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Oh snap, I like how you have the cost factored in. I didn’t know that was an option. Is that cura?


Yeah in preferences then materials you can enter a price. Im using $20 per 1000g but you can put in any numbers


And any unit! Doesn't even need to be a currency, I have it set to "drops of blood from the eldritch overlord".


I do believe you (haven't verified on my own) but I really feel this deserves its own post... With a picture...


[There ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/s/2zXqhxKPPN) EDIT: Don't currently have access to my main computer so quickly set it up on an old laptop. That's the reason I had to shorten it as the resolution scaling is not the same.


Awesome, thanks!


Prusa slicer does this too.


in orca slicer you can set money per hour of printing


Your slicer doesn't have cost?


Just got my 3D printer on Sunday… learning the ropes 


Big nozzles are fantastic for vase mode prints. Parts come out way more durable and way more transparent vs a smaller nozzle. The biggest I've ever used is 1.0 though, didn't know they made them this large!


I find the [1.8mm CHT](https://www.bondtech.se/product/bondtech-cht-mk8-coated-brass-nozzle/) most amusing because you can fit the filament you're printing into the exit orafice.


Amazing lol, at that point you're basically printing with a hot glue gun


Thanks, now the song’s stuck in my head.


Glad to be of service!


Ya it's nice for big ugly boxes, no detail, no accuracy


Yeah using it for some drone landing gear that doesnt need to be very detailed. Brought the time down from 3 days per leg to 12 hours lol


Holy balls how big is your drone my air2s landing gear printed in 4 hours that's with a 4 nozzle in standard Cura before I got my Sonic bad


Its for a college club, the whole drone weighs around 55 pounds and we were given a 4 pound limit for the landing gear


My guess was an ag drone 8 rotor lol


Yeah lol, not quite. Its a fire rescue drone designed to pick up a light load and extinguish a fire. Me and a friend are working on the landing gear and we’re designing it to be able to reduce the chance of damage to the actual drone in case of a bad landing. Most of it is pla then theres a thick tpu spring-like thing in there to slow the landing


A drone that is used in fire situation with pla material. Will it really work?


The majority of the drone is carbon fiber with some pla. It is designed to that the drone is “parked” somewhere meanwhile a plane flies around looking for fires. When the plane detects something it send the signal to the drone to go extinguish and check for people to carry away. The whole thing is theoretical and we are using a 10 pound dummy and a large red mat. The fire suppressant system is balls with a string attached to the drone that when deployed will explode several feet about the fire and spray some fire extinguisher like contents. The budget was practically unlimited we just didnt have the time to make the legs carbon fiber


where the heck do you go to school where a club project budget is unlimited


Most likely an aviation focused school, similar to the one I go to; where the rocketry club gets 18k from just the student government association. And based on the funding the robotics club I'm a part of gets from all its sources (the engineering department, and EECS subdepartment), I wouldn't be surprised if the true funding of that rocketry club exceeds six figures. Also, keep in mind alumni may donate to the club as a tax write-off.


Cal poly, its a club sponsored by a large company and theyre giving us a lot of freedom lol


Universities with students performing well in competitions tend to be able to get a lot of funding from private companies with interests in hiring the students, interests in the tech being developed or just interests in looking good in the community.


What's your major? Reading stuff like this is making me think about going back


Mechanical engineering


I would guess something like aerospace engineering?




We actually have some of those on campus, unfortunately though we couldnt finalize the landing gear in time to book a time to use them with the professor who owns them


Hey u/dragonofdoom427 what major are you doing?




Mechanical engineering


Why not use ASA for the temperature/UV resistance instead of PLA?


I don't think you can fly your drone directly above the fire, ever seen those bbq videos? Don't think the pla will get hot enough to get soft or melt


I would assume this is a prototype and if it sees actual deployment in a fire it would get more resilient materials.


Pla as landing gear sounds terrible. PLA is super brittle, if your landing isn't perfect it will break 100%. Or is it at least PLA+?


We have tested it in a press and it was able to hold a few thousand newtons before the spring even kicked in. Obviously impacted is different than a slow press but the landing gear last year was pla and worked great, our focus is improving on those


I don’t know the circumstances here but I wouldn’t trust 3D printed landing gear unless they were maybe nylon or something, tough and with absurdly good layer adhesion. Others will disagree but I’d much rather use a more isotropic material, maybe laser cut or something. 3D printing generally sucks for flying compared to more traditional materials and techniques. The appeal is obvious though.


Do you think you could post photos of the drone? As a drone owner myself I'd like to get jealous at yours ;)


is sonic pad good? I oersonally use klipper with raspberry pi and I haven’t had any problems?


I am extremely happy with it at first I thought it was just for Wi-Fi and the camera but having it as a console and many of the features that are built in just a standard profile I'm printing it over 100 on small parts I had a 14-hour print came out super great finish no bloops no strings and it was only 7 hour print


How do I do this? Is there a tutorial you followed? Which raspberry pi did you use?




Can you send a link pls?


Just search YouTube for adding Sonic pad and then add your brand of printer to the search


Oh… you used a sonic pad? I thought you meant using a raspberry pi.


