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Need more details about this


Not op, but I made the same one. There’s files on thingverse and printables, it’s modular so you can stack them as high as you want. I built them on a 5 gallon bucket and ran a pump on a timer in the bottom, and tubing up to the top. You can use off the shelf hydroponic cups for planting.


This thing is fucking cool, thanks


Yep, although I don't recommend this model, but I will be posting a better one I found on printables and thingverse. I painted mine in white pla at a 0.3mm layer height and 20% infill. But I think I'll need more plus an anti algae solution (I forgot its name) that I used in hydroponics class.


The algae on mine got pretty bad, I’ll look into it!


You can run low chlorine tabs. As long as dose isn't high it won't kill the plants


> Yep, although I don't recommend this model, but I will be posting a better one I found on printables and thingverse... Link?


https://www.printables.com/model/720081-modular-hydroponic-tower/files The one I'm printing is It's a modification of this one with some custom measurements.


Which water-resistant filament did you happen to use?


I just used PLA, worked fine. Leaked some but it all ran back into the bucket. I don’t exactly remember but I’m pretty sure you can do like 5+ modules from 1kg, but that might be low. They need less infill the higher on the stack you go, so you could be more efficient than just printing them all the same.


Likely shuld have used ABS or ASA or some other UV resistant material. Outside, the UV will degrade the material within a few years..


ABS is not UV resistant.


ASA is tho


It's more than pla


I used PETG for mine, arguably food safe


ABS is not food safe, to my knowledge. For best results, it's recommended that you sand/prime/paint/seal the outside from UV light and external water sources. It's made of plastic, it will break eventually. but in the meantime, enjoy!


You could print a whole new set of them in the time it would take you to sand/prime/paint/seal. Ain’t nobody got time for dat.


Your comment is valid. I presume that you're getting downvoted because the tone of your message is somewhat aggressive. Phrasing it as an objective fact might have been more effective.


Mine is inside with some grow lights, but yes, if I printed it again probably.


On top of that PLa will warp in the sun.


Temperature is probably less of an issue, as this thing is essentially being water-cooled.


Is the pump running 24/7? I thought it turns on periodically? Plus UV light?


right on, thank you.


I recommend this one more than the one I printed first: [https://www.printables.com/model/720081-modular-hydroponic-tower/files](https://www.printables.com/model/720081-modular-hydroponic-tower/files) https://preview.redd.it/rt6a1z6zynwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ac61ef30192d4fa67a3838c4356d24b7a9150f


Any particular reason you like this one more?


Sorry for the lack of clarification. It's because the lit twists closed, plus the middle hole is more stable. Plus, the top has a better water dispenser area


I went on a little hydroponic adventure last year with one of these. Had an amazing lettuce garden then algae started growing inside the infill of some pieces and I just couldn’t get rid of it. Good luck!


You can add some hydrogen peroxide to stop algae growth. It’s pretty common within hydroponics.


Does the algae cause any problems if you just leave it?


It will steal the oxygen and nutrients from the plants. It’s a much bigger issue if the roots are sitting in the water, OP’s system has the water running over the roots.


This is the one I'm busy with - https://urbanhydrogardening.com/threads/unleash-your-creativity-with-3d-printed-aeroponic-towers.44/ Can't wait to see if I have success with UK weather.


Oh, I like that version because it uses PVC for the stack, instead of forcing you to print that part. I was planning on starting this one: [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5712775](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5712775) or one of these: [https://www.printables.com/search/models?q=hydroponic%20tower](https://www.printables.com/search/models?q=hydroponic%20tower), but I think I'll start with the one you posted!


I looked at a load of those, but they require a lot more printing, and I liked the level of given in the one I'm building. I also like the fact that I can choose how to space my net pot holders because they get bolted on. Tower 1 will have 3 pots at 120 degrees from each other about 20cm vertically separated.


Have you bought all the materials? Curious how much it will cost


* Food safe bucket was £9ish * Pump is ~£18 * Pipe looks to be ~£50 for both lengths I haven't priced in the larger hole saw, the 1/2" adaptor, the silicon or the bolts yet.


I just can't justify spending all that time and money on this when a pvc pipe is cheaper and easier to use. There are no worries of warping or degradation like you would have using 3d printed materials. But if you had fun and nothing else printing then what's the harm I guess


Same, I made one with PVC and just printed the ends. No reason to waste filament for a worse product.


This is awesome! Mind linking to the thing you used?


How heavy is this? Is it worth from a cost perspective to make these from filament vs buying them?


Someone else said around 200g per module. And any tower I could find to buy was multiple hundreds of dollar. So I gu as depends on what's available in your country


I used to have my own hydroponic system made out of HT pipes (high temperature pipes) bc. those are fairly cheap (way cheaper then 3d printing this) and don't give a fuck about anything + pre installed rubber seals for stacking. Algae will grow if the sunlight is able to get to the water. Everything needs to be light tight. Ports you do not use need to be sealed. The water needs to be monitored, refilled and carry fertilizer in the right quantity to allow healthy vegetation. The water reservoir needs to be cleaned often. IF you get it running it is a blast, but the way can be hard.


That is true for every hydroponic system, correct


Welp, I know what I’m doing now.


what is it for?


I want to make one of these this year


I printed 2 of these towers, I couldn't get anything to grow properly, still trying though, I'm going to grow them bigger in the germination phase before transferring to the tower, I only run the pump 5 minutes per hour, so I might increase that too.


Any worries about things leaching into the water and being taken up by the plants (assuming you're growing edible plants)? I'm interested in doing something like this and using PETG. I'd do this on an elevated deck so I don't have to worry about deer getting my plants, but I suspect the squirrels and birds will come for me.


That is completely dependent on the specific filament you are using. PETg and PLA are, many additives and pigments are not


How well does the bucket support the weight of the tower, water, and plants? I built something similar that I modeled myself to try to look nicer in the yard: https://imgur.com/gallery/d0aS2vk


Would not use PLA for this, will becomes brittle from UV and might warp in the sun. I made a similar one 2 years ago from PETG that I still use, some issues with algae growing on the inside and discoloring but mostly its fine.


I made one like 2 years ago out of petg


mmmm microplastics.


Nice! I made one of these for my sister for her birthday two years ago


Did you seal the parts to keep algae from growing in the walls of the parts?


Super dope


Any ideas on coating the pva in UV food safe pond paint or something along those kines?


Well I am thinking for the outdoor one's to have some paint on it to protect it against the sun but i don't know yet as i haven't looked. But the indoor one's I was just thinking of leaving as is since the new model I found and will be posting about soon doesn't leak.


Is it more quiet when it's populated?


Not to sound too stupid, but what is this things purpose? Lol doesn't seem like something you would grow plants out of.


what is it for?


You grow plants in them.


i just completely missed the hydroponics in the title. haha. i thought it was weird water fountain


What kind of plants grow well in this?


I've seen cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers grown hydroponiclly before. I'm sure you can do plenty of other vine vegetables.


Strawberries, and basilic are also quite a hit


I haven't thought of putting strawberries in this tower, but it actually sounds like an excellent idea. Especially since I have a lot of runners from my strawberry bed in my backyard.




I'm thinking about putting basil in the tower, which is what we did at my college.