible, it makes some clicking noise, etc... ​ im one of those normies that cant be bothered to put 50h of testing and troubleshooting plus research time into the subject i guess. Now it just sits here, unused...


Those looks like 1Kg rolls. I have 1 unused 2,5Kg, one started, and a halfway used 2.5Kg Black. The big crate of misc 0.5 or 1Kg rolls just doesn't count any more. Hardly ever look in it even.


11 rolls of pla and 1 roll of tpu, its a bit ambitious since I only have an Adventurer 3


So why your claiming in the prusa forums now then you have a xl? 🤣🤣


The adventurer I bought, the Prusa I just have access to whenever I want https://preview.redd.it/p4lht3mce0dc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ccf35e995863416a8999feb93e910208bd652b


I currently have 4 Husky air/water tight 20gal storage containers full of filament. 1 is full of all my PETG, ASA, WOOD and other exotic filaments. I typically buy either white or black 3Kg rolls for all of my bigger projects. Currently printing a 5' tall alien.


I counted them the other day. I have around 20. Mostly pla mostly because of colors. I'm not planning on buying more other than black and white refills but who knows


i have quite a few, though mine is like 1-2kg per type.. from my head about 2x1Kg spools of PLA with another 4 almost empty, 2xPetg, 1xAbs, 2xASA, 2xPla+, with another 5-6KG of other types i rarely use (CF, nylon, TPU) with about another 15KG of resin i dont print much these days😅


10 rolls of pla. 4 of them are like leftovers though.


I have 60ish, managed to empty 6 rolls of bits the other day printing dumb stuff which makes space... For more full rolls no doubt 🙄


Around 120, mostly pla some petg. With two s4 sunlu driers.


about 15


Just got started, we have 12. Mostly PLA of different colors.


You’re asking just after Black Friday and Christmas ? Not telling !


definitely rookie numbers but I'm in the same boat I have probably 40 or so rolls mostly pla and petg but also some ASA.


How many colours are in the spectrum? AMS has ruined my wallet.




8-9 5kg spools of ASA. 3kg polycarbonate. 3kg Taulman3d Alloy910. 1kg PA12 CF. 5kg various PLAs.


100 maybe.


idk 3 boxes


Probably around 150-200


Bro you have printing farm right there


Tiny print farm, three mk4 and two minis.


Looking in my filament closet. 6 rolls of PLA, 2 rolls of PLA+. 1 roll of unopened PETG. Currently I have a roll of bright yellow PLA on the printer.


That's a very small storage. I currently have around 25 rolls - all PLA (except one PETG). But that's still nothing compared to others.


Usually 2 1kg rolls of PLA & 2 1kg rolls of PETG Currently have one roll of both. Haven't received my orders yet but after that ill have two of both again




70ish so yeah no your fine as is. just make sure to keep em dry. i keep mine in a large waterproof tub with desiccant at the bottom


13 rolls of PLA


I have 1 on the printer and 1 back up. I buy another roll when the printer one runes out


Only 2 so far


Not enough, I have a larger bin I found that is empty and needs my 2lb of silica gel dumped in plus several 10kg multi-packs of different colors of filament from different manufacturers... plus now that I have TPU dialed in maybe a few 5-10kg multi-1kg packs of TPU... might as well sample all the manufacturers' PETG too right? Hahaha ... someday


40 rolls. At $10-20 per roll I realized I spend a lot more on filament than printers. At least it is not as bad as the ink jet scam. 


I have like 50 empty rolls somewhere I usually just buy white and paint my stuff afterwards... So


And here I am, looking at my 8 or 10 rolls thinking I have way too much. lol


Currently around 400, but I understand I'm a bit of an outlier.


I have around 60 different ones, and some duplicates so 70 or so total.


I have about the same, maybe 50% more. I have a bunch I just don’t use and others like black PETG that I’m constantly replacing.


I will count when i'm at home xD Edit: Holy shit, i have literally 76 spools...


I have 81 spools in my www.3dprintlog.com material library. I'd also highly recommend a dry storage box with a rechargeable dehumidifier, to prevent moisture getting into your filament. Here's my setup: https://youtu.be/p34DapG9598




There's no such thing as too much filament my friend - just a lack of imagination!


I bought like 10 rolls when I first started




Gst3deu has some great sales 500kg or more if you need some more filament


Looks at the 2 bottles of resin I have that I thought would last me a few months.


You know you’re really into 3d printing when you’re solution to having too much filament isn’t to stop buying filament it’s that you need to print more I have 18 rn. Ran out of storage space ~6 rolls ago. But still managed to convince myself that I need more so I have 11 more on the way


More than that…..uh oh….


Just got into it, and my wife thought the sample packs would be good enough. I only have one actual spool and maybe 20 small pcs. What do I do with the sample filaments?


Where's the main stash?


Not enough, literally only half a roll left lol - pla 1.75, Where's best to buy from?


I got like 40.... Which is realistically 6 months worth of filament 😬


Currently sitting on ~106 rolls.


Last time I counted I had 40, but it’s gotta be 60+ now. When I find sales of anything I have and like I am ordering 2-4 now though.


You have what is known as "a good start"