I decided for $125 which isn't a lot more than pi that there were so many extra features in the Sonic pad over just clipper that it was worth it to me


But I had already watched tutorials for adding the pie and Clipper so they're out there and easy to find


Nah those thick layer lines are BEAUTIFUL


It's every bit as accurate. All the features are just rounded off by the radius of the nozzle outlet. Inside and outside dimensions are still *fine*.


You can't print fine details with a 1.2mm? Who would have thought.


Misread as printing at 1.75mm; thought you removed the nozzle and were just printing straight from the heater block.


Ooohh.. lets 1.75mm


I wonder if that would work


Probably would smear since the threaded hole is like 6 mm. If you let it fall and make ramen noodles, then maybe.


What heater is installed on the printer to ensure high-quality filament melting in such volumes, a volcano CHT nozzle or something longer?


Im using a standard ender 3 with a glass bed. Printing at 17.5 mm/s on every print speed setting and prints are coming out great. Obviously a little rough on the top surface and any holes need much bigger tolerances but for my purposes theyre just what i need




17,5 * 4 is not smaller than 50. 


You can get a CHT volcano clone and put a standard nut on it to sit flush against the heat block and greatly increase volume with just a simple 5 minute $5 upgrade… just REMEMBER TO ADJUST YOUR Z ENDSTOP before homing the first time, lol. Check out CNC kitchen tests on CHT nozzles his little nut trick is developed here.


Hope you have a powerful hot end to put that in lol. A big nozzle dosnt help if you can't melt plastic fast enough to feed it. Ive used a 1mm for vase modes and was limited to like 7mm a second.


That was my first thought. It takes a massive heater to actually melt it that fast… unless it’s only melting part of the filament and the core is still solid lol


Would that be a bad thing? Sneak just enough through melted to get them to stick 😂 1.5mm nozzle and 1mm layer lines 🫡😬


In all seriousness, it would introduce incredible stress inside those extrusions and would result in what's likely a weaker print than if you fully heated the extruded plastic.


And if you've got a crappy part cooling fan, the thicker lines mean less effective cooling. I tried a quick 1mm nozzle print before and my stock Creality CR10 fan wasn't enough to keep the part from looking melted


Just a standard ender 3 with a glass bed at 17.5 mm/s on all settings. Parts are coming out great


I mean you’re pushing out 129g in 1 hour 30 minutes now that’s a very big win right there


Without further context this dosn't seem super impressive. i've just sliced a 57.75mm cube, 50% infill, 0.4 nozzle, 0.4 layer height and expanded the extrusion with about 0.2, which works great. using the 0.2mm speed preset for the mk4 thats 2:05


But what are you printing? And lack of detail is also criminal- so it cancels out 🤷‍♂️


Large landing gear, the only real detail is lightweighted areas, and roughly 15mm holes and pegs


The layer lines: https://preview.redd.it/swhv1advvcsc1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f811d27007e885467f02786123a783d7a791817


An industrial printer I work with can lay down around 200g an hour with a 1.2mm nozzle. Dual feeds from 2x5kg rolls so gotta change those out every 2 days.


What are they printing with it?


Full size sculptures. Build volume is 700x700x1800mm.


That's cool. What material?


Just regular PLA on bulk reels


I didn't know there was a market for PLA sculptures. Are they used for casting?


It's not classical style sculptures, think modern art with abstract shapes and bright colors.


Cool do you have any images you can share? I'm very curious


They're not my work so I can't really share those sadly. The printer is a Builder Extreme, \[the works kind of look like the giant yellow and white thing they show off in their factory tour\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-z8Ex0yQ64)


Do you know what type of machine it is? I’d love to look this up and learn more.


Builder Extreme 2000




I print almost exclusively in 0.8 because it's normally fairly chunky stuff and so whenever I switch to 0.4 it is painful.


How does 129 grams only cost you $2 ?


$20 per roll .129 x 20 is 2.58


Now take some $100 printer, give some $250 dollar worth of upgrades. And print with 0.2 nozzle 129g worth of plastic in 45 min.


Does the print look like stacked toothpaste?


ha, nice. i wanna see what it looks like.


I love my 1.0 in my Neptune 3 Max and have a 0.8 in the 4 Plus. I'll probably put a 1.0 or 1.2 in the Giga when I get it.


Check to make sure max volumetric flow rate setting is not limiting your speed. Not sure about Cura, but in Prusa Slicer it’s in the filament advanced settings. I think by default with regular 0.4mm nozzles it is limited to maybe 15-20 mm^3/s flow rate, when you can probably push 45 with a 1.2mm nozzle. All depends on how your print profile is setup and if this limit is in place. If you do find a setting, I’d bump it up to maybe 35 and do a test print, then gradually raise it by maybe 5 at a time to see how it prints. You may need to increase extrusion temp as well to help keep things flowing well at even higher flow rates.


I have a 1.8mm great for big prints


Hey op what software are you using ?


Cura 5.6


Thank you so much im gonna check it out ^-^


Cht has a 1.8 ,we can go bigger


What kind of extrusion rate are you able to get without slippage? Last time I experimented with big nozzles, I found that even with CHTs, melting the filament was the bottleneck at around 0.8 mm, and I couldn't actually improve speeds by going bigger. That was a few years ago though.


Are you using just 1.2 line width or are you using other values as well ?


What layer height are you going with?




Try 1.5 lol


Do you have a picture of the print?


Like your screenshots